Home Useful Tips From the decree of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the All-Union Central Council of Sports and the Central Committee of the VLKSM. Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "on the most important developments of intercontinental ballistic and global missiles and carriers of space objects

From the decree of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the All-Union Central Council of Sports and the Central Committee of the VLKSM. Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "on the most important developments of intercontinental ballistic and global missiles and carriers of space objects

Moscow, Kremlin

№ 346-160

In order to concentrate forces and resources on the creation of the most important samples of intercontinental ballistic and global missiles and carriers of heavy space objects, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR DECIDE:

1. Accept the proposal of the Commission of the Presidium of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on military-industrial issues (comrade Ustinov), the Ministry of Defense of the USSR (comrades Malinovsky, Zakharova, Moskalenko), the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on aviation technology (comrade Dementyeva), the State Committee of the Council Ministers of the USSR for defense technology (Comrade Smirnova), the Ministry of Medium Machine Building (Comrade Slavsky), the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Radio Electronics (Comrade Kalmykov) and the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for shipbuilding (Comrade Butoma) on the concentration in the coming years forces and resources of design bureaus, research institutes and industry on the creation of the following samples of intercontinental ballistic and global missiles and carriers of heavy space objects: - a powerful universal missile UR-500 (developed by OKB-52 of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on aviation technology), providing ballistic delivery to the target of the special charge [...], the global version - special forces a number of [...] and launching into orbit space objects weighing 12-13 tons. The start date of flight tests is the IV quarter of 1963;

The universal missile UR-200, envisaged for development in OKB-52 of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Aviation Technology, by resolutions of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of August 1, 1961, No. 689-288 and March 2, 1962, No. 243-117, in a variant of an intercontinental missile with a ballistic trajectory for transporting a special charge [...] and a global variant for delivering a special charge to the target [...] with the beginning of flight tests - IV quarter of 1963;

Intercontinental missile R-36 (developed by OKB-586 of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for defense technology), which provides in a ballistic version the delivery of a special charge to the target [...] at a distance of 12,000 km, a special charge [...] at a distance of 16,000 km and in the global version of the special charge [...] using the R-16 rocket launches with the necessary modifications. The start date for joint flight tests of the missile in the ballistic version is the IV quarter of 1963 and the global version is the III quarter of 1964;

A new warhead for the R-7A rocket (developed by OKB-1 of the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Defense Technology) with a special charge [...]. Completion date - the first half of 1963.

2. To instruct the Commission of the Presidium of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on military-industrial issues, together with the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, based on the results of joint flight tests of the R-9A missile, to report to the Central Committee of the CPSU with proposals for the final resolution of the issue of this missile. At the same time, consider and submit proposals for the GR-1 global rocket.

3. To limit the development of heavy launch vehicles for space objects in 1962 to the stage of a preliminary design with the necessary economic justification for the cost of creating these launch vehicles:

Heavy launch vehicle N-1 for launching space objects weighing up to 50-60 tons into orbit, developed by OKB-1 of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for defense technology in accordance with the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and

Heavy launch vehicle R-56 (developed by OKB-586 State Committee

Council of Ministers of the USSR for Defense Technology) for the launch into orbit of space objects weighing up to 30 tons.

Commission of the Presidium of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on military-industrial issues to consider draft designs, having previously subjected them to a technical examination, and to report on their proposals for further work to the Central Committee of the CPSU.

4. In order to further develop work on space exploration using the R-7A serial launch vehicle, the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Defense Technology and the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Radio Electronics shall be obliged to develop in the III quarter of 1962 a pre-design project for joining elements spacecraft in orbit and submit the necessary proposals to the Commission of the Presidium of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on military-industrial issues.

The Commission of the Presidium of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on military-industrial issues to consider these proposals and report to the Central Committee of the CPSU on the plan for further work in this direction.

5. To concentrate forces and means on the implementation of the most important topics on intercontinental ballistic and global missiles and carriers of space objects, to stop the development of a three-stage intercontinental missile based on the R-7A [...] provided for by the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of September 11, 1961 . 853-364 ".

To conduct joint flight tests on the R-26 intercontinental missile, developed by decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated May 23, 1960, No. 548-223.

Council of Ministers of the USSR

AP RF. Form 93. Collection of resolutions and orders of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for 1962. Certified copy on the form.


1. Soviet space initiative in state documents. 1946-1964 / Ed. Yu.M. Baturin. - Moscow: RTSoft Publishing House, 2008.

Document's name:
Document Number: 253
Type of document: Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers

Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU

Host body: USSR Council of Ministers
Status: Acting
Date of adoption: April 13, 1973
Effective date: April 13, 1973


Council of Ministers of the USSR


On recognizing as invalid the resolutions of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR in connection with the introduction of the Rules for calculating the continuous length of service of workers and
employees in the appointment of benefits for state social insurance

In connection with the introduction of the Rules for calculating the continuous length of service of workers and employees in the appointment of benefits for state social insurance, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR


To recognize as invalid on July 1, 1973, the decisions of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR in accordance with the attached list.

Of the Central Committee of the CPSU
L. Brezhnev

Council of Ministers of the USSR
A. Kosygin

The list of decisions of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR that have become invalid due to the introduction of the Rules for calculating the continuous length of service of workers and employees in the appointment of benefits for state social insurance

decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and
Council of Ministers of the USSR
dated April 13, 1973 N 253

1. Clause 10 of the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of the Soviet Union of December 28, 1938 "On measures to streamline labor discipline, improve the practice of state social insurance and combat abuse in this matter" (USSR Writers' Union No. 1, 1939, Art .1).

2. Clause 17 of the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU of February 11, 1954 N 258 "On the further development of cotton growing in the Uzbek SSR in 1954-1958".

3. Clause 10 of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU of April 21, 1954 N 747 "On the further development of cotton growing in the Turkmen SSR in 1954-1958."

4. Subparagraph "b" of paragraph 5 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of October 14, 1954 N 2150 "On significant shortcomings in the structure of ministries and departments of the USSR and measures to improve the work of the state apparatus."

5. The second paragraph of clause 9 of Appendix No. 8 to the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of July 5, 1955 No. 1255-705 in terms of maintaining continuous work experience.

6. Clauses 9 and 10 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of April 14, 1956 N 474 "On the reorganization of industrial cooperation."

7. Subparagraph "c" of paragraph 5 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of May 17, 1956 N 648 "On measures to provide labor for the most important construction sites and enterprises located in the eastern and northern regions of the country and in the Donbass" in terms of maintaining continuous experience work to receive benefits for state social insurance and pensions.

8. Paragraph two of clause 8 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of May 30, 1956 N 724 "On the reorganization of the ministries of the USSR in connection with the transfer of enterprises of a number of sectors of the national economy to the jurisdiction of the union republics" in terms of extending the effect of subparagraph "b" of clause 5 of the resolution The Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of October 14, 1954 N 2150.

9. Clause 2 of the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of July 20, 1956 N 989 "On the provision of labor for the coal mines of Donbass" in terms of maintaining continuous work experience to receive benefits for state social insurance and pensions.

10. Subparagraph "b" of paragraph 3 of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU of October 8, 1956 N 1400 "On urgent measures to overcome the backlog of mine construction in the Ukrainian SSR" in terms of maintaining continuous work experience to receive benefits for state social insurance and pensions ...

11. Subparagraph "b" of clause 3 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of May 28, 1957 N 595 "On the labor arrangement of workers dismissed from the management apparatus in connection with the further improvement of the organization of management of industry and construction" (JV USSR 1957 N 6 , Article 64).

12. Paragraph two of paragraph 4 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of June 4, 1957 N 641 "On the provision of labor for harvesting and procurement of agricultural products in 1957" in terms of maintaining continuous work experience to receive benefits for state social insurance and pensions ...

13. Clause 3 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of June 14, 1957 N 684 "On the public call in 1957 of young people to work on the most important construction sites located in the eastern and northern regions of the USSR and in the Donbass" in terms of maintaining continuous work experience for receiving benefits for state social insurance and pensions.

14. Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of July 9, 1957 N 811 "On benefits and benefits to workers released from the management of agricultural and water management bodies" in terms of extending the effect of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 3 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR from May 28, 1957 N 595.

15. Paragraph two of clause 5 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of April 1, 1958 N 420 "On ensuring the timely commissioning of the Karaganda metallurgical plant, its ore and coal bases" in terms of maintaining continuous work experience to receive benefits for state social insurance and pensions.

16. Paragraph three of clause 1 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of June 30, 1958 N 694 "On the public appeal of youth to the construction and electrification of railways" in terms of maintaining continuous work experience to receive benefits for state social insurance and pensions.

17. Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of March 24, 1959 N 333 "On the direction of Komsomol members and youth on public appeal to enterprises and construction sites of the Magadan Economic Administrative Region" in terms of maintaining continuous work experience to receive benefits for state social insurance and pensions.

18. Paragraph two of clause 10 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of September 10, 1959 N 1081 "On measures to ensure the commissioning of capacities for the extraction and processing of ore, the production of blister and refined copper at the Dzhezkazgan mining and metallurgical combine of the Karaganda Economic Council" in part of maintaining continuous work experience to receive benefits for state social insurance and pensions.

19. Clause 11 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of November 20, 1959 N 1312-583 in terms of maintaining continuous work experience to receive benefits for state social insurance and pensions.

20. Clause 6 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of February 5, 1960 N 134-46 in terms of extending the effect of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 3 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of May 28, 1957 N 595.

21. Subparagraph "a" of paragraph 2 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of June 8, 1960 N 592 "On employment and material and household support of workers and employees dismissed from units, institutions and enterprises of the Soviet Army and the Navy in connection with with a new significant reduction in the Armed Forces of the USSR "(SP USSR 1960 N 12, article 85).

22. The second paragraph of clause 19 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of January 20, 1961 N 74 "On the organizational and economic strengthening of existing state farms, on the organization of new state farms and additional development of virgin and fallow lands in the virgin territory of the Kazakh SSR" in terms of maintaining continuous length of service for receiving benefits for state social insurance and pensions.

23. Clause 6 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of May 25, 1961 N 466 "On the organization of the selection and direction of workers who have expressed a desire to move to permanent work in virgin regions of the Kazakh SSR" in terms of maintaining continuous work experience to receive benefits for state social insurance and pensions.

24. Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of November 10, 1961 N 992 "On the public call in 1962-1965 of young people to work in transport construction and electrification of railways" in terms of maintaining continuous work experience to receive benefits for state social insurance and pensions.

25. Clause 1 of the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of January 11, 1962 N 52 "On the public appeal in 1962-1965 of young people to work on the construction of power plants and power lines" in terms of maintaining continuous work experience to receive benefits for state social insurance and pensions.

26. Clause 11 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of January 31, 1963 N 139 "On measures of assistance in the construction of enterprises for the production of newsprint" in terms of maintaining continuous work experience to receive benefits for state social insurance and pensions.

27. The second paragraph of paragraph 13 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of February 5, 1963 N 140 "On the organization of the work of the Council of National Economy of the Central Asian Economic Region" in terms of extending the effect of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 3 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 28 May 1957 N 595.

28. Clause 1 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of March 29, 1963 N 377 "On the public appeal of youth in 1963 to work at construction sites and enterprises of the Arkhangelsk, Murmansk regions, the Komi ASSR and the city of Temir-Tau (Kazakh SSR)" in terms of maintaining continuous work experience to receive benefits for state social insurance and pensions.

29. Paragraph two of paragraph 5 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of December 21, 1964 N 1014 "On streamlining the management of the national economy of the republics of Central Asia" in terms of extending the effect of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 3 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of May 28 1957 N 595.

30. Subparagraph "b" of paragraph 3 of the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of October 12, 1965 N 756 "On measures for the employment of workers dismissed from the apparatus of economic councils in connection with a change in the system of industrial management bodies."

31. Clause 3 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of February 2, 1966 N 84 "On the abolition of the planning commissions of the Transcaucasian, Central Asian and Baltic economic regions of the USSR" October 12, 1965 N 756.

32. Clause 2 of the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of June 6, 1966 N 441 "On the public appeal of young people to the most important construction projects of the five-year plan" state social insurance and pensions.

33. The second paragraph of paragraph 34 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of July 8, 1967 N 638 "On measures for the further development of the productive forces of the Far Eastern economic region and the Chita region" in terms of maintaining continuous work experience to receive benefits for state social insurance and pensions ...

34. Clause 13 of Appendix No. 4 to the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of July 20, 1967 No. 730 "On measures to ensure high rates of development of ferrous metallurgy in accordance with the Directives of the XXIII Congress of the CPSU on the five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR for 1966-1970 years "in terms of maintaining continuous work experience to receive benefits for state social insurance and pensions.

35. Paragraph three of clause 24 of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of May 23, 1968 N 370 "On measures to develop the mineral fertilizer industry in 1968-1972" in terms of maintaining continuous work experience to receive benefits for state social insurance and pensions.

36. The second paragraph of clause 22 of the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of December 11, 1969 N 967 "On measures for the accelerated development of the oil industry in Western Siberia" in terms of maintaining continuous work experience to receive benefits for state social insurance and pensions.

37. Paragraph three of paragraph 3 of Appendix No. 10 to the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of August 28, 1970 No. 715 "On measures to develop the industry of mineral fertilizers and chemical plant protection products in 1971-1975" in terms of maintaining continuous work experience for receiving benefits for state social insurance and pensions.

