Home Helpful Hints Airport stories in English. Topic in English "Airplanes and security - Aircraft and security". Topic translation: Aircraft and security

Airport stories in English. Topic in English "Airplanes and security - Aircraft and security". Topic translation: Aircraft and security

Traveling by Plane

No wonder that one of the latest means of travel is travel by plane. Nowadays people mostly travel by air. It combines both comfort and speed and you will reach the place of destination very quickly. No doubt, traveling by air is the most convenient and comfortable means of travelling. But if you are airsick the flight may seem not so nice to you. Unfortunately sometimes the flights are delayed because of unfavorable weather conditions, and one more inconvenience is jet-lag.

Before boarding the plane you must check in at the airport. Passengers are requested to arrive at the airport one hour before departure time on international flights and half an hour on domestic flights. You must register your tickets, weigh in and register the luggage.

The economy class limitation is 20 kg. First-class passengers are allowed 30 kg. Excess luggage must be paid for. Passengers are permitted, to take only some personal belongings with them into the cabin. These items include handbags, brief-cases or attache cases, umbrellas, coats and souvenirs bought at the tax-free shops at the airport. Each passenger is given a boarding pass to be shown at the departure gate and again to the stewardess when boarding the plane.

Before the plane takes off the stewardess gives you all the information about the flight, the speed and altitude. She asks you to fasten the belts and not to smoke. She will take care of you during the flight and will help you to get comfortable in your seat. Inside the cabins the air is always fresh and warm. The captain will welcome you on board, tell you all about the flight and the interesting places you are flying over. During the flight you can take a nap or have a chat, you can read and relax. In some planes you can watch video or listen to the music.

When the plane is landing or taking off you have an opportunity to enjoy the wonderful scenery and landscapes. While traveling by plane you fly past various villages and cities at the sight of which realize how majestic and tremendous our planet is. Do not forget your personal belongings when leaving the plane.

Landing formalities and customs regulation are about the same in-all countries. While still onboard the plane the passenger is given an arrival card to fill in, he fills in (in block letters) his name in full, country of residence, permanent address, purpose and length of visit; and address in the country he is visiting. After the passenger has been disembarked, officials will examine (check) his passport and visa (to see if they are in order).

In some countries they will check the passenger "s certificate of vaccination. When these formalities have been completed the passenger goes to the Customs for an examination of his luggage. The passenger is required to fill in a customs declaration form. He must list all dutiable articles.Personal belongings may be brought in duty-free.

Here is a partial list of prohibited articles: firearms, drugs, in some countries - meat products, fresh fruit and vegetables. The Customs inspector may ask you to open your bags for inspection. After you are through with all customs formalities he will put a stamp on each piece of luggage.

Air travel

It is not surprising that the most modern way to travel is by plane. Today, people mostly travel by plane. It combines comfort and speed, you will reach your destination very quickly. Without a doubt, air travel is the most convenient and comfortable means of transportation. But if you are prone to airsickness, flying may not seem so pleasant to you. Unfortunately, sometimes flights are delayed due to adverse weather conditions. Another inconvenience is the disruption of biorhythms due to the flight through several time zones.

You must check in at the airport before boarding the aircraft. Passengers need to arrive at the airport one hour before departure for international flights and half an hour for domestic flights. You need to check in tickets, weigh and check in your luggage.

Passengers traveling in Economy Class are allowed to carry up to 20 kg of baggage free of charge. Passengers traveling in first class (business class) are allowed to carry up to 30 kg of baggage free of charge. For any kilogram of baggage exceeding the established free baggage allowance, an additional payment is made in accordance with the baggage rate. You can take some personal items with you into the salon. These include women's handbags, briefcases, briefcases for documents, umbrellas, raincoats and souvenirs bought from duty-free shops at the airport. Each passenger has a boarding pass, which must be presented when boarding the airliner and the flight attendant in the cabin.

Before the plane departs, the flight attendant will inform you about the flight, speed and altitude at which you will be flying. She will ask you to fasten your seat belts and not to smoke. She will take care of you during the flight and help you get comfortable in your seat. Inside the cabin, the air is always fresh and warm. The captain will welcome you on board the aircraft, tell you about the flight and points of interest you will be flying over. During the flight, you can take a nap or talk, read and relax.

