Home Useful Tips Men are not interested if a woman does not resist. A man becomes attached to a girl if she causes him sexual desire ... A man sticks to a girl but she resists

Men are not interested if a woman does not resist. A man becomes attached to a girl if she causes him sexual desire ... A man sticks to a girl but she resists


They are on top of Asam
Spied on us
Do not close their eyes
Over the Meeting Outpost
Sleepless watchmen.

\ Rubako Syo, x century \

Concerning history, it is known from many facts that they were raped in war at all times and among all peoples.

The Roman historian Tacitus described the actions of the warriors Bruto = “if a young girl or a handsome boy fell into their hands, they were torn to pieces, fighting for their possession. They raped, and those who survived were forced to humiliate themselves many times ..

Any tribes \ or troops \ had squads of rapists, whose function was to dilute enemy blood with the blood of their nation ..

Most of the women who were raped were kept alive, for this was done with the aim of waging a genetic war, namely, leaving as many pregnant women as possible in the occupied territory, in whose children 50% of the blood of rapists of a warring nation ...
Impressions of Polish and German old men about the liberators from Nazism = "yours never committed atrocities like the SS in Russia. Soviet soldiers fed the population, helped them. Only bicycles were often stolen and girls were raped - it was such a sin ...
Even the heroic warriors of the liberating army could not escape the temptations of trophy sex ...

The Geneva Convention defines rape as a war crime "at any time and in any place an abuse of human dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment, rape, forced prostitution or any form of indecent assault ..."

We know where the war is going = they always rape and they will rape ..

Mass orgies after the victory, including the universal rape of women, have been invariable companions of wars throughout HUMAN HISTORY.

There is a great temptation to combine business with pleasure - to take possession of a woman and at the same time take revenge on the enemy, intimidate him ... in the words of the conqueror and rapist Alexander the Great, "... bring your seed to someone else's territory ..."

It is difficult with men. Often an increase in the sexual activity of soldiers in barracks indicates their increased \ potential \ physical capabilities in training.
Sometimes officers \ very young \ complain =
- I just can't believe it! The man is normal, I cope well with the whole service. I’m rarely at home, not every day. So the young wife has to prove how strong and indefatigable I am ... She takes offense, she cannot get enough ...

Of course, a man can risk his life to save his own woman. He may think that the safety of his girlfriend is worth more than his life. But if he replaces his woman with all the women of the country, then by doing so he also protects them. He fights for a good deed, for justice and maiden honor ...

333 The soldier threw her on the floor. His hands were everywhere, ripping off clothes, awakening flesh ... She wriggled under him, vaguely realizing that a volcano of passion exploded. His greedy rough lips, tongue drove her crazy. He nailed her body to his and the floor, squeezing her hands ... She was completely defenseless waiting for his attack, spread her legs - and he thrust into her with force ... After a while, she felt broken, but also happy ...
- What was it?
- Sex
- Something is wrong?
- Everything is great. Forgive me, I was too rude ...
- And I thought that your common sense will defeat lust ... But, no
- You yourself pushed to this ...
- But I howled in pain and begged for mercy ...
- Why?!
- It seemed to me that you would tear me apart ...
- Do you want me to spend the night with you, today there is no watch on duty ...
- Get a hold of yourself
We have attraction. Yes or no?
- It's just crazy ...
"Be quiet. Let's undress completely. I want to see you ..."

The soldier unraveled her braids, found her lips, the desire was boiling in him again and in order to satisfy it, he would like to plunge into her again ... His hands caressed and excited, she felt his muscle of love, which was as hard as a sausage, was trying to burst bent to meet her, not flinching with fear ... All night the man and woman did not sleep a wink ...

