Home Vegetables Chicken fillet in cheese sauce. The culinary academy of smart housewives. Chicken fillet in cheese sauce

Chicken fillet in cheese sauce. The culinary academy of smart housewives. Chicken fillet in cheese sauce

Pre-soak beans in cold water for 8 hours to remove oligosaccharides. Oligosaccharides are substances that do not dissolve in the body and contribute to gas formation. So soak the beans, rinse thoroughly and place in a saucepan. Cover with water, put on fire and boil. Then drain the water, and pour the beans with clean water and put on fire.

Wash the meat under running water and cut with a sharp knife, as you like. Place in a saucepan with beans, boil, remove the foam and reduce the heat of the stove. Cook beans with meat until half cooked, periodically removing the foam.

Peel, wash and cut into carrots. Peel the potatoes, wash and chop. Peel the onion and chop finely. And add to the pot.

Add potatoes, spices and garlic chopped with a garlic. Season with salt and pepper and cook until tender. Season the soup with finely chopped herbs, cover and remove from the stove.

Pork soup with beans is one of the first courses that are very easy to prepare, while the soup turns out to be very satisfying and tasty. The only thing is that you need to soak the beans in advance. As a last resort, you can use canned beans.

To prepare the soup, you will need: 500-800 grams of pork with a bone, 1 glass of dried white beans, 1 onion, 1-2 carrots, 1 bell pepper, 1-2 cloves of garlic, 1-2 tomatoes, salt, ground pepper, vegetable (butter ghee) butter or fat for frying vegetables, if desired, add 1 bay leaf, green onions, dill (parsley, cilantro).

Piece of pork with bone

Rinse thoroughly, put in a saucepan (you need to take a larger saucepan so that the broth does not run away during cooking), pour 3 liters of cold water, lightly salt and put the pan on fire. The beans must be soaked in advance, preferably in the morning, and even better, at night. It is best to cook the soup with white beans because red beans will make the broth cloudy. Swollen beans

must be rinsed and added to the pan to the meat. Bring the broth to a boil, gently remove the foam, reduce the heat and cook the soup until the meat is tender. Then remove the meat from the pan, cut from the bone, cut the flesh into small pieces

and return the meat to the pot.

Frying vegetables must be done in advance, while the meat is being cooked. Peel the onion, chop finely, put in a pan with heated vegetable oil. While stirring, fry the onion until transparent, then add to the pan chopped into strips or grated on a coarse grater carrots, chopped bell peppers into small cubes.

Stir the vegetables and fry until the carrots are soft. Add chopped garlic and diced tomatoes to the pan,

mix everything again and fry until tender. Add the frying to the pan after the sliced ​​meat.

Boil the soup for 5-10 minutes, then add salt to taste, pepper, remove from heat, add chopped herbs,

and close the pan with a lid. After about ten minutes, the soup can be served at the table.

A similar bean soup can also be cooked from turkey (veal) fillets, only then the beans should be put into the pan before the meat, and the meat cut into pieces should be added only after the beans are half cooked.

Enjoy your meal!



Although we are more used to beans in borscht, bean soup with pork is just as delicious. True, you have to tinker a little, cooking broth and beans separately, but it's worth it. After all, if you cook beans right away in the broth, it will be dark and cloudy. The broth also sometimes turns out to be cloudy, and not everyone considers the meat broth useful, so we calmly pour it out, using only boiled meat. And so we get an almost transparent soup, in which all the vegetables are visible.


  1. Beans - 100 grams;
  2. Carrots - 3 pieces;
  3. Potatoes (medium size) - 3 pieces;
  4. Meat - 200 grams;
  5. Salt to taste;
  6. Pepper - to taste;
  7. Bay leaf.

