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What is a retreat and how to do it. What is a retreat. The basics of correct conduct

Characteristics of the enterprise

Trading enterprise CJSC "Tander" shop "Magnet" "notary" is located at the address: st. Industrial, house 44. It is a retail trade enterprise.

The full corporate name of the enterprise is TANDER Closed Joint Stock Company. The legal address of CJSC "TANDER" corresponds to the postal address: Russian Federation, 350002, Krasnodar.

Closed joint stock company "Tander" is an enterprise engaged in the production and sale of goods and has as the main goal of its activities - making a profit, for which the material, labor, intellectual and financial resources of its participants are combined.

The business started with the wholesale of household chemicals, cosmetics and perfumery, currently Tander has more than 15 years of experience in the market.

Gradually, the company promoted the product through its retail network. By 1996, there were about 30 retail outlets in Krasnodar and the Krasnodar Territory. At the same time, the company was in the process of becoming a distributor of the world's leading manufacturers in this product group.
1997 - food products.

To date, the company has covered 9 regions, in which 52 branches are concentrated.

According to the characteristics of the device, this is a specially equipped detached one-story building intended for the sale of goods and the provision of services, has a sufficient number of premises for the normal functioning of the trade and technological process.

According to GOST R 51773-2001 “Retail trade. Classification of enterprises "by type, this store belongs to a supermarket (supermarket) - it sells food products of a universal range and non-food products of frequent demand by self-service. By specialization, this enterprise is mixed, i.e. sells a wide range of food products and a universal group of non-food products.

In a store, the main selling method is self-service. With this method of service, the time spent on the purchase is reduced, the buyer has the opportunity to independently select the product, as well as to pay at a single checkout point. In addition, an individual service method is used in the gourmet department, but payment for these goods is made at a single cash register.

This store provides basic and additional services. The main one is the implementation of various groups of goods in the store. Additional - information and consulting (providing information about goods and their manufacturers, expert advice on goods, conducting promotional presentations of goods); assisting the buyer in making a purchase (receiving and executing orders for goods, packaging goods purchased in the store.); creation of convenience for customers (guaranteed storage of purchased goods, acceptance and storage of buyers' belongings); not directly related to their purchases (telephone services, rental of audio and video cassettes, development of photographic films and printing of photographs, sale of newspapers and magazines).

The location of the store is convenient, because located near the bus stop and a new residential complex.

Working hours of the store: from 10:00 to 21:30 without a lunch break and weekends.

The company is a legal entity. In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a legal entity is an organization that owns separate property and meets them for its obligations. Such an organization can, on its own behalf, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, bear obligations, be a plaintiff and defendant in court.

By its organizational and legal form, it is a closed joint stock company (CJSC).

A joint stock company, the shares of which are distributed only among its founders or other predetermined circle of persons, is recognized as a closed joint stock company. Such a company does not have the right to conduct an open subscription to the shares issued by it or otherwise offer them for purchase to an unlimited number of persons.

The shareholders of a closed joint stock company have the preemptive right to purchase shares sold by other shareholders of this company.

The number of participants in a closed joint stock company must not exceed the number established by the Law on Joint Stock Companies, otherwise it must be reorganized into an open joint stock company within a year, and after this period - liquidated in court, if their number does not decrease to the limit established by law ...

The legal status of a CJSC, the rights and obligations of its participants are determined by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ "On Joint Stock Companies".

Since this enterprise is a legal entity, its rights and obligations must comply with the objectives of the activities provided for in its constituent documents. The main constituent document is the charter, which is approved by the founders of the legal entity. It states:

o The name of the legal entity (with the obligatory indication of its organizational and legal form and company name);

o Location of the legal entity;

o The procedure for managing the activities of a legal entity;

o Other information.

Certain types of activities (sale of goods, provision of services, conclusion of contracts), the list of which is determined by the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 No. 3 128-FZ "On licensing of certain types of activities", this organization can only be engaged on the basis of a special permit - a license.

The store has a large colorful sign with the name of the company. A sign indicating the operating hours, organizational and legal form, legal address is posted at the entrance to the store. In the trading floor there are signs with the names of departments, with the help of which customers can easily navigate the store.

At the entrance there is a board "Information for consumers", it says:

1. Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights"

2. Book of reviews and suggestions

3. Excerpts from Resolution No. 55 "Rules for the sale of certain types of goods"

4. License for the right to trade

When purchasing goods, the buyer has the right to demand:

1. Certificate of Conformity

3. Copies that are legally binding

4. Shipping documents

The products sold in the store have price tags.

They indicate:

1. Product name

2. Manufacturer of the product

3. Unit price

4. Seal of the organization

5. Signature of the administrator

The document on the basis of which the sale and purchase agreement is carried out between the store and the buyer is the price tag, therefore the price tags in the store are drawn up clearly and correctly. Each price tag is located near the product specified in it.

