Home Useful Tips Development of memory by the method of special services. How to develop your memory using special services techniques? Six tips. Denis Bukin: Development of memory according to the methods of special services

Development of memory by the method of special services. How to develop your memory using special services techniques? Six tips. Denis Bukin: Development of memory according to the methods of special services

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Denis Bukin

This is the name of the new book published at the end of May by the publishing house "Alpina Publisher"

The book reveals the secrets of memory training used in intelligence schools. In addition to theory and exercises for self-training, here are described communication techniques from the arsenal of the special services: you will learn how to establish contact and gain confidence in strangers, convince and evaluate the reliability of the data obtained. You will also master the methods of self-organization, learn how to quickly recuperate and maintain high performance. A cross-cutting plot - a search case based on real events - will help you immerse yourself in the espionage atmosphere. You will become a full-fledged participant in the investigation, and along the way you will be able to train attention, thinking and memory.

The book reveals the secrets of memory training used in intelligence schools. In addition to theory and exercises for self-training, here are described communication techniques from the arsenal of the special services: you will learn how to establish contact and gain confidence in strangers, convince and evaluate the reliability of the data obtained. You will also master the methods of self-organization, learn how to quickly recuperate and maintain high performance. A cross-cutting plot - a search case based on real events - will help you immerse yourself in the espionage atmosphere. You will become a full-fledged participant in the investigation, and along the way you will be able to train attention, thinking and memory.


The possibilities of the human brain are amazing. Memory stores a huge amount of information, distant events are presented so vividly and vividly, as if everything happened only yesterday. The brain copes with tasks that are beyond the reach of most modern computers. The brain is plastic: if some of its functions are actively working, it becomes stronger. The converse is also true: that which is not used dies off. Routine work, narrow professional specialization, technical "crutches" in the form of an organizer, navigator, notebook in the phone - all this frees memory from work, and over time it weakens. The ability to concentrate is deteriorating, the acuity of perception is dulled.

Fortunately, this is reversible. Memory can be trained. For training to be effective, it must be:

  • regular;
  • long-term;
  • on the verge of possibilities.

There are professions for which excellent memory, clarity and quick thinking are vital. One of them is a scout. Writing down something is forbidden by the laws of conspiracy, there is no time to study documents for a long time and thoughtfully, it is impossible to redraw a diagram or a map. You have to rely only on memory. And you have to remember an incredible amount, and reproduce accurately.

Military psychologists have accumulated vast experience in training personnel who are able to quickly and reliably memorize information. It would be foolish not to take advantage of their developments. We use it! The memory training program in this book is based on the techniques of the secret services, the effectiveness of which has been tested by time and generations of intelligence and counterintelligence officers.

About the book

Each chapter corresponds to the stages of an intelligence agent's career. You will go through all the stages of the scout school - from an installer agent to a double agent, from the simplest intelligence job to the most dangerous and difficult. You will be accompanied by the history of one counterintelligence operation, set out in the documents and diary entries of its protagonist. Questions will be asked about the facts of this operation, so try to remember as much of what you read as possible.

Despite the fact that all the characters in this book are fictional, and any similarity and coincidence with real people is accidental, the events described in it are based on the story that actually happened. It is also necessary to say here that all the data contained in the book are taken from open sources.

Each stage-level contains instructions for memorization techniques and exercises for practicing them. The exercises of the first levels may seem easy, but they will become more difficult further on. Try to master the suggested techniques and methods in the first simple tasks. Even if you can complete them without using special techniques, later on, when the tasks become more complicated, it will be extremely difficult to do without them. There are two types of exercises in the book. The first are designated by the word "exercise". You can perform them while resting, waiting, in transport ... The second, interactive, are posted on a separate site. A link and a special QR code lead to them, which can be read from a tablet computer or smartphone. It is advisable to do these exercises as you read the book. Repeat each exercise several times to build on your success. If it does not work out everything, return to the technique for which it was intended to work out. Re-read it and repeat the exercise several times in a less difficult version.

