Home Useful Tips How to get pregnant for the new year. New Year's dresses for pregnant women in the photo. Where to celebrate the New Year for the expectant mother

How to get pregnant for the new year. New Year's dresses for pregnant women in the photo. Where to celebrate the New Year for the expectant mother

If you celebrate the New Year with a belly, this is not a reason to deny yourself a holiday. On the contrary, mom needs positive emotions as well as fresh air. You just have to slightly adjust the familiar program.

New Year's table

In the New Year, the table of an ordinary Russian person is bursting with various dishes. Champagne and mayonnaise flow like a river. The expectant mother, of course, should not deny herself the pleasures, but she will still have to make changes to the menu. Even the healthiest person is unlikely to withstand such a frequent change of dishes, and the body of a pregnant woman works with a double (and sometimes triple) load. Therefore, try to limit yourself to light snacks and salads (you can find interesting options in our material).

Avoid fatty, fried, spicy, and salty foods. God bless him with excess weight (although it will be hard to drive him out later)! First of all, they retain fluid in the body. And edema - especially in the second half of pregnancy - can provoke a number of unpleasant complications. We don't need an ambulance crew at the New Year's table, do we? Therefore, we bake, cook, simmer. Instead of mayonnaise, we choose vegetable oils or low-fat sour cream in a small amount, instead of an incomprehensible quality of sausage - lean meat, instead of canned peas - boiled, instead of pickled vegetables - fresh, instead of a cake from a store - a dessert of our own production, instead of pork - veal, beef, chicken, turkey, fish.

In any case, eat fractionally, in small portions. Control the amount of food eaten, take pauses in time.

Make sure in advance that there are enough drinks on the table: after a hearty meal, the need for liquid increases significantly. Alcohol should not be consumed. You can pour a symbolic amount of champagne or dry wine into the glass, which you will clink glasses with, but it is still better to "wash down" New Year's toasts with soft drinks.

If you suffer from heartburn, be sure to put some remedies in your purse. Otherwise, the holiday will be spoiled.

For women, for whom the New Year coincided with the terrible toxicosis of the first trimester, perhaps it is better to choose a company where everyone will agree to just dance. If you are really not feeling well, stay at home. This is not the last New Year in your life!

Outfits and appearance

You can choose a dress for a holiday in advance, but you should buy it a week before the celebration. Otherwise, you can not guess with the size: during pregnancy, not only the belly increases, but also the chest, waist, hips. Evening dresses with corrective elements (corset, bodice, hard bodice bones) are categorically not suitable for the expectant mother. You need to avoid any pressure on the abdomen, this is fraught with disruption of placental blood flow. In other words, while you are trying to hide your belly behind the tightening elements, your baby is simply suffocating.

Also read our article, in it you will find a huge number of options for modern and classic models.

The ideal option is the Empire style (high waist in a long dress) or baby-dollar (doll or childish style of a short free dress). These styles, even for a long time, successfully hide the rounded shapes, do not put pressure on the stomach and look very feminine.

As for shoes, ballet flats or comfortable shoes with a symbolic heel of 3-4 centimeters are best suited. Convenience should be your watchword during pregnancy. The high stiletto heel is only suitable for taking a picture: then you put on the worn-out "boats" again. Prefer shoes with a comfortable last, securely fixing the foot, made of soft, but not too thin leather. If the shoes are new, wear them at home a few days before the New Year so that they spread and "sit" exactly on the foot.

Take care of comfortable underwear too. Compression stockings and maternity lingerie will help you last longer at the party.

Makeup and hairstyle

So that the festive hairstyle does not burden the expectant mother, you should not decorate it with heavy or sharp jewelry, use hoops and pull your hair into a tight bun. These styling options interfere with the blood supply to the scalp and can cause severe headaches. It is better to choose a light makeup that does not interfere with the skin "breathe".

And if suddenly to the hospital ?!

