Home Vegetables Hot dog trading business. How to open a point of sale of hot dogs. Hot dog equipment: what are the options

Hot dog trading business. How to open a point of sale of hot dogs. Hot dog equipment: what are the options

Any advertisement for a cafe: a page on the Internet, an ad on social networks, an inscription on a banner, even a signature on Instagram is text. The success of the entire enterprise will depend on how convincingly it is drawn up.

Opening a cafe: rules for persuasive writing

What do you need to know to create a sales copy for a cafe?

Less words. Passers-by on the street and Internet users spend no more than three seconds reading ads. You should briefly and succinctly describe the benefits of your cafe in order to convince the guest to stop by:

  • "A good morning starts with a good breakfast."
  • "Free second course during happy hours"
  • "Final Sale!"
  • "Make the morning brighter!"
  • "Buy a flavored cappuccino!"
  • "Increase your discount!"

A tempting offer. To attract new customers, constantly update your ads. The best way is promotions and discounts. For example, a salad at a ridiculous price or a dessert as a gift.

  • "Help us become better - get dessert as a gift"
  • "1 + 1 = 1"

Cafe advertising: sample texts

Signature: "Best coffee for the best you"

  • "Start of the project" Modern Delicious ""
  • “Happy idle, mister president! Do you eat karaoke? Sing with us! "
  • "We return the money on Mondays!"
  • In a Spanish cuisine cafe, all advertising texts begin with the appeal "Amigos!"

Cafe: text that answers the main question

Cafe advertising should answer the main question of the visitor: "How is it profitable for me as a visitor?" A common mistake is advertising with no response. The design and atmosphere of the cafe is not as important to the visitors as the benefits it will receive.

A café advertisement is a text that offers a benefit to the visitor. Promotions, discounts, bonus cards - everything that can distinguish a business from competitors. The more tempting the action is, the more guests will take part in it. Unless you're offering a unique service, a flyer is a meaningless, colored piece of paper. Now shares of this type are widespread:

  • "Tell the code to the cashier and get a special offer"
  • "Dish fast or free"

The visitor is drawn into the game and interacts with the cafe. Various interactive games and discounts are great social media advertising. Apps are another powerful advertising tool:

  • “Gifts for points! Get involved: download the app, get points from each check, exchange points for gifts "

Cafe advertising that attracts customers

The most effective cafe advertising is flyers, pillars, and social media posts. Therefore, we do not consider the example of advertising a cafe in a newspaper. It just doesn't work. Modern advertising should be bright, original and not overloaded with information.

The text of a modern advertisement for a cafe is very succinct and short. To make it look good, come up with a striking ad design and post an eye-catching photo. Cafe advertising templates are easy to find on the internet. These can be both ready-made layouts and standard blanks, from which it is easy to make your own recognizable advertisement.

A varied menu, cozy interior and friendly staff are the basis of any good restaurant. However, no one will know about your establishment if you do not declare yourself. What should be the text for a restaurant advertisement? What photos should you use to attract guests? Let's figure it out in this material.

How to write text for a restaurant advertisement: examples

One of the most effective ways to promote yourself is to promote a cafe or restaurant on social networks. How to advertise yourself? For example, if you've updated your menu, be sure to tell your guests about it.

How to write an invitation to a restaurant? Do not write standard phrases about a unique recipe and unsurpassed service in the ad text. It is also not worth compiling a detailed description of each item of the new menu. Indicate 2-3 new dishes, tell us about promotions. Be sure to add a link to the menu so that the user can read it right away. Treat the guest as in a personal correspondence. Example restaurant ad text:

We've updated the menu, have a try! Outside the window - frost, and in the restaurant "Elegy" is cozy, warm and tasty! The updated menu includes a creamy porcini mushroom soup, goat cheese pasta and a delicate blackberry cheesecake. We are waiting for you every day from 10.00 to 22.00 at the address: Zhukovskogo street, 34. The new menu is already on the site: elegy.rf / wintertime /

What text will work for New Year's restaurant ads

Are you planning to hold New Year's corporate parties in a restaurant? Are you inviting guests to celebrate the New Year at your establishment? The text of the New Year advertisement for the restaurant should be informative. Keep in mind that customers will search for your offer among hundreds of others.

