Home Useful Tips Crassula pink. Crassulae - The Hobbit and Gollum are an unusual type of money tree. When and how to properly transplant Crassula

Crassula pink. Crassulae - The Hobbit and Gollum are an unusual type of money tree. When and how to properly transplant Crassula

The genus Crassula (fat women) is very numerous, it is distinguished by a variety of species, the main majority of which are succulents growing in the arid places of our planet.

Many of them are bred as unpretentious indoor plants, but there are also real rarities cultivated only in greenhouses. The most common species of crassula as domestic plants can be conditionally divided into tree-like, ground-cover or creeping, and columnar, with thick, densely leafy trunks. Below are descriptions of some Crassula species belonging to these groups, photos of plants and individual recommendations for their use.

Tree crassula

Usually people call them by a common name: fat woman "money tree". Crassulas of this group are very popular in culture, due to their unpretentiousness and spectacular appearance, they are often grown in rooms, used to create bonsai.

The most common are:

Crassula oval, or ovata (C. ovata), is a bush 60-100 cm high with abundantly branching woody stem and juicy oval leaves up to 5 cm long, up to 2.5 cm wide.The color of the leaf plates is green above, below, due to the presence of anthocyanins, with a reddish tint, in some specimens there is a red border.

The surface of the leaves can be covered with light specks, for which the flower is also called fatty silver (C. argentea).

Another common name for the species is fatty purslane (C. portulacea)... The plant is characterized by the presence of aerial roots on the trunk and branches, at first white, eventually darkening. It blooms rarely and only in adulthood, the flowers are small, white or pinkish, collected in a paniculate inflorescence.

Crassula Ovata

Crassula ovata is considered one of the most shade-tolerant indoor succulents, it has long been widely used in culture, has many varieties and varieties that differ in size, original shape and color of leaves. The most common.

Crassula Minor

Crassula minor (C. ovate Minor)- compact form, its “Crosby’s Compact” variety is much smaller in size than the natural one, the leaves are reddish, do not exceed 1.5 cm in length, 1 cm in width. It grows slowly and looks great in mini-gardens.

Crassula shape

Crassula shape (C. ovata var. Oblique), a less common form with a pointed leaf tip. Its leaf plates are somewhat larger, with sides slightly bent downward and a raised end.

Crassula "The Hobbit"

Crassula the hobbit (C. Hobbit) and gollum (C. Gollum)- two similar hybrid varieties, created in the 70s of the last century in the United States, presumably by crossing the ovata and dairy fat women (C. Lactea). They have the original shape of leaves, in “Hobbit” they are turned outward and accrete from the base to the middle, and in “Gollum” they are completely rolled into a tube with funnel-shaped expanding tips. The growth pattern and size are the same as that of the common Crassula Ovata, perhaps only with even more branching trunks. Very decorative, suitable for making bonsai. There are several variegated forms.

Crassula "Sunset"

Crassula Sunset (C. ovata cv. Hummel's Sunset), cultivar with leaves decorated with white or yellow stripes along the edge and a pronounced red border. Sometimes a Dutch variety is sold under this name with very decorative yellow-red leaves, which, however, retain their original color only in bright sunlight in the greenhouse, and at home they become simply green.

Crassula "Tricolor"

Crassula tricolor (C. ovata var. Oblique cv. Tricolor) and solana (C. ovata var. Oblique cv. Solana), a variety of bastard with white stripes against a background of bright red edging (tricolor) and bright yellow stripes (solana). In the latter cultivar, the stripes are located asymmetrically, their number varies in different shoots, on some chlorophyll-free areas are absent altogether. Such completely green shoots must be removed, otherwise the flower will gradually lose its variegation.

Crassula tree

Crassula tree (C. arborescens)- larger than the previous species with almost round bluish leaves with a red edging and a reddish underside, often covered with dark specks. The growth of a tree at home can reach 150 cm, the size of the leaves is up to 7 cm in length and up to 5 cm in width. The flower is very decorative, outwardly similar to Crassula ovata, but in indoor floriculture it is used less often, since it is more demanding in care. The plant requires good lighting and absolutely does not tolerate waterlogging of the roots, in which it quickly decays.

It also has a number of cultivars, including:

Crassula undulatifolia (C. undulatifolia) with narrow, up to 3 cm, flat silvery-blue leaves, the tip of which is often colored red.

And its variegated form (C. arborescens undulatifolia f. Variegata);

Crassula curly (C. arborescens curviflora) with wavy curly leaves (Blue Bird variety).

Creeping Crassulae Lycopodium

Less common in indoor culture are bastards with thin, lodging stems, which are also very decorative, usually grow well, forming dense clumps, and can be used as ground cover or ampelous plants.

This group of species includes:

Crassula lymphoid (C. lycopodioides) or mossy (C. muscosa) compact, not higher than 25 cm, shrub, has fleshy, tetrahedral, creeping shoots on the ground with slightly rising tops. The appearance and characteristic structure of the leaves, small, scaly, tiled in four rows, tightly adjacent to the trunk and to each other, resemble a lyre, which is reflected in the name of the flower. Undemanding, tolerates slight shading; in bright light, leaf scales acquire a red tint. Quite often grown in rooms, it has several varieties, differing in the structure of the bush and leaves.

