Home Useful Tips What energy channels does the orphan baby connect to? Enri channels - the energy of transformation, connection to the enri channels is intramural, absentee, remote. Connection to egregor

What energy channels does the orphan baby connect to? Enri channels - the energy of transformation, connection to the enri channels is intramural, absentee, remote. Connection to egregor

Additional flows and their correct activation can greatly help a person in everyday life and get rid of many problems.

There are cosmoenergy channels for attracting money, as well as for quickly fulfilling desires, for happiness in your personal life, increasing your luck, and many others. These frequencies are not included in the classical training program for practice, but they are no less popular than the main ones.

Use of practical channels

Such a powerful energetic phenomenon as cosmic channels is capable of much. In most cases, of course, this incredible power is used for healing purposes. The energy of the Cosmos is capable of making a reality that is sometimes beyond the power of any medical practice.

But there are not only healing and protective channels. The enormous power of the Universe can turn anything upside down, turn back time or even change fate. On the scale of the Cosmos, both time and the fate of a person are so insignificant that even the slightest touch of it can radically change the life of any of us.

Using certain channels can make your life truly happy. This powerful force is ready to give whatever you want, you just need to know where and how to competently connect to these energy flows. Many people on a subconscious level are already connected to such channels, these are the people you see on TV, their images are full of magazine covers.

Most people, of course, are not so lucky and should do some work to tune their body and spirit to the frequencies of these auspicious channels, but the results will be worth it.

After a while, you will be able to see the real results of your work, your income will increase several times, life will become more harmonious and happy. The constant development of such channels allows you to enhance the effect exponentially, and full opening will entail the achievement of incredible career heights and happiness in life in general.

There are several options for achieving the intended goals. You can simply resort to opening the money channel directly, below we will take a closer look at this channel and decide whether it is worth it. Or you can try to find the reason for poor financial well-being, failures in life and lack of happiness as such. After all, everyone knows that nothing happens just like that.

If you feel that something is wrong with your life, in all matters you are pursued by one negative outcome, and there is barely enough finances to make ends meet, then you should think about it. You work in the sweat of your brow and make every effort to your every undertaking - it is logical to assume that the cause of this pressing negativity comes from outside.

Many experts from the field of cosmoenergy advise not to rush headlong to connect the money channel, but to try to find the cause of the financial decline. The fact is that even if you use the power of the cash flow that this channel will provide you, it is far from the fact that this money will stay with you.

It is quite possible that you are already one of those lucky ones who were born already connected to the money channel, it is simply that this flow leaves you to the so-called energy vampire, which remotely pumps all favorable energy into itself. In this case, you just need to first put up protective barriers that will protect your energy from external influences, and only then connect favorable flows.

There are also times when ill-wishers do not use your favorable energy for their own purposes, but simply put all kinds of blocks. In this state of affairs, connecting to a favorable flow will not give any results at all, and you will lose faith in the effectiveness of cosmoenergy as a proven method.

Before starting to connect any channel, carry out a complete diagnosis, look for possible places in your energy shell, where favorable currents can flow. Put up one or more protective barriers, as well as clean the energy from possible curses and evil eyes. Only after this preliminary work will it be possible to tune in to the money channel and receive favorable energy with one hundred percent power.

Favorable channels

Money channel

This channel is only responsible for financial well-being. The fact is that often a person independently puts himself blocks on the path to wealth.

Opening the money channel allows you to destroy them and open access to attracting large cash flows.

Of course, this stream will not be able to destroy the strong blocks that were installed by ill-wishers, since it has limited energy.

Also, you should not expect a drastic effect, heaps of gold will not fall from the sky on you, and you will not win several million in the lottery the next day. Remember that everything takes time.

Imagine that the cash flow is a small trickle, at first it is insignificant and does not carry huge masses of water, but over time the trickle will grow. Its floodplain will become deeper and wider, and the stream will be so strong that nothing will stand in its way. Cash flow works in the same way, keep patience and as a result you will get a truly huge increase in your finances, and this process will not end, but will only become stronger and stronger.

Another feature of this channel is that it allows good and favorable situations that bring money into your life to happen more often. Also, a good cosmoenergy is able to program exactly the situation that you want.

