Home Vegetables Allah guide you on the correct true path. Whom does the Almighty instruct on the true path? From the point of view of psychology

Allah guide you on the correct true path. Whom does the Almighty instruct on the true path? From the point of view of psychology

عَنْ أَبِي مُحَمَّدٍ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ عَمْرِو بْنِ الْعَاصِ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُمَا، قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ: «لَا يُؤْمِنُ أَحَدُكُمْ حَتَّى يَكُونَ هَوَاهُ تَبَعًا لِمَا جِئْتُ بِهِ». حَدِيثٌ حَسَنٌ صَحِيحٌ، رَوَيْنَاهُ فِي كِتَابِ «الْحُجَّةِ» بِإِسْنَادٍ صَحِيحٍ.

It is narrated from the words of Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Amr bin al-As, may Allah be pleased with both of them, that the Messenger of Allah, (ﷺ), said:
"None of you will believe until his passion follows what I came with."
(Nasr al-Maqdisi.)


1. A Muslim is a whole person
A true Muslim is a person who combines the traits of an ideal personality. His words do not disagree with his deeds, and his lifestyle does not contradict his thoughts, because the heart and language of this person are in harmony with the rest of his body, his mind, thinking and feelings are harmoniously combined with each other, and the spirit and body are in balance. His language expresses what he is convinced of, and his conviction affects all parts of his body, correcting his behavior and directing all his actions on the right path. As a result, passions do not subjugate him, he does not accept innovations in the field of religion, and pleasures cannot make him fall, and in all his affairs, the starting point for him is the Sharia of the Most High and Wise Allah, in which there is nothing false. This is what the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), who was gifted with the ability to put a lot of meaning in a few words, speaks about, pointing out to us what is the hallmark of a Muslim believer:
"None of you will believe until his passion follows what I came with."

2. The true essence and types of passions
The word "passion" / hava/ is mainly used in cases when it comes to the inclination to truth, love for it and obedience to it. An example is the words of Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her: "I see that your Lord always immediately fulfills your desires ( hava-kya)! ", - which she uttered when the words of the Almighty were sent down:
"You (can) postpone (turn) whoever you want from them, and (can) accept whoever you want ..."
The same applies to the words of Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, cited in the message about the council, which was about deciding the fate of the people captured by Muslims in the battle of Badr: "And the Messenger of Allah, (ﷺ), liked that what Abu Bakr said and did not like what I said. "
This word can be used in those cases when we mean an inclination and love for something in general, and then it can indicate both a love of truth and everything else. It is in this sense that it is used in this hadith.
And, finally, it can be used in those cases when it is only about the satisfaction of the passions of the soul and the fulfillment of its desires, and in this sense it is most commonly used. In this sense, the word " hava"is often used in many verses of the Qur'an and hadith, where such passions are condemned, and people are warned against following them and instilled in them aversion to passions of this kind. truth, and the realization of their own desires without taking into account the requirements of Sharia, and this leads to delusions and disasters.
Addressing Daoud, peace be upon him, Allah Almighty said:
"... And do not follow the passions, for they will lead you astray from Allah's path."
"Garden". 26.

3. Following passions is a source of sins, innovation and rejection of the truth
The one who indulges his passions in everything and satisfies all the desires of his soul, this leads to disobedience and the commission of sins and forces him to act contrary to the orders of the Almighty and Great Allah. In fact, this is the essence of the deviations of deviating, innovations of those who introduce them, and the refusal of the infidels, wicked and apostates from the correct path and obvious truth, which, they claim, is explained by the vagueness of the truth or their dissatisfaction with it, whereas in fact, it is obvious and clear in contrast to an obscure and dark lie, and those who deviate from the straight path deviate only under the influence of passion.
Allah Almighty said:
"If they do not answer you, then know that they are following their passions. And who is more deluded than the one who follows his passions, not being led by Allah?"
"Story", 50.

4. Subduing passion is a deity worshiped instead of Allah
Worship finds its expression in submission and humility, and therefore the one who obeys his passions and obeys his desires becomes their slave. Passions and desires may not leave a person alone until they completely take possession of him and subjugate him, as a result of which all the actions of such a person will be determined only by them and he will obey only them, even if it contradicts his thoughts and his mind and will be incompatible with his knowledge. And therefore, the slaves of their passions do not want to see and hear the truth, have no idea of ​​directness and do not follow a straight path.
It is reported that one day Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with both of them, said: "Passion is a god worshiped on earth", - after which I read the following verse:
"Have you seen the one who chose his passion for himself by God?"Discrimination, 43.
The Prophet, (ﷺ), said:
"There is no god under the vault of heaven, who is an object of worship, that would be greater before Allah Almighty than the passion followed by (people)." (Al-Haysami.)

