Home Useful Tips A story about college in German. Study at the university: a selection of the most important words. Difference between lernen, lehren, unterrichten and studieren

A story about college in German. Study at the university: a selection of the most important words. Difference between lernen, lehren, unterrichten and studieren

Comparison of adjectives is one of the easy topics in the German language.
There are three forms of adjectives: common, comparative, and excellent. For example: beautiful, prettier, most beautiful. And in German they are formed according to a completely understandable scheme:

schnell - fast
schnell + er - faster
am schnell + sten - the fastest

Well, it is also worth noting the superlative forms that stand directly in front of the object and characterize it: der / die / das schnell + ste - fastest / fastest / fastest

Der Mount Everest ist der höchste Berg der Welt.- Mount Everest is the largest mountain in the world.

Some German adjectives need to be memorized because they are exceptions and have special forms.

good: gut - besser - am besten

high: hoch - höher - am höchsten

close: nah - näher - am nächsten

a lot: viel - mehr - am meisten

But in most German books, these three forms are presented precisely in the section "the degree of comparison of German adjectives."

Is that all on this? No. How much is there! You're not in an English class. German - it would not be German if everything were easy and simple like that. As always, there is something to stumble over here and even get yourself a big bump.

So! We get rid of stumbling in the folk way. Namely - we take and remember. No witchcraft ...

What should you pay attention to? Where are they - the traitorous elements?

Comparison of German adjectives

The thing is that you need to remember a few rules, which I will list ...

1. If the adjective ends with letters: -d, - t, -s, -ss, -ß, - sch, -z, -tz, -x - then the ending - est is added to it in superlative degree (instead of just -st ):

wild - wilder - am wildest en
heiß - heißer - am heißes ten

2. The second nuance: some adjectives can change vowels at the root: the vowel acquires an umlaut. Which ones? A lot of short adjectives - consisting of one syllable:

arm - ä rmer - am ä rmsten
jung - jü nger - am jü ngsten

3. Comparatively, adjectives ending in -el and -er lose e:

dunkel - dunkl er - am dunkelsten
teuer - teur er - am teuersten

And now that's it. It takes a little practice, and it is very quickly remembered, not like this one from German grammar.

Some comparative designs

With this topic, it is immediately worth considering comparative proposals.
For example: this book is more interesting than that one, but this blanket is as warm as that one….

We remember the following formulas:

The same = so ... wie (the adjunct does not change)

Not the same (bigger, better, prettier) ≠ als ... (adjective change: acquires a comparative degree: adjective + er)

Berlin ist größer als Hannover. - Berlin is bigger than Hanover.
Hannover ist so groß wie Leipzig. - Hanover is the same as Leipzig.

We will consider the comparative proposal and designs in more detail in a separate article, for now this is enough 🙂 Good luck!

In German, as in Russian, there are three degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs: positive (Positiv), comparative (Komparativ), excellent (Superlativ).

Table 13




billig- er

der, die, das billig ste, am billig sten

der, die, das hell ste, am hell sten

der, die, das leicht e ste, am leicht e sten

der, die, das breit e ste , am breit e sten

der, die, das teuer ste, am teuer sten

der, die, das dunkel ste, am dunkel sten

der, die, das leicht e ste, am leicht e sten

alternating vowel (a - ä, o- ö, u - ü)

der, die, das grö ß te, am grö ßt ru

der, die, das ält este, am ält esten

der, die, das höch ste, am höch sten

der, die, das kürz este, am kürz esten


der, die, das be ste, am be sten.

der, die, das liebs te, am liebs ten

der, die, das meist e, am meist ru

As can be seen from the examples, adjectives can form degrees of comparison, both with and without umlaut. Without an umlaut, the degrees of comparison form the following adjectives:

    With root diphthong au: sauber, sauberer, der sauberste (am saubersten)

    With suffixes -bar, -el, -er, -en, -e, -haft, -ig, -lich: dankbar, edel, finster, offen, rege, schmackhaft, lustig

    Some other adjectives: voll, klar, froh

There are a number of adjectives and adverbs that do not form the degree of comparison according to general rules:

    nah (e), näher, am nächsten

    hoch, höher, am höchsten

    gut, besser, am besten

    gern, lieber, am liebsten

    bald, eher, am ehesten

    viel, mehr, am meisten

Using degrees of comparison

1. If the comparison follows the adjective in the main, positive form, then the conjunctions so (ebenso) ... wie ... are used:

Er ist so (ebenso) gross wie sie... He is as big as she is.

2. If a comparison follows an adjective in a comparative form, then the conjunction is used als:

Sie ist jünger als er. She is younger than him.

3. The two excellent forms are used differently from each other.

The form der beste used as a definition, that is, it stands, like any other adjective, before a noun: der beste Tag.