38. Clause 7 of Appendix No. 8 to the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of June 29, 1971 No. 473 "On measures for the further development of the coal industry of the Donetsk basin" in terms of maintaining continuous work experience to receive benefits for state social insurance and pensions.

39. Paragraph three of paragraph 13 of Appendix No. 22 to the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of August 12, 1971 No. 565 "On measures to develop the industry of chemical fibers and raw materials for them in 1971-1975" in terms of maintaining continuous work experience to obtain state social insurance benefits and pensions.

The text of the document is verified by:
"Collection of resolutions
Government of the USSR ",
No. 10, 1973

On recognizing as invalid the resolutions of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR in connection with the introduction of the Rules for calculating the continuous length of service of workers and employees when assigning benefits for state social insurance

Document's name: On recognizing as invalid the resolutions of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR in connection with the introduction of the Rules for calculating the continuous length of service of workers and employees when assigning benefits for state social insurance
Document Number: 253
Type of document: Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers

Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU

Host body: USSR Council of Ministers
Status: Acting
Published: Collection of decrees of the government of the USSR, No. 10, 1973
Date of adoption: April 13, 1973
Effective date: April 13, 1973

-- [ Page 1 ] --

From the Decree of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Council of the Ministry of Ministers of the USSR


KomPleXov ":

The Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR, attaching special importance to increasing the country's defense capability and strengthening work on the creation of promising space complexes for solving

military, national economic and scientific tasks, DECIDE:

1. Accept the proposals by Waving weapons on the well-known and general machine-new physical principles;

buildings, the Ministry of Defense - orbiting of the USSR and the Academy of Sciences, servicing in these USSR: orbits and return to Earth) on the creation of a multi-fold spacecraft for an advanced space system for personal use, delivery (ISS) as part of a rocket variety orbital stations of the cosmogon stage, orbital navts and cargoes and the return of the aircraft, interorbital them to the Earth.

a tug ship, a complex of control systems. Set the start date for the control of the system, launch tests of the ISS as a whole - landing and overhaul - 1983.

stationary complexes and Determine the creation of the ISS of other ground-based facilities, ensuring a qualitatively new promising launching of the northeastern development direction of the northeastern orbit, and improving the rocket carrying capacity of 200 kilometers of useful space and aviation cargo weighing up to 30 tons and returning equipment - by special work on launch and landing shipboard importance;

complex of payloads ve- b) on the creation of globals up to 20 tons and a dedicated space command for: relay system

- complex counteraction (GKKRS), which ensures the postvii measures, the increase in the efficiency of the enemy's nago to expand the surveillance of the military and the use of space thinking objects and deypospace for military purposes; the consequences of a potential adversary

- solving target tasks in the way of relaying from the space interests of the Ministry of Defense Vehicles of the USSR Strategic Heroes, National Economic Intelligence and Friendship and Science; goy special information in

- carrying out real-time military research and ex-ground points, as well as pre-experiments in space - in the non-operational space for the creation of combat space control of operating space systems with use systems. (...).

5. Determine: At 6:00 Moscow time, the Ministry of General Mask Time MRKK Energiyashinostroeniya as the head for Buran breaks away from the launch of the ISS, GKKRS, long table and almost immediately leaves the temporary orbital stations in low clouds. It passes the DOS-7K type with the system of 8 minutes of the launch site. In 6 service ships of the type hours 08 minutes 03 seconds ZAK-S, as well as the launch of the launch vehicle, and the OK “Babot for finding ways is created” begins the first independent flight of combat space systems. (...) During the course with weapons on the known and new 40 minutes of prophysical principles. (...) there are two maneuvers for putting the orbital into the working orbit, inclined from the book "Reusable with 51.6 ° and an altitude of 250-260 km. (...)" blizzard " communications of ground stations “Tracking was being prepared for this flight, the second - over the Tikhim for more than 12 years. (...) by the ocean.

(…) Baikonur Cosmodrome 15 nov- At 8.20 a.m. in late November 1988. At the start of the MRCK the cruise Energia-Buran is switched on for the first time. The cyclogram is the engine and works out the prelaunch preparation for the given speed value. OK passes without comment. But it starts to decline and after 30 days the weather conditions worsen. mines "catch" the atmosphere. For the Chairman of the State-time reduction to an altitude of 100th Commission receives the next km RSU deployed OK forward meteorological report forward, and, "squeezing" into the service with the forecast: "Curtain-narrow gap of restrictions, it is a new warning." (…) Enters the atmosphere. At 8 o'clock, the Specialists who created the OK 53 minutes at an altitude of 90 km with him "Buran" assured the members of the State - the connection is terminated ... (...) the donation commission that they are at 9 o'clock 11 minutes, when the OK is confident of success: for the system was an altitude of 50 km, automatic landing, whether this report is received: “There is a non-limiting case. The decision to receive telemetry! ”,“ There was a detection was made. detection of the ship by means.

landing locators! " to the line of 20 km - in a moment it froze in its center. Above the minimal deviations (...) he, saying goodbye, swept by itself After the 10 km mark, the Buran years of escort ... -154LL and fuck! (…) It so happened that the analogue is OK. mos is considered technological. On the OKDP, the highest degree is the showcase of the world. And this landing of tension: "Buran" abruptly changed the course of people on the runway and flies almost across the cooling "Buran" or the axis of the runway. What's the matter? Having analyzed the situation at the TV screens in the MCC, the service once again felt the extraordinary management reports: “Everything has a keen sense of national order! The system was not mistaken, no pride, joy. Radoa just this time turned out to be for her power, a powerful "smarter". (…) Intellectual potential Still at an altitude of about 7 km, not of our people. Great, despite the complexity of the targeted and difficult work of making, the approach to the "Buran" on!

test pilot M. Tolboev. Thanks to the art, the pilot's message on the screen confidently on November 15, 1988, a clear image of the spacecraft was observed by the TV Union ... (...) successful space tests at 9 hours 24 minutes of the 42-second spacecraft many times after orbital use “ Buran ".

flight and passage After the launch of the universal almost 8000 km in the upper layers of the rocket-space transatmosphere, ahead of the entire tailor of the Energia system from the calculated time by the Buran orbital spacecraft, Buran, struggling with a strong ship, entered the calculated to orbit, made a two-way return and an accurate orbit around the Earth when landing at a significant amount of air flow and landed at an automatic speed of up to 340 km / s at a landing hour and a run of 1–2 km. "

strip of the Baikonur cosmodrome.

This is an outstanding success of national science and technology, from Yu.P. Semenov, a hero covering a qualitatively new socialist stage in the Soviet labor program, laureate of space research. LENINSKOY AND STATE AS potter, laureate of prizes, general state director - general prizes of the ussr, designer nPo chief designer "Energiya"


“Energiya”: “... During the development of the ISS“ BuZaunch “Energia-Buran”, the wounds ”(as it was originally called a wide resonance in the pleasing system) were taken into account as a print. The American military aspects, as well as the spaceflight magazine, regarded the peaceful exploration of space as “the greatest experiment, including the promising cop of the Soviet Union from the time of the development of space flight menus by Yuri Gagarin”. The fundamentals of technology and the need for a conscious emphasis in the press was placed on the Danish groundwork for future group-like automatism of space projects (it could not have been done without the participation of twisted orbital complexes, American "Shuttle" pilots, bases on the Moon, interplanetary and on the versatility of the carrier, flights etc.) (...) capable of launching into orbit. The goals of the ISS development “The most powerful bucket load” was formed for the main purpose. Especially the integrated approach emphasized the ability for defense tasks, and for the inorbiter "(this is how the ship is called in the teres of various industries and America) to the automatic directions of the development of science.

technology and the national economy in all sectors of the national hostran. (…) Business - from production to expect the receipt of consumer goods economics from the first and medicine to the atomic energy flights of the orbital ship goethics.

The effect of their introduction "Buran" is as unreasonable as it can be calculated a billion; it was unreasonable to demand from rubles. (...) giving from the first aircraft or New technologies can be effectively used for the first artificial satellite on Earth. An orbital ship of any industrial sector "Buran" marked the beginning of a new development. For example, automatic direction in the domestic welding with the help of special cosmonautics. (...) welding heads can be used. The use of OK "Buran" in the food industry makes it possible to ensure the requirements for welding of pipelines, a regular cargo flow, as well as equipment for processing more efficiently and economically in milk and sugar production, and it is also more efficiently suitable for petrochemical production. future specialties and nuclear energized modules. (...) goethics. Soldering with use Speaking about the economic drainage of solders without silver, the dacha, which was expected from the export, can save a lot of its operation by OK "Buran", one cannot but the quantity. High-precision geostanovation on the issue of use-case casting from heat-resistant casting of scientific and technical alloys is successfully used the groundwork created during its development in the manufacture of casings. The design of pans and pumps for dairy and OK "Buran" systems is based on the industry.

technical solutions, many In the process of development of the OK of which have no analogues in "Buran" was created in modern practice; new experimental systems have been developed, a constructive basis for the development and testing of materials, equipment, parts, assemblies and assemblies, in protective coatings and new, including a complex of unique technological processes. All test stands for these achievements can be used for shear, dynamic, shock-proof, practical and vibration strength.

large-sized constructions - access to the external market. Aviation, anechoic inspection chamber and space industry and radio systems, etc. This base is one of the few whose development could have been used on the principles of a spicy contractual basis by all my competition with the West. In the machine-building industries, it has always acted by the rules, since it includes a great deal of: to work ahead of the curve, a set of modern measuring instruments, discontinuously improving their development automation; and if the potentiated processing of the resultant competitor appeared tat measurements, as well as a lot of novelty, something similar to the number of methods and banknoy and even better software, the necessary for studying co- and with us should be immediately created. Therefore, in these branches of the standing of structural elements, the level of research of any machines and mechanisms is so high. and the development of technical reuse in the national economy and the rocket and space economy of scientific and technical means at the disposal of the achievements would only be possible with our country. (...) to compensate with time ... The painEnergia-Buran was attracted to the creation of the Energiyazadnye cost of the creation of the Buran MRKK. However, this shie scientific and technical, will remain dependent on the production and construction efficiency of our economy and the strength of the entire country. The industry has developed to innovations - effective cooperation with enterprises, their reorientation to enterprises and industries with a high output of competitive, qualified personnel that meet the world level with powerful intellectual and technical developments. In connection with the removal of the curtain with scrap, advanced experience has been accumulated, secrecy to others is possible - a large scientific source of funds has been formed, which, a technical reserve, created ryy allows to compensate for the powerful experimental and costs of space development bases, construction, and also to solve part of the ena, equipped and introduced in ex-tasks related to the conversion of complex systems and defense industries, is a means of preparation for the launch and

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

UDC 94 (47) .084.8 "1983/1991" (084.121) (093.3) + 821.161.1-94 BBK 63.3 (2) 634y14 + 84 (2Ros = Rus) 6-4y44 B19 BAKLANOV O.D.

SPACE IS MY FATE. Notes from "Matrosskaya Tishina". 2 volume.

/ O.D. Baklanov. - M.: Society for the Preservation of Literary Heritage, 2012.

- 864 p. : ill. - ISBN 978-5-902484-48-6. - ISBN 978-5-902484-50-9.

CIP Agency RSL Edited by Valery LYSENKO In the second part of Oleg Dmitrievich Baklanov's two-volume book “Space

- my destiny ", the publication of the author's" prison diaries "is coming to an end (records from January 1992 to January 1993).

(although it is of great interest to the general reader), how many reflections on the main business of the life of the once "secret" minister of the USSR, the Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee on defense issues - on space, the possibilities of its further development, on what cost the Soviet Union got the missile nuclear parity with the West, about the unrealized prospects that opened up in our country in connection with the successful launch of the unique reusable space system "Energia-Buran". With special warmth, O.D. Baklanov talks about his teachers and associates, a wonderful cohort of creators of Soviet space triumphs: S.P. Korolev, V.P. Glushko, M.S. Ryazansky, N.A. Pilyugine, V.I. Kuznetsov, V.P.

Barmina. Among the relatives of O.D. Baklanov of people connected either with space, or with other spheres of activity, - people about whom Oleg Dmitrievich spoke in a heartfelt way, - S.A. Afanasyev, B.E. Paton, I.V. Meshcheryakov, V.L. Malkevich, A.V. Usenkov, V.V. Shcherbitsky, V.I. Zaitsev, M.I. Nozhkin, J.F. Zinchenko and other outstanding compatriots.

The publication contains numerous photographs from the author's archive. Most of the pictures are published for the first time.

ISBN 978-5-902484-48-6 ISBN 978-5-902484-50-9 © O.D. Baklanov, 2012.

© Society for the Preservation of Literary Heritage (OSLN), 2012.

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January 1st. Wednesday The day is not that gloomy, but as if it deceived expectations: the New Year did not bring any changes. I understand that this was not possible from any side, and yet, and still, and still ... I fill the space of time, I reflect ... The greatest sin of a Christian is the sin of despondency.

Stars don't lie - astrologers lie.

Loyalty and patience - Barclay de Tolly.

Swift: How to Break Eggs?

*** Yesterday, Valery Nikodimovich (the head of the prison) congratulated me on the coming New Year, handed over Komsomolskaya Pravda and was allowed (at will - all night!) To listen to the radio.

