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Material for completing the assignment. Which statements are correct

Topic: Controversial and polemic speech. Discussion lesson.

1. Choose a topic for discussion from the following or suggest your topic:

1) Marriage for love or for convenience?

2) The place of women in the modern world.

3) Is the death penalty necessary?

4) Is it always necessary to tell only the truth?

5) Official or civil marriage?

6) Is happiness in money?

7) How much money does a person need?

8) Do we need to learn from the West?

9) Is the prison able to fix it?

11) Why don't they like excellent students?

12) Why are there criminals?

13) Should old people be sent to nursing homes?

14) Can freedom be complete?

Get acquainted with possible theses and arguments on the topic "Should education be paid for?"... Use this resource as you prepare for your discussion.

Possible theses:

1) Education should be paid, because knowledge for which they are paid is better remembered. 2) free education is less effective than paid education. 3) Free education is the implementation of social justice. 4) Paid education is necessary in modern conditions. 5) There should be both paid and free education. 6) Paid education provides a low quality of knowledge.

"Free education is the implementation of social justice":

1. Free education gives all children an equal chance. 2. Free education provides opportunities for personal development for children from the provinces. 3. Free education does not create closed social strata. 4. Free education is provided by the state, which monitors its quality. 5. Free education does not corrupt students, like paid education, when they enter for money without knowledge. 6. If paid education turns out to be better, then the state should give a loan to receive it.

Possible arguments for the thesis: "Paid education is necessary in modern conditions":

1. Paid education should be an alternative to free education. 2. Paid education provides a high level of material equipment of the educational process. 3. In the conditions of the social and financial crisis, it enables many educational institutions to survive. 4. Paid education is of higher quality. 5. In commercial classrooms (groups), teachers have more favorable working conditions. 6. Paid education is a peculiar form of social protection, since less prepared children can enroll for money. 7. Teachers treat work in paid groups more responsibly. 8. Commercial groups give the teacher the opportunity to earn extra money. 9. Parents have an incentive to earn money to educate their children.


1. Vakurov VN, Kokhtev NN Practical stylistics of the Russian language. - M., 1989.

2. Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G. Rhetoric and culture of speech. - Rostov-on-Don, 2003.

3. Kozhina M.N. The stylistics of the Russian language. - M., 1983.

4. Pavlova L.G. Dispute, discussion, controversy. - M., 1991.

5. Panasyuk A.Yu. How to win an argument, or the art of persuading. - M., 1998.

6. Povarnin S.I. Dispute: about the theory and practice of the dispute. - Pskov, 1994.

7. Rosenthal D.E. Practical stylistics of the Russian language. - M., 1974.

9. Steshov A.V. How to Win an Argument: A Culture of Controversy. - L., 1981.

10. Sheinov V.P. The art of persuading. - M., 2001.

Practical lesson number 20

Topic: The Art of Public Speaking

1. Prepare answers to the following questions:

1. What is rhetoric?

2. Public speaking. Types of public speaking by purpose.

3. Types of public speaking according to the form.

4. General requirements for public speaking.

5. Difficulties in public speaking.

6. Preparation for public speaking:

A) thinking about the performance;

B) choice of topic;

C) search for material;

D) designation of the structure of the speech;

E) preparation of a synopsis;

E) rehearsal of the performance.

7. Beginning of performance.

8. Functions of the end of the speech. Endings options.

9. Maintaining the audience's attention during the speech.

10. Behavior of the speaker in the audience.

1. Determine what form of public speaking is used in the following cases (report, message, speech, lecture, conversation):

1) Explanation of the material by the teacher in the lesson. 2) Speech of a candidate for deputy at a pre-election meeting. 3) A ten-minute presentation by a student at a scientific conference. 4) A class hour with a speech by a psychologist who asks questions to students and answers their questions. 5) Report of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers on the work of the government for the year. 6) A half-hour presentation of a scientist at a scientific conference. 7) Presentation by three students with prepared materials (3 minutes each).

2. Read the following sayings. Explain their meaning and come up with short guidelines for a beginner speaker that include these sayings as a component.

Sample: Speech to carry - not to weave sandals. - Any oral presentation must be prepared. You cannot hope that you will be able to perform well without preparation - it only seems that it is easy to perform. The Russian proverb says it rightly: speech is not to weave sandals.

1. Know more, but tell me. 2. Where there are many words, there is little use. 3. It is better not to talk than to talk. 4. Reservation - no offense. 5. A living word is dearer than a dead letter. 6. Speak without thinking - that shoot without aiming.

3. Say the phraseAgain he called, conveying different meanings in intonation:

1) You share your joy with the interlocutor; 2) you are proud to announce that he called you; 3) you report this with longing, he is terribly tired of you with his requests; 4) you are outraged, talk about it with anger (you forbade him to call on this issue, but he called again); 5) you report this with alarm (you were very alarmed by his call, you are afraid of bad news); 6) you show your interlocutor your indifference (his call does not interest you at all, and you are indifferent to him himself.

^ 4. Say the phrase, giving it direct and opposite meaning using intonation

1) Nice to see you. 2) I love it. 3) Thank you for your work. 4) It was nice to talk to you. 5) I really like it. 6) Thank you very much. 7) I will never forget this. 8) Good girl! Well done!

5. From the topics below, select the 3 you like. For each topic, highlight the main issues that you would like to highlight. For each of these issues, write your thesis. And based on these theses, tell us what your future speech will be devoted to.

1) "The problem of paid healthcare in Russia." 2. "Modern Fashion". 3. "Alcohol in Russia". 4. "Reform of the communal sphere". 5. "The problem of paid education." 6. "The situation of pensioners in the country." 7. "The growth of divorce in modern society."

6. Come up with an interesting beginning of your speech in the following conditions (you need to connect the topic of your speech with the situation, that is, come up with an appropriate opening):

1) you must tell the 8th grade children about new books, and they just came from a physical education lesson;

2) you invite students to come to the opening of an exhibition of wax figures, and they just wrote a two-hour essay on literature;

3) you perform in a technical school in front of seventeen-year-old boys and want to convince them to attend a dance club where there are not enough gentlemen.

^ 7. Come up with the beginning of your speech for the following endings:

Correctly speak among the people / I think, by the example of this story, we all became convinced of the correctness of the Russian proverb: 1) measure seven times - cut once; 2) half believe human speeches; 3) whoever hurts, he talks about that; 4) think first, and then tell; 5) they recognize a person by speech; 6) the word is silver, silence is gold; 7) the word is not a sparrow, if it flies out, you won't catch it.

^ 8. Remember some famous fable. Formulate a general conclusion on this fable.

Pattern: fable "Dragonfly and Ant"- So, whoever works, he is guaranteed to provide himself with a normal life.

9. Imagine that you are completing your public speaking. Construct the final phrase using a gradation technique (a rhetorical technique to increase the strength of expression from word to word). Use words and expressions in parentheses.

1. This is not just ... this ... this ... this is finally just - ...!

(Negligence, mistake, lack of work, crime, inattention to the performance of their official duties, negligence, blatant indifference to the fate of people).

We must completely exclude the possibility of a repetition of such situations in the future!

2. I am not just ... the texts of contemporary pop music, I am theirs ... I am theirs ... I am theirs just ...!

(I am indifferent, I don’t like it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I can’t see and hear, I despise, I don’t feel interest, I feel disgust).

We must go back to music with meaningful lyrics!

^ 10. Specify (expand) the phrase.

Sample: A rooster walked around the yard. - A large, bright-colored rooster with a torn crest and one eye walked importantly around the trampled and husked village courtyard, fenced with a low wattle fence, prowling looking at the chickens quietly pecking around him.

1) There was a vase of flowers on the table. 2) A ditch was dug in the street. 3) A man was running down the street. 4) The child climbed a tree. 5) Center forward scored a goal. 6) A frog was sitting on the step of the terrace.

Come up with an interesting start to your speech in the following conditions (you need to connect the topic of your speech with the situation, i.e. (you are for

11. How should the speaker behave in the following situations:

1. A cat ran into the audience. 2. Some listeners get up and leave. 3. Strangers keep peeking into the audience. 4. The listeners in the back row talk and get in the way. 5. In the course of the speech, they ask a question to which the speaker cannot answer. 6. It became stuffy. 7. Rough, provocative shouts and remarks are heard from the spot. 8. The audience yawns.

3. Spelling and punctuation workshop:

1. Repeat the topic: "Spelling conjunctions."

2. Rewrite, expanding parentheses:

1) Have you been to the Caucasus? 2) Whatever you say, don't agree. 3) We came for you, so (what) pack up and go. 4) For (what) do you fish? 5) For (what) you go, then you will find. 6) He drove all night to warn us. 7) I do not know what (would) I would do if I were you. 8) And (so), the following conclusions can be drawn. 9) He was guilty, therefore (this) and was punished. 10) Let everything be the same (the same) as the last time. 11) He (the same) came to the meeting. 12) There is a small printing house at the (that) publishing house. 13) The same thing was repeated every day. 14) They spoke quietly, because (because) the walls were very thin. 15) The experiment was carried out successfully, and (what) not for the first time. 16) What he says is of little use. 17) What does my father have to do with it? 18) Discussion is closed on (this) issue.


1. Annushkin V.I. Rhetoric. - Perm, 1994.

2. Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G. Culture and art of speech. - Rostov-on-Don, 1995.