  • Formulate your proposal clearly. Indicate the cost of service per person. Briefly describe the holiday program.
  • Place a link to the site, as well as a phone number or e-mail for prompt communication with the administrator. So that the guest can immediately book a table or rent a room.

How to write text to advertise a restaurant on the radio

What should be the text for advertising a restaurant on the radio? Simple and memorable. The commercial lasts 20-35 seconds, during which 4-5 sentences are pronounced. During this time, a potential visitor to the cafe should understand what is the advantage of your establishment.

  • Clear and short sentences
  • Facts (Your Benefits)
  • Figures (discounts, promotions, prices)
  • Information on how to find a restaurant or where to book a table: address, telephone

Be sure to mention the address of the cafe and the method of communication. If the phone is simple (333-43-43), it is better to indicate the number. If the numbers are difficult to remember, voice the site's address.

The Elegy restaurant invites you to spend a pleasant evening. For you: Italian, French and Russian cuisine, live music and show program. And also free food delivery in Moscow. Zhukovsky, 34. Phone: 555-85-85.

Rules for writing text for restaurant advertising

Conciseness and informational content are your main assistants in restaurant promotion. The main thing is not to make the text too dry. Add your own specialty, whether it is a healthy diet, food supplies from Europe, an original wine list or an unusual way of serving dishes.

Use our tips to write delicious text for your restaurant food ad. Tell your guests about promotions and current offers, be interesting and you will succeed!

Heat. On a misted glass of cold beer, drops of water flow down directly onto your hand. A high head of foam with a pleasant hiss rises above the golden-amber drink, smelling of natural hops and malt. Brasserie Munich offers dark beers with caramel flavors and light beers with a touch of hop bitterness. Come and taste the taste of real beer according to the old monastery recipes.

Winter. It's cold outside, and in the Chekhov restaurant you will find a hot steak from farm beef on charcoal, ruddy potatoes with a golden crust and a village salad. The scent of tender, juicy, smoky meat will go well with crispy potatoes.

Real homemade sausages from poultry, rabbit, pork will not leave anyone indifferent. They are covered with a thin crispy crust on top, but inside they are juicy. Basil, coriander and marjoram will enhance the flavor of hot, freshly grilled sausages, which pair very well with dark Czech beer or dry red wine from the wine cellar.

Roe or hare shish kebab with Provencal herbs convey a slightly herbaceous forest smell of natural meat. And the fish freshly caught from the aquarium, baked in the oven in its own juice, is beyond praise!

The Chekhov restaurant is made in the form of a traditional manor house. Oak tables, hunting trophies on log walls, a Russian stove and live music perfectly convey the charm of the light traditions of an old tavern. You will feel like a nobleman for a few hours. Call and book a table today - sometimes there are not enough free seats.

At the Corleone pizzeria, pizza will be cooked in front of your eyes in a wood-fired oven. The hot, juicy filling will gently sizzle on the thin crunchy dough, exuding the aroma of smoke from fruit trees. Taking a bite, you feel the taste of fresh tomatoes and spices: basil, oregano, marjoram. And we have the longest strings of stringy cheese in the city. Come and see for yourself!

What to write on the website of cafes and restaurants?

I'll tell you a secret - there is very strong competition in the restaurant business. One side. On the other hand, there is a very high demand. And a huge plus: most establishments do not pay enough attention to marketing. Especially selling texts.

It comes to the point that many restaurants do not even have their own simple business card site. People look at prices and restaurant menus on third-party resources. Even if you start your website on a free template and fill it with information, you can significantly outperform competitors and make your restaurant a shining star on the gastronomic map of the city.

But it just so happened that people go into the restaurant business, aiming at quick profits. They are too lazy to study marketing - they just think that they need to work hard and make money. And do not waste time on all sorts of nonsense. And if you start applying the basic selling marketing and copywriting techniques to the restaurant business, your profits will increase significantly.

How to attract visitors to cafes and restaurants

  • Targeted advertising... A person types in a search, for example, "cafe Novosibirsk" and gets on your page. You will have to pay for each click - but the average check will more than cover all the costs.
  • Social media advertising... One advertising post in the promoted group of the city - and a hall of visitors is provided for you.
  • Institutions catalogs... Be sure to make sure that there is up-to-date information. And conduct a dialogue with commentators - people will see that the institution values ​​its reputation.
  • Advertising in transport... People traveling home from work in public transport are thinking about which cafe to go to relax after a hard day at work. Your ad will help them make the right choice.
  • Distribution of leaflets... It is better to hand out leaflets near the cafe.
  • Word of mouth... The most reliable promotion channel for those clients who fundamentally do not accept advertising.

