Home Useful Tips Organization of collective activities on the Internet. Collective network services on the Internet. Create and open documents for co-authoring

Organization of collective activities on the Internet. Collective network services on the Internet. Create and open documents for co-authoring

Convenience and speed of development.

Alexander Makarchuk, qb
Improving the speed and ease of development.

Alexander Smirnov, Greensight
Speed ​​up development, reduce errors, just convenience.

2. Is it important to educate developers on how to use the IDE? Why?

Alexey Fedorov, Classmates
This is an interesting idea. Surely there are companies that are ready to invest in this.

If the developer does not know the basic things of the IDE, the development will take longer. In the modern world, this is already a requirement for the profession.

Alexander Makarchuk, qb
There is no need. To teach is to impose your own. Each developer works on what is convenient for him. In doing so, you can always show the benefits of your IDE.

Alexander Smirnov, Greensight
It is rather a question for each developer separately - which is more convenient for him. But in the early stages, smart completion and error highlighting are almost irreplaceable.

3. Most quality IDEs are paid. Should you spend money on licenses?

Alexey Fedorov, Classmates
Costs. The current market situation is that paid IDEs are generally much better than free ones.

Alexey Persianov, Mikhail Parfenyuk, ADV
If you want a quality IDE, then it is worth the splurge. If you don’t support the developers of high-quality IDEs "with a ruble", then they will not make high-quality IDEs

Alexander Makarchuk, qb
If appropriate, then, of course, necessary. Time is money.

Alexander Smirnov, Greensight
Depending on the needs and funds. Someone has enough Sublime, someone wants to use Jetbrains products, someone inevitably has to buy Xcode.

4. What is lacking in modern IDEs? Could a giant like JetBrains emerge in this market?

Alexey Fedorov, Classmates
Maybe. But it will be difficult to compete with them: IDE development takes hundreds of man-years of work and tens of millions of dollars.

Alexey Persianov, Mikhail Parfenyuk, ADV
JetBrains has taken over the market at the moment and there is hardly anything better to come out anytime soon.

Alexander Makarchuk, qb
Something new will always come up and the IDE is no exception. The advantage of new projects is always that they take into account the disadvantages of old ones.

Alexander Smirnov, Greensight
If something better appears, then why not.

5. What other tools exist or may appear to speed up development and make life easier for developers?

Alexey Fedorov, Classmates
Project builders, bug trackers, version control systems, continuous build and integration systems and many, many others.

Alexey Persianov, Mikhail Parfenyuk, ADV
For example, the CI system.

Alexander Smirnov, Greensight
It is hard to say. More and more third-party tools are integrated into the IDE than exist separately.

6. What trends in the development of IDE functionality could you note in recent years?

Alexey Fedorov, Classmates
Integration with other systems such as bug trackers, VCS or CI servers. And of course, speed - modern IDEs slow down much less than 10 years ago.

Alexey Persianov, Mikhail Parfenyuk, ADV
Moving all paid IDEs to subscription distribution.

Alexander Makarchuk, qb
Subscriptions. It is always easier to pay a lower amount, especially if you have doubts about the choice or are not yet used to the instrument.

Alexander Smirnov, Greensight
Development of plugins, integrations with third-party utilities and software, improvement of autocompletion.

There are a lot of development environments in C ++, and for each purpose there is its own, special IDE. Here are the 10 most popular IDEs and source editors for C ++.

1 - Microsoft Visual Studio

If Xcode is your favorite development environment Apple, then Visual studio Is a development environment from Microsoft. Visual Studio is primarily known for writing applications that include .NET. It is a complete set of tools that allow you to accurately debug and customize your application. There is both a Community version and a PRO.

Visual Studio is not only intended for C ++ developers, but also supports many other popular languages ​​such as C #, Visual Basic, and F #.

Visual Studio offers many features, some of which are:

  • intelligent code completion;
  • graphic form designer (GUI);
  • easy-to-use navigation system.

You can use the IDE to develop computer programs for Microsoft Windows, as well as websites, web applications, and web services.

More details can be found.

2 -Xcode

Xcode is not just an IDE, but a complete suite of software development tools created by Apple to develop software for macOS, iOS, WatchOS, and tvOS.

