Home Useful Tips How to limit PC time for users. Limiting the time of the computer and programs. Screenshots of Mipko Time Sheriff

How to limit PC time for users. Limiting the time of the computer and programs. Screenshots of Mipko Time Sheriff

The task of each parent is to protect their child from the dangers that may lie in wait for him on the Internet, as well as from computer and gambling addiction. If adults are still able to control themselves when using PCs and smartphones (and even then not all) and distinguish the malicious content of all kinds of sites from the acceptable, then the child is beyond the power of this. Parental control programs make it possible not only to track the activity of your children at the computer, but also to restrict it according to certain parameters.

Key features

The most accessible tools that do not require special configuration are selection in the search engine and in the operating system itself. Among search engines, content filtering based on automatic restrictions is provided by Yandex and Google. One "but": you can only configure the degree of filtering, and the types of content are not defined. Only porn sites are effectively removed from search results.

In Google, you can set a password for your account with security settings. In this case, children will not be able to change the search settings and remove restrictions.

If your child has an account on the social network, be sure to study its security settings and set the highest possible level of protection. Possible measures: setting the minimum visibility of the page for outsiders, disabling the ability to find a child through an email address, phone number, dividing friends and subscribers into groups according to the level of access to information from the page. It is also helpful to be personally interested in the content of your child's friends' posts. If one of them posts unwanted content, limit the ability to show news from this person on the social network.


If you own a Windows computer, you can use the Family Safety utility. It can be downloaded from the official Microsoft website if you have an account and OS version starting from Vista. Create a separate account for the children on the computer and enter restrictions for it - the settings are flexible here.

  1. Activity log with data on when and how long the child was sitting at the computer;
  2. Limiting the time of working at the computer (for example, two hours a day);
  3. Prohibiting the use of a computer at night;
  4. List of visited sites and open programs;
  5. Request system: when a child tries to open a prohibited site or program, his parent (account creator) receives a request to allow or block this action;
  6. Built-in internet filter with whitelisting and inappropriate content notifications.


Parental controls have been provided here since version 10.5. Less features than Windows:

  1. Allowing or blocking sites, e-mail recipients, messenger subscribers, applications;
  2. Introduction of a computer work schedule;
  3. Limiting the duration of computer use and access to certain equipment.

Additional features

A safe bet is to restrict visits to certain sites from your computer and phone that are connected to your home Wi-Fi network. To do this, you need to enable content filtering in the router settings. Most serious manufacturers include this feature in their devices. The MAC address (network card address) of the parent's computer must be entered into the router's memory, and after that any changes to the filtering settings will be possible only from it. And in order to configure restrictions only for the child's devices, add their MAC addresses to the router database.

Parental controls for smartphones and tablets iOS, Android, Windows

The most serious parental controls are provided on devices Apple:

  1. Obviously indecent applications are not allowed in the AppStore.
  2. It is possible to set additional restrictions on the launch of the browser and the installation of new applications.

Mobile technology has Android fewer built-in opportunities for total control - at least because you can download applications not only from the Play Store, and it is more difficult to keep track of all sources. In the app store, you can customize the level of content that is acceptable for children based on what is offered by the system for a certain age. The Application Protection function is suitable for preventing the installation of unknown applications.

Android versions from 4.3 on tablets and some phones have built-in parental controls. Functions:

  1. Creation of a separate profile with limited access (without Internet content filtering);
  2. Disconnecting the Internet on a smartphone remotely;
  3. Complete list of visited sites and applications;
  4. Ban on downloading new applications.

Smartphones and tablets on Windows boast the ability to connect to the same Parental Security account as home computers.

Control capabilities:

  1. Filtering Internet addresses in the browser;
  2. Request access to launch games and applications;
  3. All parental controls designed for PC.

In case you are not satisfied with the functionality of the built-in parental control on the child's equipment, you can supplement it with one of the numerous programs for child safety. They are divided into programs to protect information on the parent's smartphone, which allow children to "play", and applications for devices belonging to the children themselves.

Parental control in Windows is a built-in function of all operating systems from Microsoft, with which parents can organize the child's work at the computer, prohibit the use of certain programs or sites, and view statistics on PC activity.

The function is useful in any family, because you will always be aware of how much time the child spends at the computer, what sites he browses and what games he plays. One of the main parental control options is setting the time to turn on the PC. You can prevent your child from turning on the computer, for example, after six in the evening. As a result, he will not be able to log into his account in any way.

Windows Parental Controls

With the standard control option, parents will be able to:

  • Track all the actions that the child performed at the computer. What programs were launched and how long did they work. The system provides the PC administrator account with detailed reports on children's accounts. Thus, you can get the most complete picture of the interaction between the child and the computer during the week or month;
  • Parental control on a Windows computer allows you to install game programs, taking into account their age limit. The child will not even suspect that there is an active monitoring function. During the installation of games, the system will automatically check the digital signature of the installer, which contains the name of the game, the developer's company and the age limit. If the age is higher than the one allowed by you, the application will not install under the guise of a system error;
  • Full control over working with the browser, search engines and various web resources. Track the history of your child's activity on the Internet, limit the use of sites whose descriptions contain the keywords you specified;
  • Limiting the time of working at the computer. Set the time period during which the child can turn on the computer. Upon expiration of the required time, the work of the gadget will be automatically terminated. This option will allow the child to organize their daytime schedule and help to get used to the limited sitting at the computer without the constant requests of the parents to turn off the device.

Create accounts with password

Before setting up parental controls in any version of Windows, you need to create two accounts on your computer - for you and your child. If the account of the parents is without a password, the child will be able to bypass all the restrictions set without any problems by logging in under the administrator's account.

The child's account does not need to be password protected. It will be easier for the account owner to get started with the computer without entering the passcode. You just need to click on your profile photo and wait for the desktop to load.

Follow the instructions to create multiple system users in Windows 8/10:

  • Open the start menu and click on your profile picture;
  • Then, in the drop-down list, click on the "Change account settings" field;
  • In the window that appears, go to the "Family and other people" section;
  • Click on the "Add a family member" button;

  • Then go to add child account mode and follow the instructions of the setup wizard. After completing the procedure, two accounts will appear on the computer - yours and the child's;

To set a password for a user record, click on his photo and select "Access Password" from the list. If the administrator account is associated with Microsoft Online, the access password is the password for the associated email account.

