Home Useful Tips Do I need to call back a missed call to a man. Should you be the first to call a man? Love you and harmonious relationships

Do I need to call back a missed call to a man. Should you be the first to call a man? Love you and harmonious relationships

Any bitch cares not only about her career, but also seeks to successfully arrange her personal life. She will stubbornly lure a man she likes into various cunning traps until he announces his complete and unconditional surrender. However, in matters of hunting for grooms, you still need to exercise some caution, because one wrong step can scare a candidate for the role of spouse and upset your matrimonial plans. Having met someone who is worthy of your hand, you should not take it into circulation from the very first minutes and demonstrate your interest. Even if you had a nice evening in a restaurant, then the next morning to call a man first is a sign of bad taste. But if you nevertheless decided to take such a step, you should follow the rules of the game and not give out your feelings to the chosen one.

Today the site Koshechka.ru will teach you how to communicate with the man of your dreams on the phone in order to intrigue the chosen one and kindle in him, if not passion, then at least interest in your person.

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Modesty adorns even a bitch

You are ready to admit to yourself that you have truly fallen in love, and you want to know how the one for whom you agree to the most insane acts treats you. But this does not mean at all that you should be the first to call a man. Try to overcome this temptation in yourself and wait at least a few days, after which you begin to act, but - carefully and carefully. After all, hearing your voice in the telephone receiver, even a man who does not possess excellent intuition will understand that you are interested in him. So, instead of a hunter, you risk becoming an easy prey yourself.

If circumstances force you to be the first to call a man, then remember that in no case should you portray suffering or anxiety. Speak with the chosen one deliberately fun and carefree so that he understands that everything is great with you, and this ringing phone is an ordinary tribute to politeness. If you still haven't figured it out yet, then hack it on your nose that these are by no means depressive persons who are ready to "burden" the gentleman with their problems.

You should not go to the other extreme, pretending to be a kind of sexy pussy that is ready to jump into bed with anyone who shows at least some interest in her. Men prefer to bypass such ladies, because they know that after love pleasures they will inevitably payback in the form of a trip to the registry office.

In a word, during a telephone conversation, be sufficiently restrained and concise, do not impose and do not force events. Your task is to skillfully conduct reconnaissance in force in order to find out whether it is worth spending your efforts at all on charming a subject who did not even deign to dial your phone number.

What to talk about with the chosen one?

Before you first call a man, come up with a convincing excuse, which, moreover, will contain some kind of intrigue. For example, you can invite your chosen one to a football match or to a casino by informing the time and place of the meeting. Just don't mumble into the phone, demonstrating your confusion and indecision - speak clearly, distinctly and categorically. Usually, a woman's initiative to spend leisure time together flatters the man's self-esteem.

But don't be overjoyed, as chances are high that you will be rejected. In this case, you need to demonstrate to the interlocutor your complete indifference and hint that you have a dime a dozen such applicants. But if you express regret or dissatisfaction, then consider that the first round is lost.

However, when planning to call a man, it is not at all necessary to invite him somewhere. You can simply ask him for advice on the operation of a computer or TV. If your interlocutor is not a complete idiot, then he will quickly figure out what's what, and will volunteer to personally help you solve the problems that have arisen. But since he did not take the initiative, the site advises you to quickly say goodbye and hang up. It looks like your choice of a contender for the role of spouse was not very successful.

What should no woman do?

Having decided to call the man first, you reveal your cards. But at the same time, such a call from the chosen one does not oblige you to anything. Therefore, in no case insist on your own. It is likely that your boyfriend needs time to think things over properly. If you are refused, then you should not call the man again first. Chances are good that, having weighed all the pros and cons, he himself will appoint you a date.

But even if everything went smoothly, and you met again, this is not at all a reason to cut off the phone to the object of your sympathy now. The next step must be taken by a man, and if he, then, he has good reason for this.

Be prepared for the fact that, having received an invitation to meet, your cavalry will perceive it as a signal for action. After all, you, in fact, agreed to have sex with him. If this prospect does not suit you at all, then make an appointment in a crowded place and do not invite the chosen one to your home. An exception is some kind of holiday, when there will be many guests in the house, and a man will not have the opportunity to drag you into bed.

Discussion: 6 comments

  1. Contrary to popular belief, I find it humiliating to wait! If a man needs me, he will pick up the phone and explain, even if he is nervous or busy! He will not be afraid to flare up, knowing that I am not some kind of coward! And even if I make a scandal for him, he will remain faithful and devoted to me! The rest of the individuals, who are not satisfied with the attention from the girl, can walk through the forest and continue to perceive women as slaves who must wait for them without a murmur! Women! As long as we indulge this, they will bully and call every three days, a week, a month! As a compromise - find yourself a crush or a second lover!