So, at fatty pseudo-cory (C. pseudolycopodioides) the stems are more curved, and the leaves are less pressed to the stem and less often located. Recently, cultivars with variegated, silvery and yellow-colored leaves have been created.

Crassula tetrahedral (C. tetralix), another creeping species, outwardly similar to the previous one, has an awl-shaped leaf shape, fleshy, almost round in diameter, up to 4 cm long, up to 0.4 cm thick.

Crassula point (C.picturata), a very ornamental plant with lodging, profusely branching shoots and original colored leaves, the size of which is about 1.5 cm in length and 0.8 cm in width. Their green surface is covered with numerous dots, red on top, purple-red on the reverse side of the leaf, the edges are decorated with thin transparent cilia.

Crassula Cooper (C. Cupera Regel) in appearance it is similar to the above-described flower, differs from it in a smaller size.

Column-shaped crassules (fat women)

Plants belonging to this group are very picturesque due to their unusual structure. Their leaves, thick and opposite, like all fat women, grow together at their bases and cover the stem so that they seem to be strung on it. Compact size, the ability to grow in dense dense curtains and an original look explain the popularity of these exotic succulents among flower growers, they look great in various compositions, and can be grown in ampelous form. Most often on sale there are:

Crassula perforated or perforated (C. perforate), a small plant with diamond-shaped leaves arranged in pairs and with their bases covering a slightly branched rigid stem. Each next pair grows crosswise with respect to the previous one, so it seems that the trunk grows through them, which is reflected in the name of the flower. The color of the leaves is usually light green with a bluish bloom; a red cartilaginous edging is visible along the edge. The length of the trunks can reach 10-20 cm, the diameter of the entire "column" is usually about 2-3 cm. There are variegated forms in which young leaves have yellow stripes in the center or along the edges, and keep their green color down the trunk.

Crassula united, or assembled, group (C. socialis), a low-growing succulent with thin, highly branched stems, on which are densely columnar rosettes with small, up to 5 mm, rounded leaves, smooth, flat, ciliate at the edges, bluish-green tint. Grows well, forming dense cushions.

Crassula broadleaf or rock (C. rupestris)- taller than the previous species, its creeping or erect fleshy branched shoots can reach 60 cm.The leaves are thick, smooth, rounded with a pointed end, 1-2.5 mm long, 1-2 mm wide. Painted in green with a blue tint with reddish-rusty stripes in the upper part of the leaf plate.

Decorative flowering crassula (money tree)

Most of the species, including those described above, rarely bloom when grown at home and mostly at a very mature age. They are appreciated exclusively for the original structure and color of the leaves, as well as the beautiful shape of the plant as a whole. However, there are several varieties that bloom annually and abundantly, they can be attributed not only to decorative deciduous, but also beautifully flowering indoor succulents.

The most famous are:

Crassula sickle (C. falcata Wendl), the most spectacular of the representatives of the genus, is distinguished by large, up to 20 cm in diameter, scarlet-red umbellate inflorescences blooming on the tops of fleshy, high (up to 1 m) stems. The leaves are very thick, have a characteristic crescent shape and blunt ends, are located on the stem at an angle of 90 °, clasping it with accrete bases. It blooms annually, in July-August.

Crassula pierced-leaved (C. perfoliata), another willingly and abundantly flowering plant, with triangular-lanceolate pointed leaves up to 15 cm long and red or white flowers, collected in an umbrella inflorescence and blooming in summer. It can reach a height of 1 m.

Regularly flowering species also include the aforementioned dotty bushworms, whose paniculate inflorescences are painted in pink tones, and Cooper's, with pale beige flowers.

In conclusion, we note that succulents are often sold in stores under the name Crassula Mix. This name means "mixture" and indicates that the plants were supplied in a batch, in which there were various species and cultivars.

To determine the specific variety or variety of the purchased flower, you need to use various photo catalogs available, for example, on the Internet, or consult with experienced succulent lovers.

Crassula (Сrаssula) is a succulent plant belonging to the Tolstyanka family. To many flower growers, such an unpretentious indoor flower is also very well known under the name Fat Woman.

Botanical description of Crassula

All representatives belonging to the Tolstyanka genus are very diverse in external characteristics. A significant number of species are indoor perennials with monocarpic shoots of different heights. The foliage is opposite, in some species collected in a kind of basal rosette, simple, entire, often ciliate. Leaves at the base are loose or accrete type.

The flowers are small, white, whitish, yellowish, red or bluish in color, collected in terminal or lateral, paniculate-umbellate or racemose inflorescences. There are varieties with single axillary flowers. It is very easy to take care of the plant and propagate the Fatty Woman.

Planting and caring for Crassula (video)

Popular types, varieties and hybrids of the fat woman

The genus Fatty includes more than two hundred species, many of which are very popular in home floriculture. For the outward similarity of leaves with coins, plants of this genus are often called "money tree". In addition to the popular marginalis, there are many decent, highly decorative and relatively unpretentious varieties, forms and cultivars.