When the plane lands or takes off, you have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful view and scenery. During the flight, you fly past different villages and cities, at the sight of which you understand how majestic and immense our planet is. Do not forget personal belongings when leaving the aircraft.

Compliance with the established norms and rules when landing an aircraft and customs control are almost the same in all countries. On board the aircraft, passengers must complete an immigration card. The full name, country of residence, address of permanent residence, purpose and duration of the visit, as well as the address of residence in the host country are written in block letters. After disembarking from the plane, customs officers will check your passport and visa (to make sure everything is in order).

In some countries, passengers are required to present a certificate of vaccination. After completing all these formalities, the passenger passes through customs, where the luggage is inspected. The passenger needs to fill out a customs declaration. It must list all goods subject to duty (personal items are not subject to duty).

Here is a partial list of things prohibited on airliners: firearms, drugs, and in some countries, meat products, fresh vegetables and fruits. The customs inspector may ask you to open your bags for inspection. After passing through customs, he will put a stamp on the inspected luggage.


1. Why do people mostly travel by air nowadays?
2. Why may the flight seem not so nice to you?
3. What are other inconveniences of flying?
4. When are passengers requested to arrive at the airport?
5. What is the luggage limitation?
6. What must passengers do in case they have some excess luggage?
7. What are passengers permitted to take with them into the cabin?
8. When is a boarding pass to be shown?
9. What do stewardesses do during the flight?
10. What can you do during the flight?
11. What opportunities do passengers have when the plane is landing or taking off?
12. What is the passenger given to fill in while still onboard the plane?
13. What are the formalities to be completed after the passenger has been disembarked?
14. What must you list in your customs declaration?
15. What are prohibited articles?
16. What will the Customs inspector do after you are through with all customs formalities?


no wonder - no wonder
means - means
nowadays - nowadays; now; in our time
to combine - connect, combine
speed - speed; rapidity
destination - destination, destination
to board - board (any vessel)
to check in - register (sya)
convenient - convenient, suitable; fit
comfortable - cozy, comfortable
to be airsick - suffer from airsickness
flight - flight
unfortunately - unfortunately, unfortunately
to delay - postpone; delay, slow down
unfavourable - unfavorable; unfavorable; disappointing
weather conditions - weather conditions
jet-lag - a violation of the daily rhythm of the body, a disorder of biorhythms due to a flight across several time zones
to request - ask, demand
to weigh - weigh; to weight
limitation - restriction
to allow - allow, allow
excess - excess; exceeding the norm
to permit - allow, allow, give permission
personal belongings --- personal belongings
brief-case - briefcase
attache case - leather manual flat case (for books, documents)
umbrella - umbrella, umbrella
boarding pass - boarding pass
departure - departure, departure
altitude - altitude
fasten one "s belts - fasten your seat belts
to take care - take care
to take a nap - take a nap
to have a chat - chat, chat
to relax - relax
to take off - aviation. take off
opportunity - chance, opportunity
scenery - view, landscape; landscape
landscape - landscape, landscape
to realize - imagine; understand, realize
majestic - majestic, grandiose, majestic
customs regulations - customs regulations
to fill in - fill
country of residence - host country
permanent address - permanent place of residence
purpose - purpose, intention, purpose
length - length; distance
to disembark - disembark
to examine - check
vaccination - vaccination
to complete - ^ complete, finish, finish, finish
customs declaration - customs declaration
to list - add to the list; make a list; register
dutiable - subject to (customs) duty
article - thing, object
partial - partial, incomplete
prohibited - prohibited
firearms - firearms
stamp - stamp, stamp, seal

Nowadays people who go on business mostly travel by air, as it is the fastest means of traveling.

Here are some hints on air travel that may be helpful.

Passengers are requested to arrive at the airport two hours before departure time on international flights and an hour before on domestic flights as there must be enough time to complete the necessary airport formalities.

Passengers must register their tickets, weigh in and register the luggage. Most airlines have at least two classes of travel, first class and economy class, which is cheaper. Each passenger of more than two years of age has free luggage allowance. Generally this limit is 20 kg for economy class passengers and 30 kg for first class passengers. Excess luggage must be paid for except for some articles that can be carried free of charge.

Each passenger is given a boarding pass to be shown at the departure gate and again to the stewardess when boarding the plane.

