Home Useful Tips What is the norm of the prostate gland. Normal size of the prostate and possible diseases. Determining the size of the prostate gland in men

What is the norm of the prostate gland. Normal size of the prostate and possible diseases. Determining the size of the prostate gland in men

The normal size of the prostate gland characterizes a healthy organ, if the prostate increases in size and exceeds the norm, then men's health is at risk.

Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to identify diseases in the early stages and take the necessary measures in time.

The prostate gland grows in volume throughout a man's life.

This organ depends on androgens, which, in accordance with the age of the man, have maximum and minimum values.

Thus, the increase is due to either a rise in testosterone levels or a decline.

How the size of the prostate changes, the norm by age:

  • breast age - the size is not more than a pea;
  • 11-16 years old - a sharp growth of the organ;
  • 18-22 years - the prostate reaches its maximum value;
  • 40-50 years - the beginning of the second stage of growth, the size of the prostate gland increases every year.

Hormonal changes during adolescence cause significant enlargement of the prostate gland. The first surge of changes in the prostate is characterized by a uniform expansion of the organ, the average value of the prostate size in men under 50 is approximately 3.5 cm in length and width and 2 cm in depth (thickness). Indicators may vary depending on physique, height and other characteristics of the body.

Limit values ​​of indicators of the size of the prostate are normal:

  • 2.6-4.5 cm - the distance measured from the edge of the lower lobe to the edge of the upper (transverse size);
  • 1.6-2.2 cm - the distance that is measured from the anterior surface of the lobe to the posterior (anterior-posterior size);
  • 2.2-4.0 cm - measurement of the organ in width (transverse dimension).

The given dimensions of the prostate normally correspond to the age of up to 50 years, that is, until the second growth spurt. Based on the linear parameters, the volume of the organ is calculated, the normal volume of the prostate ranges from 22-26 mm3. If deviations from the given indicators are observed at the reproductive age, then this is a sign of pathological processes in the gland.

It is possible to determine the size of the prostate in hospitals; for this, various diagnostic tests are carried out: palpation, ultrasound, TRUS, tomography. In this case, the doctor examines not only the size, but also the structure of the prostate. The gland consists of two halves in the form of a row of lobules, 15-25 in each, the halves are symmetrical and separated by a bridge. In the lower part of the organ are the seminal vesicles, the blood supply to the prostate occurs through the artery, which also supplies blood to the rectum and bladder. A healthy prostate has a homogeneous structure, and the diagnosis of a diseased organ reveals cysts, calcifications, tumors, and nodes.

Diagnostic methods:

  1. Palpation. It is carried out as an initial examination based on the clinical picture. An experienced doctor can determine whether the prostate is enlarged or not, the exact dimensions are calculated using other methods. On palpation, tissue elasticity and organ soreness are assessed.
  2. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound). The method allows you to find out the exact size of the prostate. The principle of echography is based on the ability of ultrasound to be reflected from the border of a homogeneous structure. Thus, fabrics with different structures are displayed differently on the monitor. Ultrasound through the abdominal wall is not always effective, therefore, if a clearer picture is needed, then TRUS is done. This study is carried out by the rectal method and allows not only to calculate linear indicators, but also to clearly see the structure of the gland.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The most high-precision examination method that allows you to identify deviations from the norm and the nature of the disease.

Increased prostate size from the norm for ages up to 50 years can be caused by the following diseases:

  • benign hyperplasia (adenoma);
  • prostatitis;
  • oncology;
  • cystic formation.

Normal prostate size in men over 50

The second spike in prostate growth occurs against the backdrop of hormonal changes, when testosterone levels fall and estrogen levels rise.

This causes an increase in the size of the gland, if in adolescence it expanded evenly, then after 45-50 years its changes occur mainly in the direction of the urinary tract.

This situation has a bad effect on the process of urination, since the enlarged prostate gland presses on the urethra, narrowing its lumen. The older the man is, the more likely it is to develop prostate adenoma.