Cooking method:

1. First, put the meat in a saucepan and fill it with cold water.
2. Then set it to cook for 1.5 - 2 hours.
3. Next, in a separate saucepan, put the cooked over the early soaked beans.
4. Now that our meat is cooked, take it out of the pan, change the water and add chopped potatoes, carrots, half-cooked beans, meat, salt and pepper to taste.
5. Cook for 25-30 minutes until tender, at the end of cooking add bay leaves and herbs.

Pork soup with beans

Pork soup with beans

With the onset of autumn, the time comes for hearty soups based on rich meat broths. This is how it will be pork soup with beans- thick, aromatic, very tasty. For spicy food lovers, add chili peppers to your soup to taste.


Cooking steps

Rinse beans, soak in cold water overnight. Then drain the water, pour 1 liter of clean water and boil for about 1 hour (the cooking time of the beans depends on their variety).

Wash pork ribs, dry and chop.

Heat some vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the ribs until golden brown.

Transfer to a saucepan, pour 1.5 liters of hot water, bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook until tender, about 1 hour.

Wash, peel and cut onions, carrots, peppers and tomatoes.

In the same pan where the meat was fried, first fry the onions and carrots, season with salt and pepper. Then add pepper and tomato and fry everything together until the vegetables are soft.

Peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes.

When the broth is cooked, put the potatoes and half of the cooked beans in it along with the water in which they were boiled. Add bay leaves and salt to taste. Cook until potatoes are tender, about 10 minutes.

Purée the other half of the beans with a blender and add to the saucepan, this will thicken the soup and give it a velvety texture.

At the end of cooking, add the vegetable dressing to the pork and beans soup, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Let the soup steep and serve.

Delicious and aromatic pork soup with beans is ready.

For a soup recipe you will need:

  • white beans - 400g
  • pork (ribs)
  • onion
  • carrot
  • tomato paste - 150g
  • Bay leaf
  • allspice
  • black pepper (peas)
  • cloves - 3 pcs.
  • cardamom - 5 grains
  • salt to taste
  • garlic - optional.
  • Soup recipe:

    Large white beans about 400g. (half a packet) was soaked overnight. Swollen and doubled. The water was drained, the grains were thoroughly washed with cold water.

    The meat is pork barrel, ribs are thin, even cartilage with interlayers. Usually I cook the meat first (if beef or lamb, horse meat), and then add the beans. But pork is cooked faster in time, and therefore I put them together, right away with the beans, at the rate of the cooking time for an hour or twenty hours.

    The broth is almost done, but it is still unsalted. The meat is soft, the beans have reached a standard - the skin does not burst, but the grain inside is absolutely soft.

    While the broth was cooking, I cooked a fry. First, I fried the onion, added carrots to it, and after a couple of minutes tomato paste about 150g. I stewed with tomato paste for 3-4 minutes, no more need. I salted the broth, introduced frying and spices - bay leaves, allspice and black peas, three cloves, 5 grains of cardamom. A couple of minutes on low heat, then turned it off and the soup was infused for another fifteen minutes.

    Already on a plate, the soup looks like this. If desired, you can add grated garlic to the plate.

    Bean soup with pork

    Pork Bean Soup Recipe. It is good to warm up with such a thick rich soup on a cold winter evening.


  • White beans 400 Gram
  • Pork (ribs) 500 Gram
  • Tomato paste 150 Gram
  • Carrot 1 Piece
  • Cloves 3 Pieces
  • Onions 1 Piece
  • Pepper and Salt - To taste
  • Garlic - To taste
  • Cardamom 5 Pieces
  • 1. First of all, soak the beans overnight. The beans are swollen and have doubled in size. We drain the water, rinse the grains thoroughly with cold water.

    2. Put meat in a saucepan (pork is cooked pretty quickly) and beans, then fill with water and set to cook. Cook for about an hour or an hour and twenty.

    3. The broth is almost cooked, but it hasn't been salted yet. The meat should be soft, the beans inside the beans are soft, but the skin does not burst.

