Home Vegetables An ancient city that has gone under water. Sunken cities and civilizations (photo!). Cuban underwater city, Cuba

An ancient city that has gone under water. Sunken cities and civilizations (photo!). Cuban underwater city, Cuba

Let's consider one anthropological hypothesis that allows for the possibility that prehistoric mankind achieved a high degree of technological progress. At the moment, there is evidence that ancient people used much more advanced technology than we can imagine. Most of the claims are backed up by dozens of ancient cities found at the bottom of the oceans all over the planet.

There are quite astonishing discoveries, such as the "Yonaguni structures" off the coast of Japan, or the flooded "Mega City" that was accidentally discovered off the northeast coast of Cuba. These discoveries confirm the authenticity of what has been called geographical mythology. Stories such as "Atlantis", "Mu" or "Land of Thulium". Every few years, these "long-sunken discoveries" only confirm the hypothesis of prehistoric empires.

Urban architecture of unimaginable times

A typical example of the archaeological ruins described above was found in the waters of the western coast of India, in the Gulf of Kabay, at a depth of 120 feet. While checking the degree of water pollution, a very extensive city was accidentally discovered, whose age dates back to about 9000 years. Using sonar, the scientists identified various geometric structures at a depth of approximately 120 feet. Building material, pottery, wall sections, ponds, sculptures, bones, and human teeth have been found in some areas. Determining the age by radiocarbon method showed that the finds are 9500 years old. Before this discovery was made, anthropologists believed that in this place until 2500 BC. there was no civilization. The found ancient city, therefore, was much older than the previously found ancient civilization of Harapan, which was considered the most ancient in this subcontinent.

Another amazing incident occurred in 1967, when using a particularly deep-sea, at that time, research submersible. A "road" of sorts has been discovered along the coasts of Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. Found at a depth of almost 3,000 feet (about 1,000 meters), this road was a straight line more than 15 miles (more than 24 km) long. But what is even more surprising is that the road was made of cement, which is quite complex in its composition: aluminum, silicon, calcium, iron, and magnesium. Despite its age, the road was in excellent condition, washed by the current, which kept it constantly clean.

Of course, this all-forgotten road can give odds to our modern highways. Thanks to the presence of special wheels on the research bathyscaphe, it was even possible to ride along the mysterious highway. Later, scientists studying the area discovered a series of monolithic structures at the end of the road. But whose technology made it possible to build such a long paved road, which has been preserved in excellent condition, despite the fact that it is already more than 10,000 years old?

A more recent discovery of the same type was made in 2004. The tsunami that devastated the coasts of Southeast Asia also moved large mountains of sand off the coast of Tamil Nadu in India. A storm cleared centuries of dust, leading to the discovery of the mythical city of Mahabalipuram. According to local legend, the city of Mahabalipuram suffered a great flood 1,000 years ago, submerged in one day because the gods became jealous of its beauty. Water flooded six temples out of seven, the seventh temple remained on the coast. A team of 25 divers, from the Archaeological Research Center of India, took a close look at the bottom surface covered with man-made structures located between 15 and 25 feet underwater. The submerged ruins stretched for several square miles and were one mile away from the coast. According to official data, the antiquity of these structures ranges from 1,500 to 1,200 years, although some researchers claim that they are at least 6,000 years old.

Yonaguni buildings

Classified by some scholars as the "archaeological find of the century," the structures near the Japanese island of Yonaguni consist of ancient architectural structures in the form of columns, hexagons, stairs, streets, galleries, and even a step pyramid. Although according to the most conservative hypotheses, it is believed that the structures of Yonaguni are the result of increased seismic activity, nevertheless, the geometry of the rocks and their location in relation to each other indicate that there are the remains of a flooded city here.

Supporting this hypothesis is the presence of chalk stones (which are not found in these areas) and the presence of two depressions near the structures (6.5 feet) that no archaeologist would classify as a natural formation. An oval stone was also found, which at first glance does not belong to the structures described above, but which clearly points to the north. The submerged city of Yonaguni Island is estimated to be approximately 10,000 years old.

Marine archeology has only become an academic discipline in the past 50 years, with the advent of deep-sea exploration technologies. According to marine archaeologist Dr. Nick Flemming, there are about 500 flooded sites around the globe where the remains of man-made structures have been found. By some estimates, at least one-fifth of these structures are over 3,000 years old.

