Home Helpful Hints What are the vices of people. The main human vices and methods of how to deal with them. Other vices do no less harm to a person

What are the vices of people. The main human vices and methods of how to deal with them. Other vices do no less harm to a person

Vice is a familiar and certainly not the most pleasant word. What does it mean? Moral, spiritual deficiency, wormhole, flaw, perversion of the norm. Sadly, vice lies at the threshold of every human soul. He is waiting for an opportune moment to slip unnoticed past the guard called attention, to easily overcome the door under the sign of consciousness and feel like a sovereign master in the house of our thoughts, feelings and will. We know the names of these tricksters and deceivers. Cruelty and hypocrisy, vindictiveness, vanity and cowardice. Here are 5 generals who lead a huge army of human vices.

Let's look at them carefully. Cruelty is connivance with primitive instincts, complete disrespect and insult to human dignity. Hypocrisy is pseudo-morality and deceit, an exaggerated search for excuses for one's own meanness. Cowardice is total submission to fear of the unknown. Resentment is an endless tribute to one's own resentment and vindictiveness. Vanity is an insatiable thirst for recognition, a need for flattery and the continuous assertion of one's superiority.

Each of these vices is cunning and insidious. It grows out of the natural inclinations of man. Imperceptibly perverting the norm, twisting concepts, making substitutions and juggling, he turns the moral into the immoral, the normal into the unnatural. Vice forms pernicious habits and addictions, which are firmly rooted in the soul of a person, growing together with his personality, character and behavior. If sin is rather the result of choice, then vice is a manifested immoral inclination. Therefore, the sooner a person begins to fight with his such "close" and "native" vices, the better for him.


  • Cruelty—Learn to please yourself without hurting anyone.
  • Hypocrisy - Be yourself, let others see your true face: maybe you want to change it.
  • Resentment - Get rid of resentment and fill your soul with goodness.
  • Vanity - Don't emphasize your perceived superiority to others. Don't seek flattery.
  • Cowardice - Do not rush to hide your head in the sand, not appreciating the danger: it may turn out to be imaginary.
  • Theft - Don't mess with the penal code.
  • Superstition - Believe only in positive omens.
  • Rudeness - Do not humiliate the weak, helpless and those who love you or depend on you.
  • Backbiting - Curb your tongue: from gossip to slander is one step.


Rousseau begins his Discourse on the Origin of Inequality by distinguishing between two kinds of inequality, natural and artificial, where the first is the result of differences in strength, intelligence, etc., and the second is derived from the laws that govern society. Rousseau is trying to explain precisely the inequality of the second type. Adopting what he considered the "scientific" method of investigating the origin of inequality, he attempts to reconstruct the earliest phases of human life on earth. Rousseau believes that the first people on earth were not social, but individual beings, and in this he agrees with the natural law of Hobbes. But in contrast to the English pessimist's view of human life under those conditions, Rousseau argues that the first people, despite their individual existence, were healthy, happy, virtuous and free. The appearance of human vices, he argues, dates back to the time when society was formed.

Rousseau thus rehabilitates nature and blames society for the appearance of vices. He says that the passions that give rise to vices hardly exist in the state of nature, but begin to develop as soon as people begin to form society. Society, Rousseau continues, began to take shape when people built their first huts, a circumstance that facilitated the beginning of a joint life between a man and a woman, who, in turn, created the custom of living in a family and communicating with neighbors. This "nascent society," as Rousseau calls it, was virtuous for as long as it lasted. Indeed, it was the "golden age" of human history. Only it didn't last long. With the tender passion of love came the destructive passion of jealousy and envy. Neighbors began to compare their capabilities and achievements, which "was the first step towards inequality and vice at the same time." People began to demand honor and respect. Their innocent self-love turned into reprehensible pride, as each person wanted to be better than the rest.

The advent of property marked another step towards inequality, as it required the establishment of laws and the creation of forms of government to protect property. Rousseau laments the "fatal" concept of property in one of his most eloquent passages, describing the "horrors" that arose as a result of moving away from conditions in which the land was not owned by anyone. These passages from the second Discourse excited later revolutionaries such as Marx and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924), but Rousseau himself did not think that this could be changed in any way. It was already pointless to dream of a return to the golden age.

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Many believers, reading the holy scriptures, often pay attention to such an expression as "seven deadly sins." These words do not refer to any specific seven deeds, because the list of such deeds can be much longer. This number indicates only the conditional grouping of actions into seven main groups.

