Home Useful Tips The theme of shoes in the second junior group is drawing. Drawing lesson on the topic "Clothes, shoes and hats" in the senior group. Surprise moment "What's in the chest?"

The theme of shoes in the second junior group is drawing. Drawing lesson on the topic "Clothes, shoes and hats" in the senior group. Surprise moment "What's in the chest?"

Theme : "New Year's Kaleidoscope"

Software content:

1. Formation of interest of kids in the New Year's holiday in different types of activities.

2. Attraction to active participation in productive activities on the New Year's theme.

3. Learning to play "next to" with peers, without interfering with each other.

4. Creation of a joyful mood and emotional response to holiday events.

Final event:"Let's decorate the Christmas tree!" decorating the Christmas tree with toys made by children together with their parents; (Friday evening.)

Planning educational work

Day of week


children's activities

(centers of activity,

all rooms of the group)

Interaction with Parents /

social partners





Morning. Gymnastics "On a visit to the Christmas tree" No. 8 see the appendix. Role-playing game "Builders" in order to develop imagination, broaden horizons,to form the ability to perform certain labor actions with the participation of adults. Carrying out simulation games: "We are spinning like snowflakes", "How different animals go to the Christmas tree holiday";

Reminder to children of the correct seating position at the table. Not talking while eating, we can choke, spill on ourselves or under the table.

Invite parents to listen to audio recordings with songs and fairy tales about the New Year




a holistic picture of the world)

Examining the Christmas tree. Target:Clarify and enrich ideas about the upcoming event - the New Year's holiday; teach to consider objects (Christmas tree, Christmas tree decorations) and answer questions during the examination. To activate the dictionary on the topic "New Year's holiday" (see "Complex lessons" by O.P. Vlasenko, page 137.)

Returning from a walk, KGN, dinner, work before bed

Situational conversation about safety (do not turn on hot water, do not splash with water, do not indulge in soap), about the benefits of water.

Reading fiction "Teremok"

Situational conversations cleanliness and order in the group, reminding children about the benefits of washing their hands and wiping them dry.

Illustrations for the fairy tale"Teremok"




Staging of situations familiar to children, simple literary texts (familiar fairy tales, poems) in order to teach imitation of the heroes of a fairy tale, to develop dialogical speech.

playing a game called "Put it together" or "Where does the toy live" in order to continue to encourage children to put toys in their place

situational conversations with children about cultural and hygienic skills: -Continue to teach how to properly hold a spoon while eating, use a napkin, eat carefully;

Introduction of illustrations of familiar fairy tales, flannelegraph.

Day of week


Joint activities of an adult and children

taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for independent

children's activities

(centers of activity,

all rooms of the group)

Interaction with Parents /

social partners



Educational activities in times of security



Morning. Gymnastics, conducting didactic games (cut pictures "Santa Claus", "Snowman" in order to teach how to compose a picture from parts, develop attention. role play : "The doll is having lunch" Objectives: to give initial knowledge about the items necessary for cooking and eating, to form the ability to perform individual labor actions with the participation of adults.

using the game exercise "How we wash our palms and wring out the handles" Objective: to consolidate the skills of self-service

cut pictures "Santa Claus" "," Snowman "

Bringing a doll with toy cutlery for role play

Invite parents to look at a Christmas tree on the street, a decorated Christmas tree at home;



(sensorics, constructive


(paper plastic) Festive Christmas tree. Target:Teach children to create an image of an elegant holiday Christmas tree based on an unfinished composition (silhouette of a Christmas tree). Teach the elements of paper plastic: tear paper napkins into pieces, crumple them into lumps. Develop a sense of form, color and rhythm.(see IA Lykova "Visual activity in kindergarten. Early age. Page 45.)

Returning from a walk, KGN, dinner, work before bed

Reading "Zayushkina hut"

WITH Conversations about the importance of hand washing the correct use of the towel; the use of nursery rhymes about water, washing "Water, water ..", "Warm water .."



The culture

See the appendix: "Physical education, lesson number 11"


Carrying out gymnastics in bed "Stretching" (see appendix);

conducting an experimenting game with paper "Snowballs!" in order to get acquainted with the properties of paper, to develop interest in the game.

Accompaniment of feeding with an explanation of what dishes children eat, about their benefits and significance for health.

Prepare half a sheet of paper for each child, illustration "Children playing snowballs"

Day of week


Joint activities of an adult and children

taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for independent

children's activities

(centers of activity,

all rooms of the group)

Interaction with Parents /

social partners



Educational activities in times of security



Morning. Gymnastics, observation of the work of the assistant educator (what he does, what he uses (tools)) Tasks: to acquaint with the basic safety rules during work; role-playing game "Hairdressers" in order to familiarize the profession of a hairdresser, to teach to self-combing, to teach to maintain a neat appearance.

To teach to keep clean at the table, eat carefully, without rushing, completely chewing food.

Bringing in equipment for role play"Hairdressers"

Invite parents to look at New Year's toys with their child.


Artistic creation


(collective composition)Festive Christmas tree.

To teach to lead a brush along the pile and to draw straight lines - "Branches" To form methods of visual and tactile examination of objects. (see IA Lykova "Visual activity in kindergarten. Early age. Page 45.)

Returning from a walk, KGN, dinner, work before bed

Reading folk nursery rhymes about food, about food intake, dishes.

Situational conversations with the aim of consolidating the kgn.

Teach children to thank Jr. teacher and chefs who prepared delicious meals.



According to the plan of the music director


Observing the cleaning of an adult in the playroom, engaging in elementary labor activity (remove toys); didactic games: Bathing the doll "," putting the doll to sleep "," dressing the doll "," helping the doll Katya to make the bed. "

Using game situations to teach the order of dressing and undressing. Teach children to take off their shoes and put them in a locker on their own.

Add an image of a balloon, a toy bear for playing out game situations

Day of week


Joint activities of an adult and children

taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for independent

children's activities

(centers of activity,

all rooms of the group)

Interaction with Parents /

social partners



Educational activities in times of security



Morning. Gymnastics, conducting the game "Snowman caught a cold". To form a value-based attitude towards your health, the ability to avoid situations that bring health time d

Role-playing game "Construction" in order to develop imagination, broaden horizons,to form the ability to perform certain labor actions with the participation of adults.

situational conversations on compliance with safety rules during meals, washing, gathering for a walk.

Bring in the toy (image) of the snowman.Building material, toys for playing with buildings

Invite parents to learn a poem about a Christmas tree;



Find each snowman a Christmas tree.Purpose: To teach to listen carefully and observe, to activate the vocabulary on the topic, to cultivate a caring attitude towards plants (Christmas tree) (see "Complex lessons" by O. P. Vlasenko, page 139.)