How does extramarital affairs happen? Women explain it this way = for example, the husband considers himself an ideal spouse, because he does not drink, brings home his entire salary and does not look at other women. But with his wife he is dry and laconic, spends his free time without her, does not notice her mood, does not is interested in nothing that interests and excites her, that is. does not show her any signs of vimania ...
And here comes betrayal ... She somewhere meets a man who values ​​her every smile, ready to listen to her for hours, guessing her slightest desires ... Sex with him is delightful ...
But it also happens otherwise = in the family, the hunger of emotions is experienced by the husband. He is devoid of tenderness, affection, the wife makes him understand that she does not value him as a man, constantly expresses dissatisfaction, expresses indifference to sex ... He is looking for another woman on the side \ does not have meaning age \ - which gives him everything = desire, love ..., a test of his manhood, admires his figure and muscles ...

333 Soldier M. Rushed towards her \ she understood what he was thinking \ ...
He was excited by her fear and her young, still immature body ... She resisted, kicked, fought back as best she could. He grabbed her hands and pressed her to the table, the other hand slid along her thigh and penetrated her skirt ... Her resistance further provoked soldier ... She was a longed-for fruit for him, strong, smooth and wet after the rain ... He felt his penis become like a stone ... and he thought that there was nothing better in the world than a virgin ... He squeezed her , she could not dodge, felt pain, but the pain was dull ... A woman, as you know, is weaker than a man ... God knows what he did to her ...
In the barracks, he boasted to other soldiers that he had succeeded ... that he had done it all the same ... They believed him and did not believe him ...

333 She and the Cossack were alone in the stable ...
“I bet none of the men have attacked you yet!”
- Yes...
- It's good
- Let me go...
- No, you are my horse ...
They were in a stall for horses, she felt trapped ... and lost her head from his onslaught ... She fell with him on the hay ... He kissed her lips, neck, chest ... intolerable heat, his cock pierced her body, and she forgot about everything in the world ... The young Cossack took her furiously, quickly and without pity, as in battle ... Hay stuck in her back and she cried out in amazement ... He took her again and again, she wriggled under him ... After a while, he threw the blanket over the hedge and raised it high by the hips ... and in one furious movement entered her again to the end ... She immediately went limp and it seemed to her that her body had exploded .. . he grabbed and lifted her, her legs closed and she leaned back on the blanket ... felt filled inside with a full-weight elastic rope ...

333 The ensign knew that the neighbor was nice and available. She tried to get to know him again and again and he even had a desire to have fun with her ... Maybe in the morning he should have accepted her hidden invitation? Sex with her \ and under the robe she apparently has a naked body ... \ would be pleasant ... Any guy, having seen enough of the girls from the Playboy magazine, would get aroused ... You can't get away from nature, sex can be gentle and evil, passionate and not always ... Lust is a potion for a man and a woman ...
In the evening, the ensign came to a neighbor almost naked ... She was surprised, but he had already sunk his lips into her mouth! She could not come to her senses in horror and involuntarily screamed ... The smell of a man, his tobacco and male lust burst into her ... Excited, he kissed her, not paying attention to the resistance. Hugging her around the waist, he hugged her tightly to him so that she felt his arousal ... He deftly unbuttoned her blouse and grabbed her breasts, tilting her closer and closer to the sofa ... Their bodies were burning ... Another moment and he said =
- I came to have sex
His tongue caressed her elastic nipples. This touch immediately gave birth to sweet languor and she let out moans ... Grasping her elastic ass, he deeply penetrated her flesh, she groaned in pain, screamed, wriggling
- Not bad, you immediately found my weak point ...
He was hardy and a wave of desire spilled between her legs ...
- I want you again and uncontrollably ...
She touched his penis and this led again to his extreme excitement ... Raising himself, he entered her ..., into the madness of the passion that gripped them ... He whispered =
- Remember! This is sex, not love ... No obligations ...
- I ... agree ... stay all night ... Come on, I'll make a girl's bed for love ...

333 One day soldier K. went to see how the guys were swimming ... The boys were swimming naked. Suddenly he saw a girl standing nearby, alright, ripe like a berry. He looked - the breasts were round and round under the white blouse ...

He bought her ice cream, talked about this and that ... She ran away ...