5. Submission to passion is a weakness that is disgraceful to a person who has been honored by Allah.
All-good and Almighty Allah has endowed man with that which distinguishes him from His other creatures and made him a revered creature.
Allah Almighty said
"And We honored the sons of Adam, and carried them on dry land and by sea, and endowed them with blessings and gave them a clear preference over many of those whom We created."
Night Journey, 70.
And this gift, which is a sign of respect, became the mind, which shows a person what good is, prompting him to do good, thanks to which he comprehends evil and which inspires him with aversion to doing evil.
Allah Almighty said:
"I swear by my soul and by those who gave it proportionality
and instilled in her her sinfulness and her piety ... "
"The sun". 8-9.
The human soul succumbs to both good and bad influences, being endowed with both that which pushes it to sinful, and that which induces it to piety. However, thanks to the power of reason, freedom of choice and inner strength given to a person, he can resist his passions, control bad aspirations, suppress them, fight with his own soul and lead it up the steps of goodness and piety, so that it rises to such a level where his soul was would be given her due honor. If he does this, it will serve as an indication of the strength of his mind and the fact that he has an ideal and perfect human nature. If he shows cowardice in the face of bad aspirations, succumbs to his passions and rolls down the steps of vice, then his human nature degrades, and his honor will suffer, and this will be an indication of his stupidity and weakness.
Allah Almighty said:
"... the one who purified it succeeded,
and the one who hid it suffered the damage. "
"The Sun", 9-10.
It is reported that the prophet, (ﷺ), said:
"A Mujahid is one who fights with his soul for the sake of obeying Allah."
Struggle with your soul and opposition to passion are the result of true knowledge of the Almighty and Great Allah, the feeling of His greatness and understanding that He is doing good deeds to a person. And the slave will continue to fight with his soul until he completely frees himself from the slavery in which he was with his passion, and becomes a slave to only Almighty and Great Allah, having acquired perfect faith, having achieved firm confidence and found himself among those who found happiness in both worlds.
Allah Almighty said:
"As for the one who was afraid to appear (before) his Lord and kept his soul from (following base) passion, then, in truth, paradise (will serve as such) a refuge." "Tearing Out", 40-41.

6. Indulgence of passions leads to delusion and death, and the struggle with your soul - to happiness and salvation
Indulgence in one's passions, immersion in the abyss of satisfying one's desires and the pursuit of prosperity and pleasures, when what is permissible for a person does not differ from what is forbidden, testifies to service not to the Almighty and Great Allah, but to someone else. This is a manifestation of injustice and arbitrariness, since in doing so, a person pays attention not to the Giver of benefits, but only to His good deeds. And this is a manifestation of ignorance and an indication of error, because in doing so, a person gives preference to the perishable over the eternal. And at the end of this path, death and loss await a person, since he steps on it, prompted by pride and the desire for exaltation, and this leads to hostility and enslavement, because Allah Almighty said:
"As for the offender (border)
and gave preference to earthly life,
then hell (will serve him) a refuge. "
"Pulling Out", 37 - 39.

7. Degrees of faith.
When a Muslim utters the words of both testimonies, obeys in his soul the Shariah of the Almighty and the Great Allah and makes a firm decision in his heart to unswervingly obey His commands and keep away from what is forbidden by Him, this means that he has come to the basis of faith, ascended to the first of its steps, passed from the category of infidels into the ranks of believers and got the opportunity to hope for salvation before the Almighty and Great Allah on the Day of Resurrection, since the prophet, (ﷺ), said:
"And, verily, Allah has forbidden the fire (to touch) the one who says:" There is no god but Allah, "striving with the help of this to the face of Allah"
If a Muslim steadfastly adheres to the path of Allah Almighty and Almighty Allah, urge his soul to follow Him in all matters, obey only His commands and obey only His prohibitions, turn to Him for judgment in everything large and small, bow to Him like he bows to what he desires for himself, to change his desires in accordance with what is pleasing to Him, to want what He affirms, and to hate what He denies, to consider what is permitted by Him as permissible, and what He prohibits as forbidden, to beware of the doubtful and to adhere to piety, not being burdened by this internally and not considering that there is an element of compulsion and something difficult in it; so, if a Muslim is like that, then his faith will reach perfection and he will rise to the highest levels of true knowledge. If he is not, then his faith has not yet got rid of the flaws and impurities.
As for the one who refused to fulfill the provisions of the Sharia law of the Almighty and the Great Allah and turned away from them, wanting something else, not obeying them, as it should be to act truthful, and not believing in them, as it should be to believe sincere, then the basis of faith has not yet established itself in his soul and his Islam is not correct, and he himself belongs to the number of infidels who will enter hell on the Day of Resurrection and remain there forever, and this is a bad fate!

8. Love for Allah Almighty and His Messenger, (ﷺ)
In order for the basis of faith to form in the soul of a Muslim and he embarked on the path leading to the achievement of its perfection, he must definitely love what Allah Almighty loves, with such love that would force him to do what He obliges and recommends him to do ... And he should not love what Allah Almighty does not love, so much that it makes him refuse what He forbade him to do and what He recommended him to refuse. However, such a love for what Allah Almighty loves, and dislike for what He does not love, a person can feel only if he loves Allah Almighty and His Messenger, (ﷺ), more than anything else, will be ready to sacrifice for the sake of showing obedience to all others and will put them above everything else.
Allah Almighty said:
"Say:" If your fathers, and your sons, and your brothers, and your wives, and your relatives, and the riches that you have acquired, and the trade in which you are afraid of stagnation, and the dwellings with which you are satisfied, are dearer to you, than Allah, and His Messenger and the struggle on His path, then wait until Allah fulfills His command, and Allah does not lead the wicked people to the right path. " "Repentance", 24.
It is narrated from the words of Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah, (ﷺ), said:
"None of you will believe until he loves me more than he loves his father, and his children, and all people in general."
(Al-Bukhari and Muslim.)
Thus, a person will not become a believer until he loves the Messenger of Allah, (ﷺ), more than all other people, but love for the messenger is a consequence of love for the One who sent him, and one is inseparable from the other, which means that love for the Messenger of Allah, (ﷺ), can only be experienced by loving the Almighty and Great Allah Himself, as indicated by the words of the Almighty:
"... dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger .."
"Repentance" 24

