Home Useful Tips An angry blizzard, a warm wind, has fizzled out. Summary of GCD in the senior group. Topic: Reading the poem by G. Ladonshchikov “Spring. The evil blizzard has fizzled out ...

An angry blizzard, a warm wind, has fizzled out. Summary of GCD in the senior group. Topic: Reading the poem by G. Ladonshchikov “Spring. The evil blizzard has fizzled out ...

Spring is in full swing now, the warm spring months are coming, so you can walk longer and enjoy the awakening nature. I suggest you short poems about spring, which reflect all the beauty of spring days. They are easy to remember and learn with your toddler.

The snow is melting and the ice is melting ...

The snow melts and the ice melts

Spring, guys, is coming!

Drops are ringing outside the window

Birds are joyful trill.

Finally, spring has come ...

Finally, spring has come!

White snows are melting.

Seemed gentle

Here and there snowdrops.


Under a small spruce

The snowdrop has sprouted.

Blizzards escaped

And the frost surrendered!

In the clearing ..

In the clearing, by the path

Blades of grass are breaking through.

A stream runs from the hillock.

And under the tree there is snow.

(V. Lunin)

The evil blizzard has fizzled out ...

The angry blizzard has ceased;

The night has become shorter than the day;

A warm wind blows from the south;

Drops fall ringing.

The sun warms the earth,

Drives ice from our slide.

The snow woman melts

And tears are pouring in streams.

If the snow melts everywhere ...

If the snow melts everywhere

The day is getting longer

If everything turns green

And a stream is ringing in the fields,

If the wind gets warmer

If the birds are not up to sleep,

If the sun shines brighter

This means that spring has come to us.

(E. Karganova)

Now the last snow is melting ..

Now the last snow is melting,

Steam rises from the ground

And the jug blooms

Cranes call each other.

Young forest dressed in foliage,

Warm showers are waiting for.

Everything is warmed by the warmth of spring,

Everything is blooming and singing.


Two starlings flew

They sat on a birch tree,

They sat down and sang, -

How they flew, how they hurried

From overseas shores

To the land dear, dear

To the little white birch!

(I. Muraveiko)


Another week will fly by

And March will ring a drop.

April will come for him in flowers,

And the sun will flood the earth.

Nightingales in groves, parks

The concerts will start their own again.

(V. Kudlachev)

Spring came

In the spring, the kidneys are swollen

And the leaves hatched.

Look at the maple branches -

How many green noses!

(T. Dmitriev)

In the spring

On the trees -

Take a look -

Where the kidneys were

Like green lights

Leaves flashed.

(N. Goncharov)


"Dzin-dzin-dzin", -

The drops are singing.

"La-la-la", -

the starling sings.



Has come

Winter is over!

(V. Stepanov)

Scattered winter

Still standing around
The trees are bare
And drops from the roof
Funny dripping.

Winter somewhere
Run away in a panic
And very bad
I turned on the taps.
(V. Orlov)


Spring is coming to us
With quick steps
And the drifts are melting

Under her feet.
Black thawed patches
Visible in the fields.
It can be seen very warm

Legs by the spring.
(I. Tokmakova)


When winter ran away from spring,
Such a mess began around
And so much trouble fell on the ground,
That in the morning, unable to bear it, the ice broke.
(V. Orlov)

Spring paints

There is no rest for streams again -

Day and night murmur in the bushes.

The sun is golden

In clear, clear skies.

Pours rays on the forest and meadow

And all the flowers around:

Pink, blue,

Blue, red,

As one - beautiful

Although very different.

(B. Asanalisa)

Song of spring minutes

Every day

By a minute

The day is longer

In short, the night.


Take it easy

Drive the winter away

(V. Berestov)

Call signs

The night frosts are fierce
Cold winds are whistling.
Aspen, oak and birch
They sleep under the chilly stars.
But there's a change in the air
They woke up the pine:
Needles like antennas
We have already caught the spring.
(V. Orlov)

Spring has finally come

Finally spring has come.
Spruce, birch and pine,
Throwing off my white pajamas
Awakened from sleep.

(I. Shandra)

The sun whispers

The sun whispers to a leaf:
- Do not be shy, my dear!
And takes it from the kidney
For a green forelock.
(V. Orlov)

Spring came

In the spring, the kidneys are swollen
And the leaves hatched.
Look at the maple branches -
How many green noses!
(T. Dmitriev)

In the spring

On the trees -
Take a look -
Where the kidneys were
Like green lights
Leaves flashed.
(N. Goncharov)


Sparrow ruffled
Feathers -
Alive, healthy
And unharmed.
Catching March
With every feather
His own.
(V. Orlov)


The crane has arrived
To the old places:
Thick, thick!
Ivushka over the creek
Sad, sad!
And the water in the backwater
Clean, clean!
And the dawn over the willow
Clear, clear!
Fun for the crane:

(E. Blaginina)

In early spring

Ghoul-ghoul pigeons

We sat down near the ice hole.


Gul-ghoul ...

The river sang:

Bul-bul ...

The snow melted in the meadows, in the fields,

The nights were blue

On the coastal poplars

The kidneys were swollen

At the spring ice hole

The pigeons were blue.

(A. Prokofiev)

Buds have blossomed on the willow.

Buds blossomed on the willow,

Birch weak leaves

Revealed - snow is no longer the enemy.

The grass sprouted on every bump,

The ravine was emerald.

(K. Balmont)

Spring. High water

Hollow water is raging

Noisy and dull and drawn out.

Rooks flying herds

Shouting is both fun and important.

Black hillocks are smoking

And in the morning in the warm air

Thick white fumes

They are filled with warmth and light.

(I. Bunin)

Spring gives songs

Spring gives songs
Gives out smiles
And to meet her from the bottom
Fish swim out.
(T. Belozerov)


Tears are falling from the roof.
White snowflakes are melting.
The sun is jumping on the roof.
And winter sits and cries.

(A. Leontiev, lane by V. Danko)


The swallow has come

Because of the blue sea

She sat down and sang:

“No matter how angry February is,

No matter how you frown, March,

Whether it be snow or rain -

Everything smells like spring! "

(A. Maikov)


The dark forest turned red in the sun,
In the valley the steam turns white thin,
And sang an early song
The lark is ringing in the azure.

(V. Zhukovsky)

Hello, the first spring grass ...

Hello, spring first grass!
How did it bloom? Are you happy with the warmth?
I know you have fun and crush there,
They work together in every corner.
Dry out a leaf or a blue flower
Everyone hurries young spine
Earlier than the willow of tender buds
The first will show a green leaf.

(S. Gorodetsky)


Swallow flew away
For the distant lands ...
Come back, Swallow!
It's April.
Come back, Swallow!
Not just one:
Let it be with you, Swallow,
Spring will arrive!