"Mayak" distinguished itself with an increased dose of hits + vulgarity. I didn't have enough sense to connect to the chimes at twelve o'clock:

bureaucratic "squeaked" and fell silent ...

Alexander Nikolaevich and I, having waited for the New Year, congratulated each other, wished freedom, health, happiness, success ... I mentally congratulated my family and friends.

For Alexander Nikolaevich, during the four years he was here, a lot has changed, more precisely, it has disintegrated ... It's terrible to think.

After all, it is he who owns the words: "Prison does not correct - it hardens" ... Long terms are meaningless. In Russia, at least 800 thousand people are in prisons and under investigation - about 0.6 percent of the total population, and if we take the active age, more than a percent. Is not it too much?

Chizhevsky in his works expressed the idea (main):

there is a relationship between solar activity and, apparently, the space environment in general and biological and other activities on Earth. And this is natural. Once they prayed to the sun god, etc. - and this is also natural. If my memory serves me, the year of the Monkey coincides with the eleven-year cycle of solar activity, we must recall another ninety-year cycle, but all these cycles are the essence of the "harmonics" of the heterogeneous processes of the Great Cosmos. This means that there must be "beats", "overlays", "bursts" and "dips" of activity - of course, all this affects the social life of mankind, on the "game" of the entire biomass of our tiny Earth.

*** "I will give up looking for questions for answers" - as one wise man said. But in general, as in Benedict's "Waltz":

Everything glitters: flowers, kenkets, And diamond and turquoise, Ribbons, stars, epaulettes, Earrings, rings and bracelets, Curls, phrases and eyes.

I caught myself observing how the associative mechanism worked in me: I remembered the lines of Vladimir Benediktov and thought about his poetic fate. He lived a long life, had an undoubted, great talent, but he was ruined by self-doubt: he could not, by and large, resist the irony, ridicule, parodies of his contemporaries. I lacked the determination to truly believe in myself. He was crushed by the environment, century. He never rose to the heights of a great poet. Remained the author of several masterpieces, but not the direction.

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*** On New Year's Eve, relatives of the accused in the "GKChP case" and journalists sympathetic to us gathered in front of "Matrosskaya Tishina", set up a Christmas tree at the prison gates and drank champagne for the imminent release of the prisoners.

The initiative came not from our loved ones, but from the journalists themselves. We were notified of the upcoming action through lawyers, but since our cameras look into the courtyard, we could neither see nor hear what was happening on the street.

Therefore, for us the action was purely symbolic.

*** The world is reaping the fruits of the collapse of a great power. Today, not only in the CIS countries, but also beyond their borders, events are taking place that previously could not have been dreamed of in a dream ...

Observers sadly state that the aspirations with which the Western world entered 1991 did not come true. It was a typical year of the Goat, “The Year of Naked Kings”, “The Year of the Gulf War and the“ putsch ”in Russia” ... However, the most frequent characterization was “The Year of Defeated Idols” ...

*** The program of events for this year has been announced. It includes targeted launches of spacecraft for various purposes, a large-scale action "Day of the Mission of Planet Earth", conferences, seminars and symposia on the problems of space geography, ocean research, the use of space assets to monitor compliance with international agreements on disarmament, for navigation and communications, education, commerce, etc.

The National Space Agencies of the World are committed to making the International Space Year a year for all. There will be published postage stamps, envelopes with special cancellation, commemorative coins and badges, books and albums, video films, cassettes with "space" recordings.

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1943 - Alexander Alexandrovich ASMOLOV, a specialist, head of work in the field of creating control systems for missile and rocket-space complexes was born.

Laureate of the USSR State Prize. Took part in the manufacture of the KIPARIS equipment for ground tests of the Buran spacecraft. General Director of the State Scientific and Production Enterprise "Kommunar" Association, Kharkov.

January 2. Thursday Beginning of the decree of B.N. Yeltsin about the "liberalization" of prices, commentators scream that "shelves are empty", shops are empty, prices have increased 3-10 times ...

Could serious people really count on the miracle of an instant transformation of the current situation? Overnight...

It is unpleasant to listen to this chatter - there is no serious analysis ...

Year of space: 35 years of the space age. The decree was prepared by our department, and I issued it. We are beyond the line, but business lives on.

*** Gavriil Popov received additional powers, but B.N. In his decree, Yeltsin stipulated that the functions of the Moscow Soviet are preserved. Popov described the political situation as follows: there are two forces: a) entrepreneurs - liberal forces that want to work, but still cannot solve all economic issues; b) populist forces that do not want to work and want to receive social guarantees. Naturally, each of these forces separately and jointly without a unifying "center" cannot solve the problem of breaking the deadlock.

So this "center" should be a democratic dictatorship, but on condition that foreign countries must surely save us from totalitarianism.

Exactly. Ears must be visible somewhere.

“Democratic government is most suitable for small states, aristocratic - for medium-sized, and monarchical

- for the big ones, "wrote Karamzin.

.Chapter 1. BEYOND

*** I read the details about the New Year's action under the walls of Matrosskaya Tishina.

In addition to my relatives, there was the family of Oleg Shenin, daughters of Lukyanov and Yanaev, Pavlov's wife with two relatives and other close relatives of the “new political prisoners” - only 14 people, and together with Soviet and foreign journalists - 25-30 people.

The writer Nikolai Mishin handed out to everyone a book of prison poems by Anatoly Lukyanov and poured champagne. The first toast was made by the People's Deputy of the RSFSR Tatyana Koryagina1, saying: "History will judge the right and the guilty." Koryagina explained her participation in the rally to journalists not so much by the closeness of her views with Valentin Pavlov, as by her rejection of any political repression. The second toast to those under investigation was made by the People's Deputy of the USSR Aleksandr Kraiko2: "They committed a heroic but hopeless act."

1908 - Yevgeny Georgievich RUDYAK was born (died April 4, 1991), scientist, designer, developer of launching equipment for land-based and sea-based missile systems. Hero of Socialist Labor, Lenin and State Prizes. Until 1970 he worked as a chief designer at the factories "Bolshevik", "Barrikady" (Stalingrad), at the Machine-Building Plant in the town of Yurga, Kemerovo Region, at the Leningrad Central Design Bureau, Moscow Central Design Bureau.

January 3rd. On Friday, Radio Rossii reported: Stepankov said in Perm that he had information in the “GKChP case” that would cause an international scandal, and he would not hide the facts, as Gdlyan and Ivanov did. How much vile and petty fussiness in Stepankov's behavior!

Sobchak said that Leningrad is ready for a hard winter, there are supplies, but this is his "secret remedy", which he himself is chatting about! Buffoon.

... Baklanov O.D. SPACE IS MY FATE

*** The residents of Nagorno-Karabakh celebrated the New Year with a cannonade. On the festive night, 94 Alazan missiles were fired at Stepanakert from the Azerbaijani side. At the same time, several thousand Azerbaijani riot police in armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles launched an offensive on the Armenian villages adjacent to Stepanakert. The leadership of Nagorno-Karabakh sent a message to the UN Secretary General with a request to send UN troops to prevent the outbreak of the genocide of the Armenian population.

During these events, the correspondent of the Mayak radio station Leonid Lazarevich was killed.

*** I am closely following the space epic: the flight of Alexander Volkov and Sergey Krikalev continues on the orbital complex Soyuz TM-13 - Kvant - Mir - Kvant-2

- "Progress M-10" - "Crystal". Sergey Krikalev has been in space for 228 days, and Alexander Volkov has been working with him in orbit for three months. May God give the guys good luck!

*** At the meeting of the CIS leaders in Minsk, the military-political agreement seems to have failed. It is becoming clear that the CIS has little reason to call itself the Commonwealth.

4 January. Saturday Investigator Leonid Georgievich's mood is somewhat depressed, apparently, there is some kind of breakdown, a loss of interest.

He promised to close the case in the near future and hand it over for review ... I spoke about more than a hundred volumes of amazing material ... Regarding the petitions in terms of health and preventive measures before the trial, I somehow sourly reacted, in the sense that it is hardly a question will be resolved positively. Regarding the confrontations, he said that they, apparently, will not be. Without going into details, by

.Chapter 1. BEYOND

what? Regarding the involvement of developers of communication equipment as experts, I said that they are interested people and this is undesirable, I objected: the investigator is also an interested person, but he is trusted ?!

The conversation could not continue. Leonid Georgievich expressed that it makes no sense to use us as a political force to support the Russian leadership, because the crowd standing in line no longer believes in anything, does not believe, including the idols whom this crowd brought to power. Apparently, Leonid Georgievich is an unsteady idealist (he counted on a quick transition to new rails) and, in addition, at least in the recent past,

- pro-Gorbachev, if I may say so. A person who dreams, wants something, but does not rely on the firm ground of calculation and accurate knowledge.

*** Today was a terrible night, I woke up from a headache when the pressure (blood) and pain under the left shoulder blade increased ...

*** Alarming reports come from Chechnya. Illegitimate authorities are being formed there, and a regime is being established under which Russian and foreign criminal groups begin to feel at ease in the republic. Chechnya is turning into a "free criminal zone."

*** According to the Izvestia newspaper: The world is fascinated by the events in Russia, which began its entry into the market with price liberalization. Nobody denies the courage of Russia. But it is impossible to destroy price control mechanisms without the privatization of industry, without settling the land issue and without developing laws on freedom of entrepreneurship and private property. The Russian government acts with little and little thought.

... Baklanov O.D. SPACE IS MY FATE

5 January. Sunday M.S. Gorbachev signed an agreement with the Japanese publishing house "Yomiuri" ("Izvestia" No. 2 of January 2, 1992) regarding the publication of his materials - of course, not free of charge. Gesheft is being done in a convulsive haste: he is still the president of a nonexistent state, the general secretary, but ... the first and last president who did everything in his power to strangle "this country" ... There are wars, a deal ... Judas is in a hurry to get thirty pieces of silver. Judas Golovlev or Chichikov. "Talker", experimenter on human blood.

*** Betrayal is multifaceted, but in a single guise it is dangerous, for it constantly chameleonizes, mimics ... The last days of the presidency are devoted to caring for the "person": "immunity" is begged for ... Apparently, it was not possible ... subservient - it's necessary! Only a sick self-conceit can imagine and allow it. Bargained for 20 units of servants. Refusal to adjust for inflation to pension-wages !? Apparently, there is help in the accounts ...

*** In the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, there is a predatory destruction of schools of fish, from time immemorial she fattened her weight there, protected her.

The predators of the "new thinking" were civilized by the norms of industrialized countries. Licenses were sold for 150 million tons of oil - more than we produce. Where are Shevardnadze, Yakovlev, Gorbachev, Sitaryan? I don't want to poison my soul before the holiday.

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It is necessary to withdraw parts of the former Soviet army from their territory and leave military bases, weapons and equipment there so that the three Baltic states could create their own defense forces.

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*** Lists of our richest compatriots have appeared in some Russian newspapers ... Among them are businessmen Artem Tarasov, German Sterligov, Konstantin Borovoy, Sergei Monakhov and the mayor of Moscow, Gavriil Popov (?!). And this is just a few months after the collapse of the Soviet Union ...

1929 - Ilariy Nikolaevich SAPOZHNIKOV, scientist, head of work on the creation of gyro devices for rocket and spacecraft products was born. Lenin Prize Laureate. Since 1956 - at NII-944 (NII PM), has gone from senior engineer to chief designer, deputy general director for scientific work.

6th January. Monday Gamsakhurdia3 escaped today between four and six o'clock under cover of night ... Another perishable president escaped ...

Americans are driven out of the Philippines (naval base). Bush went to the places "to conquer markets for American goods", at the same time agreed to transfer the military base ... now to Singapore. Here is a sample of "new thinking"

according to Gorbachev-Bush. And the smokescreen is a statement by President Bush (or his staff) that he has given instructions to consider a program of long-term measures to reduce the armed forces - 13 -

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USA in the future not by 25%, as previously envisaged, but by / 3! What did Gorbachev, Shevardnadze, Yakovlev do with our country in 5 years ... And we looked into their mouths. It's scary to think. Here they are - traitors to the Motherland under Article 64 ...

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*** Yesterday at the airport. John F. Kennedy, the popular actor Innokenty Smoktunovsky was arrested while trying to bring a blow gun on board the plane. Under New York State law, his act, which will be heard in a US court on February 28, could lead to a prison sentence of up to one year. The blow gun is designed for target shooting. But in New York State, it is equated to a firearm. What an embarrassing misunderstanding!

*** I read it in Izvestia: The third stage of the national congress of the Ingush people took place in the village of Nesterovskaya, which recognized as inexpedient the proclamation of the Ingush Republic before the return of the Ingush territories. Hopes for a solution to this protracted issue are pinned on the Russian parliament and President Boris Yeltsin. The congress condemned the attempts to solve the problems of the people in unconstitutional ways.

.Chapter 1. BEYOND

1933 - Oleg Grigorievich MAKAROV was born (died May 28, 2003), pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. From 1986 to 1999 - Deputy Head of the Complex, RSC Energia named after V.I. S.P. Queen. Made three space flights.

1938 - Vyacheslav Grigorievich PETROV, laureate of the State Prize, was born. From 1978 to 1997 - General Director of PA "Arsenal" them. M.V. Frunze, Leningrad.

Chants, religious music, sermons - another overlap, without a sense of proportion and common sense. Prophecies, fortune-telling, astrology - to the screeching of guitars and drums. I think sooner or later, but this will cause, as in the case of the shameless and thoughtless imposition of social propaganda, heartburn and rejection. Couldn't it be calmer?