Watch the electric sign flashes when you are on board. When the "Fasten Seat Belts" sign goes on, do it promptly, and also obey the "No Smoking" signal.

Do not forget your personal effects when leaving the plane.

Landing formalities and customs regulations are more or less the same in all countries.

When these formalities have been completed the pa¬senger goes to Customs for an examination of his luggage.

As a rule personal belongings may be brought in duty free. If the traveler has nothing to declare he may just go through the "green" section of the Customs.

In some cases the Customs inspector may ask you to open your bags for inspection. It sometimes happens that a passenger's luggage is carefully gone through to prevent smuggling.

The rules for passengers who are going abroad are similar in most countries but sometimes there might be a slight difference in formalities.

If, for instance, you are supposed to begin with going through the Customs, you’d better fill in the Customs declaration before you talk to the Customs officer. An experienced customs officer usually smells a smuggler, but he may ask any passenger routine questions, for instance, "Have you got anything to declare?" or "Any spirits, tobacco, presents?" The usual answers would be, "Yes, I've got some valuables, but I've put them all down in the declaration, or "I've got two blocks of cigarettes for my own use" or something of that kind.

Then you go to the check-in counter where your ticket is looked at, your things are weighed and labeled, a claim-check for each piece of luggage is inserted in the ticket and you are given a boarding pass, which has a seat number on it. Of course, if your luggage weighs more than twenty kilos, you have to pay extra. The next formality is filling in the immigration form and going through passport control. The form has to be filled in block letters. You write your name, nationality, permanent address and the purpose of your trip. In most countries there is also a security check when your carry-luggage is inspected. This is an anti-hijacking measure, and anything that might be dangerous or disturbing to other passengers must be handed to one of the crew and only returned to the owner after the plane has reached its destination.

After fulfilling all these formalities you go to the departure lounge where you can have a snack, read a paper, buy something in the duty-free shop and wait for the announcement to board the plane.

Some of these formalities are repeated when you arrive at your destination. The customs declaration and the immigration form are often filled in on board the plane. At the airport you may be met by a specially trained dog who will make sure that you are not carrying drugs, and the immigration officer might want to know at whose invitation you are coming and whether you have a return ticket.

There is another inconvenience you have to be prepared for when traveling long distances by plane. It's the jet lag, a difference between the time you are accustomed to and the new time. At first you won't be feeling very well because of it, but don't worry - it won't take you long to get used to it.


No wonder that one of the latest means of travel is travel by plane. Nowadays people mostly travel by air. It combines both comfort and speed and you will reach the place of destination very quickly. No doubt, traveling by air is the most convenient and comfortable means of travelling. But if you are airsick the flight may seem not so nice to you. Unfortunately sometimes the flights are delayed because of unfavorable weather conditions, and one more inconvenience is jet-lag.

Before boarding the plane you must check in at the airport. Passengers are requested to arrive at the airport one hour before departure time on international flights and half an hour on domestic flights. You must register your tickets, weigh in and register the luggage.

The economy class limitation is 20 kg. First-class passengers are allowed 30 kg. Excess luggage must be paid for. Passengers are permitted, to take only some personal belongings with them into the cabin. These items include handbags, brief-cases or attache cases, umbrellas, coats and souvenirs bought at the tax-free shops at the airport. Each passenger is given a boarding pass to be shown at the departure gate and again to the stewardess when boarding the plane.

Before the plane takes off the stewardess gives you all the information about the flight, the speed and altitude. She asks you to fasten the belts and not to smoke. She will take care of you during the flight and will help you to get comfortable in your seat. Inside the cabins the air is always fresh and warm. The captain will welcome you on board, tell you all about the flight and the interesting places you are flying over. During the flight you can take a nap or have a chat, you can read and relax. In some planes you can watch video or listen to the music.

When the plane is landing or taking off you have an opportunity to enjoy the wonderful scenery and landscapes. While traveling by plane you fly past various villages and cities at the sight of which realize how majestic and tremendous our planet is. Do not forget your personal belongings when leaving the plane.

Landing formalities and customs regulation are about the same in-all countries. While still onboard the plane the passenger is given an arrival card to fill in, he fills in (in block letters) his name in full, country of residence, permanent address, purpose and length of visit; and address in the country he is visiting. After the passenger has been disembarked, officials will examine (check) his passport and visa (to see if they are in order).