Returning from a walk, KGN, dinner, work before bed

Carrying out the game "We wash our face". Continue to develop the ability to use soap correctly, gently wash your hands, face, and wipe dry after washing your face.

Reading "Bubble, straw and bast shoe"

Using models for washing

Physical education

See the appendix: "Physical education, lesson number 12"


Carrying out a s / r game "We are waiting for guests."To form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (mother, guest), to learn to use definition words in speech, to develop coherent speech.

organizing and conducting role play : "The doll has a birthday" Objectives: to give initial knowledge about the items necessary for cooking and eating,

Doll, toys for playing around with birthday.

Day of week


Joint activities of an adult and children

taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for independent

children's activities

(centers of activity,

all rooms of the group)

Interaction with Parents /

social partners



Educational activities in times of security



Morning. Gymnastics, viewing illustrations and paintings on the theme "New Year's Kaleidoscope" in order to continue to acquaint with the peculiarities of celebrating the new year;conducting a role-playing game "Dolls visiting children": to consolidate the skills to set the table and invite the dolls to drink tea.

motivating children to eat ("Masha and Porridge", music by T. Nazarova, lyrics by N. Naydenova);

Introduction of illustrations and paintings on the theme "New Year's Kaleidoscope", Dolls, and pear-shaped dishes for "tea drinking"

Invite parents to walk through the snowy town on the main square of the city, watch the snow maiden's ice house with a child;


Artistic creation


The molding is embossed. What a Christmas tree! Target:Continue to learn to roll out the flagella and attach it to the columnar trunk. To learn to use a stack - to divide the column into pieces. To develop a sense of form. (See IA Lykov "Artistic activity in kindergarten. Early age. Page 43.)

Returning from a walk, KGN, dinner, work before bed

Game situation "the bunny got sick." (the bunny ate a dirty carrot) Purpose: to introduce vegetables (carrots) to their beneficial properties, how they affect health. Tell that it is necessary to wash vegetables with water.

situational conversation about the rules of behavior at the table (chew with your mouth closed, use a napkin, drink from a cup);

I bring in building material, a toy bunny, a clean and dirty carrot


Physical education

See the appendix: "Physical education, lesson number 13"


Game event:"Let's decorate the Christmas tree!" decorating the Christmas tree with toys made by children together with their parents;

Tidying up the playroom.

Finger gymnastics "Let's warm our fingers" - to form ways of protection from the cold;

situational conversation “Why do we need mittens?”: to foster the desire to take care of our health.

Herringbone, toys made by children together with their parents.


1. "Cognition" (development of sensory culture): Teach Nikita B., Ilya V. name animals (bunny, chanterelle, bear, squirrel) in the picture, toys.

(Construction): Teach Vika Z., Leroux O. to construct buildings according to the model.

2. "Cognition" (development of horizons)Cultivate interest in children

(Sasha V., Vika H., Senya I.) to folk toys, highlight their properties, qualities and methods of use.

3.4 " Communication "," Reading fiction "Help children answer the simplest and more difficult questions. Dasha D., Vladika M., Egora B

5. "Artistic creation"(modeling): To teach Ramil M., Angelina D. to roll out lumps of plasticine in a circular motion.

6. Music: Learn. Marata G., Slavitsa P. to coordinate movements with music.

7 .Physical education:Continue to teach to repeat the movements behind the teacher (Nikita B., Angelina D.)

8. Health: Continue to teach Vika T. to wash her hands as they get dirty and before eating. Strengthen the ability to use your towel.

9. Socialization: Promote the desire of Sasha V. to independently select toys and attributes for the game.

10. Labor: Involve Sasha V. in folding toys into place.

to introduce to the Russian festive culture, to consolidate the knowledge of children about the public holiday "New Year". Expand and activate the vocabulary of children. Develop attention, speech, fine and general motor skills, perception, creativity, independence; To activate the dictionary on the topic "New Year's holiday" To cultivate friendly relations with each other.




Topic of the week: "New Year"

Tasks : to introduce to the Russian festive culture, to consolidate the knowledge of children about the public holiday "New Year". Expand and activate the vocabulary of children. Develop attention, speech, fine and general motor skills, perception, creativity, independence; To activate the dictionary on the topic "New Year's holiday" To cultivate friendly relations with each other.

Final activities:Exhibition of drawings "New Year's toys" Date: 12/30/2016

Day of week


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)




Educational activities in times of security

Monday 26.12


Conversation: "Hello, winter is winter!" - To expand children's ideas about the characteristic features of winter nature (cold, it snows, people put on winter clothes). Learn to notice the beauty of winter nature. (View illustrations and presentations about winter.)

Role-playing game "Builders" in order to develop imagination, broaden horizons,to form the ability to perform certain labor actions with the participation of adults. Carrying out simulation games: "We are spinning like snowflakes", "How different animals go to the Christmas tree holiday";

Game "Clap" ("Top"). Purpose: to develop attention

Reminder to children of the correct seating position at the table. Not talking while eating, we can choke, spill on ourselves or under the table.

Building material, toys for playing with buildings


Cognitive development

Theme: "Party with toys" K.Z. PAGE 128

Tasks: Clarify and enrich ideas about the upcoming event - the New Year's holiday; teach to consider objects (Christmas tree, Christmas tree decorations) and answer questions during the examination. Activate the dictionary on the topic "New Year's holiday"

Walk I

Observation "Spruce in winter" - Continue to acquaint children with the characteristic features of the spruce, to teach to find the parts of the tree named by the teacher.

Role-playing game "Streets of the City" - to acquaint children with the work of a janitor; teach to develop a game plot using the existing experience; cultivate a benevolent attitude towards game partners.

Labor: Help the janitor in cleaning the area. - Develop the desire to work.

"Catch the ball!" goal: to consolidate the ability to catch and throw the ball correctly.

Learning to dress ourselves Objective: developing self-service skills

Provision of external material for fun games

After sleep

Conversation about vitamins Purpose: to acquaint children with the concept of "vitamins". Explain to children what they are for.

Building material games

"Houses, sheds"

Purpose: to train children in the assimilation of spatial concepts (in front, behind, below, above, left, right).

"Ladder and slide"

Purpose: to teach to put the cubes on top of each other, putting them to each other, to consolidate the concept of a plate, to encourage to beat the building, to consolidate the knowledge of the names of colors.

Conversation "Parts of the Body" goal: Formation of ideas about the structure of the human body and health

Posters, illustrations, books for conversations on the topics "ABC of Health"


Physical development

Walk II

Observations of shrubs on the territory of the kindergarten

"Little white bunny is sitting" - to teach children to listen to the text and perform movements with the text; teach them to jump, clap their hands, run away after hearing the last words of the text; bring joy to children.

Hit the target. PURPOSE: to consolidate the ability to throw the ball at the target.