"And someone is trying to separate us ..."

The world is concerned about the growing contradictions between Russia and Ukraine. The conflict between our countries calls into question the future of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the backbone of which they constitute. Foreign observers come to this conclusion, observing the events of the first week of the new year.

Relations between Moscow and Kiev, already exacerbated by the introduction of free prices in Russia, were even more tested after Ukraine took the first steps to create a republican army. The actions of Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk are perceived by many in the world as a challenge to Russia. First of all, this concerns the decision of the Ukrainian authorities to establish control over the Black Sea Fleet based in Sevastopol. “The loss of the fleet will be a blow to Russia's national pride,” says the Associated Press commentator ...

... Baklanov O.D. SPACE IS MY FATE

Addition of 2011: over the past twenty years, one way or another, problems have arisen related to relations between our two fraternal peoples. For me, this, frankly, is a sore subject, it bleeds.

I am the head of the Society of Friendship of Russia and Ukraine, I am one of the co-chairs of the public association "Kievan Rus".

In the most disgusting times of confrontation between our countries (during the presidency of Yushchenko), our organizations clearly and in a timely manner declared their attitude to certain events (see block of materials in volume 1, in Appendices, pp. 548-576. - Ed. .) I did not avoid meeting with journalists, I gave interviews, in which I always emphasized: the life of our peoples is inseparable (see.

in the "Appendices" an example of such a conversation on p. 787) despite the fact that "someone is trying to separate us." By the way, I just used these wonderful words of Mikhail Ivanovich Nozhkin, because they themselves surfaced in my mind, as folk sayings emerge at the right moment - the wisdom of human memory. The entire poem by Mikhail Ivanovich, written at the dawn of perestroika, in 1986, is a hymn to our common past, a warning to those who are trying to "bite the living thread of kinship."

It still fully reflects my feelings and thoughts.


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And, it seems, it will take off just about From the Dnieper steep into a clear sky.

Around her from dawn to dark From century to century the surf of the people boils, And she is permeated with memory, And memory awakens in you and me ...

And someone repeats to us - yes you are a crowd, There is nobody and nothing behind you.

And your entire path is an animal path, you are barbarians, nothing more.

And someone is trying to separate us, In the north, in the south, to divide, To bite a living thread of kinship, And all the past is completely blackened, To defame, vulgarize, desecrate ...

And again I hear the trumpet voice of the ancestors - Do not rot, do not be afraid, go your own way.

Know that we are stronger, they are weaker than us, Look confidently in the future!

In the struggle we have been tempered for a long time, Our strength is great by our unity, Our powerful choir cannot be drowned out forever, And together with Lavra we will stand for centuries!

Time comes to straighten your shoulders, It's time to rise to your full height, History calls us to this, And the past stands firmly, And a strong bridge gets along with the future.

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Judging by reports coming from Tbilisi, there may indeed be one less president on the territory of the former USSR. Following Gorbachev, his Georgian counterpart Gamsakhurdia is likely to lose his presidential regalia. After a powerful shelling and a decisive assault on the House of Government, the armed opposition took possession of the building. The assault began at two in the morning and ended by five in the morning on January 6. At the moment when the armed guards broke into the room, Gamsakhurdia was no longer in the bunker, as I wrote about. According to preliminary information, in the first minutes of the assault, four armored personnel carriers drove away from the Government House and fled in an unknown direction. The Military Council of Georgia has issued an appeal to end the confrontation ...

1909 - Samvel G. KOCHARYANTS was born (died August 4, 1993). Twice Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of Lenin, Stalin and State prizes.

From 1947 to 1990 he worked at KB-11 (VNIIEF), Arzamas-16 (Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region) 1930 - Vasily A. ARSENT'ev was born, a specialist in the field of testing quality control devices for equipment and installation connections of on-board instruments of RKT products. In 1958-1960 he worked at the Kharkov instrument-making plant. Shevchenko: technician, engineer-researcher, senior engineer-researcher of the 1st category.

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January 8. Wednesday I hasten to systematize the material, my investigator Proshkin promised to show the "volumes" - then there will be no time!

Yeltsin left for Saratov, Ulyanovsk ... Meetings on privatization, trade, prices. As the announcer put it, B.N. Yeltsin was greeted by an excited crowd at a store. But that's not the point. "Mayak" implants, at best, stupid information. Every now and then you hear: shock ... bad ... hungry ... epidemic ...

charity ... help from the West ... prices ...

Trampling and trampling on Russian dignity.

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*** "... All violent shocks are disastrous, and each rebel prepares a scaffold for himself." Or: “The daring raised the ax to the sacred tree, saying:“ We will do better! ”,“ And it will be worse ”- Karamzin. 225th anniversary of the birth of the great writer and historian.

*** After the assassination of Major Vladimir Chagan, officers of the former Soviet army of the Grozny garrison demand that Dudayev ensure complete safety for all servicemen and their families. Soldiers and officers reacted negatively to the prospect of taking an oath of allegiance to the Chechen Republic and its President, and on the Koran. They expressed their indignation at the collapse of the army, demanding to preserve its unity.

The parliament of the self-proclaimed Chechen Republic unilaterally established the border between Chechnya and Ingushetia. The deputies decided to hold it along the line dividing the Chechen and Ingush autonomous regions before their unification into autonomy in 1934.

.Chapter 1. BEYOND

1923 - Yuri Aleksandrovich PICHUGIN was born (died February 3, 2000), a military leader, organizer of work in the field of testing and operation of rocket launchers. Lenin Prize Laureate.

WWII participant, colonel-general. From 1973 to 1975 - head of the Kapustin Yar landfill. From 1975 to 1984 - Head of the GURVO - Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces for armaments. After retirement - chief specialist of the USSR Ministry of General Machine Building.

1929 - Yuri Timofeevich MIRONYUK, a specialist in the field of computer technology for onboard equipment for submarine ballistic missiles, was born. Hero of Socialist Labor, Lenin Prize Laureate. In 1952–1982 - at NPO Avtomatiki, Sverdlovsk, he worked his way up from engineer to first deputy chief designer, director, general director.

1948 - Alexander Fyodorovich STREKALOV, laureate of the USSR State Prize, was born. Since 1967 - at ZEM (ZEM of RSC Energia named after SP Korolev), since 1999 - First Vice President of RSC Energia named after S.P. S.P. Koroleva, Director of ZEM, RSC Energia. Took part in the organization of production, development of manufacturing technologies for the first domestic automatic space stations and satellites, the reusable space system "Energia-Buran".

Ivanovich Nifantyev a petition addressed to the Prosecutor General V.G. Stepankova:

“On August 22, 1991, this criminal case was initiated, and since August 23, 1991, I have been detained in remand prison IZ-48/4 of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Speaking recently on television, you said: “The investigation into the GKChP case has actually been completed, and later it became known that from January 10, 1992, the accused and their defenders would begin to familiarize the accused and their defenders with all the materials of the preliminary investigation, containing more than a hundred volumes with video and sound recordings attached to them. ...

... Baklanov O.D. SPACE IS MY FATE

Acquaintance with each volume of the case, containing about 250 sheets, requires careful reading, production of your own significant extracts from them, watching videos and listening to sound recordings. Thus, work on each volume will last at least two days, and in total on the case

- over two hundred working days (52 weeks in a year, each with two days off for the defender and several holidays), i.e. familiarization with the materials of the case will last for at least a year.

In the conditions of the isolation ward IZ-48/4, there have already been cases when, due to the lack of free offices, the work of investigators and defenders in the case was disrupted. In this isolation ward, persons under investigation are also held in other cases, so the offices are not enough for the work of all the accused in this case, which will affect the increase in the period of familiarization with the case.

This circumstance alone gives grounds to ask, in order to speed up familiarization with the case, to change my preventive measure to a recognizance not to leave the place or another one not related to imprisonment.

I have already been in custody for about five months, my health condition has deteriorated sharply, complications of my diseases have appeared, especially of the heart and stomach, etc.

But in order not to delay the preliminary investigation, I did not apply for a repeated forensic medical examination to resolve the issue of sending me to inpatient treatment, as other defendants in the case reasonably demanded.

In view of the above, I ask you to grant this request for my release from custody.

I fully support the request and ask you to grant it.

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Two different worlds: freedom and unfreedom. We, who are in prison, have fallen out of our lives beyond the line, where the gears of "justice" rotate monotonously with a creak and rattle, around the clock, without days off and holidays.

*** The first strikes in the CIS ... The situation in the coal regions has worsened ... In the Karaganda region, mines are on strike (the first of them stopped working in December). Basic economic requirements: 15% of coal - for free sale, wage increases in accordance with the general tariff agreement, developed by the independent trade union of miners. Kuzbass and Vorkuta are operating in pre-strike mode. They are waiting for negotiations with the government, which should begin on January 12.

Since the possibility of reaching an agreement on the terms of the miners is very problematic (they require constant compensation for price increases, payment of part of the salary in freely convertible currency), the danger of a strike increases.

In connection with the next round of "couponization", the tension in the Donbass has sharply increased.

The Constitutional Democratic Party has announced its transition to opposition to the Russian government. Perhaps, in the coming days, the same decision will be made by the Democratic Party of Russia and the Russian Christian Democratic Movement. The Brownian movement began in politics, that is, without clear guidelines, without conscious hopes and goals. This period of fermentation and vacillation will cost the country dearly.

1930 - Lev Nikolaevich NIKITIN, a specialist in the development and testing of liquid-propellant rocket engines and nuclear rocket engines, was born. Laureate of the USSR State Prize. From 1958 to 1995 - at OKB-154, Voronezh (JSC KBKHA). In 1974-1988 he took part, was the leading designer of the country's most powerful oxygen-hydrogen engine for the Energia launch vehicle. High reliability of the engine was achieved, which made it possible to carry out flight tests of the Energia-Buran system.

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1935 - Lilia Rufovna KARTASHEVA, a specialist in onboard and ground equipment for controlled information and computing systems, was born. From 1957 to 1996 she worked at the Kharkov Gas Processing Plant named after I. Shevchenko: technical designer, engineer, senior research engineer, leading engineer, head of laboratory, traffic controller.

I went out for a walk through strength, but I must. The weather has not yet settled: rain and snow, below minus ten degrees for all this time. Both good and bad - it looks like some Kharkov winters ... The climate is changing.

*** B.N. Yeltsin visited Saratov, Ulyanovsk, Gorky; a "scandal" flares up in the army and navy with Ukraine, in addition, the topic of "coupons" ... What is this: an attachment to money or its replacement? But, some commentators say that 100 rubles. ~ 10 coupons ~ $ 1. If so, then it is dangerous! Will the people have to go through the worst again?

*** In Georgia, another attack on border guards by "militants" (about 600), border guards took a perimeter defense, their parliamentarian was taken hostage, they had to buy off 36 machine guns. What's this?! In Estonia, the troops are not provided with bread, they switched to autonomous food ...

*** Kuznetsov in Stavropol cannot provide leadership.

The democratic platform has passed into opposition. “I know that the battles of our specific civil strife, thundering incessantly, are of little importance for reason ...”, as Karamzin said, “national civil strife” ... At a press conference in Vilnius, the Prime Minister of Lithuania accused the Russian leadership of deliberately - 24 -

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destabilization of the Lithuanian economy and threatened with an energy blockade of the Kaliningrad region. Probably, these threats are connected with the forthcoming anniversary of the events of Vilnius on January 13, 1989.

*** It became known that the deputies of the Supreme Soviet of Russia at a closed meeting on New Year's Eve made a decision to introduce a 10–20-fold coefficient to their wages, depending on their status. This decision means that if the minimum wage per resident is increased by about one hundred rubles, the deputy's earnings will increase by 1000-2000 rubles, respectively. And this is called democracy and justice?

*** Izvestia reports: China has rejected Western proposals to declare an amnesty for dissidents arrested after the June 1989 bloody events in Beijing. Foreign observers are not permitted to visit prisoners. This is the meaning of the response of the Ministry of Justice of China to the request of the deputy of the German Bundestag Klaus Kubler, who is in Beijing.

January 11. Saturday Valery Nikodimovich Panchuk brought a decree signed by E.K. Lisov, addressed to the head of the pre-trial detention center for review by 14 accused. Its essence: the accusation of treason to the Motherland was terminated due to the absence of corpus delicti (however, for some reason, without reference to the number of article 64 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR). The decree was issued on December 23, 1991, the document notifying about this was signed on January 10, 1992, it was announced on January 11, 1992. It was inconvenient to rewrite the document.

Apparently, three of the 17 names were excluded - Pugo, Boldin and Achalov. Time will tell what is the next move.

What does it mean: the charge of treason to the Motherland was dropped due to the lack of corpus delicti?

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What is the fate of my petition for a preventive measure?

*** The intelligentsia should not go into opposition to the government, who is stopping it from working? Who is stopping her from acting productively and constructively? Apparently, the idiocy of the "rulers" is assumed - this is how it was from Dobrolyubov. Why not work in one team, where is the sense of responsibility?

There should be no poles, or, better, poles should be connected in one structure of a single state.

*** Last week, Russia became the second CIS republic after Ukraine to apply to join the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. According to observers, the prospects for Russia's admission and its future positions in the IMF and the IBRD are preferable to those of Ukraine, since it has unequivocally acknowledged responsibility for the debts of the former USSR.

