Home Useful Tips Strong discharge with a sour odor. Sour smell from the intimate area. White cheesy discharge as the main symptom of thrush

Strong discharge with a sour odor. Sour smell from the intimate area. White cheesy discharge as the main symptom of thrush

During pregnancy, from its inception, the body undergoes perhaps the most significant changes. Sometimes they frighten and irritate women, which is very harmful in this state. How to recognize if the smell during early pregnancy is caused by natural changes in the female body, or is it a pathology? Indeed, many diseases in this period are exacerbated or appear for the first time. And the natural smell of a pregnant woman is very individual.

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What provokes the appearance of a smell during pregnancy

The presence of the ovum in the body causes serious changes in the composition of hormones. Progesterone grows, ensuring its normal course. The values ​​of prolactin, which is required for the production of breast milk, increase. This affects the composition of other substances produced by the body, including sweat, sebum, urine, etc. Naturally, the smell exuded by the female body also changes.

Pregnancy makes another woman's self-awareness, her perception of the world around her. The attitude towards aromas also turns out to be different. The sense of smell becomes sharper, but it can also become distorted, that is, a woman will feel smells that are not there.

Changing the scent of a pregnant woman is natural in most cases. Usually women smell a milky smell from themselves. But diseases that tend to worsen during pregnancy can also cause changes in this part. Therefore, it is not only the scent of the skin that matters, but also:

  • Sweat. Its composition depends on many factors, including hormonal. The smell of sweat during pregnancy, as well as its amount, can intensify, become harsh. This is facilitated not only by the changed composition of hormones with the rapid growth of progesterone stimulating the glands, but also by the diet. Striving for a healthy diet, the expectant mother sometimes significantly renews it. And you need to keep in mind the special eating habits that may appear in a pregnant woman. The following foods can add to the smell of sweat: cauliflower, broccoli, red meat, seafood, and fish.
  • Smell from the mouth. This feature of the body is also influenced by hormones. If the balance does not quite correspond to the period, the microflora of the oral cavity reacts. Bad breath during pregnancy can be caused by gingivitis that occurs. Incorrect, abrupt change in food preferences can lead to stomach diseases, which are characterized by bad breath. If there are problems with the tonsils, rhinitis, sinusitis, worsening, and they can cause halitosis.

Of particular importance in the state of pregnancy belongs to urine and vaginal secretions, their smell and color.

It is also important what, in addition to her own aromas, a woman expecting a child breathes. All chemical ones must be excluded from them, but the smell of paint during pregnancy is of particular concern. As a rule, it is sharp, therefore it increases the nausea characteristic of the first weeks of the condition, provokes a headache. But fear is not even a deterioration in well-being, but the effect of paint on the fetus. In most cases, fears are exaggerated. Modern formulations dry quickly, do not contain highly toxic compounds. Of course, it is undesirable to live in an apartment being renovated in order to inhale the smell of paint every day. But if it is sometimes heard remotely, nothing terrible should be expected from this.

How the smell of urine changes

The smell of urine during early pregnancy can indicate a dangerous disease for the condition. The woman herself needs to be attentive to this manifestation, as well as the color of the liquid.

The sweetish smell of urine becomes natural for a pregnant woman, in which the aroma of the drugs she is taking (more often vitamins) may be present in a distant manner. The food consumed by a woman can change it. Pregnant women have oddities in her choice. If a woman eats garlic, hot spices, other odorous foods, this will certainly affect the smell of urine. The following features of the fluid indicate pathology:

  • Feeling of the presence of ammonia. This indicates an inflammatory process in the bladder. Cystitis is often exacerbated if a woman has already been ill with it. The disease may appear for the first time, since immunity weakens with the onset of pregnancy.
  • Smell of acetone. It indicates a deficiency in the intake of proteins into the body or the impossibility of their assimilation. This happens with severe toxicosis with bouts of severe vomiting and a complete lack of appetite. Losing the supply of nutrients, the body takes protein from its own tissues and destroys them. The result of the process is reflected in the smell of urine, as decay products get into it.
  • Putrid odor. This is a rarity, indicating the presence of a decomposing tumor in the body.
  • The smell of feces. It also happens infrequently, since it is present when a vesicourectal fistula appears.

Discharge with a bad smell in pregnant women

Of particular importance is the smell of vaginal discharge. After all, it directly relates to what is happening in the reproductive system, besides, the organ is the first road for the baby.

Normally, at an early stage of pregnancy, the volume of vaginal discharge increases due to the increased concentration of progesterone. But their aroma cannot be called unpleasant, even when it becomes a little harsher.

An unpleasant odor during early pregnancy, emanating from discharge, means:

  • An inflammatory process or a venereal infection that develops in the genitals. In the latter case, the mucus changes color, becoming green, yellow, or consistency (foam appears). The smell can be putrid, fishy, ​​which happens when the vagina (for example,) and the uterus are affected.
  • ... The changed balance of hormones makes a different microflora of the vagina, can weaken it. The result is a sour-smelling, cheesy discharge in large quantities, which causes itching.
  • ... With an excess of glucose in the body, the secretions contain ketone bodies, which give the smell of acetone. However, sometimes this is caused by a lack of fluid in the tissues or the predominance of protein foods in the diet.