The main concern here is the lack of proper medical care. Doctors are people too, and they celebrate too. But don't exaggerate. The emergency ambulance on duty always knows in advance its schedule of work on New Year's holidays, so they do not have a festive mood, just like all those workers for whom the red days of the calendar are not written. Therefore, do not worry - there will definitely be a qualified health worker in the hospital, sober as glass.

If your childbirth falls on holidays, check with a specific doctor. This will dispel doubts.

Most importantly, do not panic that you will be late for the hospital, do not try to delay childbirth. As soon as the first signs of childbirth or any other ailment appear, immediately call an ambulance or go to the hospital in your car. You should also have your “emergency bag” in case of childbirth! You must take care of that in advance. In this case, you will definitely not forget this New Year's Eve, because your New Year's miracle will be the best gift for the rest of your life.

Author of the publication: Elena Maksimova

New Year is a holiday that brings joy, hopes and pleasant expectations, and for a pregnant woman this holiday is considered a step into a new life, in which she will have a baby. Of course, every girl on New Year's Eve wants to look beautiful and festive.

What to wear for a pregnant woman for the New Year is an urgent question that arises every year for expectant mothers who meet this holiday in a state. And here the choice is quite large.

It is not limited to traditional dresses and jeans, but provides an opportunity for every woman to choose not only comfortable, but also elegant clothes.

The New Year's outfit for a pregnant woman depends, first of all, on the length of her pregnancy. Women who have not yet developed a rounded tummy can safely wear their favorite evening dress or a beautiful suit. The main thing is that these things are made of natural fabrics. In addition, it is important that the expectant mother is comfortable in them, and not hot or cold.

But women who already have a decent rounded tummy should be even more careful in choosing a festive outfit. You should no longer try to fit into your favorite trousers, skirt or dress, because the things of the expectant mother in no case should be tight and squeeze her stomach and chest.

Don't be upset, as today there are many shops where you can buy delicious holiday outfits for expectant mothers.

1. Dresses for pregnant women.

For those who prefer to wear dresses for various festive events, it will not be difficult to choose a model, being in an interesting position.

Dresses of various styles, colors and textures will be an excellent option when looking for an answer to the question of what to wear for a pregnant woman for the New Year.

When choosing dresses, give preference to the models in which you are most comfortable. And these are high-waisted dresses. Such a waist and a flared hem will not only hide flaws and emphasize the dignity of the figure, but, undoubtedly, will give convenience to both the mother and the unborn baby.

Fashion trends to choose dresses with all sorts of details - asymmetrical bottom or top, an unusual bodice shape, as well as various draperies that will successfully hide a rounded tummy. The feminine lines of the figure will emphasize the floor-length sheath dress.

The fabric of the dress should be natural, so immediately exclude even a small percentage of synthetics. Wool and knitwear are suitable for a winter celebration. Although, in a warm atmosphere, you can wear a model made in the Greek style.

A good option would be a dress that will hide your legs with swelling or protruding veins, which is typical for many women in position. If you do not suffer from such pathologies, then a knee-length dress is also suitable. A pregnant woman can accentuate her breasts by choosing an outfit with a neckline.

2. Blouses and tunics.

Elegant tunics and blouses that accentuate the increased breasts and tummy are the best fit for ceremonial appearances.

With draperies at the neckline, with embroidery, with flounces, ruffles and frills - all models will look feminine and elegant on you. A wrap tunic will come in very handy. She, like the dress, will be a faithful companion from the first to the last days of pregnancy. Evening tunics with a wrap are made of satin, silk and other flowing fabrics.

Leggings or trousers with special elastic inserts to support the abdomen will complement the tunic or shirt. Black tight leggings will look perfect on slender legs. Leggings that imitate denim or satin, as well as with velvet trim will look incredibly stylish.

At festive events, a lady in position will be able to help out and lace-up silk trousers. Complete them with gold ballerinas and a clutch. Don't skimp on accessories and jewelry.