3. Daletsky Ch. Rhetoric: speak up and I will tell you who you are. - M., 2003.

4. Kokhtev N.N. Rhetoric. - M., 1994.

5. Lvov M.R. Rhetoric. A culture of speech. - M., 2002.

6. Mikhalskaya A.K. Foundations of rhetoric. - M., 2002.

7. Rozhdestvensky Yu.V. Theory of rhetoric. - M., 1997.

8. Sternin I.A. Practical rhetoric. - M., 2003.

Practical lesson number 21

Topic: Verbal and non-verbal speech impact

1. Conditions for effective speech impact.

2. Verbal speech impact:

A) the factor of compliance with the communicative norm;

B) the factor of establishing contact with the interlocutor;

C) the factor of the content of speech;

D) the factor of language design;

E) the factor of communication style;

E) the addressee factor;

G) the factor of the location of information.

3. Non-verbal speech impact:

A) the factor of appearance;

B) the glance factor;

C) the factor of physical behavior;

4. Types of non-verbal signals. National specificity of non-verbal communication.

2. Complete the practical tasks:

1. Read the fable "The Crow and the Fox." What rule of speech influence does Fox effectively use? What methods of speech influence did she use? What goals did Lisa achieve and was the communication effective?


To a crow somewhere God sent a piece of cheese.

A crow perching on a spruce,

I was just getting ready for breakfast,

Yes, I became thoughtful, and kept the cheese in my mouth.

To that misfortune, Fox ran close by;

Suddenly the cheesy spirit stopped Lisa.

The fox sees the cheese, the fox is captivated by the cheese.

The cheat tiptoes to the tree

He twirls his tail, does not take his eyes off the Crow,

And he speaks so sweetly, barely breathing:

“My dear, how lovely!

What a neck, what eyes!

Tell, really, fairy tales!

What feathers! what a sock!

Sing, light, do not be ashamed!

What if, sister,

With such beauty and you are a craftswoman to sing,

After all, you would have had a king-bird! "

Veshchunina's head was dizzy with praise,

From joy in the goiter the breath stole,

And Lisitsyn's friendly words

The crow croaked into the crow's throat.

The cheese fell out - there was a cheat with it.


2. Come up with a short, effective dialogue for the following communication situation: you ask your parents to buy you a new computer (role-play this situation in a group). What arguments and what methods of speech influence is better to apply in this case?

^ 3. Make up dialogues "request - refusal": one makes a request, the second refuses, and the refusal should be motivated and polite.

Sample: Give me this book for a week. - I do not have this book, I borrowed it myself from the library.

^ Here are the options for possible requests (complete them with your examples):

Come to my birthday party (and you have already been invited to another place).

Give me your bike on Sunday to go out of town (but the person asking is a sloppy person, he can break the bike, not return it on time).

Please walk my dog ​​(and you are allergic to dogs)

^ Possible polite refusal options:

Unfortunately I can not…

I would love to, but I can't ...

Sorry, but I cannot do this ...

I would really like to help you, but I cannot ...

Unfortunately, I cannot ...

I would love to, but ...

^ 4. Express the following meanings non-verbally (and your classmates should understand you and explain the meaning of the gesture in words).

Write me; Fed up with; I need to sleep; give me a lift; what time is it now?; come through; he lost weight; round off, finish; he is strong; do not rush, do not rush; give it to me; beg; need money; quiet; Hey!; Great; cold; let's go on foot; Goodbye; a little, a little; shut up.

^ 5. React non-verbally to the words of the interlocutor: We are being given a scholarship today.

Be surprised at the words of the interlocutor; rejoice at his words; demonstrate indifference and disinterest; express admiration for the message; express doubt that this will happen.

6... Compose a non-verbal story about an event and show it to your audience. You can tell the audience a topic. Will your audience understand your story? Have them retell in words what you conveyed non-verbally.

1. Repeat the topic "Punctuation marks for introductory and plug-in constructions."

2. Rewrite with missing punctuation marks

1) He doesn’t know anything about it. 2) According to the captain, there are two days' journey to the nearest port. 3) I guess I don’t know, but it seems this whole trick was deliberate. 4) So much hassle though. 5) A young sparrow fell out of the nest, the wind strongly swayed the birch trees of the alley and sat motionless. 6) He was really interested in philosophy. 7) He plunged into thought, apparently making some calculations in his mind. 8) On the same day, I was at Nikitin's apartment, the surname of my son-in-law. 9) Even my owners, if they were at home, opened the windows and listened to the musician's praise. 10) The heroine of this novel was, of course, Masha. 11) The foregoing considerations naturally lead us to the correct solution of the question. 12) After all, he has not slept for the second day. 13) I ran ran finally tired. 14) In autumn, when the apples were ripe, the apple trees were the pride of the Popov family. Anatoly usually slept in the garden so that the boys would not pick the apples. 15) As sailors put it, the wind grew stronger. 16) These questions were considered in a number of monographs and in particular in special articles. 17) Of course I would have come if I had been warned in advance. 18) The sleigh sharply hit the trail of the carried bridge sticking out of the water and overturned with ease. 19) These dogs, if I'm not mistaken, descend from simple mongrels and shepherds. 20) I did not understand now I understood what I was doing with the creatures close to me.


1. Akishin A.A. and others. Gestures and facial expressions in Russian speech. - M., 1991.

2. Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G. Culture and art of speech. - Rostov-on-Don, 1996.

3. Golub I.B. Russian language and culture of speech. - M., 2002.

4. Golub I.B., Rosenthal D.E. Secrets of good speech. - M., 1993.

5. Dorogova L.N. The Basics of the Mastery of Public Speaking. - M., 1989.

6. Zaretskaya E.N. Rhetoric: Theory and Practice of Speech Communication. - M., 2002.

7. Kupina N.A. Rhetoric in exercises and games. - M., 2002.

8. Pease A. Body language. - N. Novgorod, 1992.

9. Rozhdestvensky Yu.V. Theory of rhetoric. - M., 1997.

10. Sternin I.A. Practical rhetoric. - M., 2003.

Practical lesson number 22

Topic: Visual and expressive means of language

1. Prepare answers to the following questions:

1. Visual and expressive means of the Russian language.

2. Paths as pictorial and expressive means of language (metaphor, comparison, metonymy, synecdoche, personification, irony, allegory, hyperbole, lithote, paraphrase, epithet).

3. Figures of speech as pictorial and expressive means of language (anaphora, epiphora, inversion, gradation, antithesis, rhetorical question, rhetorical exclamation, silence, non-union, syntactic parallelism, multi-union).

2. Complete the practical tasks:

1. Indicate what figurative and expressive means of language were used by S. Yesenin in the next poem. How are they related to the general idea of ​​the work?

"I do not regret, do not call, do not cry…"

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry,

Everything will pass like smoke from white apple trees.

Fading gold covered,

I won't be young anymore.

Now you're not going to beat that much

A heart touched by a chill

And the land of birch chintz

Will not lure you to wander around barefoot.

Spirit of the vagabond, you are less and less frequent

You stir up the flame of the mouth.

Oh my lost freshness

A riot of eyes and a flood of feelings.

Now I have become more stingy in desires,

My life? Or did you dream about me?

As if I am echoing in the spring

Galloped on a pink horse.

All of us, all of us in this world are perishable,

Copper is quietly pouring from the maple leaves ...

May you be blessed forever

That I had to flourish and die.

^ 2. Complete the following phrases using the technique gradation.

Sample: My opponents call this a disadvantage. But these are not just shortcomings, these are not even mistakes, this is a real crime.

1. The authorities say that this business requires a significant amount. This amount is not only significant, it is ... it is ... for our budget. 2. They say that action should be taken against this person. You don't just need to take action for him, you need him ... you need him ... 3. She is not just pretty, she is ..., she is just ... 4. This is not just a lack of work, this is ..., this is ..., it is finally just ...! 5. I do not just dislike the texts of modern pop music, I do them…, I do them…, I do them…, I just do them…!

3. Determine which paths are used in the following texts

1) And autumn, as a quiet widow, enters her motley tower ... 2) Violets of waves and foam hyacinths bloom on the seaside near the stones ... 3) And now, in response, something struck the strings, frenzied bows sang ... 4) Birches with yellow carvings glisten in azure blue ... 5) Clearances into the sky, that little window ... 6) With a red brush, the mountain ash lit up ... 7) Crimson light breaks through the silent thickness of time. 8) And all the war does not cease in me, it swirls in me. 9) And the heavenly sickle is yellower than linden honey ... 10) The rocker of the rainbow above it. 11) The feather of his mestia breathes ... 12) A quiet sunset floats across the pond like a red swan ...

4. Read the proverbs about the language. Explain their meaning and determine what metaphors are used as the basis of the proverbs.

1. Language is a banner, leads a squad.

2. The tongue gives water and feeds, and flogs the back.

3. With a language that is a lever, things move.

4. Do not pierce with a spear, pierce with your tongue.

5. The tongue is small, but owns the whole body.

6. The tongue is not an arrow, but the heart hurts.

5. Choose periphrases for the following concepts

Winter, night, bread, computer, sun, water, morning, home, television, moon, spring.

6. Build your presentation

1) on anaphora:

Our ...

It hurts us ...

But our ...

Our ...

We will make Russia a great country!

2) on epiphores

Why do we have to pay for everything?

… - pay.

… - pay.

… - pay.

Why should we pay for all this? After all, we pay taxes and have already paid the state for all this. The state should not reduce the scope of free services provided to citizens, but expand it.

^ 6. Determine in which situations the following proper names are used in figurative meanings. What is the name of this stylistic device?