9. A sign of love is agreement and adherence.
True love requires loving following the one he loves, and agreeing with him in what he loves and what he does not love, and this must be confirmed by his words, deeds and beliefs. If we talk about someone who sincerely loves Allah Almighty and His Messenger (ﷺ), this love, as we already know, leads him to the fact that he begins to love and hate what they love and hate. Among the necessary conditions for this is that his external actions should be determined by such love and such hatred, and he should stop at the borders of the Shari'a of the Almighty and the Great Allah and completely and completely fulfill His orders, refusing from what is forbidden by Him, so that this becomes a proof of love and confirmation of faith. Allah Almighty said:
"Say:" If you love Allah, then follow me, (and then) Allah will love you ... "
"The Imran Family", 31.
Al-Hasan al-Basri (may Allah Almighty have mercy on him) said: "(Once) the companions of the prophet, (ﷺ), said:" O Messenger of Allah, truly, we feel strong love for our Lord! "- and then Allah wanted this love to have some sign and sent down this verse" ...
If a person refuses at least something that the Almighty and Great Allah and His Messenger love (ﷺ), and does something that they hate, being able to do what they love and refuse what they hate, it means that there is a flaw in his faith and he should strive to correct it, as it means that the words about his love are an unfounded statement, not supported by appropriate evidence.
Someone said: "The claims of everyone who claims to love Allah Almighty, but does not obey His commands, are false, and everyone who loves, but does not fear Allah, is blinded."
Another said this: "The one who claims to love Allah but violates the boundaries established by Him speaks untrue."... And may Allah Almighty have mercy on the one who said:
"You are disobeying God by claiming that you love Him!
I bet on my life, it's disgusting, no matter how you look!
If your love was sincere, you would definitely obey Him,
for the lover obeys the one he loves. "

Hence, the inconsistency of the situation of those people who feel the strongest excitement at the mention of Allah Almighty or His Messenger, (ﷺ) when their eyes shed tears, and their heads humbly bow down, and they talk a lot about their love for Allah and His Messenger, is clear, (ﷺ ), but at the same time they do not obey the Almighty and Great Allah and engage in usury, fraud and speculation, succumbing to greed, or, in the case of women, appearing among people without a veil, communicating with strangers and not observing the rules of conduct established by clear Shariah Allah Almighty, we pray to Allah to lead them and us on the right path!

10. The sweetness of faith
Faith has a great effect on souls, and it tastes better for the hearts of believers than cold sweet water for the thirsty and sweeter than honey for those who have tasted bitter for a long time.
However, the sweetness of such love and these pleasant sensations can only be felt by one who has perfect faith and sincerely loves Allah Almighty and His Messenger, (ﷺ), which influenced all aspects of the soul of such a person and as a result of which he loves only for the sake of Allah and hates only for His sake, gives only for the sake of Allah and refuses only for His sake.
Al-Bukhari and Muslim narrate from the words of Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, that the prophet, (ﷺ), said:
"The sweetness of faith will be joked by the one who differs in three (qualities): loves Allah and His Messenger more than everything else, loves this or that person only for the sake of Allah and does not want to return to unbelief after Allah saved him from him, also, how he does not want to be thrown into the fire. "
(Al-Bukhari and Muslim.)
By "the sweetness of faith" is meant here the enjoyment that brings obedience.
An-Nawawi said: "This is a great hadith, which is one of the foundations of Islam.".

11. Appeal to the court of the Sharia of Almighty and Great Allah and satisfaction with His decision
One of the necessary conditions of faith is that in the event of disputes and all sorts of problems, a Muslim should turn to court only to the Shari'a of the Almighty and Great Allah and nothing else, submitting to and being satisfied with the decisions of Allah Almighty, recorded in the authoritative instructions of the Sharia, which are available in the Qur'an and Sunnah, as well as in what is derived from such indications and is one of their branches. And he should obey such decisions, regardless of whether this decision will be made in his favor or against him, and whether it will correspond to his wishes or not. Allah Almighty said:
"... neither for the believer, nor for the believer there is no choice in any matter, if Allah and His Messenger have already made a decision .."
Soim, 36.

"But no, I swear by your Lord, they will not believe until they choose you as a judge in the (disputes) arising between them, then they will not feel any inconvenience in their souls from what you decide, and will submit (to this) completely."
"Women", 65.
If we talk about going to court to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), after his death, then the substitute for this is going to court to his Sharia and his Sunnah.