On the next vacation - dismissal - we met again. As soon as the guys get out of the water, the soldier and the girl immediately hide in the bushes, and now both hands do not know the ban ... When it gets dark, the soldier's hand slides down her, she was afraid at first .. He liked this mulatto, from his hands she was all on fire ... Then they dashingly had fun and she did not resist him if their legs suddenly intertwined ... He was not a miss ... At night they splashed naked ... she suddenly still screams =
- Be careful, you bastard, with your stick ...
Laughter and splashes ... Love amuses ... And then suddenly three guys jumped out ... The soldier was beaten off, and she herself was dragged into the bushes and raped many times ... Love and sex, violence and sex ...

333 Shooter Klodius was a real guy, more sophisticated in life, because he managed to become a bully and a heartthrob ... He expected a lot of pleasures from Rosa Bivak, whose warm chest tightly filled her bodice, where it was so pleasant to rummage around ... She defended herself for she didn't seem to talk too much, because there was nothing to talk about with the soldier, and besides, she completely lost her head from the touch of hot men's hands ... She lost her head to such an extent that as soon as her chest was subdued, everything else went like clockwork It was a wonderful girl, very affectionate, it was sweet to hug with her ...
In the regiment, Clodius visited an institution almost every week - it is a matter of honor for every soldier to visit the priestesses of love. it was nice to do all sorts of love things, you can act with them slowly or without hesitation in choosing poses ...

333 The prince - the captain of the king's guard - knew how to deal with women ... He has plenty of mistresses for one or several nights ... The housekeeper herself selected the best girls for him ... Loyal friends helped him in this, often even bringing their wives .. If a passion for the wife of some nobleman woke up in him, no one dared to resist him, for he could end up in the cellars of the prison ... He took the beauty straight from the hall to the bedchamber, on the bed of love pleasures, and then returned to the feasting and to the ringing glasses of wine, he told how she was in bed ... And the women gossiped about how free, unexpected, strong and decisive he was ... They even dreamed of being in his arms again ... But he did not repeat himself ...

333 Every night this winter, week after week, he went to bed with Karina and whispered to her - God bless you, love, bless you for military work ... I really don't know what I would do at night without you ... If only you didn’t agree, I would be completely alone in bed ... I would not warm myself under a fur coat ...
Either the soldier hugged her, tight and hot, or she was his, and they played a dance of love, turning from side to side. They slept, tightly pressed to each other, and he kissed her all night ... in his sleep ...
She was nineteen when he met her at the station with a trunk ... He returned from a training camp ... and saw a hunched lump of grief ... She lost her brother and parents ... during a bandit raid on the village ... shielded her from all this ...

333 A conscript in one of the parts of the southern district (Israel) was released on leave to go home ... It so happened that she did not have money for a bus ticket to her home ... She called her parents and warned them that she would get there with a “tremp”. ..
At the exit, she stopped a white Subaru car and the driver, after examining her body, agreed to take her home ... Within a few minutes the girl intuitively felt the danger. She wanted to jump out of the car, but was afraid to get hit by the wheels of the cars ...
The man behind the wheel pulled out a pistol:
- I'll kill you if you repeat the trick ..
He turned off the main road, and threatening with a weapon, forced her to strip naked ... The girl cried, screamed, begged not to do this ... But he hit her with the handle of his pistol ...
- One more word, and I will finish you ...
With his free hand, he unbuttoned his trousers and leaned on her ... She wanted to survive Who could blame her for that ... She felt the touch of his vile body, saw his bloodshot eyes ... At that moment, her whole past life flashed, she took a bite lips bloodied from pain below ... Something cruel he trampled on her girlhood ...
When the rapist relaxed, she suddenly grabbed his pistol and began shooting in the chest, head, stomach and the hated appendage ... Calmly dressed, pushed the corpse into the ditch ... and drove home ... Parents were surprised at her white car ...

