Home Helpful Hints A set of exercises to pump up. Reasonable pitching. The path to the body of HeraCAcles. The value of basic exercises

A set of exercises to pump up. Reasonable pitching. The path to the body of HeraCAcles. The value of basic exercises

Dreams of a perfect body that inspires self-confidence and ensures success with girls excite most young people. Many of them take the path of grueling training to achieve their dreams. At the initial stage of this path, all young people are interested in the question of how to build muscle, and moreover, how to build muscle quickly at home. This article will tell you if this is possible, and what is needed for this.

How can you build muscle very quickly?

Surely you are familiar with the attractive headlines on how to build muscle on popular fitness and bodybuilding magazines and websites, which guarantee to gain 10 kg of muscle mass in a month, turn your abs into a washboard in a week, and increase volume by 2-3 cm in a day of training. upset you, but these are nothing more than simple tricks to attract as many readers as possible.

But do not despair, because this does not mean that it is impossible to achieve the desired shape. With the right approach to training and nutrition, you will definitely achieve the desired result, while progressing quite.

But get it straight away:

Rule number 1! Building a beautiful figure is a way of life. Forget about quick results once and for all! Nothing good ever happens in life! Remember? Let's go further!

The main aspects of pumping muscles

In order to get a stable result from month to month, from year to year, and not fast (as we found out, it’s impossible to get a fast result), you need to manipulate the following things: training, nutrition + sports nutrition and recovery. These are three whales on which a beautiful figure and health are built. If you train perfectly, and there are problems with nutrition, then the result will be minimal! Importance as a percentage:

  • Workout 30%;
  • Recovery (Rest) 30%;
  • Meals 40%.

Many athletes give nutrition up to 60%!!!

Rule number 2! Proper nutrition is the foundation. Immediately try to delve into all aspects of the diet!

Now let's talk about each item in more detail.

What you need to know about training

First you need to properly organize your training process, start a training diary, which will indicate the exercises, weights, number of repetitions and approaches. You need to learn different methods for training or consult with an instructor about which methods are most effective in each case.

It should be noted that the type of training largely depends on the type of addition. As you know, there are three of them:

  1. Ectomorph;
  2. Mesomorph;
  3. Endomorph.

It is easiest for mesomorphs - they are initially muscular and quite easily gain weight, even regardless of the correct construction of the training program (by the way, most of the methods described are built specifically for mesomorphs). Ectomorphs are naturally lean and have a harder time gaining weight, so their workouts should be structured to avoid aerobic activity, focus on compound exercises, and increase weights. Endomorphs tend to be overweight, so they need the opposite approach - frequent workouts, as much aerobic activity as possible, minimal breaks between sets and light weights. Interestingly, when they come to the gym, everyone strives to do exactly what is easier - endomorphs are more likely to work out with a barbell, and ectomorphs run or pedal an exercise bike.

Many beginners also often wonder how to build muscle at home and this is real. We believe that it is necessary to be in a party - it is the team and constant interaction that gives the result. Training at home is possible only in cases of emergency. That is:

Rule number 3! Communicate with like-minded people of a higher level - be in a party. It is this environment that is favorable for the result.

A training program for gaining muscle mass, calculated by the days of the week (number of sets / number of repetitions). Warm-up sets don't count. I want to say that it is still not for beginners. At first, it is better to use this program to master the technique, then this one. After mastering them, feel free to proceed to the program from this article.


Chest, biceps, abs.

  • Bench press - 3/5-7
  • Incline Bench Press - 3/5-7
  • Push-ups on uneven bars 3/5-7
  • Lifting the bar for biceps while standing - 3/5-7
  • Alternately lifting dumbbells while sitting - 3/5-7
  • Rises of the body in a Roman chair - 3/20
  • Hanging Leg Raise – 3/20



  • Squats - 3/5-7
  • Leg Press - 3/5-7
  • Deadlift on straight legs - 3/5-7
  • Rise on toes while standing - 3/10-12
  • Rise on socks sitting - 3/10-12

Wednesday is rest.


Shoulders, triceps, abs.