Internal environment of the organization.

Figure 1. The structure of the store management apparatus

The Magnit store uses a linear management structure. This structure is characterized by the concentration of all management functions in the hands of the director. The staff is divided into approximately equal parts. Workers perform roughly the same actions.

The advantages of this structure: ensuring the principle of one-man command, clarity and precision of management links, management efficiency.

The disadvantage is the need to possess versatile knowledge of the director.

Table 1. "Staffing table"

For the normal functioning of the trading process at the enterprise, a schedule is drawn up for the staff to start work.

For example: the director comes to work at 10:00, Art. the seller by 9:30 a.m. and opens the service entrance, the sellers come by 9:30 a.m. to prepare workplaces and cash registers for work.

The commercial activity of a trade enterprise is associated with the performance of various operations and requires versatile knowledge and skills from the employees performing them. Therefore, the staff of the store includes workers of various categories (employees of the lower, middle and top management).

For each position, the management of the organization compiles and approves job descriptions containing a list of job duties of employees, taking into account the specifics of the organization of production, labor and management, their rights and responsibilities.

For example: the head of the middle management in a store is the deputy director - a commodity expert. He takes part in exhibitions, fairs and other events, where he gets acquainted with manufacturers and the goods they offer.

Organizes the preparation and conclusion of contracts for the supply of goods with manufacturers.

Takes measures to fulfill the contractual obligations of suppliers.

Participates in the formation of the assortment of goods.

Organizes the acceptance of goods from the supplier to the warehouses.

Supervises employees.

External environment of the organization .

The Magnit store has several competitors located in the area:

Table 2. "Competitors"


Sold product groups

Retail store equipment



Dairy products,


Bakery products,

Tea and coffee,

Non-food products

From 100 rubles.

video express




Dairy products,


Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks,

Bakery products,

Tea and coffee,

Non-food products

From 9 rub. 50 kopecks

catalog, consumer information,

Wall and island slides, showcases, cabinets, fruit baskets, cash desks, tables, refrigeration equipment



Dairy products,



alcoholic drinks,

Bakery products,

Tea and coffee,

Wall and island slides, showcases,

refrigeration equipment,

The principle of operation of "Magnet" is to provide an opportunity for the buyer to quickly and profitably purchase a wide range of food products.

The "Magnit" store is competitive, since the goods sold are of high quality and reasonable prices.

Currently, the store has entered a period of active competition for sales markets. The marketing policy of a store's activities in the market can be defined as the retention and systematic increase (by crowding out competitors) of the market share.

Magnit is competitive in the following advantages:

· Relatively low price level compared to other large grocery stores in the city.

· Qualified and friendly staff.

· Minimal time losses for the search and purchase of goods.

· Additional services.

· A wide and democratic range of goods that will be presented on the trading floor, designed for consumers with different income levels.

· Modern equipment that ensures high quality of the services provided, as well as appropriate storage and "facing".

· Implementation of programs to stimulate demand.

· Availability of the necessary information support for consumers, including the presence in the trading floor of sellers - cashiers - consultants, information signs, price tags, advertising materials.

The mission of the company: "We work to improve the welfare of our customers, reducing their costs for the purchase of high-quality consumer goods, taking care of the company's resources, improving technology and rewarding worthily."

The purpose of the "Magnit" store is to make sales of the declared assortment by attracting buyers living in the area of ​​the store and encouraging them to make a purchase by influencing visual perception, associative thinking.

We work to improve the welfare of our customers, Development strategy of JSC "Tander"

Achieving the maximum coverage area of ​​the "Magnit" chain of stores:

· Strategic direction - opening stores in cities with a population of less than 500 thousand people - where 73% of the urban population of Russia lives;

· The target audience of the convenience store is buyers with an average income, which enables the Magnit chain to penetrate into small towns and settlements.

Economic ties between suppliers and buyers of goods are a very broad concept, which includes economic, administrative, legal, financial and other relations that develop between buyers and suppliers in the process of supplying goods. Rational economic ties contribute to the planned development of the economy, the balance of supply and demand, and timely delivery of products.

For the supply of our products, the company has carefully selected suppliers.

Suppliers are selected based on the following characteristics:

o Qualified personnel

o Quality product

o Prices close to producer prices

o The goods are delivered by the supplier's transport

o Fast and temporary delivery of goods

A supply agreement has been concluded with each of the suppliers' representatives. In case of failure to fulfill their obligations, the suppliers pay a penalty, and the company can also refuse the services of the supplier.

Much attention is paid to cooperation with local manufacturers and suppliers, which makes it possible to quickly resolve issues of supplying chain stores with fresh locally produced goods. The company's stores offer customers an optimal assortment of popular everyday goods at reduced retail prices. A special place in the assortment is occupied by products under the private trademark "Magnit", currently numbering more than 500 items. The priorities in the formation of the basic assortment of the company are different. For example, "Magnit" relies on fast-moving consumer goods with well-promoted brands, a few goods with a limited shelf life and the most popular household chemicals. Magnit stores today offer more than 3,000 product names, and this assortment may differ slightly in different stores ... The basis (80%) is food, the rest is related products.