It should only be remembered that our Universe is arranged in such a way that nothing can be obtained from nothing. Therefore, be careful about making large sums or a high degree of wealth, perhaps the money channel will be able to fulfill such a wish right away, but you will most likely pay for it with your health or the health of people close to you. Remember, measure is good everywhere.

Christian channels

These channels belong exactly to the category of streams mentioned above.

Thanks to initiation into Christian channels, several problems are solved at once, the negative impact of negative energy is removed and many diseases are cured.

It is this set of channels that is the most effective and incredibly light means for creating protection of different levels. Also, certain Christian streams are able to bring a lot of happiness to a person who connects to them. The initiation process into these channels is absolutely identical to the standard one.

Experts advise to start your journey with the channel of Jesus, since it is this channel that is the most powerful and is a kind of guide to the world of Christian channels. Without the use of the Jesus channel, it would be impossible to connect to the channels of various saints and angels, since their incredible power would simply destroy your spirit. This flow is a kind of conductor that passes all this power through itself and transfers to you an already weakened flow.

It should be noted that the channel of Jesus itself is a powerful cleansing and healing stream; it can be used as an absolutely independent procedure. Connection to the channels of other saints occurs in cases where there is a specific problem and its solution must be completed as soon as possible. If you do not have any specific goal, and the only thing that you would like to get from using this channel is cleansing the aura and a slight improvement in health, then using the channel of Jesus can be limited.

We will now look at the most powerful Christian channels, the use of which allows you to achieve the fulfillment of your desires.

Channel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

This channel is one of the most effective in matters of fulfilling any desires. This stream grants its help to absolutely everyone who turns to it. Its action is directed not only to some specific area of ​​your life, in which you need support and achievement of success, but also to your whole being in general.

In addition, the flow of St. Nicholas has a healing effect, restores and cleanses the chakras, and also fills a person with joy and love of life.

The protection provided by this channel is capable of destroying any witchcraft and black magic. In the shortest possible time, the aura is cleared of evil eyes and curses, grief is removed from your life as such.

Brings happiness to family people and helps those who suffer from it to find it. With the help of Nicholas the Wonderworker, it is possible to gain material well-being and preserve it.

Guardian Angel Channel

The connection with the Guardian Angel is one of the most powerful of all existing in our Universe.

It is this channel that is able to create the most effective protective barriers around you, since each person has his own Guardian Angel, and, therefore, the protection will be individual in nature.

A powerful energy shield, created with the help of your Angel, is able to shield you from absolutely any external negative influences, and its uniqueness will make it impossible for your enemies to bypass this protection in any way.

It should be remembered that this channel is somewhat different from the others, and although it is also cosmic, some preparation is required to open it. The fear of a person to show his thoughts or actions from the past, which can upset or anger the Angel, interferes with the tuning of this flow. Just remember that even the most negative actions, in your opinion, cannot reject your Guardian Angel, his task is to correctly guide you through this life, and not judge.

Also, connecting to the channel can be hindered by the pollution of your aura with negative actions that affect it and karma. Use the connection to the Jesus channel to restore and cleanse your energy shell. This practice will quickly heal your energy cocoon, especially since these channels are at the same frequencies, which will allow you to quickly switch to the Guardian Angel and once again prepare you for communication.

As soon as the Guardian Angel channel opens, you can ask any question, ask for support and help. Also, this stream is able to fulfill your desires and establish the powerful protection mentioned earlier. This channel is highly intuitive, since the Guardian Angel sees your thoughts. He is able to recognize the desires of the owner, even secret and hidden from himself and arranges their fulfillment at the most suitable moment for this.

Like almost all Christian channels, the flow of the Guardian Angel brings harmony and joy into the house of the person who opened it. It improves mutual understanding between family members, and is also able to ward off any trouble from the home and protect it from the effects of negative energy.

Teacher Power Matrix

This channel is not like the others, which were described in the article, because it works only in those cases when the Teacher remained at a higher level than the Disciple.

In the process of connecting to this channel, the cosmoenergy, as it were, calls out to its teacher - the person who taught him this technique.

During the establishment of a connection, the Teacher, as it were, transfers his energy to the Student, as a result of which he receives his skills, knowledge and strength. This method is used in cases when the cosmoenergy realizes that he cannot cope on his own. In addition, thanks to the use of energy channels, the Teacher's abilities are strengthened, they seem to be added to the student's abilities and their work continues synchronously and with a vengeance.