  • Standing press - 3/5-7
  • Breeding dumbbells to the sides - 4/10-12
  • Breeding dumbbells in an incline - 4/10-12
  • French bench press - 3/5-7
  • Bench press - 3/5-7
  • Hanging Leg Raise – 3/20
  • Twisting - 3/20


Back, forearms.

  • Wide grip pull-ups - 3/5-7
  • Narrow Grip Overhead Row - 3/5-7
  • One arm dumbbell row - 3/5-7
  • Wrist curls - 3/10-12
  • Wrist extensions - 3/10-12

Saturday, Sunday - rest.

Rule number 4. First master the technique, then move on to large weights. In fact, any program is suitable for a beginner. Remember simple things work and you have to go from smallest to largest.

See how to quickly build muscle:

Proper recovery (rest) is the key to rapid muscle growth

Oddly enough, but a quick way to pump up muscles is to give them more rest. Recovery of the body is an important component of muscle growth and strength indicators. Sports medicine distinguishes four main stages. The first is a quick recovery. Then slow recovery. Next is super-recovery, which is also called super-compensation. And finally, a delayed recovery. Each of these stages is characterized by a variety of processes in the human body. By influencing these processes, you can help the body recover after a workout.

  • Rapid recovery phase. This stage lasts about half an hour and begins immediately after training. During this period, there is a restructuring in metabolism, and the human body seeks to restore homeostasis, namely, the restoration of glycogen, creatine phosphate, ATP, the normalization of the cardiovascular system, and the entry of anabolic hormones into the blood.
  • slow recovery phase. At this stage, the synthesis of proteins, amino acids and enzymes is activated.
  • Supercompensation. The third stage begins 2-3 days after training and lasts approximately 5 days. It is similar to the previous phase in terms of processes, however, it is at this stage that the functional characteristics of the organism begin to exceed the initial level. It is at this stage that the next workout of this muscle group should begin!
  • delayed recovery. The fourth stage is characterized by a return to the pre-training level of physical indicators in the absence of a repeated load during the third stage.

Here is a sample recovery plan. Immediately after strength training from sports nutrition, you should take:

Approximately 3-5 grams of BCAAs to enhance the secretion of anabolic hormones and suppress catabolism.

3 grams of creatine, if you are not on the cutting.

Water to normalize the water-electrolyte balance (you should generally drink as much water as possible -).

20-30 minutes after a workout, you should take a fast protein (not casein), which is the main source of amino acids. If you do not take BCAAs and other amino acids after training, then it is better to take protein immediately after the end of the workout.

Take carbohydrates of medium complexity (cereals, flour products, potatoes) also 30-40 minutes after training. If your body is prone to gaining excess weight, simply reduce the portion.

Remember that sleep is a great tool for recovery after a workout and you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day!

Rule number 5. Learn to immediately feel your body and avoid overtraining. Only after you are sure that you are recovering well, increase the intensity of the training.

Nutrition is the most important factor!

In the matter of gaining muscle mass, nutrition plays no less important role than the training itself, because it is nutrition that provides the athlete with energy and “building materials” for muscles. When gaining weight, food should be much more high-calorie than a regular diet, but this calorie content should not be provided by fats, but primarily by proteins and carbohydrates. The diet must necessarily include foods rich in proteins (meat, fish, dairy products) and carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables, fruits, honey). We also recommend using protein shakes. Here is a homemade protein shake recipe.

Approximate nutrition plan for gaining muscle mass.

Meal 1 - breakfast

  • 2 whole eggs + 3 egg whites
  • 2 slices of cheese
  • 3 slices of coarse bread
  • A glass of sweet tea with lemon
  • Multivitamin Complex

This meal allows you to replenish the supply of easily digestible proteins and amino acids after a night's sleep, as well as stock up on slow carbohydrates that will fuel our body with energy for several hours after eating. When you sleep at night, your body replenishes your blood glucose levels by using sugar stores in your liver. Well, when these reserves are critically melting, it causes the adrenal glands to secrete the hormone cortisol. This hormone draws energy directly from your muscles by "breaking down" muscle protein. This reaction must be stopped after waking up with a good breakfast.