(B. Zakhoder)

The coming of spring

The green of the cornfield, the grove of babble,
There is a thrill in the sky of a lark
Warm rain, sparkling waters, -
Telling you what to add?
How else to glorify you
Soul life, spring coming?

(V. Zhukovsky)

Admire: spring is coming ...

Admire: spring is coming
Cranes are flying in a caravan,
The day is drowning in bright gold,
And the streams rustle through the ravines.

... Soon guests will gather to you,
How many nests they will understand - look!
What sounds, songs will flow
Day-day from dawn to dawn!

(I. S. Nikitin)

Morning verses

It is so pleasant -
Wake up
And get up
And the blue sky
See in the window

And find out again
That spring is everywhere
That morning and sun
More beautiful than sleep!

(I. Maznin)


That frost
Then the puddles are blue
That blizzard
Those are sunny days.
On the hills
Snow spots
Hiding from the sun
In the shadow.
Over the ground-
Goose chain
On the ground -
A trickle woke up
And winter shows
Mischievous, green
(V. Orlov)

Martu slumbers easily

Opened up
Black roads -
The sun is hot
But in a snowdrift
As in a den,
Sleeps easily.

According to him still
By ski
The daredevils are running by.
He sleeps sweetly
And does not hear
That the streams are laughing.
(G. Novitskaya)


Spring has come to the country house again.
The sun rejoices. The day has grown.
And only some icicles cry
Sparing winter and frost.
(G. Novitskaya)

In April

First sunny day
The spring breeze is blowing.
The sparrows have fun
In these warm hours
And the icicles shed tears
And hung up their noses.

(V. Orlov)

Spring guest

Sweet songstress
Dear swallow,
Has returned to our home
From a foreign land.
Winds under the window
With a song alive:
"I am the spring and the sun
Brought with me ... "
(K. Ldov)

Starling song

- Snow! Snow!
You will soon become a stream!
You will sing
How the streams sing!
And you will run after the spring meadow
For fine wrinkles
Warm earth! .. -
So, sitting on a branch,
The starling sang.
We listened to the song of the starling
And the snow was already melting
He did not have time
Listen to it to the end.

(L. Fadeeva)

Hello Spring!

Spring flower in new grass
Squinting an affectionate peephole.
The goldfinch sat on the maple
Greening twig.

Any yellow-breasted bird:
In a clear shine, the height,
The sun is shining, joy is everywhere, -
Hello sweet spring!
(M. Pozharova)

Wonderful color

I was told:
White color
This color
Seven colors
May be
Why in the spring
The snow will melt
And the meadow is growing -

(H. Gainutdinov)


Put on the post
In the spring itself,
At attention,
Lowering your palms,
With white gloves,
Like a sentry
There is a snowdrop
On a frozen leg.
(V. Orlov)


Next to a pine tree a snowdrop
Looks at the sky - light, gentle.
What snowflakes are petals!
Do not reach out to him -
Suddenly the petals will melt! ..
(I. Emelyanov)


In the forest, where birches crowded in a crowd,
Snowdrop looked blue peephole.
Little by little at first
I put out a green leg,
Then I reached out with all my little powers
And quietly asked:
“I see the weather is warm and clear,
Tell me, is it true that this is spring? "
(P. Solovyova)

Live chain

The river has swollen
The kidney is swollen
Live in the sky
The chain is floating.
In the dawn blue
The flock is curling
Spring and summer
By connecting.

(V. Orlov)


Green, red,

Bright May

Coats from the guys

Take a picture

Put on the leaves

Links by streams

All day!

Where am I in May

I will not go

Everywhere I am the sun

(S. Kaputikyan)

In the meadow

The forests are more visible in the distance

Blue skies.

More noticeable and blacker

There is a strip on the arable land,

Spring is on the sidelines

Isn't this spring?

No, it's loud, subtle

A wave murmurs in the stream ...

(A. Blok)

Spring arithmetic

From all streams and rivers
Subtract both ice and snow.
If you subtract the snow and ice,
There will be a bird flight!
Let's add the sun with the rain ...
And let's wait a bit ...
And we get herbs.
Are we not right?

(E. Moshkovskaya)

Spring flew into the classroom

Disrupting the lesson
I flew into the classroom
Spring -
Forgot to close,
It is seen,
Window sashes.
The appeal
Keep silence
Did not help -
In vain teacher
To the guys
He was strict.
They ended up
At all
It has nothing to do with:
Outside the window.
(S. Ostrovsky)

End of the school year

The desks are tired.
The board is tired.
And the mop is tired.
And chalk, half a piece.
All the walls are tired
And all the floorboards
And the best all pupils!
Some teachers
Not tired at all!
Made of stainless steel.

(L. Fadeeva)


Spring was walking along the edge,
She carried buckets with rain,
Stumbled on a hillock -
The buckets overturned.

The drops rang
The herons began to screech.
The ants were scared:
The doors were locked.

Rain buckets spring
She did not report to the village.
And the colored rocker
Fled to heaven
And hung over the lake.

(V. Stepanov)

Spring fortune telling

Yablonka today
Not to sleep -
Looks happily
From under the handkerchief:
She guessed something
On the palm of a young
Whispered something
And a little light
Gathered somewhere
Together with May ...

Fortune-telling will come true
Or not -
This is us in the fall
Let's find out.

(V. Orlov)

When April knocks on the window

When out the window
April is knocking
I, leaving the city,
I'm going to the field -
Lark trill,
In the spring to admire
I love to look
As slowly
The soul wakes up in her!

And the sun is a red shearling -
Barely touching the ground
And joy jumps
Like a hare
And underneath
Can't smell legs!
(G. Novitskaya)

In the April forest

Well in the woods in April:
It smells like deciduous decay
Different birds sing
They make nests on trees;
On the glades of lungwort
Strives to go out to the sun,
Between the herbs of morels
Raise the caps;
The branches of the buds swell,
Leaves are breaking through
Start ant
To correct their palaces.
(G. Ladonshchikov)


Already they ate fragrant,
And it smells like tar in the air;
Already the meadows are green,
And the moss curls over the rock.

Take off the blue bays
And boats go by the river;
The fields have already spilled
And you can hear the herd in the distance ...

And the air is full of silence
And how sweet it is for them to breathe!
So heart with unearthly life
Breathes heaven's grace.

(F.N. Glinka)

The singing is louder than a lark ...

The singing is louder than a lark,
The spring flowers are brighter
The heart is full of inspiration
The sky is full of beauty.

Breaking the shackles of longing,
Shattering the vulgar chains,
Runs over new life
Triumphant tide

And it sounds fresh and youthful
A mighty system of new forces,
Like stretched strings
Between heaven and earth.
(A. Tolstoy)

Lily of the valley

Oh first lily of the valley! From under the snow
You ask for the sun's rays;
What a virgin bliss
In your fragrant purity!

As the first ray of spring is bright!
What dreams descend in him!
How captivating you are, gift
Incendiary spring!

