Home Helpful Hints How to find out the results by name. How to find out the results of zno by last name Where to find the results of zno

How to find out the results by name. How to find out the results of zno by last name Where to find the results of zno


We remind you that if a graduate does not reach the threshold score in the Ukrainian language and literature, you can not go further than the ZNO.

In case you have scored low scores in other subjects (but provided that you have scored threshold scores), you have several options for resolving the issue.

1) You can go to college. (For admission to such institutions, a smaller amount of points is needed than for admission to a university). The advantage of this decision is that you do not have to lose a year.

2) You can spend a year on additional preparation for a subject in which you did not score a passing mark. You can prepare on your own or with the help of a tutor. Tutoring centers, such as RG ZiGzag, can help you find a tutor. .
The advantages of such a decision: time to prepare, the opportunity to get a job and gain some experience.

3) If you scored more than 180 points in the profile subject for this specialty, you can apply.

For admission to the contract, the passing scores differ from those required for admission to the budget.
You can find out these scores in the "Entry Requirements" provided by universities.
Commercial educational institutions offer admission without an EIT certificate.

Mandatory since 2015 is the ZNO in the Ukrainian language (the test is defended as DPA). If you want to enter a university, you will also need to take Ukrainian literature (part of the ZNO test). In order to find out what other subjects you need to take, you need to look at the requirements of the university in the chosen direction and register on the USSOKO website for passing tests.

The results of the ZNO are sent to the test participant on a personal page on the UTSOKO website, but since since 2015 it is possible to enter a university only with the results of the current year, the UTSOKO administration removed the ability to view the pages of those who registered and passed in previous years.
If you are interested in statistics by region, then you can see it.

You can take 3 or 4 subjects, depending on what subjects are needed for admission to the university. The test in Ukrainian language and literature is obligatory, the applicant chooses the rest of the subjects on his own (if you wish, you can choose the 4th subject, but it is not mandatory).

Yes it is possible. To do this, you will need to re-register.

IV. Carrying out changes before registration data
9. The participant of the call assessment can make changes before the registration
given by way of re-registration:
9.1. For which wine may:
9.1.1. Enter the necessary changes in the registration card, accommodation on
information side created on the official website of the Ukrainian Center,
and re-distribute the control-information sheet and registration
9.1.2. Issue a registration card according to subparagraph 6.5
paragraph 6 of the th Order.
9.2. For registration of re-registration, the participant of the appraisal may
submit the following documents:
9.2.1. Registration card, generated at the next hour of re-registration.
9.2.2. Letters earlier
estimating 2015 fate, which is cancelled.
9.2.3. Have time to change personal data or information about the place
learning, as well as special minds, passing through the appraisal of the state -
a document confirming the change.
9.3. A participant in the international assessment, having formed a set
documents submitted by subparagraph 9.2 of paragraph 9 of the Order, may
send it by 01 April 2015 to the date of the "address of the regional center,
assigned in the control-information sheet, and in different changes equal
foldability of the head of the certification work from Ukrainian movies and literature - up to
06 March 2015
on a postal envelope).
(Order No. 127 dated 09.12.2014)

Unfortunately, points for prize-winning places in Olympiads are added only for the All-Ukrainian stage. Moreover, the competitive subject is mathematics, not programming. A prize-winning place in the regional Olympiad can help you improve your GPA.

Yes, the admission rules provide that you can enter with an advanced level in a specialty where a basic one is required. At the same time, if the university requires an advanced level for admission to a specialty, but you will not enter the basic one.

A child can be exempted from an OST only if his disease is included in the list of diseases that can interfere with the passage of an OST.
This list can be seen in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated February 25, 2008 No. 124/95 "About the hardening of Perelika ill, which can be a transition for the hulks to pass through the city's independent assessment" on the website of the UTSOKO.

For the in-depth part, the applicant receives a minimum of 100 points, provided that he passes the "threshold score". Those. he can have a score of 156 points for the basic part and 100 points for the advanced part. And with the first, and with the second result, he will be able to go to the selection committee, submit documents, participate in the competition. But if an applicant, having chosen an advanced level test, does not score a "threshold score" for a basic level test, then he will not receive any results at all.

