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Have you started a renovation and want to create a unique atmosphere of comfort and style? Or are you thinking about how to transform your bedroom by adding a few décor elements? In any case, a beautifully designed headboard will come to the rescue. Is it possible to do it yourself? What materials will you need and where to start? Let's figure it out together!

Highlights when choosing a headboard

If you decide to create your own headboard for the bed, consider several important conditions.

  1. Functionality. If you are going to use the headboard as a support for evening reading or watching movies, then the choice is better to stop on a soft product made of a material that is easy to clean.
  2. The size of the room. In small bedrooms, where it is not possible to install a bedside table, it is convenient to make a wide headboard in the form of shelves. For a spacious room with high ceilings, choose a large design.
  3. Style. If the room has a certain stylistic orientation, then the headboard should emphasize it and continue. By re-creating the image of the room, you can make the original headboard the central part of the composition.

You can visually lengthen the walls by making the headboard height greater than the width.

Interior styles that will successfully complement the headboard

There are many different interior styles where a headboard helps create a unique setting.

  1. Baroque. This style is associated with luxury, pomp, wealth. Brocade, velvet, fringe, stucco molding, wood, marble, gilding are the main materials for creating interior elements.
  2. Provence. Originally from France, this style combines classic elements with rustic details. Provence is characterized by gentle pastel colors, as if burnt out from the bright sun.
  3. Vintage. A characteristic feature is the filling of the interior with various elements of antiquity.
  4. Art Deco. It combines many different directions: from the Empire style to the primitives of African tribes. The lines in the interior are straight, the materials are natural. A lot of abstraction, everything is simple, but very original.
  5. Loft. A combination in the interior of elements of abandonment or incompleteness and the latest technical solutions. A lot of free space, a minimum of partitions and decorative elements.
  6. Patchwork. This style is characterized by the use of textile fabrics created using the patchwork technique.
  7. Eco-style implies as many natural elements in the interior as possible. For example, solid wood bed, stone walls, vertical landscaping.
  8. Ethnic style recreates the atmosphere of the home of any people. For example, Japanese style, oriental or tropical.
  9. Boho. A curly plank headboard is always bright, but at the same time cozy. Elements of self-expression and freedom are the basis of this style in the interior.
  10. Eclecticism. The interior combines several different styles, similar in focus and united by a common decor.

Materials from which the headboard can be made

To create soft headboards, you will need a hard base: a sheet of plywood, elements of old furniture. Its appearance is not very important, it will still be hidden behind the upholstery. As the outer layer, you can use natural or artificial leather, textiles look very nice. Velvet for the Baroque, golden satin for the Rococo, floral motifs for the ethno style and so on.

Options for soft headboards in the photo

A soft headboard can also be assembled from pillows using textiles and filling.

Do you have unnecessary window frames? Then you can make a soft headrest out of them by adding a beautiful textile upholstery with filling.

A popular and simple technique is decoupage. With its help, you can create a unique design of the details of the bed.

The easiest option is a headboard made from an old mattress. It can be embroidered in the desired style or upholstered with a suitable material.

All that remains is to think over the fastening of such a design, although if the mattress is large enough, it can simply be nailed to the wall.

The inner padding between the frame and the upholstery is made of foam rubber. This is the cheapest option for handcrafting.

Rigid headboards are most often an element of decor, with the exception of the shelf headboard. The materials for their creation can be different.

  1. One of the simplest options is a headboard assembled from ready-made purchased boards. All that remains is to fix them on the wall and add the sconces.
  2. The leftover wooden pallets can be transformed into a stylish interior detail. This option is very easy and convenient to use.
  3. It will be a little more difficult to work on creating a product on a carved metal base, to which wooden boards are attached.
  4. If you have unnecessary wooden gates, why not use them as an unusual decoration for your room?
  5. Are you a professional carpenter, painter, or woodcarving? Then decorating a homemade design won't give you much of a hassle.
  6. A mosaic headboard will give your bedroom a unique style or refresh an existing one.
  7. Metal wrought iron is a great option for creating a bed back.
  8. Is wicker weaving your favorite pastime? Then, perhaps, you can master this option.
  9. Do you like to knit and you can handle large-scale canvases? Then this option is just for you.

Mirrored headboards deserve special attention. They are easy to make, look luxurious, visually expand the space and brighten the bedroom.

Mirrored headboards in the bedroom - gallery

Imitation bed backs

Do you love and know how to draw? You have the option of painting a unique headboard on the wall behind the bed.