    4. While the broth is cooking, prepare the broth. Peel the carrots and onions, cut into pieces and fry. After a few minutes, add the tomato paste. We simmer for another three or four minutes. Salt the broth, put the roast there, add allspice, black peppercorns, bay leaf, three cloves and cardamom seeds. Let us keep it on fire for a few minutes, then turn off the soup and let it brew for fifteen minutes.

    5. You can add grated garlic to a bowl of ready-made soup.


    Bean soup

    Bean soup recipe with pork stew Military Special Reserve

    • Ingredients:
    • Pork stew Military Special reserve 1 can (525 gr.)
    • Onion 1 head
    • Carrots 1 pc.
    • Potatoes 2 pcs.
    • Canned beans 1 can
    • Tomato paste 2 tbsp spoons
    • Cilantro half bundle
    • Green onion half bunch
    • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp. spoons
    • Bean soup is one of those delicious and simple recipes that have been familiar to us since childhood. but classic recipe from the chef now cooks even faster!

      The main convenience of this quick lunch recipe is that it is designed like a stew recipe. Indeed, instead of spending a lot of time for defrosting, cutting and cooking meat for bean soup, it is enough buy pork stew and on its basis prepare the first course. What could be easier than this! And the unconditional usefulness of stewed pork lies in the fact that it is an exclusively natural, lumpy product in accordance with GOST, in which there are no artificial additives. And this same rule of convenience for using high-quality canned meat in home cooking applies equally to all stew recipes!

      The chef's bean soup can be said to be an inexpensive pork recipe. Here, among the ingredients, as you can see in the photo of the quick recipe, in addition to the meat component - onions, carrots, potatoes, canned beans (again, you don't need to soak for a long time before cooking!), Tomato paste and herbs.

      For maximum convenience of preparation, we present step-by-step photos of a simple dish. They are very informative and, in combination with a detailed description, will allow you to easily repeat the entire technological chain after the culinary master.

      Due to the simplicity of the components, bean soup is very convenient to prepare not only at home, but also on a hike, in the country, hunting or fishing. A hot dish will surely give you strength for a long time and cheer you up.

      To what has been said, we must add that our section soup recipes teeming with many original first courses! They are prepared from different types of stew, as well as with ham, chicken fillet, stewed beef and pork tongues and represent the cuisines of the most diverse nations of the world - from Asia to America. And, of course, Russian cuisine soups!

      Hot bean soup, cooked with pork and cracklings, spicy and aromatic, it is an extremely suitable dish to start a good lunch or dinner, especially in the cold season. superbly warms up the appetite and prepares for a delicious main course.

      A similar bean soup is more typical for Mexican cuisine, the first courses of which are often distinguished by a somewhat unexpected composition and tangible pungency. In Spanish cuisine, there are recipes for a thick bean soup, often with the addition of chickpeas and smoked meats - cosido. However, this soup is closer to the second course and is served in a pot. Remarkably, by the composition of the soup, you can confidently determine from which part of the country the recipe came from.

      Hearty bean soups are common in the Balkans. It is said that the lean bean soup was made in the days of Ancient Greece - the traditional bean soup. The nutritious and rich soup easily satiated and retained strength, so it was often prepared to feed workers.

      Beans are an ancient culture that the Maya and Aztecs cultivated even before the discovery of the New World. One of the most important plants of ancient agriculture, the basis of nutrition and cooking, due to its high protein content, an excellent and valuable food product.

      You can make a delicious soup with beans from almost any variety. It is only important to remember that some varieties of beans contain toxic substances, and the beans must be boiled well in order to get rid of them. , which works well with red beans, is cooked like that. But such simple dishes, as or not so critical to the variety of beans.

      Bean soup. Step by step recipe

      Ingredients (2 servings)

      • White beans 100 gr
      • Pork 150 gr
      • Lard 50 gr
      • Carrot 1 pc
      • Parsnip 1 pc
      • Onion 1 pc
      • Garlic 2-3 cloves
      • Parsley 3-4 sprigs
      • Dry chili pods taste
      • Salt, black pepper, red hot pepper, coriander taste
      1. Delicious and nutritious bean soup is best made with dry white beans with a fairly large bean. Usually, recipes, if used, recommend rubbing the boiled beans through a sieve or colander. This is pretty awkward for me.

