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Passport is the main identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation. If you lose your passport, you need to immediately restore it. For information on what to do in case of loss and theft of a passport, as well as where to go to restore other documents, read the material of the portalmosreg.ru.

Lost passport

The passport of the Russian Federation is the main document proving the identity of a citizen on the territory of Russia. For the loss of a passport, in accordance with Article 19.16 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, a fine of 100 to 300 rubles is imposed.

If you have lost your passport, then you need to apply for passport renewal as soon as possible so as not to receive a fine for living at the place of residence without an identity document (Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

A citizen should contact the local branch of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the MFC with the following documents:

  • application for the issuance (replacement) of a passport in the form 1P;
  • application for the loss of a passport;
  • two personal photos sized 35×45;
  • documents required for affixing mandatory marks in the passport (military registration documents, marriage certificate, divorce certificate, birth certificate of children);
  • documents certifying citizenship;
  • details of the receipt for the payment of state duty.

You can apply for a passport in connection with the loss online through the public services portal.

Passport theft

If your passport is not just lost, but stolen, then you first need to go to the police station. There you will need to write a statement about the loss of your passport. After the application is accepted and registered, you will be given a coupon notification of the registration of the incident report.

Recovery of other documents

It often happens that the passport is lost along with other documents: SNILS, social card, passport.

The MFCs of the Moscow Region offer a comprehensive service called "Loss of Documents", which will allow citizens to restore SNILS, international passports, and social cards. To receive this service, it will be enough to submit an application and all necessary documents once.

Victoria Kulagina

What to do if you lost your passport? Contact the Department of Migration Affairs (UVM) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (former FMS) with the necessary package of documents for passport renewal. Regulations on the passport of the Russian Federation provides a detailed procedure for obtaining a passport. How to restore a passport and what problems may arise in practice, you will learn from our article.

Losing your passport: is it so scary

The passport of the Russian Federation is the main document proving the identity of a citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation. That is why the loss of a Russian passport is a rather serious matter. Moreover, in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation there is Art. 19.16, which involves the imposition of administrative liability for damage or loss of the passport of the Russian Federation - intentional or negligent. The sanction of this article, however, is not so serious - a warning or a fine of 100 to 300 rubles. But the very fact that the loss of a passport has been elevated by the legislator to the rank of offense speaks of the degree of responsibility associated with the careful storage of this document.

Do you accept all responsibility? Then let's try to answer the question: what to do if you lost your passport?

Uther yang passport: what documents are needed and where to apply

What to do if you lose your passport?

The main thing is not to panic!

We collect the following package of documents:

  • Application for the loss of a passport in writing.
  • Application for the issuance of a new passport in the form 1-P.
  • 2 photographs of the established format.
  • Receipt of payment of the state fee (it is permissible to provide only the details of the receipt, the document itself is optional).

Together with these documents, we send to the UVM subdivision at the place of residence or temporary registration (if it is impossible to contact the relevant subdivisions, you can apply for a passport replacement at any UVM department).

Don't know your rights?

  • Certificate of registration or divorce.
  • Military ID.
  • Birth certificates of children.

Application for lost passport

If you lose your RF passport, one of the documents that you must submit to the authorities of the UVM for its restoration is an application for the loss of a passport.

It should be noted that the legislation does not provide for any special requirements for the application, except that it must be drawn up in writing and signed by the applicant.

Information to be included in the application:

  • When the passport was lost.
  • Under what circumstances.
  • Where was the document lost?

You should not confuse 2 things: you should not go to the internal affairs bodies with a statement about the loss of your passport, they only register the facts of the theft of your documents.

How to recover a lost Russian passport

If I lost my passport, how to restore it?

After you have come to the authorities of the UVM with the necessary package of documents and it has been accepted from you, you should be given an appropriate receipt.


The passport must be issued by the UVM authorities within the following terms:

  • If the applicant has a permanent registration on the territory of the UVM division - within 10 days.
  • If there is no such registration or the lost passport was issued by another department, the UVM authorities may delay the issuance of the document up to 30 days.