Most likely, you will be asked to provide ZNO certificates, since the period of study at the school after grade 11 and after grade 9 is significantly different, as is the training program.
For more accurate information, contact the admissions office of the technical school in which you want to enroll.

This year, the certificates of previous years are not valid, although a bill was submitted to the Rada to recognize the results of previous years as valid. We advise you to go to the UCOKO website and learn more about it.

This year, there is no concept of "passing score" in the assessment of ZNO, it is set by each university separately, for each specialty. There is an assessment "passed" / "failed", the limit of "passed" this year is 22 points.

It is doubtful, because you have probably already received invitations that indicate the place of delivery. If you are moving very far away, then, purely theoretically, you can register for an additional EIT session, but remember that you must have documents confirming that you could not come to the testing point.

You can call your regional assessment center for clarification.

It depends on what you mean by "failed": there is a "passed / failed" score, but there is not certified. Each college has its own website, which lists passing scores and subjects for admission. There you can find out everything that interests you.

The information you provided is too little to answer the question. Yes, the applicant already has 100 points, but they are not for coming, but for the convenience of the sub-question, since the number of questions in different subjects is different, and the maximum score in any case should be 200.

Obviously, the Ministry of Education and Science has its own views on this matter. You had the opportunity to register for an additional session of the ZNO, which began on June 9, and you would be able to pass all the exams and receive the results by the start of the acceptance of documents.

Since the mandatory exam (DPA) in the form of ZNO has been canceled for applicants in 2016, you will need to take the ZNO. Those. DPA at school will be, as before, in the form of a written work, and for admission, you will have to write ZNO separately.

Depending on the group of disability and a specific disease, admission to a university can be done through an interview. But it is best, in connection with the unification of ZNO and DPA in the 11th grade, to contact your regional SOKO with this question. At the same time, make sure that you have a certificate from the hospital in your hands.

The certificate separately put annual grades and those for which you pass the exam. This year, in the ZNO format, the DPA will pass on the Ukrainian language, mathematics or the history of Ukraine. Theoretically, the grades can be different, in practice - most likely, you will be given the same annual and examination. In your example - write for 7, annual and examination - 7.

If you enter a Ukrainian university, then this situation should not happen. Universities can offer, for example, 2 subjects from those for which the EIT takes place + a creative competition (drawing, expressive reading of a verse or fable, etc.) for specialties where it is provided. Learn more about the conditions for admission to the selected university.

Hello! The fact is that the result of the ZNO in the Ukrainian language is protected as a GIA, i.e. going to the certificate. If you plan to get a Ukrainian school certificate, you must pass the ZNO by filling in at least the "Language" part, which is defended as an exam. In view of your special circumstances, you should first contact the school management, and they will already help solve your problem at a higher level.

Most likely, instead of Ukrainian, you will be offered certification in Russian or Belarusian, depending on the capabilities of the school.

If you receive a mark of "not good" in one of the required subjects, which they promise to make English, you will be issued a certificate instead of a certificate stating that you have attended a school course. Without a certificate, it will not be possible to enter a university, even if it is not a state institution.

You will need to pass 2 exams in the ZNO format: Ukrainian and a choice of Ukrainian history or mathematics. The rest of the exams are taken at the school as DPA. In order to get a grade for exams in the ZNO format, you need to pass the pass/fail threshold. This threshold will be known after writing the test.

Hello! Make sure that for admission you do not need subjects other than the required ones (Ukrainian language, Ukrainian history/mathematics). If, indeed, no items are needed anymore, you can only turn in 2 items.

It is necessary for you to write a test in the ZNO format in 2 subjects (Ukrainian Language and History of Ukraine or Mathematics). folded ZNO you can simply not fill in the "Literature" part.

Only a part of the test is counted as DPA (in Ukrainian - only a part of the "Ukrainian language", in history - only the 20th century). The remaining points will be added to those earned for the part that counts as DPA. Those. for the test you will receive 2 marks: 1 - for DPA in a 12-point system, 2nd - as an ZNO in a 200-point system.

Yes, each passing ZNO is immediately awarded 100 points. The passing score will be unknown until the writing of the test itself. Only after the tests are written will the pass / fail threshold be determined. So far, this threshold is unknown.

Unfortunately, we cannot give you an exact answer to this question. Most likely, the list of documents is fixed and one document cannot be replaced by another. But on this occasion, it is better for you to contact your regional SOCO, whose contacts can be viewed.