3. Overalls for pregnant women.

Overalls for pregnant women are irreplaceable. In it, the expectant mother feels comfortable and cozy. Since they can be worn for any period of time, having bought a model you like from an elegant beautiful fabric and stylish style, you will stop thinking about what to wear for a pregnant woman for the new year. This is ideal for a family celebration or for a company of close friends.

Overalls for the New Year for pregnant women

Evening overalls, which are sewn from light flowing fabrics - silk, chiffon, satin, will help you to look spectacular and fashionable at any holiday.

It can be stylish jumpsuits with straps with a high waist and flying wide trousers or an oriental-style jumpsuit with wide trousers and a wide elastic band under the chest - the choice is very large, for every taste.

Overalls for pregnant women most often come with special elastic inserts that support the abdomen. In general, putting on a jumpsuit for a celebration, you will look very original and stylish.

If you have already decided to dress up on New Year's Eve, then putting on slippers under a festive dress or suit is somehow ridiculous, so you need to choose the appropriate shoes for it.

It is important to remember that high heels are not safe for expectant mothers, so you should give your preference, for example, to ballet flats of a suitable color. Then on New Year's Eve you will look just great.

Pregnancy and New Year is a popular topic. How else, if the expectation of the child lasts nine months. Is it likely that the New Year for pregnant women will coincide? At the beginning, middle or end - but almost certainly! Emotions about the New Year in pregnant women can be completely different, both positive and negative. Therefore, it is better to prepare in advance for the holiday in a new state. Despite the various limitations associated with your "interesting position", there will be more than enough opportunities to enjoy the holiday. You just need to think about his script in advance.

New Year's for pregnant women: "Will it be boring ?!"

“My husband and I love to be very active. And we always tried to celebrate the New Year with him in some interesting and unusual way: either we skied down the hill to the chime of the chime, or we went on a hike with friends! Now I am in a position, we are very much looking forward to our baby, but the coming of the New Year this time does not make me happy at all: do I really have to spend it just at home, in front of the TV and salads? After all, I considered this boring option all my life unacceptable ... "

Maria, 24 years old

What is the problem? For women who are accustomed to spending the New Year in a cycle of fun, it is not easy to find a new option during pregnancy. Quite a lot of prohibitions appear. Here the mood also spoils. But it is simply impossible to allow this on a holiday. Let's look for options?

What should I do? If your pregnancy is proceeding normally, then the New Year may well remain quite active. Choose a format for yourself where there will be youth fun, but with the possibility of your participation. For example, if you are going to the dacha with friends, then, of course, you will not be able to ride a slide, but you will take many interesting photos of the whole company. Most importantly, try to provide "escape routes" in case you want to sit down, lie down, take a break from the noise. If you present the program of the holiday in advance, it will not be difficult to do this. Yes, you will have to exclude alcohol: New Years in pregnant women are usually sober. And keep in mind one more important point: if your friends need to drink a lot for fun, then in your "special position" it is better to spend the holiday in another place.

New Year and pregnancy: "Consider everything!"

“As a rule, my husband and I united with friends and went to someone's dacha. We like the warm friendly communication, not a very noisy company, sitting by the fireplace with a crackling of logs with a glass of mulled wine, a Christmas tree on the street, dressed up with everything that comes to hand, fireworks ... But I'm 22 weeks pregnant, and my tummy sticks out noticeably. A friend already asked if my husband and I could come to visit them on New Year's Eve. I really want to, but there are also doubts: what if medical help is urgently needed? Or if I just get tired and have no time for the holiday? "

Oksana, 28 years old

What is the problem? Expectant mothers who are accustomed to celebrating the New Year outside the home, albeit not in the most active format, but with friends, may not feel very comfortable with the thought that a boring holiday may await them due to pregnancy.