So the maiden sighs for the first time
About what - it is not clear to her, -
And a timid sigh smells sweet
Excessive young life.
(A. Fet)

The days are fine ..

The days are fine
Like holidays
And in the sky - the sun is warm,
Cheerful and kind.
All the rivers flood
All kidneys open up
Winter is gone with cold
The snowdrifts became puddles.
Leaving the southern countries,
The friendly birds returned.
On each branch of the starling
They sit and clean the feathers.
It's spring time
It's time for flowering.
And, therefore, the mood
For all people - spring!

(M. Plyatskovsky)

Spring waters

The snow is still white in the fields,
And the waters are already rustling in the spring -
They run and wake up the sleepy shores,
They run and shine and say ...

They say to all ends:
"Spring is coming, spring is coming,
We are the messengers of the young spring,
She sent us ahead!

Spring is coming, spring is coming
And quiet, warm May days
Ruddy, light round dance
The crowd is merrily behind her! ..

(F. Tyutchev)


Blue, clean
Snowdrop flower!
And next to it is transparent,
The last snow ...

Last tears
About the past grief
And the first dreams
About other happiness.

(A. Pleshcheev)

Country song

The grass turns green
The sun is shining;
Swallow with spring
In the canopy flies to us.
The sun is more beautiful with her
And spring is sweeter ...
Tweak out of the way
Hello to us soon!
I will give you grains
Sing a song
What from distant countries
I brought with me ...

(A. Maikov)

I'm waiting

I'm waiting for the snow to melt

And flies fly everywhere,

And the overgrown shore will be announced

With the incoherent croaking of a frog,

When the lilacs bloom

A fragrant lily of the valley will appear,

And the hot day will freshen up

An unexpected, blessed thunderstorm.

I wait for the flute in the fields

Suddenly sings unpretentious,

And her sullen crake

He will answer with a twitch fearful.

I'm waiting, and the snow is falling harder

Severe frosts crackle ...

Oh summer, where are you? Where are the dragonflies?

(M.P. Chekhov)

After the flood

The rains have passed, April is warming
All night - fog, and in the morning
The spring air is definitely melting
And it turns blue with a soft haze
In the distant glades in the forest.
And the green forest is quietly dozing,
And in the silver of forest lakes
Its columns are even slimmer,
Still fresher pine crown
And delicate larch pattern!

(I. Bunin)

Spring again

And again to blind hope
People give their hearts.
Nightingales in the woods as before
Whites sing in the night.

And again, four lovers
The young run into the groves,
With happiness of tender eyes
They believe again, they lie again.

But it does not please, does not torment,
Full of passion,
The heart teaches only dispassion
Spring is alien to the heart.
(D. Merezhkovsky)

Spring waters

The snow is still white in the fields

And the waters are already rustling in the spring -

They run and wake up the sleepy shores,

They run and shine and say ...

They say to all ends:

“Spring is coming, spring is coming!

We are the messengers of the young spring,

She sent us ahead! "

Spring is coming! Spring is coming!

And quiet, warm May days

Ruddy light round dance

Crowds merrily behind her.

(F. Tyutchev)

Thawed spots

Thawed patches, thawed patches -
Freckles in the snow!
They have a small snowdrop
Will hatch: cuckoo!
And in the grove, outside the outskirts,
Rooks will respond
The earth will wash off with water,
And the streams will rustle!
Winter is all about
And catches the silence
And the path ends
Stumbling over spring!
It all started with thawed patches
And everyone is happy with the sun.
Boots instead of felt boots
They knock with horseshoes!
(M. Takhistova)

Spring morning

I wanted to sleep a little,
But I saw a light in the window.
Ray - warm palm
The sun held out to me.

And whispered in my ear:
- Throw off the covers quickly.
Aren't you tired of sleep?
Come up -
So many things to do!

Cherries bloom -
Sweet scent.
Like an embroidered shirt
Our spring garden.

(V. Nesterenko)

Spring hauled

Had fun
Spring is out of the forest
The bear responded to her
Purring from sleep.
Bunnies galloped to her,
A rook flew to her;
The hedgehog rolled after
Like a spiky ball.
The squirrel was alarmed,
Looking out of the hollow, -
Light and warmth!
Proudly dignified
Clarified Boron;
On the branches of brown
A bird chorus burst out.
(L. Agracheva)

The singers return

From midday rays
A stream ran from the mountain,
And the snowdrop is small
Grew up on a thaw.
The starlings are returning -
Workers and singers
Sparrows by a puddle
They are circling in a noisy flock.
And the robin and the blackbird
We were engaged in the device of nests:
Carry, carry to the houses
Birds on a straw.
(G. Ladonshchikov)


Somewhere in the morning the blizzards ran away,
Frosts disappeared somewhere in the distance.
Winter threw off her fur coat in fright
And with them I ran away light.

And at night he returns for her,
Sighs, tries on in the dark.
But something is getting shorter and closer
Becomes a fur coat in winter.
(V. Orlov)

Spring and Brook

I slept under the snow for a long time
Tired of silence.
I woke up and rushed
and met with Spring:
- Do you want your song
Will I sing for you, Spring? -
And Spring: - Cap-cap! Drip-Drip!
Stream, are you cold?
- No, not a bit, not at all!
I just woke up!
Everything rings, murmurs in me!
I'll sing! .. The snow will melt.

(V. Lancetti)


Spring came over the snow

On the wet carpet

Scattered snowdrops

Sowed the grass.

Badger families by the deadline

I raised from the holes,

Birch sap

A. Barto

Willow, willow, willow,
The willow blossomed.
This means - right,
That spring has come
This means - right,
That winter is over.
The very, very first
A starling whistled.
Whistled in the birdhouse:
Well, now I'm from here.
But don't believe in spring
The wind whistle is heard.
Wind, wind, wind
Twirls along the roads
Last year's leaf.
All jokes for April!
Rural kindergarten
In the morning he took off his fur coats,
Snowfall at noon.
But not so bad
Things are going,
If a willow, a willow -
The willow blossomed.

I. Gurin

April walked through the woods,
The drops are already over,
The snow has melted, it's warm
And it became light in the evening.

In the lowland warmed by the sun
The first blades of grass came through.
In deep puddles on the path
The bear and the wolf cub washed their legs.

The rays are getting hotter than the sun
Cheerful rooks scream,
In the forest there is a carpet of snowdrops,
The forest is rustling with the April wind.

Jackdaws flew into the fields,
The warm earth sighs.
And mother-and-stepmother buds
The slopes are ready to gild.

N. Ivanova

April has come, which means
Finally it will get warmer!
We will hide skates and skis,
And we'll get the bike!
The colors are bright in April -
After all, nature took the brush,
To green watercolor
Paint the grass, branches, leaves!
We hear with joy in April
Behind our window glass
The ringing of the awakened drop
The chirping of cute birds.