Instructions for Windows 7 users:

  • Go to the control panel and select the "Category" view mode;
  • Click on the field "Accounts", and then on the button for adding a new profile;
  • Set a password for your account and for the child page. In Windows 7, this is done by simply clicking on the user's photo and entering a passcode in the settings. There is no binding to Microsoft Onlline service.

Setting up a feature in Windows 7 - how to enable

Parental Controls in Windows 7 supports the following options:

  • Limiting the time the computer is turned on;
  • Configuring the list of allowed programs;
  • Limitation on the running time of games.

To enable control, make sure that a child account has been created on the computer. Then open Control Panel and select the User Accounts field. Select an administrator profile.

Check if a password is set. To familiarize yourself with the documentation on parental control from the OS developer, click on the field indicated in the figure below.

All additional profiles will be displayed under the administrator account. Click on the child's record, in our case it is the Tester icon. Next, a window will open with additional information.

In the section "Selecting allowed actions" activate parental controls.

Now you can start limiting the work of the second user. The above window displays a set of parameters that you can change. The first one is setting the computer's operating time.

You only need to mark the time range during which it will be allowed to use the PC. The setting can be made for each day of the week. Click on the white square to change its color. Blue color means that at this time the child will be able to work at the computer.

To select several cells at the same time, hold down the left mouse button and select the required time interval.

The next function is to set up work with installed games. Here you can prohibit or allow the inclusion of game applications, set the allowed age rating, or manually select those games installed on your computer. That the child can turn on.

Notice! If the application does not indicate its rating, it will also be blocked for the second account.

To save the settings, click on the "OK" button at the bottom of the screen.

If pirated games are installed on your computer, it is recommended to configure access to applications manually, since these programs will not be displayed in the window for selecting the allowed age limit.

To check the correctness of all settings, be sure to test the operation of all functions yourself. Try to play a prohibited program or game. If necessary, double-check the correctness of the set parameters.

Setting up parental controls in Windows 10

Parental Controls in Windows 10 has even more features and capabilities. The innovation that the developer launched is the option to control purchases in the Microsoft store. Parents can set the maximum purchase amount and age limit. Thus, a child cannot buy a game that is intended for a certain age.

In total, there are 5 categories of software in the app store, sorted by age:

  1. 6+ years old;
  2. 12+ years old;
  3. 16+ years old;
  4. 18+ years old.

Create a child account as described above and set a password for the system administrator page. Now you can start setting up parental controls.

Immediately after creating a new account, log in under her name and check if she really was created in the "Child" category. Also, you can customize the design of the desktop and add all the shortcuts necessary for the child's work. This will allow children to get started faster and not search for the necessary programs in all the folders of the system.

To manage the child's record settings, go to https://account.microsoft.com/account/ManageMyAccount?destrt=FamilyLandingPage and log in with the record of the owner (administrator) of the computer.

The second account is already linked to yours. To start setting up, just click on the additional profile icon.

Available settings:

  • Work timer. To limit the time spent at the computer, set the allowed time range for each day of the week.

Also, in the parental control settings window there is an option to control the location of the child. If he is using a portable gadget with Windows 10, parents will always be aware of where the child is. This is possible with real-time geolocation services.

Disabling the parental control function

Let's take a look at how to turn off parental controls on Windows 7.10. To deactivate the function in Windows 7, just go to the child account settings and uncheck the box next to the "Parental Control" field.

To deactivate the option in Windows 10, go to the family account on the Microsoft website and reset all previously set restrictions.

Additional parental control software

In addition to standard control tools, you can download other programs for organizing children's work at the computer from the Microsoft Store.

Waky safe

Waky Safe is a simple and functional utility for organizing information search on the Internet. The utility is used as an absolutely safe browser. Which is recommended for use by children. There are built-in mini-games.

Kid search

Limits the ability to work with the Internet. Parents can adjust the settings for working with search engines and social networks.

Computer and child health

Programs for limiting the time of work on a computer

Child and the Internet

Content filtering programs

I consider this section to be one of the most important in this book. I have two children, for whose fate I, like any father, worry. A child, growing up, makes mistakes, often not paying attention to the warnings of parents, but if they are not helped to master the world, they will make many more such mistakes. Many parents of today got acquainted with the computer already as adults, often out of professional interest, so their experience cannot help children. A computer is bought as a means for games, the child goes into the virtual world, and the parents go about their business, rejoicing that he does not smoke and does not stagger in the basements.

However, the idyll does not last long, and the time will come when adults face certain challenges. These are emotional and nervous overstrain, a child's isolation, health problems, not to mention the fact that friction with the law may arise. The computer is an assistant, but it can become an enemy. There is no unequivocal solution to such problems. In order to take any steps with respect to the child, you need to figure out the issue yourself. In no case should a child be isolated from the computer just because of their own unwillingness to understand the problem. The computer, like any other achievement of technology, has become an integral part of life, and it is impossible to eliminate it.

A person who owns a computer will find a job faster. Many adolescents who grasp novelties on the fly can make good money at the age of 14 in the fields of journalism, programming, website development, etc. Nobody will ask him for a passport, the employer is only interested in the result. Why deprive a child of that chance? Maybe just active participation is enough?

Despite all the options for using computers, there are three main areas: cognitive, play and communication. The extreme of any of them can lead to danger:

Passion for computer games: extreme variant - gambling addiction;

Passion for learning in technology and programming: extreme - hacking;

Passion for the very means of network communication: the danger is Internet addiction.

This book is a computer book, so we will look at the situation from a technical point of view, without going into details. In this issue, I see at least two global problems that can be solved with the help of programs: a long time the child is at the computer and access to information for which the child is not yet ready (both qualitatively and quantitatively).

9.1. Computer and child health

Most adults who work at a computer at the end of the working day complain of discomfort - fatigue, burning eyes, etc. An adult, unlike a child, knows how to control time, in addition, the child has not yet developed physically, mentally and socially, therefore, many problems that seem frivolous to an adult can have unpleasant consequences in the case of children.

"Computer" diseases

With constant work at the computer, specific diseases appear: visual impairment (55–65% of users), diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system (20–25%), diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, from which typists still suffered, etc.) and the cardiovascular system. According to the site http://comp-doctor.ru/, the main harmful factors acting on a person who works at a computer include the following:

Sitting position for a long time;

Exposure to electromagnetic radiation from the monitor;

Overload of the joints of the hands;

The stress of losing information.