About 50% of the goods presented in the chains come through distribution channels and exclusive contracts, which is not surprising, given that all the chains have grown out of wholesale companies. This policy, of course, affects the assortment of stores, since the concluded contracts imply the fulfillment of distribution plans.

The company has concluded contracts with local and nonresident suppliers-manufacturers of products:

Table 3. "Suppliers"

Local Suppliers

Out-of-town suppliers

Meat gastronomy

Concern Dubki, Family Sausages, Saratov Meat Processing Plant

"Sochi meat-packing plant"

Bakery products

Saratov Bakery named after Struzhkin "

OJSC "Engelskiy bakery"

Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks

CJSC "Liksar"

LLC "Dikomp - Classic"

Baltika OJSC

CJSC "Visit"

JSC "SUN Interbrew"

OJSC "Yarpivo"

LLC "Rosm"

Dairy products

"White Valley"

Saratov Dairy Plant,


"Penza Dairy Plant", JSC "Saushkin Product", JSC "Wimm-Bill-Dann"

Tea and coffee

Orimi Trade LLC, Nep LLC, Kafa Industries OJSC, MALLU GMBH

To determine the quantity of goods, use the ADR program:

ADR is a solution for retailers, distributors and manufacturing companies. The system allows you to significantly reduce the costs of companies in the planning and distribution of goods due to the ideal balance between minimizing average daily balances and ensuring the constant presence of goods on the shelves.

Software tools on the ADR platform allow you to purposefully solve the following groups of tasks:

· High-quality forecasting of sales;

· Control over the availability of goods and prompt detection of re-grading;

· Forecast of cash flow;

· Evaluating and analyzing the effectiveness of promotions, sales and other impacts on demand.

Software solutions based on the ADR platform include the following components:

· Planning and optimization of purchases;

· Control of the availability of goods on the shelves;

· Evaluating the effectiveness of promotions and other impacts on demand;

· Optimization of the volume of insurance stocks.

Solutions based on "ADR" allow a wide range of implementation options, taking into account the specifics of business processes, the characteristics of the collected data, typical scenarios of using the system. Basic implementation options:

· Installation of the module for calculating the forecast of sales;

· Building on the basis of "ADR" system to support procurement planning processes;

· Outsourcing of "Autozakaz" functionality.

The use of solutions based on the Avtozakaz platform provides:

· Increase in sales due to the constant availability of the necessary goods on the shelves;

· Optimal use of the warehouse, which is not filled with an excess of low-liquid goods;

· An increase in the turnover of funds and a reduction in the costs of the trading network;

· Increasing customer loyalty due to the availability of priority products;

· Minimization of the influence of the human factor in forecasting;

· Increasing the reliability of warehouse accounting data.


· Daily forecasting of consumer demand for each type of product.

· Self-determination by the system based on its own forecasts of the optimal quantity of goods that should be in the store before the next delivery.

· Using a unique forecasting algorithm for each commodity item, which makes a forecast with maximum accuracy.

· When forecasting, taking into account additional factors: seasonality, holiday calendars, price dynamics, product life cycle, and others.

· Independent quality control of forecasts and self-training of the system.

· Setting up the system in accordance with the procurement policy of the company and making forecasts based on it.

Figure 2. Auto order

Thus, with the use of ADR, inventory management is optimized, the turnover is improved, and the shortage of goods is reduced.

Goods supply.

In the modern world, in the sphere of commodity circulation, there are processes of concentration of financial, material and labor resources within the framework of branched network structures. Large trading companies annually increase their turnover and their presence in the market. It is they who determine the pricing policy and relationships with suppliers, and also contribute, by virtue of their financial capabilities, to the introduction of advanced trade and information technologies, thereby contributing to the development of modern software products.

Experts identify several ways to concentrate resources, among them: horizontal and vertical integration, as well as diversification.

In the course of horizontal integration, several stores are merged into one company in order to conduct consolidated purchases of goods from suppliers and a balanced pricing policy.

The logical consequence of horizontal integration is vertical integration, since the increase in the total gross turnover required the creation of a distribution center (DC) and a single management link. Thus, the modern management structure of a large network company is emerging.

Distribution centers of the "Magnit" chain are located in Engels, they serve stores and contain most of the items in the assortment set.

A significant part of the inventory, calculated for a particular store, is in the warehouse in "Magnet", and deliveries from the DC are carried out in large quantities every two days (corporate arrival). All necessary stock is delivered. The company has its own large vehicle fleet, with the help of which goods are delivered from the DC to the store, calculated by auto order.