Meal 2 - second breakfast

  • 200 g fish
  • 1 bagel
  • 1 apple or 1 banana
  • 250 ml juice

This meal is powerfully called a second breakfast. It is good because, along with fish, we get a sufficient amount of saturated fats and protein. The salad is rich in the fiber necessary for the athlete, and the apple or banana in fast carbohydrates and vitamins.

Meal 3 - Lunch

  • 240 g chicken meat
  • 2 cups boiled rice
  • 2 buns
  • 1 glass of pure water

During this meal, we get chicken protein, which is very useful for muscle growth, as well as rice, which is rich in slow carbohydrates. In turn, buns are rich in fast carbohydrates.

Meal 4 - afternoon tea

  • 1 serving of protein with two bananas.

During this meal, you get a complete set of amino acids from protein, as well as fast carbohydrates from bananas.

Meal 5 - Dinner

  • 250 g boiled fish
  • 400 g boiled potatoes
  • 1 bowl of fresh vegetable salad with a tablespoon of olive oil

During this meal, we also get the required amount of essential amino acids from fish and saturated fatty acids. Potatoes provide us with carbohydrates, while lettuce provides fiber and vitamins.

Meal 6 - before bed

  • Fat-free cottage cheese or protein shake

Fat-free cottage cheese is good because it is slowly digested. While you sleep, your body will be provided with protein, thus you will warn yourself against catabolic processes in the body that will "wait" for you during sleep.

At the same time drink more pure water! Muscles need it!

Rule number 6. Nutrition is as big and a separate topic as training, and therefore if you train stably, but eat stably, the result will tend to zero. The sooner you learn this, the sooner you will develop a healthy habit of proper nutrition!

The use of sports nutrition

A quick and successful set of muscle mass is impossible without the use of sports nutrition for bodybuilding, where all the substances necessary for the body are balanced. Sports nutrition is, first of all, protein, amino acids (BCAA), gainers, fat burners, complexes of vitamins and minerals.

You can buy sports nutrition in a specialized store, or order it online. Each sports nutrition has instructions with a description and method of application, which allows you to choose exactly what you need in each case. The main thing when choosing food is not to skimp and buy food from the best manufacturers and preferably from trusted suppliers with a good reputation.

Rule number 7. Delve immediately into the topic of sports nutrition, but gradually. So you will quickly understand what works best for you! And yes - SPORTPIT is ABSOLUTELY HARMFUL!


Thus, when wondering how to build muscle, you should be aware that this is a difficult and rather lengthy process, depending on the type of build, nutrition, lifestyle, willpower. But you don’t need to give it up at the very beginning of the journey, because the perfect body and self-confidence are worth it!

We wish you success in your undertaking and will support you in every possible way at every stage! We are waiting for your questions in the comments. Don't forget to join our official VKontakte group:

A strong and athletic body of a man is his pride, a guarantee of health, and of course, popularity among women! Today you woke up, looked in the mirror and decided to pump up your body? The advice of experienced trainers in our article will help you with this!

How to pump up a beginner in the gym

The first and main step of a novice sports fan should be a trip to the gym for advice from a trainer. He will tell you in an accessible way, and most importantly, he will show by personal example how to do the initial exercises on strength simulators correctly, aimed at strengthening the ligamentous apparatus and preparing the muscles. The sports program is selected purely individually and for each person it is different:

  • If you are overweight - first you need to reduce body weight, and only then you can do the exercises.
  • If a person is too thin, the program is designed for weight gain.
  • Well, if you have been doing any kind of sport all your life and your muscles are in good shape, the trainer will immediately draw up an intensive training plan for you.

But, coach-coach strife! For the safety of your own health, you should avoid “masters” who will push you to take chemicals, inject various amplifiers, and even more so will send you to make a base from the first arrival. After you have been assigned an individual plan, you need to work out 5-7 times under the guidance of a trainer in order to master the correct technique for doing the exercises.

