Home Vegetables Diet for weight loss 3 kg per day. Three-day diet. The right way out of a fast diet

Diet for weight loss 3 kg per day. Three-day diet. The right way out of a fast diet

Hurry up to grab the tail of the summer - try the delicious and simple melon diet. Every day, it is necessary to include up to 600 grams of melon in the diet, not forgetting about other products. Also allowed: eggs, cereals, fish and meat, vegetables, soups, broths, low-fat cottage cheese, homemade jelly and fruit drinks, cooked without added sugar.

The diet is sparing and not suitable for drastic weight loss - in 7 days you can lose no more than 3-4 kg. But there are more pluses. Among them: satiety every day, a balanced diet, affordable prices for food and meals. And most importantly, the lost pounds do not return, as after most hungry diets.

Diet rules

The diet is designed for 7 days. During this time, it is necessary to refrain from sweets, flour, smoked and salty, alcohol, sugary carbonated drinks, purchased sauces. Exclude fried foods. You should eat according to the weekly menu (see below).

Only 5 meals per day are allowed, including two snacks. For both: lunch and afternoon tea - melon. It should be eaten separately without mixing with other foods. The combination of melon with other food is not desirable - it interferes with the absorption of vitamins and can provoke fermentation in the abdomen, bloating.

Our site also describes the rules for losing weight on a watermelon diet. Read on.

Melon benefits

Sweet and tasty melon was not chosen by the authors of the diet by chance. The product is rich in vitamins A and C, potassium, phosphorus, fiber. Melon has a mild diuretic and laxative effect, helps to get rid of heaviness and swelling, is good for digestion - it helps to digest heavy food. In addition, the juicy pulp actively breaks down and removes cholesterol, improves mood and strengthens the immune system. The product is indicated for diseases of the liver and bladder (it is introduced into the diet on the recommendation of a doctor).

Menu for the week

The menu is scheduled for a week. Days and meals can be changed or repeated, but not too often. It's better not to do this unnecessarily and stick to your meal plan exactly.

The volume of each portion is strictly up to 300 grams!

Products subjected to heat treatment are boiled in boiling water or steamed, stewed in their own juice, and baked. Soups, meats and cereals are prepared without oil and cooking fats. Little or no salt is used. To enhance the taste, natural spices and herbs, lemon juice are perfect. A small amount of olive oil is allowed. Sugar is strictly banned throughout the week.

Day 1

  • Breakfast: a portion of boiled or steamed buckwheat, green tea
  • Second breakfast: 300 g of melon
  • Lunch: a portion of brown rice, boiled chicken breast, homemade fruit drink or compote without sugar
  • Afternoon snack: 300 g melon
  • Dinner: a piece of boiled or stewed fish, stewed green beans.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal in the water, a glass of compote
  • Second breakfast: 300 g of melon
  • Lunch: chicken broth with croutons, fresh tomato and cucumber salad, green tea
  • Afternoon snack: 300 g melon
  • Dinner: casserole with broccoli and egg, fresh cabbage salad with carrots.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: a portion of rice porridge on the water, hibiscus tea
  • Second breakfast: 300 g of melon
  • Lunch: vegetable soup with a slice of boiled chicken, 1 slice of grain bread, fresh vegetables
  • Afternoon snack: 300 g melon
  • Dinner: vegetable vinaigrette, baked fish, chamomile tea.

Day 4

  • Breakfast: a portion of corn porridge on the water, green tea
  • Second breakfast: 300 g of melon
  • Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, a portion of cottage cheese and fresh vegetables
  • Afternoon snack: 300 g melon
  • Dinner: baked turkey with broccoli or cauliflower, fresh herbs.

Day 5

  • Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, a slice of hard cheese, sugar-free coffee
  • Second breakfast: 300 g of melon
  • Lunch: barley porridge, a slice of boiled chicken, any fresh vegetables
  • Afternoon snack: 300 g melon
  • Dinner: boiled fish, 2 baked potatoes, mint tea.
  • Breakfast: a portion of millet porridge on the water, hibiscus tea
  • Second breakfast: 300 g of melon
  • Lunch: vegetable stew, fish stew with carrots
  • Afternoon snack: 300 g melon
  • Dinner: baked chicken breast, salad with beets and prunes, chamomile tea.

Day 7

  • Breakfast: two-egg omelet, a slice of cheese, black coffee
  • Second breakfast: 300 g of melon
  • Lunch: cabbage rolls with chicken and young cabbage, fresh vegetable salad
  • Afternoon snack: 300 g melon
  • Dinner: steamed beef steak, fresh herbs, a glass of compote.