What should I do? If you want to go on a visit outside the city, there is a lot to think about. Of course, the owners should be aware that you are "in position." It's perfectly okay if you warn them that you don't like certain food smells right now. It is good if such holidays are held together, ie. each guest prepares one or two dishes for the table. In this case, you will have a guarantee that at least some treats will suit you, if suddenly your pregnant body starts to be capricious. When you arrive, ask the hosts where you can lie down if you suddenly get tired.

In the New Year, a pregnant woman should provide for everything. It is very important to know in advance where the nearest hospital is located if you need urgent medical attention. After all, an ambulance on New Year's Eve to a remote area can go for a very long time! This address may not be useful, but just in case it will be at hand!

New Year's Eve during pregnancy: "I don't want to tell my colleagues!"

“I'm 10 weeks pregnant and no one at work knows about it yet. I don't want to tell anyone yet. Moreover, I feel pretty good and I can cope with my duties. But soon our company will arrange a New Year's corporate party for employees. And I am afraid that I will be asked "uncomfortable" questions, because I cannot drink alcohol, and this will immediately lead to suspicion. And I don't want to explain anything at all. "

Polina, 25 years old

What is the problem? Sometimes a woman must take part in a mandatory event at work, and the question of how to hide the fact of pregnancy is acute. However, sometimes the same situation occurs when a woman is celebrating with friends or family.

What should I do? Whoever really wants to keep a secret can do it. At parties like this, the thought "Is she pregnant?" occurs when a girl refuses alcohol. But there are many options for not paying attention to this fact. For example, to drink only "cocktails": it is almost impossible to distinguish between pure juice and the one in which alcohol was added! Or say directly: "Today I can only drink juice and water, I drink drugs that are incompatible with alcohol." If at the same time your appearance does not express any special "mystery", then the probability that your secret will remain is quite high!

New Year's Eve for pregnant women: Hospitable hostess

“My husband and I always invite friends for the New Year to visit us. It's not at all difficult for me to set the table, organize fun contests, and then get out. I'm pregnant now. The holiday is approaching, and, of course, I would like to spend it as usual - at home, with relatives and friends. But everyone advises to abandon this venture: they say that now you need to rest more, and not fuss about the housework. "

Marina, 29 years old

What is the problem? Women who like to invite guests to their place would like to preserve the tradition and the time when the New Year falls on pregnancy. Moreover, their usual circle is almost counting on it. But receiving guests is an energy-consuming business. The question arises, is it harmful to the expectant mother?

What should I do? Of course, you can host guests. You just need to add a few touches that will ease your household chores. If you have always cooked yourself, now invite each of the guests to come with 1-2 ready-made dishes, having discussed in advance what will be on the table. Have a friend or family member help you set the table. Do not hesitate, all guests will treat with understanding your request that you expect help from them at the end of the holiday.

How is the New Year for pregnant women: "I want to go to a restaurant!"

“In recent years, I really enjoyed celebrating New Year's Eve in a restaurant. Festive atmosphere, the opportunity to dress up and "show yourself", dancing, entertainment. And only pleasant chores: manicure, makeup, hair. But now I am in the 19th week of pregnancy. I don’t have a big belly yet, but I myself think that I look very fat. Yes, and my mother discourages, believes that it is noisy and smoky there. I am sad from this: I want a carefree holiday, but pregnancy does not make very pleasant adjustments. "

Svetlana, 26 years old

What is the problem? Thinking about celebrating in a restaurant, a woman may be afraid to look bad against the background of other visitors, afraid that her husband will look at them. In the second place, worries about the inappropriate menu, possible fatigue from noise, cigarette smoke.

What should I do? If the expectant mother wants to celebrate the New Year in a restaurant, this is perfectly acceptable. You just need to choose a calm place. Reserve a table in the non-smoking area in advance. Check out the menu, making sure you can order foods that your body won't reject. But you have every chance to look great! Now stores for expectant mothers offer wonderful collections of party dresses. You can emphasize the tummy, or you can hide it, if that way you feel more comfortable. A pregnant woman with a beautiful hairstyle and well-groomed face, with a charmingly accentuated tummy becomes the object of increased and sometimes envious attention of “non-pregnant slender women”. In this situation, one should not be surprised at the male attention. Get ready to hear a lot of compliments!