When accepting documents, the UVM officer must inform the applicant of the date of production of a new passport and the date of its receipt.

Lost Passport Recovery: Temporary Identity Card

After the documents for issuing a new passport are accepted by the authorities of the UVM, a citizen has the right to demand that a temporary identity card be issued to him (for the period of issuing a passport). To do this, he needs to provide another photo. But the authorities of the UVM may delay the procedure for issuing a temporary certificate if, for example, the previous passport was obtained in another unit, district, or even in another region of the Russian Federation. They argue this red tape by the fact that additional time will be needed to verify the identity of a citizen (and then the passport will be ready).

But a citizen has the right to insist on an accelerated procedure for issuing a temporary certificate. True, for this he will need to provide some document that will prove his identity. For example, a passport, military ID, pension certificate, etc.

Moreover, the authorities of the UVM can make an interdepartmental request, for example, to the enterprise where the applicant works, or to the military unit to establish his identity. That is, to take all the necessary actions so as not to delay the procedure for issuing a temporary certificate.

How to recover a lost passport : nuances to be aware of

When submitting an application, the UVM authorities have the right to require only documents that are provided for by the administrative regulations approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dated November 13, 2017 No. 851. But very often in practice there are situations when they illegally request the following papers:

  • Certificate of your place of residence (address certificate). You do not have to provide this document, since the authorities of the UVM can request it on their own upon an interdepartmental request.
  • Coupon notification that your application for the loss of a passport is registered with the internal affairs bodies. In fact, such a document is necessary if your passport was stolen, but even in this case, providing a coupon is a right of a citizen, not an obligation, so it is enough to inform the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs where the application for the theft of a passport was filed.
  • Documents confirming the applicant's citizenship of the Russian Federation. These can be various extracts from house books, copies of registration cards, etc. But again, the reclamation of these documents is not legal, since the applicant has already established the fact of having Russian citizenship - he had a passport in his hands, which was lost.

Therefore, if they demand “extra” papers from you and, on the basis of this, do not take documents for issuing a new passport, ask for a written refusal and protect your rights by contacting a higher unit of the UVM, and if this does not help, then to the prosecutor's office or court.

How much does it cost to restore a passport if it is lost

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides that in case of loss of the passport of the Russian Federation, in order to restore the document, a citizen will have to pay a state fee in the amount of 1,500 rubles. Moreover, cases of loss of a passport also include situations when an identity document has been rendered unusable (for example, washed). At its core, this is the so-called border situation, when the passport did not seem to be lost, but it is not possible to use it further, since personal data has become unreadable. The administrative regulations do not provide clear criteria for distinguishing between these situations. Therefore, in case of loss, and in case of damage, a citizen must pay a state duty in the amount of 1,500 rubles.

In case of loss of a passport, a citizen must immediately contact the Federal Migration Service of Russia and write an application for a passport in connection with the loss.

One of the grounds for obtaining a new passport may be its unsuitability for further use. This happens if the passport was accidentally washed, damaged by fire, or pages were torn out of it, etc.

These "border situations" are examples of a passport that exists but is completely unusable. The basis for the restoration of the document in such cases will be the loss of the passport or replacement due to unsuitability. The decision to issue a new passport depends on the opinion of the employees of the passport department of the FMS.

Responsibility for loss of passport

In case of loss (but not theft) of a passport, a citizen will most likely be brought to administrative responsibility. Sanction - a fine from 100 to 300 rubles. But in this case, administrative responsibility occurs only if there is evidence of a person’s guilt, that is, intent or negligence that caused the loss.

The citizen thus has the right to refuse explanations in general. It can be argued that the vast majority of decisions on administrative offenses regarding the loss of a passport are illegal and can be appealed.