All the syndromes of "computer" disease were described back in the Middle Ages by the doctor Galen, who treated monks who were busy rewriting the "Word of God", and found that most often they suffer from a weakening of visual acuity, an increase in myopia, and later nervous symptoms develop - hand tremors and sleep disturbance. The 21st century has added only specifics, and the signs have changed not for the better.

The monitor screen consists of several million luminous points. They burn unevenly, which a person does not notice, but his eyes catch. Moving our gaze from the screen to the keyboard, we dramatically change the lighting conditions, which only exacerbates the situation. Looking at the monitor screen for a long time, we prevent our eyes from blinking, as a result of which the eyelids do not wet the retina, which leads to several problems at once. Solving various tasks, one has to look at small letters, numbers and pictures displayed on the screen for a long time at a close distance. As a result, visual acuity is quickly lost.

A forced sitting position, in which the neck, head muscles, arms and shoulders are tense, causes osteochondrosis and scoliosis. A heat compress is formed between the seat of the chair and the body, which leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, and, as a result, unpleasant diseases appear. A sedentary lifestyle often leads to obesity. Working with a mouse and keyboard, in which the hands are tense in the wrist joint, and the impact on the nerve endings of the fingers leads to wrist syndrome, numbness and tingling.

Much has been said about monitor safety. In 1992, with the adoption of the TCO'92 standard, the problem of harmful radiation of the monitor was practically solved (it was then that special screens that protect the user from radiation disappeared). Modern standards have developed some provisions, but the basis has remained practically unchanged. When buying a modern monitor, including one that uses a cathode-ray tube, you can be sure of its relative safety. The problematic place of all monitors is the side and rear walls, where the level of electromagnetic radiation can be increased. The physical characteristics of the air in rooms with a long-running computer also change: the temperature rises slightly, the relative humidity falls below the norm, the content of carbon dioxide increases, the air ionizes and dust accumulates.

The following conclusions can be drawn.

It is necessary to limit the time the child spends at the computer. Many people call the figure 15 minutes a day, but, as a rule, it is possible to adhere to it only for children of primary school age. The older the child gets, the more difficult it is to pull him away from the computer.

The workplace should be well lit and comfortable. It is advisable to place the monitor in a corner or against a wall. On the Internet, you can find enough information about what a workplace should be like, indicating the parameters for each age. However, children develop in different ways, and the stores offer furniture of standard sizes, so there is one rule: the child should be as comfortable as possible, he should sit without tension, calmly and relaxed. The chair must have a backrest. The child should sit at a distance of at least 50–70 cm from the monitor, his gaze should be at the level of the center of the screen. The landing should be straight or slightly inclined forward, with a slight tilt of the head, arms - lie freely on the table, legs - not hang, but stand on a stand.

In the room in which the computer is located, wet cleaning should be systematically carried out, the room should be ventilated. Flowers and the aquarium will help improve the physical characteristics of the air.

From this list, the greatest difficulty is the control of the total time spent by the child at the computer, since it can be used in class at school, at home, visiting friends, in computer clubs. Here you have to rely only on the consciousness of the child. Although there are programs that allow you to limit the time spent at the computer (they will be discussed later), their use can cause a negative reaction, therefore, explanatory work on the part of parents is very important here.

Syndrome of computer games

The purpose of buying most home computers is to use them as an entertainment platform. First of all, these are games. The syndrome of addiction to computer games has not yet been investigated, and when studying it, one may come across opposite opinions, which, however, agree on one thing: the consequence of long games is emotional and nervous overstrain.

Some games require a quick response, and short-term concentration of nervous processes causes fatigue in the child. The best specialists work to create an appropriate gaming atmosphere. The player must complete the game with his hero. Games open up a new world for the child, in which he is a great commander, space warrior or special forces, who has been awarded a large number of awards. The whole world in games is aggressive towards the hero. However, this is in a virtual world where it is possible to replay. In real life, faced with obstacles, the child will not be able to overcome them in the same ways as in games, and the accumulated experience will not help him. There he is a commander leading a soldier into battle, and here he is a simple man forced to prove his usefulness to society. It is still difficult for him to divide the world into real and artificial. As a result, isolation arises in himself and in his virtual world, where everything is as he wants.

Being at the computer, the child experiences emotional stress. Spending a lot of time with him, the child does not have time to do everything else, he abandons his studies. A decline in school performance is one sign that it's time to take action. Some believe that the performance indicator is a good motivation for the child: if the level is below a certain limit, the child is prohibited from working at the computer.

The main mistake is that an adult may not be ready to buy a computer. The child says that he needs to buy a computer so that he can play, and the computer is given as a birthday present. Parents are less interested in what exactly the child will do. The child is left to himself in the virtual world.

From the very beginning, it should be emphasized that a computer is an instrument of cognition, learning, a tool of labor, a means of communication, and only then - an entertainment system. It is easier to explain to parents who use a computer for professional purposes: the child sees that the father is working at the computer, and they treat the machine as a tool like a hammer that can show cartoons and games, but only in their free time.

Games are also different: there is a whole set of games that can help in mathematics, languages, writing, develop logic; quick reaction and quick wits; even card games not only do not damage the psyche, but are also considered useful. The session time in such games is an order of magnitude shorter, and the gameplay can be interrupted at any time. It is with such games, and not with killing monsters, that a child should begin to master the computer.

If you are not indifferent to the fate of the child, pay attention to what games he plays: it is advisable that he cannot hide how much time he spends at the computer, which must therefore be in the common room. In this case, it is quite natural if you invade his living space to ask what he is doing, play together or just talk. Take an interest in his experience of the game, and also focus on the experience of real life events. The latter is especially important: it is necessary to unobtrusively explain the differences between the game world and the real one. The child must understand for himself that life is more interesting and colorful than superficial impressions of the computer world.

9.2. Programs for limiting the time of work on a computer

The main thing in the allocation of time to work at the computer remains the child's consciousness, and parents should periodically remind him of the importance of a break. However, parents cannot always track the fulfillment of these requirements, for example, while at work, so they have to rely solely on conscientiousness.

One of my acquaintances allows his son to play only when his parents are at home, and by that time he should have done his homework. As a control over the implementation of this rule, it checks which programs were launched during the day. It's easy to do: just execute the menu command Start> Search, select a category Files and folders, then click on the phrase When were the last changes made?, set the switch to position Specify Range, select the item from the drop-down list Open, in the fields with and on set the current date and in the list Search in select all partitions on the hard drive. After pressing the button Find you will know what files have been opened during the day, and you will be able to infer if the child was playing.

