Home Vegetables Bomb original Chinese diet pills. Tablets "Bomb" for weight loss. Incendiary "Bomb" for weight loss: composition

Bomb original Chinese diet pills. Tablets "Bomb" for weight loss. Incendiary "Bomb" for weight loss: composition

It has long been known that there are several reasons for the appearance of excess weight. Basically, experts associate the appearance of body fat with a lack of physical activity, a psycho-emotional state, and an unhealthy diet. These factors are interconnected and form a single complex. For example, a person very often “treats” a bad mood with fatty foods. At the same time, its activity is sharply reduced. Of course, after a while, the psycho-emotional state will return to normal. Physical education will correct the situation with inactivity. But what to do with the diet and how to remove deposited fat? The intense rhythm of life does not allow most people to eat normally and in a timely manner. And not everyone has time for the gym. For modern women, scientists have developed a dietary supplement "Slimming Bomb".

How to get rid of excess weight?

Surely you have heard about the so-called "positive energy balance". Its essence is as follows. A person constantly expends energy (calories). The body receives it by splitting fats. If more calories are taken in with food than are consumed, fat reserves appear on the sides and abdomen, which the body stores for a rainy day. But since there is enough energy, they remain lying, gradually increasing in size. Many women try to reduce their calorie intake through diet. This almost never leads to the desired result. After leaving the diet, the weight returns and begins to increase at an even faster pace. To deceive the body, you need to reduce not food intake, but the absorption of fat and carbohydrates.

Slimming capsules "Bomb"

Slimming capsules "Bomb" relatively recently appeared on the domestic market. But they have already become one of the favorite means to help cope with excess body weight. The latest development of the company "Jinlixin" has become a real find for women who want to quickly, effectively lose weight, while not really bothering themselves. The drug was developed by American pharmacists and nutritionists, and is produced in China. With it, you can lose about 10-15 kg in just a month.


Diet pills "Bomb" is used for:

  • obesity treatment;
  • weight loss;
  • repeated course after unsuccessful weight loss with other drugs.

The tool belongs to food additives and does not contain chemicals.


"Red Bomb" for weight loss is one of the best products on the domestic market. It consists of the following components:

  • white Chinese olive extract (Fructus Canarli);
  • capsaicin;
  • chastuha plantain;
  • Bash fruit (Basehr Nuts);<
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin D;
  • vitamin E;
  • L-carnitine.

Chinese olives help lower bad cholesterol levels. The monounsaturated fatty acids contained in them are broken down in the liver immediately after ingestion. In this case, the supply of energy does not occur abruptly, but gradually. Therefore, the level of glucose in the blood does not rise. The Chinese olive is rich in antioxidants and active substances that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

capsaicin- the most important component of hot chili peppers. It suppresses appetite, increases the metabolic rate. Capsaicin, by stimulating thermogenesis, accelerates the oxidation of fatty acids. An increase in the body's energy costs leads to the breakdown of fat from deposits.

Chastuha plantain was noted by Avicenna. Enthusiastic descriptions of this plant are found in ancient manuscripts. Only in the old days it helped to cope with edema of renal origin, nephritis. Chastuha helps to cleanse the kidneys of small fraction stones (sand).

Basha fruit experts refer to super fat burners. Exotic fruits several times accelerate the process of fatty acid oxidation, prevent the absorption of fats from food and the formation of new deposits.

Vitamin C- a recognized accelerator of metabolic processes. Thanks to it, immunity is strengthened, general well-being improves.

Scientists have long noticed the dependence of the degree of obesity on the level of content vitamin D in blood. They argue that most people living north of Turkey lack vitamin D due to lack of sunlight. This leads to metabolic disorders, the appearance of fat deposits.

Vitamin E, known as tocopherol, is valued for its ability to slow down cell aging, remove toxins and fatty acids from the body. It is fat-soluble, therefore it is able to destroy fat deposits from the inside. The properties of tocopherol are most pronounced in the presence of vitamin C.

L-carnitine acts as a fat burner. It is produced by the body in very small amounts. The use of L-carnitine in the form of a dietary supplement helps to normalize body weight faster.

Operating principle

Fat burner "Slimming Bomb" has proven its effectiveness. After a course of its use, unnecessary deposits disappear even in the most problematic places (sides, stomach, hips). After a few days, it becomes clear how the gradually decreasing fat layer begins to slide down, swelling disappears, the skin becomes more elastic. The effect is due to the rather strong effect of medicinal herbs. To accelerate the burning (breakdown) of fat, vitamins were included in the supplement in combination with L-carnitine. You can significantly enhance the effect of the drug by doing a daily 15-minute workout.

Benefits of Slimming Bomb Third Row

Dietary supplement "Third Row Slimming Bomb" enjoys the highest popularity due to obvious advantages:

  1. Fast results. According to the manufacturer, in just 1 month you can lose 10-15 kg. Numerous customer reviews indicate that in reality it is really possible to lose 7-9 kg of excess weight.
  2. Safety. Chinese "Slimming Bomb" refers to safe food supplements. Unlike drugs, drugs in this group do not contain chemical compounds, which means they do not cause side effects.
  3. Good tolerance at any age. "Red bomb third series" is easily tolerated by the body. This allows you to use the supplement at any age after 18 years.

Instructions for use

Slimming capsules "Bomb" take 1 tablet 20-30 minutes before breakfast. The drug must be taken with a glass of warm (room temperature) water. During the day, you should drink 1.5-2 liters of fluid. Standard course - 30 days. This nutritional supplement is considered one of the most effective. It is widely used to repeat the course of losing weight after the unsuccessful use of other means.


Fat burner "Bomb" should not be taken by minors, women during lactation and pregnancy. Care should be taken to use funds for people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

Side effects

Side effects from the use of "Slimming Bombs" are not known. Sometimes there is an individual intolerance or allergy to medicinal plants that are part of the supplement. In this case, nausea and diarrhea may occur.