Classic example: One American restaurant chain owner spent very little money on advertising. But there was no end of visitors. His marketing ploy was ingeniously simple. From time to time he hosted free banquets for hairdressers. Hairdressers later sincerely praised this restaurant to their customers. And every second goes to hairdressers.

Sample text for advertising cafes, restaurants and bars on the radio

The main thing is to invest in timing. For example, 20 seconds is approximately 250-300 characters of text. If you shove something that is not pushed, there will be a machine-gun burst. In the radio video, you need to repeat the name of the institution 2-3 times, emotionally describe the menu in a few words and add a call to action at the end.

Here's a beautiful example: text for a cafe advertisement on a radio in an entertainment center, timing 40 seconds:

Are you interested in the answer

What to eat for lunch?

Keep your figure

And beautiful nature

There is nothing better

Than the cafe "Golden Key"

Hot dishes, salads, desserts,

There is a pizza to choose from - catch the moments

And besides, each of you

You can celebrate your holiday with us

Play on the playground with a soul

At the cinema 3D then find yourself

There are a lot of desires, a lot of ideas,

Attraction 5D is for you and friends,

And also you catch the happy moment,

Come to the Golden Key on the weekend with your family,

Cheer with us for football,

You won't miss a goal with the live broadcast!

Come to the Golden Key cafe. We work daily from 8.00 to 22.00 in TRTo "Cosmos".

  • Women who watch their figure
  • Young mothers with children
  • Groups of friends
  • Football lovers

The advertisement has a clear hint that the cafe is located in a shopping and entertainment complex and besides food there is other entertainment. That is, this cafe is ideal for celebrating a birthday, New Year, graduation, closing session, playing your favorite football team, and just the end of the working week.

Another example: text for advertising a cafe on a radio in an entertainment center, timing 40 seconds:

Attention, attention, attention!

Cafe "Antalya" was opened today

Only we have oriental cakes,

Shawarma with veal and potatoes,

For the first time in Sumy, chicken hamburgers,

Our cafe is the most hospitable

There is little time left before the holiday

Try not to be late for it. You start,

So don't waste time

Come to our opening!

March 8 at 16.00 a lot of prizes and draws. Animators, contests and valuable gifts. We are looking forward to seeing you near the Kiev department store. Cafe Antalya!

This is a typical example of a cafe invitation text. The call to action is very well crafted.


Often people are looking for places to sit in search engines. In the search queries are typed such as "pizzeria prospect Gagarina", "restaurant Odessa", "cafe in Oryol menu and prices." That is, a person is mainly interested in the place, menu and price category. Highlight these points in the text on the restaurant's website, and free customers from search engines will catch up with you. The selection of keywords using the example of clothing can be found in the article. I will just say that I personally use Wordstat and the Bukvarix keyword database installed on my computer for this purpose.

Call to action

At the end of any ad text necessarily there must be a call to action. Tell them to come to you today, tomorrow, on your birthday or on New Year's. Without a specific call to action, any restaurant ad copy turns into "almost ad copy." You don't want customers to "almost walk" into your bar, do you?

Order an article for advertising a cafe and restaurant

Are you a catering owner or manager? Don't have the time and experience to write beautiful selling texts? There is a solution - to order an article for a restaurant, cafe or bar from me. I will select the best keywords that will quietly bring the article to the TOP, bring visitors and buyers. At the same time, the text will have an easy-to-read selling structure. Do not be shy - !

View prices

24.02.2019 admin 0 Comments

REAL CASE - marketing techniques on the example of the restaurant "Syrovarnya" Novosibirsk

The competition among restaurants is fierce and you will need to give your best to succeed. I'll walk you through how to launch a new restaurant, bar or cafe and introduce you to restaurant marketing strategies that can help you roll out your business from scratch and attract the attention of your potential customers' rumble stomachs.

Share positive information with the local press

If you look closely, the first information about the opening of a cheese dairy in Novosibirsk appeared back in April 2018, six months before the opening of the restaurant. At that time, there was neither a website for the restaurant, nor separate social accounts. networks. Several informational articles were ordered about the planned opening of a cheese dairy under the brand of the famous entrepreneur Novikov .. That is, an information injection was made using the most visited portals of Novosibirsk - NGS.ru, nsknews.info , hksonline.ru and some others. The task was to excite the audience and prepare the information space for the future event.