Of course, some of these ancient cities were washed away by floods, but others ended up at the bottom of the seas or oceans under the influence of tectonic shifts in the earth's crust. And, of course, initially these structures were built on land. But the Earth may have been geographically different from what we see it now. Also, the people of that era were much more distant from the period that we today call the "dawn of civilization."

So is our humanity today really the pinnacle of evolution, or is it just one of the same numerous peaks, in an endless series of cycles that originate in the distant, distant past? The answer to this question may be found at the bottom of our oceans.

Throughout the history of mankind, people have constantly won back living space from the elements. But the reverse situation also happened: the elements took him back. Mythical Atlantis, the legendary city of Tire and many others. In this article we will talk about the ancient cities that were under water.

Suian and Chun'an, China

These ancient cities were under water quite recently during the construction of a hydroelectric power station. Their first mentions date back to the 1st-2nd centuries AD.

As a result of the damming, these ancient cities were under water in just one night.

Pavlopetri, Greece

In the past, Pavlopetri was a rich trading city in the south of the Peloponnese. It is known that the period of its heyday fell on the Mycenaean period of the Bronze Age (the era of the Trojan War, the legendary king Minos and Homer). It is not known how the city was under water.

Now it is located near the shore at a depth of 3-4 meters.

Tire, Phoenicia

The richest city, a stronghold of culture and art, is partially located at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. His remains are located on the territory of modern Lebanon and are better known as Sur.

Dwarka, India

The legendary city of Dwarka, the capital of the kingdom of Krishna, is considered the oldest city in India. There is a hypothesis that its modern version stands on the site of six cities that have sunk to the seabed.

Now underwater archaeologists are excavating the ruins of six ancient cities.

Port Royal, Jamaica

A city built in Jamaica was resolved by a massive earthquake and tsunami in 1692. Entire city blocks, markets, churches, warehouses and utility rooms were under the water of the Caribbean Sea.

Now it is a favorite place for divers to dive and explore underwater archaeologists.

Dioscuria, Black Sea (modern territory of Abkhazia)

The oldest Greek colony, located near the capital of Abkhazia, Sukhumi. Archaeologists have established that the city flourished until about the 3rd century AD, after which it fell into decay and ended up at the bottom of the sea.

Cuban underwater city, Cuba

Presumably, the most ancient city of the Aztecs or the Maya, it does not yet have a name. These are regular geometric stone formations with an area of ​​​​two square kilometers. The reasons why he went under water are still unknown.

Cleopatra's Palace, Egypt

Near Alexandria lie under the waters of the Mediterranean Sea the ruins of an ancient palace. Presumably, it was the palace of Cleopatra, the last queen of Egypt. Presumably, he went under water more than 1600 years ago due to an earthquake, along with the seventh wonder of the world, the Pharos Lighthouse.

Temples of Mahabalipuram, India

A complex of seven temples that went under water as a result of a strong earthquake. According to legend, they were not the only building, but the whole city.

Currently, an active search for the lost city is underway.

Yonaguni-Jima, Japan

This gigantic structure was found by a recreational diver in 1995 off the coast of Okinawa. According to research, giant boulders are the work of man. The age of the buildings is impressive - more than 8000 years.

According to the hypothesis, these are the remains of the disappeared continent Mu.

Heraklion, Egypt

Discovered in 1930 in the eastern bay of Alexandria. Even the historian Herodotus wrote about the beautiful prosperous city of Egypt, but to this day he did not live because of the earthquake.

Ruins of Atli Yam, Israel

These ruins date back to the seventh millennium BC. These are the oldest remains of sunken settlements ever found by archaeologists. The ruins were found in 1984, but to this day are poorly studied. It remains a mystery why the city was flooded: the fault could be a tsunami or a rise in the level of the world ocean.

These Atlantis have been waiting for thousands of years to be explored and told about them to the world. In the meantime, these are unique diving sites.

1. Port Royal, Jamaica

Went under water 300 years ago.

Centuries ago, the city of Port Royal in Jamaica was known for booze, brothels, and pirate hangouts. However, after the earthquake in 1692, this city completely went under water, and about 2 thousand local residents died during the incident itself. All the surviving people left Port Royal, and the rest of the city began to gradually “fall” into the water and now the city is immersed in the 20-meter thickness of the Caribbean Sea.