Release form

Diet pills "Bomb the third row" are produced in the form of green and salad-colored capsules, hermetically packed in blisters of 10 pcs. Each package contains 30 capsules of 450 mg.

Storage conditions

The food supplement should be stored at a temperature of 16-25°C, out of the reach of children, in a dry place. There are no additional storage conditions for this product. The drug was developed in the USA and manufactured by Jinglixin (PRC).

Where to buy "Slimming Bomb"?

The drug "Bomb for weight loss" can be bought in our online store. We offer the best weight loss pills cheap, with delivery. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the fat burner can be obtained by courier. Russian Post will deliver slimming capsules to any region of the Russian Federation in a maximum of 14 days.

Slimming bomb capsules: reviews

On capsules "Bomb for weight loss" leave reviews on this page. They will definitely help other buyers decide on a means for weight loss.

Xenia, Moscow

The red bomb was recommended to me by my mother. She said that she bought in this store and it helped her. Placed an order. Hope it helps me too.

Lera, Vyazma

Long thought to buy or not. And then she made up her mind. And not in vain. Lost 8 kg in a month. I just don't need more.

Instructions for use:

"Bomb" is another of the means used for weight loss. This drug is positioned by manufacturers as an extremely effective tool for weight loss and body shaping. For a month, excess weight loss should reach 6-12 kg. It is assumed that fat will disappear from the waist, sides and other problem areas. What is this medicine? Is it worth trying it in the fight for the perfect figure?


Tablets "Bomb" for burning fat are not a drug. This, first of all, means that no studies proving the effectiveness of the drug and its safety have been conducted. It is also known that the production of drugs, their composition and storage are more closely monitored than the production of biologically active food supplements such as Bomba.

This drug contains several herbal ingredients. This is a set of Chinese algae (Fructus Canarli, Basehr Nuts, Fructus Euodiae), as well as capsaicin, an alkaloid of capsicum. Both algae and capsaicin are widely used in various weight loss programs. They are credited with pronounced fat-burning abilities.

In addition, the tablets "Bomb" for burning fat contain a large dose of levocarnitine - an amino acid that is synthesized in the body and belongs to the vitamin-like group. Levocarnitine is used in medicine to activate fat metabolism and correct metabolic processes. This amino acid can promote weight loss under certain conditions.

What other substances are included in the "Bomb"? In recent years, there have been several reports in the press about the confiscation of drugs with the same name, containing sibutramine, which is prohibited for free circulation in Russia. Sibutramine-based drugs are used worldwide to combat obesity. This strong substance acts on the central nervous system. Its main effects are considered to be appetite suppression and increased heat production by the human body. Consequently, a person does not eat, new calories do not come in, and the accumulated fat is burned. Sibutramine helps to lose weight quickly in the first months of use. Further, addiction is most often formed to it and the weight stabilizes. Sibutramine has a number of side effects and contraindications for use. Therefore, any drug that has sibutramine in its composition should be prescribed by a doctor.

Mechanism of action

According to reviews, the "Bomb" for burning fat helps to lose weight quickly. The mechanism of action of the drug is associated with a complex effect on the metabolism in the body. Levocarnitine, which helps to utilize adipose tissue under conditions of physical exertion, can most actively contribute to weight loss.

If sibutramine is present in the tablets, then it suppresses appetite, increases heat transfer. Herbal components of the drug "Bomb" have a laxative, diuretic effect. These substances eliminate swelling and constipation.

Indications and contraindications

Obesity is an indication for the use of this biologically active drug.

Not always overweight requires treatment with pills. At the initial stages, it is enough to change the lifestyle and nutrition. In the event that these measures are unsuccessful, the doctor may prescribe one of the medicines for the treatment of obesity.

The drug is contraindicated for everyone with arterial hypertension, arrhythmias, coronary heart disease, depression, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Pregnancy and age under 18 are also considered a contraindication for Bomba treatment.

Mode of application

Tablets can be used to combat excess weight. To avoid side effects and complications, before using any drugs, consult with a competent specialist.

"Bomb" is assigned in courses of 30 days. Two capsules of the drug should be taken per day. One capsule is taken 20-30 minutes before breakfast with a glass of clean drinking water. The second capsule is drunk before dinner. If you have problems falling asleep after taking the drug "Bomb" in the evening, then transfer the reception to the daytime hours (until 18.00). After a month, the drug should be stopped. It is allowed for another 2-3 months to take 1 capsule in the morning every 2-3 days for a supporting effect. In the event that your weight corresponds to severe obesity, it may be necessary to repeat the treatment with "Bomb" to burn fat.

Dreams of an ideal figure are characteristic of every woman, and everyone is looking for ways to realize their dreams. Some spend hours in various sports activities, others come up with new diets, but still others dream of finding the perfect pill. The market offers a huge variety of different drugs for weight loss, and it is very difficult to figure it out. One of these drugs are capsules for weight loss "Bomb".

It turns out that the "Bomb" for weight loss is sold for a symbolic price, and the result is amazing. Some women managed to lose 10 kilograms in just a month. The weight goes off evenly and the body does not get stressed. All this result is due to a certain composition, which guarantees the result. But is this composition good for health? The tablets are made in China. And it is not clear who will be responsible for the quality. This article will help you understand all these aspects.

The effectiveness of tablets "Bomb"

Many sites say that the Fat Burning Bomb works wonders. But in fact, their effectiveness in the fight against body fat is unproven. It is completely unclear whether women lose weight in a healthy way, or the process is detrimental to health. The manufacturer claims to have invented a new technology. This technology consists in extracting genes from plants, which subsequently help to lose weight. If you believe the reasoning of experienced scientists, it becomes clear that the tablets are useless if they really contain plants.