How to get pumped up for a beginner - nutrition

Aspiring athletes neglect to change their habitual diet, believing that it is enough for them to train hard, and they will quickly become “big and strong”. But, in sports there is one very important rule - without the right diet, the results will be very, very deplorable. To achieve muscle growth for the first months of training, it is very important to adjust your diet. The coach should also tell about this, based on the physique of the athlete who came to him. Body types are divided into three types:

  • Ectomorphs are people with a fast metabolism, usually very thin. In order for the desired muscles to appear, they first need to recover and build muscle mass. The daily diet should consist of 50% carbohydrates, 30% proteins and 20% fat.
  • Mesomorphs are people who have an average metabolism and an average physique. The daily diet should contain 5-10% vegetable fats, 50% proteins and 45% carbohydrates.
  • Endomorphs are people with a slow metabolism and tend to be overweight. For this type of athletes, the coach is prescribed to eat food with a large amount of proteins - meat, cottage cheese, milk, fish, etc. From carbohydrates, only complex ones, such as peas, lentils, potatoes, and only in the morning.

To gain exactly muscles, without a fatty layer, it is necessary to avoid sweet, starchy foods and fried foods. You need to eat fractionally - 6 times a day.

How to pump up a beginner at home

Of course, not everyone has the opportunity and time to visit the gym. If you are not going to become a master of sports in bodybuilding, but just want to get in a taut athletic shape, this section of the article is for you. We bring to your attention the exercises that are best done in a complex way, training every day.

  • Exercises for the muscles of the arms, chest and shoulders - at home, traditional push-ups and pull-ups are replacing the bars and simulators. At the initial stages, you can start with 2 approaches, each at least 25 times. Every week increase the number by 10-15 push-ups. If you do not have a horizontal bar, pull-ups are replaced by dumbbell rows in an incline. A prerequisite is that you must give all the best, not sparing your power resources.
  • Exercises for the muscles of the legs and buttocks - squats at shoulder width with weighting. To warm up the muscles, as a warm-up, perform 10 deep squats, without a load, on a full foot. Next, any traction is placed on the shoulders (a barbell, or bags of sand or salt are tied to a stick) and squats are performed. You need to start with 10-15 times, gradually increasing.
  • Exercises for the press - standard birch, twisting, 45-degree leg lifts from a prone position, plank and of course, regular body lifts. You should know that the abdominal muscles quickly get used to the same exercises, so the techniques must be changed periodically.

In order not to quit training your body in a couple of days, it is very important to set yourself a goal and persevere towards it. At first, do not take long breaks between classes, it is psychologically very difficult to start later. Let yourself be drawn into training and feel the full power and strength of your warmed up muscles. When you achieve the first results, you no longer have to force yourself to do it, and the sport will be easy for you!

You do not have enough time to visit the gym, but there is a great desire to play sports and keep fit? It doesn't matter, because you can build your muscles without iron, using your own weight as weights.

Cons of home workouts without iron

The main disadvantage of home workouts is, of course, the lack of special simulators. They will have to be replaced with improvised means - chairs, a window sill, etc. will be used.

Want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you.

Another important point is that there are always experienced coaches and experienced athletes in the gym who can tell you whether you are doing the exercise correctly, what your mistakes are, and correct them in time. In addition, a large number of mirrors in the hall sometimes helps you see your mistakes on your own.

If you have not been involved in sports before, then in order for the absence of “senior comrades” not to affect the results of your training, you should be extremely careful about performing each exercise. Ideally, read special literature, or even watch videos demonstrating the correct execution of exercises.

And finally, the reason why many consider home workouts doomed to failure is reduced motivation. In the hall you constantly see those who have already achieved success, and strive for the same.

In addition, there is always a kind of atmosphere of rivalry and at the same time camaraderie in the gym, which gives you incentives during training.

Bodyweight exercises at home

Bodyweight exercises may initially act as preparatory exercises for basic exercises with a barbell, but over time they turn more into an aerobic load and into a load that can only maintain the current shape. Muscles quickly adapt to a relatively small load in push-ups, squats with their own weight, and jumps. And in order to launch the “detuning” mechanisms, we need to connect something more serious to our program.

You will not be able to pump up your legs without iron. You can't build shoulders without iron. At most you can make them more resilient.

Nuances of nutrition for home workouts

Properly built nutrition is what successful training, including home training, is based on. If you decide to seriously take up training, you should radically revise your diet.

