Home Helpful Hints Different but one country. Class hour: All people are different, but the country is one. Photo report of the project

Different but one country. Class hour: All people are different, but the country is one. Photo report of the project

The project "National socio-cultural space: traditions and modernity" was conceived a year ago and implemented last February by the Republican College of Music in Izhevsk, it has become a phenomenon in the cultural life of the entire Volga Federal District

The House of Friendship of Peoples is one of the most beautiful buildings in the capital of Udmurtia. On its classical pediment there are figures of three girls in Udmurt, Russian and Tatar costumes as a symbol of peace and harmony not only between these most numerous peoples of the republic, but also between all 137 of its nationalities. Within its walls, the central event of the project - a scientific and practical conference - took place.

The opening of the plenary session was already impressive. The participants were welcomed by the Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Udmurt Republic V.M. Solovyov and Deputy Minister of National Policy L.Yu. Sokovikova - representatives of the founders of the project. With a warm parting word, the chairman of the Union of Composers of Russia R.F. Kalimullin. The level of professional conversation that followed was also impressive. Of the nine reports made at the plenary session, four were made by scientists with doctoral degrees. This is the largest connoisseur of Finno-Ugric culture, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.V. Upland; leading researcher of the Udmurt Institute of History, Language and Literature I.M. Nureyev; Professor of the Kazan State Conservatory V.I. Yakovlev; an authoritative specialist in the field of arts and crafts and folk crafts, associate professor of the Udmurt State University E.I. Kovychev.

Then the work continued in sections. The first one - "Folk art as a source of development of national culture" - collected many interesting reports on folklore topics. Ethnographic research in the multinational Volga region, where unique elements of traditional cultures have been preserved, remains relevant today. What did they talk about at the section where the trends and problems of professional musical art became the subject of discussion?

About, for example, what is the “Modern view of the technical and communication methods of the canon” or what are the “Traditions of Orthodox sacred music in the work of composers of Udmurtia”. Many presentations were devoted to other aspects of the work of the authors of the Volga Federal District.

The third section focused on the activities of educational institutions for the preservation and enhancement of cultural heritage: how to introduce the younger generation to cultural traditions in art schools, colleges and universities? What problems arise and how should they be solved? Messages were often accompanied by "live" illustrations, and the range of questions was so wide that there was even room for a report on local features of bread baking.

In all sections, along with professional scientists and researchers, students of the Republican Music College boldly won the attention of the audience. Participants of folklore expeditions were of particular interest.

Large-scale scientific research and an active exchange of experience (60 reports in total!) - this is not all that the conference is rich in. Her work was accompanied by expanding the horizons of the cultural context, exhibitions and concerts. Two unique expositions presented musical instruments of the peoples of the Volga region from the National Museum of Udmurtia and rare books from the collections of the National Library of the Republic. The three concert programs became, in fact, a continuation of the conference, the practical field in which the theses, arguments, and scientific assumptions that had just been made were “tested”. On the stage of the concert hall of the college, one could see original groups from the national-cultural associations of the "House of Friendship of Peoples" institution: Udmurt, Russian, Tatar, Mari, Jewish, Armenian, Azerbaijani ... Or get acquainted with the modern music of composers from Udmurtia and other subjects of the Volga Federal District in performed by students, graduates and teachers of the College of Music.

A beautiful final chord of the conference was a concert in which the choirs of Izhevsk children's art schools and the Academic Choir of RMK students showed their art. Summing up the results of the three-day work, the director of the Republican College of Music (which acted as the main organizer of the conference) Mikhail Sergeevich Perfiliev said: “The uniqueness of our project is in the cooperation of the republican and municipal authorities, the House of Friendship of Peoples, the National Museum. K. Gerd, the National Library, the Union of Composers of Udmurtia, universities of the country with organizations of additional and secondary vocational education. The project has been successfully completed, but the work continues to educate in the souls of young people respect, interest in the languages, customs and culture of the peoples of Russia. There are many peoples - one country.

Sadykova Lilia

15.06. 2017

Russia is the largest country in the world, Russia is a great military power, Russia is a country with a great history. All these facts are well known, but besides them, there are many equally interesting and little-known facts, which for many of us are a complete revelation. Learn interesting things about Russia, its history and modernity, nature and people librarians branch library №7 invited to thematic hour "Many peoples, one country"(within project "Rainbow of Friendship") children of the summer camp of school No. 1.

