Home Useful Tips The most smelly actors. The most messy celebrities. Beyoncé: bad breath

The most smelly actors. The most messy celebrities. Beyoncé: bad breath

1. Who: Ukrainian actress Mila Kunis

In this form, Mila almost always appears on the streets in everyday life. No, she is not embarrassed by the paparazzi, the actress boldly flaunts in stretched sweatpants under the arm with her beau Ashton Kutcher.

2. Who:
Vanessa Paradis

In such a non-stellar image, Vanessa goes shopping.

3. Who:
singer Katy Perry

The singer appeared at a rehearsal of a speech in support of presidential candidate Barack Obama in a completely sloppy appearance.

4. Who: singer, TV presenter Lolita Milyavskaya.

The Russian star does not lag behind his Hollywood colleagues in untidiness. The famous lady without complexes paid for her love for bare legs and home clothes, pajamas and lack of makeup.

5. Who: ballerina Anastasia Volochkova.

This star lady is also tasteless. A ballerina cannot deny herself concert dresses, whether they are appropriate or not.

At the European Football Championship "Euro 2012", the singer appeared in a rather shocking form for the star. Untidy, unkempt, swearing Ruslana is what she remembered for the fans that day.

7. Who: Hollywood actress Jessica Simpson.

The girl, after becoming a mother, completely abandoned her appearance. After pregnancy, Jessica gained a lot of weight. According to some reports, the celebrity weighed about 100 kg, which is simply unacceptable for a girl with once-model data. Pictures taken on vacation in Hawaii very clearly demonstrate all the untidiness of the star.

8. Who: singer Madonna.

The singer's clearly protruding musculature does not delight Madonna's fans. And in everyday life, the singer does not really take care of herself.

9. Who: actress Julia Roberts.

This is how the famous Pretty Woman goes shopping.

10. Who: singer Britney Spears.

I think this star of show business is the leader in untidiness among the stars.

11. Who: actress Lindsay Lohan.

If you are a star, then everything is forgivable to you. Some celebrities think so, confident that their status makes them perfect in everything. But this is far from the case! And you will be very surprised to learn that these stars do not follow hygiene at all and do not even hide it. Moreover, they speak openly about it.

Today we have 12 stars with the most disgusting habits. This proves once again that they are also ordinary people, like all of us!

1: Brad Pitt

Despite the fact that the star is on the list of the most famous people in Hollywood, loved by millions of fans around the world, Brad Pitt is far from perfect. Once he told about his disgusting habit:

“I constantly pick my nose and ears. I know it's disgusting, but I just can't stop. "

2: Megan Fox

One of the most seductive stars Megan Fox herself is the first to admit that she has disgusting habits, and at the same time is not ashamed of it.

“It's terrible to live with me. I don’t wash. I forget to flush the toilet. Friends tell me, "Megan, you put a pile in my closet and forgot to flush."

3: Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson's army of loyal fans will probably thin out when they find out that the actor doesn't like to bathe. In an interview for one of the magazines, he said:

“It gets to the point that even I can't stand my smell. I don't know, my personal hygiene is so disgusting. "

4: Cameron Diaz

In addition to joining the ranks of people who do not like deodorants, Cameron Diaz also admitted that she wears the same clothes for four days in a row. And after that, the star just throws out clothes that smell bad. Still, maybe you should sometimes use the washing machine.

5: Britney Spears

Pop princess Britney Spears chews her nails until she bled. The singer showed off her nibbled nails on the 2012 television show "The X-Factor". In addition, the star admitted that she was worried that one day she might bite off her fingers because of her disgusting habit.