S. Kozlov

Ah, drops, drops, drops,
Golden carousel!
To us in a paper boat
April sailed along the stream!

E. Moshkovskaya

Hey, fur coats and hats,
Kubankas, earflaps -
Warm hats,
You have become frying!
Go to the closets,
Woolen scarves!
Another fashion comes!
Another weather is coming! ..
Look ...
He is blue.
Is he like that in winter?
What about the day?
A short, small day
Who is too lazy to go out for a walk,
How big he is!
How he has grown now!
They open a window or a door for him!
And these houses
In yellow paint
In green paint -
In brand new paint ...
Remember, remember how they froze
How they closed their windows,
How they even closed the windows
And listened
Like blizzards
Howl ...
And these gardens ...
How the gardens waited
How apple trees fought with the wind
And they huddled up to the old apple trees,
And they wrapped themselves up, wrapped themselves in the snow, like in fur ...
And we...
After the winter?
After winter
As we can see!
We see air!
The air is like this:
He is blue
With a warm hand
With a big, big warm hand! ..

April birch
V. Prikhodko

These are not sheets
And not sheets
Not even young leaves,
And the greenish gold
Clouds of transparent scraps.
If there is forest heaven,
From them, probably
The cloud descended
And in our garden it stopped ...
See what miracles!
But what can it grow
And the birch will become real
Giving shadow
In the rustling wind ...
I will not believe it
Does not matter!

Birch earrings
I. Aseeva

On a thin birch by the path
New beads have blossomed -
Sticky, green, fragrant ...
The radiant sun warmed them,
Leaving the trail of the sunset pink
On the bark of a glowing birch tree.

In April
V. Orlov

The first sunny day.
The spring breeze is blowing.
The sparrows have fun
In these warm hours.
And the icicles shed tears
And hung up their noses.
Spring cavalry
Not spring drops
Breaks through the ice -
It's on the offensive
The cavalry is coming.
Met by birds
In the early hours
Claps hooves
Spring cavalry.
And not droplets at all
They drip in a crunch -
Small sabels
Shine silver.
Agile in the snow
The cavalry flies
Leaving black
Hoof pits.

In the April forest
G. Ladonshchikov

Well in the woods in April:
It smells like deciduous decay
Different birds sing
They make nests on trees;
On the glades of lungwort
Strives to go out to the sun,
Between the herbs of morels
Raise the caps;
The branches of the buds swell,
Leaves are breaking through
Start ant
To correct their palaces.

Spring flew into the classroom
S. Ostrovsky

Disrupting the lesson
I flew into the classroom
Spring -
Forgot to close,
It is seen,
Window sashes.
The appeal
Keep silence
Did not help -
In vain teacher
To the guys
He was strict.
They ended up
At all
It has nothing to do with:
Outside the window.

In March
T. Gusarova

Beetle on the thaw
Warmed a barrel in the sun,
Soon a worm came out,
And behind him is the spider.
The sun disappeared behind the mountain
And went home
And a bug and a worm,
And, of course, the spider.
On the thaw again
They will sunbathe tomorrow
Beetle, worm and spider ...

Another barrel will be heated.

Merry spring
I. Gurin

Spring splashes in the puddles,
The wind is clapping its hands
And chases the clouds.
Darkened snowdrifts
Those who did not have time to melt
A little scared.
The sun rolls across the sky
And the cloud-cuttlefish
Creeps beyond the horizon.
The last snow was falling
It fell like a spring rain.
We don't need an umbrella!
Merry streams are ringing
The trees are dancing naked
A shadow fell into a puddle
The roof was crying with laughter,
Drops tinkled under the roof
And sang a spring day.
Silky sprouts,
Gathered in a round dance.
Satin, green,
In their spring, lovers
They are about to bloom.

Had fun
L. Agracheva

Had fun
Spring is out of the forest
The bear responded to her
Purring from sleep.
Bunnies galloped to her,
A rook flew to her;
The hedgehog rolled after
Like a spiky ball.
The squirrel was alarmed,
Looking out of the hollow, -
Light and warmth!
Proudly dignified
Clarified Boron;
On the branches of brown
A bird chorus burst out.

Merry trickle
V. Semernin

Snow fell from the fields
A trickle woke up:
He runs through the meadows,
Through groves and gardens.
He is blue with a song
Rides over the ground
Spring son -
Cheerful stream.
He raised a flower over him
Your little flag
And into the water a dragonfly
He looks with all eyes.
And the butterflies crowd
To that song is blue
They fly again -
They want to dance.
Merry trickle
I rolled over the bump
Rushed to the willow
And I met the river there.
Spring noise and ringing ...
He gave everything to the river,
Spring messenger ...
This is the end of the song.

T. Sikorskaya

Come spring and again
Let the groves come to life
To the sound of a forest stream
Let the violets bloom!
Let us and the sun together
Will wake up the din of birds.
We will run with a song
Through groves and meadows.
We want these groves
Bloomed more magnificently again.
Merry May, we children
We call you soon.
Let the sun dry the grass
A quiet pond sparkles
Let the cuckoos cry
And the nightingales are singing.

M. Pozharova

Sparrow, sparrow,
Cheer up the chirps!
Jump little
At the thaw!
You are cold in winter
Grieved in the wilderness of the forest,
Knew with hunger
With fierce cold.
But she came, light, red,
With God's grace, spring:
At the sparrow
There will be grains!
How I got into a birch forest
Frisky seryak zayushka,
Beast with a mustache,
Furry beast.
Ears up, gallop and gallop:
“Hello, my spring forest!
Smells like kidney
Yes, sprouts ... "
And the forest makes a noise in response:
"Happy spring holiday, my light,
Happy morning
With a blissful sun!
I, woods, love you,
Tasty, satisfying food:
Will be a hack
Plenty of grass! "

Spring miracle
Z. Alexandrova

Guys guys
Where do you go?
- We want berries
Search the swamp!
- What are the berries
Early spring?
- But look,
What grows under the pine tree!
Indeed ... in a clumsy
Swamp forest
Under the March sun
The bumps have melted.
Remained on the bumps
From last summer
Cold beads
Scarlet color.
Spring miracle
On a thread tender -
Air balloons
Snowy cranberries.
Until it melts
Forest swamp,
On the bumps guys
Graze in the spring.
Snowy cranberry,
Ruddy ice floes
Everyone has a chill
In the middle!

Spring tidings
O. Belyaevskaya

Sparrows told me today -
I don’t know if it’s true - that spring is already coming.
I can't believe it: we played snowballs yesterday
And the transparent ice on the pond is strong.
Chivik-chik-chik! How did you know?
Who told you about spring, little birds?
"A half-day ray caressed our wings,
The first drips sounded today. "

Spring wind
G. Krotov

A boat made of paper
I let it go down the stream.
He avoided obstacles
Stronger than the wind was.
He alone, white white,
Swam down the stream.
A boat made of paper
Spring first breeze.