Your supply is not sufficient correct. 100 points for one item? 100 points for all ZNO subjects?
In Ukraine, a 200-point system for scoring a skin touched object has been adopted. Smartly, having come to the test, you will already take 100 balls, but you will not be able to get enough for the mind passing the threshold of "slav / not slav" by the applicant.

For the passage of the heat of the heat to you, you are not at the same time, Mati of the Acts, the middle of the fellow spear of the document about the everyday of the Srederi Obvita (vibrators by passing the Rock) is the dovіdka ziznnya, the piddrazhni otorimanni in the sir - sickly 2016 nobility of the natives -technical, higher initial mortgages). If you can give such a certificate or a diploma, then you may be able to fold the ZNO.

In order to enter any higher education institution, a foreign country, you need a document about the entire middle education. Shards of the results from the history of Ukraine and Ukrainian language are guaranteed as a state-sponsored attestation, then the ZNO is also about the "language" for you.

To obtain a certificate, you need to pass exams, and since this year the DPA in Ukrainian, history and mathematics has been merged with the ZNO, it is likely that you will still have to take the ZNO. For more accurate information, it is better for you to contact the school or the District Department of Education where you live.

If you do not need this result for the certificate (you did not finish this year or these are not compulsory subjects), then the applicant must send a corresponding application to the regional center for assessing the quality of education.

If you live near Lviv, Odessa and Kyiv regions, then the results of the approbation of the independent appraisal can be insured as an appraisal for the sovereign subsidiary attestation from the foreign monopoly. Information about the results of the testing of the osib, which will reveal such a problem, will be transferred to the initial pledges.

We cannot answer this question, because each school has its own conditions for admission. Go to the website of the institution you are going to enroll in, there will definitely be "admission conditions". Kharkov medical colleges, for example, can be viewed.

No, only those who missed the main session for valid reasons, are ATO participants or live in the temporarily occupied territories can take part in the additional session. Those. if you have not passed Ukrainian, you will not be allowed to take other subjects, because. you won't be able to get a certificate.

If mathematics was chosen as the subject of the DPA, then if the applicant does not pass the "pass / fail" threshold, he does not receive a certificate and cannot enter the university. If, instead of mathematics, you chose history as a mandatory exam, then you simply cannot enter specialties that require a certificate in mathematics.

1) It is difficult to determine the exact estimate until the threshold is determined. Approximately, it is 6/7 points.
2) It is hardly possible to do something, since you will not be able to retake it and you will get the results that you earned on the exam (ZNO).

Upon admission, the sum of points is taken into account, and coefficients are taken into account for specialized subjects. You can choose a specialty where you do not need a result in history or where it is not a core subject, and enter a university.

The minimum will be known only after writing tests (about 125 in Ukrainian, for example). You will only need to write the part that is defended as DPA in Ukrainian Language and History or Mathematics.

You can take the EIT in English regardless of other exams. Since until Ukraine switched to the international format for passing exams in foreign languages, there was no information about the possibility of defending any other exam as an ZNO.

Lines for acceptance of application and documents, competitive selection and zarahuvannya for training

1. Lines for the acceptance of the application documents, competitive selection and insurance for training are assigned by the Rules for the acceptance of the documents for receipt of documents, points 2 - 10 of the division.

2. Acceptance of the application documents from the paper or electronic form in the form of applicants is opened on 01 lime.

3. Acceptance of applications from paper or electronic forms for entry into this form on the basis of a new global average will end on 12.00 on the 31st day of the fall, the Crimean fall, transfer points 4, 5 and 12 of the second distribution.

4. Priyom Documentyv VID OSIB, Yaki enter the basics of the native of the middle middle, I will pass through the spіvbesіdu, it is to be wrapped in the ekhzaseni in the horsemen 1 I 2 Rodli, the VIII Tsimov. Interviews and entrance exams are held from 21 pm to 31 pm.

5. Acceptance of the application for documents in the form of osib, yakі for entry into the training may take place creative competitions at the highest initial pledges, up to paragraphs 3, 5 of section VII of the cih of Minds, ending on 19 linden. Creativity competitions are held at kіlka sessions from 11 lindens to 31 lindens.