January 12. Sunday Clear sky is wonderful (S.P. Korolev) Today is the birthday of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev ... The famous designer of rocket and space technology, academician would have turned 85 years old.

He once wrote that a clear sky is beautiful. This is what we - scientists, designers and, of course, astronauts want.

This is what we want by virtue of our profession, as people interested in keeping space clean. This is what we passionately want as people who wish that there will never be destructive wars on our beautiful Earth ... We are for science to fully serve creative purposes, we believe that this day will come.

A clear sky means that a person will be able to conduct more intensive scientific work in near-earth space. This means:

it will be possible to put scientific discoveries in space at the service of progress more quickly.

.Chapter 1. BEYOND

Korolyov dreamed about it and his dreams come true.

Academician M.V. Keldysh. One of the greatest achievements of science and technology is associated with the name of Korolyov - the opening of an era of practical exploration of outer space by mankind.

Korolyov was a witty man, I love his aphorism: "A deputy is a stick that you constantly rely on, but you leave the boss in the waiting room when you go to him."

Addendum 2011: Recently, two old acquaintances of mine, two good friends, approached me with a request to write a preface to a book prepared for publication. One of the authors of the manuscript was the USSR cosmonaut, honored test pilot of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union Igor Petrovich Volk. It was he who, after returning from a space flight in the summer of 1984, flew the Tu-154 laboratory aircraft equipped with the Buran control system, as well as the MiG-25 aircraft, which was close in aerodynamic quality to the Buran MTKK. It was Igor Petrovich who in 1985 for the first time lifted an analogue of the MTKK "Buran" into the air. Another author of the book is Vladimir Savvich Tomsky, a well-known specialist in satellite communication and television and radio broadcasting systems, antenna systems for stationary and mobile communication facilities of general purpose, well-known in our space circles. It immediately seemed to me that their work, entitled "Made in Russia", sets one for deeper reflections than if it were called, for example, "Korolev and Gagarin", although the book is essentially dedicated to these two great personalities of the twentieth century. The work creates a general high philosophical background for understanding the problem from clear worldview, cultural and humanitarian positions. Thinking about Korolev and Gagarin, evaluating the fundamental contribution of cosmonautics to the development of modern society, we have every reason not only to talk about the great past achievements of Russian science and technology, but also to predict the country's withdrawal from the crisis, its return to the group of countries-leaders of human civilization. And here the scientific, creative, organizational legacy of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev is invaluable. That is why I agreed to write a preface to the book by Igor Volk and Vladimir Tomsky, which is reprinted in the Appendices. (P. 629) - 27 -

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The "seven" (lead singer - Bush's team) is used to spin the "bike". The West must be strong militarily, as it is not known what may happen in the former USSR. Here is the height of cynicism:

first armed, because, you see, the USSR was "strong", now we are armed, because, you see, the USSR was "strong" The USSR is "weak", but it also has nuclear weapons.

"New thinking" in action. The author of such thinking fell silent, lurked, but his work lives on! Unrest and anarchy in the former USSR, according to Hurd (England), as well as the departure of nuclear weapons specialists from the country, make these republics no less dangerous than the Warsaw Pact. "Lighthouse".

*** All day from time to time I return to the memory of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. All its significance for our country, for the development of astronautics will be fully revealed in the future, I would like to see it in the near future. All day I try to hum:

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1930 - Nikolai Pavlovich LAVEROV, a scientist in the field of radiation problems and fuel energy resources, was born. Laureate of the RF Government Prize. Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Deputy Chairman of the RAS Council for Space.

1941 - Yuri Grigorievich GUSEV, a military specialist and head of work on the development and implementation of domestic military and civil space programs, was born. Lieutenant General. Laureate of the State and Government of the Russian Federation prizes. He contributed to the organization and conduct of fundamental and applied scientific research in the interests of the development of military cosmonautics.

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13th of January. Monday The Scientific and Industrial Union was reborn into the Industrial Union with the elected chairman A.

Some military units from the border took the oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people (?).

The All-Army Officers' Meeting was postponed from January 14 to 17. It is important to follow its progress and decisions.

Shevardnadze would like to participate in the political life of Georgia (from his statement), but, as noted, no one offered him anything.

*** They handed me documents on the refusal to satisfy the application for confrontation with Gorbachev, Gromov, Shenin, Boldin, Varennikov, Kryuchkov and Tizyakov. I must say, I had little hope for a positive decision. The attitude of the prosecutor's office, of course, is understandable to me. The petition to conduct a forensic technical examination on the fact of the disconnection of all types of communications from the residence of the President of the USSR in Crimea in the period from 18 to 21 August 1991 was also not satisfied.

And this, in general, is clear to me: my requests do not fit into the investigative scenario.

“... The petition of the accused is unfounded and cannot be satisfied for the following reasons:

the accused points out that he was not familiar with the order on the appointment of the said expert examination.

This statement of the accused is not true. On December 9, 1991, he was familiarized with a number of decisions on the appointment of expert examinations and the conclusions of experts, among the documents presented to him for review was a decision on the appointment of a forensic technical examination for communications.

According to this decision and a number of other examinations, Baklanov stated that since the issues subject to expert examination are not directly related to the charge brought against him, he is not - 29 -

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will familiarize himself in detail with the documents presented to him.

Baklanov's refusal was recorded by the investigator in the corresponding protocol.

Baklanov did the same earlier and later. In particular, on January 4, 1992, he refused to familiarize himself in detail with the conclusion of the philatelic examination and, in addition, refused to sign the protocol satisfying this fact.

The accused claims that the investigator did not explain his rights when appointing the expert examination and “as a result, the reliability of the expert opinion” of December 24, 1991 is questioned, which indicates the need for an investigation.

These conclusions of the accused are far-fetched. So, when Baklanov was presented with a decision on the appointment of this examination, an acquaintance protocol was drawn up on a standard typographic form. The form also contains the rights of the accused at the appointment of the expert examination.

Baklanov was repeatedly explained earlier (including on the same day) the rights of the accused related to the examination. So, on the same day, December 9, 1991, Baklanov was familiarized with the decree on the appointment of a phonoscopic examination on sound recordings with the voice of the accused A.I. Lukyanov. Under signature he was declared the rights of the accused when appointing expert examinations. "

“... The accused believes that the conclusions of the experts are unsubstantiated, do not contain references to the facts confirming them, to the study of specific objects and technical documentation.

At the same time, during the examination, the experts carefully studied the materials of the case related to the subject of the examination (including the testimony of the signalmen serving all types of communications in the residence of the President of the USSR, the employees of the UCS who disconnected and connected communications, etc.). In addition, the experts studied technical and other documentation for all types of communications, incl. and a communication diagram. The diagram is attached to the expert opinion. On January 7, 1992, Baklanov got acquainted with them along with the conclusion of the examination.

There are no reasons to doubt the validity of the experts' conclusions and, therefore, there are no grounds for a re-examination.

However, the grounds for disqualification of experts V.A. and Usatii V.O. no. Before the start of the examination, the investigation was convinced that they had the knowledge necessary to give an opinion. To resolve the issue of the possibility of disconnecting any type of communication, there is no need to involve its developers, since any communication is maintained and applied, incl. turns on, off, repaired, etc. not by developers, but by signalmen.

Moreover, the employees of industrial enterprises proposed by the accused as experts by virtue of the provisions of Art.

59 and 67 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR cannot be experts. One of them has already expressed his opinion on the circumstances of the disconnection of the President's communications in the press. The second - Yu.A. Mozzhorin, previously was quite closely associated with Baklanov ... "

Everything is swept away, as if we speak different languages ​​and do not understand each other. They don't want to hear me, and it seems that there is no point in retelling all the arguments: an empty crush of water in a mortar. However, you must defend your rights steadily and constantly, not to weaken the pressure of resistance.

*** The long-awaited calm has been going on in the disputed territories in Croatia for a week now. The ceasefire, signed on January 3, is largely respected by all the warring parties. At first, rifle shots and automatic bursts were still heard in some places, but now they have ceased. For a whole week, for the first time on the fronts of Croatia, there were no casualties either among the military or among the civilian population. However, far from the front, in the peaceful region of the republic, on January 7, observers from the European Community mission were tragically killed.

The collapse of Yugoslavia is different from the collapse of the Soviet Union. There are many reasons of their own, not similar to ours. But the root condition of the tragedy is very close to what we observe in our country: the inability and unwillingness of the authorities to respond sensitively to the needs of a multinational society.

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1928 - Petr Vasilievich GOLUBEV was born, specialist, head of work in the field of creation of power supply systems and aircraft control. Laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes. Since 1956 he has been working at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "NPTs" Polyus "(Tomsk):

worked his way up from design engineer to general director, chief designer.

January 14. Tuesday Following the results of several recent decisions, he filed a complaint with the Prosecutor General V.G. Stepankov, because the shaft of papers drawn up by the government and according to someone already thought out scheme must be stubbornly resisted, even if there is little hope for success. Resist in everything where you see bureaucratic indifference and thoughtless diligence with mistakes and provocations.

On January 14, 1992, I was familiarized with the Protocol drawn up by the deputy. Prosecutor General of Russia Lisov E.K., who announced to me the end of the preliminary investigation and the sufficiency of the collected evidence for drawing up an indictment.

I disagree with this, because I consider the preliminary investigation to be incomplete and not objective.

According to Art. 46 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR, I have the right to file a petition, which is a means of exercising the right to defense, and according to Art. 19 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR, the investigator and the prosecutor “are obliged to provide the accused with the opportunity to defend himself by means and methods established by law from the charges brought against him and to ensure the protection of his personal and property rights”. But your deputy actually deprives me of the opportunity to defend myself.

On December 27, 1991, I made a request to include specific specialists related to the development of these systems in the group of experts on communications of the President of the USSR, and raised additional questions.

.Chapter 1. BEYOND

On January 4, 1992, I made a similar request for other systems and raised other additional questions, and also proposed to conduct face-to-face confrontations.

I have repeatedly filed requests for confrontations with witnesses M.S. Gorbachev, B.V. Gromov, with the accused Kryuchkov V.A., Boldin V.I., Shenin O.S., Varennikov V.I., Lukyanov A.I., Tizyakov A.I. to clarify specific material circumstances relevant to my accusation.

These petitions were denied to me by your deputy E.K. Lisov. and thus not all possible measures were taken to fully and objectively clarify the circumstances of the case, and I was deprived of the constitutional right to defend myself by legal means and methods.

The greatest ambiguity is the decision of Lisov E.K. of December 23, 1991 (I was acquainted with it only on January 11, 1992), which terminated the criminal case against me on charges of treason to the Motherland - Art. 64 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR in the absence of corpus delicti, i.e. in my actions there is no Art. 64 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. But despite this, I am accused of a crime under Art. 62 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, which in such circumstances is clearly devoid of common sense.

Therefore, I consider it premature, biased and biased to accuse the termination of the preliminary investigation.

Since in the future there will be many months of familiarization with the materials of the preliminary investigation, and for almost five months of imprisonment my health has deteriorated sharply, I ask you to release me from custody.

Yesterday they broadcast on the radio (22.00) about Stepankov's statement, “that of those who are in Matrosskaya Tishina in the“ GKChP case ”, no one will“ rise, ”to which the lawyers reacted as a violation of the principle of the presumption of innocence, and this is in another a democratic country would lead to the resignation of the attorney general.

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*** On the first radio program it was reported that M.S. Gorbachev should start his work at the Strategic Research Foundation named after him; today at 12.00 he must see Kissinger

- the acting continues ... M.S. Gorbachev is an attractive shell; upon careful acquaintance with him, an inner emptiness is revealed, a complete absence of a personal and social "core" ... Academician of the Academy of ritual activities, who led the country to tragedy.

1911 - Lev Mikhailovich GAYDUKOV was born (died on January 24, 1999), a military leader, a participant in the Second World War, a member of the Military Council of Guards mortar units. Since 1949 - head of the 10th department of the Special Committee on jet technology under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. In 1962 - Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces. Since 1962 - head of the department of the Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense.

1913 - Born Serafim Platonovich PARNYAKOV (died March 9, 1987), specialist, head of work on targeting systems for ballistic missiles and launch vehicles. Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the USSR State Prize. From 1956 to 1987 - chief designer of the Central Design Bureau of the Arsenal plant, Kiev.

1927 - Alexander Mikhailovich SOLDATENKOV, head of the flight test of the launch vehicle, was born.

Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes. From 1959 to 2005 - at the State Research and Development Center TsSKBProgress, Kuibyshev (Samara), since 2004 - Deputy General Designer - Chief Designer of R-7A and Soyuz-2 Type Products - Head of Service, Member of the State Commission for Manned Programs.

1938 - Born Yuri Vadimovich TRUNOV, scientist, researcher, developer of autonomous control systems for spacecraft.

Hero of Socialist Labor. Since 1961 - at the Scientific Production Center of the A.P. Academician N.A. Pilyugina, since 1998 - General Director - General Designer of NPTs AP, since 2001 - General Designer. Contributed to the development of the Buran multipurpose control system.

.Chapter 1. BEYOND

January 15. Wednesday Shevardnadze left for the States and met with Nixon, Perez de Cuellar and others. BN. Yeltsin was lured into the States under the pretext of a Security Council meeting, will be processed ...