Diagnostics of unpleasant odors

If there is a problem with the smell, wherever it is found, examination and, if possible, treatment is necessary. All diseases that cause bad smell can negatively affect the condition and development of the fetus. Therefore, a visit to the doctor in this case must take place outside the schedule so that he can prescribe:

  • Bacteriological smear for vaginal discharge and odor. It will help to identify the composition of bacteria, assess the number of pathogenic microorganisms, and name the culprits of the infection.
  • Urinalysis and culture with a strange odor of liquid. The infection, if it is it, should not be allowed to spread further. And with severe toxicosis that changes urine, you need to fight.
  • Examination by a gastroenterologist, otorhinolaryngologist or dentist. All infections should be eliminated, as they can negatively affect the fetus. And digestive problems interfere with the assimilation of the substances it needs.

How to prevent odor

Preventive measures include a whole range of conditions, which, however, are not so difficult to fulfill:

  • Wearing loose-fitting clothing, controlling your weight, and doing better hygiene can help prevent the pungent smell of sweat. You should not eat a lot of onions, garlic, hot spices, etc. These foods stimulate perspiration. A woman should also forget about antiperspirants. They deal with odor but can cause swelling.
  • You can prevent the appearance of bad breath if you carefully monitor your teeth and gums, cure tooth decay and other diseases of the oral cavity and nasopharynx before conception. Strengthen the enamel and at the same time do not allow for proper nutrition. A pregnant woman needs to eat often, in small portions, including cottage cheese, cheese, milk, yoghurts in the diet.
  • Hygiene, movement, and regular visits to the doctor will help prevent infections in the genital tract and bladder from developing. It is important not to allow hypothermia, not to eat spicy and sweet foods in large quantities, to drink vitamins.

The scent of your own body during pregnancy can be annoying in the absence of disease. In women at this time, the sense of smell is exacerbated. But such a period is short-lived, and if you remember that it will soon pass, it is much easier to transfer smells.

Vaginal discharge can tell about the health of the expectant mother. Not only the changed consistency of the secret signals a problem, but also the "aroma". If discharge with a sour odor appears during pregnancy, mucus smells like rotten fish or acetone, you need to contact a gynecologist. Ignoring the problem can lead to serious consequences.

One of the most exciting moments in life is waiting for a baby.

From the moment of conception, progesterone begins to be actively produced in a woman's body. It is necessary to regulate the work of the reproductive system, which is being rebuilt in a new way. The pregnancy hormone changes the secretions of the expectant mother: they become mucous. On this basis, it is possible to determine successful conception at an extremely early stage, when diagnostic methods are still not informative.

Closer to the second trimester, estrogen takes on an active role. This hormone also affects the nature of the discharge. They become liquid and profuse. The color of the secretion is normally transparent, whitish. But there are also options for the norm: for example, light yellow discharge can indicate both an infection and appear as a result of a change in hormonal levels. Only a doctor can determine if everything is in order when the color of the discharge changes.

However, the expectant mother needs to remember: normal discharge does not have a specific sharp "aroma". If a variant of the norm can be "multi-colored" discharge during pregnancy, then everything is unambiguous with the smell - something is wrong with the body. What exactly? It all depends on the characteristics of the "aroma": sour or rotten, sharp or barely perceptible - for different diseases the smell is different. But the expectant mother should definitely not ignore his appearance.

Changing the smell of a secret: natural causes

The appearance of a secret with a smell is considered an alarming symptom. Especially if the discharge is of an atypical color. However, there is not always a cause for concern with a normal consistency of mucus. There are natural causes of odor. These include:

  • Violation of personal hygiene. If the rules of hygiene are not followed, an unpleasant "odor" from the vagina may appear. If there are no additional factors, then it disappears as soon as the hygiene procedures are intensified. During gestation, you need to wash more often, use sanitary napkins and change them regularly.
  • Hormonal adjustment. From the moment of conception, hormonal changes begin in the body. Under the influence of hormones responsible for pregnancy, the smell of secretions intensifies: if before pregnancy it is almost impossible to catch the "scent" of the secretion, then during gestation it increases. It seems to the expectant mother that he is becoming harsh. But if the mucus does not smell specifically, then most likely there is no reason to panic.
  • Smell disorder. In pregnant women, the sense of smell changes. Expectant mothers are very susceptible to any aromas: they can feel even a subtle smell, and sometimes they just think that there is "amber".

If the consistency of the discharge is within normal limits, the smell is barely audible and it is nonspecific, hyperemia of the genitals, pain and discomfort are absent, then most likely you should not worry. But to make sure that there are no pathological processes, you need to voice your concerns to the gynecologist. A woman in a position should remember: bearing a baby weakens the immune system, therefore, during this period, the body is open to pathogenic microorganisms and infections. During pregnancy, chronic diseases are also exacerbated, latent pathologies develop. Make sure the smell doesn't indicate a problem. And if it does, it’s more likely to solve it with the help of a qualified specialist.