If drawing is not yours, then you can simply apply a pattern on a stencil. It also looks impressive.

If you have no desire to paint or invent yourself, use a carpet. It can decorate your bedroom and become an integral part of the created style.

How to update the interior and decorate the wall at the head of the bed - video

You can update the bed yourself using the most unusual details. All that is required of the master is a little skill and imagination.

Unusual bed decorating ideas - gallery

DIY soft headrest: step by step instructions

The soft headboard is suitable for decorating a nursery. It can be covered with textiles and attached to the wall so that children feel comfortable while sleeping or playing.

Tools and materials required for work:

  • plywood sheet 100 x 75 cm;
  • a strip of plywood 5 x 60 cm - 2 pcs.;
  • a strip of plywood 9 x 60 cm - 2 pcs.;
  • a thick piece of foam rubber 100 x 75 cm;
  • thin foam rubber 120 x 95 cm;
  • upholstery fabric 120 x 95 cm;
  • drill:
  • staples,
  • furniture stapler;
  • anchor bolts.

Instructions for creating a soft headboard.

  1. We put a piece of thick foam rubber on a sheet of plywood and cut off the excess with scissors.
  2. On top of the thick foam, we apply a thin one and fasten it to the back of the plywood with a stapler, tightening the sharp edges of the board.
  3. On top of the thin foam, we lay and smooth the upholstery fabric. We fasten it from the middle, pulling it a little.
  4. We form a safe corner, trying not to overtighten the fabric and create as few folds as possible. We nail it onto the staples exactly to the corner. At the end, fold and secure.
  5. The soft headboard is ready. We fix it on the wall with L-shaped brackets. It remains only to put the bed.

How to make a low headboard with upholstery - video

Making a rigid wooden structure

A wooden headboard made of oak planks has a decorative function and very well complements the interior.

To create you need:

  • three oak boards 180 cm long and 3 cm thick;
  • chisel for stripping bark;
  • jigsaw;
  • anchor bolts and metal profile for wall mounting;
  • manual gas burner;
  • auto varnish.

Manufacturing instructions.

  1. We arrange the boards as they will be at the head, and we sign them to facilitate processing.
  2. We debark the boards using a chisel.
  3. So that the boards fit well to each other, we outline the joining line with a pencil and saw off the excess with a jigsaw.
  4. We install the boards on specially assembled supports.
  5. We burn the boards using a manual gas burner.
  6. After firing, we cover the boards with varnish, in this case, an auto varnish was applied.
  7. We assemble the structure, fix the metal profile and hang it on the anchor bolts.
  8. The headboard is ready.

The head of the bed is an interior detail that is often unjustly forgotten for some reason. But in vain ... The bedside headboard looks more than impressive, becoming a real decoration of the bedroom. In addition, it is able to partially protect the wall from dirt and mechanical damage. We share delightful DIY headboard ideas.

1. Funny pictures

A simple yet effective headboard idea is to paint the wall. Depending on the level of artistic skill, you can choose a simple or intricate drawing. Another option is to purchase vinyl wall decals. They can be easily peeled off at any time without harm to the finish of the wall.

2. For the smartest

In most apartments, there is a dead weight of books that are not interesting enough to read them again. A hand does not rise to throw them away. From old books it will turn out to make a headboard with your own hands. To keep the structure stable, glue the book covers together.

3. Natural wood is a timeless classic

Even old boards can come in handy for decorating a bed headboard with your own hands. In order for the headboard to last a long time, it is necessary to use a protective impregnation for the tree. Otherwise, it will lose its original appearance rather quickly.

4. From the living room to the bedroom

Of course, equipping a real fireplace in the bedroom in order to turn it into a headboard in the future is not worth it. There is a much less laborious way. You can buy a false fireplace made of plaster. If necessary, it can be easily painted in any color, so it will harmoniously fit into any bedroom interior.

5. Cozy pillow headboard

Everyone is familiar with the decor for the bedroom - pillows lying on the bed. But why not go the other way and decorate the wall behind the bed headboard with them? You just need to attach a part of the cornice to the wall, and sew strips of fabric to the pillows, which will play the role of strings.

6. Democratic canopy replacement

The curtain behind the bed is an unusual decor option that is guaranteed not to go unnoticed by guests. If you don't want to waste time choosing bedding in a suitable color, choose a fabric in a neutral color.

7. Eco-style

Wooden cuts, fixed on a piece of plywood of a suitable size, are a spectacular decor for a bed headboard. It will be inexpensive, but it will definitely transform the interior of the bedroom.