Ivan the Terrible, Napoleon, Susanin, Oblomov, Chichikov, Peter the First, Ostap Bender, Vasily Terkin, Sobakevich, Manilov.

3. Spelling and punctuation workshop

1. Review the topic "Spelling of adverbs".

2. Rewrite, expanding parentheses

To do (in) manual, from where (that), (in) catching, eggs (in) crumpling, advise (in) friendly, (in) pauses, (before) red, (on) backward, (on) the eve, do ( on) evil, everything (on) smarka, live side (by) side, (in) replacements, little (little by little), (in) shuffle, act (in) open, wander (in) blind, (to) top, ( c) fifth, (from) far, (by) wolfish, (c) loose, all (the same), (on) the eve, (from) back, turned (on) side, (for) example, (in) morning, (apparently, (in) melt, (in) first, (for) free, (in) left, (in) friendly, (to) stat, (by) alone, (by) re), (at) equal.


1. Golub I.B. The stylistics of the Russian language. - M., 2001.

2. Culture of Russian speech / Ed. OK. Graudina, E.N. Shiryaeva. - M., 1999.

3. Solganik G.Ya., Dronyaeva T.S. The stylistics of the modern Russian language and the culture of speech. - M., 2002.

4. Solganik G.Ya. Stylistics of the text. - M., 1999.

5. Soper P. Fundamentals of the art of speech. - M., 1992.

6. Sternin I.A. Practical rhetoric: Textbook. manual for stud. higher. study. institutions. - M., 2003.

7. Ushakova G.M., Trufanova S.L. Comprehensive text analysis: Interpretation, models, schemes, parsing. - Cheboksary, 2003.

Practical lesson number 23

On rhetoric


This manual is intended for students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. Its goal is to form in future specialists the skills of effective speech influence, which will allow them to better master their own speech and achieve success in their activities. The reader will find the theoretical provisions necessary for the implementation of practical tasks in the manuals: I.A. Sternin. Practical rhetoric. Ed. 5. - M .: Academy, 2008; I.A. Sternin. Practical rhetoric in explanations and exercises. - Voronezh: Origins, 2009.

The manual can be used in the courses: "Rhetoric", "Practical rhetoric", "Culture of communication", "Russian language as a means of communication", "Russian language and culture of speech", "Basics of speech impact".

For students of universities and colleges, as well as a wide range of readers who want to develop their communication skills.

Editor Ph.D. M.S. Salomatina

© I.A. Sternin, 2010

Sternin I.A. Workshop on rhetoric. Tutorial. / Ed. M.S. Salomatina. -Voronezh: "Origins", 2010.- 47p. Circulation 200 copies.

Topic 1. Work on the speech form of presentation

Topic 2. Attracting the attention of the audience. Start of performance

Topic 3. Maintaining the audience's attention during the speech

Topic 4. Conclusion of the speech

Topic 5. Argumentation

Topic 6. Information presentation

Topic 7. Self-introduction

Topic 8. Event story

Topic 9. Protocol and etiquette speech, its main features

Topic 10. Entertaining performance, its main features

Topic 11. Persuasive speech, its main features

Topic 12. Debate


Appendix 1. Materials for speech warm-up

Appendix 2. Topics for educational public speaking

Appendix 3. Aphorisms for educational speeches

Topic 1. Work on the speech form of presentation

Exercise 1. Give an interpretation to the following words according to the scheme: simple popular definition + illustration by example.

Example: an investment is a long-term investment in something, for example, an investment in the metalworking industry.

Alternative, alliance, anachronism, appeal, a priori, outsider, run, bestseller, briefing, vandalism, makeup artist, digest, jihad, diaspora, DJ, disc jockey, dealer, distributor, image, inauguration, indexing, internet, camouflage communiqué, corruption, xenophobia, lobby, marginalized, marketing, manager, management, monitoring, oligarch, orthodox, public relations (or PR), pluralism, presentation, producer, summit, supermarket, tolerance, fiscal, hit, holocaust, chauvinism, extreme , kurtosis, shocking, show, elite.

Exercise 2. Suggest different ways to verbalize the ideas below.

    Sample. We need democracy.

Options: We need democracy. Our society is impossible without democracy. Our society needs democracy. Democracy is what our society needs.

It is necessary to protect nature.

We need to hold elections.

Let's have a cleanup.

Smoking must be fought.

The state must take care of the poor.

A person in life must take an active position.

Society needs kindness.

Exercise 3. Replace common names with specific words that evoke images:

    Sample. You need to eat less fatty foods. - We need to eat less lard, oil, pork, etc.

Material for completing the assignment

Here you can buy hats, the streets are flooded with transport, here you can buy alcoholic beverages, there is nowhere to buy the most essential food in the country, in the summer you need to eat more plant foods, people pay much more for utilities, here you can find inexpensive shoes.

Exercise 4. Specify (expand) the proposed phrases.

    Sample: A rooster walked around the yard. - A large, bright-colored rooster with a torn crest and one eye walked importantly around the trampled and husked village courtyard, fenced with a low wattle fence, looking prowessingly at the chickens quietly pecking around him.

Material for completing the assignment

A man was running down the street.

There was a vase of flowers on the table.

A frog was sitting on the step of the terrace.

A balloon flew across the sky.

The child climbed a tree.

The center forward scored a goal.

We saw a valley below.

A ditch was dug in the street.

Exercise 5. Convert the words and expressions below into colloquial units.

    Sample. Here expedient clarify . - Here important, necessary, necessary clarify .

Material for completing the assignment

Therefore; let me express my opinion; according to the experts' opinion; involved in this project; it is necessary to focus on; get the opportunity; has demonstrated its effectiveness; we deem it appropriate; here you can buy; this will help to radically reduce the cost of goods; we have made a decision; in this case he turned out to be higher in an intellectual sense; we made a proposal; it is necessary to intensify work in this direction.

Exercise 6. Simplify phrases syntactically and lexically by breaking them up into several sentences and thus preparing them for listening comprehension.

    It is urgent to make all the necessary efforts to eliminate the negative consequences of what happened, creating a special commission of specialists who had experience in such situations.

    Yesterday, in the building of the regional administration, an official meeting of the Ambassador of Singapore to Russia, Mr. Mark Hong, and General Director of the Men company, Kenneth Davis, with the Governor of the Voronezh Region, Vladimir Kulakov, was held, which was also attended by the Head of the Liskinsky District Administration Viktor Shevtsov, General Director of Liskisakhar Nikolai Kurguzov and representatives of the regional administration dealing with the problems of international cooperation of the Voronezh region.

Exercise 7. Dialogue the statements below: enter elements of dialogue in them, turn part of the statement into a question for the audience, replace book phrases and words with colloquial ones, etc.

Source text. On the streets of our city in winter, real chaos reigns, associated with the lack of a sufficient number of units of snow removal equipment - the whole city discusses only 20 snowblowers, and even half of them are constantly being repaired, so snow is removed from the roadway extremely slowly, which leads to constant traffic jams.

Revised text. We are all waiting for each winter with great fear - what if a lot of snow will fall again. What does our city look like after a snowfall? All streets are covered with snow. Cars stall, people are late for work and curse everything in the world. Why isn't the snow removed from our streets? How many snowblowers do you think we have in our millionth city? Only 20. How many of them work? Half of the strength. The rest are broken. That is why we have such traffic jams on the streets in winter!

Material for completing the assignment

    Looking at the current composition of the City Duma, we can definitely say that there are only a few professional leaders, production managers in it.

    It is known not only in Russia, but all over the world that the first airborne assault force was landed in the city of Voronezh. And it happened not far from the place where Lizyukov and Vladimir Nevsky streets now intersect.

    It is difficult to understand those adults who say that young people are lazy, that there are only drug addicts and drunkards among them. This is said only in order to relieve oneself of responsibility for raising children.

Exercise 8. Do the work on the complex oralization of the text (turning it into a comprehensible one). Read the text and simplify it by preparing it for an oral presentation. Change it in accordance with the requirements for oral presentation: make phrases simpler, colloquial, replace terms and book vocabulary with colloquial words, make sentences shorter, omit unnecessary details and details, add your comments, clarifications and ratings.

    Our surgeons will be able to cut without blood. The Perm plant named after Dzerzhinsky begins serial production of a unique electrosurgical unit. According to experts, this unique instrument has no analogues in Russia. The peculiarity of the electrosurgical unit is that it allows you to carry out bloodless operations. The system of "brewing" vessels with high-frequency currents operates in an automatic mode, taking into account the density of tissues of internal organs. Clinical trials of the electronic assistant have shown its complete reliability in carrying out the most complex operations.

    Aerospace companies are preparing to open up space for tourism.

NASA (US National Astronautics and Aeronautics Agency) is working with Lockheed Martin to develop the Venture Star reusable passenger space liner, which will drastically reduce the cost of launching payloads and people into orbit. Then it will be possible to organize flights into space for wealthy tourists.

The Space Adventures company offers the program “Steps into Space”. The program will cost 95 thousand dollars and include a suborbital flight for at least 45 minutes. Siegram Space Voyages is developing a Space Cruiser system that resembles a luxury aircraft for six passengers. On board, they will be able to climb to an altitude of over 100 km and spend 2.5 minutes in zero gravity. The private company "Civilian Ostrenot" offers a cheaper option for space flight - for only 3.5 thousand dollars. A pilot and six passengers will be able to climb into space.