Some female representatives managed to lose 10 kilograms in a month. It can be self-hypnosis, or the Bomb slimming capsules still have a special composition.

Price of tablets, and places of purchase

An interesting fact is that the capsules for weight loss "Bomb" are quite difficult to find. It will not be possible to buy a "Bomb" for burning fat in a regular pharmacy. You can order tablets exclusively on the Internet, mainly Chinese sites. After all, the tablets are made in China. Delivery can take at least 2 weeks, or even several months. The price turned out to be symbolic, about $10 for 3 tablets. In most cases, shipping is absolutely free.

The composition of the tablets "Bomb"

Before using any drugs, you need to study their composition, and understand whether it is suitable for a particular organism. The "Bomb" for burning fat is made based on the genes of herbs that contribute to the burning of body fat. The composition contains a number of certain vitamins that are aimed at burning fat, as well as supporting the body during the period of weight loss. Another indispensable element is the presence of hot red pepper extract.

It is this component that is present in various supplements for people who are engaged in an active lifestyle. Pepper is able to establish metabolic processes in the body, which means that food will be better absorbed and calories burned faster. These tablets also take care of the immune system, for this purpose psyllium extract has been added. The next component is Brazil nuts, it, like pepper, helps to burn excess body fat and make the appetite more moderate.


Naturally, any drug has some side effects, especially diet pills. Perhaps they help, but there are times when they do more harm than good. So, let's analyze what harm the "Bomb" diet pills can bring:

  • stool disorder
  • dry mouth
  • constant feeling of thirst
  • sleep disturbance
  • irritability
  • headache
  • nausea

Before using Bomba slimming capsules, you need to monitor all the information on the Internet, especially reviews. You can find a number of similar effects in them, and decide for yourself whether these health pills are worth it.

Diet pills "Red Bomb"

This type of tablet is different from the classic representatives of the "Bomb". These capsules include an additional range of useful vitamins that will contribute to a faster metabolism. For an integrated approach, it is necessary to apply physical activity and regularly visit the gym or pool.

Additional components in the form of green plants will improve the functioning of the liver and pancreas, which is necessary during the period of weight loss. The body strengthens its protective functions, which means that during weight loss a person will not feel in a stressful situation. Slimming capsules "Bomb" will provide the body with comfortable conditions for losing weight, which means that the process will go quickly and with pleasure.

These are also tablets with additional components in the form of lemon, pumpkin, and various types of nuts. The preparation also includes various seeds of green crops. As the instructions say, it can be taken from the age of 16, all components are natural and will not harm the body. In addition to losing weight, this composition will help get rid of skin problems, irritability, and constipation. In order for the Fat Burning Bomb to give the desired result, you need to carefully read the instructions and follow all the rules.

Rules for taking pills

Before you start a course of treatment, you must carefully read all the instructions in the instructions, drinking capsules for weight loss "Bomb" according to your own method is not recommended. So, you need to take them once a day, in the morning, while the stomach should be empty. If the tablet was not drunk in the morning, then this can be done during the day, beforehand for 3 hours without eating anything. It is worth using them in a course of 3 days, on the fourth day there should be a mandatory break. Before starting the course, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines of waste products, and an enema will help with this. If you follow all these rules, manufacturers promise to lose 10 kilograms per month. One pack is enough for a month, so you don't need to buy a lot of them.

The best way for me to get in shape

The easiest and healthiest way to lose weight of all that I have tried. Absolutely no additional effort is required, the main thing is to regularly take capsules in the morning and evening before meals. They have no taste or smell and are easily swallowed.
Visible to the naked eye, the results were recorded in a week, and the first plumb line began after 4 days. The general state of health was comfortable, nausea, weakness and apathy were not observed. As it turned out, the capsules are also suitable for emergency weight correction after vacations or holidays. Just 1-2 weeks - and I'm back in shape.
I draw your attention to the fact that although the capsules have a natural composition, they are prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Great result, I'm happy

The capsules have an excellent composition, there are extracts from plants, and vitamins, and L-carnitine. All components are useful in themselves, but together they give a synergistic effect. The manufacturer promises a loss of 15 kg in 24 days, this, of course, is not true. But in a month, with an imperfectly clean diet and lack of sports, I lost 8.5 kg. An excellent result came out without much effort. Capsules do not stimulate emergency cleansing of the body. They work on the principle of normalizing metabolism and lipolysis processes. As a result, the appetite subsided, the craving for unhealthy snacks disappeared, the general condition of the body and appearance improved significantly.

disturb sleep

Capsules really work, the process of losing weight begins very quickly. There were no side effects associated with rapid weight loss. However, another problem emerged. If you take the capsules in the evening, then it is difficult to fall asleep - they definitely have something invigorating. In the morning it's good, but in the evening it's useless. As a result, she began to take them no later than 5 pm, sleep returned to normal.
Before you start taking it, it is recommended to take a course of cleansing, but I limited myself to fasting days. The capsules have no obvious health contraindications, only individual intolerance. After the cancellation, the weight did not go up again, the fluctuations are quite insignificant.

Excellent safe dietary supplement

The dietary supplement is absolutely safe for the body, during the reception there was no negative reaction from the body. Capsules were taken twice a day half an hour before meals and washed down with plenty of water. This made it possible to kill three birds with one stone at the same time: further reduce appetite, start metabolism, and prepare the gastrointestinal tract for proper digestion of food. For a month it took 2.5 packs. There are no time restrictions on admission, I drank capsules for 2 months. They did not give a clear diuretic or laxative effect, they had a very mild effect on the body. The result is good - minus 11 kg, the weight has been stable for several months.