Spring rain
N. Antonova

Spring rain
Our barefoot friend
Rushes skipping
No road
And he calls:
- Behind me! Behind me!
And they run in a crowd
Boys ...
Jokes, songs, laughter! -
Who runs the fastest?
Spring rain

Spring rain
K. Rossetti

Drinks both meadow and dol.
They drink forests, fields.
Where in the spring the rain passed
The land is green.
For a week or two
The kidneys are bursting
And then lie in the grass
Their sticky shirts.
Birds make their nests
Rejoicing at each other
Announcing here and there
Songs around.
Without rain we would
Not see again
No sprouted grain
Not a forest flower
No funny chicks
Powerless for the time being
No rams, no cows
The meadows are abundant.
What would I eat in the spring
Every beast and bird
If the downpour was pouring
Suddenly could not spill?
We would not find
Moss near the gate
And for us they would not bloom
In a daisy field.
Only the sand is dry
I would be under my feet
If the downpour was pouring
Didn't pass over us.

Spring arithmetic
E. Moshkovskaya

From all streams and rivers
Subtract both ice and snow.
If you subtract the snow and ice,
There will be a bird flight!
Add the sun and the rain ...
And let's wait a bit ...
And we get herbs.
Are we not right?

Spring guest
K. Ldov (K. N. Rosenblum)

Sweet songstress
Dear swallow,
Has returned to our home
From a foreign land.
Winds under the window
With a song alive:
"I am the spring and the sun
I brought it with me ... "

Spring song
S. Gorodetsky

A spring day fell
On a mound of sunshine.
Get together, get together, people
In a round dance!
Let's walk around
Yes, to amuse the spring,
Let's start a round dance
Hello hello spring!
Spring has arrived
In a hurry.
Carried the beauty
Green in the forest
On the fields.
Oh you, fir-tree,
Ah pine, you pine
You are not alone now green
In the spring!
Outside air like hops
And intoxicates, amuses,
And calling
In a round dance.
Let's go around
You, spring, fly in
In a tight circle.
Smile, light up
And the whole meadow with flowers
Take it away!

Spring song
S. Marshak

The snow is no longer the same
He darkened in the field.
Ice cracked on the lakes
As if split.
The clouds are running faster
The sky got higher.
Chirped a sparrow
More fun on the roof.
Blacker every day
Stitches and paths,
And on willows in silver
The earrings are glowing.

I. Aseeva

The sun warms both adults and little ones,
The sun drowns snowdrifts and ice floes,
In the meadow, near the houses on thawed paths
Arrows-blades of grass are making their way.
And the vocal streams are ringing,
Fragrant buds swell
The clouds in the sky are clear, fast
They are waiting for the birth of sticky leaves.

E. Blaginina

Stoves are still burning in the houses
And the sun rises late
We also have along our river
Walk calmly across the ice;

Back to the shed for the wood
Can't get right through
And in the garden under the trees
A snowman sleeps with a broom;

Also we are all warmly dressed -
In sweatshirts, in cotton pants ...
Still, there are signs of spring
In everything, in everything are already visible

And in the way the rooftops got warm
And like the sun in sight
The drops, falling, sang
They began to gurgle as if delirious.

And suddenly the road became wet
And boots are full of water ...
And the wind is gentle and lingering
I blew from the south side.

And the sparrows shout to each other
About the sun, about its beauty.
And all the funny freckles
Sit on one nose ...

S. Bogdan

And here is March. Drops are heard
The spring was blowing all around.
Birds flew to us again,
Carrying warmth behind me.

April murmurs, ringing streams,
All around the thawed patches are visible.
Spring lovingly washes away
Remains of a winter lived.

Everything came to life, turned green ...
May breathes with the beauty of spring.
And the heart began to sing with joy!
... Already in the summer we can hear the steps.

I. Gurin

The sun lit up the earth,
All the snowdrifts melted,
Forests are awakening.
A fox is running along the path.

Streams flood
And titmouses: - Whose are you, whose!
Hares played in the spruce forest,
Sunbathed in new fur coats

And we decided to see
How a bear sleeps in a den!
And the bear has already woken up
Stretched sweetly,

I roared that I had the strength
He shook the hares with his paw.
Bunnies jumped to the side
And the drops sang loudly.

The ice melted on the river
And sailed like a steamer.
Passenger there herself
Runaway winter.

E. Zhdanova

Wide alley
I fly along it, chalein,
And with a silvery fan
Water from under the wheels
And I'm pedaling
Everything is cooler
And hardly
Will catch up with barking
Short-legged dog.

And the sun is unbearable
My back is already hot
Incredibly blue
Heaven is blue!
And I'm infinitely happy
What is careless ahead
So fleeting
Merry spring!

N. Ivanova

Spring has come slowly
No sleep now, of course,
Teddy bear, hedgehog, raccoon
Need to get to work
And prepare the mink for the summer
On a warm hillock.
Drops are ringing outside the window
Primroses bloomed
From the south arrived in April
Ducks, geese, cranes.
The stump house revived
In the middle of the forest edge -
A bug got out of it,
An ant, a spider, two flies.
Grass appears
The foliage is blooming.
All nature comes to life,
A frog jumps into the water,
Begins to croak loudly:
"Qua-qua-qua-croaky slush!"
The starling flew into the birdhouse,
Habits successfully
And quite ready
Bring out the chicks by May.
Towards the middle of the year
Summer is already waiting for nature!

G. Ladonshchikov

The angry blizzard has fizzled out.
The night has become shorter than the day.
A warm wind blows from the south
Drops fall ringing.
The sun warms the earth,
Drives ice from our slide.
The snow woman melts
And tears are pouring in streams.

V. Lunin

Awakened from sleep
Brush soft spring
Draws buds on the branches
In the fields - chains of rooks,
Above the revived foliage
- The first stroke of the thunderstorm,
And in the shade of a transparent garden
- Lilac bush by the fence.

J. Moritz

Ding! Don!
Ding! Don!
What is this gentle ringing?
It's a snowdrop tree
Smiling through a dream!

This is whose fluffy ray
It tickles because of the clouds
Forcing the little ones
Smiling from ear to ear?

This is whose warmth
Whose kindness
Makes you smile
Hare, chicken, cat?
And for what reason?
Spring is coming
In the city!

And y podel smile!
And there is a fish in the aquarium
Smiled from the water
Smiling bird!

So it turns out,
What does not fit
On one page
An immense smile, -
How pleasant!
That's this length
That's such a width!
And for what reason?
Spring is coming
In the city!

Vesna Marchovna Podznezhnikova,
Vesna Aprelevna Skvoreshnikova
Spring Maevna Chereshnikova!