The costs of this “wave in the information field” were relatively small. About 100-150 thousand rubles. Each of these articles cost about 20-40 thousand rubles, but such a high cost is due to the prices for advertising in the news blocks of Novosibirsk portals. Below are the prices for the placement of advertising materials on the most popular portal of Novosibirsk NGS.

It's important for restaurant marketing to back up a news feed mention with positive ads on your website and social media. In the case of a cheese dairy and in the absence of a website and accounts, this task was accomplished by posting information on the main website of Novikov's company and the company's account, as well as on similar thematic resources. That is, videos were made about similar cheese dairies in St. Petersburg and Moscow.
Local fans of these establishments quickly supported this information with positive reviews and disseminated information, and newcomers from Novosibirsk were “invited” to visit the same establishment in person when the restaurant opens.

For the promotion of a restaurant, cafe or bar, it is important information noise

The internet has tremendous power in the restaurant industry, and good support for positive reviews is like a flock of chickens laying the golden egg. Testimonials can work wonders for the restaurant business. The most important thing to understand is that people can and will be looking check information even if you haven't created an account yet and you don't have a website... And the restaurant itself does not exist yet. This means adding as many details and details of the future establishment as possible, such as:

Try to add as much detail and detail as your imagination allows.

Working with comments and reviews

Another important thing to keep in mind when it comes to reviews is how you handle the feedback. It's a good idea to thank the commenters for their feedback, positive or negative. If you receive negative feedback, always respond in a polite, professional manner. But in a nutshell - you always need to play the role of a benevolent host.

If you reply to a negative review publicly, thank the reviewer for the review, apologize for the incident or misleading information, and promise to improve it in the future. The important thing here is to convince customers that the restaurant owner values ​​their opinion and works hard to improve it. Consider hiring professionals such as photographers and bloggers to take some top-notch photos or video reviews.

Promotion of a cafe, restaurant, bar - the second stage

After creating information noise, one of the decisive stages of restaurant promotion begins. This is the opening of a restaurant or cafe .. Here it is important not to spare money on advertising. To do this, 1-2 months before the opening, it is necessary to develop a set of measures. Which should work at the time of opening. These are again the most popular local portals. Here, based on the budget, you need to plan the main costs. For a cheese dairy in Novosibirsk, it was about 2 million rubles ... A colossal amount. But based on the total project costs of about 50-60 million, this is only 2-3 percent of the total budget for the launch of the restaurant. Again, the main informational stuffing should be carried out several days before the opening of the restaurant and in the first few days after the opening of the restaurant, while there is an influx of visitors. The sites are again selected on the main city portals.

The opening of the Cheese Factory restaurant was scheduled for September 27, and it was during this period that about 30 information materials were published on all news and thematic resources of Novosibirsk.

If you look at the statistics of requests for Novosibirsk, you can determine that this information boom worked and worked 100%. The number of "interested" clients has increased many times over.

As you can see, the peak of activity falls on the beginning of October, when the information boom began to decline. At this time, publications appeared not only on portals, but also videos on video hosts.

At the same time, several groups of the restaurant on INSTAGRAM were opened.

If you have ever chatted in INSTAGRAM, you will understand that food is one of the burning topics for users. This is probably the most effective method of promoting your cafe or bar at the moment. High-quality photographs and visual content are in high demand on the Internet. And having amazing looking photos on your social media is a great bait to grab the hungry eyes of your potential customers. Consider hiring professional photographers and bloggers to take some top-notch photos or videos to boost your customer loyalty.

Advertising with a geographical orientation is the main principle of restaurant promotion

For most restaurants, the local business name is the ultimate online marketing experience. People are looking for delicious food near home and invest in geo-targeted advertising.
Geo-targeted ads help you save money by ensuring that your ad messages are only visible to users in specific cities or within a specific radius (excluding irrelevant clicks, which could cost you high ad spend). Many online advertising services, from Google Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords) to YANDEX Direct, have geo-targeted ad options (at no additional cost).

Be sure to take advantage of these handy targeting features to get effective ads for your potential customers.