Atypical odors and their causes

Discharge with an unpleasant odor during pregnancy can signal serious diseases, inflammatory processes. The following "aromas" are especially dangerous:

  • The smell of fish. If the discharge clearly smells like rotten fish, this indicates the development of vaginosis. You can also recognize the pathological process by other symptoms: the discharge becomes off-white, a burning sensation appears, and itching discomfort. However, at the initial stage, dysbiosis of the vaginal environment has no other signs, except for a rotten "amber".
  • Sour smell. This phenomenon is a symptom of thrush. The natural change in the vaginal microflora, necessary for successful conception, provokes the active reproduction of the Candida fungus. A sour aroma is not the only symptom of a fungal disease. Thrush is "given out" by white cheesy discharge: they are so specific that it is impossible not to pay attention to them.
  • Onion smell. This is a symptom of a fungal disease. Especially if the aroma is enhanced after sexual contact, in stressful situations. You cannot do without a medical consultation here.
  • Smell of acetone. When the discharge takes on the smell of acetone, this may indicate the development of diabetes mellitus. In the presence of such a disease, ketone bodies accumulate in the tissues, which give a specific "aroma". Acetone "notes" appear in secret and with kidney disease, dehydration.

If an unpleasant odor is heard clearly and does not disappear after hygienic procedures, then the pathogenic microflora is predominant. "Aroma" can indicate the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, the presence of an extensive inflammatory process. In the presence of pathology, other symptoms are usually present: itching, pain, burning. Discomfort is clearly felt, for example, in gynecological diseases caused by chlamydia, Trichomonas, gonococcus. Naturally, with such diseases there is also a smell: it is not only unpleasant, but also sharp, persistent. Often, expectant mothers think that "amber" is heard by those around them.

When discomfort is added to the smell, and the discharge takes on a strange color (brown, orange, greenish), you cannot postpone the visit to the doctor. Delay can lead to serious consequences.

Smell after sex

You need to listen carefully to your feelings.

Expectant mothers sometimes notice that an unpleasant odor appears after sexual intercourse. This phenomenon is caused by microorganisms that enter the vaginal cavity along with sperm. "Aroma" after sexual intercourse may appear if the expectant mother's balance between pathogenic and beneficial microflora is disturbed. Microorganisms need a special environment to reproduce. Sperm is perfect for this role. Hence the appearance of the smell after intercourse.

Talk to your doctor about this delicate issue. To prevent the phenomenon from repeating itself, it is necessary to understand the exact cause and eliminate it. If you ignore the smell, you can miss a serious bacterial disease, because if the balance of the microflora is imbalanced, it cannot effectively cope with microbes.

What is the danger

An unpleasant smell of discharge should alert a woman expecting a baby and force her to see a specialist. Infections are a particular danger during gestation. They most often make themselves felt by the smell. If there is an infection in the mother's body, intrauterine infection of the fetus may occur. This is fraught with the emergence of various serious pathologies in the baby. If you seek qualified help late, your pregnancy may be terminated.

Many women cannot objectively assess the real threat posed by inflammation and fungal diseases. Even from thrush, which is not always shown to be treated during pregnancy, the consequences for the baby and mother can be serious. This is a fungal disease:

  • complicates the course of childbirth;
  • provokes erosion of the uterus;
  • increases the risk of rupture;
  • leads to infection of the baby and the subsequent problems that are associated with this.

The common disease of bacterial vaginosis becomes dangerous if not treated promptly. It leads to the appearance of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, which carries a risk for pregnancy. In the early stages, the presence of such a disease can lead to the loss of the baby, in the later stages it can cause premature birth.


During stitching, you must strictly follow medical advice.

Having felt the atypical smell of discharge during pregnancy, you should not postpone the trip to your personal gynecologist. Do not hesitate to voice a delicate problem: the sooner it is solved, the higher the likelihood that there will be no influence on the baby. The doctor can understand why an unpleasant "aroma" appeared only on the basis of test results.

A lot of information is provided by the initial survey and examination of the patient on the gynecological chair. Only then can the doctor understand what examination strategy is needed in each specific case. Usually, the diagnosis is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Collecting anamnesis. The lifestyle of the expectant mother, previous illnesses and, of course, complaints, can tell the doctor a lot. The doctor's questions must be answered in detail and as frankly as possible: this will help determine the cause of the smell.
  • Gynecological examination. This diagnostic method allows you to assess the condition of the cervical canal, vaginal mucosa. The examination is informative in terms of assessing the discharge: the doctor assesses their color, consistency, abundance.
  • Bimanual research. The doctor palpates the uterine appendages and the uterus itself. This allows you to reliably understand whether they are inflamed.
  • A smear for flora. The diagnostic method has been known for a long time and is considered the most informative. Samples allow you to assess the acidity of the flora, the number of epithelial cells and leukocytes. If the smear has changed color, then this indicates that an inflammatory process is present in the body. The smear determines the presence / absence of pathogens of candidiasis, gonorrhea, etc.
  • Tests for genital infections. It is to them that a specific smell often indicates, therefore the gynecologist recommends checking the presence / absence of the most common ones at once.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. This diagnostic method is aimed at determining the state of the cervical canal, uterus, appendages. If an inflammatory process has begun in the organs, which provoked the appearance of a strong odor, a study will show this.