Crassula perforated (perforated)

C.perforate is a low-growing variety with diamond-shaped leaves arranged in pairs. The stem is slightly branched and rigid. The color of the foliage is light green, with a characteristic bluish bloom. A reddish border is present at the edges of the leaves. The height of the above-ground part does not exceed a quarter of a meter. Variegated forms have yellowish stripes on the foliage.

C. lysorodioids, or C. mussoza, is a compact plant with an aerial part of a shrub type, no more than a quarter of a meter high, with fleshy, tetrahedral, creeping shoots and a slightly raised apical part. The leaves are small, scaly, tiled-folded in several rows.

Crassula tree

C. arboresens is a relatively large variety with an almost rounded foliage of a very characteristic bluish color with a red border. The height of the aboveground part of the indoor tree can be one and a half meters. The variety is one of the most decorative, but demanding to care for and needs good natural light.

Photo gallery

C. lactea Ait. - shrub and semi-shrub plant, with the height of the above-ground part slightly more than half a meter. Shoots of a creeping type, with thick, obovate, accrete at the base, bare leaves. The leaf plate is green in color, with the presence of whitish dots at the edge. Paniculate inflorescences, represented by numerous white flowers.

Crassula purslane

C. rtulacea is an unusual variety of c that form on the stem and branches. Flowering is extremely rare, paniculate inflorescences, represented by small, whitish or pinkish flowers.

S. ovata is a bushy plant with a height of the aboveground part of no more than a meter and highly branching woody stems. The foliage is oval, fleshy, with a green upper leaf plate and a reddish tint on the lower part.

Crassula Sunset

С.оvata cv. Нummel's Sunset is a popular cultivar with foliage decorated with stripes of white or yellow color. The leaves have a pronounced red border.

Crassula The Hobbit

S. Nobbit - hybrid form, received by American breeders almost half a century ago. It is characterized by the original shape of the foliage, which is turned outward and grows together from the base to the very middle. A highly decorative plant, very suitable for making bonsai.

C. ovate Minor is a compact variety with reddish, very attractive foliage. The species is slow-growing, therefore it is ideal for decorating mini-gardens.

Crassula point

S. risturata - highly decorative variety, having lodging, abundantly branching shoots and foliage with an original appearance. On the general green background of the leaf plate, there is a huge number of red or purple-red dots, and the marginal part is decorated with thin and transparent cilia.

S. Wooddha's TEMPLE - aerial shoots of the cultivar is represented by the so-called column of tightly pressed, as if strung on the stem bases of the leaves of a triangular shape and dark green coloration. The height of the aboveground part does not exceed 10-15 cm. Flowering is represented by apical inflorescences collected from red flowers.

Crassula mix

This group includes several hybrid forms and cultivars., which have an original appearance and are undemanding to care for. Most often, the group is represented by the popular highly decorative varieties "Minor", "Hobbit" and "Obliqua".

S. cv. Spring Time is a hybrid form characterized by a compact aerial part and related to highly succulent plants. An adult plant is prone to lodging... The foliage is very juicy, bright green in color. In the process of flowering, attractive light lilac flowers are formed.

Crassula Marnier

C. marnieriana is a variety characterized by a straight, slightly branched stem base and an opposite, sessile type, with a bluish heart-shaped foliage. The flowers are numerous, whitish, located at the top of the plant.

Crassula sickle

C.fаlсata Wеndl - one of the most spectacular representatives, having rather large, scarlet-red coloration, umbrella-shaped inflorescences that bloom at the top of a fleshy and tall stem. The foliage is very thick, characteristic crescent shape with blunt ends. Flowering occurs every year.

This variety compares favorably with relatively small leaves that sit densely on relatively numerous stems. The grown shoots hang very effectively over the edges of the flowerpot, therefore, the species is very often grown in a hanging planter.

Crassula care at home

It is not at all difficult to grow many varieties of Fatty Woman at home, and it is this circumstance that largely explains the high popularity of culture among domestic and foreign amateur flower growers.

Lighting, temperature and humidity

All varieties need sufficient natural light, even during the winter dormancy stage. The stems and foliage of the plant does not need special shading from direct sunlight. South and southeast windows are perfect... Lack of light causes the stems to thin and the foliage to shrink.

The optimal temperature regime for the fat woman in spring and summer is about 20-25 ° C, and in winter - 10-15 ° C. The humidity of the air does not really matter, therefore, the decorative perennial easily tolerates dry, but fresh air. The foliage is periodically wiped with a damp soft cloth, which will maintain an attractive and well-groomed appearance.

How Crassula reproduces (video)

Soil and planting pot for the fat woman

The soil in the flower pot must be special, suitable for growing succulents. The crop has a shallow root system, so the planting pot should not be too tall.

For planting and cultivation, a nutritious soil substrate based on four parts of sod land, one part of humus land, one part of leafy land and one part of sand with the addition of pieces of coal and brick chips is perfect. There should be enough drainage at the bottom of the flower pot.