The opening of this channel and the use of this technique is recommended in situations where the strength of one healer is really not enough, for example, fatal diseases, varieties of very strong curses, the patient's dying state, hopeless life situations.

Be careful when using cosmoenergy channels to attract money, it is quite possible that you do not need material goods at all, and you need something else to achieve happiness. It's not for nothing that they say that money is not happiness.

There are various systems that study human nature, traditional and esoteric. But all of them, one way or another, state that man is a complex being. And indeedthe human microcosm is an analogue of the macrocosm and it is of a multidimensional nature: energy-informational, color-emitting, light-emitting, electromagnetic, holographic, solar, vibrational, wave, crystal, plasma, geometric, which indicates

What does this knowledge give us? First, the awareness of the fact that man is a rational, conscious being and is able to control his microcosm. For example, change and follow the given consciousness... Secondly, knowledge of one's own capabilities allows one not only to develop spontaneously according to divine purpose, but also to evolve thanks to one's own design and intention.

This topic is quite voluminous and controversial. The complexity of the material also lies in the fact that today there is no consensus about both the subtle nature of man and his already studied energy-informational component.

I will try to present my own vision, based on well-known and authoritative, in my opinion, knowledge systems, structuring them into certain schemes and sequences.


The main energy - nourishing, connecting, containing and synthesizing natural manifestations in a person - / Ether. Interacting with the astral-mental (energy of penetration) and pranic / etheric energy, as well as the energy of the planet Earth, the energy of biocenosis (Water) and the energy of Agni (Fire), it is activated and creates a space-time hologram, on which the atoms of the substance of this continuum are strung.

And this, in turn, forms the energy-informational matrix of a person, which controls functional processes of both physical and subtle properties.

Energy information matrix is a set of energy holographic-informational sheaths (subtle bodies) around the physical body, called the human aura.

The Aura of the Subtle Body includes three physical / three-dimensional and four supraphysical / polymer / subtle / plasma bodies / shells.

  • Etheric body (energy)
  • Astral body (emotions)
  • Mental body (energy-information matrix)
  • Karmic (causal body)
  • Budhial (intuitive body) - (etheric matrix)
  • Celestial body (body of spirit)
  • Atmanic (keteric body) - (body of the soul).

All these bodies interact in a special way, forming an individual energy-informational hologram, manifested in three dimensions, as a visible and dense physical body.


“In the days of Atlantis, the progress of the sons of men was ensured by the practice of two Yogas. The first of these was the so-called Yoga of the centers, which stabilized the etheric body and its centers in man and caused the development of the astral (author - emotional) and psychic nature. Subsequently, Bhakti Yoga, which appeared as a result of the development of the emotional body, united with Laya Yoga, and the foundation was laid for mysticism and devotion, which then became the main incentives for spiritual realization in the Aryan root race. " A. Bailey. Soul Light.

Having looked into the dictionary of Sanskrit words and terms, we will try to get into the essence of the word "laya" or "laya", which means "to disappear and decay", and in physics and chemistry - "zero point or equilibrium point".

"Laya is the annihilation of the individual soul in infinity, the One, true and absolute Power."

Laya, in itself, is an unattainable and incomprehensible object for ultimate cognition. But still, let's try to open the veil of secrecy over this concept, which originates, at least, from the most ancient era of the time of Atlantis.

The ancestors of the pharaohs and the ancestors of the Egyptians - the Atlanteans, owned the science of the centers, but due to the well-known, death of the same-named continent, and not very well-known to us reasons, they could only partially preserve and preserve this knowledge and then, in an encrypted symbolic form, stored in the gorges of the mountains of Tibet, other difficult-to-pass places, as well as the Akashic Chronicles, the Universal Energy Information Bank, which stores information about all events taking place throughout the existence of the planet and the Cosmos.

We see Laya Yoga as the science of managing life in the three worlds geometrically, with the control of the activity of the centers and channels of the body that connect a person with the macrocosm.