Khasbulatov speaks inappropriately against the government ... "Now a situation is emerging when it is already possible to propose to the President to replace the incapacitated government ..." "We will not see what the President and the government will do ..." The Supreme Council is that the deputies made a mistake at the congress, entrusting the formation of the government to the President.

Henceforth, only the parliament should approve the members of the Cabinet of Ministers. What is it - lack of experience, accidental consequences of a trip to Ryazan, or something behind it?

B.N. Yeltsin reacted: “There are sometimes emotional outbursts in any leader. The government is not gloves.

It is easier to pass laws than to implement them ... "," I will defend the government. "

*** The chief came in with the supervising prosecutor, politely asked if they had begun to get acquainted with the case.

- No, they didn’t start, but it’s not clear why I’m imprisoned!

We parted politely.

*** Head of the Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City Pyotr Klimuk gave an interview to the Italian magazine "Espresso", in which he stressed that the Baikonur cosmodrome would continue to exist. However, the issue of how the costs of its maintenance and income from use will be distributed between Kazakhstan and other CIS members has not been resolved. According to P. Klimuk, work is underway on Buran, which will be launched before the end of this year, as well as on the Energia carrier rocket capable of putting up to 100 tons of payload into orbit. Sharing plans with friends are being explored

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by the countries of the use of the orbital space station "Mir". Klimuk denied reports about its possible sale to the West: "As a last resort, we may rent it out for international research, but we cannot refuse space exploration, as it is needed for the development of the country and the new community."

What Klimuk said is, of course, true. But I'm afraid he is not the decisive authority in these matters. They can collapse the program.

1928 - Igor Sergeevich BELOUSOV was born (died February 10, 2005), statesman, one of the organizers of work in the defense industries. Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes. 1984-1988 - Minister of the USSR Shipbuilding Industry, 1988-1991 - Chairman of the Commission on Military-Industrial Issues of the USSR Council of Ministers, Deputy Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers.

1932 - Vladimir Konstantinovich SAMSONOV, a specialist in the development and operation of MCC display systems, was born. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. In 1958-2003 - at TsNIIMASH.

One of the leaders and organizers of the creation of the control rooms of the MCC, a unique information display system.

January 16. Thursday Today it was reported that Kryuchkov was released and is at the dacha ?! Grushko was released and at home ?! Apparently, another provocation. The prosecutor's office loudly announced that the case was over and it was up to those under investigation when the trial would take place. But the second day is silence!

Weather breaks from -25 ° to -5 °; heart and bones are a barometer.

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*** Dzhokhar Dudayev published his order obliging all enterprises in Chechnya that were previously part of the Union-Republican ministries to stop any allocations of funds to these ministries.

*** I am anxiously following reports of malfunctions at the Mir station. In the near future, Alexander Volkov and Sergey Krikalev will postpone all their affairs under the program and will establish the work of gyrodines, without which too much fuel would be required to control the complex using micromotors.

*** B.N. Yeltsin spoke at the Supreme Council after a trip around the country, noted the poor performance of the prosecutor's office; over 3 years, out of 2300 tons of gold, 230 tons were left; noted the growing sabotage of reforms on the ground; sent dispatches abroad about the search for the party's money on bank accounts.

Palace in Foros and space Swift portrayed Gulliver as captive in a dream, so our people are tied. This is by no means a civil society that quickly reacts to events in an organized manner, meaningfully.

While the people, strictly speaking - the street crowd, are cleverly manipulated by certain circles in their interests. This happened, for example, in the August days of 1991. The truth is easily concealed from such people, true intentions are concealed. The actions of the authorities are often not transparent. Well, tell me, who, where, when did they decide what, for example, the same, now known to everyone, dacha in Foros at Gorbachev's place should be? Who discussed financial, architectural and other issues? Who gave permission for all those excesses and immodesty that the newspaper Sovetskaya Rossiya writes about today? 4 This has never happened in my presence. Why is Gorbachev given the right to behave this way? I think that this right is only possible - 37 -

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in a closed society, in the absence of any control on its part. Gorbachev probably hoped to live and relax in these mansions, about which no one really knows anything, for many years, if not always.

And the people ... Even if he did not know about this and other similar facts, he guessed. And gradually he lost confidence in the party, in the leadership. This is another reason why neither the Communists nor ordinary people came out to defend the CPSU in August.

I also remembered one of the Politburo meetings, at which Gorbachev, in an extreme degree of irritation, shouted to me:

- And what kind of money are you eating? How much does one stage of your rocket cost? He spat once into space, billions, you see, they fly there ... 5 I am not talking about the rudeness and vulgarity of our secretary general, I leave it out of parentheses: it was always characteristic of him. But on the merits of what I have said, Gorbachev's constant misunderstanding of the necessity of spending on space, his obliging adjustment to the mood of the West, interested in our all-round weakening, was the main reason that the Energia-Buran complex, its colossal potential, turned into the country's future, it is frozen that this direction is not developing today. A grave crime against the state is being committed.

... Meanwhile, at the same time, a luxurious, unheard-of-excesses palace was being built in Foros - for Gorbachev.

1921 - Evgeny Arkadievich NEGIN was born (died February 3, 1998), a scientist in the field of nuclear physics and technology.

Lieutenant General of Aviation. Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of Lenin, Stalin and State prizes. Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. From 1949 he worked at KB-11 (VNIIEF), Arzamas-16. From 1959 to 1978 - chief designer for the development of nuclear charges. 1978 to 1987 - Director

- Chief Designer and First Deputy Scientific Supervisor. From 1987 to 1991 - Chief Designer and First Deputy Scientific Supervisor.

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January 17. On Friday, Nixon, the former President of the United States, said that it was necessary to help what was left of the USSR, but this should be done by the G7 countries, just as the United States once helped the Six. The United States, as the only superpower now, should occupy a leading position and favor, provided that: a) our development direction should be market oriented; b) the policy must be loyal to the US policy; c) the leadership of the countries (former republics of the USSR) must ensure “a” and “b” successfully.

As I think, this is not the key point of the "new thinking" yet.

Presidents Bush and Yeltsin will meet on February 1 after the Security Council meeting to discuss the state of affairs in Russia and strategic weapons management issues (both from the latest radio news).

*** Yesterday evening, a radio refutation of Yuri Yudin (press secretary of the prosecutor's office) was given regarding the release of V.A. Kryuchkov. This is not true, he was not released, not at the dacha, but in Matrosskaya Tishina. On the other hand, Grushko said that he was being treated, but did not know whether he was at home or in the hospital.

Half of the red sun in the window (From pre-war memories) Summer flies. Sticky tape or small saucers on the windowsills with thick gray paper on which is written "fly agaric" and skulls with bones and two letters "Poison" are drawn in the corners, an exclamation mark is as thick as a bone near a skull filled with water.

Death to the flies!

I'm hot from running, thirsty, by some miracle on tiptoe (the windowsills are low) I reach out, drink ... Screams, noise ...

Gastric lavage from below, from above ... I don't remember very well ... I wake up

- it is quiet, dark, only bright ropes stretched from the window to the opposite wall of the room, silvery ropes, if you look closely, there is something living in them, moving, disappearing, arising. Everything is gone ... Ropes, but not oblique and silvery, but - 39 -

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horizontal and reddish, and not bright, flies buzzing on sticky tape ...

I understand that I have been put in bed and the windows in the room are hung, my mother is still at work ... The windows are being opened, I remember half the red sun on the horizon ...

This is the village of Repki, Bohodukhiv district, Kharkiv region in 1934 or 1935. There is also a courtyard fenced with a tynom (wattle fence) with a "climb" to the neighbors. There was a big red-and-white, terrible rooster on the ground, beating other people's dogs, everyone who came and me. My grandmother dealt with him with a stick, but soon he disappeared, and I became the owner of the yard.

I was two or three years old ... Acquaintance with the case begins - 125 volumes! Roughly speaking, they are about:

Vol. 1. Initiation of a criminal case, creation of an investigation team, changes in its composition, extension of the investigation and detention period.

TT. 2-11. Preparation for a conspiracy, meetings at the ABC facility, materials regarding V.A. Kryuchkov.

TT. 12–20. Materials concerning Tizyakov A.AND.

TT. 21-28. Materials concerning Baklanov O.D.

TT. 29-53. Trip to Crimea and blocking of the President.

TT. 62-69. Materials concerning Lukyanov A.AND. and Yanaeva G.I.

TT. 70-77. Materials regarding OS Shenin, GKChP and his activities.

TT. 78-80. Materials concerning V.A. Starodubtsev

TT. 81-98. Interior Ministry, preparation for the storming of the White House, internment of deputies.

TT. 99-114. Materials regarding Yazov D.T., the entry of troops into Moscow.

TT. 115-124. State TV and Radio, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

TT. 125. Materials of a separate order; cases allocated by territories.

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*** On "Mayak" broadcast of the officers' meeting. Sharp! It came to the point of demanding the resignation of Minister Shaposhnikov and bringing Gorbachev to justice for the collapse of the state.

January 18. Saturday Upset listening to the officers' meeting. Ashamed and alarming, the officers have more common sense than the politicians and the leadership of the Ministry of Defense. The actual beginning of the collapse of the army.

Shaposhnikov could not chew the porridge in his mouth, and only when he was directly told about his resignation, he “woke up” and took his bearings at the last moment, agreed to leave, which confused the officers. Stolyarov with the rank of general, ideologue of Marxism-Leninism, a talker, led the meeting before Shaposhnikov, made a joke. Shaposhnikov was not smart enough to come to an agreement with the officers so as not to dishonor himself in front of the whole world on air.

B.N. Yeltsin spoke weakly, with liquid applause. "You can only applaud with two palms" - says the Eastern wisdom. And how many have you used here?

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he dodged and cunning, dodged. Karabakh and Mrs. Cox with the experience of Ireland are not accidental, Sumgait, Tbilisi, Baku, the Baltic states, Chechnya Ruslan Imranovich are not accidental; one center has formed fifteen centers, but the market, a mixed economy, merchants, managers need statehood and the protection of their interests.

1917 - Afanasy Yakovlevich LENKOV was born (died June 27, 1980), one of the founders of domestic rocketry, director of the Progress plant, Kuibyshev, head of the production of rocket-space vehicles. Lenin Prize Laureate. Under his leadership, the development of the Energia launch vehicle began.

Judging by the amount of information about this biblical event ... As one of the radio observers wittily put it, if this continues, we can expect workers' demonstrations and a military parade on this matter next year.

The observer is right: there is no sense of proportion ... *** The Dreyfus case ... A question of convictions and punishment for them.

The Gorbachev case is still non-existent and difficult to implement.

No convictions ... You can and should be judged for cheating.

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*** An old parable-anecdote: a poor Jew came to the rabbi, complaining: "There are few dwellings, there are many children, it is difficult to live, help, advise how to live." The priest answered: "Take a donkey, a goat and a rooster into your dwelling, live with them for a while and come to me." This is what the poor Jew did. Life became unbearable, the Jew went to the Rebbe. “It has become impossible to live,” he says to the rabbi. “Let the rooster go ... live and come again,” and so on. After the donkey was driven out, life went back to normal. The poor Jew thanked the rabbi for his science.

Actual parable. The price for one kilogram of sour cream in early January exceeded 100 rubles, now it is about fifty - it has become easier. Thanks to the donkey and the goat.

There are few reasonable actions, they are looking for enemies, but I like the government - it holds on and does at least something. Help, but we are "enemies" ... Why do they make "enemies" of us?

*** The prison, overcrowded with young healthy people, the cell pushes in a rather elderly man.

- Grandfather, what are you for?

- For the "podlyanka".

- Like this?

- I'll show you.

He takes a broom, dips it into the "parasha", knocks on the door. The "feeding trough" opens, the grandfather smears the guard on one cheek with a broom, on the other, and - shast - quickly into the corner near the door. A team rushes in with truncheons: "Grandfather, don't get in the way, let's go to the side!" and starts to "work" ...

- Here is the "podlyanka" ...

There are plenty of modern technologies to "substitute" - both in the prison cell and on the upper floors of power. Just learn, if, of course, you are not sick and have a tendency to spoof.

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10 million people, 1.7 million qualified engineers of research institutes, design bureaus; d) Utkin proposed not to destroy missiles, but to launch satellites under control, i.e. what I wrote to the Council of Ministers to Nikolai Ivanovich Ryzhkov at one time.

1913 - Boris Efimovich BERDICHEVSKY, scientist, head of work in the field of creation and development of autonomous control systems for missile complexes was born. He was engaged in setting up the production of products at serial factories in Kharkov, Kiev, Krasnoyarsk.

1915 - Maksim Andreevich KHARCHENKO was born (died on November 29, 2002), a specialist, head of work in the field of creating the SU RK and RKK. Participant of the Second World War. From 1952 to 1984 - at the plant p / box 201 (State Scientific and Production Enterprise "Kommunar" Association), Kharkov:

senior foreman, shop manager, quality control department, party committee secretary, plant director, senior engineer, head of the plant museum.

January 20th. Monday Getting to know the case takes a lot of time and effort. Apparently, we need to think over a time distribution system.