However, getting around this is as simple as using it — you can change the current date, so it’s very important to have complete control over the system. If you are using an operating system based on the NT kernel such as 2000, XP, or Vista, create a new account. To do this, run the menu command Start> Control Panel, Select a category user accounts, then Create account, then in the field that appears, enter the name, in the window Selecting an account type choose Limited entry and press the button Create an account... Working under such an account, the child will not be able to change the system parameters and damage the system either accidentally or in the event of a virus attack when accessing the Internet.

By using one of the following programs, you can trust your child's computer when you leave the house without hiding the power cord or otherwise restricting access.

StopKids: take a break

To preserve your eyesight, when working at a computer, you need to take breaks after a certain time. Adults often do not adhere to this rule, let alone children. StopKids will help you solve this problem. After installation, it is loaded into RAM and, depending on the settings, periodically turns off the computer. You can use the computer again only after a specified period of time, and if you try to start it right away, the program will detect this and will not allow you to work.

The application is designed for preschoolers and young children: older children will probably be able to turn it off. StopKids is free and can be downloaded from the project website http://capitan.webhost.ru/stopkids.shtml... The program is easy to use, all parameters are set in the configuration file StopKids.ini which is in the directory C: \ Program Files \ StopKids.

Open it in Notepad by double-clicking the program icon in the file manager and set the following options.

The name of the child is set here

Name = Kirill

Working time at the computer, by default 45 min

MaxMinutes = 30

Time before shutting down the computer (given to close programs),

default 5 min

OffMinutes = 5

Rest time from computer, default 15 min

RestMinutes = 10

These are all settings. After editing them, save the changes and exit the program. Now, when you turn off the computer, a message with an explanation will appear on the screen (Fig. 9.1). When the time specified in the parameter remains before switching off OffMinutes, another message will appear and the computer will turn off after the specified time interval.

Rice. 9.1. StopKids warning window

To disable the program, use Magic word... Calculating it is easy. If you need to disable the program for a while, enter in the field a number equal to the sum of the current hours and minutes, and if you want to disable the StopKids autoload, enter a number equal to the sum of the day of the month, hour and minutes.

Lord of Time Time Boss

This is another program whose purpose is to manage the uptime of users registered in the Windows system. With Time Boss, you can also prohibit the launch of certain types of programs (for example, to surf the Internet) or limit their use by time.

The principle of operation is simple. For certain users, a time limit is specified for working on a computer or on the Internet, and as soon as this user exceeds the limit, the program automatically ends his session or closes programs that use the Internet. At the same time, it is possible to flexibly set a time limit, specifying an interval during the day or distributing the time by days of the week. The invisible mode has also been implemented, when the icon usually displayed in the notification area is hidden and the user cannot view the features of the program.

With a set frequency, Time Boss takes a screenshot, and you can always know what was launched in the system, that is, the nature of the activity of any user. By looking at the run log, you can see how long each program has been running.

The program is well thought out, so when using it, the child will not be able to deceive the parents.

The latest versions of Time Boss are paid for and can be downloaded for free at ( http://www.nicekit.com/ru/), and once installed, it will be fully functional for 30 days. Although the old free version is still available on some file servers, it does not support Windows Vista, otherwise there are practically no differences. After installation, a new icon will appear in the notification area. Right-click on it and select the item from the context menu Main. The main program window will appear. Before you start distributing the time on your computer, you should change the interface language. To do this, run the menu command File> Options and in the appeared Time Boss preferences window in the drop-down list of the area Language select item time_Boss_russian.lng(fig.9.2). The program interface will become Russian. Let's figure out the rest of the settings that can be done in this window.

Rice. 9.2. Time Boss Settings

Time Boss Settings

In the area of Protection you can install or remove the protection of the program. To activate protection, press Install... So that you cannot stop Time Boss by pressing the key during system boot F8 and going to Safe mode(crash protection mode, in which the minimum set of programs is loaded into memory), also press the button Install in field Safe Mode Protect... It will take some time, but you can be sure that the program will always work. In the area of Password check the box Turn on and enter the password twice - you have protected the settings with a password.

There are two types of users possible in Time Boss: Chef and Slave... The former have unlimited rights and can make all settings, define lists of prohibited and allowed programs, view statistics, while the latter can only view settings and log. To point Configurator has been removed from the context menu, that is, a user with the rights Slave couldn't view the settings, check the box Remove the call to "Configurator".

Checkboxes in the area Weekend allow you to specify the days that you consider weekend. Perhaps you think you can play more on Friday and get ready for school on Sunday. You will need this setting to add the time your computer is used on such days.

In the area of Programs using the Internet contains a list of executable files of programs that are commonly used to access the Internet. This list is needed so that you can control your child's Internet access. By default, only Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla, and Mozilla Firefox web browsers are displayed here. To add another program, enter the name of its executable file (with the extension EXE). For example, by entering icq.exe, you will be able to control the use of ICQ. If you are using another program to control Internet usage, select the Turn off IE monitor: in this case, information about visits to Internet sites will not be recorded in the program log. Button Prepare for deletion removes protection, stops the program and allows you to uninstall Time Boss from your computer. You cannot delete the program without pressing this button. To delete, use the item Installation and removal of programms in the window Control panels Windows.

The rest of the parameters are responsible for storing logs and screenshots. In areas Magazine and Pictures you can set the retention periods for event records and snapshots by specifying the required values ​​in the corresponding fields. Button Clear all! will remove log entries and snapshots. You can also set the time period after which screenshots will be taken in the Do every ... min... Note that if you take pictures frequently, they can quickly fill up hard disk space.

Screenshots can be additionally duplicated by saving them in a different directory. To do this, check the box Included in the area of Additional folder for pictures and specify the folder where the pictures will be saved. When done, click Close... Now you can distribute the time users work at the computer.

Configuring Time Boss

Interface Configurator can be of two types: Simple and Extended... Switching between them is done in the menu File... It is recommended to make initial settings in Advanced mode and then switch to Simple: All settings will be saved. V Simple mode for settings there are two sections of parameters, in Extended- seven.

Computer time... Here you can set limits on the time of work on the computer for each user.

Internet time- the time limits for working on the Internet for each user are indicated, while the computer time has priority.

Access to Internet sites- here you can set a list of allowed and prohibited Internet resources: just drag the addresses from Favorites or enter them manually. You can use a whitelist of only these sites (this option only works with Internet Explorer).

