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Harry and Hermione kiss. Unbelievable facts about Harry Potter that will blow your mind

At this time, Harry and Ron burst into the common living room, laughing cheerfully. After their Quidditch practice, both were drenched in the rain and sweating. Seeing them, Hermione smiled happily. Harry ruffled his hair and smiled cheerfully in response, reminding him of a naughty child now, not a seventeen-year-old who grew up too early.

Ron set out to become the best goalkeeper by all means and win the Quidditch Cup, and his friend, regardless of the time of day or the weather, helped him train every free minute.

The redhead, on the contrary, did not smile, but glanced gloomily at his right hand and frowned. Hermione quickly stood up, cast a cleaning and drying spell on both of them, and gently took Ron's hand and began to move her wand over her. Gradually, the swelling disappeared, and after a minute the redness also disappeared - the hand became its usual color. The moment the girl took the Weasley's hand, his ears flared. An outside observer would be surprised at his embarrassment - after all, everyone knows that Ron has known this girl for a long time, so such shyness seemed strange. But Hermione couldn't even imagine Ron Weasley any other way - his embarrassment was so charming and domestic.

So you really are in love with him, ”Lavender announced contentedly. Luckily for her, there were only a few people in the living room. Otherwise, five minutes later, Miss Brown's premature death would have been discussed throughout Hogwarts.

Hermione snarled, like Crookshanks when chasing another victim. Harry, who had been pissed off by all and sundry about the same thing over the past few days, grimaced, and Ron looked like he was about to sink into the ground this very second.

Stop interfering in someone else's life, otherwise it will end badly for you. ”Only a deaf person would not have heard the warning in Hermione's voice. True, due to the fact that Harry was holding her tightly, she could not rush at Brown. The poise of the smartest witch in Hogwarts has recently evaporated in an unknown direction, because Madame Pomfrey forbade her to overwork and sit with books for more than two hours a day, while her usual "norm" is six to seven hours. Harry had to watch over the observance as the only person who could cope with Granger.

It's not funny at all, Hermione! - Lavender exclaimed, pretending to pout. And then she winked slyly. She stared at her classmate, puzzled. - But, so be it - I'll leave you alone if you kiss Harry.

Ginny giggled cheerfully. It was already quite a clumsy attempt to get two best friends to open their hearts to each other. Otherwise, these two stubborn people will deny before themselves and the whole world at least some feelings besides "platonic friendship" until the end of centuries. I was surprised only by one thing: how Brown decided on this and why Granger was not afraid of revenge.

Wait.… I thought you were talking about Hermione and Ron. ”Dean stared at her, trying to figure out what kind of strange game Lavender was up to.

Oh, everyone knows that this couple fights like they are brother and sister all the time. Have you never noticed that their showdown is very similar to the quarrels between Ron and Ginny? I hope Ron is not interested in incest. ”At the last phrase, Parvati turned to the Weasleys, raising an eyebrow in derision.

Beeeee, Parvati! - the friendly chorus of all those present became the answer. Ron looked as if he had been hit over the head by a bludger, and in addition, he had managed to fall off a broomstick. It looked so funny that the Gryffindors laughed merrily.

I don’t understand why, instead of getting ready for the TOAD, you’re doing nothing and wasting your time spying on us! Hermione declared, crossing her arms over her chest.

That's it! Stop cracking comedy and wasting our time. Just kiss him! Lavender chuckled, cutting off an attempt to divert the conversation.

Harry was sitting on the couch next to Hermione. With one hand, he hugged the girl around the waist, while throwing his head back on the back of the sofa and completely relaxing. Hermione, on the other hand, looked like a spring about to unclench. She crossed her arms and legs, and stared at Lavender, as if trying to get her to clean up, hello.

Then why do you think Harry and Hermione are good for each other? Dean asked. And Granger felt a great desire to come up and kiss him. Lavender, on the other hand, was simply outraged by such blindness and narrow-mindedness.

Have you slept soundly over the past few years, Thomas? - asked Parvati, examining Dean with such a look as if he had accidentally grown a second head to himself.

No, - answered the guy barely audible.

Oh, for Merlin's sake, stop! Hermione began irritably, but fell silent as Harry stroked her arm soothingly.