Truly, one cannot attain spiritual liberation and enlightenment without knowing oneself, and the science of centers is an expert guide. But this task is complicated by the fact that apart from scant esoteric information, scattered descriptions in various schools of the East and practical intellectual and intuitive research, there are almost no other lighthouses among the endless ocean of true knowledge.

But the search for the "invisible" is all the more interesting and unpredictable, because the truly obscure outlines become clearer and clearer as we gradually approach them.

Let us turn to several sources that set out this valuable knowledge in a very confusing or deliberately veiled form, and try to "reanimate" them somewhat, breathing "new life", while revealing their secret content and hidden meaning.

Yoga of the centers is the Yoga of chakra development, both universal and individual, with astral or mental polarization (the degree of activity of certain chakras).

In addition to the above vertical channels, there is also a horizontal - The encircling canal starting at the navel (paraphysiological center of the body) and surrounding all the main energy centers of the trunk, head, upper and lower extremities, having connection points with all vertical channels. The energy going through the Girdle Channel moves clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on which channel of the body is currently controlling or dominant.


Every 2 hours the energy in the chakras changes its direction (behind or counterclockwise), which explains the change in activity in 12 additional channels (meridians). That is, when the polarity changes, the movement of spin resonant particles in the electromagnetic field of the centers (chakras) changes.

"Spin", translated from English, "rotate". There is a relationship between spin resonance and the direction and speed of rotation of vortex currents in the chakras. Spin resonance reflects the polarity processes that permeate all manifestations of the body's vital activity at the level of elementary particles.

There is a physical and physiological polarity, and they are different. So physical polarity represents a person's electromagnetic status, and physiological manifests itself as follows:

  • Since each organism is represented by a dual or bipolar metabolism, obeying, then all electrical potentials are grouped in pairs with opposite signs, and the level of one potential is balanced by another.
  • Between the external and internal environment, represented by the connection - homeostasis, there is also bipolarity, where the external environment is positive in relation to the negative (internal).

Also, any pair of organs is characterized by physical polarity, in which the level of one potential always exceeds the other, changing in connection with the cyclical law.

The movement of substances in the human body is consistent with the physical and physiological laws of electromagnetic conduction or impulse, and the law of circulation of qi (ki, chi).

But at the same time, all this polarity is nothing but the not transformed dual energy of unity, DAO, the Absolute, invisible in our linear three-dimensional world due to the conscious will of our incorruptible spirit.

Hide so you can find it again, what could be more fun? Don't you think so? Then turn your eyes to the children. In them the energy of unity seethes and splashes with all the fibers of the soul.

Treat your own life as a game (Shakespeare is mature at the root), and then a lot will seem to you not only funny, but also funny and, at times, even comical.

Smile to yourself and say: "I am the most beloved adult child on the planet, and my spiritual parents are Mother Earth and the Sun-Father, my sister is Nature, brothers are animals and numerous relatives are all living beings that inhabit the myriad of galaxies."

And then, feeling a gentle embrace and belonging with everything and everyone, you will feel at home, wherever you are and in whatever state you are.



It would not be superfluous to draw an analogy with the five centers of fire, visible to clairvoyants, five centers around the human body and five central, penetrating channels, which, like a flower with petals, starting from Muladhara and up to the Sahasrara, form a bud, ready to open up in enchanting flowering through conscious interaction. on the physical level, initiating the control of the emotional and mental bodies in a victorious triumph of spirit in matter.

All energy flows of a person go from bottom to top and from back to front - starting from the coccyx at the back and ending at the penis (men) and from the coccyx to the clitoris (women). That is, the movement is carried out from the Control channel to the Functional channel (except for the scrotum).

The Egyptian system considers two main symbols - the pentagram or pentad, the star of man, which was the mysterious symbol of the sons of Wisdom.

The number 12 is also seen as secret and sacred, representing the dodecad and the geometric figure, the dodecahedron. According to Plato, "The universe was built by the Firstborn on the basis of the geometric figure of the Dodecahedron."

By regularly connecting in meditation with macrocosmic centers, we not only contribute to our own closest to the light of expanded opportunities, but also facilitate this process for our planet Gaia.

We, too, by divine right and origin, can thus unite with our numerous family of light, not being limited to one planet or star system.

Knowledge of the energy centers and channels of the body may seem insignificant and devoid of practical meaning to an unprepared reader.