1926 - Vitaly Ivanovich VOROTNIKOV, statesman and party leader, was born. He contributed to the development of enterprises of rocket and space technology. Member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee. Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

1939 - Alexey Antonovich GREBENNIKOV was born, specialist, head of work in the field of production of elements and units of launch equipment. Laureate of the USSR State Prize. Since 1986 - General Director of PO Yurmash, Kemerovo Region. With his participation in the process from

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for the preparation of units on the topic "Energy-Buran", a plasma-free technology for the manufacture of complexly shaped power elements was introduced.

January 21. Tuesday Summer, life and joy without an edge (From pre-war memories) Today is another anniversary of my father's death ...

I remember a poor rural hospital cemetery. It seemed to me then that a lot of people had gathered, it was cold, there was an abundance of snow, the grave was like a wound on the white body of the earth. They say goodbye to me, put me under my arms ... Father's forehead is cold. I don't remember the face, there are few tears. Buried there often - a tuberculous "leprisorium", always several fresh graves, covered with bright artificial wreaths. Earth

- black earth, and deeper - yellow clay, hard as stone. Down the slope is a pond, where in a couple of years I will fall through the ice; on the other side, not far away, is our lonely adobe-semi-wooden hut with a chicken coop in the yard ... It gets dark early, crows ... Break of memory ...

A year or two before that day ... Also winter, room, dad is on a large bed, a lot of pillows, including oxygen pillows from the hospital's pharmacy. A dim light bulb, for some reason without a lampshade, the electric light was turned off centrally throughout the village. When the engine with a dynamo was stopped through a belt drive, this light began to wink often, often with a smooth transition, less often and denser, into complete darkness.

This happened at about ten o'clock in the evening. Everything plunged into darkness for tens of kilometers around ...

I was not allowed to see him. My grandmother and I slept in a smaller walk-through room between the senets and the one where my father was lying. But I missed my dad, I asked him. Allowed, but "to be quiet." Dad is not up to me - pneumonia or exacerbation of the process, I don't know, suffocates, wheezes, breathes heavily, painfully. Mom winds around him, I sit under the table. Suddenly our cat appears, you see, she can walk, but I can't. I call her, half-force, half-caressingly drag her to me, she doesn't like it, tries to slip out.

I try to tie it to the table leg - screeching, scratching, noise. Me - 45 -

... Baklanov O.D. SPACE IS MY FATE

they pull it out, spank it, send it to bed - it's time, I'm crying not from pain, but from resentment: I so wanted to be near my dad ...

And in the summer, perhaps the same year, I remember my father, smiling, cheerful, with strong hands tossed me over his head, I was both scared and good. Mom is all shining; short hair, white dress, slender, fast, light: she played in an amateur performance, the crowning number is hopak. Father in a white shirt, sleeves rolled up to the elbows. Everything blooms, the sun, summer, life, joy without an edge ...

There were many events today, but I don’t want to write, write tomorrow ...

1922 - Evgeny Vasilyevich SHABAROV was born (died March 14, 2003), Hero of Socialist Labor, Lenin Prize laureate. From 1946 - at OKB-1 (SPKorolev RSC Energia), he worked his way up from design engineer to deputy general designer - deputy general director. He took part in providing preparation for launches of almost all rocket and spacecraft products from the first ballistic missiles and satellites to the manned orbital complexes Salyut, Mir, ISS Energia-Buran.

1932 - Vladimir Fedorovich TROFIMOV was born (died on February 25, 2005). Worked at NPO Energomash im. Academician V.P. Glushko ", Khimki. He worked his way up from design engineer to first deputy chief designer of the enterprise.

January 22. Wednesday Yesterday I didn’t write anything else, although there were events, ”my father recalled. On January 19, a filthy, I can't find another word, an interview with Stepankov, Lisov, Fedorov about the "GKChP case" was published. Concisely:

- the conspiracy was being prepared for a long time, we looked closely at each other, there was no complete plan on paper;

- danger, signal - Union treaty, personal well-being;

.Chapter 1. BEYOND

- August 17 - ABC, development of a plan without paper: isolation of the President; Tips of all levels to cancel; leader, but not Pavlov, but someone else from the conspirators; for crimes

- shooting on the spot;

- 6 organizers;

- what was possible: capture - yes, state of emergency - yes; could not overcome the heroic resistance of the people; Gorbachev was not involved in the conspiracy, but he could have succumbed;

- there is no treason to the Motherland - there is a seizure of power, i.e. conspiracy;

- there is corpus delicti;

- internment - prepared without documents;

- Lukyanov refused to testify, etc.

*** A lot of work to get to know the case, I get tired, I have to go to the regime, it is impossible to accumulate residual fatigue.

Without a core (M.S.Gorbachev) His ideology is the absence of any ideology, the main thing is to be afloat, skillfully follow the flow and imitate violent activity. A good reaction allows you to "shine" in the intellectual circle of "bell ringers". Lack of feedback and, consequently, lack of control and manageability; orientation to the external environment exclusively from the point of view of one's own well-being and personal benefit, the ability to use the appropriate surroundings, domineering clichés, at the same time to widely use personal, trusting and affectionate charm, sociability to achieve a momentary goal. On the other hand, secrecy and unscrupulousness, double-dealing, spiritual emptiness, indifference to one's comrades, the principle “my home is my fortress”, “processed material” is discarded mercilessly, “motor” work with the elbows of the period of “secondary roles” developed a sense of irresponsibility and permissiveness, rhetoric and "Komsomolskozakidatelskoe" attitude to business ... Passion for brilliance and farce.

Any absence of an inner core, a festive balloon - bright, mobile, light, empty ... Mystification, talkativeness, art ...

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The roots are carefully hidden. The image of a principled martyr is gradually being imposed ...

But we believed. Got caught hard!

1934 - Igor Ivanovich VELICHKO, scientist and head of work in the field of creating control systems for sea missile systems, was born. Laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes. General Designer and Head of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “GRTs KB im. Academician V.P. Makeeva ", Miass, Chelyabinsk region.

January 23. Thursday Stepankov, as before, in his formal-mechanical manner, refused to change the measure of restraint for me. L.G. Proshkin reprimanded for the fact that we did not sign in the course of acquaintance with the materials. But between these minor troubles he wrote and sent through V.I. Nifant'ev's message to B.N. Yeltsin. That's all I can do today.

President of Russia Yeltsin B.N.

(Confidential, urgently) Dear Boris Nikolaevich!

In my appeals to you (through the Prosecutor's Office of the RSFSR on November 18 and December 17, 1991), questions were raised about maintaining parity between our country and the United States on nuclear missile problems. It is about preserving Russia's sovereignty.

In this regard, there is an additional danger given the possible ratification by the Supreme Soviet of the treaty signed by Bush-Gorbachev in 1991. The signed agreement, in the opinion of many well-known experts and mine personally (which was previously thoroughly worked out, but ignored), has five assumptions that are unacceptable for Russia.

1. Methodology for calculating the ratio "carrier - warhead (BB)" and the exclusion of BB of England and France (US allies in

NATO) leads to an unacceptable ratio of their quantities:

.Chapter 1. BEYOND

we - they are 1.0 - 1.5 - 2.0 The treaty excluded restrictions on the US Naval Strategic Forces, which is the main component of the US strategic nuclear forces (SNF).

The 1972 USSR-USA Treaty allowed the creation, along the perimeter of the territory of the parties, of early warning stations for a nuclear missile attack. In violation of the Treaty, the United States built (outside the perimeter) a station in Tuma (Greenland) and Force Fox in England. The USSR built (inside the perimeter) the Krasnoyarsk station. We destroyed ours, the USA did not. In our country, a "hole" has formed in the northeast in the defense of Russia. The treaty reinforces this inequality.

The treaty allows the United States to carry out work on strategic defense initiatives (SDI), but we have practically curtailed our work.

NATO is developing and strengthening, the Warsaw Pact does not exist.

In addition, in connection with the creation of the CIS, new circumstances have emerged that require careful study of strategic offensive weapons.

I consider it possible to ask you, dear Boris Nikolaevich, to hear the reports of scientists who know these problems - academicians V.F. Utkin, Yu.A. Mozzhorin, I.I. Velichko, N.A. Semikhatov. and etc.

I want to assure you that I in no way associate the issues raised above with my current situation - I am guided by civic and professional duty.

Respectfully yours, O. Baklanov.

Today marks five months of my imprisonment. Beginning with Christ, all the "great" were deprived of freedom and subjected to humiliation, they, almost all, people remember for centuries, and if people remember the persecutors, then only in connection with these "great". The allusion to oneself is comic.

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*** "Public opinion" and the court. These two Procrustean beds contain only that which fits into the idea of ​​dullness and routine. And what does not fit is evaluated by the descendants and put on a pedestal of "misunderstood geniuses." (Again, not about myself!) January 23 - on this day in previous years:

1924 - Evgeny Avtonomovich ZHELONOV was born, the head of work in the field of organizing the production of devices and equipment for rocket and spacecraft products. Director of the Omsk Electromechanical Plant, in 1969-1988 - Director of the Serpukhov Plant "Metallist", Head of the 6th Main Directorate of the USSR Ministry of General Machine Building, Deputy Minister of IOM.

January 24. Friday We worked with the materials of the case - a novel! It is extremely interesting and exciting: how many positions, points of view, characters, innermost, you experience an amazing feeling ... I would ask you to give the opportunity to work on the materials every day.

Recipe to overcome fatigue:

1. Rub the ends of the fingers with the palms of the hands - 5 sec.

2. Rub your cheeks with your fingers, moving up and down - 5 sec.

3. To knock on the crown of the head lightly with a drum roll - 5 sec.

4. With clenched fists it is easy to rub the forearms up and down - 5 sec.

5. Press on the thyroid gland (below the Adam's apple) with the index and middle fingers - 3 times.

6. For a count of five, press on the carotid artery on one side and then on the other.

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The 25th of January. Saturday The day before yesterday I sent a letter to B.N. Yeltsin, but the position should be stated more broadly, otherwise everything will remain in vain, therefore I will send similar appeals to Khasbulatov, Rutskoi, and also to Mikhail Dmitrievich Maley.

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1911 - Petr Alexandrovich SYSOEV was born (died March 8, 1991), specialist, head of work in the field of organizing the production of rocket-space vehicles. Hero of Socialist Labor. He headed factories in Izhevsk, Votkinsk, Tula, Krasnoyarsk. Since 1966 - head of the Main Directorate and member of the board of the USSR Ministry of General Machine Building.

1912 - Victor Nikiforovich BUGAISKY was born (died in 1994), three times winner of the USSR State Prize. Chief Designer of Branch No. 1 of OKB-52, First Deputy General Designer of OKB-52 V.N. Chelomeya, Deputy General Designer of the Tushino NPO Molniya

G.E. Lozino-Lozinsky. He took part in the development of the Buran orbital ship.

January 26. The ABC says on Sunday that steps are being taken to recruit 2,000 nuclear specialists for skilled jobs so that they are not overbought by Arabs to create nuclear weapons. We are beginning to be bought up as in a slave market for slaves.

*** Thatcher and Gorbachev decided to join forces to implement the new ideals to which they gave so much strength ("Sunday Express"), coordinating the actions of their foundations located in London and Moscow. Once upon a time, we followed the ideals of restructuring and renovation in orderly ranks. Look where the blind line of behavior of our boss, not controlled by inner conviction, has swept out.

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1945 - Valery Andreevich MOISEEV was born, scientist, specialist, head of work in the field of organizing the production of rocket and spacecraft products. Laureate of the State Prize, the Lenin Komsomol Prize. From 1962 to 1990 he worked at the Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant, rose from an adjuster to a chief engineer - first deputy general director.

It is now necessary, after his poems, to get hold of and carefully read the Kolyma Tales. What is the difference from Solzhenitsyn, what is the aesthetics of artistic (artistic!) Prose about prisoners? For some reason it seems to me that this reading will bring more satisfaction than the opuses of Alexander Isaevich.

28 January. Tuesday Sent to Proshkin a petition for a meeting with his relatives - his wife, son, daughter-in-law. You have to think about how to improve your health - you can not stand it.

January 29. Wednesday "We, like poets are crazy, are ready to change the previous one for the non-arriving ..." These lines from the song came to mind from the current advertisement "Prices are significantly below market". "Liberalization of prices" - from the official lexicon, a new "not arrived", but gradually invading.

*** B.N. Yeltsin exchanged pleasantries with Bush on disarmament issues. As Yeltsin said - on a parity basis. Doesn't smell like that from Bush's side ...

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1919 - Igor Nikolaevich SADOVSKY was born (died January 25, 1993), laureate of the USSR State Prize. One of S.P. Queen. From 1958 - in OKB-1 (NPO Energia), he rose from the deputy head of the department to the first deputy chief designer of the Head Design Bureau.

Head of the design development of the Energia-Buran reusable space system.

1929 - Grigory Vasilyevich YUDANOV was born, specialist, head of work in the field of creation of command instruments for control systems with rocket and spacecraft products. Laureate of the USSR State Prize. From 1949 to 1985 - at the plant No. 205 of PO "Korpus", Saratov, he worked his way up from mechanic to general director.

1930 - Vladimir Ivanovich LEBEDEV was born (died December 28, 1996), a specialist in the field of creating gyroscopic devices for rocket and spacecraft products. Laureate of the Lenin Prize and the Council of Ministers of the USSR. 1967–1994 - First Deputy Director for Science and First Deputy Chief Designer of the Research Institute of Command Instruments, Leningrad.

1950 - Nikolay Ivanovich VAKHNO, a specialist in economic activity of Kharkov JSC "Khartron", was born.