The normal size of the prostate in men by age is calculated by a formula that calculates the volume: to a coefficient of 0.13 multiplied by the age of a man, an indicator of 16.4 is summed up. For example: 0.13 * 50 (years) +16.4 cm3 = 22.9 cm3. The volume limit should not exceed 30 cm3. The mass of the gland is determined by the product of the volume and the coefficient of 1.05.

With age, the likelihood of not only benign hyperplasia, but also malignant tumors increases. An enlarged prostate after 50 years requires a mandatory blood test for PSA. Often, older men develop a chronic form of prostatitis, in which the size of the gland is higher than normal.

How does the size of the prostate gland change with prostatitis?

Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland. By the nature of the course, the disease is divided into acute and chronic. It can be a consequence of infection of an organ with pathogenic microflora or manifest itself as a result of stagnation in the pelvic organs and the gland itself. Young men are more often diagnosed with an acute form of the disease caused by pathogenic bacteria, and after 50 years, chronic subspecies of the disease are characteristic.

The increased size of the prostate gland in prostatitis occurs due to inflammatory processes in the tissues of the organ, the accumulation of purulent contents and stones in the gland. As you get rid of the disease, the size of the prostate returns to normal.

The prostate gland is an organ that is nicknamed the second male heart for a reason. It is essential for health, wellness and sexual performance. And it largely depends on its size.

Location and size of the prostate

The gland is located directly below the bladder, encircling the upper third of the ureter. She is a hormone-dependent organ and changes significantly over the course of a man's life.

So in newborn babies, iron is present, but it is in its infancy, and its weight does not exceed a few grams. But during puberty, it begins to grow sharply and increase, reaching its normal size by the age of 20-25.

But later, in adulthood, it goes through the second stage of change, increasing in size. A slight growth may be a variation of the norm, but abnormal growth is a sign of a disease - benign prostatic hyperplasia, also called prostate adenoma.

This tissue overgrowth can lead to narrowing of the urethra and problems with urination. Therefore, it is very important to know what is the normal size of the prostate and monitor their changes.

Normal sizes

It is believed that for a middle-aged man, the normal size of the prostate should be 3 cm in length, 3 cm in width and 2 cm in thickness. But individual changes in its size are also allowed:

  1. Length (top-bottom size) - 2.5-4.5 cm.
  2. Width (transverse) - 2.2-4 cm.
  3. Thickness (front-back size) - 1.5-2.3 cm.

The variation depends on the mass of parameters: the patient's age, state of health, physique, heredity and many other parameters. The main difference between the normal size of the prostate gland and pathological enlargement is the absence of adverse urological symptoms.

Volume and weight of the gland

Knowing the linear dimensions of the gland, the doctor can calculate the secondary indicators - volume and mass.

To determine the volume, all three linear dimensions are multiplied, and the resulting result is multiplied by a special coefficient that takes into account the shape of the organ. The piece must not exceed 26 cubic centimeters. The limit value is 30.

Sometimes doctors use a special formula to determine the dependence of the normal volume of the gland on the patient's age:

Volume = 0.13 (years) +16.4.

This technique was proposed by A.I. Gromov for determining the size. When increasing, it is necessary to undergo additional diagnostics.

The mass of the gland is a minor parameter, which is also determined to determine the normal size of the prostate. To find out, the volume is multiplied by a factor of 1.05.

Gland structure

It is very important during the study to determine not only the linear and volumetric dimensions, but also the structure. Normally, iron consists of 30-50 lobules with excretory ducts. Normally, its structure is symmetrical, and upon palpation through the wall of the rectum, two symmetrical halves, separated by a groove, are well defined. The structure of the gland should be homogeneous without inclusions, calcifications, as well as cysts and tumors.

The detection of pathological inclusions may require a more thorough examination, including a biopsy to examine the cellular structure. This eliminates the risk of malignant transformation.

Need to know

Where the prostate is located, as well as how it can be found, read the article - "

It is not for nothing that the prostate gland is called the second heart, because not only a full-fledged sexual life, but also the health of a man as a whole, depends on this organ.

The determining factor for the normal functioning of the prostate is its size.