First of all, remove fast food and fast food from it - unless, of course, you have previously been fond of this. It is also undesirable to use fried foods, give preference to boiled or baked.

If you are training for weight loss, then it is important to exclude fast carbohydrates from your diet - sweets, pastries. What you eat should consist of slow carbohydrates (any kind of cereal, except semolina), as well as proteins (meat, legumes, mushrooms, dairy products). Trying to eat fewer carbohydrates in principle is a common mistake, because they are the source of our energy for training.

The diet should be structured so that you have about 5 meals - but do not overeat. It is better to eat carbohydrates in the first half of the day - before 15.00, but protein foods - in the second. The ideal option for a “snack” before going to bed would be regular cottage cheese.

Useful information for weight loss

If your goal is to gain mass, then protein foods must be included in every meal. It will not be superfluous to take a gainer, which will give the body a large amount of calories and protein necessary for muscle growth.

Otherwise, the principle of nutrition is the same as for those who lose weight - a balance of proteins and carbohydrates, frequent meals. The only thing is that you can afford to eat more high-calorie foods.

Iron Free Exercise Program

How to pump up at home: a program from StyleFitness


  • Pull-ups

You can perform pull-ups with a wide grip, both behind the head and to the chest, or even a combination of them. The width of the grip should be such that the forearms at their highest point are parallel to each other, in other words, perpendicular to the floor.

It is very important to keep the shoulder blades together and the head straight so as not to hunch over at the top. We perform 3 sets to the maximum, without weight, the rest time between sets is 3 minutes.

  • Squats

We put our feet shoulder-width apart or narrower. The slope of the back should be approximately 45 degrees, but not lower. The lowest point of the thigh during the squat should be parallel to the floor or even lower. Squats are recommended to be done with light weight dumbbells.

We perform 25 repetitions of 8 sets, every week increasing the repetitions by another 2 times.

  • Push ups

When doing push-ups, try to keep your legs and back straight so that they form a straight line. With arms wide apart and elbows as wide as possible, the chest muscles work best. That is why the maximum load also falls on the shoulder joints. Please be careful.

Wide grip push-ups should be performed 20 times for 5 sets, and every week increase the number of repetitions by 2 times.

  • Burpee.

This exercise should be performed for the maximum number of repetitions in 5 minutes.

  • Bridge

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet about 20 cm from your hips. Feet should be shoulder-width apart and arms slightly bent at the elbow. Pushing off with both arms and legs, with a tense abs, gently lift your hips up so that your back is arched in an arc.

Perform the bridge 10 times, trying to keep your arms and legs as straight as possible.

  • Tabata "Plank".

The whole body turns into one straight line. Try to stay in this position for 20 seconds. Do 8 sets with no more than 10 seconds rest between each set.


  • Tabata "Push-ups".

We take a position with emphasis on the knees and do push-ups with a large amplitude for 20 seconds. Rest for the next 10 seconds. We perform 8 approaches.

  • Tabata "Squats".

At a fast pace, with arms extended forward and pulling the pelvis back, we squat for 20 seconds. We do 8 sets, rest time - 10 seconds between sets.

  • Plank.

The body position should be like for push-ups and with an emphasis on socks. We perform 3 approaches, to the maximum.

  • Tabata Burpee.
    • Bridge.

    With arms and legs as straight as possible, we perform this exercise 10 times, trying to stay in position for a while.

    • Tabata "Plank".

    We try to stay in this position for at least 20 seconds. It is necessary to perform 8 repetitions with a 10-second interval.

You already know what a barbell looks like and what to do on a Scott bench. Now it's time to start a grown-up conversation about what your workout should be like and how to shape and build muscle the right way.

You are no longer new to the gym, and you can even distinguish between a pronated grip and a supinated grip, however, all this is child's play, and it's time for you to learn all about how to pump up the body at any age, even at 20 or 40 years old.

A complete guide from a professional to compiling an intensive competent training program. You will learn concepts such as training load and volume, learn how to optimize your workouts to achieve maximum results. The training complex for the whole body will be divided into 3 days in a split format:

How to quickly pump up the muscles of the body

The initial desire “I want to pump up”, thanks to which you got into the gym in the first place, should grow over time and transform into a desire to pump up correctly and avoid unnecessary injuries. Proper muscle development is based on knowledge of technique, load distribution, volume, well-arranged rest intervals and knowledge of body biomechanics.