Do not be discouraged if you fail to complete the tasks the first time. Remember that "training should be on the edge of the possibilities." Studying in a reconnaissance school is like the path of a martial arts master: in order to master the intelligence business, you have to go through difficulties and learn to overcome setbacks. Try again and again, the progress will be noticeable to you and to those around you. In addition to techniques, instructions and tasks, the book describes the features of human attention, imagination and memory, as well as techniques for working with them. Scouts use these techniques every day.

Let's leave the romantic stories to fiction writers - the intelligence business is described in the book as it is, without embellishment and gloss. Real, not "cinematic" intelligence is not running around with a pistol, but working with information. Recovering the whole picture bit by bit is the task of intelligence.

Memory capabilities

People are far from using the possibilities of their memory to the full. Moreover, few people realize how great these opportunities are. A few examples. The Russian artist N. N. Ge reproduced in detail the baroque interior of the room of the Monplaisir palace, having visited it only once. The secret of the master's photographic memory consisted, in his own words, in "every day from memory to depict what you met along the way, be it light, be it a form, be it an expression, be it a scene - everything that caught your attention" ... Mozart could accurately record a complex score by listening to the piece only once. Once he heard Gregorio Allegri's "Miserere", which had been kept secret by the Vatican, he made his notes public. Mozart was 14 years old at the time. Winston

Churchill knew almost all of Shakespeare by heart. While studying his works, he practiced the art of public speaking. The Hungarian chess player Janos Flesch played 52 games simultaneously in 1960 without looking at the board. At the end of the game, which lasted more than 13 hours, Flash remembered all moves on all 52 boards. Not only recognized geniuses have outstanding memories. In one experiment, subjects, ordinary people, were shown 10,000 slides, after which they checked how many of them were remembered. It turned out that the image recognition accuracy was about 80% - a very high result. If unusual, bright and colorful pictures were chosen for the experiment, the recognition accuracy increased almost to 100%.

1. The main problem of human memory is not to remember information, but to remember and reproduce it when necessary. Thus, every person has the makings of an excellent memory. To develop them, you need to master a number of techniques.

2. The human brain is very good at remembering images. Therefore, most of the methods of memorizing information - mnemonics - are based on imagination, which serves as a tool for translating abstract verbal and digital information into visual information.

Types of memory

Modern psychology distinguishes three types of memory: instant (or sensory), short-term and long-term. Sensory memory stores what we perceive directly with our senses: we see, hear, feel, smell and taste after the perceived stimulus itself has already disappeared. The duration of information storage in this memory is short, no more than half a second. But sensory memory is very important, everything that connects us with the outside world passes through it. Also, thanks to sensory memory, we can see the sequence of movie frames as continuous movement. From sensory memory, information worthy of attention is transferred to short-term memory, where it can be stored for several minutes or hours. Short-term memory is involved, for example, when we repeat "to ourselves" a telephone dictated by someone, while simultaneously looking for a pen and a notebook to write it down. From short-term memory, important information is transferred to long-term memory, where it can be stored for years.

As a rule, the process of long-term memorization of information occurs unconsciously. That is why we often forget important things and remember insignificant details that should have been forgotten long ago. However, there are techniques for conscious long-term memorization of information. This book will help you develop short-term and long-term memory, as well as learn to consciously translate information from short-term memory to long-term memory. Good memory is associated with the ability to notice what is important in what we see and heard, as well as to process information, represent it in the form of images and connect with what we already know. In other words, attention and imagination are needed to memorize. Training attention and imagination is the basis for the development of memory. It is with exercises on attention and imagination that the school of intelligence begins.

Attention and memory

Attention is the ability to selectively perceive information, see and hear what is needed, without reacting to extraneous stimuli. Noise does not interfere with reading for a focused person. He perceives the text without being distracted by extraneous sounds. Concentration allows you to assimilate all the nuances and details of what you need to remember, without overloading the brain. Trained attention differs from weak attention in that a person can control it. He is able to quickly focus attention, hold it for a long time on one subject when needed, and easily switch when changing activities.