Melon diet for weight loss is prohibited for people suffering from diabetes due to the high content of fructose in the pulp.

With caution - for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The use of diets is also contraindicated in childhood and adolescence, during pregnancy and lactation. In the presence of any disease, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

To maximize the enjoyment and benefits of your diet, choose the right melon.

Ripe should be fragrant, have a characteristic aroma, and make a dull sound when tapped. It is recommended to buy melons during the season. At other times, the product can also be found on the market, but, as a rule, it is devoid of its valuable properties. Choose whole, undamaged melons free from blemishes or other imperfections. Cover the cut fruits with cling film and store in the refrigerator.

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It is very popular among the beautiful half of the inhabitants of foggy Albion. This diet is quite paradoxical, since it offers the minimum amount of calories for breakfast and the maximum amount for dinner. But, despite this, the English diet works very effectively and after a week the scales will show you - minus 2-3 kg.

The rules of the English diet - minus 2-3 kg per week

● Dine until 7 p.m.

● Only use wholemeal bread.

● To lose weight by 2-3 kg per week, you need to choose any option you like for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Breakfast (≈ 200 kcal)

Option 1.

Boiled or fried egg, one slice of bread. A glass of any juice of your choice.

Option 2.

Prepare porridge with 2 tablespoons of whole grains and a glass of milk. One apple.

Option 3.

Cook half a bowl of oatmeal in milk diluted with water. A glass of fruit juice.

Option 4.

A salad made with half an apple, half an orange and a third of a banana. 200 g of kefir.

Dinner (≈ 300 kcal)

Option 1.

To prepare the first course, take one potato and fill it with cottage cheese (100 g), then wrap in foil and bake in the oven.

Make a vegetable salad and season with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Apple, orange or pear.

Option 2.

A mug of vegetable broth and a low-fat cheese sandwich.

Apple or pear.

Option 3.

Simmer the beans (3 tablespoons).

2 slices of bread.

Fresh fruits of your choice (100 g).

Option 4.

Make an omelet with a couple of eggs, vegetables, cheese, tomatoes, mushrooms, and green peppers.


Dinner (≈ 500 kcal)

Option 1.

As I said, dinner in the English Diet is higher in calories, and therefore you can afford to eat a slice of chicken and a plate of bean stew.

Fresh fruits (100 g).

Option 2.

Eat a bowl of milk soup.

A sandwich with a slice of low-fat cheese.

Half a glass of dried apricots.

Option 3.

Beef stew (100 g) with vegetables.

Green tea.

Option 4.

A small piece of boiled chicken and a baked jacket potato.

Salad made from cabbage and carrots.

200 g of kefir.

If you strictly adhere to the rules of the English diet, then you will definitely be guaranteed the opportunity to get rid of 2-3 kilograms of excess weight at the end of the week.

You can get acquainted with other effective diets that help to lose weight if you go to the heading ""

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PhD in Medicine, Nutritionist at the No secret by Valeriya Healthy Food Delivery Service

“Most often, girls are interested in whether it is possible to lose weight quickly without harming themselves, and how many kilograms they can really lose in a short time. I answer: 2-3 kg can go away in a week, and it is absolutely painless for the body. This is physiological and correct, since in the first week of weight loss, as a rule, fluid also goes away with the fatty tissue. In the future, with a properly selected diet, weight loss occurs more slowly (3-4 kg per month). I am in favor of reasonable, gradual weight loss. That is, you make a decision to lead a healthy lifestyle, and this very week is only the first step on the way to your goal.

Now nutritionists are actively arguing about how many times a day you need to eat in order to lose weight and keep yourself in great shape. I believe that each person needs to be approached individually and a number of criteria should be assessed: lifestyle, presence or absence of chronic diseases, hormonal status, habits, goals and objectives. If we talk about weight loss, then in most cases it is recommended four to five meals a day with intervals of about three hours between meals... During this time, a person usually does not have time to get very hungry, so the risk of overeating and excess calorie intake during the day is reduced.

The diet should consist of three main meals and 1-2 regular snacks. The main meal should start with fiber (this could be a vegetable salad, for example). Then protein: eggs, fish, poultry, dairy products. Then we add complex carbohydrates: whole grain bread, cereals. For dinner, only vegetables and protein.

It is important to have breakfast in the first hour after waking up, and to have dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime. Fractional meals with snacks are usually recommended for girls with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Three meals a day can be suitable for healthy women or women with insulin resistance, but only if the intervals between meals for more than 3-4 hours are not stressful and will not cause discomfort. I repeat once again: there is no one right solution for everyone. Everything is very individual.