Xcode is the best IDE for Mac, if only because it was created by the developers of the operating system. Therefore, if you are developers for Apple platforms, this environment is for you.

Xcode features:

  • creation of applications for all Apple platforms;
  • code completion;
  • convenient work with GUI.

More details can be found.

3 - NetBeans

While NetBeans is famous for its Java development, it is also one of the best C ++ development environments for both Windows and Mac with Linux.

NetBeans also has many ready-made C and C ++ templating projects that you can use as a basis for your applications. NetBeans was written using Java, it can also be used for PHP and HTML5 projects. Ideal for beginners, but experienced programmers use it often as well.

Pros of NetBeans:

  • it is open source software;
  • developed and supported by Oracle;
  • support for visualized creation of GUI-interfaces;
  • Qt Toolkit support;
  • support for remote development;
  • easy file navigation.

More details can be found.

4 - Eclipse

Eclipse is another easy-to-use yet powerful IDE for C and C ++. There are few differences between Eclipse and NetBeans, but Eclipse is still a faster development environment.

Pros of Eclipse:

  • ease of installation and use;
  • free and open source;
  • support for multiple platforms;
  • powerful engine for creating GUI interfaces;
  • at remote system explorer.

More details can be found.

5 - CodeLite

CodeLite is another free and fast IDE for C and C ++ programming. CodeLite also supports PHP and JavaScript development.

CodeLite features:

  • multi-platform support;
  • built-in support for GCC / clang / VC ++;
  • CodeLite has an amazingly fast and powerful code completion tool due toown analyzer;
  • support for profiling, refactoring;
  • static code analysis and class browser.

More details can be found.

6 - Qt Creator

Qt Creator is the most famous development environment for creating graphical applications. If you are going to create a good GUI application, Qt Creator is the perfect choice for you.

The problem is, it’s paid. Don't worry, there is an open source version that's free. If you are a beginner, then you are unlikely to distribute it for money, and then a paid license is simply not needed.

Some of the features of Qt Creator:

  • simple and convenient GUI form builder;
  • cross-platform;
  • support for debugging, compilation, profiling, code completion and refactoring;
  • support for static code analysis;
  • fast Qt compiler;
  • Qt data visualization;
  • Qt Quick 2D Renderer;
  • Qt WebView;
  • Qt Virtual Keyboard.

More details can be found.

7 - Code :: Blocks

Codeblocks is another free and open source IDE for C and C ++ written using GNU C ++. The main plus is the cross-platform nature of the program. CodeBlocks can also be used for C and Fortran languages.

Some of the features of CodeBlocks:

  • easy and quick installation;
  • availability of a portable version;
  • convenient constructor of GUI-forms;
  • built-in ability to create flowcharts.

More details can be found.

8 - Dev-C ++

Dev-C ++ is a free open source IDE written in Delphi for Windows. It is a lightweight IDE that only takes a couple of minutes to install. This is the best IDE for beginners, and you can install a plugin to create GUI interfaces using drag and drop.

With Office and OneDrive or SharePoint, you can work with others on Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and PowerPoint presentations. Co-authoring means multiple authors are working on a document at the same time.

What do you need for co-authoring?

Co-authoring is supported for documents saved to OneDrive or SharePoint.

To collaborate with other users, you need the following:

    Shared storage... For co-authoring, you can store documents on OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, SharePoint Online, or SharePoint Server.

    Apps that support co-authoring Word and PowerPoint on all devices and versions later than Office 2010 that support co-authoring. Excel mobile apps and Excel 2016 with Office 365 also support co-authoring.

    Suitable document. Co-authoring is only supported in modern file formats, including DOCX (Word), PPTX (PowerPoint), and XLSX (Excel).

    Editing permissions. all authors must have permission to read and modify documents.

Create and open documents for co-authoring

You can create documents in classic versions of Office Online or Office. For more information on how to co-author documents, see the following articles:

Sharing documents for collaboration

Before you can start collaborating on documents, you must share them. In SharePoint, OneDrive, and Office apps, you can share files with others.