Any disease of the prostate gland: acute inflammatory processes, adenomas and prostate cancer, etc. accompanied by an increase in the organ. Therefore, for timely treatment, it is important to diagnose this or that disease in time.

Modern instrumental research is able to show what is not visible to the human eye. The size of the prostate gland is normally the easiest to determine by ultrasound. As well as notice deviations, detect a developing disease and monitor the treatment process.

What is the prostate?

The prostate is a small, unpaired organ that looks like a chestnut. In the body of a man, it is located below the bladder, and its ducts open into the urethra. It is androgen dependent. The main function is sperm production.

The prostate gland has certain norms of size, which change over the course of a man's life, depending on age.

In newborns, the prostate gland is in its infancy and develops as the child grows.

The normal size of the prostate in an adult male is reached on average by the age of 23, plus or minus two years.

In adulthood, the prostate gland gradually begins to increase in size. A small percentage of prostate enlargement is considered the norm, but the rapid growth of its size is already a pathological deviation.

Therefore, it is advisable for men over 40 to undergo a preventive examination by a doctor.

Most often, with an increase in the size of the prostate gland in elderly men, benign hyperplasia is diagnosed. This disease brings the representatives of the stronger sex a lot of problems with urination, and can also be the cause of the development of cancer.

Examination of the prostate by ultrasound

In case of sexual dysfunction, the appearance of unpleasant symptoms associated with urinary disorders, you should immediately consult a doctor for a diagnosis. The sooner you notice a problem, the faster and easier it is to solve.

To identify pathological proliferation of the prostate, various instrumental studies are performed. In urology, ultrasound examination of the prostate is widely used, with the help of which you can easily see all the changes in the prostate gland.

The prostate is examined by two methods:

  1. Transabdominal method (TAUSI)... This is an external examination that is done through the abdominal wall. TAUSI is an affordable and easy examination method that is performed in any medical institution. It evaluates the size, volume, and weight of the prostate, but it has some drawbacks. So, to assess the size of the prostate, the contours of the organ must be clear. Various external build-ups will distort the overall picture. If the patient is overweight, then TAUSI becomes even more difficult.
  2. Transrectal method (TRUS)... In this test, a high-frequency transducer is placed in the man's rectum. There are no other organs between the prostate and the rectum, so the picture is very clear. For a more accurate study of the pathology and the norm of the size of the prostate gland by ultrasound, a transrectal research method is used. It allows you to see the lobes of the gland, the state of the periprostatic fatty tissue and venous plexus, stones, cysts, foci of infection, etc.

Less common methods of performing ultrasound of the prostate externally through the perineum and internally through the urethra (intracavitary transurethral).

Normal size of the prostate gland in men

As a result of any method of ultrasound examination, the doctor determines the normal linear dimensions of the prostate gland. The transverse dimension is calculated by a transverse scan of the middle part of the gland. To determine the anteroposterior and longitudinal dimensions, a sagittal scan is performed. With their help, the specialist makes calculations and determines the norm or pathology.

Normally, the prostate gland has smooth, clear contours and a uniform structure, and is symmetrical.

The normal size of the prostate in men varies within the following ranges:

  • longitudinal - 24 - 40 mm;
  • anteroposterior - 15 - 25 mm;
  • transverse - 27 - 42 mm.

The sizes given are correct for men 20 - 40 years old. For men 50, 60 years old, the standards will be slightly different.

A sharp increase in the size of the prostate after 40 years most often indicates prostatic hyperplasia. This disease affects about half of men aged 60 - 70 years.

Fluctuations in the size of the prostate gland are normally affected by age, hereditary predisposition, lifestyle, general condition of the body. Therefore, the doctor evaluates various factors and, with minor deviations, speaks of pathology only if there are adverse symptoms: difficulty urinating, pain, sexual dysfunction.

The calculation of the volume of the prostate is done by simply calculating its size, as determined by TRUS.