American space travel expert Patrick Collins believes that the emergence of the space tourism market is possible in the near future. The market volume is predicted by the Americans at about a million tourists annually.

    The mind is there - no strength is needed.

Discovered the skeleton of a Neanderthal man who lived 300,000 years ago. His height is much higher than it was previously thought - 177 centimeters. The weight is also decent - about 100 kilograms. Such a skeleton assumes an impressive muscle mass. Many relatives are even more tall - like basketball players, it reaches 2 meters. Scientists believe that the life span of a Neanderthal was at least 50 years. According to the previous theory, they lived much less. Their brains were only 7% different from ours. Neanderthals were not as primitive as people think. They buried their ancestors, guarded the graves.

Why did the skinny Cro-Magnons surpass the powerful Neanderthals and give rise to human civilization? The curse of the Neanderthals was their physical strength. Cro-Magnons, on the other hand, got out of despair, helped each other, looked for more complex forms of social organizations, developed speech and other means of communication. The Neanderthals, the Neanderthals, lived according to individual laws - and lost. The puny Cro-Magnons built society - and they won.

    The study of the physical processes that allow some people to "see" the world around them with tightly blindfolded eyes began more than a hundred years ago. Famous physicists J.J. Thomson, O. Lodge and W. Crookes made a bold assumption for their time that rare magicians in fairgrounds, which amaze the amusing people, do not peep through a cleverly arranged blindfold, but really distinguish surrounding objects without help eye. When asked how they do it, venerable scientists have not found an answer. So far, modern researchers at large universities, research and technological institutes in many countries have not been able to answer it. So far, the most tangible result of these works has been the designation of a mysterious phenomenon by the scientific term - extrasensory perception. In other words, the recognition of the surrounding world is not with the help of five known senses, but with the help of certain fields that surround a person and make up his information and energy aura.

Exercise 9. Convert the utterance into anaphora ("monotony"), add an additional argument to each anaphoric utterance, or concretize it to get a complete text-argument.

We all love watching movies, going to the theater, listening to music.

We all love to watch good movies, real feature films that touch the human soul.

We all love to go to the theater, where you can relax your soul and spend an evening with friends in communication with art.

We all love to listen to the music we like, and we want to be able to do it whenever we want.

But how can we do all this in our conditions, when only American action films go to the cinema, prices in cinema and theater often exceed the capabilities of a person with an average salary, and the music that sounds on all channels meets only the most undemanding tastes.

We need a television and radio channel "Culture", which would give us the opportunity to join the best examples of cinema, theater and music.

Material for completing the assignment.

1. I understand your doubts, objections, all the shortcomings of the method I propose, but it is still better than what we have so far. 2. We all need peace of mind, prosperity, confidence in the future. 3. Our irresponsibility, indiscipline, disrespect for each other hinders us. 4. We need to study the past experience of our country, the experience of other countries that have gone through reforms like ours, as well as the possible consequences of the reform for our country. 5. We all want to live in normal conditions, eat well, have a good rest, be able to get a good education.

Exercise 10. Build your presentation on the epiphora ("one end").

1) Why do we have to pay for everything?

... - pay,

… .- pay,

… .- pay,

…. - pay.

Why should we pay for all this? After all, we all pay taxes and have already paid the state for all this. Why should we pay for this a second time?

The state should not reduce the scope of free services provided to its citizens, but expand it.

2) How long will we in our country hear the shouts of officials of various ranks: "Who gave you permission to do this?"

What kind of system is this that we have to ask permission from an official for everything?

You need…. ask permission from the official,

Do you want ... - ask the official for permission,

I decided ... - ask the official for permission,

I wanted to ... - ask the official for permission.

After all, there are corresponding permissive laws for all this. Why can't we get everything that is allowed by these laws automatically? Why is the principle already proclaimed by MS Gorbachev not actually working in our country: "Everything is permitted that is not prohibited?"

Exercise 11. Use gradation.

My opponents call this a disadvantage. But these are not just shortcomings, these are not even mistakes, this is a real crime.

Material for completing the assignment

This is not just ... .. this is ...., This ..., it is finally simple - ...!

(Negligence, mistake, lack of work, crime, lack of foresight, inattention to the performance of their official duties, blatant indifference to the fate of people, negligence)

We must completely exclude the possibility of a repetition of such situations in the future!

Specify (expand) the phrase.

Sample. A rooster walked around the yard. - A large, bright-colored rooster with a torn crest and one eye walked importantly around the trampled and husked village courtyard, fenced with a low wattle fence, prowling looking at the chickens quietly pecking around him.

1. A man was running down the street. 2. There was a vase of flowers on the table. 3. A frog was sitting on the step of the terrace. 4. A balloon flew across the sky. 5. The child climbed a tree. 6. Center forward scored a goal. 7. We saw a valley below. 8. A ditch was dug in the street.

7. Read the words in quotation marks according to the rules of their pronunciation in oral speech. Use combinations so-called, so to speak, in quotation marks or a special ironic intonation.

1. Today "heroes of our time" work in banks and criminal structures. 2. Soon policemen with truncheons appeared - the main "fighters for democracy" in our time. 3. The crooks worked under the "roof" of the regional administration.

8. Convert into colloquial style units the words and expressions given below.

Sample: here it is advisable to clarify - here it is important (necessary, necessary) to clarify.

Therefore; let me express my opinion; according to the experts' opinion; involved in this project; it is necessary to focus on; get the opportunity; has demonstrated its effectiveness; we deem it appropriate; here you can buy; this will help to radically reduce the cost of goods; we have made a decision; in this case he turned out to be higher in an intellectual sense; we made a proposal; it is necessary to intensify work in this direction.

9. Convert colloquial expressions; where possible, replace nouns with verbs.

1. The foregoing testifies to ... 2. According to the opinion of experts ... 3. It is considered expedient ... 4. As a result ... 5. Think about providing ... 6. The time has come for presenting souvenirs ... 7. Recognition subjects ... 8. Presentation of new material ... 9. Develop the desire to ...

Give your examples of words and expressions, one of which would correspond to the sign of colloquiality, and the second would not correspond.

10. Simplify the phrase syntactically and lexically, breaking it down into several sentences and thus preparing it for listening.

I. In principle, there are several important reasons why young people do not like to listen to symphonic music, preferring light music to it, and also why modern young people prefer dance music to serious music. 2. It is necessary to urgently make all the necessary efforts to eliminate the negative consequences of what happened, creating a special commission of: specialists who had experience in such situations.

II. Read(in abbreviated form) M. Bulgakov's story "They want to show their education ...".

In the hall, over a thousand people, steam stood three sazhens. And steam rose from the speaker. He drove up by courier to the end of the international situation.

The speaker drank half a glass of water and thundered like a trumpet:

Will they succeed in this, comrades? Quite the opposite! They will not succeed! The capitalist system, surrounded on all sides by waves of the still amorphous proletariat, is suffocating in its own juice, and the capitalists have no other choice but to recognize the Soviet Union by accrediting their ambassadors to it !!

And instantly the speaker dived down, as if he had failed. Then his head jumped out of the chair and suggested:

If anyone has any questions, please ask!

There was silence in the hall. Then, in the distance, Chufyrkin's head stirred in the thickest and came out.

Do you have it, comrade? - Gently addressed him from the stage, a completely husky speaker.

I have, - answered Chufyrkin and leaned against the back of the front chair. Chufyrkin looked desperate. - You drank all the blood out of me.

The audience gasped, and all heads rushed to the daredevil Chufyrkin.

I sit - and I do not understand whether I am alive or already dead, - explained Chufyrkin. A grave silence fell in the hall.

I'm sorry. I don’t understand you, comrade? - the speaker resentfully twisted his mouth and turned pale.

There are bubbles in the head, as you sit under water, - Chufyrkin explained.

I don’t understand, - the speaker worried. The chairman began to rise from his chair. - Do you, comrade, have a question? Well?

I have, - confirmed Chufyrkin, - explain "I will summarize."

That is, how is it, comrade? I don’t understand what to explain?

What does it mean, explain!

I'm sorry, oh, yes ... Do you not quite understand what it means to summarize?

Completely incomprehensible, - suddenly shouted someone haggard voice from the back rows. The speaker began to be covered with cranberry paint.

This minute, comrades. Mmm ... So you're talking about "summarizing". This, you see, comrade, is a foreign word ...

What does it mean? Chufyrkin repeated.

You see, sum-zu-mi-mi ... the orator muttered. - You see, well, here, for example, I, say, present a speech. And here are the conclusions, so to speak ... In a word, do you understand? ..

We do not understand what you are saying ... Explain the "intervention", - continued Chufyrkin persistently.

And who is a chamber-lackey? Which cell? The chairman got up and started calling. - Not right away, comrades, please take turns!

“I don’t understand“ accredit ”!

Well, what does it mean to accredit? - the orator was confused. - Well, then, send your ambassadors to us

Say so !! - Someone in the gallery snapped irritably.

- "Intervention" you give! - echoed the back rows. Some shaggy teacher's head rose and, covering the growing rumble, declared:

And besides, keep in mind, comrade orator, that there is no such word "use" in the Russian language! You can say use!

Great! - the audience responded. - That's how I soldered it! Shkrab, he can!

A riot began in the hall. The speaker, like a hunted wolf, looking around at the chairman, suddenly fell somewhere. The crimson chairman rang out deafeningly and shouted:

Quiet! A break of ten minutes is suggested. Who agrees?

The audience answered with a storm of laughter, and a whole forest of hands went up.