Ever since Potter defeated Voldemort, the entire wizarding world has been watching the hero's life with bated breath. The main thing that now interested the public is how much more the most enviable bridegroom of magical Britain will be alone, and who is the beauty who will win his heart.

The rest of Granger's indignation simply did not notice.

You went blind, huh? Lavender asked, slowly and somewhat predatory approaching her classmate. This time, Dean thought it best not to answer, and just shook his head.

Then you are stupid, - said Lavender and Parvati in one voice. And Hermione felt the urge to bang her head against the wall.

Harry and Hermione know everything about each other, understand each other perfectly, half-glance ...

They constantly look at each other ...

Always together ...

Finish phrases for each other ...

They often touch each other and hug ... - at the last statement, Harry stopped stroking Hermione's hand and moved a little away from her. But Granger, who was busy inventing more and more new ways of killing this couple (if possible, such that later would not ring out in Azkaban), did not even notice it.

But that's because they've been best friends since they were eleven, ”Ron explained to them as mentally retarded.

But you're their best friend too, and you behave differently, don't you? Lavender asked, turning to the Weasleys. Dean raised his eyes to the ceiling and thanked all the gods known to him for being on his side - Brown forgot about him, and the tornado passed by. These two well-known Hogwarts gossips were sometimes really scary. One had only to remember how cleverly they dealt with the Death Eaters, sending curse after curse on them.

Yes, friend, Ginny confirmed.

But not like Harry and Hermione. I mean, they seem to exist on the same wavelength. I'm sorry Ron, but from time to time you just don't fit in there.

Instead of pouting and insulting the whole world, Weasleys looked at his best friends with different eyes and saw them in a new way. His gaze only added to Harry and Hermione's annoyance. Granger thought she saw the gears spinning in the redhead's head, putting everything on the shelves.

You have to kiss, ”Ron finally announced, responding with this phrase to all the words and thoughts of the conspirators. If Hermione hadn't been so angry, she would have laughed. But instead she moaned in protest:

Oh, Merlin, Ron, you still join this delirium. Not you! - her face became very unhappy. She turned to Potter, as if hoping that he would be able to reason with their friend, who for some reason was not afraid of her anger.

Oh, glad ... - suddenly finding himself face to face with Hermione, Harry fell silent. He froze for a few seconds, and then bent down and kissed her gently. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed how the surrounding eyes widened in surprise, and instantly there was a deathly silence. And only the sounds of breathing broke it. Then the young man broke the kiss and smiled at his friend.

Hermione thought she was deaf. My ears were pounding, blood suddenly rushed to my head, and sunbeams danced in my eyes. The girl felt strange ... she had never experienced this before. All thoughts scattered. Harry just kissed her. Kissed in front of all honest people. They pursued him, they pressed on him, but he did not betray the feelings overwhelming him by word or gesture, he did not throw out his irritation and indignation at the interference in his personal life. But he was angry - she knows him very well, and sees what the prying eyes will not notice. And then suddenly he took - and kissed. There was no one else in the room for her now. Why is there in the room - in the whole Universe there are only two of them. For some reason, the thought flashed through my head that someday this should have happened, and everything went exactly to this. With a curse, she shook out of her mind the plans for revenge on the witnesses.

Lavender took a step forward and already opened her mouth, but Hermione got ahead of her: at first she muttered something under her breath, and then gave out a phrase that shocked everyone:

Is that what you call a kiss? - the girl hissed mockingly, for the first time in her life she did not give a damn about logic and trusted her heart and her own feelings.

Before Harry could answer her, she moved closer and kissed him. Damn it, since they really want to see a kiss - they will see it! This time everything was different - both got angry, and it seemed they wanted to prove something to someone. Although their personal life should not concern anyone at all. Still not completely succumbing to the feelings and desires of her body, Hermione grabbed the boy's shirt. Hardly, though, as Harry responded to her kiss with equal passion.

Under his slightly chapped lips, her lips were soft and supple. A moment, and her fingers tangled in his pitchy black hair, her other hand still holding tight to the collar of his shirt. He's not going anywhere now.