Labor assignments "collect toys at the site"

Ind. Conversation "How I clean toys at home" Purpose: to teach children to order.

External material for the organization of labor in nature


Reading: Y. Akim "First Snow" Reading: nursery rhyme "You are winter-winter ..."

C / role-playing game "Treat" -Development of children's ability to implement a game plan. After that, the teacher helps everyone to individually prepare "food", shows the game material. Substitutes, play utensils, toy dogs, fluffy collar.

D / and "Plant Christmas trees"

Purpose: to develop an orientation towards a quantitative trait.

(many are few) (Artyom, Arman)

Situational conversations cleanliness and order in the group, reminding children about the benefits of washing their hands and wiping them dry.

Contribution of books on the topic of the week

Working with parents

Invite parents to listen to audio recordings with songs and fairy tales about the New Year

Tuesday 27.12


"The doll is having lunch" - to give initial knowledge about the items necessary for cooking and eating, to form the ability to perform individual labor actions with the participation of adults.

Articulatory gymnastics Watch, football, Jam. Purpose: to develop the articulatory apparatus of children

"What is gone?" Purpose: development of attention

Learning a poem

Oh, and Moroz I. Ageeva pinches

Didactic game (cut pictures "Santa Claus", "Snowman" in order to teach how to compose a picture from parts, to develop attention.

Learning to wash properly. Purpose: education of CGN

cut pictures "Santa Claus" "," Snowman "

Bringing a doll with toy cutlery for role play


Cognitive development (FEMP)

Theme: “Number and count. Anchoring: number 3. Orientation in space. Left, right, top. Size, Fastening: large, smaller, small "E.V. Kolesnikova Mathematics for preschoolers 3-4 years old P.25

Tasks: Left, right, top. Big, smaller, small. continue to acquaint with the number 3; learn to distinguish equality in the number of objects, expressing the results of the definition in speech: equally, as much as; continue to learn to compare familiar objects in size, to denote the corresponding parameters with words (large, smaller, small); continue to learn to distinguish and name the spatial directions from yourself (left, right, above, below, in the middle);



According to the plan muz.ruk-la

Walk I

Watching the trees.

Purpose: to teach children to name and recognize trees by the crown, buds, branches, trunk; fix the names of trees, learn to recognize them. Remind children that plants do not die in winter, but, having accumulated moisture over the fall, fall asleep until spring.

Didactic game: "Who will remember all the items?"

Purpose: to activate the attention of children, to develop logical thinking.

An outdoor game "Find your color" - to form the ability to navigate in space, to distinguish between the main colors of the spectrum.

Labor: Feed the birds, encourage them to self-fulfill assignments.

An outdoor game "Collect the snowballs" - to teach children to walk and run in loose, without bumping into each other. (Boys)

Removing snow from the site - continue to learn how to use a scraper, shovel.

Formation of self-service skills - to teach how to undress and put clothes in a closet on your own.

External material to consolidate the rules of behavior in nature

After sleep

C / role-playing game "Family" - to form an idea of ​​collective housekeeping, family budget, family relationships, joint leisure activities, foster love, benevolent, caring attitude towards family members, interest in their activities.

"Decompose by color" (red, blue) (Danil, Ariana)

Finger game: "Masha put on a mitten" - to create a joyful mood, develop motor skills.

Children's independent games in the play corner.

Watching the cartoon "Say no to microbes" - to expand the understanding of the value of health, to form the desire to maintain a healthy lifestyle. To give an idea of ​​microbes, to form the need for hygiene in everyday life.

Posters, illustrations, books on life safety

Walk II

Observing changes in the weather. Purpose: to develop observation skills, vocabulary activation

Independent activities of children. "Train" - to teach children to walk and run in a convoy one at a time, to speed up and slow down, to make stops at a signal; to teach children to find their place in the column, not to push their comrades, to be attentive.

Exercises for the development of dexterity "Hit the target" -exercise in throwing at the target, develop dexterity. (Liza, Alina)

Conversation on the topic: “Be neat and attentive on the street during a walk - remind children about safety rules during a walk - be attentive, do not push each other, do not leave the site.

Equipment for amusement games


Reading "12 months" Purpose: to acquaint children with a new work for them, to learn to perceive the text, to correctly answer the questions posed.

Working in a book corner, gluing torn books

Nast. Lotto games, dominoes

S / r game Girlfriends met Purpose: fostering relationship skills

Materials and equipment for making albums, crafts, attributes

Working with parents

Invite parents to walk through the snowy town on the main square of the city, watch the snow maiden's ice house with a child;

Wednesday 28.12


Examination of illustrations and paintings on the theme "New Year's Kaleidoscope" in order to continue to acquaint with the peculiarities of the celebration of the new year;

Role-playing game

"Dolls visiting children": to consolidate the skills of setting the table and inviting the dolls to drink tea.

D / and "Pick by color" - to consolidate the knowledge of colors (optional)

Labor assignments to water indoor plants - to teach children to fulfill the duties of duty, to see the benefits of their work, to form skills related to caring for indoor plants.

Introduction of illustrations and paintings on the theme "New Year's Kaleidoscope", Dolls, toy dishes for "tea drinking"


Physical development

According to the plan of the physical instructor

HER Modeling / Applique

Theme : "Toys for the Christmas tree" E.V. Polozova Productive activities with young children

Page 112

Tasks: continue to learn to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a large pile and roll small balls between your palms, stick to a flat surface; develop fine motor skills; continue to teach to work slowly, carefully. develop imagination

Walk I

Weather Observing - Continue teaching kids to observe the weather. To consolidate the concept of "winter". Practice naming winter signs.

An outdoor game "One path, two paths ..." -Exercise in walking in various ways, orientation in space.

SRI "Chauffeurs" - to teach children to establish relationships in the game. To form the ability to interact in stories with two characters (driver-passenger). Encourage children to try to find their own attributes for a particular role.


Labor assignments: feeding wintering birds. Helping the teacher in clearing the site from snow.

Exercises to develop a sense of balance - walking on the board (Dima A., Kira)

Conversation "On the properties of snow." - Give an idea of ​​the characteristics of snow, its properties (cold, white, fluffy, melts from the heat). Conduct a visual experiment with melting snow.

Detachable material: scapulae, scrapers, panicles.

After sleep

Carrying out gymnastics in bed "Stretching"

conducting an experimenting game with paper "Snowballs!" in order to get acquainted with the properties of paper, to develop interest in the game.

Dramatization of the tale "Turnip" - arouse the desire to pronounce familiar phrases, develop speech.

CGN education - a situational conversation about washing hands with soap in order to learn how to properly soap with soap, rinse with water, and wipe dry with a towel.

Enrichment of the sensoric center

Walk II

Observing the work of the janitor.