I must say that I unequivocally against seven meals a day with intervals between meals less than two hours. In this case, we provoke a constant production of insulin by the pancreas, which in the future can lead to insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus.


Also, if you live in a big city, then, in my opinion, one-day "hunger strikes" are best avoided... Fasting itself can really be beneficial, but only if it takes place in a calm, isolated environment, for example, in a sanatorium, under the supervision of a doctor. In ordinary life, this is again unnecessary stress for the body. In some cases, when a person has everything in order with their eating behavior, gastrointestinal tract, I recommend the so-called intermittent fasting 8/16 - early dinner with a break before breakfast at 6 pm... If a person tolerates such a regime well, then I propose to carry it out regularly, for example, 2-4 times a month.

There is evidence that fasting leads to autophagy, that is, the process of self-cleaning: cells themselves destroy old, unnecessary components, which leads to the formation of new ones. In this way, we can control and slow down the aging process. But it is always worth remembering to maintain a balance, so a diet or fasting cannot be prolonged. "

Below are recipes for low-calorie, yet satisfying meals that both energize and help you lose weight.

Vegetable salad with caniva


  • Baked beets - 50 g;
  • orange segments - 50 g;
  • boiled canina - 50 g;
  • Romano leaves - 15 g;
  • chard - 5 g;
  • pine nuts - 10 g;
  • pumpkin seeds - 5 g;
  • green onions - 3 g;
  • cilantro - 3 g;
  • linseed oil - 10 g.

Cooking method

You need to boil the caniwa (similar to quinoa). Cut all vegetables, mix, add chilled boiled canivas and season with linseed oil. Beets can be used boiled, but it is better to bake with honey and balsamic vinegar in foil.

Zucchini and quinoa cutlets with cashew sauce

Ingredients for cutlets

  • Quinoa - 100 g;
  • zucchini - 250 g;
  • whole grain flour - 80 g;
  • salt - 3 g.

Ingredients for the sauce

  • Cashew nut - 100 g;
  • almond milk - 100 g.

Method of cooking cutlets

Boil the quinoa until tender and rinse with cold water. Grate zucchini on a coarse grater, squeeze out excess moisture. Mix boiled quinoa, grated zucchini and flour, add a little salt. Form cutlets about the size of an egg (50g), give a rounded-flattened shape. Fry in a little olive oil on each side for 1-2 minutes. Bring in the oven at 180 degrees for 6-8 minutes.

Sauce preparation method

Put cashews in a saucepan, pour 100 g of water, boil for 1-2 minutes. Add almond milk, boil for another 2 minutes. Punch in a blender until smooth.

Green smoothie with spirulina


  • Pineapple - 55 g;
  • apple - 40 g;
  • celery - 30 g;
  • avocado - 20 g;
  • cucumber - 15 g;
  • lemon juice - 3 g;
  • spirulina - 3 g.

Cooking method

Mix all ingredients and beat in a blender with a little ice (2-3 cubes).

Extra pounds can be a big nuisance for any woman, change her world, cause depression and bad mood. To change everything for the new 2019, you need to act immediately.

To lose weight by 3 kg per week, you can not adhere to the strictest diets, it is enough to spend fasting days and adjust your diet, drink more fluids and devote time to physical activity.

Unloading diet for weight loss by 3 kg per week

Every person's daily diet should contain foods that help the body cleanse itself. We do general cleaning of the house, clean windows, wash dishes. So why do we leave the body without purification. Surely it's time to put it in order, so that it is easy to lose 3 or more kg in a week.

Today there are a huge number of recipes and rules for cleansing the body. Many take water procedures, drink melt or mineral water, herbal infusions, soda solutions, also sit on kefir, rice, oatmeal, there are recommendations for fasting or drinking activated charcoal.

In a word, colossal opportunities open up for those who want to experiment on themselves. By the way, going to a nutritionist is also a very common advice. And there is a reasonable grain in this.

But there is a seven-day system that works just fine. This is a cleansing of the body with vegetables and fruits.

At the time of this cleaning, you need to give up. Meat, eggs, fish, vegetable oils, salt, sugar, and even various dairy products are excluded from the diet.

First of all, we need vegetables and fruits, but, of course, not all. For example, potatoes are more nutritious than bread, so they should be eliminated from the diet.