12. Love for what is hated by Allah Almighty, and hatred for what He loves, is unbelief and delusion.
We already know that the basis of faith is formed only through love for what Allah Almighty loves, and hatred for what He hates, and a person's faith can only become perfect through actions that are consistent with such love. The one who does not feel such love, does not have any faith and vice versa, and the one who loves what is hated by Allah Almighty and hates what He loves, his disbelief, delusions, pride and stubbornness only increase, and in both worlds he will be among those who will suffer the most.
Allah Almighty said:
"And those who disbelieved, woe to them, and He will do so that their deeds will not lead to anything!"
This is because they hated what Allah sent down, and He made their deeds in vain. "" Muhammad ", 8-9.

Allah Almighty also said:
“Verily, it was the shaitan who adorned (their deeds) those who turned back after the right path became obvious to them, and inspired them with great hopes.
This (happened) due to the fact that they said to those who hated what God sent down: "We will obey you in this matter in part" - but Allah knows their secrets.
And what (will they do) when the angels (will) take their souls, showered blows on their faces and backs?
This (will befall them) because they followed what caused the wrath of Allah, and hated what was pleasing to Allah, and (therefore) made their works in vain. "" Muhammad "25-23

13. Perfect sample
The Companions of the Messenger of Allah, (ﷺ), were an ideal example of the manifestation of sincere love towards Allah Almighty and His Messenger, (ﷺ). They loved what was pleasing to Allah and the Messenger, (ﷺ), and hated what was hateful to them, putting love for them above everything else and subordinating their passions to what the Messenger of Allah brought with him, (ﷺ), and for the sake of This they sacrificed themselves and their property, fought with their fathers and left their wives, relatives and native places, this was explained by the fact that they knew best of all about his rights and the height of his position. Pay attention to the attitude of Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, who once said: "O Messenger of Allah, truly, I love you more than anything else but myself!"
- (to which the prophet, ﷺ) replied:
"No, I swear by the One in Whose hand is my soul (it must be) that you love me more than yourself."

And (Umar, may Allah be pleased with him,) was silent for a while, during which he realized that the Messenger of Allah, (ﷺ), has the greatest rights, and enjoys an advantage over all other people and for his sake it is necessary to sacrifice even his own soul, so how he saved her from the fire. And (when after this time Umar, may Allah be pleased with him,) said:
"By Allah, now I love you more than myself!"

- (prophet, ﷺ), said: "Now, oh Umar!" (Al-Bukhari.)
This means: now your faith has reached perfection. And thanks to this, the first of those who believed deserved the eternal praise of Allah Almighty, who said:
"And (as for) those who were ahead (of) the first migrants, and the Ansars and those who followed them, doing good, then Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Allah and He has prepared for them gardens where rivers flow below (and where will remain) they are forever. This is a great success! " "Repentance", 100.

14. What is said in this hadith
1 - A Muslim should check his actions with the Qur'an and Sunnah, striving to ensure that they conform to these sources.
2 - As a wicked one acts who confirms the truth of the Sharia of Allah Almighty and recognizes it in words, at the same time acting contrary to it, the one who acts in accordance with the provisions of the Sharia, adhering to beliefs contrary to the Sharia, is a hypocrite, as for the one who conforms to different circumstances, dressing in different clothes, then he is an atheist and apostate.
3 - One of the prerequisites for faith is the maintenance of the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, (ﷺ), and the protection of his sharia.

I read that the Sheikh prays to Allah to guide the Rafidis on the path of truth. Is it correct? After all, one cannot pray for polytheists.

Answer: Praise be to Allah

At first: We thank my brother for his interest and desire to clarify what seems to him incomprehensible in our answers.

Secondly: The prayer for forgiveness of polytheists is prohibited, as evidenced by the Qur'an and Sunnah.

Allah says:

ما كان للنبي والذين آمنوا أن يستغفروا للمشركين ولو كانوا أولي قربى من بعد ما تبين لهم أنهم أصحاب الجحيم (113) وما كان استغفار إبراهيم لأبيه إلا عن موعدة وعدها إياه فلما تبين له أنه عدو لله تبرأ منه إن إبراهيم لأواه حليم

“It is not proper for the prophet and believers to ask forgiveness for polytheists, even if they are relatives, after it became clear to them that they would be the inhabitants of Hell.

And the prayer of Ibrahim (Abraham) for forgiveness for his father was just the fulfillment of the promise he gave him. When it became clear to him that his father was the enemy of Allah, he renounced him. Truly, Ibrahim (Abraham) was humble, enduring "(Repentance 9: 113-114)

Sheikh al-Saadi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “It is not proper for the Prophet and believers to ask for forgiveness for polytheists who refused to believe in Allah and worshiped fictitious deities, even if they are their close relatives.

The beloved of the merciful Allah, Ibrahim, asked for forgiveness for his father in order to fulfill his promise. He said:

(Maryam 19:47). He uttered these words when he was not yet aware of the fate of his father. When it became clear to him that his father was the enemy of Allah, would die as an unbeliever and would not benefit from his sermons and instructions, the holy prophet denied his father so as not to oppose His will. Indeed, the Prophet Ibrahim, in any undertakings, turned to Allah, often remembered Him, prayed for His forgiveness and brought repentance. He was a self-possessed person and a condescending attitude towards creations. He forgave them mistakes, was not afraid of their ignorance and did not respond with evil to insults and insults. And even when his father promised to stone him, he said:

سَأَسْتَغْفِرُ لَكَ رَبِّي إِنَّهُ كَانَ بِي حَفِيًّا

"Peace to you! I will ask my Lord to forgive you. Indeed, He is lenient to me "(Maryam 19:47).