Purpose: to form a positive attitude towards work.

adults; teach children with the help of an adult to sweep paths, use a brush or broom correctly,

help each other; cultivate diligence

Outdoor game "Snowflakes and the wind" Purpose: development of children's imagination, attentiveness, the ability to play in a team; exercise in running, make turns around yourself, in squats.

Exercises for practicing the basic movements "Bend Left-Right"

Formation of self-service skills - to consolidate the ability of children to put on tights on their own.

Portable material for independent and work activities


Listening to audio recordings of the sounds of the forest The goal is to foster a love of music, nature

Game-dramatization "Zayushkina hut" Purpose: to foster a love of dramatization (theater), to develop speech.

Musical and didactic game Toys are dancing

Purpose: To develop in children an idea of ​​the rhythm, to teach to remember and transmit a given rhythmic pattern

Formation of work skills - offer to shovel snow in one pile.

Enriching role-playing games with materials and attributes

Working with parents

Thursday 29.12


Consideration and discussion of toys brought by children - a fox, a hare, a bear, a wolf.

Articulatory gymnastics "Tell me how I am" - to develop the speech of children.

Attention game "Who's gone?" (wild animals) - to develop attention, memory, speech of children.

Memorizing poems "Santa Claus", "Fir-tree", reading nursery rhymes and chants about winter - cause a joyful mood from poetry and nursery rhymes.

CGN education when eating - to sit upright, eat neatly.

Enrichment of the mini-center "Theater"


HER Music

According to the plan muz.ruk-la

Development of speech

Theme: Reading the RNS "Snegurushka and the Fox" K.Z. PAGE 125

Tasks: Introduce a Russian folk tale; To form in children the ability to listen to a fairy tale; Answer questions of an adult; Activate vocabulary; Learn correctly, complete game tasks; Ability to tell about the hero of a fairy tale; Emotional perception of heroes.

Walk I

Sun Watching - Continue to introduce natural phenomena (sunny or not). Form concepts of the signs of winter.

Role-playing game "Bake pies" - to teach to set game goals, to perform appropriate game actions, to find in the environment the objects necessary for the game.

Self-playactivity of children with portable material

Exercises for the development of accuracy "Hit the target"

Fostering a respectful attitude towards things "Each thing has its own place on the shelf in the cabinet"

Work equipment

After sleep

Reading the fairy tale "Zayushkina hut" - to teach to listen carefully, to empathize with the heroes of the fairy tale.

Repetition of familiar poems by A. Barto from the series "Toys"

Situational conversation "New Year". Examination of a decorated herringbone. Teach children that toys should be put back in the closet after play.

Enrichment of the corner by fine arts, in accordance with the theme of the week

Walk II

Targeted walk around kindergarten "Look how winter is."

Independent activities of children on the site.

An outdoor game "Hares and a wolf" - to consolidate the ability of children to run scattered.

Exercises for the development of accuracy - throwing bags at a horizontal target. (Sasha, Timofey)

D / and "what kind of ice?" - children give a description of ice. - to teach children to select a relative adjective, to expand their vocabulary.

Prepare sandbags, hoops; shovels, molds, buckets - for independent activities.


Reading a Russian folk tale: "Snow Maiden". Promote the development of dialogical speech, listen and understand the question. Discussion of the read tale.

Game-situation "In the woods" -Involve children in a game situation, teach them to listen carefully to a fairy tale and follow the plot, enter the image, encourage them to answer. (Audio recordings for creating images of forest animals, hares, bears; pictures for the play "Sounds in the Forest".)

Making the album "winter"

Work in the music corner - to lay out musical instruments and name them. (Boys)

Education of the rules of good manners to teach children to take time off correctly.

Junk and natural material

Working with parents

Move the folder "January"

Friday 30.12


Conversation "Frosty days" Form an idea of ​​the seasons: winter; connections between seasons and weather; name the main signs of the winter period.

Did. sensory education game"Find a flower for a butterfly." to learn to distinguish colors, focusing on their uniformity or heterogeneity when applied and applied, to enrich speech with the phrases "the same color", "the same color".

Musical - didactic game "Guess what I'm playing" - A game for the development of timbre hearing.

Working in a natural cornerlearn to name the names of 2 - 3 plants correctly, name their parts: flower, leaf. (Girls)

Palch / Games "Snowball" "There is frost and wind in the yard" - to develop fine motor skills of hands.

Formation of independence when performing work - remove the mosaic after the game.

Exhibition decoration on the topic of the week




Theme: "New Year's toys" E.V. Polozova Productive activities with young children Page 108

Tasks: to teach to correlate drawing movements with a speech setting, a characteristic of the depicted phenomenon; in the process of drawing, create realistic images that are available in accordance with age. develop memory, imagination; continue to educate accuracy when working with visual materials.

Physical development

According to the plan of the physical instructor

Walk I

Bird Watching in Winter - to deepen knowledge about bird life in winter; develop the ability and desire to help them.

An outdoor game "Mother hen and chickens" - To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, to exercise in running in different directions and in crawling.

Remind the children of the safety rules in the winter on the site. the goal is to update and supplement children's ideas about the rules of behavior during a winter walk, to consider potentially dangerous situations, to teach them to avoid.

When undressing at bedtime, encourage you to take off your dress or shirt, then your shoes, teach you to take off your tights, and hang your clothes neatly on the back of the chair. Teach children to politely ask for help.

External material for consolidating the rules of conduct on the streets of the city

After sleep

Household labor - wash the designer together with the teacher

Constructor games - offer to build a garage for a car, beat a building

The final event on the topic of the week - entertainment "Visiting Grandma Riddles"

Verbal and didactic game D / and “what comes first, what then” - the children show the seasons in order - to consolidate the knowledge of the children about the seasons. Articulatory gymnastics "Horse" - clatter the tongue like horses clatter the formation of the correct sound pronunciation

Walk II

Competent pedestrian "- traffic rules event - as we cross the street.

Independent games of children with portable material.

P / and "Snowflakes and the wind" to consolidate the ability to act on the signal of the teacher

teach children to navigate in space, correctly perform basic movements when running

Develop the ability to see the beauty of nature - observation of snow-covered trees.

Sport equipment


Board-print games "Lotto" - to consolidate the ability to recognize and name wild animals.

Work in the sports corner to arrange sports equipment. Pasting art books.

Mosaic Purpose: the development of fine motor skills

Formation of communication skills - learning to play in pairs (puzzles)

Equipment for games-situations

Working with parents

Folding folders, folders for parents "New Year"

Municipal budgetary educational

institution "Kindergarten No. 10"


Thematic planning

In the 2nd junior group "Kolobok"

"New Year at the Gates"

implementation period: 2 weeks


M.V. Kopylova - educator

N.M. Muraleva - educator


Thematic planning in the 2nd junior group

Theme: "New Year at the Gates"

Terms of implementation: 2 weeks.