In some countries they will check the passenger's certificate of vaccination. When these formalities have been completed the passenger goes to the Customs for an examination of his luggage. The passenger is required to fill in a customs declaration form. He must list all dutiable articles. Personal belongings may be brought in duty-free.

Here is a partial list of prohibited articles: firearms, drugs, in some countries – meat products, fresh fruit and vegetables. The Customs inspector may ask you to open your bags for inspection. After you are through with all customs formalities he will put a stamp on each piece of luggage.

Topic translation: Air travel

It is not surprising that the most modern way to travel is by plane. Today, people mostly travel by plane. It combines comfort and speed, you will reach your destination very quickly. Without a doubt, traveling by plane is the most convenient and comfortable means of transportation. But if you are prone to airsickness, flying may not seem so pleasant to you. Unfortunately, sometimes flights are delayed due to adverse weather conditions. Another inconvenience is the disruption of biorhythms due to the flight through several time zones.

You must check in at the airport before boarding the aircraft. Passengers need to arrive at the airport one hour before departure for international flights and half an hour for domestic flights. You need to check in tickets, weigh and check in your luggage.

Passengers traveling in Economy Class are allowed to carry up to 20 kg of baggage free of charge. Passengers traveling in first class (business class) are allowed to carry up to 30 kg of baggage free of charge. For any kilogram of baggage exceeding the established free baggage allowance, an additional payment is made in accordance with the baggage rate. You can take some personal items with you into the salon. These include women's handbags, briefcases, briefcases for documents, umbrellas, raincoats and souvenirs bought from duty-free shops at the airport. Each passenger has a boarding pass, which must be presented when boarding the airliner and the flight attendant in the cabin.

Before the plane departs, the flight attendant will inform you about the flight, speed and altitude at which you will be flying. She will ask you to fasten your seat belts and not to smoke. She will take care of you during the flight and help you get comfortable in your seat. Inside the cabin, the air is always fresh and warm. The captain will welcome you on board the aircraft, tell you about the flight and points of interest you will be flying over. During the flight, you can take a nap or talk, read and relax.

When the plane lands or takes off, you have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful view and scenery. During the flight, you fly past different villages and cities, at the sight of which you understand how majestic and immense our planet is. Do not forget personal belongings when leaving the aircraft.

Compliance with the established norms and rules when landing an aircraft and customs control are almost the same in all countries. On board the aircraft, passengers must complete an immigration card. The full name, country of residence, address of permanent residence, purpose and duration of the visit, as well as the address of residence in the host country are written in block letters. After disembarking from the plane, customs officers will check your passport and visa (to make sure everything is in order).

In some countries, passengers are required to present a certificate of vaccination. After completing all these formalities, the passenger passes through customs, where the luggage is inspected. The passenger needs to fill out a customs declaration. It must list all goods subject to duty (personal items are not subject to duty).

Here is a partial list of things prohibited on airliners: firearms, drugs, and in some countries, meat products, fresh vegetables and fruits. The customs inspector may ask you to open your bags for inspection. After passing through customs, he will put a stamp on the inspected luggage.

At the airport, you may listen to some words: terminal, customs, check-in, tickets, security check, connections, boarding pass, and baggage.
Every airport has two parts. They are arrivals and departures. The arrival part is usually on the first floor and the departure part is on the second floor. There are some elevators (or lifts) and escalators to bring you upstairs and downstairs.

You are leaving.

At first, look at the flight announcements to find out is your flight on time or it is delayed. Then you go to the check-in desk to check-in and pass your suitcase to the plane's cargo. The check-in agent gives you a boarding pass. Then you go to the security check. The security stuff check you and your carry-on baggage. There are some rules, what things you are allowed and what things you are not allowed to carry on board. Then you go to the gate area, where you are waiting for your flight. When the flight is boarding, you go to the flight attendant and show your boarding pass. Then you go to your plane and take your seat. Have a good flight!

In the airport.

At the airport, you can hear the words: terminal, customs, check-in, tickets, security check, connections, boarding pass and luggage.
Each airport consists of two parts. Departure and arrival. The arrival area is usually located on the ground floor and the departure area on the second floor. There are elevators and escalators to take you up and down.

You are flying out.