The exercise

Keeping your attention on one subject for a long time is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Try looking at something you have on hand, such as your wristwatch. Study them in every detail, in every detail. Examine every graduation on the dial, every scratch on the case. Have you studied everything? Don't stop, try to find something new in them. After a couple of minutes of this activity, it will be difficult for you to keep your attention on the watch. You will suddenly notice that you are not thinking about the clock - associations, clinging to one another, take your thoughts further and further.

For example, you thought about the watch trying to focus. Then, looking at the number 11, you remembered that you had to make an important appointment at 11:00. Then you started thinking about a colleague who was also supposed to participate in the meeting, then about the book that your colleague told you about, then ... You forgot about the watch. Can you make your way back? Remember how you got from the watch to what you were thinking. Go back down the chain of associations to the watch and keep exploring it. Remember what you thought about the book owned by a colleague, then about the colleague himself, then about the meeting you should attend, then about the time when the meeting starts - 11:00. Remember that this time is associated with the number 11 on the dial, and the dial with the clock. By doing this exercise, you train your ability to manage your attention.


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Development of memory according to the methods of special services Denis Bukin

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Title: Development of memory according to the methods of special services

About the book "Development of memory according to the methods of special services" Denis Bukin

Denis Bukin addresses the book "Development of Memory Using the Methods of Special Services" to people who have put self-development at the forefront of their lives. The presentation is structured in an unusual quest manner, reading is captivating and teaches useful things.

Denis Bukin uses an interesting technique of presenting the material in three stages - a description of the problem, practical implementation and exercises to consolidate the techniques. Moreover, the practical implementation is described with a light detective touch, constantly referring the reader to the practice of the work of special services. The reader involuntarily tries on the mask of a secret agent sent on a mission.

Each technique undergoes a small revision from the point of view of a special agent. As a result, "Memory Development" turns into an excellent practical guide to self-development.

In the introduction, Denis Bukin talks in detail about the types of memory and appeals mainly to memory based on associations. It is no secret that when listening to a certain melody, people tend to recall events that took place in the past to the harmonious accompaniment of that very music. The author recommends not to be limited to music, to use other associations as well.

In the book "Memory Development" the reader will find many exercises that will help develop memory. The author gradually complicates the techniques, "promoting" the newly minted special agent up the career ladder from a freelance employee to a double agent.

The manual "Development of memory" teaches common methods of mnemonics, helps not only to get rid of forgetfulness, but also to use it as one of the tools of memory. The author describes in detail the methods of memorizing locations, numbers, foreign names, persons and names, teaches you to analyze the information received and turn it into a coherent chain of facts.

The publication can be useful to a wide range of readers from schoolchildren to retirees, as it promotes the development of memory and trains the brain.

On our website about books lifeinbooks.net you can download for free or read the online book "Development of memory by methods of special services" Denis Bukin in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, find out the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and advice, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary skill.

Types of memory

Modern psychology distinguishes three types of memory: instant (or sensory), short-term and long-term.

Sensory memory stores what we perceive directly with our senses: we see, hear, feel, smell and taste after the perceived stimulus itself has already disappeared. The duration of information storage in this memory is short, no more than half a second. But sensory memory is very important, everything that connects us with the outside world passes through it. Also, thanks to sensory memory, we can see the sequence of movie frames as continuous movement.

From sensory memory, information worthy of attention is transferred to short-term memory, where it can be stored for several minutes or hours. Short-term memory is involved, for example, when we repeat "to ourselves" a telephone dictated by someone, while simultaneously looking for a pen and a notebook to write it down.

From short-term memory, important information is transferred to long-term memory, where it can be stored for years. As a rule, the process of long-term memorization of information occurs unconsciously. That is why we often forget important things and remember insignificant details that should have been forgotten long ago. However, there are techniques for conscious long-term memorization of information. This book will help you develop short-term and long-term memory, as well as learn to consciously translate information from short-term memory to long-term memory.

Good memory is associated with the ability to notice what is important in what we see and heard, as well as to process information, represent it in the form of images and connect with what we already know. In other words, attention and imagination are needed to memorize. Training attention and imagination is the basis for the development of memory. It is with exercises on attention and imagination that the school of intelligence begins.