What did the speaker fail to take into account?

Remember the general requirements for public speaking. Which of them are observed in the speech of the speaker, which ones are violated?

What mistakes did the speaker make in working on the language of his speech?

What is a scrub?

Edit the presenter's presentation in accordance with the rules for preparing an oral presentation.

12. Get the job done on complex oralization of texts. Read the texts and simplify them by preparing them for the oral presentation. Change them in accordance with the requirements for oral presentation - make phrases simpler, replace complex and bookish words with colloquial ones, remove lengths, omit unnecessary details and details, add your comments, clarifications and ratings.

Sample. In Voronezh, in the center of creativity for children and youth "Rainbow", a regional scientific and technical exhibition was held, which brought together representatives of twelve rural and urban areas. About 150 exhibits were presented. Particularly distinguished was Mikhail Kalgin, who is engaged in the Anninskaya station of young technicians, he designed a small washing machine. Vadim Titovsky and Sergey Kosychev from Ostrogozhsk presented a charger and a network impulse generator. Alexander Bugaev from Buturlinovka - a seeder, and Alexander Mazurenko (station of young technicians of the Zheleznodorozhny District) - a device for restoring picture tubes.

Source text Oral text
In Voronezh, in the center of creativity of children and youth "Rainbow", a regional scientific and technical exhibition was held, which brought together representatives of twelve rural and urban areas I want to tell you about an interesting event that recently happened in our city. Voronezh has a center for creativity for children and youth. It is called "Rainbow". A very interesting exhibition was held there recently. Children from twelve districts of the region took part in it. There were participants from both the city and the village
About 150 exhibits were presented At the exhibition, you could see about 150 exhibits made by the guys.
Particularly distinguished was Mikhail Kalgan, who is engaged in the Anninskaya station of young technicians, he designed a small washing machine All the exhibits at the exhibition were very interesting. For example, Mikhail Kalgan from Anna designed a small washing machine
Vadim Titovsky and Sergey Kosychev from Ostrogozhsk presented a charger and a network impulse generator. Alexander Bugaev from Buturlinovka - a seeder, and Alexander Mazurenko (station of young technicians of the Zheleznodorozhny District) - a device for restoring picture tubes The guys from Ostrogozhsk brought to the exhibition complex electrical devices they made - a charger and a network impulse generator. Sasha Bugaev from Buturlinovka showed at the exhibition a seeder designed by him, and Sasha Mazurenko from Voronezh - a device for restoring picture tubes. It was a very interesting exhibition. She showed how many talented guys we have who can greatly benefit our country with their inventions.

I. Our surgeons will be able to cut without blood. The Perm plant named after Dzerzhinsky begins serial production of a unique electrosurgical unit. According to experts, this unique instrument has no analogues in Russia. The peculiarity of the electrosurgical unit is that it allows you to carry out bloodless operations. The system of "brewing" vessels with high-frequency currents operates in an automatic mode, taking into account the density of tissues of internal organs. Clinical trials of the electronic assistant have shown its complete reliability in carrying out the most complex operations.

(From newspapers)

II. Aerospace companies are preparing to open up space for tourism.

NASA (US National Astronautics and Aeronautics Agency) is working with Lockheed Martin to develop the Venture Star reusable passenger space liner, which will drastically reduce the cost of launching payloads and people into orbit. Then it will be possible to organize flights into space for wealthy tourists. The first flight of the reusable spacecraft is scheduled for 2003.

The Space Adventures company offers the program “Steps Into! space". The program will cost 95 thousand dollars and include a suborbital flight for at least 45 minutes. Siegram Space Voyages is developing a Space Cruiser system that resembles a luxury aircraft for six passengers. On board, they will be able to climb to an altitude of over 100 km and spend 2.5 minutes in zero gravity. The private company "Civilian Ostrenot" offers a cheaper option for space flight - for only 3.5 thousand dollars. A pilot and six passengers will be able to climb into space.

American space travel expert Patrick Collins believes that the emergence of the space tourism market is possible in the near future. The market volume is predicted by the Americans at about a million tourists annually. "

(From newspapers)

III. The mind is there - no strength is needed.

Discovered the skeleton of a Neanderthal man who lived 300,000 years ago. His height is much higher than it was previously thought - 177 centimeters. The weight is also decent - about 100 kilograms. Such a skeleton assumes an impressive muscle mass. Many relatives are even more tall - like basketball players, it reaches 2 meters. Scientists believe that the life span of a Neanderthal was at least 50 years. According to the previous theory, they lived much less. Their brains were only 7% different from ours. Neanderthals were not as primitive as people think. They buried their ancestors, guarded the graves.

Why did the skinny Cro-Magnons surpass the powerful Neanderthals and give rise to human civilization? The curse of the Neanderthals was their physical strength. Cro-Magnons, on the other hand, got out of despair, helped each other, looked for more complex forms of social organization, developed speech and other means of communication. The Neanderthal bigots lived by their own laws - and they lost. The puny Cro-Magnons built society - and they won.

(From newspapers)

13. Exercise to develop the expressiveness of speech.

I. Say the phrase It costs five rubles with an intonation indicating that this is a lot of money, and then the phrase It costs 1000 dollars with intonation as if it were worth three rubles.

II. Pronounce phrases with different intonations (according to OA Baeva).

1. Hello! (Formality, joy, threat, reproach, benevolence, indifference, anger, delight.) 2. Clever girl! Well done! (gratitude, delight, irony, grief, anger). 3. I will never forget this! (gratitude, resentment, admiration, anger). 4. Thank you, you guessed it! (Sincerity, admiration, anger.) 5. I can't help you at all! (Sincerity, sympathy, demonstration of tactlessness of the request.) 6. Do you understand me? (Benevolence, courtesy, formality, threat.) 7.-See you! (Warmth, tenderness, coldness, determination, harshness, indifference.) 8. It's me! (Joy, triumph, guilt, threat, thoughtfulness, mystery.) 9. I cannot stay here (regret, significance, resentment, uncertainty, decisiveness.)

III. Read each sentence quickly, and then, separating homogeneous members of the sentence with expressive pauses. How do pauses affect the expressiveness of the text? What is the meaning of the pauses?

1. In our history there were many wonderful commanders: Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Zhukov ... 2. How slowly these months of waiting to return home dragged on: March, April, May, June and, finally, July ! 3. Still, how rich Russia is in talented artists! After all, it was on the Russian stage that viewers could see Komissarzhevskaya, Kachalov, Ranevskaya, Yanshin, Efremov, Evstigneev, Leonov ...

IV. Pronounce the phrase, giving it a direct and opposite meaning with the help of intonation (according to OA Baeva).

1. Nice to see you. 2. Thanks for your work. 3. I love it. 4. Thank you, I was pleased with your attention. 5. It was nice to talk to you. 6. Thanks for the compliment. 7. Thank you very much. 8. With pleasure. 9. I really like it.

V. Read with the prescribed intonation.

1. Read this phrase as serious life advice and as an ironic joke. Which is more correct?

Labor in vain without ruining,

Love yourself

Honorable reader!

(A.S. Pushkin)

2. Say the phrase He called again, conveying different meanings in intonation:

You share your joy with the interlocutor;

You are proud to announce that he called you;

You inform about the call with warmth, this is your friend who takes care of you;

You report this with longing, he is terribly tired of you with his requests;

You are outraged, talk about it with anger - you forbade him to call on this issue, and he called again;

You report this with concern - you are very alarmed by his call, you are afraid of bad news;

You demonstrate to the interlocutor your indifference to the interlocutor - his call does not interest you at all, and you are indifferent to him.

3. Read the phrase with intonation that expresses the precise meaning put into them by the writers. Follow the writers' comments.

1. “Nikolenka, full of angry! Forgive me if I offended you ... ”- he said to me in a simple, repentant voice (L. Tolstoy). 2. “I am not guilty of anything! Trust me!" - she said quietly, but decisively (L. Charskaya). 3. “And she also asks? And she still dares to ask ?! An incorrigible pretender! " - shouted or even screamed the Stepmother, waving her arms like a windmill with its wings (C. Perrot). 4. “Keep in mind: I'm not at all angry with you! I swear! " - he said in such a cheerful voice that I felt like a stone fell from my soul (V. Dragunsky). 5. "Well, I see - you can't cook porridge with you! .." - Mishka (V. Dragunsky) held out with regret.

4. Pronounce the phrase so that the interlocutor understands its meaning exactly the way you want. Follow the assignments (according to L.A. Vvedenskaya).


Express your dismay

Express resentment

Pronounce it as an expression of coquetry You are annoyed You pretend You demand categorically You are tired of all this

Grandma has arrived

Tell the fact

Give important news

Surprise your interlocutor with this news

Delight your interlocutor with the news

Upset the interlocutor

Make the other person jealous

Show your annoyance.

We will go to the zoo


Happy to share the news with your friends

Clarification question (we go to the zoo or to the cinema, to the amusement park)

Proposal to a younger brother or sister



A warning


Leave them




It's snowing


Admiration and joy

Chagrin from the change of weather

Sadness (you don't like winter cold)


Vi. Anaphora- a fairly strong rhetorical technique that is effective in publicistic, meeting speech, in advertising texts, in emotional speeches of all types.

1. Convert the utterance to an anaphora, add an additional argument to each anaphoric utterance, or concretize it to get a complete text-argument.