The third stage of promotion of a cafe or restaurant

When you have introduced and interested customers with the company, and the initial hype has subsided, introduce the customer to your best dishes and the economic prospects of the restaurant. For example, you can try photographing people, cooking, interviewing restaurant executives, and even competitors whose posts you think your potential fans will love.

For any bar, restaurant or cafe, this is the most difficult period, the period of survival. Here it is necessary to ensure the profitability of the establishment. And if usually the initial stages almost always look successful, then the subsequent ones can lead the company to collapse.

What in our example, a cheese factory in Novosibirsk? If in September 2018 there was almost 100% occupancy in the halls, then in February 2019 the occupancy dropped dramatically and fell by more than 3 times. See undeniable statistics for thematic queries:

That is, at the peak there were about 250 requests for the phrase "Lenin's cheese dairy", then in January there were only 80 requests, that is, the popularity of the restaurant fell more than 3 times. And empty halls for a cheese dairy are no longer a rarity.

If you roughly count the money, then if at the opening the revenue in the restaurant was in the range from 600 thousand to 1 million rubles per day, then in January 2019 it decreased to 100 thousand or less on weekdays. That is, the institution will pay off, at best, only after 18-20 months, and then, if the popularity of the institution has not yet decreased. And the problems in our example have already appeared. If you look at the local Novosibirsk job portal, you can see 3 new vacancies from the Novikov Cheese Factory at once:

As you can see, there are vacancies for cooks and a shift manager. They appeared quite recently at the end of February 2019. That is, qualified personnel began to leave the restaurant. In our time, it is difficult with work, this only happens if there are any problems with wages. And the proposed salary levels for chefs, even for the region, are not very high for restaurants. At the current stage of survival of the Syrovarnya restaurant in Novosibirsk, expensive contextual advertising from YANDEX DIRECT is actively used.

To summarize - the main ways and techniques of promoting a bar, cafe or restaurant or what to do:

  1. Hire a professional photographer to create beautiful photos that will appeal to foodies.
  2. Build a customer loyalty program using apps like YANDEX and GUGL. Set up and maintain your restaurant's search engine profiles. Respond to negative reviews carefully and politely.
  3. Create ads for geo-targeted restaurants using online platforms such as AdWords, YANDEX DIRECT, Facebook and Twitter.
  4. Use Instagram to promote the best visual content for your restaurant or bar
  5. Send random emails to local customers.
  6. Promote and cultivate user-generated content on your restaurant account website. For example, create a photo or video contest.
  7. Showcase your "happy" service staff to humanize your business.
  8. Follow your restaurant presence on social media. Tools such as YouTube, VK, Instagram help your customers loyalty.
  9. Share any positive press information about your cafe or restaurant.
  10. Set up Google and YANDEX alerts for your restaurant to keep track of who is saying what about you online.
  11. Create a blog for your restaurant. Share your successes, everyday life, funny stories, etc.
  12. Reach out to bloggers who want to visit your restaurant.
  13. Check your restaurant details such as phone number, address and opening hours
  14. It is important to understand who the target customer of your restaurant is and use it to develop a corporate identity on the Internet.
  15. Send regular tweets and posts. You can even schedule them ahead of time.
  16. Make sure your online menu is clear and functional.
  17. Take advantage of online delivery services so that a hungry customer can always taste your delicacies
  18. Set up online booking tools for a seat or table
  19. Use mobile ads in AdWords, as repeat customers often search on mobile devices.
  20. Use ingredients from local suppliers and farms. Customers love restaurants that are part of their community and place more trust in locally sourced produce.

This list summarizes the marketing and advertising ideas for promoting a restaurant, bar or cafe. Hope you can use these tips for a successful promotion!

It is very promising to sell sandwiches with sausage or sausage, because this business is practically not represented on the public catering market. One outlet with such a product can bring its owner about 300 conventional units daily. Hot dogs are often an addition to a hamburger, crumpet, etc. There are not many establishments whose specialization would be based only on such sandwiches, and the business of such places is often based on seasonality.

Sandwiches are sold mainly by individual entrepreneurs (individual entrepreneurs). However, there are also big companies in the market.

Experts point to some reasons for the low popularity of hot dogs.

One reason is that the sausage sandwich is less popular than the hamburger, for example. But any business can be made popular. To make this business successful, the first step is to change the choice of raw materials used. The same applies to gas stations. It is best to use imported raw materials and imported gas stations, but you can come up with something of your own that would not be inferior to quality and taste.