        Beans, pork and vegetables for soup

      2. Dry grains must be soaked in cold water in advance, at least for 6 hours, and preferably in the evening, and boiled in the morning. If you need to get mashed beans, and the grain is large, you can get rid of the shells that cover the bean even before boiling. It is easy - when you press on the soaked bean, the shell peels off under pressure and only the inner "lobes" remain, suitable for boiling and chopping.

        Soak and peel the beans

      3. To clear a glass of soaked seeds - a matter of 10 minutes. This is much more convenient than making life difficult for yourself by rubbing the beans through a sieve. So, peel the beans, put the lobes in a saucepan and pour two glasses of cold water over them. Put the saucepan on fire, bring water to a boil. Then reduce the heat so that the liquid barely boils, and cook the beans with the lid open for 20-25 minutes. During this time, the grains will begin to lose their shape, and the water will partially boil away and partially be absorbed by the beans. When the beans are almost ready, remove the saucepan from the heat and let it cool slightly, along with the remaining liquid.

        Cook the beans until tender and cool

      4. A piece of bacon, by the way - you can and more, peel and cut into thin slices. In a hot skillet, fry the bacon until soft greaves, so that a little pork fat is melted out. Put the greaves on a saucer and set them aside for now; you will need them when the bean soup is served for dinner.

        Fry bacon until soft greaves

      5. If there is too much pork fat, it can be partially drained. To fry meat and vegetables in soup with beans, 2-3 tbsp is enough. l. fat. Pork for the soup is not very fatty, preferably the pulp. Cut the meat into slices, similar to how you cut the meat for the Mexican.

        Cut pork into slices

      6. Reduce heat under skillet to low-medium, and place pieces of meat in hot lard. Stir frequently, fry the pork until a slight blush appears. We must try to prevent the meat from sticking to the pan and sticking to it when frying.

        Fry the meat until golden brown

      7. Put a saucepan on the fire and pour 4-5 glasses of water into it. Bring water to a boil. Once the meat is sufficiently browned, place it in boiling water with a slotted spoon, taking care to drain the fat back into the skillet.
      8. Peel the onion and cut into large cubes. Peel and dice the carrots and parsnips, approximately twice as large as the vegetables you want to cut. Fry the chopped vegetables in pork fat for 5-6 minutes, until the first signs of a golden brown crust appear and the onion is slightly darkened.

        Fry chopped vegetables in pork fat

      9. Add the fried vegetables to the boiling pork broth and season with salt and black pepper. Add ground coriander - to taste, but the bean soup will taste better if the coriander is clearly felt in the overall flavor. Add a few whole dry chili pods. Dry pods will not add a lot of spiciness to the soup, although the taste will be quite spicy. If possible, you can add fresh hot peppers. Cut the pod in half, remove seeds and white septa. I added 6 dry, medium-spicy pepper pods, although I also spiced the bean soup to taste during lunch. Peel 2-3 cloves of garlic and finely chop them into soup.

        Add the fried vegetables and all the spices to the soup

      10. Cook the soup with beans at a low boil until the vegetables are fully cooked - at least half an hour. Do not force the boil, the soup should barely simmer.

        Boil the soup at a low boil

      11. In the meantime, the boiled beans have cooled slightly and can be chopped to a puree. Transfer the beans and liquid to a blender and add 1 to 2 scoops of soup stock. Grind the beans until they are completely homogeneous, you should get a liquid puree.
      12. Turn up the heat under the saucepan and pour the liquid puree into the soup. Stir the bean soup and bring to a boil. Add spices to taste - salt, pepper. The soup can be mild and hot enough, this is optional. By the way, spicy soup is an excellent dish that warms up the appetite and warms up in cool weather.

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