Money tree watering rules

A perennial is rarely watered in autumn and winter, and much more often in spring and summer, but after checking the soil moisture in a flower pot at a depth of two fingers. It must be remembered that an excess of moisture often becomes the cause of fungal diseases. Water for irrigation should be well-separated, at room temperature, without high chlorine content.

When and how to properly transplant Crassula

In order to properly transplant a fat woman, you need to comply with a number of specific requirements. Young plants are replanted annually, and mature plants are replanted approximately every two or three years. The transplant should be carried out in the spring, by transferring the root system with an earthen clod into a new flower pot.

During the transplantation process, it is recommended to very carefully examine the root system.... If the roots are excessively lengthened, they should be trimmed, and the sections of the cut should be sprinkled with crushed coal. After planting, the plant is gently watered with settled water at room temperature. To keep the plant compact, replanting should be done very rarely. Partial replacement of the top layer of soil in a flower pot gives a good result.

Crown formation

If necessary, to obtain the thickest trunk and dense crown, regular pruning and pinching of the tips of the shoots is performed. Regular pruning with a sharp and clean pruning shears will cause the aboveground part to form properly.

Top dressing

The perennial should be fed with a solution based on a universal fertilizer, or using for this purpose a special fertilizer for cactus and succulents. Top dressing is carried out from April to September, approximately once or twice a month. In the autumn and winter period, feeding is done once a month., fertilizers in half concentration.

Breeding methods of a fat woman

Simplicity of reproduction is one of the advantages of this type of decorative perennial. Most often, an indoor flower is propagated by cuttings, but the seed method is also used. You can cut a plant regardless of the season., but most conveniently in spring or summer. The harvested cuttings are dried for a couple of days, after which they are planted in planting containers filled with a permeable and light soil substrate. Rooting in water with the addition of activated carbon is also allowed.

Seed reproduction involves sowing in seedling containers filled with a mixture based on part of the sand and a couple of parts of leafy soil. The crops should be covered with foil. Before the emergence of mass shoots, the crops are regularly sprayed with settled water at room temperature and aired daily. Mass shoots appear in a couple of weeks, after which they dive.

Why does Crassula's leaves fall

Falling foliage is the most common problem when growing a jellyfish in indoor floriculture conditions. There may be several reasons for this, including improper irrigation measures. Succulents are capable of storing moisture, which makes them undemanding to watering.

Excessive moisture causes foliage to fall off. However, too long breaks in watering are also unacceptable. Stagnant moisture often provokes rotting of the root system. Also, a massive fall of foliage is noted when the temperature regime in the room is not observed and the plant is damaged by diseases or pests.

Plant pests and diseases

With proper cultivation, the culture is rarely affected by diseases and pests, and all problems are the result of errors in care. The appearance of a light bloom on the leaves is the result of high humidity and very cold air, which causes the development of powdery mildew or mealybug damage.

How to form the crown of Crassula (video)

Small outgrowths can be the result of over-watering or scabbard damage. The loss of foliage elasticity, as well as a change in coloration, most often indicates an excess of fertilizers, and when damaged by root rot, the foliage becomes sluggish. Thus, in order to preserve the decorative appearance of the bastard for many years, the cultivation technology should be fully observed at all stages of the perennial growing season.

The Tolstyankov family contains three hundred species of succulent plants. They differ in size, color, type of base of leaves or basal rosettes, shape of inflorescences, petals from bluish-white to yellow and red shades. Care is simple, and the pleasure of growing, forming a crown justifies the time spent. To ensure a healthy existence, Crassulae take into account its properties and varietal characteristics.

Variety of indoor succulents

Some of the plants live in greenhouses. The conditions in them are close to natural, it is difficult to care for Crassula. Others meet the specified parameters of maintenance in standard apartments. Crassulas are divided into groups according to general characteristics and properties:

  • decorative flowering;
  • columnar;
  • ground cover;
  • tree-like.

Numerous and recognizable among indoor representatives - crassula (money tree). Rare specimens are found among collectors. Having become acquainted with them, they choose and plant a suitable plant.