Purpose: To organize all kinds of children's activities around the theme of the New Year and New Year's holiday. Formation of a caring attitude towards birds.

A week


Week 1

1 day

Morning: Conversation about the upcoming holiday, the New Year tree. Examining illustration of a holiday tree.

Evening: Examining New Year's toys and decorations.

Working with parents:Ecological campaign "Feed the birds in winter"

To foster love and respect for folk traditions.

Create an atmosphere of festive mood.

Formation of a caring attitude towards birds and a desire to help them in difficult winter conditions. Involve the parents of the pupils to take an active part in this action.

2nd day

Morning: Looking at an album about wintering birds.

Evening: Singing New Year's songs, reading poetry.

Working with parents:The invention of his own feeder.

Draw the attention of children to the birds that live near us. To teach to take care of birds, watch them.

Arouse interest in singing, song activity, expressively read poetry.

To acquaint parents with the method of making various types of bird feeders.

Day 3

Morning: reading and playing with K. Chukovsky's poem "Christmas tree"

Evening: Application "Decorate Santa Claus mitten"

Working with parents:DIY Christmas toys - "Wintering birds"

Evoke an emotional response to the poem; answer questions about the content, reproduce the text based on the picture.

Teach children to make a pattern by correctly alternating shapes in shape.

To develop the creative potential of the pupils' parents.

4th day

Morning: Finger gymnastics "Here's what a Christmas tree"

Evening: Outdoor game "Dog and Sparrows"

Working with parents

Photo exhibition "We feed the birds"

Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Strengthen the knowledge of children about the characteristic movements of birds, teach them to imitate their voices.

Arouse the sympathy of children for the birds that starve and freeze in winter.

Day 5

Morning: Drawing with wax crayons "Herringbone in winter"

Evening: Didactic game "Let's show the bear how to meet guests"

Working with parents:Sliding folder "We celebrate the New Year at home with a child"

Teach unconventional drawing techniques.

Generate interest in role-playing games.

Teach parents to play new games with children.

2 week

1 day

Morning: Didactic game "Find the tallest tree"

Evening: Wintering Birds Coloring Pages

Working with parents

Construction of snow figures.

Classification of objects.

Fix the names of birds, strengthen children's drawing skills.

Promote the physical, intellectual, aesthetic development of children while walking.

2nd day

Morning: Didactic game "Collect the Christmas tree"

Evening: Observing the bird's dining room from the window. "New Year's ray" examining New Year's cards. Describe what is depicted on them.

Working with parents:Christmas tree for birds with gifts.

Teach how to add a whole image from several parts.

Give an idea to children about how birds winter; Show the connection between their life and the state of plants and nature in winter; cultivate respect for birds.

Help wintering birds survive the cold season; to draw the attention of children and parents to the fate of feathered friends.

Day 3

Morning: Word game "Hello, gray-haired grandfather"

Evening: Creative workshop "Visiting the Snow Maiden"

Development of thinking and speech.

To consolidate the ability to select epithets for a sample of a fabulous positive hero (Snow Maiden). Strengthen skills and abilities in working with paper, glue. Create an atmosphere of festive mood.

4th day

Morning: Examination of the Snow Maiden's fur coat.

Evening: Role-playing game "Dolls meet the New Year"

Working with parents:Making New Year's costumes.

Development of interest in a fairy-tale character, identify some of the features of clothing.

Encourage children to independently select attributes for children to work together.

Development of imagination, ingenuity.

Day 5

Morning: Coloring pages on the New Year's theme.

Evening: New Year's party "Lights lit up on the New Year tree"

Working with parents:New year greeting card.

Develop and strengthen children's drawing skills.

Develop children's emotional, performing and creative skills.


Group: Ijunior group number 2Theme: "New Year"

Purpose: to acquaint children with the traditions of celebrating the new year. Organize all kinds of children's activities around the New Years and New Years theme.

Final event: holiday "On a visit to the Christmas tree" Date of the final event: 12/25/2017

Responsible for the final event: educators, children, parents.

Day of week

Main part


DOW component












Morning exercises. Objectives: to create a positive emotional attitude. Consideration of plot pictures and conversation on the topic: "Santa Claus and the Christmas tree." Purpose: to create conditions for enriching the knowledge of children about the New Year holiday. Formation of communication skills and abilities of children.

Repeat the round dance "Pencil kids" To consolidate the ability to move in accordance with the music and text. Involve all children.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills of children. Create conditions for the formation of children's skills and abilities in behavior at the table, correctly hold a spoon in the right hand, take food with your lips, biting it off in small pieces.

Organize an exhibition of books on the topic of the week. Introduce a Christmas tree, tinsel, Christmas decorations, a toy of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden into the subject environment of the group. Consider them with the children.

Examining family photos. Purpose: to teach to recognize and name loved ones.

Monday 25.12.17

NOD: Musical holiday "On a visit to the Christmas tree"

Create conditions for a positive emotional state of children, enrich the kids with vivid impressions, encourage them to take an active part in the action.

Walk I :

Traveling through the territory of the site "Viewing snowflakes" Purpose - To create conditions for the formation of an idea of ​​winter; evoke an aesthetic experience from the beauty of winter nature, the joy of a walk. Under. game "Fox and Hares" - to teach how to quickly respond to a signal.

Individual work on the development of ATS: "Through the snowdrifts" exercise in walking with a high rise of the knees. Attract Lyova, Vika, Misha.

Labor: feed the birds arriving at the site. Form the ability to take care of birds in the cold season.

With the help of portable material, create conditions for the development of children's play activities. Learn to play together.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.Head massage.Hardening procedures.Preventive actions.Exercise for the eyes. Target:withto create conditions for the preservation and strengthening of children's health.

Didactic game "Mosaic" - to develop fine motor skills of the fingers. Attract Kolya, Maxim.

CHL: memorizing the finger game "Pie" Learn to listen carefully and memorize the text; repeat individual sentences with the teacher.

Offer children a Lego constructor. Learn to create small buildings and play with them.

GCD: Physical training.

Lizane p. 35.

Walk II :

Observing the snow. Pay attention to how the snow sparkles in the dark and creaks under your feet. Under. game "Crested Hen" - to develop physical activity of children.

Individual work with Nikita, Kolya - to teach children to take off their clothes and put them in a closet on their own.

Strengthen the skills of washing, contribute to the implementation of the skill consciously and with pleasure.

Independent play activity of children during a walk. Develop physical activity in children.


Role-playing game: "In a toy store" to form the ability to perform several actions with one object and transfer familiar actions from one object to another.