333 The young señora began to feel sorry for me, the young sailor, to make me feel close to her.
During a siesta, I slept without hind legs from drunk ... Senora completely spoiled me ... Once at night I went up to her, began to feel, and then I dared and ... She did not at all resist when I undressed her completely .. In general, we made love with her every night ... This Cuban woman and I were very amused: she was a hot girl, she burned like a fire, and her body was covered with delicate skin, like a peach ... I had pleasure, we worked at night with her might and main. ...

333 Captain Burnetsky carefully pulled the girl and kissed her, she did not pull away, did not recoil, but only flushed. Lid's hard breasts burned him. He embraced her all more tightly, drew her already imperiously, rudely, her elastic cold lips ran over his face: he was intoxicated , forgotten. He himself did not understand how it happened, but his hand slipped under her sweater and found a breast, no more than an apple ... Lida did not resist, her hands closed on his neck, and he realized that the girl was lost, she wants more, she is hot and talked to him in his arms ... and she already badly understands what she is doing ... He painfully groaned her = she already gave herself up with ease, without pangs of conscience fell to the bottom of the boat ... Her thin girlish body took his body = he intended inflict primal pain on her ... As a result, the girl groaned or cried out - the night, the moonlit night flashed with his passion ...

333 Reuben "joked" with Valda at one of the campsites near the lake ... Reuben, who was 21 years old, could not refrain from his father's young wife ... A rude, intermittent desire took possession of this strong guy at the sight of the mature, well-groomed delights of her elastic breasts, her graceful belly. His lust could not be quenched by any maid, not a single slave obedient to him ...
He undressed and crept up to his father’s bastard wife, rushed at her and if he didn’t possess her strength, then seduced her ... No matter how she trembled before her husband, she did not resist the strength and youth of Reuben ... scenes of passion and different poses, she shouted:
- Serpent, defiler, shameless, oh ...

333 Snob lay down on the bed, he was tired of love ... And next to him in a beggar, knees apart, sat on a swing, a steep-hip second wife ... In the head of the bed stood two naked beauties, deciding who could lie next to him today ...

333 The seiner sailor listened to her explanation:
- ... it's nice to talk to you, but I'm afraid ... this is my first time ....
He was confused, he was knocked down by these vague hints. When he takes doubt, he decided, love silently ... He kissed her again, played with his chest, patted her hip ... The response puzzled him. He knew himself an experienced womanizer who fell into ports of different girls ... She found his head with her hands, found her lips and he felt her legs tremble and tighten ... She was exhausted, she needed satisfaction ... Embracing her, he whispered in her ear:
- It is unlikely that you had a man ... I am sure that you are a girl ...
She said nothing. They sat closely on the bench, their legs stretched to each other, they wanted closeness to the nausea ...
- Do you really want?
- Really want to...
- I love decisive people ...
- Then ... let's go ...

They came into the room ... She suddenly sat down on the carpet, he sank down beside him too ... They touched each other and again impatience seared them ... There was passion in his hands ... nice to get satisfaction ...
He admired himself, his consciousness hovered aside, indifferently ... It was his new victory, he added it to his trophies ... a new scalp ... He looked at the girl's ruined body and hugged her again ... Everything -so you begin to treat the girl differently after the first intimacy ...

333 Raisa in one bathing suit walked on the soft slippery grass. She entered the backwater, lay down on the water, then dived not deeply and swam under the water as much as she could ... She swam, circled until she was exhausted, until her body became wadded ... She went to the shore exhausted, throwing her hair away from her face. She fell on the sand, soft and hot, scattered her hands ... She apparently dozed off, because she woke up from the fact that someone sank down next to her and rose abruptly on her arms, elbows ...
- Hey! - a guy sat on the side, tanned, in swimming trunks.
- What do you want? - she was outraged that this impudent guy was looking at her body
- You are lovely - and he sat down closer, the bulge increased in swimming trunks
- Well, you - Raisa sat down, looking around ... There were bushes around, the silence and peace of a summer day. Not a soul around. She noticed how crazy his eyes were, he somehow instantly, trotting softly and firmly pressed her to And she felt the blood beating hot in him, what force was ripping off her swimsuit ... revealing everything ...
- Don't ... impudent ... I'm not walking ...
- And the soldier does not care what ... if only there was a source of passion and pleasure ...
Furiously resisting, she felt rough and hard ... the pain soon receded ... desires subsided ...
He opened his embrace, expecting a new outburst of passion ... lazily stroking her thigh ...
- And you ... are not ashamed ?!
“I’m the guy who needs it, full of it ... You see, he wants to again ...
Raisa seemed to have forgotten where she was, for a long time did not get up from the sand and did not let it go, endlessly stroked her muscular body ...
- Doesn't it hurt now? Did you get it? Got it ...
She no longer thought about how it happened for the first time ... Warmth, joy and gratitude ... The pain burned and went away ... He sank again to the bottom ...