Recognized varieties and their characteristics

Group nameViewDescriptionPhoto
Decorative floweringCrassula Crimson (C. Coccinea)Weakly branched shrub. Leaves 16–26 cm long, opposite, accrete. Umbellate lush inflorescences are dark red, bloom in June.
Fat Schmidt (C. Schmidtii)Height up to 12 cm, the lower leaves are in the form of a rosette, the upper ones are narrow and long, green with a reddish tint. In European countries, it is used as an annual, thrown away after flowering.
Crescent fat woman (C. falcata Wendl)On the tops of meter-long stems, red inflorescences bloom annually in July-August. Thick leaves of a curved shape with blunt ends clasp the stem with accrete bases.
Tree (money tree)Crassula Ovata, ovoid, oval (C. Ovata)A thick, erect trunk grows at home up to 0.5–1.0 m in height. The crown is branched, leaves 2-3 cm, oval shiny. The green color in the sun is complemented by a reddish edging. Blooms in autumn.
Fat Hobbit (C. Hobbit)A miniature tree with a powerful trunk up to half a meter high. Leaves 3-4 cm long, inverted and accrete, expand towards the end. The color is juicy, green (yellowing in the sun) with a red top.
Crassula Sunset (C. Ovata cv. Hummel's Sunset)A decorative variety of the oval bastard. The greens of the leaves are diluted with yellow shades, along the edges with a red border. Turns green in low light. Blooms after seven years of cultivation.
Fatty Minor (C.ovate Minor)Dwarf form, growing slowly, capricious in care. The leaves are reddish, up to one and a half centimeters long, 0.5 - 1 cm wide.
Groundcover (mossy, creeping, lyciform)Crassula SpringTimeAmpelous succulent with shoots up to 0.4 m covered with green leaves. It blooms in white and pinkish shades. An easy-to-grow perennial, therefore it is used to cover the soil near large flowers.
Crassula muscosaErect herbaceous stems 25–30 cm actively grow. The triangular leaves are small, mossy, about 0.4 cm long, densely arranged in the form of tiles. The colors are decorative, from green to bronze. In July-August, small whitish flowers appear.
ColumnarCrassula rock or broadleaf (C. rupestris)Perennial herb with creeping shoots. Height - 0.6 m, leaves are thick ovate, 1-2 cm long and wide, the edges are reddened.
Crassula perforated or Perforata Variegata (C. perforata variegata)The stems of the bush are tightly wrapped around the triangular leaves. The color changes with the seasons: from green through yellow to pink and red. In summer, the plant is kept in partial shade.
Crassula Buddha "s TempleA large upright perennial of square columns, densely covered with upwardly curved triangular dark green leaves. After growing over 0.15 m, it falls apart. It grows slowly, two to five centimeters per year. The petals are white-pink, the buds are red. The flowering time is variable.

A necessary condition for the well-being of succulents is full sunlight and low watering. They are not fussy, and a beginner will be able to grow a healthy eye-pleasing flower.

Housekeeping rules

For the harmonious development of Tolstyanka, bright light is needed. She is so ready for this that she has protective mechanisms in case of overabundance. In conditions of middle latitudes, the flower is placed in direct sunlight and ventilated, in the spring it is taken out to the balcony or garden, and sheltered from the rain.

Thick, fleshy leaves contain a reserve of moisture, so in summer the soil is watered when the surface layer dries two or three times a week, in cold weather - when the leaves lose their elasticity. Winter maintenance in the house is a test for a flower, during this period it suffers from a lack of light.

It is necessary to create such conditions under which the succulent would not start growing and retain its decorative effect. To this end, they arrange a drought from November to March, watered with visible wilting. A window sill with a temperature of 6-15 ° C becomes a habitat at this time, minus values ​​are dangerous.

Growing in offices or apartments under artificial lighting is not effective, the intensity of the rays is so low compared to the required one that the plants stretch out, lose their attractive appearance and die. The only acceptable option is to store until spring by a cool window without watering.

Crassula is transplanted when the volume of the pot is completely filled with roots. To stimulate flowering, this operation is repeated at least once every two years. A larger pot is selected, drainage is poured up to 10-15 cm. The succulent is transferred into a new container and the voids along the walls are filled with fresh soil. Long roots are pre-shortened. To maintain compactness, they do not transplant, but replace the top layer annually.

Formation of the money tree

The pinching of the tree-like Fatty woman begins during growth, so that hemp does not form when pruning thick shoots. The shape of the top depends on the pot. In a large-sized container, the roots grow intensively, the trunks stretch out, become thin and weak. To avoid this, choose a low pot with a diameter equal to the size of the crown.

Upon reaching a height of 12-15 cm, remove the two upper leaves, and instead, four will appear. In this way, they do with the newly formed primordia, for branching and crown density. At the same time, the tops of long or abnormally growing shoots are cut off to obtain a spherical or oval configuration.

According to the plan, one trunk is left or a plant with several shoots is formed. By creating a tree in the bonsai style, flower growers bend, tie, give the desired direction. Branches stretched over the winter are shortened in spring to a given size.

How to care for purchased plants?

Many of the shop flowers are of Dutch origin. They are grown in greenhouses, where peat is used instead of soil. These plants are treated with growth stimulants, add an exorbitant amount of substances and fertilizers to suppress pathogenic microflora.

When you move the purchased succulent to the store, then the conditions of detention change to the buyer. It is difficult to wet the peat thoroughly, and after drying, the water passes the middle of the coma, flows down the walls of the pot. A waterlogged substrate provokes rotting of the root system. It is dangerous to feed the Fatty Woman intensively in room conditions, it threatens with death, and without feeding in poor soil, she goes hungry. Nitrogen fertilizers are not used, this deteriorates the appearance of the bush.

A plant purchased in winter is not disturbed, but in the spring it is certainly transplanted. Peat is completely removed, rotten and dead roots are cut out. Succulents purchased during the growing season are transplanted immediately or cuttings are taken from them for propagation. If there is no growth, the mother plant is thrown away.

Fitosporin is used as a preventive measure; in a developing process, it will no longer give the desired result.