Individual work on drawing "Balls for kittens" - to consolidate the ability to draw in a circle, in a spiral line without taking your hands off the sheet. Get Ralina, Nicole.

Assignment "Each toy has its place" Teach after the game to put toys in their places. Foster hard work.

Board games "Puzzles", "Mosaic", "Buttons" Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Working with parents:

Folder - slide "Winter"

Day of week

Main part


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

National and cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in times of security









Morning exercises. Objectives: to develop physical activity, create a positive emotional attitude. "What we do in winter" looking at pictures of adults.

Instruct Vika to water the indoor flowers. Foster hard work.

To teach children to thank an adult after a meal, to encourage children to active speech reactions.

Offer children blank sheets of paper, colored pencils, felt-tip pens. Develop the creativity of children.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017


GOD: 1.Muse. class

According to the plan of a specialist.

2. Cognition (FTSKM and IC).

Topic: "Consideration of illustrations about the New Year's holiday"

Learn to understand the content of the picture, name the characters, their actions. Foster a desire to take part in the holiday. To consolidate the knowledge of the concepts of "big - small", to exercise in using them in speech.N. Golitsyna p. 60

Walk I :

Birch observation. Draw the attention of children to the trunk of a birch, examine it, stroke it. Develop observation skills. Labor: clearing snow from the bench. Foster hard work. Under. the game "Sparrows and the car" - to develop the physical activity of children.

Individual work on the development of speech with Roma, Nicole, Kolya. Finger game "Little gray hare sits ..."

Washing. Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children, to teach children to roll up their sleeves, wash their hands with soap, and use their own towel.

With the help of external material, create conditions for the development of independent play activities.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.Objectives: to develop physical activity, create a positive emotional attitude. Walking massage paths.

Didactic game "Multi-colored caps" - learn to recognize and name colors. Attract Ralina, Lyova.

CHL: I. Akim "Yolka". Purpose: to create conditions for the development of a stable interest in the reading process in children, to develop a desire to listen to a poem.

Games in activity centers of the children's choice. Learn to play amicably, use toys, share with friends.

NOD: Musical development

Walk II :

Continue observing the birch. To cultivate a respect for plants. Under. game "Bubble" to consolidate the ability to move in accordance with the text.

Individual work with Lyova, Vika "What's in the bag" - to learn to identify an object by touch.

Didactic game: "Let's dress the Masha doll for a walk." Purpose - To create conditions for the formation of skills and abilities to dress with the help of an adult in the correct sequence, to enrich the knowledge of children about seasonal clothing.

Portable material for the organization of labor in nature and games. Promote the ability to play amicably.


Role-playing game "New Year's Treats for Friends" Purpose - Development of children's communication skills. Formation of friendly relationships in children.

Individual sculpting with Nikita, Misha - to teach how to sculpt round objects.

Musical - rhythmic movements: imitation of animal movements to the music "Hares", "Bears" The goal is to create conditions for the formation of emotional responsiveness in children to a piece of music.

Board games. Develop the ability to play together.

Working with parents:

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Day of week

Main part


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

National and cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in times of security









Morning exercises in the group to create a positive emotional mood in the group

Examination of illustrations "Winter fun" Develop the speech of children.

Individual working with Masha to teach her to roll up her sleeves, wash her hands on her own, find her own towel and dry her hands.

To teach children to be polite, to form a respectful attitude towards each other; create situations that contribute to the formation of an attentive, caring attitude towards others.

Suggest board games: mosaics, buttons, puzzles. Develop perseverance, the ability to bring the game to the end.

Wednesday 27.12.17


Topic: Poems about the New Year's holiday.

F / N: to teach to listen to literary works with and without the display of toys, to encourage to finish words, phrases. To consolidate the knowledge of the names of flowers, toys, to activate speech. Create a joyful mood in anticipation of the holiday.

N. Golitsyna p. 62

Walk I :

Bird watching in winter

Objectives: To deepen knowledge of bird life in winter. develop the ability and desire to help them.

Labor: shoveling snow with shovels, clearing the path. Purpose: to teach to work together, to achieve the goal by common efforts. Under. game "Catch" to exercise in running with dodge.

Individual game on physical fitness "We stamp our feet ..." to teach to repeat movements for adults. Attract Kolya, Maxim, Roma.

Conversation "Frosty days" Form an idea of ​​the seasons: winter; connections between seasons and weather; name the main signs of the winter period.

During the walk, create conditions for independent play activity using external material: scapulae, buckets, molds.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.Walking barefoot on a massage mat.Preventiveactivity.Exercises for prof. colds.

Individual work with Misha, Nikita "Assemble the pyramid" Purpose: to form operations for comparing the ring of the pyramid and collect it from the large ring to the small one.

CHL: Ya. Akim "The Christmas tree is dressing up" Purpose: To create conditions for the development of a stable interest in children in the process of reading, memorization of the read work.

Board games: mosaic, puzzles, buttons. Develop perseverance, the desire to bring the game to the end.

GCD: Physical training.

Exercise in walking on a ribbed board, in the ability to get on and off a box, to introduce you to throw from behind the head with two hands, to develop attention and orientation in space.Lizane p. 35.

Walk II :

Continue observing bird behavior at the feeder. Purpose: to develop the ability and desire to help them. Under. game: "Birds and a cat" - teach to quickly respond to a signal.

Exercise Nikita, Roma in overcoming obstacles.

To continue to teach to notice disorder in clothes and to eliminate it with the help of adults or other children - to educate neatness, respect for things.

With the help of external material, create conditions for independent play activities during a walk.


Subject r / s: "Let's build a house for the bunnies." The goal is to develop the communication skills of children. Formation of friendly relationships in children.

Rolling the ball to each other with Nicole, Ralina, Nikita, Roma. Exercise in pushing off the ball with both hands.

D / game "Where is what lies?" Purpose: To create conditions for the formation of skills and abilities in children in the implementation of the simplest work assignments. Raising hard work in children.

Games with musical instruments. Develop a sense of rhythm and hearing.

Working with parents:

Ask parents to make bird feeders and bring food.

Day of week


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

National and cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in times of security









Morning exercises in the group. Purpose: to develop the physical activity of children. Examination of Christmas tree decorations.

Didactic game “Collect the picture (cut pictures) - develop logic and thinking. Attract Lyova, Vika, Ralina.

Games - finger warm-ups. Repeat familiar games, consolidate the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Games with a constructor at the tables "Benches for nesting dolls" - to teach to build buildings, to name the details of the constructor.

Thursday 28.12.17

GCD: 1. Modeling.

Theme: "Fir-tree"

F / N: learn to roll out plasticine with direct movements between the palms, make up the simplest images. Strengthen the skills of working in the technique of plasticinography.N. Golitsy page 64

Walk I :

Vegetation observation

Objectives: to form knowledge about the life of plants in winter; foster respect for nature. Labor: put feed into bird feeders. To cultivate a respect for birds. Under. game "Shaggy Dog" - to teach how to quickly respond to a signal.