We all love watching movies, going to the theater, listening to music. - We all love to watch good movies, real feature films that touch the human soul. We all love to go to her theater, where you can relax your soul and spend an evening with friends in communication with art. We all love to listen to the music we like, and we want to be able to do it whenever we want.

But how can we do all this in our conditions, when only American action films are going to the cinema, theaters are on the verge of closing, prices in cinema and theater often exceed the capabilities of a person with an average salary, and the music that sounds on all channels answers only the most undemanding tastes.

We need a television and radio channel "Culture", which would give us the opportunity to join the best examples of cinema, theater and music.

1. I understand your doubts, objections, all the shortcomings of the method I propose, but it's still better than what we
we still have. 2. We all need peace of mind, prosperity, confidence in the future. 3. Our irresponsibility, indiscipline, and disrespect for each other hinder us. 4. We need to study the past experience of our country, the experience of other countries that have gone through reforms like ours, as well as the possible consequences of the reforms for our country. 5. We all want to live in normal conditions, eat well, have a good rest, be able to get a good education.

2. Build your presentation on anaphora.

1. Our ...

Hurting us ...

Hurting us ...

However, our ...

Our ...

Our ...

We will make Russia a great country!

2. We believe in ... our country ...

We believe in the ability of our people ...

We believe in the possibility ...

We believe that our country ...

We believe that in our country ...

Russia will be a great country!

We believe in our youth because ...

We believe in our youth because ...

We believe that it is young people who will make our Russia a great country!

4. We need to rely on ...

We need to rely on ...

We need to rely on ...

We need to rely on ...

And then we will succeed!

3. Give the eulogy(eulogy) of Russia, building his speech on anaphora. Use the sample, expand it.

Sample. It is high time for us to get rid of the national inferiority complex. - We have excellent scientists who ...

We have wonderful ...

We have wonderful ...

We have great ...

Ours ... are better than American ...

We perfectly know how to get together at a decisive moment ...

We are great at ...

Long live Russia!

Vii. Epiphora, like anaphora, it is a powerful rhetorical device that is effective in emotional publicistic speech. The thought expressed with the help of the epiphora technique is usually perceived emotionally and is well remembered by the listeners.

Build your presentation on an epiphora.

1. Why do we have to pay for everything?





Why should we pay for all this? After all, we all pay taxes and have already paid the state for all this. Why should we pay for this a second time?

The state should not reduce the scope of free services provided to its citizens, but expand it.

2. How long will we in our country hear the shouts of officials of various ranks: "Who gave you permission to do this?"

What kind of system is this that we have to ask permission from an official for everything?

You need to ... ask the official for permission,

Do you want ... - ask the official for permission,

I decided - ask permission from the official,

If you want - ask the official for permission.

After all, there are corresponding permissive laws for all this. Why can't we get everything that is allowed by these laws automatically? Why is the principle proclaimed by MS Gorbachev: “Everything is allowed that is not forbidden”, in fact, does not work in our country?

VIII. Gradation- a sign of journalistic, especially excited speech. It is effective in a positive, sympathetic, emotionally sympathetic audience.

1. Use gradation.

Sample. My opponents call this a disadvantage. But these are not just shortcomings, these are not even mistakes, this is a real crime.

1. They say that it is necessary to take action towards this person. It is not only necessary to take measures against him, he is needed ... he is needed ... 2. The authorities say that this business requires a significant amount. This amount is not only significant, it ... it ... for our budget. 3. She's not just pretty, she's ... she's just ...

2. You end your publicistic speech... Build your final phrase using a gradation technique. Use words! and expressions in parentheses. Reconstruct the phrase if necessary.

1. It's not just ... it's ... it's finally, it's just -! ..
(Negligence, mistake, lack of work, crime, non-

prudence, inattention to the fulfillment of their: official duties, blatant indifference to the fate of people, negligence.)

We must completely exclude the possibility of a repetition of such situations in the future!

2. I am not just ... the lyrics of modern pop music .., I am them .., I
them ... I have them ... I just have them! ..

(Indifferent, I don't like, I can't stand, I can't stand, I hate, 1 I can't see and hear, I feel disgust, I despise, I have no interest.)

We must go back to music with meaningful lyrics!

3. This behavior of a Duma deputy is not just ... it ... it ...
it .. it! ..

(It is indecent, ugly, dishonest, outrageous, unacceptable in his position, criminal.)

We must take immediate measures to recall this deputy from the Duma!

Your opinion

Why do overly “beautiful” speeches usually irritate the audience?


How to prepare for an oral presentation

There are four main ways to prepare for a public speaking.

1. Impromptu - performance without preparation.

2. Outline of the speech - a detailed plan is prepared in advance, where each point is accompanied by a brief indication of the main ideas that should be stated.

3. Text of the speech - the text, which is then fully read out during the speech.

4. Playback by heart - the performance is memorized and played back from memory, without relying on any recordings.

Combinations of different methods are also possible.

Which is the best way? This, of course, depends on the preparedness of the lecturer and the degree of responsibility of the presentation. Less experienced lecturers, who are not quite confident in themselves, prefer to prepare the text of the speech; those who are afraid of the audience often try to memorize performances through repeated rehearsals in private; experienced lecturers usually use different types of outline plans. P. Soper, an American theorist, believed that the outline is the ideal to which all lecturers should strive.

You need to be able to use your notes while performing. Different speakers use their notes in different ways. It is best to have your notes with you, but use them as little as possible.

Thinking about the speech

Suppose you have learned that you are about to deliver a short message. Where to start preparing?

You should not go and ask someone's advice from the very beginning how you should perform. First, consider your presentation in private.

If it is necessary to consult, then only on the whole performance.

You also don't need to start by looking for literature on your topic. This can be done, but then, at the final stage, when you really feel that in something you lack material or ideas. Here it is worth heeding the advice of D. Carnegie: "Do not start reading on the topic until you have exhausted your own thoughts."

For your presentation, choose 1-2 questions, no more. This will make it easier for you, and it will make it easier for the audience to perceive your speech. When speaking, it is always important to have reserve knowledge - you should have at least a third more material than what, according to your calculations, is necessary for the performance. You should be ready to tell all this, but in your speech, deliberately limit yourself, tell only a part of what you know. D. Carnegie, who owns the term "reserve knowledge", wrote that they give the speaker special confidence, "there is a feeling that is difficult to describe - you will be positively charged."

Choose too much material: it will give you confidence.

Thinking about a future speech, you should mentally break it down into thematic complexes, and there should be a few of them, preferably three or four, no more: first I will say about ..., then about ..., then about ... and, finally, I will talk about ...

D. Carnegie also advises to express in advance to yourself your attitude to the content of what you will talk about, i.e. your assessment of this or that thought with which you will come to the audience: It is very important to keep in mind ...; The most important thing is what I want to say ...; I am deeply convinced of the correctness of the thought that ... etc.

And one more practical advice: what you yourself want to better remember and emphasize in your speech, mention more often in conversations with people, express the main ideas of your speech to friends and relatives. The main points should be said before the speech, this will allow you to better comprehend and formulate them.

You should not try to prepare for a performance at a time - spread it over several days, take breaks in preparation in order to later consider the performance from new positions, prepare your performance in blocks - so you get it faster! remember and can edit better.

Choosing a theme and defining the main

Before speaking, you need to formulate the topic well, since the theses that you will defend or refute should flow from it.

The topic should be formulated in such a way that it contains, in an explicit or hidden (but understandable for listeners) form, a question to which the speech is intended to provide an answer.

In addition, having formulated the topic, it is necessary, as they say in logic, to divide the scope of the concept, that is, to highlight the components of the concept or phenomenon that is chosen as the topic. These components will become elements of the performance plan, the basis of the entire performance.

For example, in the topic "Problems of modern students" the following questions can be highlighted: the problem of paid / free education, young families, student rest, the quality of studies, the possibility of combining study and work, the compulsory attendance of classes, getting a job after graduation, goals study, student housing problem, etc. These problems will become the frame of the presentation on this topic.

Structure of public speaking

A public speech must necessarily have a well-thought-out structure containing a certain sequence of parts. This is necessary for the convenience of both the speaker and the audience. It is convenient for the speaker to move from topic to topic, it is convenient for listeners to perceive information, divided into parts and offered to them in a certain sequence.

Structure is the building blocks of a speech and how they are positioned in relation to each other.

Speeches are usually structured according to the traditional three-part composition: introduction, main part, conclusion. This composition is traditional, the audience is waiting for just such a composition and its expectations should not be deceived. It is this construction of the speech that makes it easier for the audience to perceive the oral presentation.

The introduction usually poses a problem, communicates the main idea; the main part provides arguments and evidence; the conclusion summarizes the results, repeats the main idea, contains an appeal to the audience.

In the introduction, they distinguish between the beginning (the goal is to prepare the audience for perception, to make them listen, to attract attention) and the outset (the goal is to explain the thesis, intrigue with the statement of the problem, show the relevance of the discussion of the issue).

The main part contains the argumentation of the thesis.

The conclusion can include a reminder (the goal is to remind the main thesis, return to the original problem), generalization (the goal is to formulate in words a generalized conclusion) and a call (the goal is to elicit a reaction from the audience).

The most important requirement that any public speech must satisfy is the following: it must have a structure (logic) that is understandable to the audience.

Designation of the structural parts of the speech

To make it easier for the audience to perceive and understand the material, the structural parts of the speech should be indicated by special means. Examples of such means of highlighting the logical parts of a speech are: I will start with, now about, and finally, about, in conclusion, I note that others can be used in a similar way: firstly, secondly, thirdly. The structural parts of the speech can also be denoted intonationally - pauses, lowering the tone.