During the conversation, the guys learned that the Russian Federation, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is a multinational state. More than 180 different nationalities, nationalities and ethnic groups live on its territory, and all of them are Russians. Each of the peoples of Russia differs in language, way of life, customs, historical traditions, religion, culture, as well as in labor activity.
Children learned about the national characteristics of Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Evenks, Chukchi, Karelians, Udmurts and other peoples of Russia.
Then the guys took part in competitive tasks. From the questions of the quiz "The Best" children learned about the largest source of fresh water on the planet - Lake Baikal, about the deepest metro in the world - in St. Petersburg, about the oldest mountains in the world - the Urals, about the world's largest active volcano , about the largest medieval fortress, etc.
In the competition “As they would say with us”, it was necessary to select similar Russian proverbs for foreign proverbs.
In the task "Guess the word" - by four definitions, guess the words associated with Russia (prince, letter, Maslenitsa, cabbage soup, etc.)
The guys also guessed the riddles “We will meet in Russia” about various symbols of our country (birch, balalaika, matryoshka, samovar, etc.)
The thematic hour ended with reading poems about the motherland and rewarding the most active participants.

Political forces showed common solidarity on National Unity Day

This year, the Russians celebrated National Unity Day on an unprecedented scale. Festive events were held in all major cities of the country, and in Moscow the procession “We are united!” brought together about 75 thousand people. Such solidarity of the Russian people against the backdrop of aggressive outside pressure, according to political scientists, is a civil response to the West and shows that it will not work to split a strong and independent Russia.

A large-scale action in the capital, which began on Tverskaya Street, ended with a rally-concert in Teatralny Proyezd. The event was attended not only by Muscovites, but also residents from other cities of Russia, many came with their children and grandchildren.

Shoulder to shoulder in one column were representatives of all parliamentary parties. Deputy Speaker of the State Duma, Secretary of the General Council of United Russia Sergei Neverov, Chairman of the Just Russia party Sergei Mironov, leader of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky and head of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov went up on stage together and congratulated the Russians on the holiday.

The heads of parliamentary factions appealed to the participants of the action with a call to maintain unity in the name of freedom and independence of the Fatherland. “The whole country has gathered here today. In the very center of Russia there are Kaliningrad and Vladivostok, Sevastopol and Petropavlovsk, Rostov and Novosibirsk. There are no kilometers between us. We are one. Regardless of political views, age, regardless of professions, we are here to say that it was and will always be so, ”Neverov emphasized.

He said that no one will succeed in dividing Russia.

“Next to us is the shoulder of a neighbor, next to us are all those who want to say: Russia is a strong and independent country. We have everything for this. We have a strong leader - our President Vladimir Putin. We have love for Russia, we have unity,” said the Secretary of the United Russia General Council.

The Socialist-Revolutionary leader also drew attention to the uniqueness of the event that brought together Russian citizens. “For the first time, four parliamentary parties in one column. On National Unity Day, we demonstrate solidarity,” Mironov said. “It is useless to put pressure on Russia.”

The members of the Communist Party, who in previous years were categorically against holding the holiday, also realized the importance of consolidation. The main communist of Russia declared the need to defend national interests and stand for "a united, mighty, just Russia."

And the head of the Liberal Democratic Party recalled that "it was the Russian navy that ensured the victory of the United States in the struggle for freedom against Great Britain, and Europe can enjoy democracy because the Soviet Union liberated it from fascism." “We are the strongest, mightiest, kindest country in the world,” Zhirinovsky is sure.

Despite the participation of party leaders in the rally, the action was of a general civil nature. It was organized by well-known public and cultural figures, doctors, famous athletes. As political scientists note, “the manifestation of activity of this kind” is extremely important from the point of view of the development of civil society. “This is the desire of people to express themselves, to demonstrate to themselves and others that we are not indifferent to the fate of our homeland, that sanctions and attacks on Vladimir Putin will not be able to split the country,” said Professor Leonid Polyakov, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Applied Political Science at the Higher School of Economics, explaining that the march in Moscow is a “visible civil response”.