Exercise a subgroup of children in two-legged jumping in place.

Dressing and undressing: D / game "Sly shoes"

Purpose: to create conditions for the development of skills to fasten, unfasten the fasteners on sandals, undress / dress in the correct sequence, carefully hang clothes on the highchair.

Independent activities of children on the site with portable material. Purpose: to foster independence in the organization of joint activities.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.Walking massage paths.Tempering prospices.

In the process of playing with toys and building materials, develop Kolya and Masha's interest in the world around them, form a respectful attitude towards others.

CHL: Russian folk tale "Rukavichka" Teach to listen carefully, talk about the content.

Independent games in activity centers. Games with didactic material. To develop the ability to play together in a team, the desire to share toys.

GCD: Musical Activity

"Visiting the rattle"

Purpose: to acquaint with a new musical instrument - a rattle.

Walk II :

Continue observing vegetation. Draw the attention of children to the beauty of the winter landscape. Under. game "Snowflakes" to develop physical activity of children.

Repeat with all the children the round dance "Kids-pencils" Strengthen the ability to perform movements to the music.

Strengthen washing skills: be careful; do not wet clothes, do not spray water, gently soap handles.

Portable material for games on the site - shovels, buckets, cars.


Role-playing game "Shop" - to arouse children's interest in the profession of a seller, to form the skills of a culture of behavior in public places, to foster friendly relations.

Didactic game "Remember the movement" Purpose: exercise in the ability to memorize and reproduce the shown movements. Involve a subgroup of children.

Conversation about order in the group and in the play areas. To foster a respectful attitude towards the work of adults and towards the products and things they produce.

Games for the formation of fine motor skills: puzzles, mosaics.

Working with parents:

Consultation for parents “Seasons. Winter"

Day of week

Main part


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

National and cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in times of security









Morning exercises Objectives: development of physical qualities;

accumulation and enrichment of motor experience. Conversation: "How do I like the New Year?" - to form the skill of children to convey in speech their ideas about winter, impressions, refer to personal experience.

Individual work with Kolya "Buttons" Learn to find and name the desired color, develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Labor in a corner of nature: invite children to water flowers in a group. Foster a desire to help elders.

Independent activity in activity centers. Improve the ability to play together.

Friday 29.12.17

GCD: 1. Drawing.

Topic: "Christmas toys - balls, crackers"

F / N: teach the adhesion technique, find the similarity of your drawings with objects. Create a mood of joyful anticipation of the holiday.N. Golitsyna p. 63

Walk I :

Observing the work of the janitor. Develop observation and attention. Labor: help the janitor clear the snow from the path. Under. game "Sparrows and the car" - to consolidate the ability to quickly respond to a signal.

Ind. work with Nikita, Maxim - to consolidate the ability to turn clothes inside out, to continue to form the ability of children to dress independently in a certain sequence.

CGN: correctly sit at the table, move the chair closer to the table, hold the spoon correctly, observe the order of dishes.

Creation of conditions for gaming activities. Purpose: to encourage children to organize games, find something to do with their interests, develop imagination.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Massage of the chest area.

Hardening procedures.Walking on the massage track.

Individual work with Nicole, Ralina in the book corner. Strengthen the ability to look at illustrations, make up a short story about what he saw.

Situational conversation "Masha caught a cold." Teach children to take care of their health.

Ball games. Strengthen the ability to catch and throw the ball up.

GCD: Physical culture entertainment

"Journey to the winter fairyland"

Target: to consolidate the ability to walk in a column one by one, to maintain balance while walking trail to trail, to perform skills of throwing at a target, to develop an eye.

Walk II :

Continue monitoring the janitor's work. Consider the inventory that he uses for the job. To develop memory, attention, to activate the speech of children. Under. the game "Bears - babies" to promote the development of physical activity of children. Games with portable material.

Exercise children in walking and running with the whole group in a straight direction behind the teacher.

Situational conversation "Behavior at the table" - to form Ph.D., to consolidate the norms of behavior at the table, to form the skill of eating carefully, to use a napkin.

Self-guided walking activities. Role-playing games at the request of children.


Role-playing game "We meet the New Year" - to teach how to reflect in the game the impressions of celebrating the New Year.

Individual work with Nikita, Kolya, Misha - teach children to say goodbye to their peers.

Household labor. Teach children to put toys after themselves into place.

To foster diligence and a desire to help elders.

Board games. Develop perseverance, the ability to bring the game to the end.

Working with parents:

Individual conversations at the request of parents.


Group: second youngest Theme: "Hello New Year!" Fourth week of December

Purpose: To introduce children to the festive culture. Provide every child with rest (passive, active), emotional well-being. To contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of general joy, good mood.

Final event: holiday"Hello New Year", exhibition of children's creativity Date of the final event:

Responsible for the final event: group educators, musical instructors.

Day of week


Integration of educational areas














physical the culture






Reading x / l

Artistic work.


Morning exercises.

Examining illustrations depicting a Christmas tree. Coordination of the word with the movement "Yolka" by K. Chukovsky

Repeat poetry for the holiday

A situational conversation about the rules for using a napkin at the table. D / u "Bunny invited a bear"

Add a Christmas tree, decoration to the group. Enrichment of the Frosty Days game with materials, demonstration of game actions. Independent activities of children in activity centers

Involve parents in preparing for the holiday.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents


Music, Communication

Musical activity (according to the plan of the musical director)

Artist. creative., Art. lit., Cognition

Artistic creativity (drawing) Drawing "Herringbone" (paints) To teach to convey the image of a Christmas tree. Use paints and a brush correctly (rinse the brush in water and blot it on a napkin). Develop the ability to position the image on the entire sheet of paper.









Reading x / l,

Artist. creation,


Help children notice and name changes in nature in winter.

P / and "Santa Claus".

Did. game "Who is doing what", enrichment of speech with verbs

Exercise Vanya, Petya, Natasha in jumping on two legs

Pin post dressing and undressing.,

d / y "Let's show the bear how to put things in the dressing cabinet"

Self-guided walking activities.

Role-playing game "Bear Cubs"


Recreational gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage paths. Theatrical and play creativity, recall familiar fairy tales, encourage dramatization

With Katya, Polina - find one and many objects

Situational conversation about the fact that everything should be in its place "How we remove toys"

S / r game "Frosty days", to give an emotional charge of cheerfulness, joy of perception of the coming winter, holiday. Involve in a game situation, encourage improvisation.


P / and "Who will throw the snow next", independent activity of children. Games-experiments with snow (why does the snowflake in the palm of your hand melt?)