333 And the telephone rang and rang ...
A neighbor, Marina, ran out, she managed to take off her dress, but did not have time to put on anything, ran to the phone in what she was wearing - in panties and a bra ... She stood in the middle of the corridor with a snuggled pipe, not at all embarrassed by her beach nudity, so strange in the house. ..
Lieutenant Misha involuntarily looked at her, her naturally gorgeous, young and mature body poured. He approached and abruptly cut off her bra ... Then a struggle began on the floor = it ended with the panties being torn ...
- Ay, oh! Don't, not now ...
The shame in her eyes forced her to restrain herself, she could not recover from fear ...
- What kind of pig, man? Officer, don't, stop ... that's enough ...

333 The soldier undressed her in the dark, to the touch, and lay down with her already naked ... He could hardly distinguish the contours of her body under the moon, tender breasts, moreover, sharp and high ... She longed for him ... They silently merged, a wave desires overwhelmed both. He entered her with one powerful push. She groaned like any girl, and then moved under him ... instinctively ... He did not offer her any friendship, no marriage, no life together, only sex ...

333 Major, Alma and Georgette lived in the same house, three of them ... He slept
on the couch, and the students in two rooms next to each other
They often slept with Alma, and Georgette is still a girl of 18 years old, she did not know anything about this yet ... Alma was sweet. She came to him at night on the sofa, and then returned to her place ...
The Ritsa was packed with people, he pushed through, his face was on fire, his throat was dry ... he drank a glass ... Then he found Georgette again, led her into an empty room - an indomitable fire flared up even hotter inside ... she was embarrassed when he knocked her to the floor ... but then the embarrassment passed, she even laughed in excitement, her eyes sparkled ... Georgette told Alma everything ...
And then they suddenly undressed today and attacked him - it turned out to be a big, cheerful family ... For them, love was a war, a cruel war between a man and a woman for who is stronger, who will be on top ... these girls ... Alma most often found herself on her shoulder blades below ... and Georgette loved to climb up ... bouncing on him ...

333 - Let's dance - Tamara suggested. He silently nods, puts his cap aside, and keeps looking at her. When the gramophone starts playing, he takes her tightly by the waist, draws her to him and wonders how thin she is ... at the waist. It's easy to dance. , her legs give way to the slightest desire of him. She stares at his face, without a smile ... She begins to stray, while her legs lightly hit him, and the soldier's elbow touches her chest ... Then they found themselves in the yard ...
- Wait ... let's go to me - she says quietly, presses his hands to her, not giving them freedom ...
They go to the garden ...
- Here ... wait ...
She brings a blanket, a pillow, not a dress, but a robe ...
- Wait, I'll make the bed - she takes her hands away ... But without waiting, he pulls her towards him ...
- Wait ... here's a madman - her hands are stroking him, she decided not to resist ... Continuously kissing, they lay on the grass. She helped him take off her panties ... and hugged him when he lay on her ...
Very quickly he began to move inside ... She smiled, waiting for him to calm down ...
When they got dressed, he hugs her again and feels only one light matter separating them ... Everything arises in him with renewed vigor ... The moon is completely round, stands right above them ... They lie on the blanket, both undressed and love each other all night ... She kisses him, moves away and kisses again ... when he wants to ... take out ... she suddenly hugs him with force and does not unclench for a long time ... and so all ... moonlit night...