There are the following methods for calculating the volume of the prostate gland:

  • Truncated ellipse formula. The volume of the gland is equal to the following product: (transverse dimension) x (anteroposterior dimension) x (longitudinal dimension) x 0.52.
  • If the mass of the gland is more than 80 grams. The volume is calculated by multiplying the value of 0.52 and the cross-sectional dimension in a cube.
  • If the mass of the gland is less than 80 grams. The volume is equal to the product of 0.52, the anteroposterior dimension and the transverse dimension squared.

The normal volume of the prostate gland of a middle-aged man is 25 - 30 cm cubic.

The size of the prostate, depending on age, is calculated by the formula: the product of the coefficient 0.13 and the age of the man is calculated and summed up with the number 16.4:

  • for a boy of 7 years old: 0.13 * 7 + 16.4 = 17.31
  • for a man 30 years old: 0.13 * 30 + 16.4 = 20.3
  • for a man 70 years old: 0.13 * 70 + 16.4 = 25.5

In some cases, the diagnosis requires calculating the mass of the prostate. To do this, its volume is multiplied by 1.05.

To determine the norm and pathology of the prostate, the doctor examines the structure of the organ. It should be symmetrical. The halves are separated by a longitudinal groove and each of them consists of 15 - 25 lobules. In a number of diseases, this structure loses its homogeneity. Brushes, tumors, etc. can form on it. Diffuse changes can indicate dysplasia, hyperplasia, prostate atrophy.

Why is it important to determine the normal size of the prostate in men?

Diseases do not always immediately make themselves felt with unpleasant symptoms. Sometimes the disease is detected already at a later stage of development. And this threatens with serious complications.

For example, an advanced form of hyperplasia can lead to acute urinary retention. In this case, the patient will need to undergo surgery or catheterization.

A benign form of a tumor can develop into a malignant one. Cancer is an insidious disease. And a man can feel the negative consequences already at the stage when cancer cells will metastasize.

Prevention of male diseases and timely examination of the prostate gland are the key to the health and full life of a man until old age.

The prostate gland is a purely male organ. This organ is located in the body under the bladder and is very similar in shape to a chestnut.

The male reproductive gland, also called the prostate, is designed to produce a special secretion in the composition of sperm.

The secretion produced is responsible for the density of a substance called sperm and the content of vitamins, enzymes and immunoglobulin in it.

Thus, the main functions of the organ are:

  • the production of a secret, the so-called prostatic juice, as the main component of sperm;
  • the gland acts as a damper (valve) that closes off for urination during an erection;
  • responsible for the release of semen;
  • responsible for the conversion of hormones.

The prostate is a fairly large gland and therefore it is not only located under the bladder, but part of the urethra passes through it. A hormone such as testosterone is involved in the development of germ cells in men, due to close cooperation with the described gland.

With a change in a person's age, his organs also change. The prostate gland, also referred to as the second heart of a man, significantly affects both health in general and sexual activity in particular. And if the size of the prostate gland is normal, then this means that it functions in a healthy manner. A significant change in size affects the production of enzymes and entails deviations in the health of a man.

The size of the sex gland when it is normal

The size of a normal prostate is normal, depending on age. It turns out that the largest size of the prostate gland reaches the age of majority of a young man. Such a concept as a norm is different for each of us. The individual characteristics of the body greatly affect the shape and size of the organ. In a healthy average man, the norm for the volume of the gland will be something like this:

  • length from 25 to 45 mm;
  • width from 20 to 40 mm;
  • thickness from 10 to 22 mm.

If the size of the prostate gland is normal, then the value of the volume of the prostate will be in the range from 18 to 27 millimeters, the maximum allowable value is 30 millimeters.

There is A.I. Gromov's formula, which can be used to calculate the size of the prostate in men. The volume of the prostate is calculated as follows: V = 0.13B + 16.4 cm³ (where B means the patient's age). For example, the age category and normal size of the prostate at a certain period of life will look like this: 18 years old - 18.74, 32 years old - 20, 56, 50 years old - 22.9, 60 years old - 24.2, 70 years old - 25 ,5.

By old age, changes occur and the size changes downward. Changes occur after 45 years and the size of the prostate gland gradually begins to become smaller. At this time, the testosterone level is no longer what it was before, and besides, it can provoke the growth of the gland itself and the adenoma.