2. Heraklion. Egypt

Went under water 2100 years ago.

In the first century BC. there was a strong earthquake that leveled houses, sank ships in the harbor, killed most of the inhabitants of the city, forcing the rest to flee, leaving behind all valuable property.

Once Heraklion was located on the territory, about a meter towering above sea level. Now the city lies at the bottom of the Aboukir Bay at a depth of six meters.

3. Unknown city. Japan.

The time of the flood is unknown.

The ruins resemble Ros Lepa on the Seychelles island of Mahe

In the spring of 1985, in the coastal waters of the small Japanese island of Yonaguni, local diving instructor Kihachiro Aratake accidentally stumbled upon a strange object. Not far from the shore, literally under the surface of the waves, he saw a huge stone monument, stretching to the limits of visibility. Wide flat platforms, covered with an ornament of rectangles and rhombuses, turned into intricate terraces running down large steps. The edge of the object breaks vertically down the wall to the very bottom to a depth of 27 meters, forming one of the walls of the trench running along the entire Monument.

4. City at the bottom of Lake Atitlan (Atitl?n), Guatemala

Sunk 1700 years ago.

Scientists discovered these ruins in 1996 and concluded that the ruins were originally an island, but subsequently, due to volcanic activity or due to a collapse, this island sank 1700 years ago. The buildings were flooded even before the Mayan era, and the discovered artifacts indicated that people left the area in a hurry. Scientists have found several ceremonial monuments, as well as altars, incense burners, ceramics and other artifacts. It is extremely difficult to excavate in this place, since visibility is close to zero, and everything is covered with a very thick layer of silt.

5. Northern part of the city of Alexandria. Egypt

Went under water 1600 years ago.

Off the coast of Alexandria, where the Pharos lighthouse used to be, the palace of Empress Cleopatra was discovered. Many years ago, it sank due to earthquakes and tidal waves.

6. Pavlopetri, Greece

Went under water about 3000-5000 years ago.

Pavlopetri is unique in that it is the very first underwater city discovered by archaeologists. Scientists have found in it a clear arrangement of streets, courtyards, tombs, they have also found various buildings that for the most part have remained in the same form in which they stood on land thousands of years ago. Pinpointing its exact location in 2009, archaeologists were astounded to see the city spread over more than 30,000 square meters. The city went under water around 1000 BC due to an earthquake.

7. Ruins of Atlit-Yam, Haifa, Israel

Sunk 9000 years ago

Dating back to around 7000 BC, these ruins are one of the oldest and largest sunken human settlements ever discovered. What's more, the granulated bottom has preserved the site so well for 9,000 years that insects can still be found in food stores and skeletons still lie peacefully in their graves. The ruins were discovered in 1984 and immediately gave rise to various theories about how a well-developed ancient village was buried under water. The events that led to the flooding of this village will always be shrouded in mystery, while theories range from a tsunami to a gradual rise in ocean levels due to the systematic melting of glaciers.

8. Presumably the city of Dvaraka of the Harrap civilization. India.

Went under water 5000 years ago.

The sound survey of the Gulf of Cambay gave excellent results. Initially, two main paleochannels of the rivers were identified, 9.2 and 9 km long. The type of seabed, typical of terrestrial river deposits, clearly indicated that the area now covered by water was originally above it and was a riverbed. The sound images showed the presence of geometric features in one of the paleochannels 20 km west of the coastal region of Hazira. The bottom landscape lying at a depth of 20-40 meters resembles an urban building site. Similar formations were also noted near another paleochannel. The mysterious elements are 5×4 m in size on the eastern side, while the westernmost part is 16×15 m. The sections of the dwellings are placed strictly “according to the grid”, indicating the developed urban planning of the ancients.

There is also evidence of water conduction systems - channels, etc. All this points to a properly planned town, with a high level of civilization development. Apart from the regular habitation patches, the sonar has collected images of several large structures. Some of these structures are as follows:

There is a rectangular (41 x 25 m) shaped depression surrounded by what looks like a wall. An inlet and a separate internal structure can be seen. It looks like a reservoir or pool and is located in the western part. In general, the formation resembles the “Great Baths” found in the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, where they were also located in the west of the settlements. The "reservoir" has two sections, which may have been intended for men and women, or for different social strata of ancient society.