Gregory the Great was the first to propose such a division as early as 590. The church also has its own division, in which there are eight main passions. Translated from the Church Slavonic language, the word "passion" means suffering. Other believers and preachers believe that there are 10 sins in Orthodoxy.

The mortal sin is the most serious of all possible sins. It can be redeemed only by repentance. Committing such a sin does not allow a person's soul to go to heaven. Basically, in Orthodoxy there are seven deadly sins.

And they are called mortal because their constant repetition leads to the death of the immortal soul of a person, and therefore its entry into hell. Such actions are based on biblical texts. Their appearance in the texts of theologians dates back to a later time.

Mortal sins in Orthodoxy. List.

  1. Anger, anger, revenge. This group includes actions that, in contrast to love, bring destruction.
  2. lust e, debauchery, fornication. This category includes acts that lead to an excessive desire for pleasure.
  3. Laziness, idleness, despondency. They include unwillingness to perform both spiritual and physical work.
  4. Pride, vanity, arrogance. Unbelief in the divine is arrogance, boasting, excessive self-confidence.
  5. Envy, jealousy. This group includes dissatisfaction with what they have, confidence in the injustice of the world, the desire for someone else's status, property, qualities.
  6. Gluttony, gluttony. The need to consume more than necessary is also referred to as passion.
  7. love of money greed, greed, avarice. Most of all, attention is drawn to when the desire to increase one's material condition occurs at the expense of spiritual well-being.

The list of sins for confession in Orthodoxy

Confession is referred to as rituals that help to get rid of sins and purify the soul. The clergy believe that if repentance is supported by almsgiving, fervent prayer and fasting, then after it a person can return to the state in which Adam was before the fall.

You can go to confession in any situation, but often it is a temple during a divine service or another time that the priest will appoint. A person who wants to repent must be baptized, go to the Orthodox Church, recognize the foundations of Orthodoxy and be willing to repent of their sins.

To prepare for confession, repentance and faith are essential. It is recommended to fast and read penitential prayers. A repentant person needs to confess his sins, than to show the recognition of his sinfulness, while highlighting those passions that are especially characteristic of him.

It will not be superfluous to name specific sins that burden his soul. Here is a short list of sins to confess:

  • Resentment against God.
  • Caring only for worldly life.
  • Violation of the Law of God.
  • Condemnation of the clergy.
  • Unbelief, lack of faith, doubts about the existence of God, about the truth of the Orthodox faith.
  • An insult to God, the Most Holy Theotokos, saints, the holy Church. The mention of the Name of God is in vain, without reverence.
  • Violation of fasts, church regulations and prayer rules.
  • Failure to keep promises made to God.
  • Lack of Christian love.
  • Non-attendance or rare visit to the temple.
  • Envy, malice, hatred.
  • Homicide, abortion. Suicide.
  • Lies, deceit.
  • Lack of mercy, failure to help those in need.
  • Pride. Condemnation. Resentment, not a desire to reconcile, forgive. rancor.
  • Greed, covetousness, money-grubbing, bribery.
  • Temptation for any sin.
  • Extravagance.
  • Superstition.
  • Use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs..
  • Entering into direct communication with evil spirits.
  • Fornication.
  • Gambling.
  • Divorce.
  • Self-justification.
  • Laziness, sadness, gluttony, despondency.

This is not a complete list of sins. It can also be extended. In conclusion of the confession, one can say this: I have sinned (a) in deed, in word, in thoughts, with all the feelings of the soul and body. Do not list all my sins, according to their multitude. But in all my sins, both expressed and forgotten, I repent.

The most terrible sin in Orthodoxy

Often people argue about which sin is the most terrible, and which God is willing to forgive. It is generally accepted that suicide is considered the most serious sin. He is considered incorrigible, because having passed away, a person can no longer beg forgiveness from God for his soul.

There is no clear ranking of sins in Orthodoxy. After all, if a small sin is not repented of and repented of, it can lead to the death of a person’s soul and burden him.

You can often hear about original sin in Orthodoxy. This is the name of the act of Adam and Eve, which they committed. Since it was committed in the first generation of people, it was recognized as the first sin of all mankind. This sin damaged human nature and is passed on to posterity by inheritance. In order to reduce its influence on a person or even lose it, it is recommended to baptize children and accustom them to the church.