    To answer

A woman in love is inspired by new feelings and, of course, she is waiting for a response this very minute. Some ladies, without waiting for the call of their beloved man, begin to cut off his phone. This behavior is not correct. So many different questions come to mind, but the most important one is whether it is possible to call first? We will try to give a detailed answer to it.

When can you call first?

No one can prohibit you from calling your loved one before he dials your number. But, nevertheless, it is recommended to adhere to some rules in order not to get into an absurd situation. Here are some simple tips:

  • You can call first using a little feminine trick. Come up with some problem that you can't solve without his participation. The man will be pleased to help you and know that he is needed.
  • Your potential chosen one has been courting you for a long time, trying by all means to meet, and you were "cold" and not criminal. Suddenly you decide to give him a chance, but the man does not know about it. In this situation, it is permissible to call him herself.
  • The guy doesn't have your phone number. You just forgot to dictate the cherished numbers. And somehow you still have his number. If you decide to continue communicating with him, you can tell him about it by phone.
  • It happens that a man himself asked a girl to call him, for example, when she is free, wakes up or comes out to meet him. There is nothing wrong with this call.
sometimes you can call first, but a woman should not be intrusive

Situations when you can't call first

There are moments in which it is categorically not recommended to call the man first. This can not only completely ruin your relationship, but also make you look like a frivolous and inexperienced woman. Fundamental rules:

  • Don't be pushy or pushy. You can't call every half hour and ask how he's doing. If you have already called, then now wait for a call from your loved one. Have patience.
  • If on the part of the man there was a refusal in your direction for any reason, then you should not humiliate yourself and persuade him to a meeting, and even more so by using phone calls. So you will not achieve anything, but only aggravate your situation.
  • If you could not resist and called your loved one first, then think over your dialogue in advance. Never call when you're out of sorts. A man should hear a joyful and happy voice in the telephone receiver. It is important to get the person to communicate.
  • It is necessary to figure out where the man's phone number came from after the first date or meeting. If he did not give the number, then in no case should the woman be called first. Otherwise, he will simply think that you are following him. Not all men like it when they start annoying on the phone with obsessive questions. The stronger sex wants to take every new step towards the lady on its own.
  • You spent the night together, then the first call should come exclusively from the man. If a girl does this, then he will simply cease to respect her and lose all interest in her.
  • If you are not in a relationship yet. You see each other every day, but you have not yet become a complete couple. This period is commonly referred to as courtship. The first calls should always be made by a man in this case.
  • There was a quarrel in which the man is to blame. Hold on firmly and wait for the man to take the first step towards reconciliation himself. Indeed, in this way he will demonstrate the true attitude towards you.

is it worth calling a man first - the answer depends on the current situation

Possible reaction of a man if he was not the first to call

Not all men like it when a girl herself takes the first steps in a relationship. Several possible options for a man's reaction to a girl's call will be described below.

The man did not answer the call

There are several reasons why a man does not call back. Here are the main ones:

  • Playing on the feelings of a woman. Sometimes a man makes acquaintance with a girl, asks for a first date, takes a phone number and disappears. He does not call back on purpose in order to increase his confidence and self-esteem at the expense of her feelings, and her number is a kind of reward or trophy that he brags about to his friends.
  • Vivid impressions. Some men are not looking for serious relationships, but meet with women in order to get new emotions and impressions.
  • Politeness. The man is too well-mannered and polite to immediately refuse you further communication. He just thinks that by writing down the woman's phone number, he gave her a pleasant compliment and nothing more.
  • A loss. Of course, it also happens when a guy just accidentally lost your phone number, but he doesn't mind continuing to communicate with the girl.
  • He has another. A man who already has a chosen one will not call back. And meeting you was an easy flirtation. You shouldn't hope for more.

if a man does not answer calls, then he is not interested in a relationship

Rough and dry answer

In this case, the woman should explain who she is and find out if he has time to communicate with her. If the answer was no, then ask to call you back. Now you just have to wait. Don't screw yourself up ahead of time. Everything will become clear after the conversation.

Joyful voice

If his answer was friendly, it means that your call is welcome and you can talk. Here are some simple examples of what you can talk about with a man on the phone:

  • ask how his day went, if there are any successes at work;
  • tell about your plans, achievements;
  • it is trite, but briefly to discuss the weather;
  • about travel, about plans for the future;
  • boasting knowledge of cars (men love this);
  • cinema is the safest option.

At times, women are extremely impatient. In some situations it helps, but in some it spoils everything completely. Respect your partners. Learn to be wise and a little cunning. Then success awaits you in a relationship, and you will be happy.

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