Another structure, long, with a well-defined outline, 200x45 m in size, rests on a high base, you can see the regular steps leading to the structure. In the structure, square elements from 18 m and above are distinguished, forming a semblance of fortifications. This type of huge structure is reminiscent of the "Citadels" of the Harappan culture. This is probably an administrative building, and possibly a temple.

The 190×85 m formation is surrounded by the likeness of collapsed walls. In front of it are several rectangular-shaped objects 2.5x3.5x6 m, reminiscent of dwellings. It could be an ancient granary with a town for workers. In many settlements of Harappa, a granary is an indispensable feature.

9. Part of the city of Bailly, Italy

Went under water 1700 years ago

A significant part of the ancient city was hidden by the waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea as a result of volcanic activity.

10. The Shore Temple - Mahabalipuram, India

About 1000 years ago.

The famous temple in the city of Mahabalipuram has always been surrounded by folk myths and legends. Legend has it that the seven temples were so dazzlingly beautiful that the gods became jealous of the people and sent a flood that sank all the temples except for one, the Shore Temple, which was left standing alone. After the December 2004 tsunami, scientists discovered a ruined temple that had been opened, as well as several other structures and sculptures made from the original stone, which was used in the same era to decorate walls and religious shrines. This event revived theories that the temple at Mahabalipuram is part of the "Seven Pagodas"

11. Venice. Italy.

Approximately the city began to go under water about 1000 years ago and the process continues to this day.

Officially, the canals of Venice were never streets. However, at low tide, you can see that the canals are the former streets of an ordinary city.

12. Unknown city. Cuba.

Time of flood unknown

A sensational discovery was made by Canadian researchers in the immediate vicinity of the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic Ocean. They discovered the ruins of a city of colossal proportions. This is evidenced by images taken by a deep-sea robot just 700 meters north of the east coast of Cuba at a depth of 600 feet. On the sea floor under an impressive thickness of silt lie four huge pyramids, reminiscent of the Egyptian ones in Giza, but exceeding them in size. One of them even seems to be made of glass. In the photographs, it was possible to see something similar to a sphinx, several sculptures, plates with inscriptions in an ancient language. It is unlikely that all these are creations of nature. It is assumed that the city is the work of representatives of the ancient Indian civilization of the preclassical period of Caribbean and Central American history. The population of this city was similar to the representatives of Teotihuacan, the oldest metropolis in the Western Hemisphere. According to scientists, the age of the buildings is at least 1.5-2 thousand years.

It is believed that no more than five percent of the underwater depths have been explored by modern scientists, and no one knows how many mysteries are stored at the bottom of the ocean. Ancient cities that have gone under water and wiped off the face of the earth as a result of various cataclysms are safely hidden in the sea abyss. Their unsolved secrets, important in importance for mankind, are also stored there.

Mythical Atlantis

Everyone knows the ancient myth about a continent sunk millions of years ago with a technologically advanced civilization. Thousands of scientists around the world are trying to find out if it really existed or if it was just a beautiful legend that has come down to our days. And if the mainland really went under water, then everyone is worried about the place of his last refuge. However, not a single artifact found has so far opened the veil of this mysterious story.

In our article, we will pay attention to the real ancient cities that went under water in different time periods.

Ruins near Japan

Not all sunken monuments have been found by scientists, and the ruins discovered by an ordinary diver near the Yonaguni Islands are a vivid confirmation of this. In 1987, a gigantic complex, consisting of a stadium, many buildings, and roadways, became a real sensation in the scientific world. Researchers involved in marine geology have found that the sunken city, called the islands and gone into the abyss after a devastating earthquake and subsequent tsunami, is about five thousand years old.

Numerous claims that the exceptional find is the work of nature itself were recognized as erroneous after the discovery of monumental blocks with holes of the correct form, and impeccably even steps, clearly processed by man. Similar ruins, formerly huge terraces, have been found on the surface of the island itself.

Ancient cities that have gone under water. The Hidden History of Civilization

The underwater monument, located at a depth of twenty-five meters and called the Japanese Atlantis, is not protected by the authorities, who did not consider it necessary to give the sunken city a special status. Now this place has become a favorite for all divers interested in a strange structure. There really is something to see there: perfectly even blocks are covered with a mysterious ornament, one of the giant platforms was a pool carved from stone, a sculpture found next to the monument resembles a sitting Egyptian sphinx, and a carved head on a round boulder peers somewhere intently.