Simple figure modeling

I really lost weight with capsules, lost 18 kg in 3 months. The weight loss went smoothly. Despite the fact that the feeling of hunger is suppressed, she did not feel exhausted and overwhelmed. The composition is selected so that the body is supported at all stages of weight loss. I constantly felt cheerfulness and pleasant lightness in my body. On the 2nd month of taking, I added light cardio and removed all nastiness from the diet, weight loss went at a record pace, fat was melting before our eyes. And not in any particular place, but on all problem areas at once. Capsules allowed me to mold an excellent figure without harm to health.


I lost 4 kg in a short period of time, I took the drug for about a week. Honestly, you don’t notice anything unusual, there are no side effects. The only thing I noticed was the regular morning stool, I apologize for the details, but I am a full person and there were intestinal disorders. All these days I ate much less, I just didn’t feel like it, saturation went much faster. There is a result.

Justifies its name

This product is truly the bomb! Kilograms left, as they say, with a whistle. I did not expect such a rapid decrease in volumes, I don’t know, maybe self-hypnosis played a role. But I never managed to lose 10 kilos per month and with no diets! True, the whole course was tormented by wild dry land, I drank a lot of water. Therefore, at night I could not sleep normally, I ran to drink, then pee. I didn’t like it at all - eternal lack of sleep and sandpaper in my mouth. Moreover, the taste buds somehow dulled: no matter what you eat, close your eyes and you will not understand whether it is an apple or a piece of cardboard. Otherwise, the drug performed all the declared functions.

Effective but unusual

The name of the tablets is very symbolic - a bomb. And indeed, after you take a pill in your stomach it becomes hard, you don’t feel like eating at all. By the way, there were no disorders of the stomach and intestines. I stayed on my diet for only 4 days (it took 1.5 kg), then I began to take one pill. Over the next 6 days, I lost another 3.5 kg. The result is amazing!
Thanks to the pills, appetite is reduced. Day after day I felt leaner and leaner. The body is used to eating little, so now I still eat tiny portions and this is enough for me to lead an active life. Plus, I maintain my weight without gaining weight.
No diets are needed now, but the gym after losing weight will not hurt. Chinese pills have proven to be safe and effective. Quality product, and therefore expensive.

Ideal for weight maintenance

After losing weight, regardless of the method, I gain weight very quickly. Now I weigh 53 kg and I am completely satisfied with my figure. I want to stay at this weight forever. I bought a package of capsules "Bomb". Many girls said in the reviews that they are the best fit for maintaining weight. I have seen this through my own experience!
Since the main goal was to maintain weight, I reduced the daily intake of tablets by three times. The package lasted me a month. This month I ate whatever I wanted, but within the normal range (not at night, not cakes and pastries for days). And I didn't gain a single gram! By the way, usually at the end of the diet, I gain 2-3 kg, not to mention the rest of the time. And here the scales are really happy!
During the course of the pills, I felt that my appetite was under control. In addition, food is digested faster than usual, which means that the metabolism is accelerated.
Fats simply do not have time to linger in the body, so there is a process of losing weight. Tablets are safe and useful. The effect pleases!

You will lose weight if you pass the first stage

The drug is effective, but very peculiar, to get the result you will have to work hard and morally as well. I can’t say that right from the first day I began to feel like an energetic slim girl. On the contrary, at the initial stage, the body threw out such horses that at least stop taking it: a terrible dry, like after a hangover, the tongue is just emery. Sweat poured in streams, especially in the area of ​​​​the abdomen and thighs, inside everything somehow trembled and my head ached. Everything stabilized on about the fifth day and by the end of the course there was no discomfort, except for increased thirst. However, the water did not stay in me for a long time, it also came out abundantly.
All the time while I was taking the "Bomb", and drank two packs, I monitored the pressure and pulse, and so they, excluding the first lapping days, were in perfect norm, so the drug really stabilizes the work of the heart. Sweating completely disappeared, despite the fact that she began to move more actively: she walked at least five kilometers a day. With each kilogram gone, and I lost about 13 of them during the course, my breathing returned to normal, I got rid of the so-called bulldog shortness of breath caused by excess weight. As for the fact that the bomb completely discourages appetite, I will not say. I wanted to eat like any normal person, the only thing I tried not to eat after six and not to abuse heavy fats and carbohydrates.

Eating indulgence has appeared

Cons: the medicine is expensive, for a long course you need more than one pack.
Pros: you can drink on an empty stomach and will not stir up, helps to get enough of a smaller portion size, the taste of food is felt better
So experience. At the beginning of the reception, I tried to restrain myself from giving up: pizza, pastries, tortillas, sausages, switched to proper nutrition and drank more liquids, and as a result, in a month I managed to lose 8 kg 600 grams. There was no talk of any tone, relief, pure fat left, not all, but so many kilograms per month is a gorgeous result. I confess that I am still obsessed with the desire to lose weight, to return to the previous size 46, another 8 kilograms separate me.

Helped keep fit

I took Bomba tablets when my weight began to grow. Realizing that I was getting fat, I decided to go in for sports and include a specialized dietary supplement for weight loss in my daily diet. I chose bomb pills. I took them for about 1.5 months and the resin did not only stop weight gain. My weight has dropped by 4.5 kg.
The drug is presented in capsule form. You need to drink like regular capsule tablets, drinking plenty of clean water. After taking the pill, there are no problems from the gastrointestinal tract.
The main effect of the drug, which I noticed literally on the 2nd day of taking the capsules, is a pronounced decrease in appetite. I really started to eat less. I began to eat smaller amounts of food and at the same time felt great. There was no hunger or discomfort. Due to the fact that the drug is enriched with a vitamin complex, I noted not only weight loss, but also an improvement in the general condition of the body: sleep, mood normalized, activity increased.
Before starting the reception, following the manufacturer's recommendations, I cleansed the liver of toxins. To do this, I drank activated charcoal for 3 days. The dosage was calculated according to general recommendations (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight).