6: Katy Perry

The famous singer admitted that she has serious problems with gas in the intestines. In a 2009 interview, she said:

“I farts a lot. I have gases, but I don't care. "

7: Matthew McConaughey

Matthew may have earned an Oscar, but he is unlikely to receive an award for personal hygiene. In an interview with People magazine, he admitted:

“I don't like smelling like someone or something. If my smell starts to bother someone, I will take a shower. "

8: Avril Lavigne

Avril Lavigne's disgusting habit of spitting became known in 2007 when she simply spat on the paparazzi. “I don’t understand what the problem is,” she later said. I've spit on the paparazzi for the last two years while living in Los Angeles. "

9: Halle Berry

Halle Berry is one of the most beautiful women in the world, but she has one nervous habit - she constantly bites off dried skin from her lips. The actress said:

“If I'm not wearing lipstick, I just chew my lips. I need some kind of hydration, be it lip balm or lipstick. "

10: Julia Roberts

It will turn your world upside down, but the beloved actress apparently smells terrible. Former bodyguard of the star said that "she may not go to the shower for several days, because she is trying to conserve water on the planet." But that's not the worst part. Roberts admitted that she does not use deodorant at all.

11: Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera was accused not only of the bad smell, but also of the absence of the habit of washing her hands after using the toilet. The star was seen in a restaurant closet when, without washing her hands, she returned to her table and continued to eat and shake hands with unsuspecting fans who approached her table.

12: Orlando Bloom

He is considered one of the most attractive actors in Hollywood and arguably one of the most unkempt. According to eyewitnesses, the star can wear the same clothes for months without washing it, does not wash regularly and allows the dog to sleep in his bed. Some argue that it was his dirty habits that led to the divorce from his wife Miranda Kerr.

Life of the stars


02.12.14 09:34

We all remember the legendary movie kiss Scarlett and Rhett from the legendary Gone With the Wind. Although Vivien Leigh complained that it was unpleasant for her to kiss with Clark Gable - they say, his dentures smelled unpleasant. These days, too, there are quite a few stars with whom their colleagues do not want love scenes with kissing. "Ambre" from the mouth of Ben Affleck, too wet kisses of Jennifer Lawrence and Tom Cruise - we learn about all this from the statements of their partners on the site or ex-lovers.

Onion "scent" and "wet" kisses

The daughter of Goldie Hawn, also an actress Kate Hudson, has managed to achieve considerable success, having played in a number of box-office films. Among her successes - "The Key to All Doors", "Fool's Gold", "Bridegroom for Rent", "War of Brides". But when comedian Dane Cook was asked about his worst kiss on screen, he named the kiss with Kate Hudson in My Best Friend's Girl. He said that his partner smelled strongly of onions.

MTV presented the Best Kiss Award to a couple of actors who have already starred together, Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence. But the girl was clearly unhappy with Cooper's kissing technique - right on the set she talked about too "wet" kissing habit.

Disgusting and unpleasant!

What do Viggo Mortensen and Orlando Bloom have in common? That they starred in the Lord of the Rings franchise. And also - that they are complaining about their unpleasant body odor. Orlando has a habit of not changing clothes for a long time and letting his dog sleep next to him. And Viggo might not shower for a week. Keira Knightley said that it was more pleasant for her to kiss Depp (although it was with Bloom that they portrayed lovers).

The love scenes with the participation of Thandie Newton and Tom Cruise turned out to be convincing in the sequel to Mission: Impossible. Only Tandy didn't like kissing Cruz at all.

Kirsten Dunst has unpleasant memories from the kiss with Brad Pitt ("Interview with the Vampire"). Of course, it should be borne in mind that she was then only 11 years old, and she kissed for the first time. She said that Pitt certainly looked cool, like a real hippie, but the kiss was disgusting.

Bad smell

James McAvoy and Angelina Jolie also had a "kissing scene" (in the action movie Wanted). And what do you think James was happy to kiss a star of this magnitude? Not at all, he didn't like it. They also say that Brad Pitt once gave his wife menthol sweets - it was a joke gift for Valentine's Day. It is not very pleasant when a loved one makes you know about bad breath in this way.

Incredible facts

Famous Hollywood beauties and heartthrobs. We admire their beauty and elegance on screen.

And it won't even occur to us that one of them may have such a terrible defect as bad breath.

Just imagine how difficult it is for their movie partners, especially in the kissing scenes.