The traffic route is circular, i.e. goods are delivered to 3-4 stores in one trip by one car.

The return run of the transport is loaded - containers, waste paper, carts from under the goods are sent from stores to the DC.

Such a system (consisting in the automated management of orders, deliveries, control and accounting of the entire trading process) helps to reduce costs at all stages of commodity circulation.

To perform technological operations for receiving, storing and sending products to customers in the warehouse, the following main zones are distinguished:

- the area for unloading vehicles, which is located outside the premises;

- expedition of acceptance of goods, including operations for acceptance of products in terms of quantity and quality;

- main storage area;

- the loading area of ​​vehicles, which is located outside the storage and picking area.

The listed operating areas of the warehouse are connected with each other by aisles.

The unloading area of ​​vehicles is adjacent to the goods acceptance expedition (the product acceptance area in terms of quantity and quality). The main part of the area is allocated for the storage area. It consists of the area occupied by the storage units and the area of ​​the aisles. The goods unloading area is used for manual unloading of vehicles, as well as for removing goods from shipping containers, acceptance by quantity. Expedition of acceptance of goods serves for acceptance of goods in terms of quantity and quality, keeping records of the arrived goods. At the site of preparation of goods for storage (located in the area of ​​goods acceptance), storage locations are formed. The goods come to this area from the unloading area.

In the storage area (the main part of the main warehouse), goods are stored.

In the loading area, vehicles are manually loaded.

Determination of the main parameters of the warehouse:

Total warehouse area

Stotal = Spol + Svsp + Spr + Scompl + Ssl + Spe

where Spol - useful area, i.e. area occupied directly under the stored products (racks, and other devices for storing products), m2;

Svsp - auxiliary (operational) area, i.e. area occupied by driveways and aisles, m2;

Sпр - area of ​​the acceptance site, m2;

Scompl - area of ​​the picking area, m2;

Ssl is the area of ​​work places, i.e. area in warehouse premises allocated for warehouse workers' workplaces, m2;

Spe is the area of ​​the acceptance expedition, m2;

In the "Store" the total warehouse area is:

Stot = Spol (40m2) + Svsp (60m2) + Spr (18m2) = 118m2

This storage area is optimal for this store and contributes to a smooth trade and technological process.

After unloading and acceptance of the goods by the administration, the layout begins.

In the store, they lay out the maximum possible number of goods, ensure the full load of the equipment shelves.

All goods are laid out with labels and pictures on the packaging in the direction facing the buyer. Goods in contaminated deformed packaging are not laid out.

The main display method used in this enterprise is horizontal, i.e. certain homogeneous products are placed along the entire length of the equipment, occupying one or two shelves for each product. They use various methods of displaying goods on equipment shelves. They are arranged in rows, piles, stacks. Some goods are hung on special devices.

Use the product display at the same time to display and release goods. Goods that are in rare demand, as well as more expensive in comparison with similar ones, are laid out next to them on the upper shelves. Cheap goods are placed at the bottom of the equipment, including in bulk.

Stocks that do not fit in the trading floor are sent to the warehouse.

Also, daily goods from local producers of frequent demand are delivered to the store (perishable goods - bread, milk.) Delivery is carried out on the basis of a delivery contract at a certain time: from 10:00 to 12:00 by suppliers. These goods are not stored in the warehouse and immediately after acceptance they are laid out in the trading floor.

Personnel Management

products competitiveness store staff

The total number of people in the store is 16 people. Hence, the share of managers in the total number of workers is 11.5%, workers - 56.5%. Consequently, the bulk of those working at the enterprise are workers who are directly involved in the trade process.

It should be noted that over the past 2 years at the enterprise there has been a gradual reduction in the number of personnel due to an increase in labor productivity.

Despite the reduction in the number of employees in recent years, according to the management of Tander CJSC, the personnel potential of the enterprise has not deteriorated.

As planned and expected, subsequent changes in the company's staff will not be as dramatic, despite the continued increase in labor productivity. Rather, there will be structural changes in the composition of the labor force. Namely, it is planned to increase the share of technical and marketing personnel in the total number of personnel and reduce the share of cheaper manual labor, while slightly reducing the total number of personnel of the enterprise.

The structure of personnel by divisions of the enterprise is as follows:

Table 4. Number of employees

The main directions of the personnel policy of the enterprise can be formulated as follows:

1) the formation of the optimal number of employees;

2) regular professional development of specialists;

3) renewal and rejuvenation of personnel.

The main goals of recruiting and training personnel are finding and training people who can effectively transform production, master new technologies, organize marketing, sales, installation and customer service.

There is a staff turnover at the enterprise. This circumstance suggests that the enterprise does not have a policy aimed at preserving the labor force. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in labor productivity.

At the moment, CJSC Tander has only material monetary incentives for labor, which is expressed primarily in wages, various additional payments to it, and bonuses.