59 reviews

  • Rating: 2.9 out of 5

    59 reviews

  • write a feedback

"Bomb" (BOMB) is a capsule for weight loss, the development of which was carried out using the latest formula, which includes the instant effect of effective and instantaneous burning of subcutaneous fat in the body of any person over the age of eighteen. Slimming capsules "Bomb" (BOMB) affects the body smoothly and absolutely without negative consequences, which contributes very well to extremely comfortable and rapid cellulite burning. Slimming capsules "Bomb" (BOMB) are currently considered to be the best super-burning drug of all drugs for weight loss.

Slimming capsules "Bomb" (BOMB) instructions for use and reviews: capsules for weight loss "Bomb" (BOMB) extremely contribute to natural weight loss, and the establishment of a natural metabolic process by the body itself. They literally, literally revive the subcutaneous fatty tissue and give the skin a delightful and seductive look.

Action capsules for weight loss "Bomb" (BOMB): super fat burner "Bomb" (BOMB) significantly increase and multiply the very impact on the burning of useless and extra pounds.

Time of action of capsules for weight loss "Bomb" (BOMB): 1 capsule of slimming capsules "Bomb" (BOMB) lasts approximately 10 hours.

Indications for the use of capsules for weight loss "Bomb" (BOMB): The super fat burner "Bomb" (BOMB) is extremely indicated for all women and men over the age of eighteen.

The composition of capsules for weight loss "Bomb" (BOMB): red pepper extract; outlandish pumpkin extract; amorphophallus flour; quintessence of walnut; lemon extract and gourds powder.

How to use capsules for weight loss "Bomb" (BOMB): 1 capsule 30 minutes before breakfast.

Contraindications: persons under 18 years of age, pregnant and breastfeeding.

Side effects: Allergic reactions are possible in hypersensitive persons.

Reviews of doctors about capsules for weight loss "Bomb" (BOMB): multiple reviews of qualified doctors about the Bomba Super Fat Burner (BOMB) will come to your rescue when choosing diet pills.

Use during pregnancy and lactation: during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of capsules for weight loss "Bomb" (BOMB) is not recommended.

Interaction: a study of the mismatch of the drug "Bomb" (BOMB) with similar drugs has not been conducted.

Advantages (pros) capsules for weight loss "Bomb" ( BOMB) : easy to use.

Disadvantages (cons) capsules for weight loss "Bomb" ( BOMB): many side effects.

Storage conditions for capsules for weight loss "Bomb" (BOMB): 24 months.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies: the drug is dispensed without a prescription.

Shelf life of capsules for weight loss "Bomb" (BOMB): 24 months.

Manufacturer of capsules for weight loss "Bomb" (BOMB): People's Republic of China, development American (USA), made under the control of the company - block "Jinglixin".

Release form: 450 mg. 30 capsules.

The price of capsules for weight loss "Bomb" (BOMB): from 1.400 to 2.100 rubles.

(45 years old) Russia, Omsk 0 agree 0 do not agree

Olga 45 years Omsk

Do not buy, the stomach hurts terribly after 7 days of taking. Terrible pills, I really regret that I drank !!! Such pains that you would not wish on your enemy. Even pills from the stomach do not help.

(33 years old) Russia, Moscow 0 agree 0 do not agree

It’s very difficult to be fat (((not only are you just aesthetically disgusting, it’s also hard for you to even dress like a pancake disabled person. I’m mega-addicted to sweets, and my withdrawal starts right when I don’t get at least a candy (a small one). With my head, I understand that this gesture is still the same, but it hurts me without nymnias (((I decided and bought a bomb for weight loss. There are a lot of reviews and information about this weight loss product on the Internet, I read it with my head, the sediment remained contradictory, but ... I bought it. The Bomba weight loss tool helped me “melt” twenty-eight kilos in two courses, a couple more visits, and even my friends will stop recognizing me!

(29 years) Russia, Moscow 0 agree 0 do not agree

Did someone feel the moment when they throw “Fat Cow” in your back, “where are you climbing, the bottom of the minibus will fall out” and in such a vein? Not? I envy you! I eat all this dirt several times a day!!! And I really want to see that fragile, and super tender girl in this pile of fat! Reviews about diet pills I shoveled a long time ago. Everyone was looking for reviews about such diet pills that will cause delight and capture. And I came across such reviews ... but as it turned out, it would be better if I were not so gullible !!! Diet pills sucked, well, at least ATP, they didn’t put weight on, I would definitely throw myself off the bridge !!! By the way, I got burned about this method, and the toggle switch in my head worked that I was a fool, and everything can be made easier! I just started drinking four liters of water a day, without changing anything else!!! Minus 23 kilos in four months!!! So fuck all the torment, drink some water - this is health, strength, beauty and is available to everyone !!!

(34 years) Russia, Nizhny Novgorod0 agree 0 do not agree

(33 years old) Russia, Moscow 0 agree 0 do not agree

Chinese, Korean, French, etc. diet pills - has anyone even delved into this list of thousands? Not? I recommend!!! Then you will immediately start writing reviews, dissuading you from using diet pills! Reviews, konesh thing is cool, only a few read, and my reviews will mostly pass by. But ... we can save someone's soul. All diet pills are produced according to the same principle - a divorce of suckers by means of a safe or dangerous component! The liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines are destroyed - HELLO PHARMACY!!! You are a lifelong disabled person, not the fact that you have an ideal figure !!! Stressful weight loss will provoke a camel effect - an emergency accumulation of fats in the bins, etc! well, as a perspective, it pleases ... everyone has an Internet, well, read, look at the pictures, you will definitely have to drink validolchik !!! Health to YOU ​​without chemistry and extreme!!!