Academician of the International Academy of Computer Science and Systems. Since 2002 - Chairman of the Board of JSC "Khartron".

January 30. Thursday A lot of work: I watched and worked with volume 23, interrogations of witnesses and my personal files, key dates and stages ...

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1945 - Valery Aleksandrovich Menshikov was born, a specialist and organizer in the development, testing and commissioning of military and socio-economic RKKs. Laureate of the RF Government Prize. In 1968-1991 he served and worked at the Baikonur cosmodrome, rose from the head of the crew to the chief engineer - deputy head of the cosmodrome for armaments.

1915 - Boris Viktorovich RAUSHENBACH was born (died March 17, 2001). Hero of Socialist Labor, Lenin Prize Laureate. Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, RAS. One of the main leaders in the development of orientation systems and correction of flight trajectories of the first domestic automatic interplanetary stations to the Moon, Venus, Mars, communication satellites "Molniya", onboard multifunctional control system of the first domestic spacecraft "Zenith", designed to obtain photographs of the Earth's surface with high resolution and the accuracy of the coordinates.

1931 - Victor Mikhailovich RYUMKIN, a military specialist, head of work on missile weapons and CT, was born. Laureate of the USSR State Prize. 1979 to 1989

- Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Committee of the Strategic Missile Forces, from 1989 to 1991 - Head of the Main Armament Directorate - Deputy Head of Space Facilities of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

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Koryagina Tatyana Ivanovna (1943), People's Deputy of the RSFSR (1990-1993) from Zelenograd territorial constituency No. 15 in Moscow.

Kraiko Alexander Nikolaevich (1934), People's Deputy of the USSR (1989-1991) from the Bauman territorial constituency No. 3 in Moscow.

Gamsakhurdia Zviad Konstantinovich (1939-1993), the first president of Georgia (1991-1992), was one of the leaders of the Georgian national movement.

Anatoly Zeldin from the newspaper "Soviet Belarus" dated January 4, 1992 under the title "Palace in Foros" with the following letter from Radkevich from Borisov:

“The events of August, although four months have passed, continue to excite our readers. Known only to a few, the resting place of the President of the USSR became known to the whole world. Much has been written about the attempted coup d'etat. And every day new and new details of those now historical days become known. The situation in the country is changing rapidly, political leaders are replacing each other, but Foros is still of interest to our readers. They ask to tell about the famous dacha of the first and last President of the USSR, its further purpose.

In 1986, some departments, including the USSR Ministry of Defense, were tasked in the Crimea and the Caucasus with determining the construction site for the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee's recreation center. Numerous closed magnificent palaces and sanatoriums for recreation of the leadership of the highest echelons of power, which the common man never dreamed of, apparently did not suit.

As a result of intense searches, long deliberations, two sites were selected: on the undeveloped lands of the Black Sea coast, near the Foros Bay, and in the Caucasus

- Gold Coast, in the area between Pitsunda and Gudauta.

“Tops” approved the proposals. Now it was necessary to build, but first it was necessary to reconstruct the military airfields of Belbek and Gudauta. And this is the expansion and lengthening of the runway, new piping for all drive and navigation guidance systems, the arrangement of additional parking spaces for government aircraft. The necessary documentation was developed promptly, in a short time. The military are disciplined people. And on March 5, 1988, hard work began to boil at the Belbek airfield, which was completed exactly three months later. As a result, conditions were created for the landing of the most modern aircraft.

True, it cost more than 6 million rubles. On June 12, 1988, a presidential plane landed in Belbek, performing its first technical flight.

The government commission and the flight crew gave a high technical assessment to the airfield. The airfield in Gudauta became similar, but a year earlier.

Simultaneously with the reconstruction, the construction of complexes for the leader of the country was carried out. In Foros, over 50 million rubles were spent for these purposes in 1 year and 9 months. The best specialists of the Armed Forces, on average 4 thousand people, worked tirelessly here around the clock. Military aircraft - 56 -

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the best imported and domestic building materials were delivered, the latest technologies were used ... The erected complex is amazing. This is not a dacha, this is a chic modern palace. Dining rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, other rooms for various purposes are furnished with luxurious furniture and equipped with ultra-modern equipment. Facing, finishing material, carpentry were supplied from abroad.

And if usually the doors are fitted to the opening, in this case the walls were fitted to the doors. The pinnacle of everything is the bedroom. Who saw, they say, a fairy tale. However, the bathroom ... with an area of ​​about 20 square meters, lined with patterned German tiles, leaves the same impression. There was a place, of course, for the pool, sauna. This "modest" three-story building (not counting the basement) was covered with stamped aluminum, painted to resemble tiles (a special order was made by one of the factories of the USSR Ministry of Defense). The auxiliary building for 200 places, which housed the security and technical staff, is in no way inferior in its amenities and comfort to the best rooms of the Minsk hotels Planeta and Yubileinaya. " On the lawn, as expected, there are superbly equipped sports grounds. Everything was thought out and built, including garages, a pier and a heliport. The contents of the food warehouse would make it possible to withstand any blockade, and the satellite communications center would be able to quickly communicate with any part of the planet.

Looking at the trees, you cannot immediately realize, but you simply cannot imagine that they were dug out in some kind of garden and brought here to revive, decorate the landscape, delight the President and his immediate entourage.

Needless to say, M.S. Gorbachev had to be provided with all the conditions for a good rest. This is undeniable. But, excuse me, what was the need to install a special winged escalator, bought for currency, which was transported from the main house to the sea - 40-50 meters away?

Recently I learned completely unexpected information about Bush and Walesa, Shamir and Mitterrand. It turns out that these heads of government are very modest in their personal lives. And this cannot but arouse respect ... A special conversation about the protection of the dacha in Foros. Fencing, patrolling the entire site, which is about three square kilometers, was established in the most careful way. More than four hundred television cameras were installed along the perimeter of the dacha. That is, every piece of land was visible. (...) The USSR no longer exists, there is the CIS. Gorbachev resigned. What will happen to the dacha in Foros? Many of our readers are interested in this. In my opinion, the fairest

- give it to the children scorched by Chernobyl, let them be treated there. Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian children will improve their health here. Let her actually feel the care and attention not only of foreign governments, but also of her own. But will it be? "

The expression used by Gorbachev is confirmed in the book by A.S. Chernyaeva “Six years with Gorbachev. According to diary entries "(M .: Publishing group" Progress "," Culture ", 1993. S.

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Malei Mikhail Dmitrievich (1941), Chairman of the State Committee of the RSFSR for State Property Management (1990–1991), Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation on Conversion Issues (1992–1993), later served as Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on Scientific and Technical Issues of the Defense Industry.

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1st of February. Saturday I had a date with my family. Lilia Fyodorovna looks better, but is tense, Dima holds on, but, apparently, gets tired. Light is the tone of the team. It's too early to write, you have to feel it, change your mind.

Fedorovna dropped the phrase: a new life is going on ... But this is how it should be, this is natural ... *** Following Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia and Azerbaijan, on January 29, the Uzbek leadership announced the transfer of all military units stationed in with the exception of strategic forces. The collapse of the Union continues.

*** Viktor Filatov, former editor-in-chief of Voenno-Istoricheskiy Zhurnal, Major General, Den newspaper: “We must return Yazov to the Ministry of Defense, Kryuchkov to the KGB. Whether I want it or not, it will be so. " He himself, of course, does not believe in these predictions, they are for another - to create public opinion. But society is now not in a position to sensibly perceive such ideas.

1935 - Vladimir Viktorovich AKSENOV, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, was born. Took part in the development of designs for the Soyuz manned spacecraft and Salyut orbital stations

and their flight tests.

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1941 - Nikolai Ivanovich ZELENSHIKOV was born, winner of the Lenin, State and Government of the Russian Federation prizes.

From 1985 to 1994 - Deputy Chief Designer, First Deputy Chief Designer, First Deputy General Director, General Designer of NPO Energia. Supervised work on production support, ground testing, preparation for launching space systems under the Mir programs, the Energia-Buran reusable space system, and the International Space Station (ISS).

February 2. Sunday Heavy sleepless night ... Fragments of thoughts, visions, words, pains, a mixture of universal, personal, family, children ...

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*** B.N. Yeltsin spoke for the introduction of "blue helmets" in Karabakh.

A real war flares up there, Alazan missiles, armored personnel carriers, artillery are used, people are dying. During the day, January 31, it was reported - more than 300 people! ..

*** Yugoslavia ... We are approaching it stubbornly. The desire to isolate on a national basis means to divide, to become special, alien in relation to another nationality. Friendship - yes, of course, yes, but national community is stronger than interethnic friendship.

Disputes, grievances, territorial claims are born, we are wild, we are dividing fleets, the army, nuclear weapons, diamonds, gold plus religious fanaticism, animal passions ... "New world order" ... But that was already 50 years ago - it ended in a world war , thank God, no nuclear weapons. Rather, - 62 -

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*** The Declaration was signed at Camp David, Russia and the United States from now on do not consider themselves potential opponents. The beginning of a new era. The end of the cold war ... Leave only 2.5 thousand.

BB on each side. Relationships are built on the basis of "truthfulness and sincerity." An invitation to sign the Declaration, according to B.N. Yeltsin, in Camp David was a birthday present, cowboy boots were presented. Cowboy

- not a hero from a western, but a shepherd ...

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*** Famous writer Eduard Uspensky has unveiled plans to create a business textbook for children. He motivated his initiative as follows: “It is necessary to compose some kind of manual, from which our children at least understood that even a huge plant can be private. They need to learn and understand what a share, a joint-stock company, a company, marketing is, how the laws of the market are established. " Ouspensky himself learned the laws of the market by going to America and talking there with a lady who “did very well - 63 -

... Baklanov O.D. SPACE IS MY FATE

in business". Other talented but needy children's writers will also be involved in the work on the manual. And how in our cruel time to fill children's souls with spiritual values, to teach love, kindness and compassion - the respected writer did not say a word about this.

*** Moscow Commercial Training Center held a presentation of graduates from schools of tutors and housekeepers. Having presented themselves, representatives of these rather rare professions in our country got acquainted with families interested in their services, and made their choice. Housekeeper candidates - only women 18 and older - are seriously studying cooking. Classes are taught by chefs from Moscow restaurants, and the obligatory table setting practice takes place in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

Housekeepers are grounded in ethics and relationship psychology, they know how to keep the house clean and provide first aid.

The cost of the services of a tutor and a housekeeper is 500 rubles.

per application, other payments - by agreement (today, on average, 2–3 thousand rubles per month).

In an impoverished country, new professions have appeared ... The division of society into rich and poor, masters and servants is gaining strength ...

1928 - Vitaly Kirillovich KOPYL was born, scientist, head of work on the creation of on-board and ground computing and amplifier-converting devices of the SU. Laureate of the USSR State Prize. Deputy Director General of the Kharkiv National Scientific Center "Institute of Metrology" - since 1980.

1930 - Valentin Nikolaevich ZADEREI was born, head of work, specialist in the field of technological support for the production of rocket and spacecraft products. State Prize Laureate. From 1977 to 1991 - at the Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering Technology - 64 -

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IOM: head of department, first deputy director for scientific work, leading researcher - head of the experimental group.

February 3rd. Monday Yesterday in Crimea began collecting signatures for a referendum on the sovereignty of the Crimean Republic.

The Ukrainian leadership was seriously alarmed by such activity of the “Crimean patriots”.

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February 4th. Tuesday Today the Moscow government has decided to charge fees for rallies and demonstrations. According to experts, a medium-sized rally will cost over 100 thousand rubles. Is this a commercial impulse or an unnecessary obstacle to the political expression of the will of the masses? I lean towards the second.

Council of Ministers of the USSR






The Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR decide:

1. Extend the benefits established Decree The Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of November 10, 1978 N 907 for participants in the Great Patriotic War from among the military personnel and partisans, for persons of the civilian personnel of the Soviet Army, the Navy, troops and bodies of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and the USSR State Security Committee, who held regular posts in military units, headquarters and institutions that were part of the active army during the Great Patriotic War or were in this period in cities, participation in the defense of which is counted in the length of service for the appointment of a pension on preferential terms established for servicemen of units of the active army ...

2. Establish that the persons specified in paragraph 1 of this Resolution, benefits are granted on the basis of a certificate of entitlement to benefits, the form of which is developed by the Ministry of Defense in agreement with the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and the USSR State Security Committee.

3. Issuance of certificates of the right to benefits to persons specified in paragraph 1 of this Resolution, to assign, respectively, to the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the State Security Committee of the USSR.

Establish that decisions on the right of these persons to benefits established Decree The Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of November 10, 1978 N 907, are adopted by special commissions created by the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the State Security Committee of the USSR, on the basis of documents confirming their work in military units, headquarters and institutions of the army.

4. Permit the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the State Security Committee of the USSR for the period of work on the implementation of this Resolution, but no longer than July 1, 1982, to make an additional payment of 30 percent of the official salary to employees of military districts, military commissariats, archives of the Ministry defense, the relevant bodies of internal affairs and state security, directly involved in the implementation of this work.

5. The Ministry of Finance of the USSR and the State Committee of the USSR for Publishing, Printing and Book Trade shall ensure the production by May 1, 1981 of one million forms of certificates of the right to benefits and one and a half million forms of sheets - coupons for the purchase of travel tickets by participants in the war with 50 percent discount.

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