6. Acceptance of the application for documents in the form of qualifications, ie to enter the training on the basis of basic global average education, will end on 19 linden. Entrance examinations are held from 21 limes to 31 limes.

7. The rating list of participants, if they enter on the basis of basic and new global middle education, from the designated recommendations before being insured for the month of the sovereign engagement, is open no later than 12.00 on 01 April.

8. The first line of choice by the initiators of the beginning of the month will end at 18.00 on 04 April. Updating the list of recommendations until zarahuvannya is open no later than 12.00 on 05 April.

Another line of choice by the initiators of the beginning of the month will end at 18.00 on 07 September. Updating the list of recommendations until zarahuvannya is open no later than 12.00 on 08 April.

The third line of choice by the participants of the beginning of the month will end at 18.00 on 11 September.

9. Insurance of applicants for this form of training on the basis of basic and new global average education is required:

for sovereign orders not later than 15.00 on the 12th sickle;

for the cost of physical and legal osib (for the mind of the state zamovlennya vіdpovіdnogo directly (speciality)) no later than 26 serpnya.

10. Acceptance of documents on the basis of qualifications, to enter the training program for short-term programs for the preparation of academic qualifications for a young specialist and a bachelor’s degree, up to points 5, 6 of section III of the 19th of 19 minds, ending about 18.00 Fahovі vstupnі viprobuvannya held from 21 lindens to 31 lindens.

11. The deadlines for the acceptance of the application documents for the evening and absentee training are determined by the Rules for the acceptance, the validity of the acceptance of the documents is not more than one month. The zarahuvannya is carried out no later than 15 days after the completion of the acceptance of the application for documents, for which a competitive selection is held.

12. Lines of the introductory campaign for training for education and qualifications of a specialist, master (on the basis of basic or advanced education) are determined by the Admission Rules.

Vityag with order No. 1510 dated 10/29/2013

Previously, the test result was determined as follows. For each correctly completed task, the applicant was awarded a "raw" test score (for a regular test with answer options - 1 point, for an open level test (you must enter the answer) - 2 points, etc.). Further, the results were processed, and a table was compiled, according to which these obtained “raw” test scores were translated into a result from 100 to 200. At the same time, the result of 124 points was considered “passing”.

Passing external independent testing is an important moment in the life of a graduate student. It is important not only to correctly fill out a lot of not fully understood documents, but also to demonstrate your knowledge on the exam itself. Below we will talk about all the nuances that you should keep in mind in order to find out the results of the ZNO by last name.

How to find out the exact results of the ZNO according to your personal data?

To find out the results of external testing, go to the special page of the ZNO official website. Here, at the very top, you will see a login form with two fields (“Pin Code” and “Certificate Number”). Find this information on your certificate and enter it into the form to log in. After the page loads, you will see the test results. They can and should be printed, as this information is in addition to your certificate.

It should be borne in mind in advance that it is allowed to go to the page with the results no more than 10 times a day. Do not follow the results too often, in case of problems or other questions about the ZNO, please contact the support team at the email address [email protected] If you disagree with the results, you have the right to file an appeal, which will be considered within ten days, and the results will be posted on the page at the link above.

Participants can see their results on EIT tests on the information page, and a table for converting test scores into a rating scale can be found on the website osvita.ua

When will the answers to the ZNO assignments be published?

The very next day after the external independent testing, the correct answers to the ZNO tasks will be posted on the UTSOKO website. Thus, applicants will be able to test themselves.

The scoring schemes for open-answer certification papers will be announced three days after the test.

A rating scale from 100 to 200 points will be drawn up for each of the subjects. And in the Ukrainian language, mathematics and history of Ukraine, the results will be additionally translated into a 12-point scale. The tables are published on the day of the announcement of the results of the UPE in a particular subject.

Where to see the results of ZNO

Each participant of ZNO-2020 will be able to see their results on information page. To do this, you need to go to the site, specify the certificate number and PIN code. Please note that you can visit the page no more than 10 times a day.

The results of the UPE are determined in several stages, and applicants will be able to find out their score in mid-June:

After reviewing all the data, you need to print an information card, which is an attachment to the certificate. Based on the results of the ZNO, a rating list of applicants for admission to the university is formed.

An appeal can be filed from the moment the results of the EIT are officially announced.

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