Home Useful Tips Tattoo cska sketches. Cska tattoos for a real fan. Places of applying football tattoos

Tattoo cska sketches. Cska tattoos for a real fan. Places of applying football tattoos

Chest tattoo

CSKA, Spartak, Zenit. The appearance of fan tattoos is inextricably linked with the history of Soviet football. Whole generations have been raised on the cultural heritage of the first clubs supporting the national teams of their cities.

As part of promoting the ideas of protecting the interests of the beloved team, symbolism has developed. With its help, fans can distinguish a member of their guild from the opposing one. By the type of drawing, you can determine in front of you a simple tribune fan or a football hooligan.

Football theme in tattoos: CSKA, Spartak, Zenit

Soviet football presented 3 legends: CSKA, Spartak and Zenit. Even with the fall of the USSR, the clubs continued to exist and raise a new generation of champions. It is not surprising that the originally developed symbolism inspires fans to create a tattoo.

By covering their skin with inscriptions, the wearer feels a fighting spirit and a desire to defend the interests of their club.

In 1960, an emblem with a star on a red and blue field was developed for an army sports club. Gradually, its simple outlines were reworked and supplemented with a laurel wreath, which symbolized the club's victories.

CSKA tattoo began to appear on the skin of fans after 1998 in the game with Spartak. CSKA won a technical victory with a score of 4: 1.

The famous club Spartak received its emblem-pennant in 1935. The drawing has practically not changed, changing in small details.

For fans of the Spartak Moscow tattoo, it means endurance and desire to win. Until the loss in 1998, this team steadfastly held the position of the champion of Russia. Wearing a tattoo for a Spartak fan is like being part of their achievement.

The third star on the horizon of national football is the Zenit club. The blue lightning stroke appeared as a logo in 1925.

A tattoo is considered a pride and a real privilege for a fan. It is stuffed after, after officially joining the club.

The meaning of tattoos of clubs CSKA, Zenit, Spartak

For connoisseurs of tattoo, football is one of the brightest hobbies. If the inscription CSKA appears on it, then the fan has entered the ranks of the official club. A tattoo with the name of the club is equated to official paraphernalia such as a scarf, T-shirts in the colors of the team.

Tattoo sketches most often reflect the image of the logo unchanged. However, some fans interpret the drawing in their own way. They put personal motives and meanings. Due to this, various alternative images can appear.

For example, one of the fans filled the Zenith logo made in the bio organic style. A shield with the command's inscription appeared through the imitation of "torn skin". Thus, the author of the work wanted to emphasize that the team is his essence.

Fan tattoos

Fan tattoos are divided into several categories:

  • football hooligan tattoos;
  • fan tattoo of club members;
  • fans free from the club, not breaking the law.

Each direction has its own traditions. Hooligans around football prefer to have battles in the stands. Their goal is to maintain the morale of the team with aggressive support.

Covering themselves with tattoos, they apply insignia that can be compared to symbols. A selection of hooligan tattoos are made in the chicano style. This direction expresses the essence of the movement in the best possible way.

Tattoos of fans from clubs are often stuffed with a style of realism. The drawings contain exclusively pennants, slogans and club emblems. They are not supplemented with details, as this amounts to an insult to the symbol.

Free Membership fans will choose from different variations of their club's theme. Common with the second type is the observance of the colors of your favorite team and the preservation of recognizable details: the inscription, decorative elements and the structure of the shield.

Places of applying football tattoos

Traditional places for stuffing are:

  • area on the arm;
  • chest tattoo;
  • on the shoulder;
  • on the back.

If a fan wants to express loyalty to the team, the pattern is stamped in the area of ​​the heart.

Video - football tattoo, photo gallery

Many people stuff on their bodies those drawings that they liked at a certain moment in their lives, but some express their adherence to a particular group in this way. For example, CSKA tattoos will suit a fan if he is a fan of this team. But you need to understand that such a drawing must be chosen carefully so that after application you do not regret what happened.

Black and white style

Those who want to get a tattoo need to decide on the choice of color. The simplest option would be a black tattoo (you can conventionally call it black and white because of the skin color), besides, such a drawing will cost less. Often this option looks more harmonious and natural than a tattoo full of flowers.

Before getting a tattoo, you need to look at the available sketches of a CSKA tattoo or draw your own original one. In black and white, both separate inscriptions and combined with pictures are popular. A CSKA fan can get a flashy phrase like CVBP or OUKS. For a person who is far from fan life, such inscriptions will not tell you anything, which is an undoubted plus. A soldier can also fill the silhouette of a horse or the date of foundation of the club. These are the most popular options.

Tattoo in color

CSKA colored tattoos are no less popular than regular black ones. In this version, it is most often stuffed:

  • club emblem;
  • red and blue flag;
  • army camouflage;
  • the mascot is a horse.