Numerous tablets found nearby are dotted with strange writings, a bit reminiscent of By the way, so far not a single message has been deciphered, although scientists agree that it is on stone relics that the history of the ancient structure sunk as a result of a natural disaster is carved. The cities that have gone under water, well preserved at the bottom, become a clear proof of the existence of developed civilizations that perished as a result of natural disasters.

Ancient relics of Greek Pavlopetri

The oldest city, discovered by archaeologists in 1968, is perfectly preserved. At the beginning of the 20th century, a geologist from Athens, who had been doing research for a long time, told the government the location of the ancient city that had gone under water as a result of an earthquake. And only after almost seventy years, a well-known oceanographer, together with an archaeological group at a shallow depth, discovered not only sunken buildings with streets, but also tombs dating back to the Mycenaean period, which gave the world ancient myths.

The University of Cambridge became interested in the discovery and determined that the city was inhabited as early as the 9th century BC. However, they still argue about the age of the ruins found, because some objects raised from the water turned out to be much older than scientists had established.

Amazing discovery

The uniqueness of Pavlopetri lies in the fact that the previously found ancient cities that went under water did not trade with the countries of the Mediterranean, and their harbors did not become a busy port. A prosperous and well-organized city, not marked on any map, occupied a large area of ​​​​about thirty thousand square meters. In a flooded large settlement, divers discovered a large hall used for meetings and called a megaron. So it was established that the government chosen by the inhabitants ruled the port city, and an amazing discovery made it possible to look into the life of the ancient Greeks. The place, which became the main point of transport interchanges, with a developed culture and writing, stood out among other underwater cities.

Historical monument of world importance

The researchers found two-story buildings, a temple, a market square, and even plumbing fixtures with toilets. At present, the buildings that went under the depths of the sea depths, discovered after a unique find, were considered to be a monument of world significance, were not so ancient and not so well studied. In this case, the sensation was the age of Pavlopetri, which had sunk to the bottom, sinking even before Plato spoke in his writings about the tragic end of the mysterious Atlantis. Some scientists suggest that the philosopher knew about the fate of the port city, and it was this story that inspired him to tell about the non-existent mainland. Now Pavlopetri is considered the oldest and most unique settlement found by archaeologists on the seabed of all time, and in 2009 its location was nevertheless put on a map of the globe.

A legend that came true

More than 12 centuries ago, the ancient Egyptian metropolis, mentioned by Herodotus as one of the most majestic and rich - Ancient Heraklion, went under water. under water, according to scientists, died as a result of a strong earthquake, and after the disaster, he went to the bottom. True, researchers are still arguing about the reasons for the retreat of the prosperous shopping center, which has sagged by almost four meters, to a depth, and so far they cannot come to a common opinion. Many are convinced that civilization died as a result of severe flooding after the Nile flooded. For a long time, the story of the sunken ancient metropolis was considered nothing more than a myth, and all the more surprising was the message in 2000 by an underwater archaeologist about the ruins found near the city of Alexandria.

Amazing finds

The real cultural center and the main sea denouement was found Ancient Heraklion. The city under water was called the gates of Egypt because of its many contacts with foreign traders who visited the port. Under the thickness of silt and water, the wreckage of ships, jewelry, old coins were hidden. The main artifact confirming the belonging was the found huge black stele with the inscription of the name of the metropolis.

Exploration of the underwater depths has been going on for fifteen years, thousands of priceless relics have been brought to the surface. The most interesting find was the main city temple. Massive sculptures of the pharaoh and the god of the Nile made of pink granite were found next to the destroyed stone fragments of the religious building, according to their prostrate position at the bottom, conclusions were drawn about the destructive power of the earthquake. Inside the temple, they found a huge tomb, dotted with hieroglyphs. A recent translation of some of its parts fully confirmed the discovery of the original Heracleion.

Underwater Chinese attractions

Fifty years ago, the Chinese government decided to flood two historical monuments in Zhejiang province, which are about 1800 years old, during the construction of a hydroelectric power station. Local residents were resettled, and the ancient Chinese cities that went under water forty years later became a real local attraction. The huge lake now attracts divers from all over the world, who are surprised at the excellent preservation of all wooden buildings that have not collapsed over such a long time in the water.