G. Novitskaya

Spring has come to the country house again.
The sun rejoices. The day has grown.
And only some icicles cry
Sparing winter and frost.

A. Pleshcheev

I go out into the old garden, dewdrops
Like the diamonds on the leaves burn;
And the flowers nod their heads to me
Spilling all around the aroma.
Everything attracts, amuses my eyes:
Golden bee on a flower
Multicolored butterfly wings
And the jumping sparrow on the sand.
How bright is the green of the trees!
The dome of the sky is so clear and deep!
And I wander, enveloped in delight,
And a tear covers the pupil.
Behind the garden fence it turns black
A strip of hardened earth
And the pine-covered mountains
Ascend to the sky in the distance.
How love and joy breathes
All nature is under a spring ray,
And the grateful soul feels
Here is the presence of God in everything!
The dormant forces grow stronger again;
It's time for a new life
And everything becomes so possible
What a dream it seemed yesterday!
How wonderful spring is! Millions
Voices sound towards her
And in my resurrecting heart
Hello to her, inspired ready!

S. North

On thin sticky
The thick kidneys are swollen.
On flexible birches
Sticky leaves began to stir.
Red bumps are curling,
And the moss curls
Thinly in the woods.
The days are getting longer
The first grass with dew
Washes away.
Blue, blue red
The sky is looking
Clearing up.
On the ice floes Winter has gone,
The river overflowed
It buzzed, it sells -
Splashes quietly
An old tied boat.
The bell ringing is buzzing,
Calls and makes noise
Above the sleepy suburb.
Spring is in a hurry
And Year is an old grandfather -
I raised the light to red,
Warms my back, stands
Glad a homebody that spring begins
That spring begins.

R. Sef

In every person
Spring is hiding
If you're sad
So she is asleep.
But when a passerby
On a gloomy rainy day,
Will scream "ku-ka-re-ku!"
Like a happy rooster
If suddenly he sings
On the boulevard in the cold -
It means spring is in it
I got out.

B. Chaly

The sun is shining early
The snow turned dark, it got wet ...
And, singing the springtime
A cheerful stream runs.
Towards the golden morning
The streams are running, hurrying.
- Tsvirin, Tsvirin! Bring it from home
- Hurry your boats.
And chirping impatiently,
Soars towards the sun.
... The distance is clear.
The snow is falling
The cornfield turns blue.
Spring came! Spring came!

Spring and stream
V. Lancetti

I slept under the snow for a long time
Tired of silence.
I woke up and rushed
and met with Spring:
- Do you want your song
Will I sing for you, Spring? -
And Spring: - Cap-cap! Drip-Drip!
Stream, are you cold?
- No, not a bit, not at all!
I just woke up!
Everything rings, murmurs in me!
I'll sing! .. The snow will melt.

Spring is coming
A. Barto

It was sunny in the morning
And it's very warm.
The lake is wide
It flowed through the yard.

It froze at noon,
Winter has come again
The lake has dragged on
A crust of glass.

I split the thin
Resonant glass
The lake is wide
It started flowing again.

Passersby say:
- Here comes the spring! -
And this is me working
I break the ice.

Spring will come
V. Lunin

It's still winter. Still sparkles
Snow on the trees above.
But every day the birds are louder
Ringing, chirping about spring.
Sometimes the frost still rages
There is still ice on the rivers,
But birds know, birds know
- Spring will come, Spring will come!

Spring draws
A. Shibaev

Winter had a huge leaf -
Extraordinarily white and clean!
He was good in his own way:
Not a single spot! ..
And now paint over it completely
Spring has thought.
The color is already visible,
Purple, yellow, blue ...
What shades are there,
Patterns, spots, lines!
What happened?
Not a secret:
Self-portrait of spring itself!

In the spring
N. Ogarev

I wander through the forest along a stony path;
Tremble and shine in the branchy heights
Green sheets under dewy moisture,
And the pines of the young spirit are fresh and resinous
The spring air blows joyfully to me;
The bee is buzzing, and the early ray of the day
The jubilant birds meet with songs.
I go down to the shore on the mossy edge of the rapids,
I look - below the river is bubbling and rustling,
Behind her are calm plains
With their youthful greenery ... All delicate pictures!
And so happy and so clear a sight,
That, cheerfully looking at all living things,
I feel a young expanse in me.

The singers return
G. Ladonshchikov

From midday rays
A stream ran from the mountain,
And the snowdrop is small
Grew up on a thaw.
The starlings are returning -
Workers and singers
Sparrows by a puddle
They are circling in a noisy flock.
And the robin and the blackbird
We were engaged in the device of nests:
Carry, carry to the houses
Birds on a straw.

L. Modzalevsky

How spring will return to us
What will she give us?
- Flowers, flowers, flowers.
Well, sometimes in summer
What are you and me rich in?
- Breads, loaves, breads.
Summer will fly by quickly
What will the autumn reward with?
- Fruits, fruits, fruits.
Here winter is rolling,
What will she fill us with?
- Snow, snow, snow.

Everything turned green ...
S. Drozhzhin

Everything turned green ...
The sun is shining
Lark song
It pours and rings.

Rainy ones roam
There are clouds in the sky
And oh the shore is quiet
The river is lapping.

Fun with a horse
Young plowman
Drives out into the field
It walks in a furrow.

And above him everything is higher
The sun rises
Lark song
Sings more merrily.

Kidneys open up
G. Novitskaya

Kidneys open up
Like rivers!
This is worth the chatter!
Heavy sleepy eyelids
Finally picked it up!
Longed for
Beautiful sleepyhead
For a long time, both the meadow and the fields.
No wonder she was thunderstruck
Angry skies!
And now the lazy man has risen,
She looked with a smile
And at once
Zhyzhzhan, like juice,
The lungs are full.
And every kidney will burst
With its green tongue
April night
I'll pour it all over with milk!

Stick out a leaf or a blue flower ...
S. Gorodetsky

Stick out a leaf or a blue flower
Everyone hurries to a young root.
Earlier than the willow of tender buds
The first will show a green leaf.

The days are fine ...
M. Plyatskovsky

The days are fine
Like holidays
And in the sky - the sun is warm,
Cheerful and kind.
All the rivers flood
All kidneys open up
Winter is gone with cold
The snowdrifts became puddles.
Leaving the southern countries,
The friendly birds returned.
On each branch of the starling
They sit and clean the feathers.
It's spring time
It's time for flowering.
And, therefore, the mood
For all people - spring!

If brushed hillocks ...
E. Bulgakova

If brushed hillocks
Suddenly they began to chop from weed
And crayon for classes
The whole country is outlined,
And they jump briskly in the classes
Katya, Nastya and Alyonka,
All the same, these girls
Called VESNA.