8. Exquisite textiles

To make such a headboard, you will need a piece of fabric, plywood and foam rubber. Foam rubber is glued to the plywood, and then the resulting structure is covered with fabric. It remains to secure the fabric on the seamy side of the headboard. For example, sew opposite edges.

9. Nice and practical

In the bedroom, a bunch of necessary little things must accumulate, and there is not enough space to store them. A way out of the situation will be a furniture wall at the head of the bed. To make it practical, place open shelves in its upper part.

10. Elegant screen

A screen is an object that makes any interior more sophisticated. If it was not possible to find a ready-made screen, then it can be made to order or with your own hands. You will need a few rectangular pieces of plywood or wood and metal corners.

11. From universal pallets

Pallets cost a penny, but the scope of their use is more than wide. Several pallets knocked together form a wooden headboard. Do not forget about protective impregnations for wood. Another option is to varnish the surface of the pallet. So the likelihood of injury on its rough surface will be reduced to zero.

12. Fabric panels

With minimal artistic skill, a simple landscape can be drawn on a piece of white cloth. Use batik fabrics. This way the pattern will be securely fixed to the fabric and the panel can be washed if necessary.

13.From the floor to the wall

A wicker bamboo or reed rug will become a spectacular headboard and canopy at the same time. It is only necessary to provide brackets fixed in the ceiling above the bed.

14. Maximum tree

Solid wood is not cheap, but such a headboard can really become a highlight of the bedroom.

15. A little through the looking glass

A mirrored headboard is especially important for a small bedroom. After all, the presence of a mirror surface contributes to a visual increase in space.

The headboard is more decorative than functional. Practical people are more likely to like making really useful things with their own hands. Continuing the topic -

The first thing we see, barely stepping over the threshold of the bedroom, is the bed. And it depends on how stylishly it is decorated, whether we will be comfortable in the room. Bed linen, its material and style, presence or absence canopy These are all important components of the overall bedroom experience. Still, the main role belongs to the beautiful headboard of the bed - it is it that can radically change the appearance of your bed, and the whole room as a whole.

Let's talk about the types of bed headboards

How many styles - so many design options for the headboards.

Wooden headboard is rightfully considered a classic of the "sleeping" genre. Depending on how the wood is processed, the bed can organically fit into almost any style - from a bedroom in the good old Victorian style to modern and shabby chic... Ascetic headboards are usually practically devoid of decor, they have a rectangular or slightly rounded shape, varnished or painted. More sophisticated versions a la Provence can be decorated with wavy patterns, and their most luxurious cousins ​​(beds in the Baroque, Rococo, Classicism and Empire styles) are real works of art. Beds with a high headboard- the hallmark of sophisticated chic bedrooms.

Idea: If you have boards or old carved shutters or doors, you can use these as your headboard. In the first case, it will give the room an eco-friendly atmosphere, in the second, it will create a vintage spirit.

Metal headboard - another old-timer in the bed kingdom. It is actively used by many design directions - from romantic vintage and Romanesque style to strict Scandinavian.

Mosaic and stone headboards. It can be fancy patterns of sea pebbles or pieces of glass, shards ceramic tiles etc.

Textile used to decorate the head of the bed quite often. The reason for such popularity lies, most likely, in the atmosphere of comfort that the fabric brings to the room. And the richness of the choice of the desired fabric also plays a role: heavy velvet is suitable for decorating a bed in the Baroque or Rococo style, but for Empire rooms it is better to give preference to a shiny golden satin.

Mirror headboard - it will suit you only if you are not a feng shui adherent, since any more or less savvy expert on the principles of this Taoist practice will tell you that the mirror should be placed in a different place.

How to decorate a wall in place of a headboard

If you bought a bed devoid of an unusual headboard, there are two options - either you are content with its absence, but somehow decorate the wall above the bed in an interesting way, or make the headboard yourself. For craftsmen who are accustomed to holding a jigsaw and a furniture stapler in their hands, there will be little to do - just come up with a suitable decor option and execute it. But for those who are unfamiliar with this technique, we have an easier way - to decorate the wall above the bed.

  • Drawings made through curly look very stylish in the role of a headboard substitute stencils... They can be both flat and voluminous, that is, made with putty.
  • You can also decorate the wall with purchased self-adhesive foil patterns. This is one of the simplest options for decorating a bed.

Advice: Athletes and sports fans can show their imagination: stick hockey sticks on the wall, create fancy patterns from light balls for such tennis or pucks.

New, original, creative. This design of the headboard for the bed will definitely arouse the interest of guests.

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