2. Ben Affleck: Terrible stale breath

Unfortunately, in addition to the enormous talent that Ben Affleck possesses, one more, not very pleasant thing must be mentioned: the famous Hollywood actor and producer allegedly has a disgusting breath!

It was reportedly mentioned by Sandra Bullock, his co-star Forces of Nature, at one point. One can only imagine how difficult the kissing scenes were for her. The actress even allegedly gave Ben mints to at least partially fix the problem.

Other actors also confirm that Ben doesn't smell very good.

3. Jessica Simpson: irregular oral hygiene

They say Jessica Simpson only brushes her teeth three times a week. In her opinion, brushing her teeth too often makes her feel uncomfortable. Therefore, instead of a toothbrush and toothpaste, the actress uses a special mouthwash and dental floss.

Of course, lack of hygiene affects bad breath. Many complain that Jessica has one of the most unpleasant breaths among Hollywood stars.

4. Robert Pattison: stale breath

Do vampires sin with stale breath? How is this possible if they are so afraid of garlic?

Seriously now: Robert Pattinson is rumored to have a very bad breath! The famous actor once dated his partner in the vampire saga Kristen Stewart, and now he is in a relationship with a talented artist.

However, none of his lovers ever complained about his bad smell! Well, at least publicly.

Unfortunately, many people complain that the actor smells unpleasant. Rumor has it that the stale smell comes not only from the mouth of the actor, but also from his things.

5. Angelina Jolie: Killing Breath

Can you imagine that one of the most beautiful women on the planet could have deadly bad breath?

But this is most likely true! This is said by many who are personally familiar with the icon of beauty and style. Rumor has it that the smell from the mouth of a Hollywood beauty is so bad that sometimes it is simply impossible to be near her.

In addition, the ex-husband of the actress Brad Pitt often teased Angelina about this. And once he even gave his wife a box of candies for fresh breath for Valentine's Day.

6. Hugh Grant: bad breath

Once upon a time, handsome Hugh Grant got the best movie roles.

Hugh became especially popular in the 90s, and almost always played the roles of not particularly smart, but very attractive guys in romantic comedies.

On set, he kissed dozens of beautiful actresses, including his ex-wife Elizabeth Hurley.

However, oddly enough, all these ladies should only sympathize. Presumably, Hugh has a reputation for being one of those actors who have a really bad breath.

7. Jennifer Aniston: coffee and cigarettes

It turns out that Brad Pitt's first wife also has trouble breathing freshness.

According to rumors in Hollywood, Jennifer Aniston drinks a lot of coffee and smokes a lot. This is reflected in the freshness of her breath. After all, after that, the actress simply forgets to rinse her mouth.

Film partners Alec Baldwin and Jason Bateman once noted that Jennifer Aniston often smells of coffee and cigarettes.

Interestingly, Jennifer's new husband, Justin Thero, is also talking about this.

8. Julia Roberts: peanut butter

The fact that the perfect Julia Roberts is on this list is especially surprising.

The acclaimed Hollywood beauty has her quirks, including the food she just can't do without!

During the filming of Nothing Personal with Clive Owen, it was revealed that Julia Roberts was suffering from bad breath. This is not surprising when you consider her tendency to eat peanut butter sandwiches in between filming.

While peanut butter sandwiches are undeniably a delicious treat, kissing the person who ate them is not very pleasant.

It was reported that Julia often had to freshen her breath with mints before filming the kissing scenes.

By the way, she often asked for these candies from Clive Owen, with whom Roberts developed friendly relations.

9. Johnny Depp: poor personal hygiene

Although Johnny Depp is renowned for his talent and extraordinary charisma, he is also known for being terribly sloppy.

Rumor has it that Angelina Jolie even insisted that this talented actor use Listerine, as well as refreshing lollipops, before filming the kissing scenes in the movie "Tourist".

Ex-wife Amber Heard also asked her husband to take better care of his own oral cavity hygiene, because sometimes she simply could not stand this unpleasant smell.

Johnny Depp smokes a lot, which further provokes the already stale breath.

10. Beyoncé: bad breath

Is it possible that the talented singer and actress had such a terrible defect as bad breath?