Cold winds still blow ...
A. Pushkin

Cold winds still blow
And they cause morning frosts
Just on the thawed patches of spring
Early flowers appeared,
As from the wonderful kingdom of wax,
From a fragrant honey cell
The first bee flew out
Flew over the early flowers
To taste about red spring,
Soon will there be a guest dear
Soon the meadows will turn green,
Soon the curly birch
Sticky leaves will bloom
The fragrant bird cherry will bloom.

Summary of a lesson on reading fiction

Middle group

Topic: "Memorizing the poem" Spring "by G. Ladonshchikov.

Purpose: To teach children to emotionally perceive a poem, to notice expressive means, to develop imagery of speech, imagination, to teach to choose words - definitions

Materials: illustrations of paintings about early spring, model cards: sun, sky, trickle, chips.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Children, I went to kindergarten and met an evil sorceress. She bewitched me and now I can't remember what time of year it is. Can you advise me.

Guys, if you were painting spring, what kind of paint would you take? Why?

Green spring, when everything awakens, turns green, blossoms.

Look at the children at these pictures What time of the year are they depicted?. Now spring is timid, not daring, she just drove away the winter. It is still cold, but the sky is joyful, the birds rejoice and sing in the springtime.

It is better to paint this spring with blue paint. Why? (The sky is blue, streams are blue, snowdrops are blue)

D / and "Pick up the words."

I will name the word, and you say what it is. For each word you get a token and attach it under the picture: sun, sky, stream.

The sky is blue and clear. Cloudless, clean ,. Spring.

The sun is bright, golden, warm, affectionate.

The brook is sonorous, cheerful, blue, fast, babbling.

Children, tell me the signs of spring. Children's answers.

Guys, I will read you a poem by Grigory Ladonshchikov, which is called "Spring", listen to him.

The evil blizzard has fizzled out

The night has become shorter than the day.

A warm wind blows from the south.

Drops fall ringing.

The sun warms the earth.

Drives ice from our river.

The snow woman is melting.

And shed tears at night.

Children, tell me. What did the blizzard do? It means softly blowing, dying down.

What kind of night has it become?

What wind is blowing?

What does the sun do?

What happens to the snow woman?

Today, children, we will memorize this poem. Listen carefully, I will read it again, and you remember, you can repeat after me in a whisper.

Guys, let's try to tell this poem with our hands.

Show how the evil blizzard has made noise? (show)

Show me, the night has become shorter than the day. (show)

A warm wind blows from the south. (show)

Drops falling ringing. (Show)

The sun warms the earth

Drives ice from our river. (Show)

The snow woman melts and sheds tears at night (show).

Children who want to recite this poem? (2 children)

We will return with you to this poem and will repeat it.

Physical education

Well in the spring I know. (Claps)

I meet birds with friends (bird flight exercise).

I let boats into streams (boat exercise)

I dig the garden beds with dad (shovel exercise)

I plant flowers with mommy (flower exercise).

Outcome: Children, what time of year did we talk about today? Did you like the poem? What was it called? Who wrote it? You are all great today!

Russian Federation Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Nadym District MDOU "Kindergarten" Cheburashka " with. Nyda Vallo Yulia Iklovna Educator MDOU "Kindergarten" Cheburashka " with. Nyda "


  • to learn to listen to poems, to determine what time of year they speak of
  • form ideas about spring as a period of awakening of nature
  • develop observation and attention
  • activate vocabulary and broaden horizons

Equipment: pictures of a spring landscape, pictures of animals and birds, willow bush, audio equipment, soundtrack of songs, attributes for outdoor games.

Participants: adults - educator, teachers of the NSSHI, children - pupils of the senior group, students-trainees of the nomadic kindergarten from the NSSHI

Preliminary work:

  1. Conducting a conversation with children "Spring is marching towards us" .
  2. DC event "Spring brought warmth" .
  3. Reading and learning poems about spring, looking at pictures, drawing on the topic: "Spring" .

Planned results:

Expresses positive emotions (joy, admiration) when reading a poem

G. Ladonshchikova "Spring" ;

  • can maintain a conversation, express their point of view
  • actively and kindly interacts with the teacher and peers in solving game and cognitive tasks

Event progress

The soundtrack of music sounds - chirping and chirping of birds.

Introductory remarks by the educator.

Educator: Hello guys! Pay attention to the atmosphere of our class. What do you hear?

And when do birds behave so merrily?

What sounds do they make?

That's right, the birds are chirping, chirping, whistling, croaking, croaking.

What bird is kukuet?

Which bird is croaking?

If a crow has come to us, it means that spring will come soon.

Why are the birds singing so merrily around? What are they happy about?

That's right, the birds rejoice at the onset of spring. And each bird sings its own song.

Educator: Guys, today in our lesson we will talk about the time of year. First, guess the riddle. For correct answers you will receive tokens - "Suns" .

1 reader:

The snow is melting

The meadow came to life,

The day is coming -

When does this happen?

Acquaintance with the signs of spring.

Educator: Guys, remember the name of the first spring month? That's right, March. The first month of spring - March - brings a lot of joy to people, because the colds leave, nature awakens, the sun shines brighter and warms the earth.

And the people called him "Morning of the year" ... Why? We have always celebrated the welcome of spring. Spring was getting ready for a long time on the road, so come, come, people asked. Children cried out for spring, climbing higher on the hedge or the roof of the barn. Come on and we will call the spring.


Come to us, spring, with joy!

With great mercy to us!

Ay, ay, auk,

Spring is haunted.

March, March -

Glad to the sun!

April, April

Will open the door.

Walk as much as you want!

Spring is red

What did you bring?

Warm sun

Red fly!

Spring is red

Where did you come?

Where did you arrive?

On the perch

On a harrow,

On a spikelet of oats

On a wheat pie.

Work on the picture.

Educator: But spring slowly unfolds its march. Consider the pictures. Find the spring phenomenon that you like the most and tell about it from the picture.

Guys, how do we know that spring is coming?

Who will name the first spring signs?

(The sun is high, it is shining brighter; the day is getting longer; the sky is blue, clear; icicles; the snow turns black, melts; the first pussy willows appear on the bushes; brooks babble; birds chirp everywhere, crows croak; drops are ringing.)

Mystery. Guess the riddle.

3 reader:

"White carrots grow in spring" .

How did you know it was an icicle?

Poem: There is an interesting poem about icicles.

4 reciter:

Playful icicles sat on the cornice.

The mischievous icicles looked down.

We sat down. Things to do?

Began to throw drops.

The whole day is ringing:

Cap - cap, ding - don!

Reading a poem by G. Ladonshchikov "Spring" .

The evil blizzard has fizzled out,

The night has become shorter than the day

A warm wind blows from the south

The drops are falling, ringing

The sun, warming the earth,

Drives ice from our river.

The snow woman melts

And tears are pouring in streams.


What time of year do you think this poem is talking about?

What are the signs of spring named in the poem?

What other signs of spring do you know? (The first thunder, the first rain, gardens bloom, birds fly, ice melts on the river, icicles melt, rivulets murmur.)