When determining the level of intensity for an effective training program for the experienced, there are three things to think about first. These are volume, load and avoidance of overtraining. Using different weights and different number of sets can be difficult, but it will allow you to overcome plateaus of stagnation, and not just get muscle right, but maximize your genetic potential.

These variations can also change as you train different parts of the body depending on your individual weaknesses.

Your goal in building your individual periodization strategy should be to reach an optimal training level, accompanied by a supercompensation effect. At this stage, you can plan no more than 3-4 strength per week with the addition of supportive activities: yoga, cardio, stretching, trekking, swimming, etc. to improve your aerobic and general endurance.

The structure of strength training can be built in a split format, dividing the study of target muscle groups on different days, or stick to circuit training for the whole body. In our article, we recommend split training. Try this intensive 3-day program for more advanced athletes and female athletes.

Chest and back muscle training

We recommend starting each strength training with the study of the abdominal muscles with one or two exercises. Thus, you will perfectly warm up the body and qualitatively load one of the most important muscles - the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles. In the main part of the workout, use 3-4 working sets and 1 warm-up with 8-12 reps. Try to get close to muscle failure in the last 2 by picking up the appropriate weights.

Day 1 - chest and back

Shoulder and leg muscle training

Today is the main day of the week and you are working with some of the most difficult muscles. Starting traditionally with the press, I recommend doing 2-3 exercises on the shoulders at the beginning of the workout. This will allow you to accurately control the trajectory of the movement, better feel your body and avoid losing control of the technique. If desired, add a sitting dumbbell press, an army press, or in a Smith machine to the complex for a general study of all the bundles of the shoulder girdle.

Day 2 - shoulders and legs

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Arm muscle training

At the end of the week, you will have the most enjoyable training. Your hands have been waiting in reserve and feel great after a few days of break after training the pectoral muscles and back, where their role was high. Start with the abdominal muscles and gradually move from joint to isolation exercises. It is advisable to finish with a forearm workout and a good warm-up.

Day 3 - hands

* - The service is in beta testing

Muscle Recovery

An obligatory element of a quick pumping of your muscles is stretching after a workout. They never have enough time or energy, and the effect is not visible to the armed eye. But really this addition to your training process alone will take you to the next level. The mere fact that all professionals, whether bodybuilders, lifters or CrossFitters as one emphasize this advice in their interviews, should pique your interest in stretching. We offer the following complex.

The next element of fast muscle recovery is a personal massage roller. A quality addition to your muscle stretches after training will be a full myofascial massage of the whole body. The theory of "anatomical trains" quite confidently proved the importance of fascia massage for the speedy recovery of the body, and the location of functional lines in the body suggests training which parts of the body it is desirable to combine with each other.

Finally, your recovery kit should include a relaxing massage for athletes at least once a week.

How to pump up the muscles of the body

Having dealt with training, we will consider how methods of varying intensity, alternation of loads form our muscles.

Increasing the intensity of training

There are various ways to pump up, but brave and determined guys are only interested in effective techniques. Let's look at how ways to pump muscles with training of varying intensity can lead to the formation of a sculpted body.

The need to constantly increase the intensity of training is ignored not only by the average gym goers, many experienced bodybuilders and competitors do not understand this either. No matter what your level of training, all of you should remember one thing: intensity is the key to progress.

If you do 4 sets of 10 reps of squats every day with the same weight for several months or - scary to think - years, without trying to increase the intensity of your workout, then you will not see cool muscles. Simply because your body will not make any effort to change the size of the muscles.

Just because you're slightly bigger after a workout doesn't mean you're stimulating muscle growth. This is especially important for experienced athletes, because after people train consistently for years, you have to take extreme measures to significantly improve performance and build huge muscles.