Diagnosis of prostate diseases

Knowing the size of the normal prostate, we take the first step towards determining its condition and the possibility of diagnosis.

When diagnosing a disease, the doctor uses the following methods:

  • The simplest and most reliable, but already forgotten method is palpation. The method allows you to determine the presence or absence of deviations. Pain syndrome is also established.
  • Magnetic resonance currently allows the most accurate determination of the size of the organ.
  • Ultrasound of the prostate is a highly accurate determination of the size of the organ. In most cases, ultrasound diagnostics of the prostate is the most effective method.

Ultrasound of the prostate

Ultrasound is the most affordable and accurate method. The specificity of the use is as follows - the ultrasonic method itself is used in several directions. An ultrasound study involves:

Transrectal examination of the prostate

External diagnosis through the peritoneal wall. This is the most affordable way, when the bladder is filled with a special solution and scanning is performed both along and across. Longitudinal and transverse sections of the gland are obtained and the size of the prostate is established, the boundaries of which should be very clear. Examination through the perineum should also be referred to the external method.

Transrectal examination through the rectum. In this case, the bladder is not filled, but a probe is inserted through the rectum, which examines the adjacent internal organs, the size of the prostate gland, the rate of hormones, and so on.

Introduction of the transducer through the urethra. This is the most traumatic method, although it is more accurate. Scanning with ultrasound, accurately indicates what size of the gland the patient has at the time of the examination. By comparing the data with statistical data, which are considered normal, the diagnosis and methods of treatment of the disease are determined.

Diseases of the male reproductive gland

No one can be insured against prostate diseases. Moreover, this can happen both at 50 and at 70 years of age, and even earlier. These diseases are of a different nature, they proceed in different ways and the treatment, respectively, will also differ. In most cases, if the normal volume of the prostate gland is changed, we can talk about prostatitis, adenoma and cancer. These diseases have common symptoms initially, but differences become noticeable as the disease intensifies.

Prostate adenoma and its treatment

A sign of an adenoma is the presence of a mass that leads to urinary disorders. Symptoms inherent in adenoma occur in other diseases as well. The doctor determines the size of the prostate by palpation and, if necessary, prescribes an ultrasound scan. In addition to ultrasound, uroflowmetry is additionally assigned to determine the flow of urine and what is the nature of the disorder. Further, you may need to consult an oncologist. The size of the adenoma is maximum allowable when it is 30-55 millimeters. Such a case can be considered a controlled therapeutic effect. Treatment is carried out with drugs.

The larger the size of the prostate with adenoma, the greater the likelihood of surgery. An enlarged prostate adenoma to the limit of 60 millimeters will definitely entail an operation to remove a part, that is, to reduce the size of the prostate gland. Prolonged treatment has a number of negative factors: impaired sexual function, urinary incontinence, the presence of a postoperative scar.

The use of drugs in the early stages of the disease under the supervision of a physician can restore the normal size of the prostate gland in all men. Medicines slow growth and improve urination. The dose of medication depends on the complications and is used on the recommendation of the attending physician.

There are several types of surgical intervention methods:

  • Destruction of adenoma using temperatures. Treatment is carried out with both low and high temperatures. The method of high temperatures is more common. Thermal methods include laser therapy.
  • Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis?

    Do you prostate? Have you tried a lot of tools and nothing helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

    • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
    • Difficulty urinating
    • sexual dysfunction.

    The only way is surgery? Wait, and don't use drastic methods. It is POSSIBLE to cure prostatitis! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis ...

Prostate volume- one of the main indicators by which the state of the male organ is assessed, the presence of diseases is diagnosed. If this characteristic exceeds the norm, then you should immediately seek help from specialists, since all prostate ailments are difficult to treat, exhausting, and some procedures, at least, are unpleasant. What is the norm of the prostate gland in volume, how is this indicator calculated?

The norm of the volume of the prostate gland

Before proceeding with the question of considering the norm of the size of the prostate gland, it is necessary to understand a little about where the indicators are taken from.