Prohibited programs- the list of allowed and prohibited programs for the selected user is indicated. For example, you can prevent certain games from running, or specify a directory or hard disk partition, and all programs located there will be prohibited. The use of the "white" list here is somewhat different. You can prohibit all programs in the section in the "black" list, and then allow the necessary ones in the "white" list. Programs are checked once a minute.

System Limitations- here you can restrict the user's work with some Windows functions: make a hard disk partition or a separate folder invisible, disable Control Panel, Task Manager, Registry editor, the ability to change the date and time, download using Internet Explorer... For example, by turning off the drive A, you will protect your computer from viruses brought on a floppy disk.

Miscellaneous- additional program settings: splash screen display, text warning about the end of work and the time it will take to display it, enabling the invisible mode, setting the computer to automatically shutdown after a specified period of time.

Prizes- here you can specify a one-time (bonus) time for working at a computer or on the Internet. For example, for good studies, you can enter an extra hour that the child can use at any time.

Setting the running time

Let's take a closer look at setting the time of work at the computer in the section Computer time(fig.9.3). Settings in the section Internet time are similar.

Rice. 9.3. User uptime settings

First, go to the tab with the name of the user for whom the settings will be made. By default, the tab names correspond to the users created in the system. Only Someone is the name under which the program controls all users registered in the Windows system and not added to the Time Boss program. User Someone cannot be deleted. If you need to add a new user, click the button New and enter the name you want. Buttons Rename and Delete serve to change the name and delete the selected user.

First in the area The main thing put the user in a category Slave so that it cannot change the settings. Then, to know the details of the work of the currently selected user, in the area Magazine check the box Included and activate all the events you want to know about:

Programs- start and stop programs indicating the path to the executable file and time; This feature is useful, especially at first, as it allows you to correctly configure the lists of allowed and blocked applications for the Internet;

System programs- starting and stopping system programs in most cases is not necessary, but if the child is good at a computer and tries to deactivate Time Boss, you will find out about it;

Internet sites- the list of visited web pages can be useful for creating lists of allowed and prohibited sites;

Pictures- automatic creation of screenshots.

If you are confused by what you are spying on, check the boxes in the area Magazine to preset Time Boss, and then when all programs are listed, turn off logging or specific features such as screenshots.

In the area of Amount of time you can specify the maximum amount of time to work at the computer per day and / or week, that is, for example, you can set 3 hours a day and a maximum of 10 hours a week, and the child will decide for himself when to use the limit. This is convenient as it also teaches you how to plan your time. The interval of the day when work is allowed is set using the switch in the area Time boundaries... There are three possible positions:

Anytime- the user can work at the computer at any time of the day;

Only in between- the time interval is set during which the user will be able to work at the computer: even if he did not manage to exhaust the limit, the program will block access;

Within the schedule- by choosing this option, you mark the time during the day when the user will be able to work at the computer; it is better not to play before going to bed, and on weekends you can let your child play in the morning.

In the area of Bonus on weekends, you can add time on weekends. In the area of Time left you can get information about the time not used during the day. Using the three buttons on the right, you can add 15 or 30 minutes and remove the remaining time from the user.

Time Boss work log

After configuration, the control of the work of all users is carried out using Of the magazine. Magazine displays the moments of start and finish of the work of users and programs. Only users with the permissions have access to it. Boss... Open Magazine from the window Configurator or from the context menu of the program icon. Window Of the magazine has four tabs.

Magazine- Shows starting and stopping programs, shutting down your computer, and using the Internet. On the left panel, a user is selected, after which, using the filter system, you can quickly select the events of interest (Fig. 9.4).

Rice. 9.4. Time Boss Magazine

Pictures- by going here, you can view all screenshots taken by the program, and the checkbox Compress snapshot allows you to view the entire drawing. Using the buttons on the left, you can start autoplaying pictures.

Statistics- graphs of statistics of Time Boss (computer) and individual users.

Summary statistics- statistics of work at the computer by Time Boss and individual users for the day, week and month.

When you cleanse Magazine in the window Properties, statistics disappear, so save logs and snapshots in advance if you think you need them. Screenshots are by default stored in the folder C: \ Program Files \ Time Boss \ Screenshots, they can be copied to another location. To save records from Of the magazine, you need to open the page with the required data, select it and select the item in the context menu Copy... Next, you need to open any text editor (for example, Notebook or Microsoft Word), paste the data into it and save the file.

Time Boss will not only save your nerves, but will also allow your child to learn how to plan their time, teach them discipline.

9.3. Child and the Internet

Gathering a child to school, adults explain to him the rules of behavior and safety. The same should be done when accessing the Internet, only instead of pens and notebooks, the child needs to be given completely different tools with him: antivirus, firewall, anti-spyware and spam tools. On specialized resources, you can often find the question "From what age can a child be allowed to access the Internet?" There is no unequivocal answer to it, but even for a three-year-old child on the Web, you can find a lot of interesting and informative: what is one view of the Earth from the window of a spaceship worth!

The first access to the Internet occurs in the presence of parents, and at primary school age only with them. Initially, adults play an important role in teaching children how to use the Internet safely, as well as developing certain habits in the child. It is necessary to explain to him the elementary security measures, the procedure for using protection tools, tell him why it is impossible to open files received from unknown correspondents - all that was described in the previous chapters of the book.

The dangers of a child on the Internet

Most people associate the Internet with anonymity, ease of access to information, the absence of borders and censorship, and security. However, not all so simple. Some of the dangers have been discussed earlier, and anonymity will be discussed in the next chapter. The Internet is a reflection of the real world, and all vices and negative phenomena are found here as well. The ease with which a child can receive any information should keep parents alert. According to the site http://www.wiredsafety.org/, the following dangers may lie in wait for the child on the Internet.

Access to inappropriate information: pornography, propaganda of hatred, intolerance, violence, cruelty and disinformation.

Access to certain information can lead children to take actions or buy items that are potentially dangerous to them. There are sites offering instructions for the manufacture of explosives, selling weapons, alcohol, poisonous and poisonous substances, drugs, tobacco products and offering to take part in online gambling.

Harassment from other Internet users (most often other children are the attackers) who behave rudely on the Internet, insult and threaten. The child can also download viruses to the computer or be attacked by hackers.

Children can reveal sensitive and personal information by filling out surveys and participating in online contests, and can fall prey to irresponsible marketers using dishonest, illegal marketing methods.

A child can be tricked into buying goods over the Internet, as well as giving out important financial information to other users (for example, a credit card number, PIN code, and password).

Cybermaniacs can pursue a child for the purpose of a personal meeting.