For more information about sharing documents in OneDrive and SharePoint, see the following articles:

Can you collaborate offline?

If you open a shared document in the desktop or mobile app, you can work on it even when you are offline. Other authors won't see the changes you make offline. When you connect to the Internet, you will be notified of any new edits, and your changes will be available to others.

When working in Word, the paragraph you are working on is locked to prevent others from overwriting your changes. If you are offline, it could be that someone else changes the same paragraph. When you save your changes, a pop-up message will appear stating that there is a conflict. You can review the conflicting changes and decide which ones to keep.

Resolve a conflict in Word 2016

If you're working on a file that's in a sync folder (such as OneDrive or OneDrive for Business), it syncs when you restore your internet connection, regardless of whether you're running an app (Word, PowerPoint). When you reconnect, the file is automatically synced. If there are conflicts, you will receive an alert. For more information, see For more information, see Sync files using the OneDrive sync client on Windows.

Who can co-author

By default, in SharePoint, groups and permissions assigned to a library where a document is stored or created are inherited by all documents in that library. For example, on a team site where all users have read and write permissions, anyone can co-author. Although a SharePoint Online document library with read-only permissions allows users to add only view documents, no author can make changes unless they are explicitly invited.

SharePoint permissions are inherited, but you can set different permissions for specific users. If a SharePoint library is shared read-only, you can grant edit permission to some users. However, if a library has permission to edit for all users, you won't be able to restrict the permissions of some of them to viewing only. Inherited permissions can be overridden with a higher, but not lower, resolution. For more information on permissions, see the article Permission levels in SharePoint.

When using a SharePoint Personal Site, OneDrive for Business personal library, or OneDrive personal storage, you must explicitly share your files. By default, only the owner of the library can edit and view them. You can decide who can edit individual files by sharing the edit with users or groups. For more information on sharing, see the article Sharing files and folders in Office 365.

Can I collaborate with users of Office 2007 and earlier to edit documents?

Although you can upload files using Word and PowerPoint 2007 or earlier to SharePoint Online or OneDrive, and you can open them for editing, you won't be able to co-create these documents with these legacy apps. When a user opens a document using Word or PowerPoint 2007, SharePoint Online or OneDrive creates a lock on the document and prevents other users in Office from editing the document. For co-authoring in Word or PowerPoint, all attendees are encouraged to use at least the desktop version of Office 2010, Office Online, the latest versions for Mac OS, or the mobile app.

Can i use other storage instead of SharePoint or OneDrive?

Yes, dozens of Microsoft partners around the world support co-authoring through Office Online. Check if co-authoring with Office Online is not supported on your storage provider.

However, when using third-party repositories, documents cannot be co-edited with the Office desktop applications and other platforms. It also doesn't support co-authoring documents that are stored in Google Drive.

Almost all services offer a free trial period, during which you can try the product in action.

Russian services include Megaplan, ca1 t Teamtools.ru, TheCommentor service for interaction in the process of developing graphic materials, Planarii and Task.ly task managers (task management), and The Comindwork.

There are systems that are completely focused on working with customers and a contact base (CRM). Among them is the well-known Salesforce. In addition to this service, one can mention Solve360, Highrise, BantamLive, etc.

If the company is not yet ready to integrate itself so strongly into the Internet, then you can try to implement certain services offered by Google into the workflow. For example, Google Groups allows you to create a separate newsletter for your marketing department.

“We use this tool to quickly discuss new industry events together, putting only one e-mail in the address bar, without fear of missing anyone! This significantly saves time when making decisions, ”says Andrey Talalaev, a specialist in online promotion of the business incubator of the Ingria Technopark.

Google Spreadsheets and Docs services will help you keep timelines and edit important documents with simultaneous access for all employees. And, by the way, these documents will not be lost and will be available from anywhere in the world where there is Internet access.

Many companies - residents of the Ingria business incubator successfully use teamwork services. Mikhail Zakharenkov, founder and CEO of Exteer, uses the Megaplan system, Nikita Kabardin, director of Binza Games, uses Basecamp and Dropbox, and Danis Suleimanov, head of the 2Nova agency, actively uses Redmine, Google Docs and PB Wiki.

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