The remuneration of each employee depends on his personal labor contribution to the final result, as well as the quality of work and the maximum amount is not limited.

The CJSC has a time-bonus wages and salaries.

Workers are paid mainly in a progressive piece-rate form. That is, their wages are proportional to the amount of work they perform. In addition, the worker is rewarded for overfulfillment of the plan established for him, as well as for the amount of work performed and the level of customer service.

The work of employees is paid in the form of time-bonus and time-based salary.

The remuneration system, forms of material incentives, the size of tariff rates (salaries) are established by the administration "regulations on bonuses for employees of CJSC" Tander ")

The minimum wage in a closed joint-stock company is set at 4,400 rubles.

In the event of an emergency, for the duration of their action, by a joint decision of the administration and the professional committee, regardless of the results of the economic activities of the CJSC, the employee is guaranteed the minimum wage established in the Russian Federation, provided that he fulfills the established labor standards (labor duties) with quality and on time , working off completely for this period of the norm of working time.

Workers are paid in accordance with wage scales and salary schemes. The salaries of the categories of managers, specialists and employees are established according to the salary schemes approved by the order for the CJSC, as well as in accordance with the order for the CJSC in multiples of the actual average salary for the CJSC.

The annual working time for 2010 is set:

- with a 40-hour work week - 1995 hours

- with a 36-hour work week - 1800 hours

- with a 24-hour work week - 1200 hours

The duration of daily work, breaks for rest and lunch is determined by the internal labor regulations approved by the conference of employees of the enterprise.

The rights and obligations of the administration:

1. Carry out the tariffication of work and the assignment of qualifications to workers

2. Continue to work to increase income by improving the management and service structure

Periodically, taking into account inflation, to revise the minimum wage level, setting it at an amount not lower than the minimum wage, to employees warned of reductions, with a general increase in wages in the CJSC, to increase on a general basis.

3. When fulfilling the indicators of the business plan, apply a multiplying coefficient to salaries and tariffs.

4. Make additional payments for harmful working conditions, regardless of the individual qualification category in the amount of up to 20% of the maximum category of work available in the given working conditions at the site, depending on the instrumental measurements of working conditions during certification of workplaces, during the actual employment of the employee at this worker location.

5. An additional payment for work at night (from 22 o'clock to 6 o'clock in the morning) shall be made in the amount of 50% of the tariff rate (salary).

6. Calculation of average earnings for vacation pay should be carried out in accordance with existing regulations.

7. Payment of remuneration for seniority to make monthly

8. Make payment of wages to employees of the CJSC 2 times a month:

- advance payment on the 25-30th of the current day;

- the salary due in the final settlement should be transferred to the accounts of employees' plastic cards, with their consent, on the 10-15th.
by decision of the administration, advanced workers may be provided with additional payments (for example, tuition fees in educational institutions)

The CJSC administration guarantees the exercise of the workers' rights to occupational health and safety and ensures their safety.

All employees of the enterprise are rewarded depending on the volume of implementation of the plan for the sale of products and are deprived of the excess of standard losses, which is provided for by the agreement on collective liability.

Employees are provided with a full social package (paid leave, official salary, deductions to all funds for full wages, length of service, paid sick leave, preferential personal income tax for those who have minor children, preservation of a job after maternity leave). The company also has an additional social package (for example, preferential vouchers to sanatoriums, New Year's gifts, etc.)

The company does not apply any unique or its own specific forms of remuneration. In addition, the company does not use any of the modern forms of remuneration, which have the highest level of motivational elements (for example, the systems of Helsey, Rovan, Bart, "Improche", etc.).

Professional career growth and training at the expense of the company, stability and social security are the advantages and prospects that open up to employees.

Recently, the share of piecework wages in the total wages of the company's personnel has been declining. This means that the amount of wages is becoming less and less connected with the final result of labor and does not fulfill its motivational function. In addition, an increase in the share of time wages leads to an increase in the share of fixed costs of the enterprise, which negatively affects profit with a decrease in sales, namely, reduces the rate of profit per unit of output with a decrease in production and sales.

The salary of the seller today consists of: salary and bonus. Salary = 4400 rubles. and depends on the calendar days worked in the month. The bonus depends on: normative losses, the share of hours worked, taking into account KTU and US, staff, the established level of remuneration in the village.

The workers have a stimulating role of the bonus, since the bonus depends on personal merit.

I ask you to write reviews on the program in the format:

-Video (from 3 to 7 minutes)

-Text (Minimum 5 paragraphs)

- What have you done

- What discoveries did you make

- What will you do next?

Thank you all in advance!

Few reviews from the site:

Dilara Mukhtarova

Hello everyone! I go through practice, not for the first time, in order to be filled with vital energy and be more feminine. I had a big break in these practices, some kind of stagnation, depression and no desire to do anything at all, I just existed. But now I am alive! It is easy and good for me. I plan to do and will do a lot! The relationship has become much better, the mood is better, life has become better! Thank you, my dear Vera!