Sodom sin in Orthodoxy

So it is customary to call a sinful thought, deed or aspiration, which is based on a person’s sexual attraction to a representative (representatives) of his gender. Often the clergy attributed this sin as one of the types of fornication, although some drew a fairly clear line between such concepts.

In turn, the sin of fornication in Orthodoxy is classified as a mortal sin. After all, it is believed that when connecting with a person, not only physical, but also spiritual intimacy occurs. And all this remains on our soul. She becomes unclean. In the middle, everything seems to be burned out.

That is why it is necessary every time to think about your carnal desires, and think about what it can lead to.

We cannot atone for sins in Orthodoxy on our own. But we have hope that the Lord has given us. To ease your hardships, you need to pray earnestly. It is necessary to go to the temple and confess before God and the priest.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Cast out from me all misfortunes that tempt carnal passions. In redemption, I fall down, I forget about sins in vanity. Forgive me the sins that happened, and they are still not forgotten. Those sins that are still smoldering in the soul, too often smell of illness. May your will be done. Amen".

The Lord is always with you!

Human vices are what destroys millions of people and the saddest thing is that most of them believe that vices cannot be eradicated. In fact, if you understand the nature of vices - the causes of their occurrence, then you can get rid of any of them and defeat any bad habit. But the difficulty for many people is that you need to change, you need to work on yourself, but they do not want to, they are lazy! Therefore, they become slaves of vice and slowly or quickly perish.

In this article we will consider the questions: what is vice? What are the causes of defects? What does vice do to a person? And etc.

What are human vices?

Human Vices- this is a manifestation in a person in the form of his negative (vicious) desires and habits.

- this is what at the beginning is like nectar, and then like poison! Vice - destroys a person both spiritually and physically. It enslaves a person, his soul and body through strong vicious desires, needs, attachments and insurmountable habits. It all starts with a test (it’s interesting, after all), then a need is formed, the need develops into an attachment (this is already an addiction), which in turn becomes a habit. And only a few can become an ingrained habit.

Many vices are born and develop in extremes or because of the violation of the principle of "Moderation".

for instance, question - eating is good, is it necessary? Of course it is necessary and good! After all, the digestive organs are provided for in all people. But overeating is already very bad! And gluttony leads to diseases of the body and to the destruction of the soul. The same can be said about sex, and about other excesses in desires.

The same, Vices settle and flourish where a person does not distinguish between Good and Evil, and does not think about the consequences.

A prime example is bad habits:

Smoking a smoker gives some pleasure, but in reality smoking destroys, stupefies and kills a person. Any healer can describe the energy of a smoker - subtle bodies are full of holes, the energy (aura) is gray or dark gray, many flows are blocked, and the organs of the body are darkened. Smokers never have much positive energy (this is one of the punishments under the Spiritual Laws).

  • Same for alcohol...
  • Same for drugs...
  • The same is sexaholism ...
  • The same - those who speak foul language (they make holes in their souls themselves)

In fact, whoever is familiar with in practice knows that Evil takes possession of the soul of a person through Vices. And if a person fell into his paws, it will not be very easy to escape. How easy is it? And how difficult is it to wean a drug addict from drugs or completely cure an alcoholic?

When does a person take possession of vices?

When he does not have a strong and worthy inner core! When his Personality is based not on eternal and supreme values ​​(Duty and Responsibility to a given life, Honor, Justice, Love, Law, etc.), but selfish desires and worldly momentary values ​​that have become the most important thing for a person in his life.

  • For a fat person, the meaning of life is not to fulfill the Duty and not even to achieve personal success, but to eat, eat and eat all the time (filling the stomach). He is a slave to food and his desire eat, sorry.
  • For an alcoholic, accordingly, the meaning of life is to get drunk, have fun and forget, and the drink of the gods is alcohol. Etc.

Other vices bring no less harm to a person:

  • - a devastating deficiency leading to poverty, crime and loneliness
  • Pride- gives rise to conflicts and leads to the fall of a person according to fate, if it is not neutralized in time.
  • - destroys trust, reputation and relationships between people.
  • Other

Where to start the fight against vices?

1. With an understanding of the consequences of vices! Start by trying to clearly and as detailed as possible imagine (using the example of other people) where this vice will lead you. What future awaits you if you do not free yourself from this vice?

2. Each specific vice, shortcoming, bad habit must be eradicated with your own methods and techniques of working on yourself. There will be questions. if you can't find it on the site.

Therefore, in order to start living correctly, you need to know what you need to fight.