Unfortunately, along with the cities, all nearby villages with a huge area of ​​fertile land also sank. And all lovers of the underwater depths lament with annoyance that the flooded ancient cities with many colorful buildings, temples, residential buildings are now hidden from the eyes of many people. The only way to contemplate such majestic pictures of ancient buildings is to dive to the bottom. Admirers of the world's architectural achievements are truly delighted, watching the unique underwater views that can compete with the most famous cultural monuments.

Ancient cities that went under water: Anapa

More recently, a group of divers, unsuccessfully searching for a crashed plane in the Black Sea region, discovered the walls of an ancient and hitherto unknown city. The researchers of the seabed are sure that this is a sunken civilization with a highly developed culture and technology. Scientists agree with them, who compared the architecture of underwater structures with the pyramids in Mexico and the ruins of Yonaguni. A certain similarity of the masonry method between them was established, which means that this is indeed a very old city that has absorbed several cultures at once. The discovery did not come as a big surprise to archaeologists, because even before they had found numerous confirmations of the presence of an ancient city here.

All amazing depths are carefully studied by scientists. There has long been talk that the ancient cities that have gone under water are the progenitors of modern humanity. Great civilizations sunk after global catastrophes hide important secrets that need to be understood for the further development of the historical process.

These "Atlantis" have been waiting for thousands of years to be explored and told about them to the world. In the meantime, these are unique places for snorkeling / diving /.

1. Port Royal, Jamaica

Went under water 300 years ago.

Centuries ago, the city of Port Royal in Jamaica was known for booze, brothels, and pirate hangouts. However, after the earthquake in 1692, this city completely went under water, and about 2 thousand local residents died during the incident itself. All the surviving people left Port Royal, and the rest of the city began to gradually "fall" into the water and now the city is immersed in the 20-meter thickness of the Caribbean Sea.

2. Heraklion. Egypt

Went under water 2100 years ago.

In the first century BC. there was a strong earthquake that leveled houses, sank ships in the harbor, killed most of the inhabitants of the city, forcing the rest to flee, leaving behind all valuable property.

Once Heraklion was located on the territory, about a meter towering above sea level. Now the city lies at the bottom of the Aboukir Bay at a depth of six meters.

3. Unknown city. Japan.

The time of the flood is unknown.

The ruins resemble Ros Lepa on the Seychelles island of Mahe

In the spring of 1985, in the coastal waters of the small Japanese island of Yonaguni, local diving instructor Kihachiro Aratake accidentally stumbled upon a strange object. Not far from the shore, literally under the surface of the waves, he saw a huge stone monument, stretching to the limits of visibility. Wide flat platforms, covered with an ornament of rectangles and rhombuses, turned into intricate terraces running down large steps. The edge of the object breaks vertically down the wall to the very bottom to a depth of 27 meters, forming one of the walls of the trench running along the entire Monument.

4. City at the bottom of Lake Atitlan (Atitl?n), Guatemala

Sunk 1700 years ago.

Scientists discovered these ruins in 1996 and concluded that the ruins were originally an island, but subsequently, due to volcanic activity or due to a collapse, this island sank 1700 years ago. The buildings were flooded even before the Mayan era, and the discovered artifacts indicated that people left the area in a hurry. Scientists have found several ceremonial monuments, as well as altars, incense burners, ceramics and other artifacts. It is extremely difficult to excavate in this place, since visibility is close to zero, and everything is covered with a very thick layer of silt.

5. Northern part of the city of Alexandria. Egypt

Went under water 1600 years ago.

Off the coast of Alexandria, where the Pharos lighthouse used to be, the palace of Empress Cleopatra was discovered. Many years ago, it sank due to earthquakes and tidal waves.

6. Pavlopetri, Greece

Went under water about 3000-5000 years ago.

Pavlopetri is unique in that it is the very first underwater city discovered by archaeologists. Scientists have found in it a clear arrangement of streets, courtyards, tombs, they have also found various buildings that for the most part have remained in the same form in which they stood on land thousands of years ago. Pinpointing its exact location in 2009, archaeologists were astounded to see the city spread over more than 30,000 square meters. The city went under water around 1000 BC due to an earthquake.