The hadith of al-Bukhari (3884) tells that when the uncle of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) Abu Talib was about to die, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) called him to Islam and said: “I will pray for your forgiveness, until they forbid me. " Then the verses were revealed:

مَا كَانَ لِلنَّبِيِّ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا أَنْ يَسْتَغْفِرُوا لِلْمُشْرِكِينَ وَلَوْ كَانُوا أُولِي قُرْبَى مِنْ بَعْدِ مَا تَبَيَّنَ لَهُمْ أَنَّهُمْ أَصْحَابُ الْجَحِيمِ

“It is not proper for the prophet and believers to ask forgiveness for polytheists, even if they are relatives, after it became clear to them that they would be inhabitants of Hell.” (Repentance 9: 113)

إِنَّكَ لا تَهْدِي مَنْ أَحْبَبْتَ

"Truly, you cannot guide those you have loved on the straight path."(Story 28:56)

Al-Hafiz (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

"Until they forbid me," until they forbid me to ask for forgiveness. "

It is narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “I asked my Lord to allow me to ask forgiveness for my mother, and He forbade me to do this. And I asked my Lord for permission to visit her grave, and He gave me permission. " Muslim, 976.

An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: "This proves that it is forbidden to pray for forgiveness for unbelievers."

From these hadiths, it is clear that it is forbidden to pray for their forgiveness, as well as that they go to Paradise or avoid torture.

The reasons for this prohibition are as follows:

- Prayers for forgiveness are wrong and useless for them, and therefore the Prophet and the faithful should not do this. If a person died as a polytheist, or if people became aware that a person would die as a polytheist, then he will certainly be subjected to the punishment he deserves and will suffer forever in the underworld. Such a person will not benefit from the intercession of the intercessors, or the prayers of those asking for forgiveness for him.

- The prophet and the faithful should rejoice and be angry with their Lord. They should love those whom Allah loves and be at enmity with those with whom Allah is at enmity. And this is incompatible with prayers for forgiveness for sinners after it became clear to them that they would certainly find themselves among the inhabitants of the hellfire.

See Tafsir al-Saadi.

But you can pray that Allah will guide the unbelievers on the path of truth, and this does not apply to the prohibition of pleading for their forgiveness.

There are cases when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked the Almighty to direct the unbelievers on a straight path.

Al-Bukhari (may Allah have mercy on him) writes in the chapter "An appeal to Allah with a prayer that He lead the polytheists on the true path in order to make friends with them": "It is reported that Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said :

“At one time, Tufayl bin Amr ad-Dausi came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with his comrades, who said:“ O Messenger of Allah, truly, the people of the Daus tribe did not obey and refused (from Islam), so call the curse of Allah is upon them! " Hearing this, the people said, "Now the Daus tribe will perish!" - however, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "O Allah, show the Dausis the true path and bring them." Al-Bukhari, 2937; Muslim, 2524.

Al-Hafiz said in Fath al-Bari: “Al-Bukhari quoted a hadith from Abu Hurayrah, according to which Amr ad-Dausi came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) offered up a prayer: "O Allah, show the Dawsites the true path and bring them." The title of the chapter testifies that the compiler (al-Bukhari) knew that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) acted depending on the circumstances: sometimes he prayed for punishment for unbelievers, and sometimes asked for guidance for them. He (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) offered up a prayer against unbelievers if they were strong and could harm Muslims; and he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) prayed for guidance from the unbelievers if they did not harm the Muslims and there was a hope that they would accept Islam, as in the story with the Daus tribe.

It is narrated that Abu Musa al-Ashari said: “The Jews sneezed in front of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), wanting him to say to them:“ May Allah have mercy on you, ”but he told them:“ May Allah guide you in the straight path and will fix your case. " At-Tirmidhi, 2739; Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith authentic in Sahih at-Tirmidhi.

Al-Hafiz said: “The hadith from Abu Musa shows that the command to offer supplication for a sneeze applies even to unbelievers. For this there is a special prayer and it is necessary to ask Allah to guide and correct them. This prayer is different from what should be said if a Muslim sneezes, because it is only for Muslims to ask for mercy, not for unbelievers.

Options Play Original Original Text إِنَّكَ لَا تَهْدِي مَنْ أَحْبَبْتَ وَلَكِنَّ اللَّهَ يَهْدِي مَن يَشَاءُ وَهُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِالْمُهْتَدِينَ Transliteration "Inn aka Lā Tahdī Man" Aĥbab ta Wa Lakinn a A l-Laha Yahdī Man Ya shā "u ۚ Wa Huwa" A`lamu Bil-Muhtadī na Truly, you cannot guide those you have loved on the straight path. Only Allah guides those whom He wills on the straight path. He knows better those who follow the straight path. Truly, you (O Prophet) will not lead (to Faith) those you love (and to whom do you wish Faith): and Allah (Himself) leads (to Faith) whomever He wills. And He knows better those who will walk the (true) path [come to Faith], (since His knowledge encompasses both the past and the future) Truly, you cannot guide those you have loved on the straight path. Only Allah guides those whom He wills on the straight path. He knows better those who follow the straight path. [[The Almighty told His Messenger, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, that he is not able to guide even the most beloved person on the straight path, and even more so before this all other people are powerless. No creation is capable of making a person believe, because this is the prerogative of Allah Almighty. He instructs some people on the straight path, because he knows that they are worthy of this great honor. If a person is not worthy of this, then He leaves him to wander in the darkness of delusion. Here it is appropriate to recall the following verse: “Indeed, you point to the straight path” (42:52). This revelation means that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) showed humanity the way to salvation and explained how to follow the straight path. He inspired people to do good deeds and with all his might helped them to get on the straight path. However, he was powerless to instill faith in their hearts and turn them into Muslims. If he was capable of this, then, first of all, he would instill faith in the soul of his uncle Abu Talib, who did him a lot of good and provided him with all-round support. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) constantly urged him to convert to Islam, and his sincere instructions were much more valuable than the kind attitude that Abu Talib showed towards him. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did his best, but only the Almighty is able to guide a person on the straight path.]] Ibn Kathir