If a citizen filed an application for loss after a long period of time, administrative responsibility for living without a passport may be seen in his actions. Sanctions in this case will amount to a fine of 2,000 to 3,000 rubles, and in Moscow or St. Petersburg - from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.

Documents in case of loss of a passport:

Application for the loss of a passport indicating the time and circumstances of the loss. There are no mandatory requirements for the form and content of the application. The application is made in any form, but the time and circumstances under which the passport was lost must be indicated.

The requirements of different structural divisions of the Federal Migration Service for the form and content of the application may differ, therefore, before drawing up the application, it is advisable to ask the relevant division for samples of filling out this document.

  • Passport application.
  • 4 photos.
  • Receipt of payment of state duty (500 rubles).

To restore mandatory marks, you need:

  • military ID;
  • birth certificates of children (under 14 years old);
  • an extract from the house book confirming registration, or other documents;
  • marriage registration certificate;
  • divorce certificate.

At the request of the applicant, at the time of issuing a new passport, he is required to issue a certificate of registration of a passport or a temporary identity card.

Where to apply if you lose your passport?

The restoration of passports is carried out by the Federal Migration Service in the territory of the applicant's permanent residence and registration, temporary residence and registration, or any subdivision where the citizen actually lives.

If, for health reasons, a citizen who has lost his passport cannot apply to the FMS personally, you should demand that the official leave for the place of residence by sending a written request in any form to the appropriate unit. It is currently possible to apply online.

In case of loss of a passport, the period for issuing a new one will be:

  • no more than 10 days from the date of acceptance of the statement of loss, if the applicant is permanently registered at the place of residence in the same territory where he previously received a passport;
  • no more than 2 months from the date of submission of documents, if the applicant is not permanently registered at the place of residence. This deadline for issuing a passport is valid in cases of temporary registration at the place of stay and lack of registration, or if the lost passport was received in another division of the FMS.

In the FMS, when accepting the application and the necessary documents, they must inform about the timing of the issuance of a passport, that is, the exact date of receipt of a new passport.

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Losing your passport is one of the most frustrating situations. In addition to the fact that a citizen who has lost his passport will have to go through a long procedure for restoring the main civil document, there are also risks that attackers can apply for a loan or appropriate property using a stolen passport.

There are two different situations:

  1. The situation in which the passport was really lost,
  2. The situation in which the passport was stolen.

In this article, we will consider the first situation: a lost passport.

If you have lost your passport, then you should apply to the Federal Migration Service with a statement about the loss. In the FMS, you submit an application for the loss of your passport, outlining all the circumstances of the incident. Before you go to the FMS and write a statement about the loss of your passport, you should contact the police in order to register the loss. The police will issue a coupon confirming the loss of a valuable document. You can also fill out an application for the loss of a document at any branch of the MFC.

If a citizen does not know where to turn in such a situation, or if he has any difficulties, he can call the hotline for consultation with a specialist.

For the loss of a passport, a citizen of the Russian Federation pays a fine. Fortunately, the fine for loss is only 200-300 rubles. If the passport was lost by a person from 14 to 18 years old, then a fine is not charged from this citizen.

If a person has lost his passport and did not contact the appropriate authority in a timely manner and did not report the incident, then a fine of 5,000 rubles will be taken into him. The fact is that a citizen of our country cannot be without a document proving his identity.

If a person turns to the police in time, he will not be charged a fine. If a person had good reasons (illness, vacation, business trip), for which he did not go to the hospital in a timely manner, the fine is also not charged.

There are cases when a person lost his passport while not in his hometown. In this case, you should immediately contact the nearest FMS office and report the loss. FMS employees will issue a temporary document to the citizen, allowing the citizen to be transported to his homeland. At the place of residence, a citizen will receive a new passport. It is not possible to restore a passport in another city.

Documents for passport renewal:

  1. Loss report,
  2. Request for a new document
  3. Payment of state duty,
  4. Photo,
  5. Birth certificate,
  6. Registration.

The lost document is restored within 10 days after the submission of the application.

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