Features of the diet - 3 kg per week 2019

All foods are divided into those that increase the acid balance in the body, and those that lower it. And oddly enough, lemon reduces acidity in the body. That is why, with a few drops of lemon, this is what we need to drink every day.

Cucumbers are 80% water, which means that they are perfect for the diet of the "cleansing week" to lose weight by 3 kg in 7 days. But tomatoes are not allowed, they increase acidity in the body.

Any cabbage will do. For example, broccoli is considered an excellent absorbent as it helps to remove toxins from the body. Common cabbage also has these properties.

For the whole week, 1 fork of broccoli and 1 fork of white cabbage is enough. That is, we cook it in a small amount for a couple or slightly simmer in water in a frying pan. Ginger also goes into our diet. In addition to making our metabolism work more actively, it also makes food boring.

Carrots are abundant in beta carotene and vitamin A. Garlic is an essential element. But, it is important to consume it before lunch, that is, in the first half of the day, since it is an activator of metabolism.

We forget vegetable oil, sugar and salt this week. The only fruit that can still be eaten during the "cleansing week" is an apple, and then not raw, but baked.

Sauerkraut contains an incredible amount of vitamin C, which is why it is considered very healthy. We need 1 kilogram for a week.

Diet menu 3 kg per week

So, for breakfast we use: 1 glass of lukewarm water with a little lemon juice, oatmeal cooked in coconut or soy milk.

For lunch: celery salad with sauerkraut, carrots, zucchini and ginger, seasoned with lemon juice.

For dinner: we cook the same set of products in a double boiler.

This is our diet for the first three days. From the fourth day, add a slice of fresh apple to breakfast. We eat it as a snack between lunch and dinner. And for dinner, you can eat a little low-fat cottage cheese or an omelet.

After a week of cleansing the body from toxins and other kinds of impurities, you will gain lightness, energy, excellent mood and clean, radiant fresh skin. And most importantly, 3-4 kg per week, as never happened!

How else to lose weight by 3 kg in a week?

Given the physiological norms of weight loss in a week, you can easily lose 3 kg without diets and exhausting weight loss systems. To get the desired result, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • correct diet, 5-6 times a day;
  • drinking plenty of fluids, at least 2 liters per day;
  • physical activity is useful for losing weight, you can choose any kind of sport, as intense as light, ordinary walks, morning exercises.

Be sure to find a fascinating hobby for yourself, fortunately in the new 2019 there are a lot of them) and thanks to which you can get away from the desire to eat something high-calorie and harmful. For such cases, you need to prepare dried fruits, nuts, cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits.

To quickly lose weight for a festive event, you need to add fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs to the diet, they contribute to quick satiety with a small amount of calories consumed.

Seafood, low-fat varieties of fish help to lose weight quickly, they need to be consumed at least 3 times a week. During snacks, it is useful to drink fermented milk products, they will get rid of extra pounds and effectively cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

To effectively lose weight, you need to drink a lot of fluids, before each meal - 1 glass of water, during the day to use freshly prepared fruit drinks, natural juices, compotes, green tea and more.

It is forbidden to drink carbonated and alcoholic drinks, they slow down metabolic processes and prevent the body from effectively breaking down fat accumulations. Also retains excess fluid!

Physical activity plays a huge role in the process of losing weight, it is enough just to do light exercises at home, or sign up for a gym and carry out training under the supervision of a trainer.


In order to properly bring the process of losing weight to the end, you need to correctly select the options for fasting days, carry out the process of losing weight under the supervision of a specialist. These are the days of fasting and diets for a week to lose weight by 3 kg and improve your body.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

When you need to lose weight quickly before big events, you don't have to starve yourself. It is enough to correctly formulate a diet and take measures to cleanse the body. Express diets are considered an alternative way to lose extra pounds in a short time. Many of them are not harmful to health and allow you to maintain normal performance. Accelerate weight loss by achieving a calorie deficit and physical activity.