333 Agnes was 18 years old when she worked in the haymaking. She was stirring the hay, because of the heat Agnes stripped down to one shirt ... The merciless white sun was beating down, people were exhausted from the heat ... Finally, Corporal Victor brought a can of cold spring water and asked her, if she wants to drink ... She scooped up the ladle and handed it to her ... She grabbed the ladle with both hands and drank the ice water in one gulp. remembering that she was wearing only a thin, almost transparent shirt ... And at that time he grabbed her around the waist and kissed her lips, not letting her breathe. She was ashamed of her naked body - all this was nothing ... But the corporal achieved more! Her lower back was twisted, so he pressed her against the straw ... he did not feel another's pain now ... she felt sick, her breath caught, the weight of his body ... Some unknown force of her broke through her dam ... she clung to the straw with despair ... It was something frank, shameless, like when animals were mating ... She groans in his arms, and then laughs with joy of communion ...

333 Captain Savin is young, strong and slender. He is chasing a curly girl through the bushes. which allows the captain to reach her shoulders and grab her securely, imperiously. The girl gasps with soundless laughter, is ready to give up and her lips parted for a gentle kiss. He ran his fingers into her curls on her head and presses her trembling body to him ...
- Ah! - she screams, laughing - help! Police! Patrol!
In his strong hands, a beautiful girl fought like a goldfish ...
Then it happens not in the forest, but in his apartment ... He also runs away, but he grabs his naked body in strong embraces ... It was even more amazing ...
- Leave me - she screams - a bully, a rapist, getting tangled up in a blanket and trying to escape, jump out of bed ... She still continues to struggle, resist the excited man, but the resistance in front of her eyes was losing strength, because she was no longer a girl and wanted to herself to feel it ... He admired her flexible body. Close by, a passionate whisper, hot hands clasp his neck, the flaming maiden body pressed against him ... They understood that they were going crazy from the outbreak of passion ...
- How can you do it right away? - she whispers in amazement ...

Due to some differences in thinking, sometimes it is difficult for a woman to understand what she wants from her. Man... So what men expect from a woman depends on their character, mood, sexual and social needs.

Despite their physical superiority, men are often more vulnerable and less confident than women. They constantly need persuasion, praise, support and comfort. Yes, there are men who are completely independent and can live their whole lives with one woman, as well as without a woman at all, but such men come across extremely rarely. Most men need the support and love of a woman. It is quite clear that man gets attached to you because you call in him sexual desire.

What do you like men in women?

First of all, they look at the face. Almost every Man creates in his imagination a certain type, from which he then repels.

As for the figure: there are few men who pay attention to overweight women and do not like or, conversely, prefer donuts. American psychologists have found that most often men react to the proportions of the figure. At the same time, for 50 percent of men, the weight of a woman does not matter at all.

Also men receive sexual the impression of you from your hair, skin, chest or gait. It makes sense to try to figure out if there is anything in your appearance that your partner does not like. Because sex appeal is made up of little things and accidents. For example, they hate long, brightly colored nails. A trifle, but it can ruin everything.

How openly can you showcase your sexual behavior? This largely depends on the age and personality of your lover. Many men are very embarrassed to be kissed and fondled in public, while others are delighted with it. In general, be careful. The main thing with all kind let's understand that you like it.

How sexy does he think you should dress? This also largely depends on his age and character. It was believed that the less clothes a woman wears, the sexier she looks. And that's not true. Studies have shown that men find the most sexy outfit for women to be a regular tight-fitting blouse, a long skirt with a slit, and high heels.

Your lover wants you to be good in bed and be able to respond to his love, and will always appreciate your attempt to bring more fantasy and creative impulse into your intimate life.