When this type of business began to appear on the market, imported raw materials (sausages, sausages, ketchups, etc.) were used for filling the buns. However, outlets gradually switched to domestic everyday products, and hot dogs lost those taste qualities that were inherent in them when using imported products.

To open a hot dog (hot dog) business, you need to complete the following documents:

  • Registration;
  • Lease agreement;
  • Permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service for retail trade;
  • Individual card;
  • Indication of the main types of products sold (calculation);
  • Indication of the main suppliers of products;

When trading in alcoholic beverages, you will need an additional permit to carry out this type of activity.

Stage 2. Location

The place for the sale of products is a fixed counter or a mobile kiosk. It is best to place it in the most crowded place. In order for the business to develop successfully and constantly generate income, it is necessary not just a place with high traffic, it is necessary that the consumer is not in a hurry, but just walking. These places include:

  • Shopping or entertainment center;
  • Amusement park;
  • Pedestrianized street;
  • Recreation places (forest parks, historical sights, city dignity, etc.);
  • Stadiums, cultural events;

The pavilion area should be from 1 to 2 square meters. The fixed counters cover an area of ​​3 square meters. In addition to the point of sale, it is also necessary to install a trash can or other container for the purpose of collecting garbage.

Stage 3. Equipment

Sandwich equipment can be special and adapted. The adapted equipment is the so-called installation for the production of barbecue, sausages and other meat products (barbecue). Such equipment can only be used when placing the kiosk in an open space. The advantage of the adapted equipment is its cost (from 170 to 500 conventional units), ease of use and mobility (ease of movement and transportation).

Barbecues are good for the holidays. The device is easily transferred from one point to another. In summer, during the influx of tourists, barbecues can be placed on the berths, from where excursion boats leave.

Special equipment includes an apparatus for making a hot dog, a thermal cart on wheels. Carts are electric and gas. The electric trolley must always be connected to the mains and therefore may cause difficulties with movement and mobility. The gas cart is powered by a gas cylinder that is attached to it. Such counters move quite easily, but you need to constantly monitor the gas. Such equipment costs from 500 to 1,000 conventional units.

The size of the counter is small - 0.50.6 square meters.

The advantage of hot and fresh sandwich makers is that the products are produced very quickly. The cost of the device is 1,000 conventional units. Often, this equipment is installed in large centers where other products are sold.

You can also think about purchasing a full-fledged cafe in a trailer. Such a cafe has an area of ​​6 to 10 square meters. The price ranges from 2.000 to 10.000 conventional units. The price depends on the completeness.

Stage 4. Raw materials

The main raw materials are baked goods and sausages. Raw materials are often purchased from domestic companies. Depending on the will of the consumer, the products can be sold in supplements with additives. Used as additives:

  • Ketchup;
  • Mustard;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Cucumbers;
  • Carrot;
  • And other additives;

A hot dog with additives acquires new tastes and becomes more appetizing. However, these additives increase the price of the product.

To reduce costs, many prefer local raw materials. Each month, one kiosk will need 120-250 kilograms of sausages and bakery products, 25-50 kilograms of various types of ketchup and mayonnaise, 2,500-5,000 handkerchiefs.

The price for raw materials will be from 720 to 1,500 conventional units.

Stage 5. Personnel

To sell sandwiches, it will be sufficient to have 1 seller per 1 outlet on the staff. Such counters do not have cash registers.

However, for the sale of products in a non-mobile counter, several employees will be required, one will stand at the checkout and count on customers, and the second will deal with cooking. This is also due to the fact that it will be difficult for one person to deal with calculations at the checkout and prepare hot dogs and other related products (potatoes, hamburger, soda, juices).

All employees are required to undergo a medical examination before starting work. Each employee must have a health card.

The St. Petersburg market is represented by about 50 retail outlets with various formats that sell hot dogs.


For stable operation of one counter every day throughout the month, you need:

  1. Sausage, sausages - from 120 to 250 kilograms;
  2. Ketchup or other additional product - from 25 to 50 kilograms;
  3. Napkins - from 1,000 to 5,000 pieces;
  4. Bakery products - from 120 to 250 kilograms;

Costs - from 720 to 1.500 conventional units.


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