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Irina Pegova shocked everyone with a weight loss recipe:"I threw off 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew it for the night ..." Read more >>

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    Secrets of fast weight loss

    Nutritional advice to help you lose weight and keep it healthy without dieting:

    1. 1. Replace the plates with saucers. One of the main reasons most people are overweight is regular overeating. In addition to the fact that undigested food is deposited in fat stores, it rots in the intestines, exacerbating the state of human health. Eating portions that fit in the palm of your hand is the golden rule of being slim. The effectiveness of this approach is confirmed by the results of many who switched to fractional meals. In order for the body to have enough energy for vital functions, meals should be taken every 3 hours.
    2. 2. Drink a lot. Everyone knows that a sufficient amount of ordinary drinking water improves digestion and speeds up metabolism. In addition to her, you need to drink green tea with ginger, kefir with fiber, drinks based on lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.
    3. 3. Give up salt. By itself, this spice is calorie-free, but it promotes fluid retention in the body. With excessive salt intake, a person weighs an average of 3 kg more due to excess water. Experts are confident that this mineral is sufficient in the products themselves, and the maximum daily dose is 4 g.
    4. 4. There are only healthy foods: vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals, animal and vegetable proteins, polyunsaturated fats.
    5. 5. In the morning - carbohydrates, in the evening - proteins. In the first half of the day, the metabolism works much faster, so all carbohydrate food is absorbed without problems. After lunch, there is a possibility of carbohydrate deposition in fat stores.
    6. 6. Find alternative sources of positive emotions to food - this will help not to "seize" stress.
    7. 7. Give up alcohol, tobacco, sugar and meat substitutes.
    8. 8. Count calories. Even the right foods, when consumed excessively, contribute to weight gain. You can calculate your norm using a special formula, which is easy to find in the public domain and subtract 300-400 calories from the received amount.
    9. 9. Move more. Walking, dancing, exercising will help speed up your metabolism, tone your muscles and achieve a calorie deficit.

    The listed tips will help to lose weight by 3 kg without harm to health for representatives of any age group: a child, a teenager, a middle-aged person, the elderly. It is safe to lose weight in compliance with such dietary rules for pregnant women, but it is better to coordinate physical activity with a doctor.

    Effective diets

    Conventionally, all diets are divided into gentle and tough. The advantage of the latter is only in a faster result, which does not last long. When trying to lose the maximum weight in 7 days, it is important to take care not to harm the state of the body.

    Below are the gentlest and most effective diets that can help you lose up to 5 kg while improving your health.


    This is a real diet that helps to get rid of excess weight urgently. Benefits of consuming protein foods as the basis of the diet:

    • they saturate for a long time;
    • they have a low glycemic index, which means that their digestion takes a long time and requires significant energy consumption;
    • they can be eaten in unlimited quantities;
    • proteins are the building blocks of muscle tissue, which means that weight loss will not lead to flabbiness;
    • the dominance of protein-containing foods in the menu and the restriction of carbohydrates contributes to fat burning: without getting energy from food, the body begins to consume the fat layer.

    A protein diet is ideal for athletes looking to get in shape for competition. Their body quality is improved or maintained without feeling hungry.

    The essence of the weekly protein-based diet is the same as in the "Attack" phase of Dr. Ducan's nutritional system: shaking up the metabolism, removing excess water, starting a longer weight loss. Therefore, it is highly likely that a person will lose weight after a diet, if he goes out of it into a proper diet.

    A protein diet is contraindicated for people with diseases of the kidneys and digestive system organs in any form of flow. Allowed foods can cause constipation, which is why drinking plenty of water is extremely important with this method of losing weight.

    Protein diet menu for a week:

    Day Breakfast Snack Dinner Snack Dinner Additionally
    1 Porridge made from any bran in low-fat milk. You need to cook until thickened, it is allowed to add an organic sweetener2 hard-boiled eggsBaked beef filletGreen tea, a couple of slices of natural hamBoiled hakeAt night, you can drink a drink made from kefir, bran and cinnamon; during the day, you can eat low-fat cottage cheese in any quantity
    2 Omelet with 2 eggs and 120 ml low-fat milkCottage cheese with fiberChicken breast with low-fat cheeseLow fat yogurtGrilled seafoodDuring the day, you can drink as much green tea with milk and natural sweetener as you like.
    3 Scrambled eggs with 2 eggs and ham, cooked without oilTwo-layer jelly made from milk and coffee with sweetenerChicken broth with boiled egg and herbsBaked salmon steakAt night - kefir drink with flax seeds
    4 Bran porridge with milkCucumber with low-fat cheeseTurkey fillet cutletsLow fat yogurtSquid and quail eggs saladAs a late dinner, you can drink a protein cocktail made from 100 ml of kefir, milk and 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
    5 Cottage cheese casserole with Nutella according to Dukan. For its preparation, a tablespoon of cocoa, 2 tablespoons of milk powder and 100 ml of low-fat cottage cheese are boiled until thickened with a sweetener2 hard-boiled eggsRoll of chicken fillet, cottage cheese and herbsTea + cheesecake from egg, cottage cheese and sweetenerLow-fat cheese with tomatoesDuring the day, in addition to water, you need to drink ginger tea in small portions before meals.
    6 A flat cake made from bran swollen in warm milk and eggs, cooked on a non-stick coatingCottage cheese with fiberCheese soup made from chicken, broccoli, cauliflower, cheese and herbsProtein pancakes. To prepare them, mix 2 eggs, 60 g of corn starch, 100 ml of low-fat milk, 30 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 2 g of baking powder, sweetener to taste. Bake on a non-stick coatingSeafood cocktailDuring the day, in addition to water, drink lemon water
    7 Omelet of 3 eggs, 150 ml of milk and herbsQuality crab sticks or crab meatProtein pizza. For the crust, mix 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of cornstarch, 50 g of cottage cheese until smooth, bake on a non-stick coating for up to 10 minutes, then add the filling of tomatoes, boiled meat and low-fat cheese and bake for 2-3 minutesLow fat yogurtGrilled shrimps with lemon juice with fresh cucumber and tomatoDuring the day, in addition to water, drink Sassi drink. To prepare it, cut lemon, cucumber into rings, finely chop mint and 20 g of ginger root. Pour 2 liters of water and leave to infuse in the refrigerator overnight