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Possibilities of memory People do not use the possibilities of their memory to the full extent. Moreover, few people realize how great these possibilities are. A few examples. Russian artist N. N. Ge reproduced in detail the baroque interior of the room of the palace "Monplaisir",

“A good memory is associated with the ability to process information and relate it to what we already know.”

“The human brain remembers images well. Therefore, most of the methods of memorizing information - mnemonics - are based on imagination, which serves as a tool for translating abstract verbal and digital information into visual information ”.

Development of memory according to the methods of special services Denis Bukin

To prepare qualified personnel, intelligence officers use a series of exercises to train and develop memory.

  1. Keep a diary. Remembering events that happened during the day is in itself a memory exercise. In addition, various events have their own emotional coloring and the most vivid of them are remembered. There is even such a definition of "overactive memory through the recreation of emotions."
  2. See and observe.

The exercise:
- Take some object, for example, a pencil.
- Concentrate all your attention on it.
- Breathing calm and even.
- As you exhale, close your eyes - erase the image.
- While inhaling - open your eyes and again focus on the pencil.
- Do the exercise 40-60 times.
- While inhaling, close your eyes - erase the image.
- As you exhale, open your eyes and focus on the pencil.
- Repeat the exercise 40-60 times.
There is a whole range of "see and observe" exercises that have been used by the special services since tsarist times (in Ilya Melnikov's book "Methods of the special services").

  1. To develop a focus on intelligence services and not only uses: Schulte tables, Strupe test, countdown and others.)
  2. Development of observation and visual memory.
  3. Development of auditory memory. Use reading aloud, eavesdrop on passers-by in lines, transport, indoors, and over time you will notice that everyone has different voices, intonation, timbre, manner of speech. Listen more. "Silence is one of the most difficult arguments to refute." Henry Wheeler Shaw
  4. Memorizing people. It is very important for secret service workers to be able to memorize people. To train this ability, there are certain exercises. This is the most difficult process of developing memory.

    It is more difficult to learn foreign languages, more difficult to process texts, memorize rows of numbers. If you put twenty people in front of you and then ask them to identify in ten minutes, the result will be three to four people.

    And if it is a group of people from other races, then the result will be even less, especially since special techniques for coding and development have not yet been invented, but there are several rules:
    1. Get your brain to work with full force.
    2. Focus as much as possible. Develop observation.
    3. Tune in to remember the person.
    4. Remember the unusual facial features of the person.
    5. Relax.
    6. Listen to how the person's name sounds. Sing it to yourself.
    7. Memorize all the people you meet.
    8. Associate the person's name with his image.
    9. Remember that the brain does not tolerate violence.
    10. Memory training should be fun. Better regularly every day than every other week, but long and tedious.
    11. After a while, you will feel the results.
    Getting to know and remembering people needs adjustment. You should mentally give commands to yourself: “I will be extremely focused. I will concentrate all my attention and will definitely remember all the people presented. "

Memorization techniques

1. Make sure that people are not exactly the same.
2. Immediately associate the person with someone you know. For example, you will be introduced to a man named Vladimir Ilyich. Immediately, an associative image arises - Lenin is sitting at the table. A table lamp under a green shade is burning on the table.
3. Imagine introducing your new friend to your old friend.
4. Say his name, patronymic, surname several times to yourself.
5. Sing his name to yourself, and in different versions (as a ditty, as a romance, as an aria and as a folk song).
6. When meeting, repeat his name aloud several times. For example: "Very nice, Vladimir Ilyich." "I was glad to meet you, Vladimir Ilyich", "Vladimir Ilyich just told me about this case." Do not say the name out loud more than three times.
7. After thirty minutes after meeting, be sure to remember those to whom you were introduced.
8. Try to assign a nickname consonant with the name. For example, Lisovskaya Kornelia Konstantinovna (Korlisko). You can choose any order, for example (Liskonco, Concorli,) and so on.
9. Find parallels between his name and his appearance, his habits.
10. Before going to bed, once again remember everyone you met.
11. Write down all new acquaintances in a notebook and make notes describing the new acquaintance (Volodya - offset printing, Natasha - hairdresser).
12. Imagine that you are shooting a new acquaintance with a camera, and that the image appears gradually. Repeat two to three times.
13. Introduce this person with a nameplate on his chest. After a few seconds, imagine this image again.
14. Associate with the person's name adjectives that begin with the same letter as the name. Katya is beautiful, creative; Mikhail is sweet, young, and so on. Try to use adjectives to describe the person.
15. Find in the appearance of a person special features that are unique to him alone.
16. Find the rhyme of the name in your mind. Sergey is a sparrow, Natasha is porridge, Lena is a log and so on. And imagine the mental image of Sergei watching the sparrows, Natasha, who is crying over a plate of porridge. Repeat this action after a few seconds.
17. Try to mentally describe your (your) new acquaintances.