Whatever the choice, the main thing is to preserve the message, namely, belonging to the club. Some people decide to get a tattoo depicting their idol, but this option is quite difficult to execute, and besides, no one guarantees that the player will remain in the team. It is best to get a tattoo that reflects the symbols and memorable dates of the club itself, or fill in mottos or chants. It is the color version that can suit both a guy and a girl who root for their club.

How far can football fans go? Is watching all sorts of matches, studying the tactics of playing your favorite teams and fighting in stadiums - that's all that fans are capable of? But no. Since football tattoos, the photos of which are full of the entire Internet, have become mainstream among fans, more and more people can be seen on the streets with various kinds of football symbols on their bodies, portraits of prominent personalities in the world of football and tattoos dedicated to their beloved football clubs. Let's take a closer look at the photos and meanings of such tattoos.

The cleats are hanging on a rope

Football theme in tattoos. General information

Both Russian and European and other foreign fans do not spare their bodies, trying to demonstrate as clearly and clearly as possible their ardent love for their favorite players, and for referees, and for football clubs. After all, filling the logos of teams and portraits of your favorite athletes is not only a tribute to fashion, but also a way to prove yourself as a person who has preferred a certain hobby and club in particular.

Sometimes football players express their attitude to their favorite pastime in the form of a similar tattoo.

The most popular football tattoos, sketches of which are chosen by almost all fans:

  • the name of the team for which the owner of the tattoo is rooting;
  • a portrait of your favorite football player;
  • soccer ball;
  • football club symbols;
  • a portrait of a beloved judge;
  • football team mascots;
  • flags;
  • cartoon variations on a football theme.

The most preferred locations for soccer-themed tattoos are:

  • hands;
  • legs;

Soccer ball lies on the field

The meaning of football tattoos

Such a category of people as football fans are often ready for selfless deeds for the sake of their favorite football club. Someone can faithfully root for their favorite team, just sitting at home or in a bar in front of a TV screen. Someone around the world will follow the team without missing a single match, enjoying the amazing game live and supporting the athletes.

And there are those who certainly want to capture something memorable on their bodies related to the world of football. Most often, football tattoos, the meaning of which does not really bother the fans, do not carry absolutely any semantic meaning and are simply an indicator of loyalty to a particular team or football player. And only a few are ready to go further and independently come up with a really stunning sketch, which will make great sense, at least for the owner of the tattoo.

Recommendation! Throughout life, the tastes and preferences of each person, as a rule, change several times. This applies both to music and literature, as well as to a sport and a specific footballer, the opinion of which may change even after one unsuccessful interview, in which an athlete in certain issues can inadvertently "hook on" his fan and forever ruin the good about himself impression. That's why before applying a football-themed tattoo, you need to think many times whether it is worth resorting to such radical measures just to support your favorite team and show your individuality in this way.

Tattoo in honor of the famous football player - Maradonna

Tattoos of famous football players

Tattoos are in great demand not only among fans, but also among their idols. However, famous athletes, oddly enough, rarely decide to imprint anything related to football on their bodies.

  1. David Beckham... Tattoos with the name of his wife Victoria in Hindi, with the names of his sons in the Gothic style, the image of the guardian angel and the number under which David plays, adorn the man's body.
  2. Andrey Voronin... A hot-tempered man, with the help of the image of a snake on his left hand, tried to project wisdom and endurance onto himself.
  3. Diego Maradona... This footballer has a number of portraits of radical left-wing leaders.
  4. Andrey Shevchenko... One very important event in the life of an athlete, about which we can only guess, is captured in the form of a fire-breathing dragon on his left shoulder.
  5. Ronaldo... The athlete, famous for his numerous novels, honored only one girl with her initials on his arm. The man's shin also has a tattoo made in honor of his beloved son.
  6. Sergio Ramos... And this football player is completely painted with all kinds of tattoos from head to hips. Most of the images are inscriptions and symbols in various languages.
  7. Daniel Agger... A man from this list stands out not only for his passion for tattoos. The footballer also likes to act as a tattoo artist in his free time. The athlete's body is adorned with a stunning image of a Viking and winged expressions.

Football motif tattoo, the image of a favorite football player


From early childhood, I was forced to watch football, because there was only one TV at home, and dad and grandfather terrorized the whole family with such gatherings of fans. At first it pissed me off, but then I got a taste and also became a fan) My opinion was finally confirmed when I first saw handsome Beckham, who conquered my heart at first sight both as a football player and as a man. As a teenager, I already dreamed of a tattoo depicting my favorite player, but my parents, of course, were not happy with this idea. After much persuasion, dad took pity on me and took me to the salon personally. Now I have David under my left breast and I am incredibly happy!

Tanya, Omsk

Manchester United FC fan tattoo

And my whole body is crammed with the insignia of the England national team, which I have been doing systematically since I was twenty-two. I really like my tattoos, my friends also checked it out, but not so long ago I ran into one problem: girls consider it tasteless, and many do not at all understand what is depicted on me and why. Recently, I have only met with the fans of my favorite team, they are certainly delighted)

Peter, Kemerovo

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Sketches of Football Tattoos

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