    If necessary, such a diet can be followed for up to a month, but with the addition of the menu with plant foods. For each week, it is real to lose 2 kilograms or more, depending on the initial parameters.


    A detox diet is a health-improving food system, the main goal of which is to cleanse the body of toxins and other harmful substances. Its advantage is that in 3 days minus 3 kg is guaranteed and the appearance is significantly improved. You can stick to it for longer, but no more than 7 days and no more than 2 times a year.

    Losing weight in this way is more suitable for women, because the diet is quite light. Drinking plenty of water is a must for a detox diet. The addition of finely grated ginger root is encouraged. This will speed up the metabolism and strengthen the immune system.

    Sample detox diet menu for a week:

    Day Breakfast Snack Dinner Snack Dinner
    1 A drink made from warm water, ginger, a few slices of lemon and red hot pepperCitrus freshCarrot and apple freshWatermelon freshTomato fresh
    2 MelonTea with ginger and lemon, green applesPeachesCitrus freshPlums
    3 Apple and peach pureeCurrant, strawberry and raspberry smoothiePumpkin soup with onions and carrots, tomato juiceSteamed broccoliPeking cabbage, cucumber and tomato salad
    4 Plum, watermelon, peach and berry saladCarrot and apple freshBrown rice with steamed vegetables: zucchini, carrots, green peasWatermelon freshSteamed asparagus, fresh tomatoes and radishes
    5 MelonTomato freshBoiled beef, white cabbage salad, greens and cucumberApple freshChicken breast with any raw vegetables
    6 Oatmeal on water with berriesAny fruit or berry freshBuckwheat porridge with stewed vegetablesCitrusesBaked beef, raw vegetable salad
    7 Buckwheat porridge, vegetable saladAny fruitSteamed turkey cutlets, vegetable stew, some brown or brown riceGinger tea, baked applesBoiled chicken breast, cucumbers, herbs


    Of all cereals, buckwheat is considered the most useful. In addition to its rich composition, it is a powerful source of protein and fiber. In tandem with kefir, buckwheat cleanses the body and helps not to feel hunger. A mono-buckwheat diet will help you lose 3 kg per week, with a minimum of effort.

    The porridge preparation technology is very simple and does not provide for heat treatment. Half a kilogram of cereals is poured over a liter of water in the evening and left overnight at room temperature. In the morning, the dish is ready to eat. The use of salt, spices, oils is prohibited.

    An alternative cooking option is the replacement of water with low-fat kefir, then you can drink only 2 glasses.

    An approximate daily diet looks like this:

    1. 1. Breakfast: porridge with cucumber, unsweetened green tea.
    2. 2. Snack: kefir with cinnamon and Siberian fiber, green apple.
    3. 3. Lunch: porridge.
    4. 4. Snack: kefir with bran and sweetener.
    5. 5. Dinner: porridge.

    The resulting amount of buckwheat is about 1 kg, can be divided into 5-6 meals. Water and green tea can be drunk in unlimited quantities, low-fat kefir - up to 1.5 liters per day.

    And a little about secrets ...

    The story of one of our readers Inga Eremina:

    My weight was especially depressing for me, at 41 I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers put together, namely 92kg. How to remove excess weight completely? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person younger than his figure.

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Recognized - at least 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? Slightly more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

    And when to find all this time? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. Therefore, for myself, I chose a different way ...

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