Gulfira Udalova

Good day! I constantly feel such an iron rod in me. I try to leave any adversity on my own.
I started doing practices. I will not say that I am a very exemplary student, but I felt a change for the better. I stopped wanting to pull out the sword and scold everyone. I began to look at all my hardships with a smile. Especially when you put on the queen's dress and spread the peacock's tail. Well, the sword is not quoted with them !!!
I began to smile at myself more often. Alone, it’s even quieter.
I tried the practice of rebirth. I can say that after it there was a feeling that some kind of financial gateways were opened. Money has become easier to come in.
Yes, I don't always find time for myself, but I'm not going to stop! Thank you Vera!

Katerina Kalkina

Hello! I took part in practices to fill with energy and achieve new ideas for my creativity. Because there was a pause, where it seemed to me that I couldn’t do anything and all my ideas weren’t suitable.

Starting from the 2nd day I sat down to study the material, although before that I constantly found "reasons" not to try.

In general, the practices were not in vain!

I develop new ideas, feel a surge of strength and energy.

In some practices, I felt like I hadn't breathed for a long time.

Thank you with all my heart for these practices!


Hello everyone! It's just magic! Girls, everything works! With a great desire and action!

I went through the "Woman Magnet" practice again.

In the pre-assignment, I wrote that I was looking for a part-time job for a month.

I was looking for a temporary job, but everywhere there was a work schedule that was not suitable for me (until 21-22), or with a work book. In general, work was not found!
I took practice, did everything every day, according to the instructions. And after the end of the practice, I also did these practices every day. And danced!

A week has passed. And yesterday I was sad again that there was no work, because I really needed money. But then suddenly the idea came to go to the pedestrian street, walk along it, go to any 10 organizations and ask if they need an employee.

I went to 6 organizations, filled out questionnaires somewhere. And somewhere they immediately said that there were no vacancies. I wanted to go home, but because the street was blocked due to football, I had to go in the opposite direction, so I decided to go in and fulfill my condition.

And then .. in the 7th, by a lucky coincidence, the director of the establishment (or one of the main ones, I don't know) were there. And my interview began :) After a lot of questions, what I can do and so on, the man decided to offer me a job.

Attention: a schedule that is convenient for me. The amount that I had written down clearly in my notebook the DAY before, and work until the end of June, as I need! Magic!

In this article, we will analyze such an important and necessary question for students and employees, what are the practices of the new era, as well as what were the disciples' practices in the previous era in the 5th race. When we talk about practice, we mean action and Spirit. The spirit is characterized activity, but the activity of activity is different. The new era that has come is characterized by a new Spirit, it is fundamentally different from the Spirit of the previous era, which is characterized by a new action in a different way.

Practice - (from the Greek. Praktikos - active - active), goal-setting activity of people; mastering and transforming reality.
From point of view practice is a set of reference options for activities that we compose in order to achieve some kind of result. A method of gaining new experience.
Practice - one of the forms of training: the application and consolidation in practice of knowledge obtained theoretically. Only by practice (by the action of the Spirit) can one enter into a new experience. Without entering into a new experience, it is impossible to fully appreciate and live its advantages or disadvantages, in comparison with the existing experience. At the Synthesis workshops of the practice of a mental (mental) nature. To perform them, you do not need special physical preparation.
Practice Is a complex combination of actions consisting of several types of practices in different sets and in different combinations, in different directions of action. In the 5th race, the students used four practices, and in the sixth Metagalactic race, 16 are used.

First practice in race 5 - this is a real student, which was called Mystery(gradually leaves) instead of her, Theopha.
It arose from the time of the 4th race (Atlantic) and was a consistently alternating physical, similar actions. For example, walk in a circle to make any passes with your hands, with your feet turning into dances. This is still used by shamans and other options associated with this action. Atlanteans developed bodily actions, movement and coordination with the environment. This practice goes away due to the negative phenomenon of the principle of repetition, movements of the same type. This principle in the new era is unnatural for the flow of the new Spirit in the present time.

First practice new era called Theopha.

Theo- this is the Father, F- the form of the Absolute. By its form of Absolute action. In this practice, we strive to express the Father by ourselves or in another way, all our parts, systems, apparatuses begin to tune in to each other and to the intended action, that is, to coordinate and activate. This practice is the beginning of the next action. Theopha can occur both at the beginning and at the end as a result or synthesis of all practices. Theopha's practice turns and shapes everything.

Second practice in the 5th race there was a practice called Magic(closed).

Magic- this is the control of the laws of nature and the energetics of nature.
Magic- this is when we send energy messages to attract, tighten, cut off, bewitch, bewitch and so on. All this is called white and black magic. These actions imply the manipulation of someone and something. The Father calls this lower-level actions of a person, and they are not worthy of a person.
Magic was born in the Atlanteans and was very widespread in those days. Now in our time, magical activity is curtailed and lives on with those people who, in the Spirit, have magical accumulations and records.