You need to discern when Man wants you, and when he wants to express negative emotions through sex. With women it's just the opposite, if they are suppressed by something - it is difficult for them to tune in to a sexual mood. Create an atmosphere in the conversation that he can relieve emotional stress.

Never completely reject sexual your partner's suggestion. Men are very vulnerable in this matter. If you say no, make it clear to him that he means a lot to you, and you love him very much.

Sometimes a man just needs sex, not love. You can even say this: men prefer sex more, and women prefer love.

Most women like it when a partner whispers something nice in her ear. But men rarely do this. Not because they don't want to, they just find it difficult to say and do something at the same time. Sometimes it seems to us women that Man looks withdrawn and withdrawn after sex. Therefore, we must know that a sense of self-control is important for men. And after making love, they just need time to pull themselves together, to cool down the emotions after orgasm.

Besides sex, what else does he expect from you? Listen carefully when he talks about his business affairs, for this is his daily life, about which he may have no one else to tell but you. A word of caution - love the man as he is now, otherwise you will be disappointed.

In some cases, your lover may want to see you as a mother. There are times in life when even the strongest and most powerful men feel helpless and seek help, consolation and advice from a woman.

It is up to you to decide how widely your motherly feelings can reach out to him. But beware of the man who constantly needs their manifestation. His love is immature and when the moment comes to lean on him, you
can be frustrated. Besides, if you treat a man like a little boy, he will behave accordingly. Treating your beloved man like a mother means killing the passion in your relationship.

Few men are so independent that they work and fight only for themselves all their lives. You can help him enjoy the fruits of your labors by showing him your respect and celebrating his accomplishments with him. What's the point in implementing some grandiose commercial project or writing a bestseller, if there is no woman nearby who could appreciate it. Praise your man (interspersed with constructive criticism). The importance of praise and recognition for men cannot be overemphasized. They need her much more than you might imagine.

What can you expect from a loving man?

Some women are ready to do anything to keep the desired man. They forgave him, although they knew perfectly well that he did not deserve it. They endured indifference, irritability and lack of respect. If your relationship is important to both of you, then you should not hide your dissatisfaction with your partner. Because the unspoken words still remain, moreover, sometimes they lay a heavy burden on the heart. You cannot fundamentally change his character, but some men need a sharp twitch from time to time so that their nose does not turn up.

If he wants you to be by his side, then he himself must take care of how to make your life joyful and pleasant. It doesn't make any sense to go on with the relationship if you are unhappy. Don't sacrifice yourself. You don't deserve love by doing this. The more you donate, the less of your personality remains with you. Under no circumstances should you lose your self-esteem, but, on the contrary, increase your self-esteem.

Men love perfection in a woman. Therefore, do not hide your merits and achievements, because otherwise you will not deserve respect for your professionalism from a man.

Most men don't like it when women are nervous or upset. They feel responsible for your pain or guilt for not being able to rid you of it.

Women love to talk about love, about relationships. At first glance, men are less interested in this. And the fact is that it is simply more difficult for them to switch from thoughts to feelings than women. Men assert themselves primarily through career achievements, and women through relationships. In order to talk to your partner about love, try to relax and forget about his work, writes from-ua.com.

A perfect girl can only be perfect if if she has Man, with which all her talents can be revealed. Whatever he wants from you, you have the right to expect love from him in the full sense of the word.

Let me concretize the topic. It's not about when a potential sex partner delays the moment of rapprochement and plays "cat and mouse" with you, then agreeing to sit on your lap, or suddenly remembering that she’ll get up early tomorrow and it’s time to call Taxi. And about situations when your constant girlfriend, whom you have repeatedly seen without panties and from different angles, decides to play hard to get: she starts to dodge caresses and kisses, squeeze her legs, etc. Which, frankly, is not such a rare scenario. I even had a question on this topic from a reader in the "For advice" section:

“In my practice, I have met many girls who loved to resist sex. I was even married to one. So, I had to take my wife almost by force. No, without assault, of course, but freestyle wrestling skills helped a lot. Tell me, why do girls have such a mania? I think a lot of them like it, ”asks Moore.