Allah says to His Messenger: “O Muhammad ( لاَ تَهْدِى مَنْ أَحْبَبْتَ ) You do not lead the direct path of those who love you - “It is not in your power. Your duty is to deliver the Message. And Allah leads the straight path whom He wills. " Similarly, Allah said: ( لَّيْسَ عَلَيْكَ هُدَاهُمْ وَلَـكِنَّ اللَّهَ يَهْدِى مَن يَشَآءُ ) To lead them in a straight path is not your duty, for Allah leads in a straight path whoever He wishes. (2: 272) also: ( وَمَآ أَكْثَرُ النَّاسِ وَلَوْ حَرَصْتَ بِمُؤْمِنِينَ ) Most people will not believe, even if you crave it. (12:103) But this verse has a more specific character than all of these ones, because the verse says: ( إِنَّكَ لاَ تَهْدِى مَنْ أَحْبَبْتَ وَلَـكِنَّ اللَّهَ يَهْدِى مَن يَشَآءُ وَهُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِالْمُهْتَدِينَ ) You do not lead the direct path of those you want: Allah leads whoever He wants. He knows better those who walk straight - i.e. Allah knows best those who deserve faithful guidance.

In two "Sahih" [Bukhari 1360, Muslim 24] it is reported that the sending of these verses is associated with Abu Talib, the uncle of the Messenger of Allah through his father, who protected him and helped him. He was always on the side of his nephew and loved him very much. On his deathbed, Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and greet him) called him to faith and to Islam. But he died as an unbeliever. And this is Divine wisdom. Al-Zuhri narrated from al-Musayb ibn Khazan al-Mahzumi (may Allah be pleased with him) that when Abu Talib was dying, the Messenger of Allah came to him (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and found with him Abu Jahl ibn Hisham and "Abdullah ibn Abu Umayyah ibn al-Mughir. Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "يَا عَمِّ قُلْ: لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللهُ ، كَلِمَةً أُحَاجُّ لَكَ بِهَا عِنْدَ الله" "Uncle, say:" There is no deity but Allah! " ("La illaha illallah!")- and I will quote these words as an argument before Allah. " Abu Jahl and Abdullah ibn Abu Umeya said to him: "Are you giving up the faith of" Abd al-Muttalib? " Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) continued to address the dying man, and those two again asked their question. In the end, Abu Talib said that he remained in the faith of his father "Abd al-Muttalib, refusing to proclaim that there is no deity but Allah. Then the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "وَاللهِ لَأَسْتَغْفِرَنَّ لَكَ مَا لَمْ أُنْهَ عَنْك "" I will definitely ask for forgiveness for you, if it is not forbidden to me. " Then Allah revealed: ( مَا كَانَ لِلنَّبِىِّ وَالَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ أَن يَسْتَغْفِرُواْ لِلْمُشْرِكِينَ وَلَوْ كَانُواْ أُوْلِى قُرْبَى ) “It is not proper for the prophet and believers to ask forgiveness for polytheists, even if they are relatives” (

I was born into a Muslim family. As I grew older, I realized that my parents did not give me the spiritual education that I now so need ... I never kept my uraz, led a riotous lifestyle, drank, smoked, had intimacy with many women, slept with other people's wives ... Honestly, I am not proud of this, I am ashamed of my behavior. I realized that I had become a materialist ... I want to become a true Muslim, embark on a righteous path, ask for forgiveness from Allah and atone for my sins every day that the Almighty gave me. But at the same time I am so accustomed to this way of life, so used to not deny myself anything, that it is unbearably difficult for me to control myself, and wherever you look - all conditions are created everywhere, in the modern world there is a temptation everywhere ... know what to do; I want to embark on the righteous path and do not want to ... My friend advised me to start with namaz. But I don't even know how to educate myself, because there are no mosques in my city. How can I lead myself to the righteous path? Thank you in advance.

From the point of view of religion:

It is gratifying that you have a desire to take the righteous path, and this desire appeared by the will of Allah; for this it is worth giving praise to Allah Almighty. You need to learn how to perform namaz and perform other farzes as soon as possible. As scientists say, if a person believes in Allah and the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), then he still walks around delusion. Failure to do what Allah has entrusted to us is a very great sin and can lead to a bad end, that is, such a person can leave for another world without faith in his heart and remain forever in hell. If there are no mosques in your city, surely there are people who know how to perform namaz - contact them so that they teach you how to perform namaz correctly; You can also download a movie teaching namaz at this link http://islamdag.ru/audio-video/2310.