Diseases affecting the roots are a serious danger. Fungal rot develops gradually under cool conditions, bacterial rot grows rapidly in warm conditions, the plant dies within a few days. If mold or watery spots appear, remove the damaged fragments immediately. If the base of the trunk is damaged, the upper part is cut off and rooted.

Breeding features of the Fat woman

Succulents are bred with side shoots, leaves and seeds. Some species grow air roots on trunk fragments, which simplifies the task. Each of the practiced methods finds admirers depending on the indications for use and personal preferences.

Some people like to pollinate flowers, collect seeds on their own and feel like a breeder, others like to go the easy way and buy ready-made samples from professionals. The impatient choose the accelerated vegetative method.

Reproduction by cuttings and leaves

When grafting, parts of the plant are left on the window to dry damaged tissues for 5-30 days to avoid further decay, then they are planted in the ground (perlite, vermiculite, sand), placed in a room with diffused light. Stem cuttings take root between one and four weeks. Water after the topsoil dries. To stimulate root formation, Kornevin or Heteroauxin is used, although this is not necessary.

When propagated by a leaf, it is broken off entirely, placed on the loosened surface of the soil of a neighboring pot. After 10–20 days, roots are formed, followed by the development of reproduction buds, which were already in the rudiment at the base of the leaflet.

A rosette grows in two to three months. It uses the nutrients of the mother. As the baby takes root, the leaf dies off. If the cultivation was carried out in sand, vermiculite or perlite, young plants are transplanted into the ground after engraftment. It is bought in a specialized store or made up independently in the following proportions:

  • 1 part of garden land + an equal amount of grass-roots decomposed peat;
  • soil suitable for garden flowers in half with coarse river sand;
  • any substrate mixed with black peat and perlite, vermiculite or foam chips in equal proportions.

The diameter of the pots is 5–7 cm, watered after the substrate is completely dry. Within six months, a young Crassula grows up. Succulents reproduce successfully from spring to late summer. Autumn and winter cuttings suffer from lack of light and rot in damp soil.

If the mother leaf was torn off without a growth point, it is overgrown or old, rooting will not take place!

Sowing breeding

Seeds are ordered from domestic collectors, in foreign online stores, or brought from afar. Most often, outlandish plant varieties are obtained in this way.

When propagating by sowing, the main task is to destroy microflora, succulents are unstable to pathogenic microorganisms of fertile land. To do this, pounded coal is added to the poor composition, steamed for half an hour in a water bath (heated in an oven or microwave).

The containers (transparent containers tightly closed with a lid), which provide the seedlings with the necessary moisture, are sterilized, filled with a treated land mixture. The seeds are dusty, so they are scattered on the surface. Coarse sand is purchased from an aquarium store.

Place dishes under bright lamps with low heat, suitable - modern, economical, high power. They are kept on for twelve hours a day. On the 5-14th day, seedlings appear. After 1-3 months, the rosettes are seated and placed on a sunny window. For different species, the period of development of a full-fledged plant is from six to twenty-four months.

The seeds of most Crassulae rapidly lose their germination, while others either do not set them, or varietal characteristics are not transmitted during reproduction. In this situation, cuttings would be a reasonable solution.

Exotic plants bloom vividly, leaf blades differ in shape and shades, their appearance is diverse. But for the manifestation of varietal decorativeness and preservation of health, they expect careful care from the grower and fulfillment of maintenance requirements.

Crassula minor (Crassula minor)- an artificially bred variety, which is a kind of Crassula Ovata. The leaves of the plant are quite small - no more than 1.5 centimeters in length and 1 centimeter in width. They have an oblong shape. The color is very interesting, which makes it possible to complement any garden compositions with the bastard - the edges of the leaf above and below are framed in red, and the middle of the leaf is dark green. Depending on the lighting, the houseplant changes its shade.

The trunk of a young fat woman minor is green, fleshy and soft. Over time, when the lower leaves die off, it becomes bare and stiff. This property of the plant allows it to form miniature trees as it grows.

Home care

It is impossible to grow a healthy and beautiful "money tree", which, according to many popular beliefs, attracts financial well-being to the house, is impossible without proper care for it. These are elementary actions that will not take much time, but will provide the plant with the necessary nutrients and create comfortable conditions for growth.


After purchasing Crassula minor, it should be transplanted into suitable soil. Usually they take ready-made soil for cacti or prepare the substrate on their own: 1 part of peat, leaf and sod land and 0.5 part of sand. The soil must be well drained; for this, small broken brick or charcoal is poured into the pot.

The choice of the pot itself depends on the diameter of the crown of the plant. Fat women prefer shallow, but wide containers, their root system is small and does not need space.

The usual transplant of Crassula minor is carried out annually in the spring by the transshipment method, keeping a piece of earthen coma at the roots.


The fat woman needs specific watering. Excessive fluid intake can lead to the death of the "money tree". Moisten the soil only when it has dried to a depth of more than 3 centimeters.

From spring to late autumn, the fat girl minor is watered once every 1-2 weeks. as soon as the soil needs it. In winter, when the plant is transferred to a cool room, it needs to be moistened with the soil mixture only once a month.