The form am besten used as nominal, i.e. immutable selbri part: derTagist am besten, dieTagesind am besten

4. A characteristic feature is the use of the comparative form of the adjective without comparison as such:

grö sseres Haus- relatively large house

lä ngere Zeit- quite a long time

hö here Gewalt- high power

hö here Mathematik- higher mathematics

Remember the two options for "as much as possible" turnover: mö glichst viel,

so viel wie möglich

Übung 1.Read the comic, pay attention to the use of comparative adjectives.

Ü bung2. Now write your own comic text.

Table 14

b) das Bücherregal

niedrig - hoch

Ü bung3. Compare items by pattern.

Tisch B ist breiter als Tisch A. Tisch C ist am ...

Tisch A ist am billigsten. Tisch B ist ... als ...

Übung 4.What not fits?

1. Zimmer: hell - zufrieden - sauber - leer

2. Auto: gesund - schnell - laut - lang

3. Pullover: teuer - gut - breit - groß

4. Nachbar: dick - nett - klein - niedrig

5. Stuhl: leicht - niedrig - klein - langsam

6. Schrank: breit - schwer - kalt - schön

Übung 5.What not fits?

1.wohnen: billig - ruhig - groß - schön

2.arbeiten: gern - nett - langsam - immer

3.schmecken: bitter - süß - schnell - gut

4. essen: warm - gesund - schnell - klein

5.feiern: dick - gerne - oft - laut

6.erklären: falsch - genau - hoch - gut

Übung 6.Fill the table.

Table 15


am kleinsten

am billigsten



am schmalsten

am leichtesten

am besten

Ü bung7. Form comparative and superlative degrees and use them in the sentence as the nominal part of the predicate.

    Die Stunde ist kurz. Die Minute ist…. Die Sekunde ist….

    Der Mai ist warm. Der Juni ist…. Der Juli ist….

    Die Übung ist lang. Das Diktat ist…. Der Aufsatz ist….

    Der See ist tief. Der Fluss ist…. Das Meer ist….

    Das Eisen ist schwer. Das Blei ist…. Das Gold ist….

    Die Gasse ist breit. Die Strasse ist…. Der Prospekt ist….

Ü bung 8 ... Answer the questions.

    Was essen Sie lieber: Fisch, Fleisch oder Kuchen?

    Was trinken Sie lieber: Sekt, Bier oder Saft?

    Was gefällt Ihnen besser: Paris, Berlin oder Moskau?

    Wann essen Sie mehr: im Sommer, im Winter oder im Herbst?

    Welche Sprache ist leichter: Russisch, Englisch oder Deutsch?

    Wo ist das Klima besser: im Ural, in Sibirien oder auf der Krim?

    Was hören Sie lieber: das Klavier, die Geige oder Gitarre?

Ü bung 9 ... Compare items of different quality using the given word groups.

    die Wolga, lang, die Oka.

    dieser Weg, kurz, jener Weg.

    dein Platz, bequem, mein Platz.

    seine Wohnung, gross, meine Wohnung.

    die Berge im Kaukasus, hoch, die Berge auf der Krim.

I.G. Knyazeva, teacher of German language MBOU secondary school №15 Art. Rogovskaya

Comparison Degrees of Adjectives in German

In German, as in Russian, adjectives have three degrees of comparison. These are positive (der Positiv), comparative (der Komparativ) and superlative (der Superlativ) degrees.
The comparative degree is formed by adding a suffix - er to the stem of the adjective, and excellent - to the suffix - st ... It should be remembered that the superlative degree has two forms:

1) non-declining, which is also formed with the ending -en and the preposition am: (klein - am kleinsten);
2) inflected, which receives the same endings in the declension as the adjective in superlative degree is always used with the definite article (der schöne Tag - der schönste Tag), (die breite Straße - die breiteste Straße), (das alte Märchen - das älteste Märchen).

Most monosyllabic adjectives in German with the root vowel a, o, u get umlaut when forming the comparative and superlative ( alt lter - am ä ltesten , gro ß- gr öß er - am gr öß ten ).

Positive degree


Superlative degree

der (das, die) kleinste,
am kleinsten

der (das, die) älteste,
am ältesten

der (das, die) schönsten,
am schönsten

Special forms of degrees of comparison of adjectives in German
Some adjectives in adverbs form degrees of comparison incorrectly. These forms should be memorized.

Positive degree


Superlative degree

Groβ big

Der gröβte / am gröβten

gut good

Der beste / am besten

hoch high

Der höchste / am höchsten

nah close

Der nächste / am nächsten

viel many many

Die meisten / am meisten

The following adjectives do not have a comparative degree :
der äuβere - der äuβerste
der hintere - der hinterste
der untere - der unterste
der innere - der innerste
der obere - der oberste
der vordere - der vorderste

When comparing the qualities of two objects (persons), alliances wie (how), ebenso wie , genauso wie (as well as).
Er ist ebenso groß wie du.
And when comparing two objects (persons), the union als is used in a comparative degree.
Er ist größer als du.
The comparative German adjective can be strengthened with the adverbs noch, immer, viel:
Das Kind wird) immer kräftiger (stronger and stronger).
n och (even stronger).
Das Kind ist jetzt viel ( much ) kräftiger als im vorigen Jahre .
Adverb mehr never comes before a comparative degree.