However, as many years of experience show, information is not meaningless if it is followed by an irrepressible desire to find the best possible development of one's own.

This knowledge is just a fragment of a huge microcosmic mosaic called man. But also it can properly for new discoveries in.

I hope that this esoteric educational program about the multidimensional nature of man and its functions in the context of ancient and modern knowledge was useful to you. And yoursfurther journey into the world of self-knowledge will be memorable, interesting and practically valuable.

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Chi energy

Qi is one of the cornerstones of Taoist theory and practice. It has many meanings: "energy", "air", "breath", "wind", "vital breath", "essence of life", etc. There is no unambiguous definition of qi, but in general it can be interpreted as "the energy or movement of the universe." Taoists distinguish between two main categories of internal qi: inherited and acquired.

Inherited (pre-heaven power, early heavenly power, prenatal energy) is called the qi energy received from the parents at the moment of conception. She stays with us throughout our lives.

The Taoists believed that the egg and sperm have unlimited energy potential, thanks to which they are capable of creating a miracle of nature - a new life. Sperm and ovum represent the condensed essence of the Universal Force and the Force of the Earth.

With the love union of parents, the Yin and Yang energies of their reproductive cells are combined. Before the female and male sex cells merge physically, the man and woman must unite at the level of their vibrations. It is this primordial unity that makes the sperm and the egg unite.

Combining Yin and Yang

At the moment of fertilization, when the sperm penetrates the egg membrane, a light microexplosion occurs. The information contained within them, together with the Universal consciousness, makes it possible to create a human being.

This process resembles the birth of a new star. Parental vibrations resonate with the soul of the unborn child, maintaining contact with it long before conception.

This union attracts external forces: Universal, Earthly, Supreme Being, Cosmic. Together, these powerful forces are able to create a new human life and give it the Original Qi.

Formation of energy channels

Immediately after conception, the first cells of the embryo already have the ability to accumulate and combine the Cosmic and Earth Qi. In the course of its development, the fertilized egg turns first into a zygote, and then into a single-layer vesicle (blastocyst), part of the wall of which, digging into the vesicle, forms a second (inner) layer. The process of formation of a two-layer vesicle is called gastrulation, the embryo at this stage is called gastrula, and its leaves are called ecto- and endoderm. They are the rudiments of its organs and tissues.

The Taoists believed that through the outer leaf of the gastrula (ectoderma) the governing energy channel Du-Mai passes through the inner (endoderm) - the functional Ren-Mai. The first channel is considered as a source of Yang energy, and the second - Yin.

During the further development of the embryo, male energy remains mainly in the energy field, concentrating around the developing nervous system and the Embryo's Control Channel. Feminine energy is concentrated in the stomach, internal organs and the Conception channel.

The child, being in the womb, receives nutrients from her, which come through the umbilical cord, replenishing the supply of the Original Qi. According to Taoist physiology, it is stored, both in the fetus and in an adult, in the space between the navel and the kidneys. It is the Primordial Qi that ensures the intrauterine development of the baby, and it is also the basis of life after birth.

Taoists argued that the movement of energy in the human body occurs through the main portal - the Microcosmic Orbit, the makings of which were laid at the stage of gastrula.

Microcosmic Orbit

Taoists believed that our body is a universe that lives by its own laws. They studied the paths along which chi energy moves in this universe. They called the energy base of our body the Microcosmic Orbit. This energy path runs in the human body along the spine from the perineum to the crown, then down to the upper lip, then down to the perineum.

In the womb, the fetal qi flows in its own fruit orbit. It is like a large reservoir from which Qi flows to all organs.

The Microcosmic Orbit consists of two main channels:

1. the manager starts in the perineum, runs along the spine through the head and ends in the mouth on the upper palate; in the Canon of the Yellow Emperor, it is singled out as one of eight "unusual channels" and was called Du-mai - "vessel-governor", "controlling vessel"; in ancient Chinese philosophy, he was considered "the supreme ruler of all Yang", "the sea of ​​Yang vessels"; Du-may lies in the spine, its walls are the hard shell of the spinal cord, the contents are cerebrospinal fluid;

2. functional goes from the perineum to the front of the body and ends at the tip of the tongue; touching the upper sky with it connects both channels; Taoists also called it Ren-Mai - "responsible vessel" or "vessel of pregnancy"; he is "the supreme official of all Yin", "the sea of ​​Yin vessels", refers to the "vessels of the uterus", is closely related to the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and childbirth in women and the storage of the quintessence of Jing in men, is the "source of birth Qi."