Guys, the snow will melt, and what will we see? (Earth.)

What will it be like after winter, emerging from under the snow? (Black, wet.)

What do trees look like in spring? Where is the grass? What happens to them?

(Water nourishes the earth, roots of plants and trees, fills them with moisture, nutrients.)

What can you see?

(The buds swell on the branches of the trees, the first spring flowers appear, and here and there grass breaks through.)

All nature seems to be awakening from a long winter sleep.

What are the first spring flowers you know?

(Snowdrop, coltsfoot, dream-grass, corydalis.)

Find these flowers in the illustrations.

See how gentle and defenseless they are. And as if each flower says to everyone: “Don't tear me up! Let the bees and flies drink my sweet nectar " ... Think what would happen if everyone began to pick these first spring flowers? The next reader will read a poem about this.

6 reader:

If I pick a flower, if you pick a flower

If everyone: me and you, if we pick flowers,

All glades will be empty, and there will be no beauty.

Round dance "Like spring with winter" .

Educator: In the old days, people danced in circles and glorified spring.

How spring meets winter.

As winter said goodbye to spring.

Ay, lyuli-lyuli, we met.

Ay, lyuli-lyuli, we said goodbye.

As spring flooded in streams,

As the spring blossomed with flowers.

As the sun rose early red.

As it shone on people, it is affectionate.

We praise the spring for her deeds.

Glory to her that she gave us warmth.

Reading poetry about spring.

Educator: Guys, what poems about the arrival of spring do you know? Read to us, please!

1 reader: Spring is coming to us

With quick steps

And the drifts are melting

Under her feet.

I. Tokmakova

Reader 2: Black Thaws

Visible in the fields.

That's right, very warm

Legs by the spring.

I. Tokmakova

Reader 3: It's not for nothing that Winter is angry,

Its time has passed -

Spring is knocking on the window

And drives them out of the yard.

F. Tyutchev

4 reader: April

... Spring went by secretly for a long time

From the winds and cold

And today - straight ahead

Splashes in puddles.

Dynamic pause with ball: "Spring Words" .

Educator: I will name the words, throw the ball, and you catch and guess what I am talking about.

  • Blue, clean, clear, spring, cloudless - ... (sky).
  • Bright, golden, warm, tender - ... (Sun).
  • The first, young, green, sticky - ... (leaves).
  • Migratory, wintering, spring, busy, singing - ... (birds).
  • White, fluffy, curly, float across the sky - ... (clouds).
  • Spring, ringing, transparent, cold - ... (icicle).

The game: "Complete the sentence" .

  • From behind the clouds came out gold ... (Sun).
  • It blew warm, spring ... (wind).
  • The first appeared on the trees ... (kidneys).
  • It melts on the rivers ... (ice).
  • The first arrived ... (birds).
  • Sounds loudly ... (Creek).

The game: "Don't get your feet wet" .

Educator: Now, kids, we will play with you. The game is called "Don't get your feet wet" ... In order not to get your feet wet, you need to step on every piece of ice.

The game: "Who will complete the spring puzzles faster?"

Educator: Now three guys will compete with each other. They will collect puzzles about spring. Who quickly? Let's start!

Music sounds. After a while, the teacher stops the music.

Educator: And now, so that spring comes faster, we will call her.

Spring, spring

Open the gate.

Come quickly

Warm our earth.

Sunny, show yourself

Red, equip.

Hurry, do not be shy

Warm us guys

Bring the spring

Cold - drive away the winter!

Educator: And so, guys, our lesson is coming to an end. Let's summarize the results of our lesson. What did we talk about? What new have you learned? What words have you learned to pronounce correctly and understand their meaning? You all worked really well, well done!

Spring waters

The snow is still white in the fields,

And the waters are already rustling in the spring,

They run and wake up the sleepy shores,

They run and shine and speak ...

They say to all ends:

“Spring is coming, spring is coming!

We are the messengers of the young spring,

She sent us ahead! "

Spring is coming, spring is coming!

And quiet, warm May days

Ruddy, light round dance

The crowd is merrily behind her!

F. Tyutchev

The grass turns green

The sun is shining;

Swallow with spring

In the canopy flies to us.

The sun is more beautiful with her

And spring is sweeter ...

Tweak out of the way

Hello to us soon.

I will give you grains

Sing a song.

What from distant countries

I brought with me ...

A. Pleshcheev


Spring is coming to us

With quick steps

And the drifts are melting

Under her feet.

Black thawed patches

in the fields are visible.

True, very warm feet in the spring.

I. Tokmakova

Spring helpers

Lenya with Petya,

Taking a shovel.

Spring came to help.

Guys breaking the ice

And scatter the snow.

Looked at them reproachfully

Snowman from under the bucket:

That way I will have to soon

Get out of the yard!

G. Ladonshchikov

Spring song

The snow is no longer the same -

He darkened in the field.

Ice cracked on the lakes

As if split.

The clouds are running faster

The sky got higher.

Chirped a sparrow

More fun on the roof.

Blacker every day

Stitches and paths,

And on willows in silver

The earrings are glowing.

S. Marshak

The evil blizzard has fizzled out,

The night has become shorter than the day.

A warm wind blows from the south

Drops fall ringing.

The sun, warming the earth,

Drives ice from our slide.

The snow woman melts

And pouring tears in streams.

G. Ladonshchikov

Song of spring minutes

Every day

By a minute

The day is longer

In short, the night.


Take it easy

Let's drive the winter away!

V. Berestov

Bird house

The spring sun will melt a little

We have a snowball in the yard,

Bird houses-birdhouses

We will make it out of planks.

It's warm and fun outside

Ice breaks in the river.

We hung the bird house

On a birch knot.

O. Vysotskaya

The snow is already melting, streams are running,

Spring breathed through the window.

The nightingales will swear soon

And the forest will be clothed with foliage.

Pure sky blue

The sun became warmer and brighter.

It's time for blizzards and evil storms

It's gone for a long time again!

A. Pleshcheev

Sorceress spring

What a sorceress Spring!

Why is there so much power in her?

Barely awakening from a dream

One nature awakened.

Wave my magic wand,

She melted the drifts

And immediately, without resting,

She paved the road for streams.

Then, as if a conductor,

She taught to sing drops.

And their cheerful, sonorous chorus

Sings that week.

And she ordered the sun to warm up hotter,

I gave him a loan

And immediately everything turned green,

As if there was no winter.

We'll rain all the streets,

She returned the birds from across the seas.

After all, how sad it is without them in winter!

And now - joy without borders!

So, without even sitting down from the road,

Spring worked day after day.

The bear woke up from the den,

And a swarm of bees hummed.

And the air is clean and the distance is clear!

Nature sings, coming to life.

Yes, you are a sorceress, Spring!

Now I know it for sure.

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