According to rumors, Beyoncé suffers from halitosis, as a result of which her breath is not the freshest. Among the stars of show business, Beyoncé is considered one of the most talented singers and charismatic women. And, apparently, the bad breath does not spoil the overall impression that the diva makes.

11.Puff Daddy: Fetid Smell

Puff Diddy is also on this list.

Isn't that so, the beauty of J. Lo is fabulously "lucky"? She first dated Puff Daddy, who is rumored to have a terrible breath. Then many years later, Lopez became the lover of Ben Affleck, a guy with exactly the same problem.

They say that Puff Deddy, like Beyoncé, suffers from halitosis. Many of his Hollywood colleagues try to keep their distance when speaking due to his bad breath.

Recently, scientists have found that frequent washing is harmful to health and weakens the immune system. They recommend washing the body in parts, that is, separate areas that are most susceptible to perspiration. And the whole should be washed no more than 2 times a week.

It is everyone's business to heed the advice of scientists or not. Nevertheless, there are really a lot of sloppy and sloppy people, including stars. Yes Yes! They are just the same ordinary people. Celebrities glamorously and attractively sparkle on blue screens, but what is hidden under their beautiful "packaging"? Let's find out ...

Cameron Diaz

Cameron has not used deodorants for 20 years, as he considers them unhealthy. The girl is convinced that the use of deodorant blocks perspiration and the smell accumulates, because of this the person will "smell" even more. The girl believes that it is enough just to follow the epilation in the armpit area. Now it became clear to us why Cameron often appears in public with wet armpits.

Julia Roberts

Julia is also against deodorants. The girl also admitted that she rarely shaves her armpits, legs, and so on. The most interesting and unexpected statement was that she rarely takes a shower in order to save water.

Jennifer Aniston

Stars such as Alex Baldwin and Jason Bateman admitted after the kissing scenes that they would not want to kiss Aniston again. And this is due to the fact that the star has bad breath, one of the reasons for which is excessive consumption of coffee.

Angelina Jolie

It turns out that one of the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood has a problem with bad breath. Because of this, James McAvoy was not particularly happy to kiss a celebrity while filming Wanted. Brad Pitt once gave his wife Valentine's Day menthol candy with a hint of bad breath.

Britney Spears

Britney is also not a supporter of deodorants. In addition, the girl may not brush her teeth or go to the shower for several days. Unsurprisingly, the paparazzi often catch the star in a scruffy state.

Megan Fox

Somehow Megan willfully declared that she considers herself a slob and neglects her own hygiene. The girl believes that because of this slovenliness it is difficult to get along with her.

Courteney Cox

Another star against deodorants. According to ex-husband David Arquette, Courtney smells like a truck driver. But then he added that he even liked it.

Russell Crowe

Russell Crowe is a famous Hollywood "stinker". They say that the star of "Gladiator" smells so bad that his colleagues prefer to stay away from him at all kinds of events. Actress and TV presenter Joan Rivers once said that Russell always bears so much sweat that she has to sit in a few rows or tables from him at film premieres or social events. Russell's colleagues also admitted that they try to stay away from him at various events.

Matthew McConaughey

Matthew is an ardent opponent of deodorants, colognes, and eau de toilette. He is convinced that women love his own natural scent, as he smells like a man. The actor himself does not want to use eau de toilette, because he does not want to smell like someone else. He has not used deodorants for about 20 years.

Brad Pitt

Rumor has it that the actor rarely goes to the shower. Once, on the set of the film, the actor was even offered to use wet wipes in order to somehow muffle the unpleasant body odor.

Johnny Depp

Johnny also rarely goes to the shower. In addition, an actor can wear the same clothes for several days in a row, or even several weeks.

Robert Pattison

The actor really sees no need to wash his hair. On this score, he has his own theory: why wash my hair if I am not worried whether my head is clean or not. The actor admits that due to the busy schedule he simply has no time to take a shower, and, apparently, he is satisfied with it.

Viggo Mortensen

Another star who may not take a shower for a week, which is why colleagues complain about his unpleasant body odor.

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