Do not tell anyone about your sins and sincerely repent of them. Allah Almighty in the Holy Qur'an says (meaning): “O you who have believed! Repent to Allah with sincere repentance, that is, do not return to this sin and do not wish to commit it "(Surah At-Tahrim, ayat 8; Tafsir Savi. T. 4. P. 290), - and also (meaning): "Indeed, Allah loves, rewards and exalts those who repent of their sins and loves those who are cleansed from impurities."(Surah "Al-Bakara", ayat 222; "Tafsir al-Jalalain").

In the noble hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) it is said: “He who repented of sin is like the one who did not commit it”; "The repentant is the favorite of Allah"; "Indeed, Allah accepts the repentance of His servant until he begins to utter a death rattle"; “When a slave repents, Allah accepts his repentance and makes the scribe angels forget what they wrote down from among his vile deeds and makes his organs forget the sins they committed, forget his place on earth and his place in heaven. He will be brought on the Day of Judgment, and none of the creatures will testify against him. "

It often happens that a person performs namaz for two or three days and then stops. Then he embarks on the path of purifying the heart, in the fight against nafs, this lasts a week or a couple of months, and then again returns to the past state - without trying to do good. And there are means by which you can preserve this effort, the force that pushes you to do good.

Here are some of these reasons.

1. Dua - you need to ask Allah to guide you on the right path and give you strength to perform the farza.

But there are other means, and we need them, because after some time we will face a serious problem if we do not get motivation. With a problem, when death comes, and there will be no desire in the heart to reach Allah, and the whole life will be in vain.

2. Listen to sermons or read literature as much as possible, where it is mentioned about punishments in the next world, about death, about punishments in the grave. For example, a person is late for work: he is reprimanded once or twice, then a warning is issued that if he is late for work tomorrow, he will be fired. The next day the alarm clock rings and makes it clear that it is time to get up and go to work. At this moment nafs says: lie down for another five minutes. But then the man remembers that he was given a warning and jumps out of bed. He showed diligence out of fear. When we hear sermons that mention hell, punishments, nafs resistance runs away from it, but truly nafs needs fear. When a person remembers that he will die and after death will be resurrected, and there will be an account to Allah, and he will be reminded of every day he lives, every moment when he thinks that he will stand on the Sirat bridge and either go to Paradise or fall into Hell , - vigilance appears. Every time you remember this, with the belief that this is the truth, vigilance appears in the heart, and then diligence on the path of Allah. It is an effort made out of fear.

3. As much as possible listen to sermons or read literature, which mentions heavenly blessings, rewards, pleasures. For example, young children are lazy in reading and reviewing lessons, and the father speaks to the son; if you learn lessons and get good grades, I will buy you a bicycle ... or something else. What happens to the child? He begins to fight against laziness in order to achieve success. When a Muslim reads about what is promised to the righteous in Paradise, what blessings they will be gifted - rivers, kingdoms, palaces - when a Muslim knows that the poorest inhabitant of Paradise will have 10 times more ownership than this world, he appears in the soul trying to achieve this by doing good deeds.

4. Reflect on how Allah loves us. To reflect and read in the Book of Allah that the pleasure of Allah is above all, read the ayah: "Tell My servants who have exaggerated to the detriment of themselves:" Do not despair at the mercy of Allah. " Think: Allah, addressing sinners, says: "My slaves." What a bounty for us! Despite the fact that we are sinners, the way Allah treats us is “My slaves”. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins to the one who repented. Allah is ready to forgive sins at night to the one who sinned during the day. I am ready to forgive sins during the day to those who sinned at night. Considering how many times we have sinned, and if Allah had exposed us in public, no one would have welcomed us, probably. How many times He hid our sins, saved us! Awareness of this gives rise to love in the heart for the One who treats us kindly. In previous epistles it is described that every morning the sea asked permission from Allah to drown sinners, the sky asked permission to cover itself over sinners, the earth asked to split and devour them, and Allah, turning to the seas, oceans, heavens and earth, said: “You did not create them! If you had created them, you would not have said that. " When we see such an attitude towards us on the part of Allah, how can we not love the Lord? Let each of us ask: what is my connection with Allah?

5. Stop attending bad meetings and spend time with righteous people. Look at them, be friends with them. This awakens in the heart the desire for the good that Allah has given them. Some Salafu Salihins (righteous ancestors) said: "When I look at Muhammad ibn Vasia, my diligence in worship is renewed in me for a whole month." When asked about the reason for this, they answered: "Because they looked at a person in whom the fruits of worship were fulfilled." The time spent with righteous people also awakens motivation, because the righteous spent time with the previous righteous, and those with the previous ones, and so on in a chain. This is the knowledge with which Allah has distinguished our ummah. By seeing the righteous and spending time with them, we receive radiance from the hearts of the righteous into our hearts. When we remember that we were at the Majlis with righteous people, or we are friends with the righteous, and we see how they worship sincerely, then we also have thoughts: "Why can't I be like them?" And here a person feels an effort to do good.