Second practice of the Word new era.

Third practice in the 5th race is a practice called Prayer(closed).

Because this practice has been performed so much and is still being performed falsely that this state of the Word causes incorrect actions in this action. And the meaning of communication with the Father in Prayer is absent for most people. It was closed, but not canceled.

The third practice of Psychodynamics new era. The bodily dynamics of movement by presence. Psyche is the expression of the Spirit by movement.

Fourth practice in the 5th race is practice Dhyana(closed).

Translated as Spirit of Jansky. This is the pinnacle of the Spirit of the Father, which allows us to put together a new thought. The practice is closed with this name, but in the continuation of its methods, as a method of adding thought, as a practice that allows one to achieve a synthesis of thought, and in the new name sounds like practice of Perfection of thought(practice of creation by thought). Next are the practices of the new era, these are practices that exist in IDIVO in the form of 16 main standards.

The fourth practice of the Perfection of thought new era. Development of skills and abilities to think, improvement of thought.

Fifth practice Image-type new era .

Image-type- this is our inner figurative expression that you are inside, that is, a certain Image of yourself inside. This is the Gradual Image-type of each of us, but it was not you personally who created the Image, but it was the Father who squeezed out the best of our qualities, properties, accumulations from each of you, squeezed you out and formed the Image-type.
Image-type task improve, improve, organize more highly any qualities, properties and capabilities that are characteristic of you with these forces, that is, to support your self-improvement.

Sixth practice of Miracle a new era (translated as a miracle) presupposes a simultaneous action on physics and on presence, the synthesis of life in at least two expressions (presence, manifestation). This practice develops our physics and its integrity.

Seventh Practice Magnet new era .

This practice was known at least 2000 years ago, its goal is to combine the Yin (female) and Yang (male) principles in oneself, so that Synthesis and Fire flare up in this. This is the practice of accumulating Fire. There is no synthesis without Fire. The essence of the practice is that we kindle in ourselves the Synthesis of expression of both the Father (Yang) and the Mother (Yin) of the principles present in us. The suppression of two Fires takes place and the person receives intensive growth by Fire (resonance effect). In a magnet, we stand between the Father and the Mother, we acquire Fire from the Father and from the Mother we unite everything in ourselves, and a large volume of Fire is magnetised to this resonance. The more we rebuild ourselves magnetically, the better and faster we will develop. This practice is of daily use.

Eighth Synthesis Practice a new era is the practice of the Synthesis of a new action with the Lord and the Fathers, and this is the Synthesis of a completely new action.

  1. Practice Awakening Synthesis.
  2. Practice Resurrection Synthesis.
  3. Practice of Absolute Synthesis.
  4. The Practice of Alphabet Synthesis.
  5. Practice of Metagalactic Synthesis.
  6. The Practice of Personal Synthesis.
  7. Practice of Status Synthesis.
  8. Practice Synthesis IDIVO.

All of the above practices intersect with each other and an immense multitude of practices that do not repeat twice are formed.

Can't go to an on-site meditation retreat? You can arrange it yourself. It can be short - for example, a Sunday morning, or longer - a few days (say, a weekend). Mark this time on your calendar and treat it like any paid program you signed up for and paid for.

Your primary goal is to minimize noise and distractions, stay quiet and listen. Yourself, your inner voice, your heart. And it's much easier than it sounds. Here are some of our tips.

Decide on intent

Perhaps the hardest part. When you understand why you are doing something, then you have already taken an important step in the right direction. Write down what you want to understand or gain from the retreat. And the more specific, the better.

Plan a time and place

Add the time to your calendar or organizer. If you don't have a firm intention to come on this date with yourself, nothing will work. Find a place where it is quiet and no one will disturb you. Decide in advance what practices you will do so as not to waste time on this retreat. Then you will not waste time and be distracted, which will help the mind to remain more calm.


Clear the practice area, clean it up, ventilate it, set it to the ideal temperature (it will also be great if you have an inspiring view from the window). Decide on the menu and purchase products. The way food will be light and nutritious. Too much sugar or carbohydrates can make you feel heavy or drowsy. Too much fruit or caffeine will make it difficult to concentrate. Prepare all materials for practice - rug, meditation pillow, candles, incense. Organize an altar if you like. In other words, create an inspiring environment - so you can’t wait to sit on the rug and start meditating.

Set boundaries

Tell your friends that you will be unavailable. Turn on your answering machine or turn off your phones (or mute and hide them in your closet). Find a regular clock or timer to keep track of the time without the temptation to check your email or social media.