New Year's Eve during pregnancy: Holiday with flight

“For several years in a row my husband and I have been going on a trip to Europe or somewhere in warm lands for the New Year and winter holidays. This has already become a tradition for us. Only now I am in a "position" and I will probably have to give up the trip, but I would so much like to go somewhere again! But I'm worried - what if I feel bad? "

Olga, 27 years old

What is the problem? Whether it is worth going on long trips during pregnancy is an open question at any time of the year. No one can guarantee that everything will go smoothly, and this scares expectant mothers.

What should I do? Of course, the most important question is your well-being and the doctor's permission to travel. But if you go abroad, you will almost certainly buy the tour in advance, and there is no guarantee that the trip will not be canceled due to poor health. There is an option - a "hot tour" in a visa-free direction. But all visa-free countries are quite hot, and it is not very desirable for the expectant mother to change the climate. Therefore, it is better to choose something closer. Perhaps there are interesting cities or good guesthouses near where you live. This option is safer for your health.

New Years and Pregnancy: Let's Celebrate "In Preservation"

“The New Year is approaching, and I started bleeding, I was admitted to the hospital“ for preservation ”. We managed to maintain pregnancy, but the condition is not very stable so far. I understand that it is necessary to stay in the hospital for the sake of the baby, but the prospect of spending the New Year holidays here seems just awful. But what about the tree, gifts and beloved husband? "

Kira, 22 years old

What is the problem? Celebrating the New Year at the hospital is the most difficult situation possible. It is especially sad to be away from home and family on this day.

What should I do? Try to come to terms with the situation, because the most important thing now is the condition of your baby. When you accept everything as it is, you can relax and get from the situation all the positive that it can give. Even though you are sad now, perhaps the New Year during pregnancy in the hospital can be the most "exotic" holiday in your life. Try to create a general holiday mood with your roommates. You can put an artificial Christmas tree in the room, and each of you will hang several toys from your house. And your family will bring you something tasty, and you can set a common table. You are also quite capable of organizing some jokes and contests: agree that each one comes up with something interesting for others. You will then have something to remember and tell!

Each of us has our own wishes, how and with whom to celebrate the New Year. Pregnancy is not a reason for a boring holiday. More often than not, you can easily choose the format that is familiar to you, only by adjusting it to ensure your comfort and safety. And in any case, think about it: you are now in a "special position", and, therefore, the celebration is illuminated for you with a special light. After all, this is the first holiday of your baby, even if he is in a cozy "house". Feel this unique atmosphere and the New Year will be joyful and happy!

New Year's dresses for pregnant women can be just as beautiful and luxurious! And not only because at this time she herself is in anticipation of a small miracle, but also because New Year's Eve for each person turns into a fairy tale.

Moreover, the New Year 2016-2017 promises happiness to any girl in a beautiful dress, even if she is expecting the birth of a baby.

In this article, you will learn how to choose a beautiful New Year's dress for a pregnant woman to make her feel the most beautiful on the New Year's holiday. Moreover, fashion trends for them are very diverse and expressive.

Beautiful evening dresses for pregnant women for the New Year 2016-2017

These dresses can be purchased at a specialty store. They differ from the usual evening dress with a convex frequency in the abdominal area and a high empire waist.

These dresses can be worn at any stage of pregnancy as they have a free waist.

And if the gestation period is short, you can choose just a fluffy dress. about New Year's outfits with lush hems will help you with this.

Remember about accessories too:

Any pregnant woman can choose beautiful fashionable dresses for herself, depending on what colors and fabrics they like.