You can also add gambling, which can attract a child with bright advertisements that promise easy and quick winnings, as well as a relatively new phenomenon - cyber suicide, which is much talked about in Japan today. In this country, they have already paid attention to sites describing how to commit suicide, as well as mass suicides using this information.

If older children can find forbidden pages themselves, then small children can get to such a site by accident. When I got acquainted with pharming, I considered this type of attack as poisoning the DNS cache. This method of redirecting users is used not only by farmers, but also by the owners of other resources interested in attracting new users, therefore, choosing from the menu Favorites the address of a harmless resource, the child may end up not at all where he expected. It is necessary to foresee such a situation and explain how to behave in this case. If you are near - just close the browser window. Using special programs, which will be described below, you can protect your child from such surprises.

It's easy to find out which sites your child visited in your absence. When you surf the Internet, any web browser keeps a log of the most recently visited sites. In recent versions of Internet Explorer, the toolbar has a button Magazine, v Mozilla Firefox it's a button History(History). Web browsers also create temporary copies of pages known as cache files. To view such files in Internet Explorer, run the command Tools> Internet Options then on the tab General in the area of Temporary Internet Files click on the button Customization and in the area Temporary Internet Files folder click View files... You will see a list of sites, images and cookies.

Similar opportunities exist in other browsers, but it should be remembered that children who are good at a computer know how to cover their tracks, therefore a more effective way is to create clear rules and frank communication with the child.

It is important to explain to the child that not everything written and seen on the Internet is true. Train him to ask if he is not sure of something. Make it a rule to discuss what you see and what you read. A kid will always want to stand out, so after reading about hackers, or worse, finding instructions for making explosives or something similar, he'll probably want to try it out. Here you cannot do without explanatory work, and if you suspect something like this, you can find facts on the same Internet telling about the consequences of such acts - this will help cool hotheads. Although I don't see anything wrong with studying technology: such a child can grow into an excellent system administrator or security specialist.

You should also remember about plagiarism and piracy. In the first case, a child, after reading job invitations, can send, for example, an article to a magazine, simply by copying it from some site. In this case, it is necessary to warn him that the editors maintain strict control over the articles and, before printing them, are compared with similar materials. There are many resources on the Internet offering free download of movies, music, as well as hacking codes for programs. It is worth mentioning that this is not always done unselfishly, since a Trojan can be sent with the program. On the other hand, there are known cases of hunting for pirates, when special services created a fake website and collected information about all visitors, and then information appeared in the press that a group of pirates had been covered. Believe it or not is a question, but the fight against piracy does not stop, and those caught can experience quite unpleasant consequences.

One of the greatest dangers of the Internet is associated with instant messaging services. In chats, you can communicate in real time with both acquaintances and strangers. The latter is fraught with the greatest danger. According to statistics, it is in chats that the majority of Internet incidents directed against children occur. Many people generally discourage young children from using chats or communicating only in moderated chats, that is, those that are monitored. The anonymity of communication can contribute to the rapid development of trusting friendships. Criminals take advantage of this anonymity to forge relationships with inexperienced young people. It is important for the child to know that the person who introduces himself as a 14-year-old is not necessarily her.

Internet addiction

There is a lot of talk about internet addiction today. Until now, there is no unequivocal opinion on this matter, it is not defined what exactly should be understood by this term. Some believe that such an addiction exists and it must be put on a par with gambling addiction and other similar ailments, and therefore it must be treated. Others say that there is no phenomenon of Internet addiction as such, the hype around is exaggerated, and we can only talk about the general dependence of a person on any kind of technology.

For example, the 75-item version of the definition of Internet addiction was proposed by the World Center for Nonaholic Anonymous. Despite the jocular tone, some items meet serious diagnostic criteria. You are internet addicted if the following statements are true.

You need 15 minutes to scroll through the browser bookmarks on the screen.

You are thinking hard what else to search the web.

You refuse to go on vacation to an area where there is no electricity or telephone line.

After checking your mail and receiving the "No new mail" message, you check your mail again.

You get up at three in the morning, go to the bathroom, and check your mail on the way back to bed.

You tell the taxi driver that you live on http: //Moskva.ul.Lenina/dom2/kv.5.html.

You just thought about typing this address in a browser and seeing what comes of it.

You tell the kids that they can't sit at the computer because "Daddy has a lot of work" (while you don't work at all).

You walk around your room, find that your parents have gone somewhere, and have no idea when and how it happened.

Sleep is no longer associated with night time for you.

When you turn off the modem, you experience a terrifying sense of emptiness, as if a loved one has just dumped you.

You start using emoticons in regular mail.

You start to tilt your head to the side to smile :).

The last person you met was in JPEG format.

You ask the doctor to add a couple of gigabytes to your brains.

People who sit in chats for a long time may develop poor communication skills, that is, in real life they are afraid of new acquaintances and feel insecure. Probably, there will be no problems here for a sociable child, but it will be more difficult for shy children to adapt to society.

Internet addicts are annoyed by every problem that interferes with the next access to the Internet. They are characterized by poor sleep, lack of physical activity, etc. The truth is in the middle - one should not forget that any activity in moderation does not cause problems. Try to balance your child's physical and social activity and sitting at the computer. There is only one conclusion: if you leave your child alone for a long time, he will soon forget about his parents and begin to live an independent life, and whether there will be a computer with him does not matter.

Some rules for using the Internet

The family needs to determine what is acceptable and what is not acceptable when using the Internet. At the same time, encourage children to share experiences, go online together, control the resources that the child visits. Explain that the difference between right and wrong is the same online and in real life. There are also hooligans on the Web, scammers who are talked about a lot on TV, and the rules of good form also apply here. To prevent possible problems, you should develop rules, bring them to the attention of the child and monitor their implementation.

Never, under any circumstances, provide personal information: home address, phone number, place of study and work of parents, credit card numbers, Internet passwords, even the name of a dog, etc.

Do not send photos of yourself and family members without the permission of your parents (via the Internet and using regular mail).

Never meet in person with friends purchased online without parental permission.

Never do anything online that requires payment without parental permission.

If hooligans meet on a resource (chat or game), you just need to disconnect and return later, or switch to another resource.

9.4. Content filtering programs

Let's look at some programs that help create a safe Internet environment and protect your child from information for which he is not ready.

Sentry K9 Web Protection

K9 Web Protection is an easy-to-use web filtering system and restricting access to web services. Its interface is not localized, but this does not prevent its rapid development. K9 Web Protection is ready to go straight out of the box.