When it comes to preparation, the term "intensity" takes on many different meanings. When composing a workout, it is necessary to increase and decrease the intensity of the program in all its forms in order to build muscle and avoid overtraining. To do this, monitor the condition of the body daily, do orthostatic tests, especially after hard days. Knowing how your body reacts to different levels of intensity will allow you to use many different methods to increase muscle growth and pump your body properly.

Load planning

It is believed that for muscle volume it is better to work with large weights in a small range of repetitions. This type of load will allow you to improve your strength performance, but you can’t expect a huge increase in muscle mass from such training.

The second option is to work with light weights and high reps. In this case, you increase muscle hypertrophy, leaving strength indicators at the same level.

It is a mistake to work in only one range using only one type of load. A serious training program for experienced athletes should include heavy, medium and light loads.

To build muscle over a long period of time with progress, use the progression method. Increasing the maximum weight used at high and low reps should be the ultimate goal of any training program, because it alone is one of the most important factors in pumping up huge muscles in the body.

Volume increase

The volume of strength training is the sum of the exercises done and the weight of the weights. If your goal is to maximize volume and build yourself huge muscles, use high intensity and high training volume. This will allow one more mechanism to be included in the process - hyperplasia. Unlike hypertrophy, which increases the size of your existing muscle cells, hyperplasia helps increase their number.

However, despite such super effectiveness, a sharp and frequent increase in the number of sets and repetitions can cause overtraining.

Your best bet in this case is to maximize muscle growth with high volume training and intermittent low volume training to make sure your body keeps up with the muscle building demands you place on it.

muscle failure

In this method of pumping up the body, you can use both large and small weights. The set will simply continue to the point where another rep can no longer be completed correctly without the help of a correcting partner.

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  • Before workout and before bed.

Some guys are wondering: "How to pump up quickly and still not go to the gym?" It should be noted that this is quite possible, but you need to try. All exercises should be done carefully, after a warm-up.

Features of the exercise

Each muscle group is pumped up with the help of certain sets of movements, and for a good effect, they must be not only power. You can not overwork your body or immediately give it a high load. Before you quickly pump up, try to prepare for this theoretically.

Naturally, you should decide on those muscle groups, thanks to which you can build a beautiful body. You also need to motivate yourself to exercise. For example, someone just needs to show off at the sea in front of the girls, and someone wants to constantly keep in shape. It is the motive of training that often determines its quality.

It should also be noted that before you quickly pump up, you need to provide yourself with all the necessary tools and shells. For example, a jump rope, dumbbells and a horizontal bar will be enough for you. In this case, the last projectile is considered very effective. It will allow you to put the figure in order in just a few weeks.

What exercises will help to make the body beautiful?

So, let's move on to practice. In order for you to have beautiful arms and shoulder girdle, you should perform push-ups from the floor. The procedure is quite simple, but it must be performed correctly. Thanks to push-ups, you can also develop triceps. The back during the exercise should be straight and not bend. In this case, you should fall low enough, almost to the floor. For greater effect, put a loaded backpack on your back. You need to perform the exercise in several approaches, for example, 15 repetitions 5 times a day. Push-ups should only be done 4 days a week.

For the legs, squats will be useful, which can also be performed with a certain load. Before you quickly pump up, do a warm-up. During the exercise, try to breathe properly. The back should not be bent. In this case, you can lower yourself to the floor or only partially, depending on which muscles should be loaded. Movement should be done 2-3 times a week. In this case, the exercise is performed in 3 sets of 25 squats.

Since it is not difficult to quickly pump up at home, try to do all the steps correctly. For example, in order to do it, it is necessary to fix the legs (put under the sofa) and periodically raise the torso, while it can be twisted in one direction or the other. You can repeat the exercise every other day, while the number of approaches is not limited.

How to exercise on shells?

The most common design that can help build a beautiful body at home is the horizontal bar and bars. The pull-up develops the chest and as well as the arms. For good effect, you can use a loaded backpack. This exercise is performed in several sets of 10 repetitions.

Naturally, all movements should be performed correctly. For example, they will be more effective if the grip is wide. If you do not know how to quickly pump up on the uneven bars, pay attention to our recommendations. For example, for a beautiful press, try to lie on one crossbar with your stomach down, and fasten your legs on the other. Next, just do

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