Do not allow the earthen coma to dry out, so that the roots of Crassula are not damaged. If there is not enough moisture for the plant, it immediately becomes noticeable by the darkened leaves, which wrinkle and stop shining.

Excessive moisture threatens rotting of the root system and stem.

Pruning and shaping the crown

Crassula minor lends itself easily to crown formation. This allows you to make a real decoration for a home mini-garden out of it. As soon as 3-4 pairs of leaves grow on a branch, the next bud that has hatched is pinched off. At this point, 3-4 buds are formed again, and the plant will branch in different directions.

Long branches of the jersey can be cut off. To do this, he uses a sharp knife or blade, and the place of the cut must be sprinkled with charcoal or crushed activated carbon.

Air humidity

Crassula minor, like all representatives of the succulent family, do not react to air humidity and do not need to spray the leaves. Irrigation can be used only as a way of washing the crown from dust.

Fertilization and feeding

In winter, the fatty minor is fed with a universal fertilizer or cactus nutrient solution, using half the dose. It is enough to carry out the manipulation once a month to provide the plant with the necessary supply of excipients. In spring and summer, fertilize with a full dose 1 time in 3 weeks.

Light mode

Crassula minor is light-requiring. In the summer, from the scorching sun rays, it should be shaded to avoid burns on the crown. In winter, the plant is placed in a well-lit place or illuminated with a lamp to compensate for the lack of natural light.

Thermal conditions

The fat woman is a thermophilic plant. In summer, a comfortable temperature for Crassula is considered to be 20-25 degrees above zero. In winter, the succulent should be provided with a lower temperature - up to 15 degrees, so that the plant overwinters well.

Reproduction methods

Crassula reproduce by cuttings and leaves. These are the simplest ways to guarantee the rooting and further growth of the plant.

Craula leaf is torn off and placed in water for a day. Then it is transferred to a pot and sprinkled with earth. Watering is abundant.

Propagation by cuttings is no less simple. The stalk is separated from the plant, dried for 1-2 days and placed in a mixture of earth and sand or in a prepared mixture for cacti. The first watering is carried out after 3 days, allowing the plant to adapt a little. The next soil moistening is carried out as it dries up.


The "money tree" blooms only in its hopeful or twelfth year of life. The plant shoots an arrow with small flowers. This phenomenon can be observed only in the summer.

Insecticides sold in stores will help get rid of pests. Their chemical composition is pest destructive, but safe for the plant.

It is much more difficult to get rid of the fungus that has infected the root system. The reason for its appearance and distribution may be excessive watering with cold water immediately from the tap. If damage is detected by the fungus, the bastard should be pulled out of the pot, the roots should be freed from the earthen coma, washed, treated with special antifungal agents and transplanted into a new soil mixture.

Crassula minor requires human help for proper development and growth. This miniature and original plant will be a bright addition to the garden of "living stones" from succulents or will delight the eye with a single formed tree.


Peter Lapshin

Crassula or bastard variety "Temple of Buddha" - "Buddha" s Temple "(pronounced as" buddas temple ") certainly has an absolutely outstanding appearance. It is liked by many not only succulent lovers, but also lovers of all other indoor plants. This variety attracts attention not only an unusual appearance, but also quite decent size for succulents, unlike many other diamonds, which look good only on highly enlarged photographs, but in reality they are very small, like one of the parents of this hybrid: a very small Crassula pyramidalis.

Attention! This variety is available for ordering with mailing in Russia. The order can be made through the page with the Catalog of plants.

(photos, where not signed, own)


This hybrid was developed by Myron Kimnach in 1959. Parents are

  • Crassula perfoliata var. minor (Crassula perfoliata, old name: Rohea falcata).
  • Crassula pyramidalis (Crassula pyramidal).

Parents on the right in the photographs.

Crassula perfoliata var. minor
(photo by Peter Lapshin)

Crassula pyramidalis
(photo by Pavel Hertus, Czech Republic)

Description... The erect, weakly branching plant forms compact square columns, densely covered with pressed, dark green, upward curving leaves, reminiscent of the roofs of Chinese pagodas. The plant looks like the giant Crassula pyramidalis. The plant remains upright up to about 15 cm, then, under its own weight, it can collapse. Branching occurs both from the base of the plant and at various levels along the sides of the stems. This is often associated with flowering or where the next annual growth begins. Annual growth is rarely more than 3-5 cm.
Leaves: paired, fused at the base, grayish-green, saturated color, juicy, triangular, 1-1.5 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm wide at the base.They fit tightly as the shoot develops and form regular quadrangular the columns are approximately 4 cm in diameter. When viewed from above, the shoot is in the shape of a cross or square.
Flowers: in dense, short apical inflorescences (compound umbel), the buds are usually red, the flowers themselves are from pink to almost white, sterile. Flowering times are inconsistent, with flowers appearing whenever conditions are acceptable.