When you enter the address of an Internet resource, a request is sent to the external database. All sites in this database are divided into 55 categories, classified by a special rating. These categories include adult sites, sites that send spyware, phishing that advertise alcohol and cigarettes, guns, violence, and other unwanted resources. Considering that such sites appear on the Internet every minute, the information in the database is constantly updated. If the request falls under the allowed category, the user does not even notice the filtering, otherwise a message about blocking the resource appears on the screen (Fig. 9.5).

Rice. 9.5. Blocking an "adult" web resource by K9 Web Protection

The program is free for non-commercial use. You can download it from the project website http://www.k9webprotection.com/... To work correctly, you need a computer with the operating system Windows 2000 / XP or Windows Vista, the version of the web browser does not matter. When downloading, you will need to select the version for the operating system you are using.

K9 Web Protection intercepts requests and blocks pages in Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and some other browsers. During installation, you will need to enter a license key, which can be obtained by specifying on the page http://www.k9webprotection.com/license.jsp a valid email address to which the key will be sent. In addition, you will need to set a K9 Web Protection administrator password, which you will need to access settings and unlock pages.

After installing the program on Desktop a shortcut will appear, double clicking on which will launch the web browser with the loaded page The same address will appear in the menu Favorites... From here, you can navigate to three pages:

View Internet Activity- viewing statistics of work on the Internet with an indication of the visited web pages;

Setup- configuring the parameters of the K9 Web Protection;

Get Help- help (in English).

To access the settings and view statistics, you must enter the administrator password created during the installation of the application.

K9 Web Protection Settings

At the top of the program window, click Setup, enter the password - you will be taken to the K9 Web Protection blocking policy settings page. The parameters are grouped into seven sections. In chapter Web Categories to Block the blocked categories are selected (fig. 9.6).

Rice. 9.6. Settings page for blocking web resources

There are several preset values:

High- maximum protection mode: all unwanted categories are blocked, including sites that do not have a rating;

Default- the mode used by default: all unwanted categories are blocked, including sites without rating "allowed";

Moderate and Minimal- sites for adults and spyware are blocked;

Monitor- all categories of sites are allowed, but information about visited pages is logged;

Custom- the user himself sets unwanted categories of sites to visit.

In chapter Web Site Exceptions specifies web resources that should always be blocked ( Sites to Always Block) or, conversely, allowed ( Sites to Always Allow) regardless of other settings. You just need to enter the site address in the field Add a site and press the button Add.

By setting in the section Other Setting checkbox Use Google SafeSearch, you will enable Google Safe Search. As a result, the request will not display links to resources containing pornography and materials of an explicit sexual nature.


You can turn on Google SafeSearch yourself by going to http://www.google.com/preferences and selecting the Strong filtering option that appears to the right of the Safe Search heading. Remember to click the Save Settings button before exiting. For Google SafeSearch to work, your web browser must accept cookies.

Chapter Time Restrictions allows you to specify the time during which you are allowed or denied access to the Internet. Click the button Allow or Deny and specify the day of the week and time when access should be allowed or denied, respectively. The prohibited period of time will be highlighted in red, the allowed period will be grayed out. You can immediately select an area and click one of the buttons. After making changes, click Save Changes.

In chapter Blocking Effects sets the reaction of K9 Web Protection to page blocking. With the option selected Bark when blocked sound will be played during blocking, select Show admin options on block pages will allow you to unblock the page, for which you will need to enter a password. Region Time out settings will block access to all websites if, within a certain period of time, an attempt was made to visit several unauthorized resources.

Chapter URL Keywords is auxiliary, since resources are perfectly blocked using the information entered into the database. However, if you find that some sites go through the filters, or want to add your own category, then include a keyword or template on this page. If it matches, the site will be blocked.

The last section, Change password, allows you to change the administrator password.

Viewing web surfing statistics

By clicking the button at the top of the window VIEW INTERNET ACTIVITY, you will be able to view the log of web activity on your computer. Two viewing options are offered.

View Activity Summary- you will receive general information on the categories of web resources that were visited on the computer, indicating their number and viewing status (blocked or not) (Fig. 9.7).

Rice. 9.7. Viewing web activity with K9 Web Protection

View Activity Detail- similar information, but without sorting by category.

Built-in ParentalControl Bar module

If you use Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox to surf the Internet, you can recommend another free and simple program, more precisely, a built-in browser module - ParentalControl Bar.

The home page from where you can download it is http://parentalcontrolbar.org/install/parentalcontrolsetup.exe.

As with the programs described above, the ParentalControl Bar can help parents prevent their children from accessing adult sites. The plugin comes with a set of customized filters based on sexual content, obscene language, violence and other criteria, allowing parents to choose from various filtering options. The program also allows you to block or allow any specific site to be viewed.

During installation, you need to set a password that will allow you to access the settings. Then you need an internet connection. As a result, a new panel will appear in Internet Explorer (Figure 9.8).

Rice. 9.8. ParentalControl Bar

The button on the left provides help information. If you have forgotten your password, please select here Forget password, and a password will be sent to your mailbox specified during installation. The parameter is controversial: if your child has access to the mailbox, he will be able to get a password and remove protection.

The next switch has two positions corresponding to the operating modes:

Parent-Mode- parental mode without restrictions: to switch to it you need to enter a password;

Child-Mode- children's mode, in which all restrictions apply.

In addition to the lists of criteria compiled by the developers, you can add your own resources. To add the current site to the allowed list, click the button Add site to Safe List, to add to the list of prohibited resources - Block this Site... Another option is to directly enter addresses into Change Parental Settings... The settings window that appears contains three tabs. Two of them are intended for changing the lists of allowed and denied web resources. Tab Basic site filters allows you to set the categories of sites that the child should not go to. Please select Block to block sites in this category, or Allows- to disable blocking.

No computer and no program can replace live communication with a child. Only by communicating can you help him find the right path in life and avoid problems. How long have you been in the movies with your child?

for parental control

Limiting the operating time of the computer and programs

Time Sheriff lets you limit the amount of time your kids spend at the computer. You can also restrict specific programs or sites separately.

Our practice has shown that observation much more efficient restrictions... Restrictions cause negative emotions and the desire to somehow remove them.

Controlling the use of the computer and programs

They can work discreetly on a computer without causing negative emotions. At the same time, they allow you to be fully aware of what the child is doing and protect him from possible mistakes.