Denis Bukin

Development of memory according to the methods of special services

Project Manager I. Gusinskaya

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© LLC "Empatika", 2014

© LLC "Alpina Publisher", 2014

In memory of Leonid Minutko


The possibilities of the human brain are amazing. Memory stores a huge amount of information, distant events are presented so vividly and vividly, as if everything happened only yesterday. The brain copes with tasks that are beyond the reach of most modern computers. The brain is plastic: if some of its functions are actively working, it becomes stronger. The converse is also true: that which is not used dies off. Routine work, narrow professional specialization, technical "crutches" in the form of an organizer, navigator, notebook in the phone - all this frees memory from work, and over time it weakens. The ability to concentrate is deteriorating, the acuity of perception is dulled.

Fortunately, this is reversible. Memory can be trained. For training to be effective, it must be:



On the verge of possibilities.

There are professions for which excellent memory, clarity and quick thinking are vital. One of them is a scout. Writing down something is forbidden by the laws of conspiracy, there is no time to study documents for a long time and thoughtfully, it is impossible to redraw a diagram or a map. You have to rely only on memory. And you have to remember an incredible amount, and reproduce accurately.

Military psychologists have accumulated vast experience in training personnel who are able to quickly and reliably memorize information. It would be foolish not to take advantage of their developments. We use it!

The memory training program in this book is based on the techniques of the secret services, the effectiveness of which has been tested by time and generations of intelligence and counterintelligence officers.

Each chapter corresponds to the stages of an intelligence agent's career. You will go through all the stages of the scout school - from an installation agent to a double agent, from the simplest intelligence job to the most dangerous and difficult.

You will be accompanied by the history of one counterintelligence operation, set out in the documents and diary entries of its protagonist. Questions will be asked about the facts of this operation, so try to remember as much of what you read as possible.

Despite the fact that all the characters in this book are fictional, and any similarity and coincidence with real people is accidental, the events described in it are based on the story that actually happened. It is also necessary to say here that all the data contained in the book are taken from open sources.

Each stage-level contains instructions for memorization techniques and exercises for practicing them. The exercises of the first levels may seem easy, but they will become more difficult further on. Try to master the suggested techniques and methods in the first simple tasks. Even if you can complete them without using special techniques, later on, when the tasks become more complicated, it will be extremely difficult to do without them.

There are two types of exercises in the book. The first are designated by the word "exercise". You can do them while resting, waiting, in transport ...

The second, interactive, are located on a separate site. It is advisable to do these exercises as you read the book.

Repeat each exercise several times to build on your success. If it does not work out everything, return to the technique for which it was intended to work out. Re-read it and repeat the exercise several times in a less difficult version.

Do not be discouraged if you fail to complete the tasks the first time. Remember that "training should be on the edge of the possibilities." Studying in a reconnaissance school is like the path of a martial arts master: in order to master the intelligence business, you have to go through difficulties and learn to overcome setbacks. Try again and again, the progress will be noticeable to you and to those around you.

In addition to techniques, instructions and tasks, the book describes the features of human attention, imagination and memory, as well as techniques for working with them. Scouts use these techniques every day. Let's leave the romantic stories to fiction writers - the intelligence business is described in the book as it is, without embellishment and gloss.

Real, not "cinematic" intelligence is not running around with a pistol, but working with information. Recovering the whole picture bit by bit is the task of intelligence.

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