First, look at the announcement board to find out if your flight is on time or delayed. After that, you go to the check-in desk and check in your suitcase for luggage. The agent gives you a boarding pass. After that you go to the security check. Security personnel check you and your hand luggage. There are rules about what things you are allowed to carry on board and what not. Then you go to the boarding area where you are waiting for your flight. When boarding is in progress, you approach the steward and show your boarding pass. Then you go to the plane and take your seat. Successful flight!

Airplanes and security - Airplanes and security

A few hundred years ago the main forms of transport were walking or riding a horse, donkey, camel and elephant, depending on where you lived.

Nowadays, in most countries long journeys involve some form of motorized transport. People today tend to travel longer distances, more often and at much higher speeds. As a result the world has shrunk over the last century and we now live in a global economy.

There are great advantages in this, but there is a down side too. More travel has also resulted in noise and air pollution, increased stress and damages to local environments and the larger ecosystem.

I am going to tell you about airplane travel. It is the fastest, to my thinking, more convenient means of travelling, because it saves our time and sometimes money. For instance, in the USA, if you travel from east coast to the west by air jet, it results cheaper for you than to travel by train.

In 1903, the Wright brothers made the first controlled machine-powered flight. It only lasted 12 seconds but changed the world forever.

A century later, air travel is no longer a miracle; it "s something, we take for granted. One billion air passengers now fly every year - that"s equivalent to a sixth of the world"s population.

Is it safe to travel by plane? Before September, 11,2001, it used to be a relatively safe travel.

On September, 11, terrorists attacked on America. Since then* security at airports and in the skies has been under scrutiny. That day four passenger planes were hijacked, more than 4,000 people killed.

On busy summer "s days, thousands of planes travel through skies. To make sure everything runs smoothly, there are air traffic control centres. In addition, every airport has an air traffic control tower. Every square meter of airspace is allocated to an air traffic controller.As an aircraft travels through the air, it is monitored by the controller responsible for that sector of airspace.

To calm fears about terrorist hijacks, airports are looking into new technologies that reveal passengers" identities.

Previously in the US, less than 10% of luggage was screened. Under new legislation, every item must be checked by one of three following methods: sniffer dogs, bomb detection machines, extensive manual searches. Around the globe, security firms are working on new devices that can detect materials such as ceramics - which can be made into guns. One such scanning camera has been developed in Britain. It uses thermal imaging technology originally created to help pilots see through fog and cloud.

Translation of the text: Airplanes and security - Aircraft and security

A few hundred years ago, the main form of transportation was walking and riding a horse, donkey, camel, or elephant, depending on where you lived.

Currently, motorized transportation is used for traveling long distances. People today tend to travel long distances more often and at higher speeds. As a result, during the last century the world has become smaller, we now live in a world of global economy.

There are great benefits to this, but also downsides. Increasing travel is causing noise and air pollution, stress and damage to local environments and large ecosystems.

I'm going to tell you about air travel. In my opinion, this is the fastest, most convenient way to travel because it saves us time and sometimes money. For example, in the US, if you travel from the east coast to the west by jet, it will be cheaper than traveling by train.

In 1903, the Wright brothers made the first controlled flight by car. The flight lasted only twelve seconds, but it changed the world forever.

A century later, air travel surprises no one; we take it for granted. Now, one billion people take to the air every year, equivalent to one-sixth of the entire population.

Is it safe to travel by plane? It was relatively safe until September 11, 2001.

On September 11, terrorists attacked America. Since then, security at airports and in the skies has come under scrutiny. Four passenger planes were hijacked that day, killing more than 4,000 people.

In summer, when the day is full of work, thousands of planes travel across the sky. To make sure everything goes smoothly, there are flight control centers. In addition, every airport has an air traffic control tower. Every square meter of space
localized and controlled by dispatchers. During its flight, the airliner, being at a certain point, is controlled by the controller responsible for this area of ​​​​space.

To assuage fears of terrorist hijackings, airports are focusing on new technologies to verify the identity of passengers.

Prior to this, less than 10% of all baggage was checked in the United States. Under the new legislation, any piece of luggage must be checked by one of three methods: a sniffer dog, a bomb-searching mechanism, and a thorough search of luggage. Around the globe, security firms are working to develop new devices that can detect materials such as ceramics that can be used in handguns. This kind of scanner was developed in the UK. This technology, which was originally developed to help pilots see through fog and clouds, uses thermal imaging.

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