Director General of the Center for Political Information Alexei Mukhin drew attention to the fact that the November 4 holiday "has taken root in Russian society." “Against the backdrop of the sad events associated with the sanctions war, against the backdrop of unprecedented external pressure on Russia and the diminishing of its positive image abroad, National Unity Day has become a landmark holiday,” the expert believes. At the same time, the wide participation of the population in the holiday once again testifies that "we have a healthy civil society that correctly responds to adversity," Mukhin is sure. “Russian society is successfully overcoming the stress that is artificially created with the help of the United States,” the political scientist added. “External pressure, to the surprise of Western technologists, only led to the mobilization of Russian society and the strengthening of traditional foundations.”

A significant indicative factor is the political unity that was demonstrated by almost all Russian politicians that day. As Polyakov noted, in the current international situation, every responsible political party "should forget about the differences that may be with competitors, and above all think about the country." “There are many parties, but we have one country and one people,” he pointed out. — There is unity in Russia. Parties can be different - conservative, communist, socialist, liberal, but they are all built on a common platform of patriotism.

The expert is sure that actions like the Moscow rally of many thousands on the Day of National Unity "should not go into the sand." “In today's world, very few nations can afford an independent policy. But our country can reach a qualitatively new level of development. The totality of our actions adds to our confidence, reinforces us in our right to real political independence,” Polyakov concluded.

Oksana Skvortsova

“A cultured person is tolerant of people of other nationalities, of dissidents, and is not aggressive.”

A. V. Sukhomlinsky

Project "Many Peoples - One Country"

Project duration: short term (1 week).

Project type: informative - practice - oriented.

Project participants:- pupils of the preparatory group;


group teachers;

Musical director.

Children's age: 6 - 7 years old (preparatory group).

Project relevance:

Historically, our Motherland is a multinational country. Since ancient times, many peoples have lived on its territory (Russians, Ukrainians, Kalmyks, Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Tatars and others, each of which is original in its own way and has rich traditions. Children of different nationalities are brought up in almost any educational institution in the city, and our kindergarten, is no exception.Therefore, it is important not only to form a sense of pride in preschoolers for their national "I", but also to familiarize them with the cultural traditions of other peoples, to cultivate a benevolent attitude towards people of other nationalities, a sense of respect for each other.

The problem of educating the younger generation in the spirit of tolerance is more relevant now than ever, as it is due to the changes in the last decades in the economic, political, cultural life of the country. The reality of our life is the increasing interracial hostility, people are becoming more and more intolerant of each other, not to mention compatriots of a different nationality. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to change the views of an adult. Laying the "first bricks" of tolerance, respect for others must begin from an early age. At preschool age, children develop the skills of a respectful and benevolent attitude towards people. A great responsibility lies on the shoulders of teachers of preschool institutions. The foundations of tolerance are laid in preschoolers in the process of organizing educational activities, during leisure, in independent play activities - this is a huge everyday work.

But the importance of the family in shaping the child's tolerant consciousness and behavior cannot be underestimated. The atmosphere of relations in the family, the style of interaction between parents, between relatives, children significantly influence the formation of tolerance and respect for people in the child.

Therefore, one of the important links in educating the foundations of tolerance among preschoolers is the interaction of teachers and parents of children.

Only the joint work of teachers and parents can lead to positive results.

Objective of the project: To promote the development of tolerance and respect for people of different nationalities. Formation of children's awareness that all people are different, but they have much in common, everyone has equal rights.

Project objectives:

For kids:


continue to teach children to form the goal of the project, plan their activities

to form the concept that people are not similar to each other, but they are all equal;

to give an idea of ​​the multinationality of our country - Russia;

introduce famous people of different nationalities living in Russia;

introduce some national games, the culture of other peoples;

to encourage and support the active development of the norms and rules adopted in human society;

help mastering the semantic concepts of “a good person - an unkind person”, “a good deed is a bad one”.


to cultivate friendly relations between children, a benevolent and respectful attitude towards peers of different nationalities;

to cultivate a desire to help younger comrades.


to develop in children the skills of self-control, the ability to work in a team, cooperate, negotiate;

develop in children an emotional interest in activities and positive skills of interaction with peers and adults

For teachers:

the formation of a project culture;

Replenishment of the material base of the preschool educational institution.