The Taoists believed that the body of the fetus ("unborn", wu-sheng) is the ideal or true state of a person. It was to him that the Taoist monks aspired in meditation.

Primordial and Acquired Qi

In the womb of the fetus, the supply of primordial qi was constantly replenished through the umbilical cord. After birth, the child learns to independently maintain his energy reserves, using the acquired qi (post-heaven qi, late heavenly power, postnatal energy).

The main sources of acquired qi are food, air and water. In addition, we constantly draw energy from three streams: the Forces of the Universe, Space and Earth, even if we are not aware of it. The goal of many Taoist practices is to consciously absorb the Qi of these currents and to teach the art of purposefully using their energy.

The baby is born with an open Microcosmic Orbit through which energy flows. This path remains so until the onset of puberty. The hormonal changes that accompany adolescence and stress can block the movement of qi through energy channels. To prevent this from happening, the Taoists recommend deliberately opening the Microcosmic Orbit, using meditative practices, thereby replenishing your life qi.

Qigong from the diaper

The Taoist approach is the basis for the healthy conception of children, the development and continuous improvement of inner harmony and the maintenance of the required level of healthy sexuality, regardless of age.

Healthy children can only be born in a healthy environment, which is possible in the modern urban lifestyle if you are engaged in spiritual practices.

You can master ancient Chinese practices on a distance online course

And I'll add to this: "Both the mother and the child"... But there are a few links missing between the last two "formulas", right? How does it go from general to specific? How can there be such dependence and interconnection between separate souls?

Love for the Creator begins where a mother first looks into the eyes of her newborn child. This connection is real. These strings, this one umbilical cord- it stretches directly from the mother's thymus and enters the baby's navel center. And this umbilical cord feeds the child. And this is an incredibly beautiful sight.

The greater the distance between mother and child, the more discomfort each of them feels. Because this "food" slows down, some processes are even suspended. And the child strives for the mother, and the mother strives for the child. And this happens as long as both need this connection, as long as everyone gets something from it.

You feel each other as an inseparable part of yourself. None of you can imagine life one without the other. You love each other in spite of everything. What is the most unconditional love on the planet? Answer: between mother and child. But what is this love? In a sense, it is material, tangible. Love is determined by the connection that exists between the subtle bodies of people who love each other.

But mother and child - they are already born in this. The child has this connection from the very birth. And it already depends on the choice of the mother whether she will maintain this connection or cut umbilical cord still in the maternity hospital ... But some "conductors" of this umbilical cord remain forever between the mother and the child, regardless of what relationship they are in.

These "vehicles" are between the causal bodies. And therefore they pass from one of your incarnations to another.

And when you meet a person in first time on Earth and you have this connection - you immediately feel it with all your essence. This is the first time you see a person, but you have the feeling that you have known him all your life. This is familiar to many of you. And this happens not because you have already met in the current incarnation, but because this connection was established between you earlier.

Each of you, being in embodiment, creates many such connections, you know about this. But these connections are established at the level of the etheric, astral and, less often, mental bodies. And by the next incarnation, they are destroyed along with these bodies. Therefore, you do not have these connections in the new incarnation. Only silver threads from the causal body go over with you from one incarnation to another. There are always such threads between mother and child, between father and child.

Even if the mother or father makes a choice to abandon the child, they will not be able to break this connection. Only a child can, if he wishes to make this conscious choice.

In rare cases, such threads may be absent between mother and child or father and child, but these are very specific situations, and we will not talk about them now.

So the baby is born with this. He was born already with "love for his mother", he does not acquire it over time, as some may think. This love is already integrated into the child, whether he wants it or not. And this is also true for the mother. It is along these threads that the soul of the child descends into the womb of the mother. Because these threads existed even before the moment of incarnation.

Each of you has trillions of such threads in your causal bodies that connect you with millions of souls. Regardless of whether these souls are embodied in your dimension or in others. You have these connections always, with every soul from your group. Even if the soul has already left incarnation or is in incarnation, but you are not yet with it touched(not met) in the current incarnation. Even if the soul is just about to come into embodiment ... You probably already guessed that these are your kindred souls, figuratively speaking.