From greed to laziness

There are seven common human sins - laziness, gluttony, pride, lust, greed, malice and envy. The list of human vices can be extended indefinitely, these seven stand out especially for the reason that other sins follow from them.

These seven major human vices, which are discussed in the article, haunt every person throughout life. We must also remember that sins differ in meaning. For some, a person is guilty before himself and his faith, for others - before people.

There is such a point of view that pride is the most terrible of all sins, and this is due to the fact that a person challenges the Almighty.

  1. vice: laziness (apathy, depression, idleness). It is a lack of diligence, or even its absence, lazy people do not benefit society. But at the same time, laziness is necessary for the body in order to maintain strength for further activity.
  2. vice: gluttony, gluttony. It is the love of tasty food consumed in large quantities. One type of gluttony is the consumption of alcohol. Excessive consumption of food harms lovers of delicious food.
  3. vice: anger (it also includes rage, desire for revenge, anger). This is a negative emotion aimed at feeling injustice, while a person feels a desire to get rid of this injustice.
  4. vice: greed (greed, stinginess). The desire to get as much material wealth as possible, while the person has no sense of proportion.
  5. vice: envy (jealousy). This is the desire of a person to have the same thing as someone more successful, while the person is ready to go to great lengths.
  6. vice: pride (pride, arrogance). Selfishness, excessive pride, arrogance. A person with this quality boasts of himself in front of the people around him, believes that for everyone there is only one correct point of view - his.
  7. vice: lust (lechery, fornication, voluptuousness). This is gross sex drive, this is forbidden passion, secret desires. It can also be absolutely any desire that can provide a person with certain inconveniences and torments.

Sociologists conducted an interesting survey and compiled a "hit - parade" of these mortal sins. Thus, anger and pride became leaders, laziness and greed took the last place.

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The main vices of man

At all times of the existence of mankind, people, due to certain character traits, are characterized by the manifestation of certain human qualities. And many representatives of the human dynasty tend to talk about the qualities (especially impartial) of their interlocutors, colleagues, acquaintances, not noticing, as they say, "a beam in one's own eye."

But each of us is endowed with human qualities, both good and bad. We offer you to get acquainted with the most unpleasant, and sometimes simply unbearable qualities inherent in some individuals.

So, the main vices of man

1. Greed - an uncontrollable thirst to save, to own as many material values ​​as possible and unwillingness to share one's wealth with anyone. From people with this quality, one should not expect even the slightest gesture of generosity.

2. Indifference is a trait of human character, expressed in the lack of the ability to empathize, the manifestation of callousness to the sorrows and troubles of other people. It is an indifferent attitude that gives rise to a sense of permissiveness and impunity in dishonorable people. Hence a lot of murders and other crimes.

3. Hypocrisy - the ability of a person who does not have a drop of sincerity to take a pasture position for himself. It manifests itself in the ability to put on a suitable “mask” of pretense at the right time in order to look better in the eyes of others than it really is, without exposing its own base essence.

4. Envy - a manifestation of a negative attitude in the form of hostility and hostility towards people who have reached greater heights than the envious person himself. Someone else's well-being overshadows the mind, giving rise to a sense of one's own inadequacy. Envy is a bad feeling

5. Cruelty is a terrible personality trait, expressed in the need to inflict suffering on living beings (people, animals), both moral and physical. Moreover, at the same time, a cruel person experiences a sense of satisfaction at the sight of other people's suffering.

6. Anger - a hostile manifestation of anger, irritation and hostility towards someone. Often accompanied by not quite adequate aggressive behavior.

7. Cunning - the ability to pretend, dodge and dodge in any situation while achieving personal goals in all sorts of ways, regardless of generally accepted canons.

8. Selfishness - overestimation of the importance of one's own person. It is expressed in a disdainful attitude towards the interests of others, one's own interests are above all.

9. Insolence - a manifestation of disrespect, contempt for the interlocutor, accompanied by frank attempts to provoke him to a scandal. It can be expressed in the form of unpleasant rude gestures (waving sticking out fingers), an increased tone in conversation, a piercing impudent look in order to confuse the interlocutor, the use of lies. It is characteristic of self-confident types who feel their impunity.

10. Vanity - the tendency to attract the attention of others, to impress even with negative actions. The desire to hear laudatory flattering speeches addressed to one's person is due to the desire to be a famous and revered person. Often expressed in the excellent ability to brag.

Here are perhaps the most common immoral qualities of human nature. Although this is still not the whole list of existing vices inherent in many human beings.

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