In the process of diagnosis, you may need to consult a urologist, nephrologist, endocrinologist. An integrated approach will help to determine the pathology, the symptom of which is "odorous" discharge and to outline a treatment regimen in which the harm to the baby will be minimal.


If the cause of the unpleasant smell lies in the presence of a disease, then it will not be possible to get rid of it without the help of a qualified doctor. Even if the expectant mother knows the diagnosis, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate: this can worsen the condition of the woman herself and lead to a complication of pregnancy. Only a doctor can decide on the appointment of drug therapy: he weighs all the factors, chooses those drugs that are allowed in an "interesting position."

Therapeutic tactics depend on the disease and the characteristics of each particular case. Basically, the therapy regimens are as follows:

  • With vaginosis, gardnerellosis, complex therapy is indicated. The doctor prescribes drugs to kill bacteria and local agents that restore the vaginal microflora. Additionally, the intake of vitamin complexes that increase immunity is shown.
  • With candidiasis, systemic and local remedies are used to destroy fungi. In parallel, it is required to take drugs that help restore microflora, and drugs that stimulate the immune system.
  • With genitourinary infections, the use of antiviral drugs or antibiotics is indicated. What kind of funds are needed depends on the disease that will be identified.
  • In inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (colpitis, salpingitis, andexitis), there is no single scheme. The doctor selects drugs depending on the type of microorganisms that provoked the inflammation. The most difficult thing to deal with is inflammation caused by sexually transmitted infections. If the disease appeared from a conditionally pathogenic environment, then the treatment will be simple - aimed at correcting the microflora.

It is impossible to get rid of the vaginal odor that has arisen against the background of any disease on your own. In order for the "fragrant" discharge to disappear, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of their appearance. This can only be done by a doctor, choosing measures for complex therapy. Self-medication in an “interesting position” cannot be done: the woman is responsible not only for her condition, but also for the health of the baby.

Preventive measures

Foul-smelling vaginal discharge can be avoided. To do this, you need to adhere to the following preventive measures:

  • Strengthening personal hygiene. Hygiene procedures should be carried out at least twice a day: this will help to exclude the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Selection of specialized intimate cosmetics. The one that reduces the acidity of the microflora is not suitable.
  • Choosing the right underwear. Synthetics are taboo, only breathable fabrics.
  • Compliance with intimate safety. For casual intercourse, use a condom.

A woman planning a pregnancy, before conception, must cure all diseases, check for infections. Being in position, you need to be sensitive to the signals of your body, especially when it comes to secretions.

Vaginal secretions are the norm in a woman's life at any stage. However, its consistency, color and odor may indicate some infections and diseases. The smell of discharge during pregnancy is a clear sign that is important to pay attention to.If a rather atypical odor from vaginal discharge appears, you should definitely contact your gynecologist.

During pregnancy, the secret can change, and such changes are not always the norm. Therefore, it is necessary to understand as early as possible what the scent indicates and what factors change it.

Causes of unpleasant odor during pregnancy

A slightly thick, transparent discharge or light whitish is considered normal. Does the smell of vaginal discharge change during pregnancy? Yes, smell, abundance, consistency and color change in early pregnancy and, directly, before and after childbirth. It is important to understand that a new scent is not necessarily a sign of pathology - only a doctor can determine its true cause.

Odorless discharge during early pregnancy may change due to the following factors:

  1. Rearrangement of hormones. The female body lends itself to changes with the development of the fetus. Hormones significantly transform natural hormones. The odor of the discharge will normally change, but this should occur without irritation of the genitals, itching and atypical color of the vaginal discharge.
  2. Enhanced sense of smell. A woman is very sensitive while carrying a child; she is acutely aware of all the smells and flavors. If there are no other signs of changes in vaginal secretions, there is no need to worry. The decline of the defenses in the body of the expectant mother. A decrease in immunity can lead to the development of an infection of the genital tract, which can provoke an unpleasant sharp secret. In this case, you need to immediately consult a doctor, you cannot treat such a problem on your own.
  3. Aggravation of pathologies of the reproductive system. Any deviations from the norm and inflammatory processes in the body can change the characteristics of vaginal secretions. In the presence of inflammation, the main symptom is.

Diseases with foul-smelling discharge

The harsh and unpleasant odor of the discharge should alert a pregnant woman. However, you should not panic in advance - such a phenomenon may be a sign of metabolic disorders, increased work of the glandular system, imbalance in the vaginal environment, and such conditions are easily corrected. Regarding diseases, the smelly discharge during pregnancy can appear due to:

  1. Dysbiosis. It appears due to an imbalance in the microflora of the vagina. It is often called dysbiosis. This condition can be a fertile ground for the development of many microorganisms and infection.
  2. Candidiasis. The disease is often referred to as thrush. This type of condition causes a sour smell from female pregnancy discharge and a cheesy or too thick consistency. It is necessary to treat thrush only after examination and receiving recommendations from a doctor, since not all drugs are safe while carrying a child.
  3. Bacterial vaginosis. The secret in this disease is often the smell of smoked fish due to the defeat of gardnerella. During pregnancy, the disease is often exacerbated, which explains the sudden appearance of an unpleasant odor.
  4. Systematic inflammatory processes. They can proceed imperceptibly or with a subtle unpleasant odor, which is unique and differs depending on the type of inflammation.