You shine in your causal bodies only because of the trillions of these silver threads.

And I must tell you something else.

Those of you who cannot directly reach out to your Divine Essence seek contact with those who are connected to it in the causal body. Because through this connection, they can come into closer contact with a piece of God within themselves. This is why these souls gravitate towards each other so much! This is why you search over and over and over and over again. Many people spend their whole lives looking for themselves figuratively speaking, this is the only way some people can experience the love of God, get in touch with the Creator. It is available to you as love between a man and a woman.

But when you think you find it doesn't make you complete. You expected completeness, wholeness, but you don't get it in love between a man and a woman, you don't even get it in love between a mother and a child, between a father and a child ...

Because it allows you to touch a part of the Creator, but this is only a tiny part of what you need in order to be whole. And many find here disappointment, while others realize that they need to look further, and find this love between themselves and Nature. When this does not complete them, they find it as love for all that exists. And they already feel this integrity more. And the moment they discover what they have been looking for for many years, Inside Themselves, they will know what love for God is. They can finally feel complete.

This is the moment when a person realizes that he himself is in the center of this love, and these trillions of silver threads are leaving him. And now he will be able not only to receive this love inside, as it was before, but to give it outside. He will return this love of God. He will share it with others. This is what many of you are already doing. You know this. You have always felt it. And now you understand what has changed, what transformation has occurred with some of you. You are complete, you are whole, you are Sacred.

Cosmoenergy is a spiritual practice aimed at teaching a person the ability to use the energy flows of space. You don't have to be clairvoyant or clairaudient for this. Anyone can learn this. The only thing that is required of him is patience and diligence.

Having reached a certain level, a person will be able to achieve the following:

  1. Quick solutions to any life situations and problems;
  2. Disclosure and expansion of creative abilities, activation of mental potential;
  3. Getting rid of physical ailments and trauma, healing the emotional, spiritual, physical, mental and etheric body;
  4. Career growth and self-realization;
  5. Solutions to monetary issues.

How it works?

Energy channels are also called frequencies. In the language of higher energies, they represent a stream of vibrations sent by the cosmos. Passing through a person, they influence all his bodies and even fate. This effect is achieved due to the fact that each chakra in the human body has its own frequency. Harmonization between the frequencies sent by man and the frequencies sent from outer space helps to activate defense and other mechanisms.

You can use the energy of space on yourself, on other people, on animals, or even from a photo. It is important to remember that the vibrations of each channel differ in the way they are used. Some of them require careful preparation to open.

Channel types

In cosmoenergy, there are about 200 different channels. They are divided into four blocks:

  1. Buddhist channels. They are most often used for self-treatment (Channel of the Holy Buddha, Ranul, Kurf, etc.).
  2. Magic channels. They are distinguished by a stronger flow of energy. They are used to obtain information (Tama, Titan, Mama).
  3. Master's channels. They are distinguished by high vibrations and synchronization of various frequencies (Perun, Pirva, Shiva).
  4. Egregory or Zoroastrian channels. At this level, work takes place with egregors.

Where to begin?

Each cosmoenergy begins its path with mastering the channel called "Farun-Buddha". It allows a person to strengthen his biofield and nourish the aura for further assimilation of the energy flows of the cosmos. The process of working with frequencies is very energy-consuming, therefore, without mastering the "Farun-Buddha", the further path will be problematic.

The very first thing to do is clean up. The process consists of nine steps. When performing cleaning, it is important to do everything slowly, thoughtfully, to feel everything that is happening with your soul. For the procedure, you will need ordinary household salt.

Cleaning the aura

So, first you need to relax, take a deep breath and clear your mind. If you can't be in silence for a long time, you can turn on background music for relaxation and meditation. Then you need to imagine that instead of legs, you have roots with which you stretch straight to the center of the earth. Feel the core energy flowing through your legs in a powerful and intense flow. Find a weak spot in your body. It will give you discomfort, prick, radiate cold. With your ethereal hands, take some of the Earth's energy and slowly "lift" it higher. As soon as you get to the "energy plug", throw it out. If it doesn't give in right away, twist it slowly, swing it from side to side until it surrenders under your efforts. Then throw it in salt.