7. Ruins of Atlit-Yam, Haifa, Israel

Sunk 9000 years ago

Dating back to around 7000 BC, these ruins are one of the oldest and largest sunken human settlements ever discovered. What's more, the granulated bottom has preserved the site so well for 9,000 years that insects can still be found in food stores and skeletons still lie peacefully in their graves. The ruins were discovered in 1984 and immediately gave rise to various theories about how a well-developed ancient village was buried under water. The events that led to the flooding of this village will always be shrouded in mystery, while theories range from a tsunami to a gradual rise in ocean levels due to the systematic melting of glaciers.

8. Presumably the city of Dvaraka of the Harrap civilization. India.

Went under water 5000 years ago.

The sound survey of the Gulf of Cambay gave excellent results. Initially, two main paleochannels of the rivers were identified, 9.2 and 9 km long. The type of seabed, typical of terrestrial river deposits, clearly indicated that the area now covered by water was originally above it and was a riverbed. The sound images showed the presence of geometric features in one of the paleochannels 20 km west of the coastal region of Hazira. The bottom landscape lying at a depth of 20-40 meters resembles an urban building site. Similar formations were also noted near another paleochannel. The mysterious elements are 5x4 m in size on the east side, while the westernmost part is 16x15 m. The plots of dwellings are placed strictly "according to the grid", indicating the developed urban planning of the ancients.

There is also evidence of water conduction systems - channels, etc. All this points to a properly planned town, with a high level of civilization development. Apart from the regular habitation patches, the sonar has collected images of several large structures. Some of these structures are as follows:

There is a rectangular (41x25 m) shaped depression, which is surrounded by a kind of wall. An inlet and a separate internal structure can be seen. It looks like a reservoir or pool and is located in the western part. In general, the formation resembles the “Great Baths” found in the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, where they were also located in the west of the settlements. There are two compartments in the "reservoir", which may have been intended for men and women, or for different social strata of ancient society.

Another structure, long, with a well-defined contour, 200x45 m in size, rests on a high base, you can see the regular steps leading to the structure. In the structure, square elements from 18 m and above are distinguished, forming a semblance of fortifications. This type of huge structure is reminiscent of the "Citadels" of the Harappan culture. This is probably an administrative building, and possibly a temple.

The 190x85 m formation is surrounded by the likeness of collapsed walls. In front of it are several rectangular-shaped objects 2.5x3.5x6 m, reminiscent of dwellings. It could be an ancient granary with a town for workers. In many Harappan settlements, a granary is an indispensable feature.

9. Part of the city of Bailly, Italy

Went under water 1700 years ago

A significant part of the ancient city was hidden by the waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea as a result of volcanic activity.

10. The Shore Temple - Mahabalipuram, India

About 1000 years ago.

The famous temple in the city of Mahabalipuram has always been surrounded by folk myths and legends. Legend has it that the seven temples were so dazzlingly beautiful that the gods became jealous of the people and sent a flood that sank all the temples except for one, the Shore Temple, which was left standing alone. After the December 2004 tsunami, scientists discovered a ruined temple that had been opened, as well as several other structures and sculptures made from the original stone, which was used in the same era to decorate walls and religious shrines. This event revived theories that the temple at Mahabalipuram is part of the "Seven Pagodas"

11. Venice. Italy.

Approximately the city began to go under water about 1000 years ago and the process continues to this day.

Officially, the canals of Venice were never streets. However, at low tide, you can see that the canals are the former streets of an ordinary city.

12. Unknown city. Cuba.

Time of flood unknown

A sensational discovery was made by Canadian researchers in the immediate vicinity of the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic Ocean. They discovered the ruins of a city of colossal proportions. This is evidenced by images taken by a deep-sea robot just 700 meters north of the east coast of Cuba at a depth of 600 feet. On the sea floor under an impressive thickness of silt lie four huge pyramids, reminiscent of the Egyptian ones in Giza, but exceeding them in size. One of them even seems to be made of glass. In the photographs, it was possible to see something similar to a sphinx, several sculptures, plates with inscriptions in an ancient language. It is unlikely that all these are creations of nature. It is assumed that the city is the work of representatives of the ancient Indian civilization of the preclassical period of Caribbean and Central American history. The population of this city was similar to the representatives of Teotihuacan, the oldest metropolis in the Western Hemisphere. According to scientists, the age of the buildings is at least 1.5-2 thousand years.

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