(28 years) Saint Petersburg, Russia0 agree 0 do not agree

I don’t know why you are all ruffled here, diet pills are a fucking way to lose weight. The reviews did not stop me, I bought diet pills "", side effects? Nooooo .... solid positive, I live, getting high))) I didn’t even read the reviews at first, but I bought diet pills from the start, then the reviews drove negative, and I realized that I needed to tell that the diet pills "" did with me! In short, the first month - minus nine kilos, the second - minus five, the third - minus twelve, now the fourth - concluding ... let's see how you put it fucking chemistry can RETURN health, and not ruin it !!!

(34 years) Russia, Omsk 0 agree 0 do not agree

Reviews, reviews, reviews - it's stupid for you to make nefik! Yes, and the topic was chosen - "Pills for weight loss"! I wandered by accident, I read, the level of my FUCKING is difficult to describe! What, really, are there, excuse me, FOOLS who are still sweating packs of diet pills? Well, do not drive, it's a complete scribe!!! Where else do you need to write, show that diet pills are a chemical weapon of a new generation!!! Mdaaaaa .... it's hard to be waist-deep wooden !!!

(24 years) Russia, Kursk 0 agree 0 do not agree

Stupidity, well, never decorates, but I didn’t suspect that we just fill up stupid ones with us! I’m still ready to accept reviews with an open negative - maybe they will correct the brains of naive people, but reviews with open admiration - drive them into a stupor! Why such positive reviews? That diet pills kill fat and at the same time the whole body is taken completely!!! That diet pills are chained to the toilet? What diet pills make you frigid? Is the sheer weight of such sacrifices really worth it? Well, honestly, you are either stupid or mega desperate !!!

(35 years) Ukraine, Kyiv 0 agree 0 do not agree

Something strange, some kind of drug, reviews are good, bad (((

(41 years old) Moldova, Balti 0 agree 0 do not agree

Diet pills, why did they do this to you, I periodically drink diet pills from a young age, I support the figure, so to speak. As for me, reviews with a pronounced negative are not written from a great mind! How can you capture everyone under one handkerchief? Diet pills are well, that neither is different! The reviews are negative, it hits the reputation of the drug, and the reason is - we don’t know how to read, we take it for a boom, and then “Why is it tearing me up and vilifying me ?!”, we buy fakes in transitions, etc. Reviews on tablets have the right to be both negative and positive, but I would not recommend imposing my opinion !!! The quality of the tablets, the system and the doctor are three kits of logically correct weight loss !!!

(34 years) Russia, Ulyanovsk0 agree 0 do not agree

Folks, well, you are going crazy from all sorts of filth! I read reviews and "admire" every line!!! Not only are diet pills stupidly stuffed into themselves in tons, but paying attention to the fact that negative reviews overwhelm the forums, diet pills are scattered. But, purely out of interest, “if I fuck up boric acid, pack it brightly, sign that these are diet pills, you will also eat tons!!! Read responses, the International Federation of Journalists in a firebrand meanders will stir!!!

(45 years old) Russia, Ufa 0 agree 0 do not agree

(36 years) Ukraine, Kyiv 0 agree 0 do not agree

Girls, I don’t understand, something “Bomba” has gone like some other lately. I used to remember "Bomb" was really like "Bomb"! And now that she drank, that she listened to the radio, some crap began to be released. Maybe someone knows what happened, so write here so that the rest can read at least info ...

(26 years) Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk0 agree 0 do not agree

I took a fancy to a site on the Internet with the distribution of the Chinese drug for weight loss Bomba. I ordered the drug Bomba, I'm losing weight confidently, I walk slowly, but as if there is a result and I'm more than satisfied with it, in twenty days - three kilos, everything is normal)))

(33 years) Russia, Krasnodar0 agree 0 do not agree

She ate sixty tablets of the drug Bomba and what, noool !!! How I ate and the hamster !!! This Bomb is a scam!!! Complete bullshit!!!

(29 years) Russia, Yekaterinburg0 agree 0 do not agree

Slimming Bomb capsules remarkably regulates cholesterol, and also cleans the intestines))) with Bomb capsules it took me twenty-three days, three and a half kilos, it suits me)))

(25 years) Saint Petersburg, Russia0 agree 0 do not agree

Bomba took the slimming drug quite recently, everything seemed to pass without deviations from the norm, only I have such a bad habit - I smoke. During the use of the drug Bomba, after one puff, such severe dizziness began, I had to quit cigarettes))) here is another plus from the pills))) but still there is one thing, but after drinking the pills you need to eat properly, only meat and vegetables, otherwise you break loose, do not stop, you will have to take the Bomb again)))

(40 years) Saint Petersburg, Russia0 agree 0 do not agree

Ekaterina, where did you buy in St. Petersburg?

(32 years) Kazakhstan, Semey0 agree 0 do not agree

I don’t know. I’ve been drinking them for about 7 years. I periodically lose 5-6 kg from one package. I drink for a month, then I rest for a month. Then I drink again. but still it works. Sometimes depression. Insomnia always accompanies. A feeling of panic, anxiety, etc. I don’t know. There are many minuses. But there is also a plus, minus 5-6 kg. Now I weigh 48 kg. .I start drinking, dropping to 46kg.

(28 years) Russia, St. Petersburg 0 agree 0 do not agree

On the advice of my sister, I decided to drink BOMB slimming capsules, I really wanted to be slim and beautiful, but I like to eat deliciously, and I don’t deprive myself at night. Having taken BOMB slimming capsules for a month, I did not lose weight at all, but I started to have insomnia, and my nerves were constantly in suspense. Then a friend suggested other Super Skinny slimming capsules. After trying them, I was surprised at how quickly they began to help me. For a week of admission, I have already begun to lose weight and pretty well, and everything got better with sleep and the nervous system is in order. I am very satisfied with the capsules, they really helped me cope with my problem!