Peter und sein Opa haben Motorräder gern. In den 40er Jahre war Opas Motorrad das (teuer) und (schnell). Die Straße waren damals viel (schlecht) als heute. Der Benzin war aber nicht (billig).
Peters Maschine ist (klein) als Opas Motorrad, sie ist auch (billig), aber sie ist (schnell). Und sie verbracht auch nicht mehr Benzin, sie ist die (schön). So sagt Peter.

The degrees of comparison of adjectives in German are presented in several forms: positive (Positiv), comparative (Komparativ), excellent (Superlativ) and absolutely excellent (Elativ).

Table 1 "Degrees of comparison of adjectives in German".

Name Grade Example
Positiv Grundstufe The same degree groß, gering
Komparativ Höchststufe Higher level größer, geringer
Superlativ Höchststufe Higher level größte, geringste
Elativ absoluter Superlativ Very high level größte, geringste

Thanks to the table, you can understand that the degrees of comparison of adjectives in German online can be divided according to the following criteria:

  • The main (positive) form (der Positiv), is characterized by a neutral definition without a pronounced trait or quality. For example, a high level - ein hohes Niveau - this level is simply high, not the highest or unrivaled height.
  • Comparative degree - the quality of an object or phenomenon is superior to similar properties or qualities of the object with which the comparison is made, they can also be inferior to them. For example, a higher level - das höhere Niveau - this level when compared is higher than the original.
  • Superlative degree (der Superlativ) - the properties of an object or phenomenon are unsurpassed, that is, there are no analogues. Used to compare three or more objects or phenomena.

Comparative degree of adjectives in German

Comparative degree of adjectives in German the language is formed with the -er suffix, which is added to the positive form. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic rules of education of a comparative degree in tabular form.

table 2 " Comparative degree of adjectives in German».

Formation features Example
Suffix -er + der Positiv form klein (small) - klein (small), schnell (fast) - schneller (faster), weit (distant) - weiter (more distant)
Monosyllabic adjectives with root vowels a, o, u are comparatively umlaut groß (large) - größer (larger, larger), lang (long) - länger (longer, longer), kurz (short) - kürzer (shorter, shorter)
Comparative degree of adjectives in German translated into Russian, as the nominal part of the predicate Dieses Bild ist schöner - This picture is more beautiful (more beautiful). Jenes Gebäude ist kleiner - That building is smaller
When comparing items, the als union is used Dieses Buch ist interessanter als jenes - This book is more interesting than that. Blei ist schwerer als Eisen - Lead is heavier than iron.
Strengthening the comparative degree occurs with the help of such adverbs immer (here: everything), noch (still), viel (much, much), bedeutend (significantly) Die Tage wurden immer kürzer - The days were getting shorter. Dieser Sportler ist jetzt noch stärker - This athlete is now even stronger. Gestern war es bedeutend wärmer - It was much warmer yesterday
If an adjective comes before a noun, then it declines like an adjective in a positive degree Der kleinere Tisch steht dort - The smaller table is there. Dort scheint eine hellere Lampe - There is a brighter bulb shining there.

Superlative degree of adjectives in German

The superlative is formed by the suffix (e) st, which is added to the positive degree. Let's take a closer look at the superlative adjective.

table 3 "Excellent degree of comparison of German adjectives».

Formation features Example
Adjectives that have accepted the umlaut to a comparative degree keep it in excellent. Formed with the am particle and the -sten suffix Klein - am kleinsten (smallest, smallest). Schön - am schönsten (the most beautiful, the most beautiful of all). Groß - am größten (largest, most)
The adjective agrees with the noun being defined in case, number, and gender. Der kleinste Tisch, die hellste Lampe, das größte Fenster - des kleinsten Tisches, der hellsten Lampe, des größten Fensters
The adjective is translated into Russian in a superlative degree. Formed with the pronoun "most", the suffix -eish- or the prefix na- In diesem Klassenzimmer stehen die kleinsten Tische - This class contains the smallest (smallest) tables
As in Russian, the designated noun can be omitted. Mein Freund ist der stärkste in der Klasse - My friend is the strongest in the class

Comparison Degrees of Adjectives in German: Exceptions

Comparison of German Adjectives have such exceptions that do not comply with the above rules. It is necessary to memorize these degrees of comparison.

table 4 "Exceptions to degrees of adjectives in German».

Positiv Komparativ Superlativ
gut besser am besten
groß größer am größten
hoch höher am höchsten
nah näher am nächsten

German Adjective Comparison Exercises

To consolidate the passed material, we suggest checking your knowledge. Comparison Degrees of Adjectives in German Exercise

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