Research has shown that numerals (first, second, third) as indicators of the logical structure of presentation are perceived by the audience very well. However, there are already “many” more than four points, proofs or examples for the listeners: starting from four, the human consciousness perceives what is listed as “many”, which is no longer so effective. It is best to consider three questions, give three arguments, and so on.

Place of important information

The presentation of the most important, essential information is of great importance. Where should you give it? At the end of the XIX century. psychologist G. Ebbinghaus established the law of the edge: information is better remembered at the beginning and at the end. With this in mind, it is effective to use the so-called framework structure of constructing a speech: The purpose of our speech is to show that ...; So, we have established that ...

Preparation of the summary of the speech

It is very helpful to keep notes on topics that interest you and may be the subject of your public speaking. Here is D. Carnegie's advice: "Write down other people's, and especially your thoughts, on scraps of paper - this will make it easier to collect and classify them."

It is not necessary to keep preliminary notes in notebooks, notebooks, etc., since it will not be possible to quickly find what you need, you will have to re-read everything. Notes on scraps of paper, separate pieces of paper - the best way to prepare. At the top of the piece of paper, write with a pencil or colored pen what topic this entry belongs to, so you can easily then put together all the entries on one topic (for example, "Paid education", "Russian character", "Communication rules", etc.) ). There is no need to keep preliminary notes on good paper - it distracts from the essence. Entries should be of different formats, sizes - it is also easier to distinguish them and organize them by topic.

Short written summaries of the read can be of great help, which should also be written down on pieces of paper. P. Sauper wrote: “If you read 1000 words and then write 50 words summarizing what you read, you will probably know more than if you read 10,000 words and do not write a single one ... The very process of taking notes will sharpen your Attention".

Let's say you have a topic for your talk. How do you technically prepare a summary of your speech? Proceed as follows.

1. Make a list of the facts that you think can be attributed to this topic. At the first stage, it should be just a list, without any classification. Include everything that you can remember, even what is indirectly related to the topic - this may be needed later.

2. Select the main thing and cross out the secondary. Leave a space between them and after the main points are written down, write down the minor ones under each of them, highlighting them from the general list.

3. Cross out any unnecessary, irrelevant, from the primary list of facts.

4. Now see what you are missing. Add what you need or write the name of the missing fact or section and mark with any sign that you need to find material on this topic. It is convenient to use in this case the arrow in the margins, which points to this item, this means that you need to add material here.

5. Break the outline into introduction, body, and conclusion. This must be done because the introduction and conclusion should be formulated in the most detail verbally. It is better to write down the introductory phrases in full, the final ones too.

6. As you plan for the main part of your talk, make sure that the transition from one thought to another is logical. Use the numbering of questions (now moving on to the second question) or ask questions like: What is the reason for the state of affairs that I have just outlined?

Make sure that every thesis you put forward, every statement is supported by supporting facts located below them (1, 2, 3, etc.). Try to have several such reinforcements for each thesis.

We must also remember some of the requirements for the language of the synopsis: it is better to use full sentences, especially at first. In addition, it is advisable to include in the synopsis not questions, but specific statements formulated as ready-made and thought-out thoughts by you.

How to use notes?

Different lecturers use


Which statements are correct?

1. Oralization is the spoken word of a text.

2. Oralization is the loud utterance of a text.

3. Oralization is the preparation of a written text for oral reproduction.

4. Popularization is the explanation of complex words and concepts through simple ones.

5. Popularization is the abbreviation of a large text.

6. It is more effective to give accurate numbers in an oral presentation.

7. It is more efficient to give rounded figures in oral presentation.

8. It is more efficient to compare figures.

9. It is more efficient to replace nouns with verbs.

10. It is more efficient to replace verbs with nouns.

11. Additional specific details in the oral presentation

enhance speech impact.

12. Additional specific details in the oral presentation

weaken speech impact.

13. Repetition of the main points in the oral presentation is necessary.

14. Repetition of key messages in an oral presentation only irritates the audience.

15. There should be a lot of rhetorical figures in the speech of the orator.

16. There should be few rhetorical figures in a speaker's speech.

17. The expressiveness of the orator's speech is determined by its intonational diversity.

18. The expressiveness of the speaker's speech depends on the emotionality of the speaker.

19. It is better to put important information at the beginning of the phrase.

20. It is better to put important information at the end of the phrase.

Replace with synonym: abbreviation, scam, veto, integration, contract, competitor, confidential, legitimacy, limit, suicide, submarine, teenager, electorate.

3. Give a simple, popular definition of the following words and make a sentence with them:

Alternative, alliance, anachronism, appeal, a priori, outsider, run for office, bestseller, stock exchange, briefing, vandalism, makeup artist, digest, jihad (otherwise: "gazavat"), diaspora, DJ, disc jockey, dealer, distributor, image , inauguration, indexing, internet, camouflage, communiqué, corruption, xenophobia, lobbying, marginal, marketing, manager, management, monitoring, oligarch, orthodox, public relations (or PR), pluralism, presentation, producer, summit, supermarket, tolerance, fiscal, hit, holocaust, hospice, chauvinism, extreme, excess, shocking, show, elite.

4. Suggest different ways of verbalizing the ideas below:

Sample: We need democracy.

Options: We need democracy. Our society is impossible without democracy. Our society needs democracy. Democracy is what our society needs.

It is necessary to protect nature. We need to hold elections. Let's have a cleanup.

Smoking must be fought. The state must take care of the poor. A person in life must take an active position. Society needs kindness.

Replace common names with specific words that evoke images.

Sample: "You need to eat less fatty foods" - "You need to eat less lard, oil, pork", etc.

Material for completing the assignment:

here you can buy hats; the streets are flooded with transport; here you can buy alcoholic beverages; there is nowhere to buy the most essential foodstuffs at the dacha; in the summer you need to eat more plant foods; people began to pay much more for utilities; here you can find inexpensive shoes.

6. Specify (expand, add details) the phrase:

Sample: A rooster walked around the yard - A large, bright-colored rooster with a torn crest and one eye walked importantly along the trampled and husked village yard, fenced with a low wattle fence, looking businesslike at the chickens quietly pecking around him.

Material for completing the assignment

A man was running down the street.

There was a vase of flowers on the table.

A frog was sitting on the step of the terrace.

A balloon flew across the sky.

The child climbed a tree.

The center forward scored a goal.

We saw a valley below.

A ditch was dug in the street.

Read the expressions in quotation marks according to the rules of their pronunciation in oral speech. Use the expressions "so-called", "so to speak", "in quotation marks" or a special ironic intonation.

Today "heroes of our time" work in banks and criminal structures.

Other “guardians of the people's happiness” - Anpilov and his excited old women - also arrived at the rally.

Soon there were policemen with truncheons - the main "fighters for democracy" in our time.

The crooks worked under the "roof" of the regional administration.

Rogozin and other "new democrats" present themselves as opposition to the authorities.

Convert the words and expressions below into colloquial units.

Sample: here it is advisable to clarify - here it is important, necessary, necessary to clarify.

therefore; let me express my opinion; according to the experts' opinion; involved in this project; it is necessary to focus on; get the opportunity; has demonstrated its effectiveness; we deem it appropriate; here you can buy; this will help to radically reduce the cost of goods; we have made a decision; in this case he turned out to be higher in an intellectual sense; it is necessary to intensify work in this direction.

Practice expressiveness exercises.

1. Say the phrase "It costs five rubles" with an intonation showing that that's a lot of money, and then "It costs $ 1,000" with an intonation like it costs three rubles.

2. Say the phrase with different intonations:

Hello! (formality, joy, threat, reproach, benevolence, indifference, anger, delight).

Clever girl! Well done! (gratitude, delight, irony, grief, anger) I will never forget this! (gratitude, resentment, admiration, anger) Thank you, you guessed it! (sincerity, admiration, anger)

Can't help you at all! (sincerity, sympathy, demonstration of the tactlessness of the request)

Did you understand me? (benevolence, courtesy, formality, threat)

See you! (warmth, tenderness, coldness, determination, harshness, indifference)

It's me! (joy, celebration, guilt, threat, thoughtfulness, mystery)

I can't stay here (regret, significance, resentment, insecurity, determination)

Read each sentence quickly, and then - separating homogeneous members of the sentence with expressive pauses. How do pauses affect the expressiveness of the text? What is the meaning of the pauses?

1. In our history there were many wonderful generals: Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Zhukov ...

2. How slowly these months of waiting to return home dragged on: March, April, May, June and, finally, July!

3. Still, how rich Russia is in talented artists! After all, it was on the Russian stage that viewers could see Komissarzhevskaya, Kachalov, Ranevskaya, Yanshin, Efremov, Evstigneev, Leonov ...

4. Say the phrase, intonation giving it a direct and opposite meaning:

Glad to see you Thank you for your work.

Express your appreciation, gratitude to your friend or teacher. Address specifically, calling the addressee by name. Speak phrases with sincere intonations of gratitude.

Specify what you are grateful for - provide a fact, detail that makes your gratitude more sincere and polite.

Sample: Thank you very much for your help. You just helped me out - you gave me a calculator, and I managed to prepare all the data on time. I am very grateful to you!

14. Express your joy at meeting by using courtesy formulas. Contact a specific addressee:

How glad I am to see you! I am very glad to meet you! I'm glad to see you!

How glad I am to see you! What a pleasant meeting! How nice to see you!