Sometimes they turn out to be so beautiful that a fashionable pregnancy is more beautiful than its absence. Here are the dresses you can choose for a pregnant fashionista, depending on her appearance.


For them, you can choose not only a bright dress, but also a delicate festive outfit. This season, any pregnant blonde will look very touching in a pale pink or crimson dress, which will beautifully emphasize the state of expectation and anticipation of the beauty of motherhood.

But if you want to choose a mysterious or mysterious image, stylists recommend you a silk or satin dress in dark blue, which can be emphasized with a silver belt above the waistline or thick braid with a bow, which can be decorated with beads, rhinestones and silver sequins.

Also, any blonde can try on long dress in blue color, which looks very beautiful on any blonde girl.

From footwear, doctors and experts advise a woman who is in an interesting position to wear not pumps with heels, but fluffy slippers that you can take with you to a holiday if it takes place at home. You can wear white slippers with bunnies under a blue dress, and pink or cream under a pink one. But if the event is official, then you can limit yourself to black or silver ballet flats or pumps without heels. See what outfits a pregnant celebrity chooses - Miroslava Duma, will reveal to you the secrets of style.

Brown-haired and brunettes

Just like blondes, stylists advise pregnant brown-haired women pay attention to pink... But New Year's clothes for women with brown and black hair can be more than just pink, but also delicate lemon color or bright blue. Any shades of lilac or lilac, which are very good for brown-haired women.

Young pregnant girls will look interesting in the form of a bunny or a cat with pink ears and slippers, if the event is unofficial. But if you have an evening in a restaurant or a concert in a cultural center, then you can leave your boots on or wear purple or silver pumps.

Red-haired girls

As you can see, you can celebrate the New Year beautiful in any position. The main thing is to have a desire. And women always have it. And if, in addition to the dress, you have not yet chosen the method of spending the New Year's Eve, read it, she will help you.

Evening dresses for the New Year 2016-2017 for pregnant women in the photo:

How to prepare a table for a New Year's party

The first month of winter has come, and every day the beloved holiday of millions of people around the world is approaching. Why do we love the New Year? For the expectation of magic, wonderful gifts and warm meetings with friends and family. Probably, there are not many people who celebrate this holiday alone - after all, on New Year's Eve, you want to share a good mood with someone else.

As is commonly believed, New Year is a family holiday. Of course, cheerful young people, having not yet had time to start their own family, prefer to celebrate the New Year's coming with a friendly company at a table in some popular cafe or restaurant, noisily and cheerfully.

At home, it is also possible to organize a festive table, which is in no way inferior to the restaurant one. To do this, you need, first of all, to carefully think over many moments to the smallest detail - how to set the table, what dishes to cook, what decorations to use to organize a real holiday. First, you need to decide on the general concept - whether it will be a traditional feast over a snow-white starched tablecloth and exquisite dishes, or a noisy themed party with a buffet table and a bunch of fun contests.

As a treat, guests can be offered the traditional salads "Herring under a fur coat" and "Olivier" For a change, it is good to add the "Winter" salad with chicken, pickled cucumbers and mushrooms. It is believed that fish must be present on the New Year's table - as an option in the "Red Sea" or "Pearl" fish salad with seafood. For a hot dish, a rabbit baked in the oven or stewed with sour cream is ideal. As an appetizer, try salmon rolls, chicken aspic, profiteroles with trout and cream cheese, pike stuffed with mushrooms, fish in pita bread with garlic, cheese and herbs.

A fruit salad with ice cream or classic tiramisu will look beautiful and appetizing as a dessert. Also, for the New Year's table, you need to choose the right drinks - perhaps it will be traditional champagne or high-quality wine, it all depends on the dishes that will be present on your table.
In conclusion, I would like to remind you of the little pleasant things that create the New Year's mood - scented candles, elegant napkins, sparkling garlands and coniferous compositions on your table.