(33 years) Kazakhstan, Semipalatinsk0 agree 0 do not agree

I heard about Bomba slimming capsules in a women's club where I go on weekends. I listened to the results and decided to try to lose weight too. I was told where you can order these slimming capsules and buy. I didn’t decide to drink them right away, but still I bought the Bomba original slimming capsules, since now there are a lot of fakes. I took 1 tablet a day, as indicated in the instructions, but not after a week, not after a month, I did not lose weight at all. It’s very strange, because I bought the original Bomba, they really slipped me vitamins, my skin got a little better, and my nails too, but I didn’t wait for the desired effect of slimming capsules ...

(29 years) Russia, Rostov-on-Don0 agree 0 do not agree

(34 years) Belarus, Minsk 0 agree 0 do not agree

I am a famous singer in my city, after giving birth I gained 10 kg, it was unacceptable for me to return from the decree to work in this form. I decided to try the Bomba capsules, used them for weight loss, and also thought to improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails due to the beneficial plant extracts from which the capsules are made. After drinking a course of capsules for weight loss, but I did not manage to lose weight. In addition, I began to feel a feeling of nausea and weakness, although the doctor ruled out pregnancy. In general, the capsules for weight loss "Bomb" no longer drank and will not.

(27 years) Russia, Yekaterinburg0 agree 0 do not agree

I work as a model, I really have to watch my appearance. While I was on vacation, I gained extra pounds abroad. We needed to get rid of them quickly. In addition to fitness, I decided to drink a course of BOMB slimming capsules, but I was wrong about these capsules, they didn’t bring me any result at all, they made me feel bad - constant diarrhea and headache. After BOMB slimming capsules, I will never again take drugs of this direction. I will try to lose weight naturally))) I no longer eat sweets, I try to control myself)))

(38 years) Russia, Saratov 0 agree 0 do not agree

I used the entire course of capsules for weight loss bomb, did not lose a single gram, of course, if you torture yourself with physical exertion, the result could and would be, but why then spend extra money on the purchase of this product ??! Buy and enjoy it or what?? My friend, of course, knew about my problems, she advised me to contact a well-known specialist in our city, and oh thank the gods, my kilograms began to melt before our eyes. Girls, women, do not experiment on your health, do not buy bomb slimming capsules, because the results can be irreparable. I wish you all SUCCESS!!!)))

(27 years) Ukraine, Lvov 0 agree 0 do not agree

(33 years) Germany Berlin0 agree 0 do not agree

By the summer, I wanted to bring myself back to normal, remove the hanging belly and sides, so that at least I would not be ashamed to go out in public. I decided for a long time, but still I thought and tuned in that I would buy “Bomb” slimming capsules, I took them with caution, as I had heard about side effects. In a month I lost 8 kilograms, I am glad that I bought the Bomba slimming capsules, in principle, the weight goes off without problems, my problem areas tightened up, as I wanted, to complete happiness, I still have to lose 4 kilos. Now I will buy only these drugs. For an incentive, I took a bathing suit one size smaller. So girls, let's get stimulated and forward to the goal)).

(28 years) Russia, Ulyanovsk0 agree 0 do not agree

(31 year) Russia, Vladivostok0 agree 0 do not agree

They say that a friend cannot advise anything bad, so I fell for it))) I bought BOMB slimming capsules, according to the “testees”, they are good for weight loss. I started taking tablets - but there was no result, I did not lose weight at all. As there was an extra 15kg in me, it remains so. I read on the Internet that these capsules are natural, there are no side effects and are made only from plants, you can easily lose weight with them, but, unfortunately, I could not do this. I bought capsules for weight loss BOMB in vain, they did not meet my expectations. It’s a mystery to me that my body didn’t fall for this crap in any way !!! Vladivostok - Evgenia.

(30 years) Ukraine, Skadovsk0 agree 0 do not agree

Always and for many, overweight has been a problem that is not so easy to overcome over the years. Here I am the same, all my life I want to lose weight and strive, but it doesn’t work out. I bought slimming capsules, started taking them, everything was fine, of course, there was no result, but I waited, I thought that it would be, but maybe not right away. After 3 weeks of using the “Bomb”, the most interesting thing began, my health deteriorated in earnest: my blood pressure dropped, my heartbeat became rapid, I could hardly walk along the wall, otherwise it was stormy like the sea when moving. It was very scary, I immediately stopped drinking slimming capsules, at that moment I wanted only one thing - to get better soon. So now I bypass the Bomba slimming capsules.

(25 years old) Russia, Chita 0 agree 0 do not agree

I am only 25 years old and over the years I have already managed to eat extra pounds, it’s scary to stand on the scales, and it’s even worse to look at the showing numbers. I realized my weakness in front of food, I knew that I couldn’t cope without help and decided that I would buy Bomba slimming capsules. I took it and did not believe in its effectiveness myself, after a week I did not want to eat huge portions, the feeling of fullness came quickly, I felt generally great. Slimming capsules "Bomb" - I really liked it, losing weight with them is a pleasure, most importantly, it is not painful at all, and without harm to health. I'll buy myself another pack just in case). I advise you to purchase, with them you will forget about the torment during diets.

(18 years) Russia, Sterlitamak0 agree 0 do not agree

and where did you get them?

(28 years) Saint Petersburg, Russia0 agree 0 do not agree

I recovered and my relationship with my husband deteriorated noticeably, I stopped attracting my beloved, because of this I was aggressive. To bring back our old feelings, I bought bomb slimming capsules. Looking at my result, I have something to brag about, I lost 7 kilograms and I'm sure this is not the limit, but I already like it. Even in size it is clearly seen that I achieve what I want, all this is thanks to the miracle drug BOMB, safe, reasonable price. The relationship with my husband became just super, I seemed to fall in love with him again, even my sex life changed for the better, apparently my weight loss contributes to this, I never thought that this was possible. Do not look at the price, buy and lose weight without problems)))

(41 years old) Ukraine, Kherson 0 agree 0 do not agree

Since childhood, I have been overweight, my grandmother taught me that you need to eat well and not deny yourself anything, repeating: "Everything is useful that it got into your mouth." Then I could not even think that this would spoil my whole youth for me. Family life is hard to arrange in such forms that they do not speak for the soul, and men love beautiful and slender women. In the fight against fat reserves for many years, I bought myself Bomba slimming capsules, began to take them with great faith in solving my problems and the complexes I had developed. But, unfortunately, nothing came of it, I became nervous, just horror, rushed at a person for any trifles, in addition, headaches constantly pestered me. So the Bomba slimming capsules had to be cancelled. Who dare to buy them - be very careful!!!