15. Say the phrase How nice to see you! with joy - you have not seen each other for a very long time; complement it by expanding your expression of joy with additional words to enhance the expression of joyful feelings.

Sample: How nice to see you! Haven't seen each other for a hundred years! I miss you so much! Come sit next to me!

Epiphora, like anaphora, is a strong rhetorical device that is effective in emotional publicistic speech. The thought expressed with the help of the epiphora technique is usually perceived emotionally and is well remembered by the listeners.

Build your presentation on an epiphora.

1.Why do we have to pay for everything? ... - pay,

…. - pay,

…. - pay,

…. - pay.

Why should we pay for all this? After all, we all pay taxes and have already paid the state for all this. Why should we pay for this a second time?

The state should not reduce the scope of free services provided to its citizens, but expand it.

2. How much longer will we in our country hear the shouts of officials of various ranks: "Who gave you permission to do this?"

What kind of system is this that we have to ask permission from an official for everything?

You need…. ask permission from an official, Do you want ... - ask permission from an official, Decided ... - ask permission from an official,

It took you ... - ask the official for permission. I wanted to ... - ask the official for permission,

After all, there are corresponding permissive laws for all this. Why can't we get everything that is allowed by these laws automatically? Why is the principle proclaimed by M.S. Gorbachev: "Is everything allowed that is not prohibited?"

Topic 3. Work on the speech form of presentation

It is necessary to pre-work on the text of the speech you have written so that this text is convenient for oral reproduction. Such work on the text is called in rhetoric "oralization of the text" (from the English oral - oral), that is, "the transformation of a written text into an oral one." You can talk about certain rules of oralization, which are recommended to be followed when working on a speech form of speech.

Conversational style

It is necessary to try to replace book and official words in the process of preparing a speech with stylistically neutral or colloquial ones (method of stylistic substitution). Neutral and colloquial vocabulary is more easily perceived by listeners and gives rise to greater confidence in the speaker. So, instead of "under conditions of secrecy" it is better to say "under conditions of secrecy." Instead of “in the press” one can say “in newspapers”, instead of “mass media” - “newspapers, radio and television”, instead of “pressure” - “strong pressure” and so on.

Simplicity of presentation

M. Zhvanetsky said: “Why do the audience fall asleep, but the lecturer never? Apparently, they have a more difficult job. " Understanding speech by ear is indeed a rather difficult task, and it should be simplified as much as possible for listeners.

Sometimes it is necessary to use scientific and abstract words in a speech, but there should not be many of them and you need to carefully consider how to do this correctly. The corresponding word must be clearly explained - give a definition in simple words, name synonyms that are close in meaning to words and expressions, give an example of its use, explain the origin, repeat several times in different combinations.

For example:

“Lately we often hear the word“ investment ”. What does this word mean? This German word means "investing money in any business, enterprise." An investment is not just the provision of money for something, it is an investment of money for a long time, a long-term investment of capital. And an "investor" is a person who invests money. Investing money, an investor, of course, counts on the development of the enterprise in which he invests, and hopes to subsequently receive profit from this enterprise. It is clear that an investment for any investor is a risk. It is also clear that our economy is now in dire need of investment, and the state is trying to attract respectable investors to our economy. That is why the word "investment" is so often used now in our press. Thus, an investment is a long-term investment of capital in any business. Today we will talk with you about the problems of investment in the Russian economy ”.

Explaining complex words and concepts through simple ones is called a popularization technique. Possession of this technique is the most important condition for the preparation of an effective oral text.

It is also necessary to use simpler syntactic constructions in the text of an oral presentation (syntax simplification technique). The text should be built using simpler and shorter sentences, using questions and answers that are well-perceived by ear (the latter also meets the requirement of a dialogic public speech). It is better to make several short ones from each long sentence in the process of preparing the text. It is known that the listeners perceive better sentences not exceeding 13-15 words.

Bringing digital data significantly increases the persuasiveness of the speech, however, it is necessary to follow a number of rules for bringing digital data in an oral presentation.

1. There should be few numbers, only then they look convincing to the audience.

2. It is better to round numbers.

3. Statistical data should be given in comparison or in proportion

(for example: now the population of our city is three times more than before the war).

4. It is not necessary to indicate the exact figures of square kilometers, cubic meters and population, but to submit these data in a visual comparison, for example: "in terms of area like Moscow", "this amount of gas is enough for us to heat our house for 2.5 years", etc. etc.

5. It is necessary to clearly indicate the source of the statistics provided.

Concrete vocabulary

It is necessary to avoid using too generalized names in speech, concretizing them, that is, replacing them with more specific ones (method of concretization). Instead of saying “This is needed first of all for public sector workers,” it is better to say “This is needed by doctors and teachers, retirees and kindergarten teachers, disabled people and nurses, museum workers and theater actors”, etc. Specific names are much clearer and closer to listeners.

Instead of nouns, where possible, it is better to use verbs: opening - opening, providing - providing, achieving - achieving, improving - improving, which makes the perception more specific and visual.

Concretization also concerns the form of "packing" the speaker's ideas. To increase the attention of listeners, to give the speech clarity, imagery, greater reliability and persuasiveness, it is advisable, introducing an idea, you can give specific details regarding the appearance of this idea from the speaker. So, instead of “Recently I met my old friend who told me ...” you can say this: “Last week, when I was driving to the dacha, at the bus station I saw my old friend, with whom I once worked and whom I have not seen again 20 years. Naturally, they began to ask each other how they were doing, what news. And he, can you imagine, told me ... ".

Variety of nominative means

The expressed idea should be repeated during the speech, but the repetition should be carried out in a different verbal form. Whenever possible, you should try to avoid words denoting habitual assessments (good, bad, great, extraordinary, etc.). Of course, it is difficult to do without them, but we must try to diversify them.

An important rhetorical figure is repetition - "learn, learn and learn again." Repetition leads to memorization (remember - "repetition is the mother of learning"); however, it has been established that the mechanical repetition of a thought quadruples the number of those who perceive and remember. This means that the repetition must be modified, you cannot repeat the thought in the same verbal form.

An example of effective repetition in a modified form: we must present all the facts to the people; it is our duty to give the people a full account; the people should know everything; I must tell the people the truth.

Rhetorical figures

A significant role in the speech of the orator is played by the so-called rhetorical figures - special methods of speech that increase its persuasiveness and power of influence.

The most powerful and effective rhetorical figure is considered a rhetorical question. This is a question that does not require an answer, such as: "How long can this mess go on ?!" Its effectiveness lies in the fact that it "unobtrusively imposes" some idea. The effectiveness of rhetorical questions is especially high in a state of tense expectation, when the audience is emotionally excited. Rhetorical questions are well perceived by ear (as, indeed, any questions), so this is an effective rhetorical tool in oral speech.

There are other rhetorical figures as well.

Anaphora is a rhetorical figure that assumes the same beginning of a series of phrases: we need to find out ..., we need to establish ..., we need to say ... etc.

Epiphora - the repetition of a word or phrase at the end of each part of an utterance or group of utterances: The Germans are clean everywhere - clean in offices, clean in the corridors, clean on the streets, clean toilets - and those clean.

Gradation is the arrangement of words so that each subsequent one was more expressive, stronger than the previous one: he did not guess, did not know, did not know, it could not even enter his head.

Antithesis is a rhetorical device, which consists in opposing within the same phrase: the state swells - the people grow withering; citizens steal - the country is getting richer.

Enumeration series: a group of words that are enumerated and are separated by commas or with the help of words first, secondly, etc. In order for this technique to be an effective rhetorical means, the enumeration series must be long enough - 4, 5 , 6 members or more; the “many” show for the audience usually starts after three.

Analogy is also viewed as a rhetorical device: one phenomenon is described by analogy with another already known. For example, the war in Afghanistan is described by analogy with the war in Vietnam. Analogy makes the thought more accessible to the audience, but does not enhance the persuasiveness of the thought. Analogy is not proof.

Hyperbole is an exaggeration (deliberately), for example, there are no forces that would make him turn from the path he has chosen in life.

Inversion - a change in the usual order of words: a child's cry will never again be heard in the corridors of this building.

All of these rhetorical figures contribute to the strengthening of the influencing power of oral speech. Any of these techniques will be especially effective if it is one, if a short speech is built on this one rhetorical technique. Too many rhetorical figures in oral speech or their monotonous use can have the opposite effect, irritate listeners, and therefore use rhetorical figures in oral speech with caution.

Transfer of graphic signs in oral speech

If the text of the prepared speech contains words in quotation marks, then during oral reproduction such words are usually read using the phrases "so-called", "so to speak", or they stand out with a special ironic intonation. Sometimes they say - "in quotes."

For example: And these so-called (options: so to speak, in quotation marks) "fighters for the people's happiness" are now again claiming a place in the regional duma.

Expressiveness of speech

And finally, oral speech must be expressive. Expressiveness concerns primarily the intonation of speech and is associated with emotionality, a variety of intonation design, the absence of monotony, the accuracy of the speaker's intonation of his thoughts, the correct placement of logical stresses and pauses, and the accuracy of conveying the subtext. You should emphasize the main idea with a voice, intonation, pause before and after important thoughts

It should be borne in mind that the following distribution of information content in a sentence is usually characteristic of the Russian language: the most informative word is usually placed at the end of the phrase, a somewhat less informative one - at the beginning. The least informative is usually the middle of the phrase. Thus, to give a particular word expressiveness, it should be placed at the end of the phrase.

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