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With the onset of pregnancy, everything around you changes. A woman in an interesting position becomes more emotional and changeable. But there is a desire that remains - you always want to look beautiful! You want to dress as beautifully and stylishly as you did before your pregnancy.

But even the most style-savvy women are puzzled over how to do it. And pregnancy is just a special time when you can look and feel magical. Enjoy!

Pregnancy is a long process: you and your body change gradually. As there are no two identical women, there are no two identical courses of pregnancy. We are all different. However, each goes through certain stages. These stages are called trimesters and last for three months.

On the first

The first trimester is accompanied by minor changes in your body and significant psychological changes. Your taste for food, flowers, and, of course, for clothes may change. Yes, because you now have a new status! Don't be afraid to be new. Changes in clothes will echo your inner changes, and you will feel harmonious.

Somewhere towards the end of the first - at the beginning of the second trimester, you will already feel the physical need to update your wardrobe.

You will have a long search in virtual and real stores. I advise you to start with the latter, in this case you will be able to try on more unusual clothes and understand what is convenient and necessary for you. Finding the perfect outfit right away won't be easy.

I can offer a couple of tips that I, as a designer and mom, have experienced myself:

  • choose quality clothing. You will wear and wash your "pregnant" wardrobe more often than other clothes;
  • fabrics from which things are sewn must be natural. They will help to avoid allergies, overheating and sweating;
  • don't hide your bulging tummy. This is the most wonderful time of your life! Accept it and do not hide behind shapeless clothing;
  • reveal your merits. Choose models that accentuate your neckline and shoulders;
  • find a little thing for yourself, the so-called "investment". It will serve you for several seasons. For example, a self-sufficient autumn dress that can be worn with golf and leggings in winter;
  • get the most out of your pregnant wardrobe. Go for modern, loose silhouettes in neutral tones, then just play with your shoes and accessories.

For the second

You are now ready to be beautiful in the following months of your pregnancy. The next second trimester for many is on the rise of strength and energy. I want to be in time for everything, to move mountains. And you will succeed!

Go to theaters, listen to music, chat with friends. You may want to be the center of attention. Then choose beautiful bright clothes. Your skin and hair are glowing, you can highlight it with a new hairstyle or accessories.

You can be more visible with unusual details, interesting fabric patterns and bold colors. But everything must be in harmony. Saturated colors such as royal blue, emerald, bright pink will emphasize your joy.

The third

In the third trimester, women usually finish their personal affairs, take maternity leave and prepare directly for the appearance of the baby. During this period, the expectant mother wants to look and feel relaxed and stylish.

Then you can choose comfortable and fashionable clothes. Here, the minimalism style will come in handy more than ever: it is not striking, it protects you, the absence of controversial details will give confidence in your choice. For example, straight tunic dresses in dark soothing colors.

Cozy free-form clothing will help you gain a sense of security: bulky sweaters, fur vests, ponchos. It is important, especially in the cold season, to choose an outer wardrobe that will be light, comfortable, and can be useful even after the appearance of the baby. Choose fashionable things, the winter season allows it.

And for dessert

Each trimester is good in its own way. And if you feel good, then you should not deny yourself the pleasure of attending the holidays and parties. It is possible and even necessary to go out, arrange wonderful romantic dinners in evening dresses, the festive atmosphere will only benefit the future baby - after all, mother's emotional background is transmitted to him too!

At the same time, it is important to choose the right evening dress so that a woman feels like a king.

But no matter how you live your pregnancy, do not just try to wait it out. Seize every moment, give yourself joy from every little thing. Do not hide your bulge, dress beautifully and stylishly, this will add good mood and health! Chat and dress up! After all, you will remember this period all your life!

Have a nice mood!

Dear Readers! Do you agree with Tatiana's recommendations? Should a pregnant woman stay stylish and bright? Or should the tummy be hidden behind shapeless clothes from prying eyes? We are waiting for your answers in the comments! If you still have photographs of "magic time", we are waiting for them in the folk photographic fact

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