When conducting research, the attending physician examines the anteroposterior, transverse, upper-lower parts of the prostate. To simplify the presentation of the picture, it is customary to call them thickness, width, length, respectively.

According to the literature, these indicators have a fairly high scatter associated with the individual characteristics of the organism. This means that even if the indicators go beyond the specified parameters, one cannot talk about the presence of specific diseases.

Indicators of the norm of the size of the prostate gland fluctuate within the following limits:

  • length- 23-42 mm;
  • thickness- 15-30 mm;
  • width- 27-50 mm.

The scatter is really large, the reason is the individual characteristics of each individual man. For one it will be a completely normal indicator, for another it is a sign of the presence of diseases.

One of the most common mistakes young doctors make is making a diagnosis, prescribing treatment based on size. Measurement of dimensions is necessary to calculate the volume of the prostate gland.

The main growth activity is observed during adolescence, namely, during puberty. This is due to the fact that a huge amount of hormones are released into the body, including testosterone, which, in fact, is responsible for the size of the prostate. A normal prostate gland will be observed only after the end of the body's restructuring processes.

Calculation of the volume of the prostate

The body of each person is individual, all organs, including the prostate, differ in weight, size and volume. The dimensions that the doctor receives during the examination of the organ are necessary in order to calculate the exact volume of the prostate gland.

This is done according to a fairly simple formula. It is necessary to multiply the length, thickness, width among themselves, then by a factor of 0.52. This formula is a classic mathematical method for calculating a truncated ellipse.

The only drawback of the formula is the virtual absence of the concept of an age norm. The normal volume of the prostate gland, depending on age, should be as follows:

  • up to 20 years- 200 mm 3;
  • 20-30 years old- 250 mm 3;
  • 30-50 years old- 300 mm 3;
  • from 50- up to 350 mm 3.

There is another method for calculating the norm of the volume of the prostate gland, which will allow you to find out this indicator depending on age. To do this, you need to multiply the coefficient 0.13 by age and add the number 16.4 to this indicator. For example, 20 * 0.16 + 16.4, we get 19 cm, which is the norm for a 20-year-old.

For some procedures, it is also necessary to know the mass of the prostate gland. This is another reason why measurements of its size may be needed. To do this, you must first calculate the volume of the prostate, and then multiply this figure by 1.05.

How to find out the size of the prostate gland

There are several ways to measure the size of the prostate. It is worth warning in advance that not a single such study can be carried out on your own, so you will have to seek help from specialists.

Basic sizing techniques:

  1. Palpation... Since the prostate gland is located behind the rectal wall, it can be felt by hand. This method refers to the primary diagnosis, it is impossible to take accurate indicators. The attending physician will be able to determine the overall size of the gland, its consistency, elasticity, structure, and check the pain. With sufficiently large volumes of the prostate, for example, with adenoma, there is no need for further research.
  2. Ultrasound. This method allows you to determine the size of the prostate gland, calculate the volume, mass. Ultrasound examination can be performed transabdomally or transrectally. The second method is considered the most accurate, since the endoscope and the emitter will be inserted directly into the rectal opening, which means that it will be located in the immediate vicinity of the prostate. TRUS is a kind of standard when calculating the size of the gland.
  3. CT scan- the method is considered one of the most accurate, it allows you to determine the size of the prostate, to study the structure of the organ in detail. During tomography, without unnecessary calculations on the screen, it will be possible to detect the presence of developmental abnormalities, the formation of stones, tumors, cysts, and salt deposits.

The volume of the prostate is one of the most important indicators during the diagnosis of diseases. Already by this characteristic alone, one can say about the development of adenoma or oncological ailments. The procedure for measuring the volume itself is complicated by the lack of strict standardization in the medical literature, and the concept of the norm is slightly blurred by the individual characteristics of each organism.

Thanks to the skills of medical specialists, the possibilities of modern medicine, it is possible to calculate the volume of the prostate gland quite accurately, but even with normal indicators, it is advisable to carry out additional tests, especially if the doctor suspects the presence of diseases. All these procedures are unpleasant, but it is much better to notice the disease in advance and begin its treatment than to become a victim of it.

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