Print your schedule

Write or print the schedule for the retreat and stick it on the wall. Include formal practice, eating and resting time, walking, exercising, thinking, reading. The schedule should be realistic - not too busy, but also not allowing you to completely relax. For example:

5:30 - 6:30 Sitting Meditation
6:30 - 7:30 Gentle yoga or walking
7:30 - 9:00 Breakfast
9:00 am - 12:00 pm Sitting meditation with breaks for walking meditation - for example 45 minutes sitting and 15 minutes walking
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch
1:00 - 4:00 Reading inspirational literature, keeping records in a journal, walking and resting during breaks
4:00 - 6:00 Sitting meditation, walking meditation or gentle yoga
6:00 - 7:00 Dinner
7:00 - 9:00 Sitting meditation and / or Shavasana
9:00 - 10:00 Bath before bed

Make the retreat a regular practice

Meditation is the main practice for connecting with the source of wisdom. It allows you to relax and calm your mind and increase your awareness. Periodic retreats are a great way to realign your internal navigation system that will lead you to your highest potential. They are also critical to your mental health and well-being. If you're the type of person who needs an excuse to make time for themselves, consider retreating to give you permission to relax, renew, and redefine your life.

Photo: bebeautyful.me / instagram.com

I would like to become the mistress of every day. So that everything is harmonious in it, different spheres of life are taken into account: self-development, family, friends, work, needlework. In reality, it turns out that there is a lot of fuss, and I direct my attention to one of the areas. The rest are abandoned, forgotten. This creates a sense of guilt and a sense of wasted time. How to start building your day? What questions to ask yourself to learn how to prioritize the day?

Marina, Novosibirsk

Life is multifaceted, there is a family, and work, and handicrafts in it ... But it is important to understand what is important to you now. To do this, in your day, you first need to include not needlework, but self-development. Clear your mind and it will tell you how to prioritize. This can be done in evolutionary and revolutionary ways.

Evolutionary is a daily practice, and as a revolutionary I propose a retreat - a deep immersion in practice so that the mind goes beyond the familiar world.

After three days, you will want to escape back to the city. After five, it will begin to seem that everything is already clear and now you can definitely return, but you sit still - further more and more profound answers will come.
What will happen during the retreat? You will see your mind, it will tell you: “Why are you here, let's go back to the city, we have so many things to do there” ... But you need to clearly understand: now there is practice and you need to resist the mind's attempts to return you to the familiar world.

All the answers will come from your higher self when you go beyond your habitual life concept. Grab a pen and paper because you will get tired of writing down what you have to do. The mind will tell you what to let go and what to implement, where to get rid of anger, and where to ask for forgiveness.

Having received the decision, define one main rule and put it into practice from the first days of your return. You can write at least fifty, but choose one and do it. Due to this, all the rest will unfold.

Start practicing steadily, starting at 5-10 minutes a day. Thanks to this, you will be able to keep your mind clean, and do the "spring cleaning" with the help of a retreat every three to six months or once a year. Over time, you will feel that spiritual practice is a necessity, just like brushing your teeth, taking a shower, you will see that your life has changed.

Also, as a rule, you need a tight schedule. For example, I get up at 6 in the morning, do exercises for an hour, meditate, then go to the shower, have breakfast, then I spend some time on work, handicrafts, but at exactly 19.00 I put off everything and devote time to my family. Plan your life by introducing self-development tools into it. Take care of yourself - this is the most profitable investment.

About a year ago, I lost interest in life. Without any reasons. There were no tragedies and shocks. I just do not want anything: no entertainment, no travel, no communication. I even go to work by force, although I love my job very much. Constant feeling of fatigue, dejection, doom. Objectively, everything is good in life, there is nothing to complain about. But how to get out of this impasse?

Victor, Novosibirsk

Fatigue, doom, discouragement are all states of mind. But you are not the mind, you need to go beyond it and become yourself. To do this, I advise you to go through a five-seven-day retreat.

It is better to go to a yoga and meditation master who will help you find a way out of this impasse. You can go to the retreat we organize every six months.

But you can try it yourself. To do this, go to a strong natural secluded place - for example, to Altai. Where there is no TV, radio, newspapers, people. Leave your phone at home and be alone with yourself.

Wake up early in the morning, shower, exercise, meditate, pray, walk, then come back and pray and meditate again. Do not talk to anyone; when meeting people, try not to look them in the eye. Switch to light and minimal food, give up meat and other heavy food, from alcohol. Thanks to this, attention from the outer world will go to the inner one, you will see yourself and your life from the outside and get out of the dead end into which your mind has driven you.

After the first retreat, the mind will drain a lot of energy, after the second - less, after the third - even less. Gradually, having tasted the taste of peace and quiet, you will begin to change your lifestyle: you will be less outside and more and more will accumulate energy in yourself. But the most important practice is to learn how to control this energy - to accumulate and give to those who really need it. It comes with experience.

You can ask Andrey Alekseev a question in the section.

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