For home

Program Personal Monitor is installed on the monitored computer and saves all the actions of the users of this computer.

Personal Monitor follows the most winning strategy - unrestricted covert surveillance.

As additional functions, periodic sending of reports by e-mail and "alarms"- immediate notification of parents in case of using predefined words in correspondence (personal information, home address, etc.).

The program is easy to install and inexpensive.

Personal Monitor

Protection for your child

personal monitor for windows

Free version
for 3 days

For office

Program Empployee monitor has all the functions of Personal Monitor, as well as the ability to monitor the work of users in local networks (peer-to-peer, domain, terminal).

Employee Monitor is installed only on the computer from which parents or supervisors will monitor the computers of children or subordinates.

As additional functions, graphs of time tracking, use of programs and sites are available.

Empployee monitor

Try it for free

employee monitor

Demo version up to 30 days

Mipko time sheriff

Mipko Time Sheriff is designed to control the time your children spend at the computer or work with specific programs and sites. With the help of this program, you, for example, can be sure that your child plays computer games and communicates on social networks for as long as you allowed him to, and does not sit at the computer at night.

Control of the operating time of the computer, programs and sites occurs at the operating system level, based on Windows users. Therefore, you can easily set up restrictions for children that will not affect you yourself - just use the computer under different users.

There are two types of limitation of the computer's operating time per day - a certain number of hours of work every day or the allowed intervals for using the computer, determined by the schedule. When the allowed time ends, the computer stops the user using one of the predefined settings: shutdown, logout, hibernation, or blocking.

The running time of programs is limited for any selected program or for groups of programs. For example, the predefined group "Browsers" includes 6 most used programs of this class. You can add any programs and create groups from them at any time of using the program.

Any program, site or their group can be allowed or prohibited for use completely, as well as limited in time by a schedule containing allowing or prohibiting time periods.

If during the use of the program its permitted operating time ends, then 30 seconds before it closes, a warning opens, allowing you to save the results of this program's work. From the warning menu, you can extend the time of working with the program, knowing the parental password.

The program can be reliably hidden from the child, working in an invisible mode: without launching shortcuts and tray icons. A custom keyboard shortcut is used to bring the program out of invisible mode.

With the release of the Windows 8 operating system (and later Windows 10), the Time Sheriff program has lost its relevance. All its functions are included in the parental control package for these operating systems. We removed it from the site - at the moment it is impossible to download the program and get a license key for it. We recommend using Personal Monitor.

Personal Monitor for Windows

Right Now: Protect Your Child From Online Dangers At A Special Price - Total

Good afternoon, comrades, today I want to tell you how to define and how this time can be limited, for example, for children who, instead of lessons, sit and play with the computer. This functionality has long been a part of the operating system, but unfortunately not all users know about it and do not properly apply this technology, but I will try to fix these knowledge gaps in your bright minds.

And so earlier we had an update to Windows 10 Anniversary Update 1607, after which we received the Windows 10 Redstone operating system with you. You are faced with a task, or interest in how to find out the operating time of a windows 10 computer, and I will help you with this.

  • The first way

Dozens of Task Manager will help us in solving this problem. To get into it, click on the start area, right-click and select Task Manager from the context menu, or you can press the Windows 10 CRTL + SHIFT + ESC hotkeys.

Go to the Performance tab and at the very bottom you will find the Windows 10 Redstone Uptime item. In my example, I just booted up and I have it equal to 5 minutes and 53 seconds.

This is the simplest method of all.

  • Second way

The second method will be done from the Windows command line. Right-click on the start button and select Command Prompt from the context menu.

To find out the operating time of the windows 10 computer in the cmd window, you must enter the following command

  • The third way

To find out the running time of windows 10, we will use another command line command, namely

net statistics workstation

After working it out, you will see the Statistics field after and the date, this is the operating system boot time.

  • Fourth way

Press WIN + R with you and enter ncpa.cpl in the window that opens.

You will open Network Adventures, select the active network interface and right-click on it, select the State item from the context menu.

In the Network Interface Status window that opens, find the Duration field, this is the operating time of windows 10.

  • Fifth way

Here we will use powershell capabilities to determine the running time of windows 10 and WMI data. Let's first draw the WMI output.

$ wmi = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem
$ wmi.LastBootUpTime

$ wmi.ConvertToDateTime ($ wmi.LastBootUpTime)

As a result, we see what we need.

You can also display the running time with millisecond precision.

$ wmi.ConvertToDateTime ($ wmi.LocalDateTime) - wmi.ConvertToDateTime ($ wmi.LastBootUpTime)

  • Sixth way

In this method, we will use the Windows 10 logs, right-click again on the start button and select Event Viewer.

Go to the System log, click the Filter of the current log, in the window that opens, enter the code 6005 and click ok.

As a result, this system log will be filtered and you will receive the necessary events. We see our system boot time.

Limiting computer time windows 10

And so we learned how to calculate uptime, now let's learn how to limit the computer's work by windows 10. Our task is to limit the local account owned by your child to do the lesson. Why we do not use parental control, if you go under the controlled account of the child, and in it - in the account settings and enable the local account instead of the Microsoft account, the parental control functions stop working.

How to set a time limit for a local Windows 10 Redstone account

What we need, firstly, if your child has a local account with administrator rights, then you need to make it a regular user. To do this, open the control panel.

In the control panel, select User Accounts.

I have a Kids account with full administrator rights. If you do not have another account, then at the same point you can create one.

And we make it standard.

As a result, we see it has become a regular account.

Now, in order to limit the computer's operation by windows 10 time, you need to open a command prompt as administrator. We enter the command:

net user username / time: day, time

In this command:

  • Username - the name of the Windows 10 user account for which the restrictions are set.
  • Day - day or days of the week (or range) that can be entered. The English abbreviations of the days (or their full names) are used: M, T, W, Th, F, Sa, Su (Monday - Sunday, respectively).
  • Time - time range in HH: MM format, for example 14: 00-15: 00

If we need to set several ranges, for example, entry is possible from Monday to Friday from 19 to 21, and on Sunday - from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., the command can be written as follows:

net user username / time: M-F, 19: 00-21: 00; Su, 07: 00-21: 00

To remove all restrictions from your account, enter

net user username / time: all

Now we are trying to log in under the account Children after 15-00, and we see the inscription. You cannot sign in now due to your account restrictions. Please try again later.

The goal has been achieved, but keep in mind that children are smart now and will be able to Google correctly and get around this limitation, so the most correct method would be to talk with dad)))

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