Cultivation: by analogy with Crassula falcata, it is a relatively hardy but slow-growing plant that requires a sunny location and well-drained mineral soils. A sufficient amount of sun is imperative so that the shoots are thicker and more compact, and the leaf arrangement is even. With a lack of light, water and on poor soils, it becomes shallow. Soils must be nutritious, but breathable and fast drying, free of peat to prevent the development of soil microorganisms and possible rotting. Dishes you need to take the minimum volume, you can not give the pot to grow. If a decorative pots are planned, a large internal volume must be filled not with earth, but with stones, there must be a drainage hole. Watering in the summer after the soil dries out. The plant is very drought-resistant, which is convenient for wintering when watering is reduced to once a month or less often, as the leaves lose moisture, depending on the temperature. The purpose of wintering is to prevent growth in the absence of the sun, which will lead to a loss of decorativeness.

Blooming C. Buddha "s Temple

(Photo by Grenville K.Godfrey, UK)

(Photo by David Richards, Helston, UK)

(Photo by Luther, Portland, Oregon, US)

(Photo by Crassula.info)

Breeds by rooting cuttings, which must be dried in air without water in an upright position for 1-2 weeks. If the stalk is completely covered with leaves, then it is placed and fixed in an upright position on the surface of the earth, covered with a small layer of sand. Watering after the sand dries. It is not necessary to bury the base of the cutting in the ground, this will lead to the death of the leaves trapped under the ground and their decay, which easily causes decay of the entire plant. Only a bare stem without leaves can be buried in the ground.

Propagation by leaves... Like crassula falcata, this cultivar can be propagated by single leaves. The leaves are separated, dried for 1-2 days, then placed vertically in a 1: 1 mixture of earth and sand steamed in a microwave oven, the care is similar to growing succulents from seeds. The leaves take root rather quickly, within a month, the rosettes begin to form within 2-3 months. The restoration of a whole plant takes 1-2 years.

Dutch plants: it is absolutely necessary to transplant them from peat, removing it from the roots, as shown in the photo. All the bulk of the peat should be removed, no large pieces should remain. They are transplanted into their own mixture, consisting of street forest-garden soil in half with coarse sand or other mineral inert leavening agents, small stones or those offered for cactusists: brick chips, beams, volcanic lava, akadama, zeolite, perlite, vermiculite, etc. Various non-hygroscopic fillers are available for aquarists. For adding to the soil, a fraction of 2-4 mm is suitable. Moreover, it is not worth buying land in the store, there you can get only peat, regardless of what is written on the package and what tales the seller will tell. As we have not sold anything except peat, it is not for sale. Plants of this kind do not understand the jokes associated with slipping peaty soil, spacious dishes and abundant watering on them. These are quite expensive plants and it is simply a pity to destroy them just so mediocre. There is no need to convince yourself that you can buy good land in the store, unfortunately, this is impossible. The land should be taken on the street, and in the store buy only coarse sand in the aquarium department. Source of land: summer cottage, orogod, forest, just a yard where a trench is being dug. Almost everywhere the same clay mineral soil with a low organic content. To make it breathable, a lot of sand or small stones or any other inert baking powder that does not absorb water are added there.

Similar species and varieties

The cultivar is vaguely similar to Crassula pyramidalis, if you do not take into account the size: K. pyramidalis, which is a miniature plant with a leafy shoot diameter of less than 1 cm, and K. "Buddha temple" has a diameter of 2-4 cm. In K. pyramidalis, the leaves are denser pressed together and together create the illusion of a false thick stem. In K. "Buddhas Temple" there are still gaps between the leaves so that they can be defined as leaves, and not a textured stem.

A rather similar plant, Crassula "Ivory Pagoda", differs in bluish or silvery light, wavy and more succulent leaves, and leaf displacement in pairs, which is typical for the species of the Rohea section within the genus Crassula. If you look at Crassula perfoliata (the old name of Rochea falcata) from above, then the paired leaves are directed not only in opposite directions from each other, but are also shifted to the side, as can be seen in the photo at the beginning of the page.

Crassula pyramidalis
(by Neoportenia from Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Crassula pyramidalis
(by Fernando Arias, Madrid, Spain)

Crassula cv. Ivory Pagoda
(by Cactus.or.kr, Korea)

Crassula cv. Ivory Pagoda
(by Rakuten, Japan)

It distantly resembles another hybrid: Crassula cv. Green Pagoda (or Pink Pagoda) of this variety, with a similar leafy shoot diameter, leaves noticeably less juicy and a pronounced long stem: this plant almost immediately becomes long and grows very briskly upward. They are similar only at a very young age and when shot from above.

In photographs, you can get a similar appearance if you try very hard to capture beautifully the green forms of C. corymbulosa and C. capitella ssp. thyrsiflora, whose compact shoots can be very similar when photographed at close range. But these crassulae usually have narrow leaves and creeping, rapidly lengthening shoots, and when looking at the whole plant, the difference is immediately visible.

Crassula cv. Green pagoda
(by The Succulent Garden, Australia)

Crassula cv. Green pagoda
(by Peter Lapshin)

Crassula capitella ssp. thyrsiflora
(by Melissa Berard, Arroyo Grande, USA)

Crassula corymbulosa green form
(by Peter Lapshin)

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