And also, the secretion that stands out can be influenced by:

  • improperly selected hygiene products;
  • incorrect washing;
  • unprotected sex;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • frequent douching;
  • hygiene disorders.

It is extremely important to find out in time what causes the changed discharge to appear. By showing indifference to such a situation, you can harm your health and the condition of the baby.

Discharge odor options

What can the unpleasant odor of the secreted fluid tell about? it is important to focus on the following signs:

  1. Ammonia. Such an aroma can appear during gestation due to an inflammatory process, for example, cystitis. It can worsen at a later date.
  2. Acetone. Acetone fluid becomes a symptom of protein deficiency or improper absorption. May appear with toxicosis, severe vomiting or starvation. It manifests itself both with vaginal secretions and with urine.
  3. Brown discharge with a fishy odor. They are a sign of vaginal dysbiosis. May be accompanied by burning and itching of the genitals, a pronounced inflammatory process.
  4. Urine. Such a pungent aroma does not pose a threat to the fruit. Leakage of fluid from the urethra can occur due to stress, emotional instability, or being overweight. The problem can be eliminated with the help of a urologist and gynecologist.
  5. Rotten smell. Brownish discharge of this type becomes a symptom of one of the forms of bacterial vaginosis due to the defeat of gardnerella, a pathogenic bacterium. The secret is off-white, brownish and yellowish, appearing in moderation.
  6. Sour aroma. during pregnancy, first of all, it appears due to candidiasis. Thrush appears due to the defeat of fungal infections, which provoke the appearance of a curdled secretion. During childbirth, the disease can be transmitted to the baby, therefore, even with the manifestation of one symptom of candidiasis, it is necessary to consult a doctor and take a special smear. But yellow discharge can tell about the presence of infection or vaginal dysbiosis.
  7. Sweetish aroma. The sweet scent does not indicate any pathology. The sweetish smell of the discharge changes and manifests itself depending on the consumption of fruits and various berries. This also happens when you make drastic changes in your diet. On such days, you can reduce the amount of fruit consumed. But, with a persistent sweet scent, it is best to have a swab for infections. But from the cervix with a sweetish aroma at a later date, it can appear due to leakage of amniotic fluid. In this case, it is important to immediately consult a doctor to eliminate negative risks to the health of the mother and child.
  8. ... This mucous odor usually appears due to fungal diseases. The scent can intensify in case of stress or after intercourse. Accurate research is important to determine the source of vaginal secretions with this odor.
  9. Sperm. Such an aroma can appear after sexual intercourse, as well as due to violations of the microflora of the vagina. The aroma can be aggravated due to serious disorders in the reproductive system. If it is not accompanied by irritation and burning, you should not worry.
  10. Garlic. The strong aroma of garlic has a nutritional etiology and appears in connection with the large amount of food consumed on the menu. It can sometimes indicate bacterial vaginosis, with higher levels of lactobacilli than necessary. Bacterial vaginosis can also be accompanied by yellow and brown discharge, they have a cloudy consistency, are characterized by density and abundance.
  11. Metallic aroma. Iron is felt when brown or bloody secretions appear. This normally occurs at the stage of conception, with implantation bleeding, or in the case of cervical erosion. The clinical picture is often aggravated after sexual intercourse in the presence of pathology.

Could any of these scents appear after intercourse? Doctors give a positive answer to this question. This is due to the fact that the microflora changes after sex, various microorganisms enter the vagina. With a decrease in immunity, they actively multiply and provoke the appearance of an unpleasant pungent odor.

Diagnostic methods

There is no need to embarrass such an intimate problem. If you are pregnant, it is important to see a doctor at the first deviations from the norm, since an unpleasant, sharp secret can be the first symptom of a serious illness. If untreated, it poses a threat to the fetus and the expectant mother.

To diagnose such a symptom, you will need:

  1. Delivery of a smear of vaginal secretions. In laboratory conditions, the number of pathogens will be identified and the reason for the rather unpleasant sensations will be established.
  2. Culture and urine analysis. Essential for diagnosing an infection.

First of all, with the manifestation of any unpleasant symptoms, a woman needs to contact a gynecologist, in some cases, with a sharp smell of urine, to a urologist.

Characterization of the discharge rate

In this position, a woman's vaginal secretion may change. From transparent and semi-thick, it becomes slimy and thick. This may indicate a successful conception in early pregnancy. In this case, there may be pinkish and red impurities in the discharge.

In the second trimester, the discharge becomes thin and very abundant. The color is normally whitish or completely transparent.

There are other options for the norm. Brownish and yellowish discharge with a sour odor is often a sign of infection, however, it is also a symptom of natural hormonal changes. It is almost impossible to identify deviations on your own.