(34 years) Russia, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky0 agree 0 do not agree

I suffer from overweight, it would not hurt me to lose 10 kilograms, I decided not to test myself with debilitating diets, but immediately resort to means that help in losing weight, I bought myself BOMB slimming capsules. I started drinking capsules with great hope. On the second day of using BOMB, I had some kind of heaviness and nausea, I felt incomprehensible. When I ran out of strength to walk so depressed, I stopped taking BOMB, I felt noticeably better, it became clear that the reason for my ailment was due to taking slimming capsules, to be honest, I did not expect such a reaction (((

(30 years) Germany, Stuttgart0 agree 0 do not agree

I am a person who is prone to fullness, I stopped watching my waist, and it instantly went in breadth. I wanted to get rid of excess cargo quickly and without harm to health, I wanted to buy Bomba slimming capsules, after using these capsules I realized that I wasted money in vain and in vain, the effect is zero, everything is down the drain. After using the capsules for weight loss Bomba, my sister brought me Ultra Effekt weak capsules from Moscow, it is quite easy to lose weight with them, without any stress, and most importantly, without harming the body as a whole. I liked it, the weight goes away, the problem areas of the body are tightened: the skin, fat and other inconveniences no longer “decorate” my figure, now I feel like a Woman again. This drug met my expectations.

(27 years) Russia, Samara 0 agree 0 do not agree

I have to stay at home, began to do all sorts of delicious things! All my relatives are simply dragged by what I do. But here I planted them, and now I suffer. After all, it is impossible to pass by, "but try." In 2 months, I turned into a huge hippopotamus, it's scary (((I can't lose weight quickly, because I can't diet and exercise - it's not for me. I heard from a friend about the wonderful BombA slimming capsules, bought them in Moscow I started taking it - I felt some lightness in my body! So far, I have not yet lost all unnecessary kilograms, but a pleasant result on my face! Using BombA slimming capsules, I got rid of some health problems, such as constipation, bloating and heartburn. Also, my acne and oily skin disappeared.Bomba capsules are my favorite))) they showed me a great effect!

(22) Russia, Orenburg0 agree 0 do not agree

Girls, I took BOMB slimming capsules for a long time, what I drank, what I listened to the radio. I just went and threw money into the wind, I can’t say anything more about it, the effect is zero, kilograms and fat are in place. Perhaps it was just a fake, and therefore there was no reaction, in our country it is almost impossible to get the original BOMB. Basically, I don't get discouraged. I am a girl, aspiring and a hundred pounds will achieve my goal))) Hee)

(35 years) Germany, Munich0 agree 0 do not agree

As for me, BoMba is a complete crap, I drank it for a month, to no avail - I'm upset. In the instructions, everything is so well told, slimming capsules are conducive to themselves, but in vain. I just wanted to put the eaten figure in order. So what? BoMba just brought so much fuss and discomfort into my life that it's hard to even describe! Now I have no time to think about weight, I need to deal with my own well-being, which has deteriorated significantly!

(31 years old) Russia, Chita 0 agree 0 do not agree

I was on diets for a long time, but it did not give any result, it seemed that I was getting better from water alone. When I tortured myself and was exhausted by starvation, I bought bomb slimming capsules, reviews about it are different: both good and such that goosebumps. I didn’t manage to throw off the excess, the body didn’t take these capsules, which means it’s not mine. The girlfriend was also fat (she was looking for a way to get rid of weight problems), she drank a course of bomb slimming capsules, and, oddly enough, she lost a lot of kilos and centimeters with great ease. Turns out it's all about me!

(26 years) Russia, Moscow 0 agree 0 do not agree

A friend bought a bomb slimming capsule, it didn’t suit her, I won’t describe everything, she “gave” them to me. Both of us do not have slender figures, we started taking capsules for weight loss, and we did not observe any changes, our fats all cracked like jelly (((, they were disappointed in them together with my girlfriend. And most importantly, I could not stop in time, I several times I tried to stop using it, it didn’t work, my body just demanded another dose, but they write that the drug is not addictive, how is it so???!!!

(26 years) Ukraine, Khmelnitsky0 agree 0 do not agree

(45 years old) Russia, Sochi 0 agree 0 do not agree

When buying capsules for weight loss "Bomb", I really hoped for their help, as a result of taking it, I lost 0 kilograms, there were no changes in the figure. A waste of time and money, the price is decent, then, disappointed, I even got depressed, I thought that nothing would help me, even if they didn’t take specialized tools such as “Bomb”. Right now I'm sitting, what else would I buy, to be sure. Well, I love experiments and nothing can be done about it anymore)))

(35 years) Belarus, Grodno0 agree 0 do not agree

I didn’t get better, I just recently got fat, like an elephant, a good indicator of that was the fact that my husband stopped paying attention to me when they went to bed, they immediately turned their backs to one another, it was unbearable. In order to arrange everything as soon as possible, I looked after myself BOMB slimming capsules, began to take them, but they do not shine with efficiency. But I didn’t have much time, and I didn’t have a choice either. I continued to take Bomba capsules, with the expectation that maybe there will be a holiday on my street. Yes, I did it, I reached exactly the weight that I wanted, so terrible health problems began. Anyway, I don’t see my husband now, because today the hospital has become my home!!!

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