6. Remember Allah often, read salavat on the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) every day a hundred times, for example.

Finally, I would like to say: do not wait until everything is perfect for you, follow the path of Allah as best you can, showing diligence. Rabbi ibn Sulaiman (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "Follow the path of Allah, limping, stumbling, and do not wait until everything is perfect, waiting for this is idleness." Worship as much as you can and do not delay, may Allah help you! Amine!

From the point of view of psychology:

First of all, I would like to note your desire to correct your mistakes. This is a significant step. The very formulation of the problem allows us to make a favorable prognosis. Much depends on what a particular person attunes himself to.

Naturally, in the first couples it will not be easy for you to get out of your usual way of life. The obstacle will not be so much the urges of one's own desires as old social connections. Therefore, the first thing you should do is not hide your motives from others. Thus, you will protect yourself from unnecessary temptations, nip them in the bud. Your words that you are surrounded by temptations are only partly true. In fact, a person who is accustomed to sin changes his psyche, his perception of the world. The fact is that a person's perception is highly dependent on the characteristics of his thinking, worldview and experience. If you take the path of correction, then over time, what seems to be a temptation for you now, you will begin to perceive it as a test, as a test of your strength. If you go even further, then you will not pay attention to it at all. And your perception will be directed towards the positive, towards the good.

It is equally important to take into account such a feature as the very transition to a new way of life. Often, a person striving to get away from the old life rushes to extremes, strives in everything to comply with the norms of Islam, to comply with all the prescriptions and even beyond that. Naturally, this is good, if not for one "but". Namely: there are many examples when, in such situations, after a short time, a person dropped everything and returned to the old one. Start small, with the basics. Testify sincerely that you are a Muslim (shahada), learn how to perform namaz and begin to do it. Then you yourself will become clear in which direction to move.

First of all, the cause itself must be eliminated, and it is most likely in the inner spiritual emptiness, meaninglessness of life. It is for this reason that you need to set a good goal for yourself, to fill your life with meaning. It can be taking care of your family, of children (if any). I hope you have the strength to change your life. May the Almighty help you in your endeavors!

Gadzhimurad Omargadzhiev

Aliaskhab Anatolyevich Murzaev

consultant psychologist at the Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children

Each person is in a hidden or explicit search - the search for happiness, truth, well-being. As criteria for "correct", you can choose anything, from well-being, the opinions of loved ones and ending with certain theories and teachings. However, all paths lead to hopelessness, loss and pain in both worlds, except for the path that leads to Allah Almighty, to His pleasure and mercy. As the Qur'an says: (surah "al-Asr", "Evening time").

Convinced believers

Before being instructed on the true path, a person needs faith. If a person believes that one God is the creator of everything: heaven, earth and everything in between, and that his only goal in this life is to seek His pleasure and serve Him throughout his life, the Almighty guides him on the true path. Faith in the Most High and everything connected with it (faith in His books, future life, predestination, etc.) should be part of a person's deep convictions. Although some people still identify themselves as believers, their faith can fluctuate depending on circumstances and environment. They tend at certain moments to demonstrate the weakness of their faith in God and sometimes even show a hostile attitude towards Him and His religion. But the Almighty instructs people who are more convinced ...

As His Book says:

“Let those who have been given the knowledge know that this is the truth from your Lord, so that they can believe in him, and their hearts can humbly submit to him. Indeed, Allah guides believers on the straight path " (Surah "Al Hajj", "Pilgrimage", ayah 54)

Turning to the Almighty in complete submission to Him

This is the second path of guidance on the true path. Anyone who believes in Allah, in the last life, fears for his future, and then this world loses its attractiveness. When he follows his goal of achieving the pleasure of Allah and knows that this life is a test for him, he completely obeys His laws. And the Almighty in the Quran says that he guides such people on the true path:

“How can you not believe, while the signs of Allah are read to you, and His messenger is among you? He who holds fast to Allah is really instructed on the straight path. " (Surah "Al Imran", "The Family of Imran", ayah 101)

“He legalized for you in religion what He commanded Nuhu, and what We inspired you in revelation, and what We commanded Ibrahim, Musa and Isa:“ Profess a religion and do not disagree about it ”. It is hard for the polytheists to do what you call them. Allah chooses for Himself whomever He wills, and directs to Himself whoever turns to Him "(surah" ash-Shura "," Council ", ayah 13)

Obeying His Orders

In sura "An-Nisa" ("Women") it says:

“If We had prescribed to them: 'Kill yourselves or leave your homes,' then only a few of them would do it. And if they did what they are admonished, then it would be better for them and would strengthen them more. Then We would give them a great reward from Us and lead them on a straight path ” (verses 66-68)

Almighty Allah, having the right to make religion burdensome, difficult and difficult for many people, on the contrary, made it easier for His slaves. However, only believers remain grateful for this mercy, who strive to fulfill His wishes, purify themselves, and move away from the forbidden. In addition, they are helpers and trustees of each other, encouraging the approved and keeping from the condemned. And by listening to helpful guidance and following reminders:

“For those who avoided the worship of tagut and turned to Allah, there is good news. Give joy to My servants, who listen to the words and follow the best of them. These are the ones whom Allah has guided on the straight path. They are those who have reason " (Surah "al-Zumar", "The Crowds", verses 16-17)

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