Negative feelings can appear to you in different guises. Someone feels them like cold, mud, a needle or a knife. You need to cleanse every inch of your body. With extreme caution, you need to treat the procedure in the area of ​​the heart.

When the cleansing is over, exhale and pat yourself. You need to fully return to your physical body. When finished, be sure to get rid of the salt. It can be buried in the ground or blown away in the wind.

How do I open a channel?

Each frequency has its own characteristics, but the principle of opening the channels is similar. To do this, you need candles, incense or aromatic oils, and a place to retire:

  1. Light the candles as fire purifies. In the light of the flame, the outlines of objects change, the thin line between the worlds is erased.
  2. Use aromatic oils or incense. They will help you relax faster.
  3. Get into a comfortable position.
  4. Try to feel that your body is becoming light and airy.
  5. Close your eyes and imagine that you are in another dimension.
  6. Visualize light and let it completely consume you.
  7. You can stay in this state as long as you want. You cannot hold onto the light by force. This will cause unwanted voltage and prevent the channel from opening.
  8. When you feel ready to return, take a slow deep breath and open your eyes.

After such sessions, you cannot get up abruptly or immediately throw yourself around the house. Feelings of calmness and harmony should not leave you for the maximum long periods of time.


One of the Buddhist frequencies of healing is the Ninalis channel. It helps heal the heart and cardiovascular system, get rid of allergies and flu. In addition, he possesses information about the negative influences of past lives, damages, curses and suggests how to cope with them, harmonizes the emotional background, and helps the heart to cope with energy losses. Nanilis is used by fortune-tellers to remove damage to death, personal and ancestral curses, and remove necrotic ties.

If a mother uses this channel, then she can easily cure her child, even in the most severe cases. For this, it is only necessary to correctly apply the channel energy. Treatment for allergies and flu is non-contact, heart treatment is done by laying on hands between the fourth and fifth chakras.

Killer Channels: Good or Evil

While some channels are used for healing, fulfilling desires or seeking love, others carry destructive energy. They are called killer channels. The main function of such channels is to destroy hostile entities that have a negative effect on a person's aura. Such creatures can settle in a person's house, and sometimes settle in himself. You can meet them at all levels and in all astral worlds. They are very dangerous. Every practitioner must take care of protection from them.

So called "energy killers" are present in the Master's block. Unfortunately, they affect not only the essence, but also the cosmoenergy itself. Therefore, when connecting to such channels, it is important to be able to simultaneously connect to frequencies for protection.

Fulfillment of desires

Every person has desires. To speed up their implementation, you can use the frequency of Mitra and Humo. Such a ritual can only be performed strictly after initiation. The procedure for connecting to the channel itself is simple:

  1. In your head, draw an image of what you want in all details and details;
  2. Close your eyes and concentrate fully on desire. The more “tangible” the image is, the faster it will come to you in real life;
  3. After a while, you will start receiving pictures;
  4. Then gold and red colors will appear, different sounds will be heard.

Confirmation of a correctly foreseen ritual will be the appearance of a significant figure. For example, the image of a Chinese dragon.

Raising money

The Cabaret money channel is used to attract financial flows. Correct setting will help to get rid of existing blockages for profit and enrichment. She will also contribute to changes in life, the emergence of influential acquaintances, the receipt of new business proposals and career prospects. People who have experienced the influence of the ritual speak of it in the most positive way.

  1. In a relaxed environment, feel and present yourself as successful and wealthy. This helped to tune in to the desired channel;
  2. You will need to keep concentrating until the visuals appear. From them it will be possible to determine the correctness of the ritual being carried out;
  3. After connecting to the channel, you can ask for what you want. It is important that it be formulated as clearly as possible.

Protection channels

Every practitioner knows that it is impossible to engage in esoteric activities without adequate protection. There are several levels: shell, pyramid and pearl. You need to connect to the appropriate channels even before the smallest sessions. Protection is needed for both beginners and experienced masters. After the ritual, you need to make sure that everything works.

So you can protect yourself from possible negative influences of beings at different astral levels, "echo" from the use of killer frequencies and the impact on you of the energies of other people.

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