Creation of conditions for the development of tolerant relations in preschool children.

For parents:

inclusion of parents in the educational process;

engage in joint activities with children when creating products of project activities.

Photo report of the project.

Group work. Didactic game "Collect the picture".

Children get acquainted with the national costumes of the peoples of Russia.

Tatar folk game "Timerbay"

Group work. Didactic game "Guess the message".

Children get acquainted with the traditions of the peoples of Russia.

Children express their assumptions about the traditions of the peoples of Russia.

Drawing in an unconventional way "Protruding drawing": "Tubeteika"

Children represent the coats of arms of Russia "There are many peoples - the country is one." Coats of arms were made at home with the participation of parents.

Children get acquainted with the national instrument of the peoples of the north.

Collective application "Somewhere in the world".

Outdoor game of the peoples of the north "Hunters and ducks".

Children are looking at books - babies of their comrades. Books - babies were made at home together with their parents. Also, stories were compiled on the theme "There are many peoples - the country is one."

Didactic game "Remember what we learned"

Drawing "A girl or a boy in a Dagestan costume"

Plasticineography "Like a rainbow of colors, we are united forever." collective composition.

Project summary:

Exhibition of dolls for the national costumes of the peoples of Russia. All dolls are handmade.

Family exhibition of coats of arms "Many peoples - one country"

Exhibition of books - babies "Many peoples - one country"

Let's immediately destroy the myth regarding the word "dictation". The action is a test of thirty questions. Here is knowledge and geography, and the customs of different peoples, and national dishes and costumes. The work is anonymous, the results can be recognized by the identification number that the participant receives when registering on the site. There was only one in Kursk - on the basis of the Kursk Institute for the Development of Education.

“When I got acquainted with the questions and correlated them with my knowledge, I realized that there may not be high results, - says the head of the department of social and humanitarian education Marina Valentinovna Babkina. - But that's not the point. And I cannot say that the main thing is participation, because it is monitoring. This is the first step, this is an opportunity to look at the real picture that exists in the country, and then, starting from this picture, decide what means can be found to correct it.”

- What audience is the dictation intended for?

This is the most diverse audience, because according to the position of the developers, any people, even regardless of citizenship, can take part in the ethnographic dictation. The only restriction: from fifteen years. Of course, since we are at the Kursk Institute for the Development of Education, the main audience is teachers and students.

- What do you expect from the action as an organizer?

Civic activism. I liked one call as an organizer. When I asked people to introduce themselves and say in what status they would take part in the dictation, they said: "As citizens of the Russian Federation." This is the activity we expect. The dictation lasts forty-five minutes, which is enough time to enter answers and fill out a self-examination form. You can use it to find out the result and check the correct answers. About fifty people took part in the dictation. All of them are different, but united by a common goal: to learn something new about their native country. Embrace the immensity.

“In general, I liked it, - shares her impressions Tamara Vasilievna Koneva.- Something was unexpected for me: somehow I didn’t think what exactly these questions would be. But I am very pleased, first of all, that I came. I take part in all such promotions: Total last year's dictation geographical dictation this year. For me, this is interesting not even because you can test your knowledge, although this too. The main thing is to get as many people involved as possible. Still, we must know about our country, and about the people around us, and improve our literacy. The main thing is that our Russian language, which I adore, grows. I want my children and grandchildren to know their country, their customs, love their language, be patriots.”

"It was very difficult, - says Artem Tutov.- Of course, I expected it to be difficult. Naturally, I did not know most of the questions, I will be frank. Somewhere it was possible to guess logically, somewhere knowledge allowed me to answer correctly, but the level is high, that is, what I remember from school did not help me in principle. I hope that I will score at least thirty points out of a hundred. These are real expectations. And if I get fifty, I will be very happy.

To the question “why do we need such actions?” answers:

They are needed, because at some point everyone must feel like a fool in some area. You understand that you don’t know something, which means that there is a motivation for self-improvement.

"There are many peoples - one country" - under this motto there was a powerful start Great ethnographic dictation. We do not know much about those who live with us on the same land, and such actions are the key to uniting and awakening interest in our native history. Not only the organizers of the dictation think so, but also the participants. Who knows, maybe the campaign that started today will be on the same level with such popular events as Total and Geographical dictations.

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