But the blood should seriously alert the woman. It is an unfavorable symptom during pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimester. In this case, you must immediately, as soon as possible, contact a specialist.

Treatment of odorless discharge during pregnancy

Self-medication against an unpleasant odor is not allowed, since it is impossible at home to accurately determine the cause of an unpleasant symptom. Also, self-medication is often very harmful to the mother and her unborn child.

It is also important to take into account the fact that conventional drugs against many infections and diseases are not always suitable for pregnant women. The composition of some can cause significant harm to the baby. Therefore, a doctor's consultation is extremely important, as are tests and clinical examination. Only a gynecologist will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis by prescribing suitable and safe medications.


The unpleasant odor of vaginal discharge during pregnancy can be prevented by following a certain set of preventive measures:

  • wearing loose underwear with a natural composition - it should be cotton, silk or linen, satin and synthetics should be avoided;
  • thorough and correct hygiene, without fanaticism - with the help of special products aimed at caring for the female genital organs;
  • exclusion from the menu of hot spices, garlic and onions, smoked meats and excessive doses of black coffee;
  • timely treatment of inflammatory processes before pregnancy - of the oral cavity, genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract, nasopharynx, skin of the body and head, mucous membranes.

Such nuances will help prevent such a problem, while excluding the developed diseases and infections during the pregnancy itself.

Only a doctor can determine the pathology or norm in the color and aroma of the discharge. It is important to see a doctor on time, to undergo routine examinations during pregnancy. Do not self-medicate. If you have identified at least some changes in the individual rate of vaginal secretion, you should immediately visit a gynecologist.

Allocations are in women all the time. It does not always mean that this is a deviation or a disease of the reproductive organs. It's another matter if the secret is secreted during pregnancy. Discharge during early pregnancy is of different colors: white, transparent, brown, dark red, - which of them mean the onset of the disease, are the result of normal physiological processes, find out further.

Can there be discharge during pregnancy

During the carrying of a child, a woman's body is rebuilt under the influence of physiological processes and the female hormone progesterone. The appearance of a light-colored secret at the beginning of pregnancy is the norm. Sometimes the secret is bloody, especially in the first stages of gestation. This is possible on the days when menstruation occurred before pregnancy. Normal vaginal discharge during pregnancy may be completely absent.

What is discharge during pregnancy

Transparent discharge when carrying a child is a logical consequence of hormonal changes. If you see a slimy secret that looks like raw chicken protein, this is the norm. It protects the female genitals and helps the sperm to move to the egg faster. At the time of fertilization, the discharge is thick, opaque, viscous. After conception, a scanty mucous secret appears, which is produced by the vaginal mucosa. During gestation, it can be transparent, white, yellow, red or brown.


The main reason for the appearance of discharge in the first trimester is hormonal changes in the woman's body:

  • The most secure is a transparent secret.
  • A slightly brown secret in a small amount (spotting) occurs on the days of planned periods in the first month of pregnancy. If you experience aching pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist.
  • If you see an abundant brown secret, this may indicate a threat of miscarriage. Sometimes it is accompanied by aching or severe pain in the lower abdomen.
  • A bloody secret, such as during menstruation, is dangerous and can be caused by an ectopic pregnancy or placental abruption.

What are the discharge in early pregnancy

By the vaginal secretion, the expectant mother can determine her condition. In the early stages, attention is paid to color, smell, texture or sensation. When carrying a baby in the first trimester, a watery, colorless, odorless secret is the norm. However, it is recommended to consult a specialist if mucus is present:

  • Brown color;
  • white cheesy discharge;
  • yellow, greenish tint (purulent secret).

Which are considered normal

Transparent color, small amount, lack of smell is considered a normal state of genital discharge during pregnancy. The mucus forms a mucus plug, which means that the embryo has successfully attached to the cervical uterus. The process drags on slowly, so a white or transparent secret in the early stages will accompany the expectant mother for the entire gestation period.

Pathological discharge

Gynecologists refer to pathological as disease-causing discharge in pregnant women in the early stages, caused by bacteria or fungi that can harm the child. These pathogens include candidiasis, which is caused by the multiplication of the Candida fungus. This disease cannot be treated, since the necessary drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women. If you experience itching, burning, color other than transparent or white, which are accompanied by unpleasant odors (strong or weak), you should consult a doctor to maintain pregnancy.


Small amounts of white discharge in early pregnancy do not indicate problems. However, if you notice unpleasant symptoms (bad smell, the consistency of the secret has changed (it has become like cottage cheese), the genitals turn red, you regularly feel a burning sensation), contact your doctor. Candidiasis can become a threat of deep rupture of the genital tract during childbirth. At the walls of the vagina, the tissues will become loose and lose elasticity, which leads to severe labor.


The appearance of a scarlet secret during pregnancy is the most dangerous for a woman. They can be abundant, scanty brownish in color. In case of severe bleeding with severe pain in the lower abdomen, it is recommended to see a doctor immediately. Such a secret signals the termination of pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy. An abundant light brown, brown discharge in the early stages is not considered fatal to the fetus.