Moore, of course, slightly bent about the "mania" (although in nature there are indeed girls who do not like ordinary, peaceful sex, so they arrange military actions from each copulation - but this is more the exception than the rule). However, there is definitely some truth in the young man's words ... I am sharing my thoughts about why girls can like sex with elements of resistance, and against the background of which we are usually drawn to such things.

1. From an overabundance of strength and against the background of internal courage

Surely, you yourself are familiar with this state: when the day is set, the energy is full, you want to jump, run and do push-ups at the same time (and you are too lazy to trudge to the hall). In this case, it is not enough just to actively copulate. The soul requires some kind of drive, intrigue, provocation. And in this case, the game "Come on catch up!" and “Caught up? Now unclench my thighs! " - the very thing.

2. As an element of conciliatory sex

Sex as the final chord of an argument is one of my favorite types of sex. But the transition from waving frying pans to waving thongs is usually complicated by the fact that the offended side (in 99.9% of cases - a girl) cannot immediately take and surrender, as if nothing had happened. You’ll stop taking her bangs seriously at all.

Well, or, let's say, no quarrel has really started yet, but she walks around and frowns with inspiration, purses her lips and mentally calls you cloven-hoofed. You, as befits a wise man, take the first step towards rapprochement - but what should she do? She needs to darken you. Marinate. Shove it off. As befits a wise woman. Sex with elements of resistance is a great way to get rid of the accumulated aggression, and at the same time make it clear to you that forgiveness (and with it access to the body) must be earned.

3. A way to feel your genuine passion

If Alzheimer's in old age does not threaten everyone, then intimacy, started on the principle: "Well, Cho, let's have sex?" - "Well, yes, you can" - this is what, sooner or later, awaits every couple. And even if something like that is not spoken out loud, it does not change the essence: there is sex, but it is somehow ... nonsexual. As if two limp seals decided to rub against each other in tender places.

And without the research of British scientists, it is clear that the situation is largely due to the fact that you have satisfied your "hunting instinct". A woman snoring next to you is not a coveted prey, but a reality. But as soon as she begins to slip out of your lustful paws, all your instincts instantly come to life. And now, you are no longer a couple of seals, but two lean cheetahs, roaring and roaring at each other.

4. Or give free rein to your own passions

The human libido is arranged in such a cunning way that many of us, perhaps without realizing it, act out some "scenarios" from the past in bed. According to the assurances of psychologists, if a girl on a high is furnished with almost every intimacy as a single combat, the legs of such strange behavior can grow from her first sexual experience.

After all, if you think about it, even the most “peaceful” scenarios of defloration, as a rule, contain some element of coercion: men insist, persuade, push us to bed, and we, in turn, resist, but ultimately surrender. And it happens that a woman's image is literally imprinted on the brain. She can only experience pleasure if she hands over the reins to her partner. "She's not guilty" - she was taken, conquered, conquered. And the less such a person supposedly controls the situation, the more vivid orgasms she attends.

5. Desire to play rough sex

Sometimes we girls start playing hard-to-reach because we are asking for rough sex. Few people will turn their tongue to say: “I want you to take me by force,” so we are trying to stage the desired situation. And I will not dissemble: it turns on. Sometimes even more than ordinary sex, when a partner whispers all sorts of tenderness in the ear and caresses us as if we were made of porcelain or something even more fragile.

Instead, we want him to push us against the wall or knock us to the floor, bite into the elastic of our panties and twist our wrists so that it even hurts a little. Speaking of pain, by the way. In one clever book on BDSM, I saw a mention of the so-called "endorphin theory", which explains why people, in principle, get high from abuse. It's all about the release of endorphins ("hormones of happiness"), with which the human body reacts to painful sensations. In short, you may not be a BDSM player, but such games are almost always a flurry of new sensations and a splash of a whole cocktail of hormones.

Emoticon- The guy and the girl are alone in the apartment, the guy sticks to the girl, she resists and speaks.

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