Day of week




Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners




Educational activities in times of security











physical the culture




Labor, knowledge


Reading x / l

Artistic work.


Morning exercises.

Conversation about the holiday, who comes to visit? What brings? To form the ability to conduct a dialogue: listen and understand the question, it is clear to answer it.

Repeat the verse with Tanya, Misha Roma. To Chukovsky "Yolka"

Examination of pictures, conversation "To be healthy, you need to eat well"

Enrichment of centers with materials on the topic. Independent activities of children in activity centers

Joint work of children and parents to remove snow from the site.

^ Directly educational activities

Cognition. Communicator


Cognitive and research activities: REMP Learn to compare two objects in length using the overlay technique; to intensify the use in speech of the expressions "in large quantities", "equally", "as much as"

Physical Education










Reading x / l,

Artist. creation,


Watching the snowfall the snow has adorned the trees and bushes, sparkles in the sun.

P / and "Find your place", orientation in space

Ind. work on the development of movements: crawling under the arc.

Situational conversation about how to dress in order not to get sick?

Д / у "Let's dress a doll for a walk"

Removal of equipment for labor on the site (blades). Independent activities of children.


Wellness exercises after sleep. Game exercises for the development of articulation (onomatopoeia, phrase-mongering)

Individual work in the center of activity, production of Christmas tree garlands

To teach how to behave in a group, d / u "We will teach a bunny to share with a friend"

Role-playing game "Family", free activity of children in the centers of activity. Adding Kids Creativity Materials to the Activity Center


Role-playing games at the choice of children. Observing the weather. P / and "Mice and a cat". Joint work of children and parents to remove snow from the site. Foster a desire to participate in the workforce.

Day of week




Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners




Educational activities in times of security











physical the culture






Reading x / l

Artistic work.


Morning exercises.

Conversation about the New Year's holiday, to consolidate knowledge of the features of the holiday. Encourage children to independently complete elementary assignments: prepare materials for classes.

With Katya, Lenya, Zhenya, fix the names of indoor plants, ways of caring for them

Learn to greet affably when you meet,

d / and "Let's teach the bear to say hello"

Add decorations for the group and the tree. Children play independently in activity centers.

Consultation "Holidays with the family"

Individual consultations on request.

^ Directly educational activities

Artistic work.



Artistic letter.

Productive activity. Sculpt "Christmas tree rattle" To form an interest in sculpting, to consolidate the ability to sculpt an object consisting of two parts (a ball and a stick). Learn to connect parts by pressing them tightly together

Physical Education


Motor activity: Physical culture








Reading x / l,

Artist. creation,


Bird watching (sparrows). Teach not to frighten the birds. Tell them that they are hungry, feed the birds. Watch the flying birds.

P / and "Along a flat track."

Individual work with children to consolidate the knowledge of colors

Remind the children to help each other remind them how to politely request and thank. D / and "How to make a request"

Experimenting with snow

(shape change).


Recreational gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage paths.

Individual work with children to fix the primary colors

Situational conversation about behavior in a group: do not push, do not take away toys.

Exhibition of Russian folk tales about animals, reading at the request of children.


Independent play activities of children on the site, games of their choice. Remind you of a friendly attitude towards each other. P / and "Train". Experiment game "What is the color of the snow"

Day of week




Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners




Educational activities in times of security











physical the culture




Labor, knowledge


Reading x / l

Artistic work.


Morning exercises.

Submit for viewing illustrations of the palace of Father Frost in Veliky Ustyug. Reading New Year's poems, develop intonational expressiveness of speech.

Consolidation with children of knowledge of the circle, square, triangle, d / and "Guess the shape of the object"

Remember with the children the nursery rhyme "Vodichka, vodichka". To instill the skills to keep hands clean.

Selection of material for artistic and creative activities: the construction of the palace of Santa Claus.

Independent activities of children in activity centers.

Individual advice on request.

Consultation "Games around the Christmas tree"

Joint labor of children and parents on construction on the section of the hill.

^ Directly educational activities

Physical Education


Motor activity: Physical culture

Artistic letter.


Reading fiction. Reading the Russian folk tale "Snow Maiden and the Fox", arr. M. Bulatova. To acquaint children with a Russian folk tale, with the image of a fox (different from the image of foxes from other fairy tales), exercise lamentations in an expressive reading of a passage.









Reading x / l,

Artist. creation,


Watching the wind, an experimenting game "Who rocks the trees?"

P / and "Charging animals"

Individual work "Jump up higher"

Conversation about the rules of conduct "You can - you can not"

Narrative games at the choice of children.

Removal of equipment for playing with a ball and a stick (elements of hockey)


Exercise after sleep.

Hardening procedures

Work in the art center, production of "New Year's pictures"

Games for the development of non-speech processes "Find the same", "Choose the shape".

Situational conversations with children.

C / r game "Palace of Santa Claus". Develop creativity, imagination, improve constructive skills.

Independent activities of children in activity centers.


Cloud observations (shape, color, how they move, why?)

Independent play activities of children on the site, games of their choice.

Joint work of children and parents on the construction of the slide.

Day of week




Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners




Educational activities in times of security











physical the culture




Labor, knowledge


Reading x / l

Artistic work.


Morning exercises.

Conversation about the holiday. How and who prepares at home for the holiday? How did you decorate the Christmas tree? Who will come to visit. To form the ability to conduct a dialogue: listen and understand the question, it is clear to answer it.

Game exercises for the development of articulation (onomatopoeia, phrase-mongering "

Talking about family members, reinforcing the ability to call names. D / and "Cut pictures", to develop the ability in joint games to follow the increasingly complex rules

Free activity of children in activity centers.

Enrichment with material for the role-playing game "Kindergarten".

Individual conversations and consultations upon request.

holiday "Hello New Year", an exhibition of children's creativity

^ Directly educational activities

holiday "Hello New Year"

To introduce children to the festive culture. Provide every child with rest (passive, active), emotional well-being. To contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of general joy, good mood.









Reading x / l,

Artist. creation,

Observations of the sun, to form interest in the phenomena of inanimate nature "Where does the sun spend the night?"

Ind. work on the development of movements

Observing the games of children, the teacher's story about the benevolent attitude towards comrades

Independent activities of children for a walk, games of their choice. Pay attention to the relationship of children, to the way out of conflict situations.

Experimenting with the wind (spinner)


Exercise after sleep. Hardening.

Conversation about the past holiday. Decoration of the exhibition of children's works "New Year's Pictures"

Vocabulary work with Pasha, Valya, Petya game "What, what, what" (fixing colors)

Situational conversation about honesty.

Independent activities of children in the centers of creativity.

Work on caring for plants (which need watering before the weekend).


Observing weather changes. Independent games for children. P / and "From bump to bump" ".

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