The reason for the scarlet secret can be:

  • cervical erosion;
  • sloppy douching;
  • inaccurate contact gynecological examination;
  • cystic drift;
  • myomatous nodes;
  • trauma to the abdomen;
  • polyp of the cervical canal;
  • diseases that relate to the blood coagulation system.


A small secret of light brown color may be during the attachment of the ovum to the uterus. If this is a one-time short-term and scanty brown discharge at the beginning of pregnancy, then they do not pose a threat. During this period, a woman may be disturbed by pulling discomfort in the lower abdomen. Dark brown discharge may be a sign of chorionic detachment or future placenta.

The periodic or single appearance of a brown secretion in the first trimester of pregnancy can be a sign of an ectopic, frozen or undeveloped pregnancy, when the embryo dies and the ovum remains in the uterine cavity. Over time, the placenta exfoliates from the walls of the uterus, which is the reason for the appearance of a dark secretion in women. When it appears, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


The secret of gray color stands out in the early stages, has a characteristic odor and is accompanied by a burning sensation in the genitals. This is a signal of the presence of genital infections (vaginitis, trichomoniasis or other diseases). Trichomoniasis is very dangerous for pregnant women, who in this case are subject to urgent hospitalization. Bacterial vaginitis is of a different nature. Pregnant girls with this disease find it difficult to carry a child.


Slight beige or creamy discharge during early pregnancy can mean an inflammatory illness. In the process of exacerbation of an inflammatory disease, a girl may feel discomfort near the external genital organs, accompanied by the release of milk secretion. The reasons for the appearance may be:

  • colibacillus;
  • staphylococci or proteas;
  • gonorrhea;
  • gardenellosis or trichomoniasis.

Another cause of beige discharge is the lack of female sex hormones in the blood. The hormone progesterone supports the body during pregnancy, promotes the growth and tone of the uterus, reduces the activity of the immune system in the early stages of embryo development, which is necessary for the body to accept a fertilized egg. If you have bloody discharge, you need to see a doctor.

Treatment of discharge during early pregnancy

When examined by a gynecologist and after an ultrasound scan, the doctor can determine not only the timing of pregnancy, but also the problem with the secret. If the discharge in the early stages of pregnancy smells and looks strange, doctors examine the woman and take tests for fungal and vaginal infections. In case of confirmation of the disease, the girl will be provided with safe treatment that will not harm either the child or the mother.

Spotting during early pregnancy is treated with medication and bed rest with a special diet. If the treatment of uterine erosion is carried out after the onset of pregnancy, then it is removed using electrocoagulation. However, when complications appear (pathology of the cervix), anti-inflammatory or wound-healing drugs are used.

With the threat of miscarriage, the expectant mother is prescribed a course of taking hormonal drugs. Unfortunately, a frozen pregnancy cannot be treated: it ends in a spontaneous abortion. Foamy discharge is treated with effective medications, but not all drugs are suitable for pregnant women. It is recommended to treat the symptoms of thrush with warm herbal infusions or safe medicines.

Photo of discharge during pregnancy


At absolutely any age in women, a special secret is secreted from the vagina, which performs protective functions - it prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the organs of the reproductive system and moisturizes the mucous membranes, thus preventing their damage. Normally, this secret has no odor and does not cause discomfort. But under the influence of external and internal factors, its character can change. For example,sour smell of discharge in womenmay appear as a result of hormonal disorders in the body or the development of gynecological diseases. And now you will find out how to accurately determine the cause of its occurrence and what to do about it.

Main reasons

Before considering the factors provoking the appearance of secretions that have a sourish odor, it should be noted immediately that they can refer not only to pathological, but also physiological. Most often, the appearance of such a scent from the intimate zone is the result of various changes in the body that are not associated with the development of any diseases.

The work of the organs of the reproductive system directly depends on the hormonal background. Depending on the phases of the menstrual cycle, the production of certain hormones in the body periodically slows down, or vice versa, is activated. So, for example, in the first half of the menstrual cycle, the ovaries actively produce estrogen, which ensures the normal and timely maturation of the egg. After the onset of ovulation (this happens on the 12-16th day of ovulation), the synthesis of this hormone slows down and it is replaced by progesterone, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy after fertilization of the egg.

Regardless of whether a woman is sexually active or not, such hormonal surges are necessary and natural, since they ensure the normal course of the menstrual cycle.

It should be noted that in the female vagina there is a special microflora in which lactic acid bacteria are present. Under the influence of surges in the hormonal background, their growth is also either accelerated or suppressed. That's whydischarge that smells like sour milkthat occur periodically in women are considered natural and do not require specific therapy.

However, in addition to lactic acid bacteria, opportunistic microorganisms live in the vaginal environment, among which there are fungi of the genus Candida and gardnerella. When conditions are favorable for them in the vaginal cavity, their growth can be activated, which is the cause of infectious diseases, which can also be manifested by the appearance in girls and women of discharge with a sourish odor. But more on that later.

WHO (World Health Organization) has established a certain framework that characterizes normal discharge in women:

  • Quantity: no more than 4-5 ml per day.
  • Consistency: thin or slimy.
  • Odor: odorless or slightly sour odor.
  • Color: transparent or white.
  • Taste: salty or sweetish.

At the same time, normal vaginal discharge is not accompanied by any extraneous symptoms, such as itching or burning. The secreted vaginal mucus contains a secret produced by the glands located on the cervical canal, and dead epithelial cells. The intensity of the discharge depends on age. So, for example, in young women, their number is much greater than in mature women, which is due to hormonal surges. After the onset of menopause, the synthesis of sex hormones slows down, and therefore the amount of secreted vaginal secretion after 45 years decreases.

Under the influence of hormonal levels,sour dischargemay often occur in pregnant women. In addition to the fact that during this period the production of progesterone is enhanced, the body is actively dividing cells. New ones appear, "old" ones peel off and get into the cervical mucus, which becomes the reason for the appearance of abundant secretions.

Important! If white discharge with a sour odor during pregnancy begins to be accompanied by irritation in the intimate area, burning sensation and other symptoms unusual for a normal state, then this should be urgently reported to the doctor. The appearance of such a clinical picture always signals the development of pathologies.

Pathological causes

As mentioned above, conditionally pathogenic microorganisms live in the vaginal environment, when activated, discharge with an unpleasant odor appears.

If we talk specifically about the appearance of a sour smell from the intimate area, then most often its occurrence is provoked by fungi of the genus Candida, which are the causative agents of candidiasis (thrush). Their active reproduction can occur under the influence of the following factors:

  • Poor immunity.
  • Taking antibacterial drugs.
  • Frequent douching.
  • A very frequent intake of alcohol.
  • Stress.
  • Taking hormone-containing drugs.
  • Lack or lack of hygiene for several days.

When candidiasis develops, a white, creamy discharge or discharge that looks like granular cottage cheese may also appear. In this case, the clinical picture necessarily includes the following symptoms:

  • The discharge smells like kefir or sour milk;
  • The outer lips and lips are swollen and reddened;
  • The urge to urinate becomes more frequent and is accompanied by cramps;
  • There is severe itching and burning in the intimate area.

If you have white cheesy discharge, which is accompanied by the above symptoms, then you should urgently go to the doctor. Since if you postpone the treatment of candidiasis, then the infection can spread to other internal organs, provoking the occurrence of pathological processes in them. Typically, when this happens, the woman has brown discharge outside of her period.

It should be noted that with this disease, yellow discharge with a sour odor may also appear. Their occurrence is due to the presence in the vaginal secretion of a large amount of waste products of fungi and the oxidation process. When the secretion leaves the vagina, it reacts with oxygen, which leads to a change in its shades.

What is the danger of candidiasis?

Candidiasis is dangerous not only by the appearance of itching and burning in the intimate area, but also by the high risks of complications against its background. If a woman does not receive adequate treatment, the infection can spread to the kidneys and other internal organs, provoking the development of pathological processes in them.

When the disease flows into a chronic form, frequent relapses occur, in which not only white thick discharge with a sour odor appears, but also painful sensations in the lower abdomen, which indicate the occurrence of complications such as erosion of the cervix and inflammation of the ovarian appendages.

Candidiasis often provokes the development of bacterial vaginosis, which is characterized by the active growth of gardnerella in the vagina, which is caused by a decrease in the level of lactic acid bacteria.

Quite often, abundant white discharge occurs in pregnant women. And if they are accompanied by symptoms of candidiasis, you must immediately inform your doctor about this. Since with a fungal infection of the reproductive organs, the elasticity of the uterus and cervical canal decreases, which in the initial stages of pregnancy can provoke a miscarriage, and during childbirth, serious ruptures.

Important! If a pregnant woman has candidiasis, she must be treated immediately, since there are high risks of infection of the baby during his passage through the birth canal, as a result of which he may have serious health problems after birth.

In the event that the patient has a white discharge with a taste of sour milk, the occurrence of which was provoked by non-pathological reasons, no treatment is prescribed. It is used only when abundant discharge is the result of hormonal imbalance in the body. In this case, special drugs are used to replenish the reserves of the missing hormones. Such medications are prescribed strictly on an individual basis after receiving the results of a laboratory blood test for hormones.

If the escaping curd discharge from the vagina arose against the background of the active development of candidiasis, then the treatment involves the use of antifungal drugs. Moreover, in this case, both local remedies in the form of vaginal suppositories and external gels and ointments are used to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms that manifest the disease.

In addition to antifungal drugs, a woman can be prescribed multivitamin complexes to strengthen immunity, as well as adherence to a special therapeutic diet (the doctor should tell you in detail about it). During treatment, a woman is not recommended to enter into intimate relationships. If she has a permanent sexual partner, then he must undergo a course of treatment without fail.

Only a doctor can establish the exact reason why a woman has this kind of vaginal discharge and how to treat it. Do not self-medicate, as this can lead to serious consequences. Remember, treatment is always individual and even different medications are used to treat the same candidiasis in all women. They are selected taking into account the general state of health of the patient and the severity of the course of the disease.

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