And he was not going to. One of his arms wrapped around her neck, sending waves of sweet tremors down her spine, and the other fell on her waist, pulling the girl even closer until Hermione found herself sitting in Harry's lap. The kiss inflamed them more and more - they became hot, very hot, and they wanted more. Both had the feeling that this was far from their first kiss. And certainly not the last one.

Even though the sensations were delicious, you still need to breathe. So she looked up from Harry's lips, feeling the gaze of those around her back. The girl's face flushed. But the hand that held her quite tightly did not allow her to get up from the sofa and leave the room, which definitely did not help to drive the paint off her cheeks.

You kissed, - said Ginny, looking at the couple with huge eyes, and her smile would do credit to any maniac. - You kissed! she repeated, as if for the first time someone didn’t believe her.

Yes, Jin, that's exactly what they did, ”Dean said sarcastically. He felt a little uncomfortable, but he could not miss the opportunity to pin up his girlfriend.

Harry's hair was now more disheveled than usual, and Hermione's lipstick glistened on his lips.

Now I believe there is chemistry between the two that you talked about.

The two conspirators, who organized everything, somehow nodded distantly.

The first clear thought was to run. Run as far as possible, but someone's hands were still holding tight to her waist. She looked at the man sitting in front of her. Until that moment, he was her best friend, and now he hugged her so tightly! And the most charming expression she had ever seen settled on his face.

Even through all the clothes, the girl felt how fast his heart was beating. His face was frozen and his eyes glazed. So he leaned towards her a little, and his breath tickled his neck, causing a pleasant tremor:

Do you think there is chemistry between us?

Hermione felt the young man smile, and could argue with anyone that this grin was worthy of a true Slytherin.

No, she replied calmly.

After these words, everyone around froze again. It seemed as though they had just been vigorously discussing what they had witnessed. Parvati and Lavender wanted to literally snatch Hermione out of Harry's arms and ask in detail how wonderful the Hero of the magical world was kissing. Once ... and a dead silence descended. The girl even thought that those around her were ready to strangle her.

I think I need more proof, ”she said in an even voice. And this despite the frantically beating heart and trembling hands.

As much as you need. ”Harry winked at her and smiled so that Hermione gasped and became unimaginably hot again.

The most anticipated kiss of the full-length series about a wizard boy with a scar on his forehead took place without the participation of Harry Potter. The love affair in two parts of the final seventh Harry Potter film will be based on the relationship between Hermione and Ron, and the key moment of their love story has already been filmed.

Actress Emma Watson for the final part of the adventures of Harry Potter was the only one of the trinity of bosom friends who never had a kiss on the big screen. Daniel Radcliffe was the first to be baptized in The Order of the Phoenix; in The Half-Blood Prince, Ron also enters the image of a womanizer - however, for “first contact” the red-haired joker does not choose Hermione. Nevertheless, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, and millions of fans of the magic saga knew perfectly well where this was going.

“Rupert and I were very worried. First of all, because we desperately wanted this moment to finally be captured and left behind, but just because of this the kiss could look like something unremarkable, - recalls Emma. - This kiss was supposed to express 10 years of tension, a riot of hormones and chemistry established between the heroes - and in just one moment. We had to deal with it. ” “It's not like we're looking forward to this moment,” corrects his co-star Rupert Grint. "Quite a strange thing to think about."

Despite the attempt to take a serious tone in the conversation about kissing, yesterday's teenager Watson, who during the filming of the Potter transformed from an ugly duckling into a swan bird, still modestly wrinkles her nose. “Kissing in movies is always so awkward,” Reuters quotes the most beautiful girl in the sixth film. “For some reason, kissing is always awkward.”

Was unhappy with his last kiss and Daniel Radcliffe - so much so that he even asked the audience for forgiveness. In The Half-Blood Prince, Harry Potter's attention is wholly captured by Ron's sister Ginny. “I watched the film again a couple of days ago and found that my lips are like the lips of a horse when kissing,” laments the lead actor in the film.

The sixth film "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" will be shown on July 16. The seventh film "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" will be released in two parts: the first is expected by the end of 2010, the second - in the summer of 2011. The creators do not disclose yet in which of them Ron and Herimon will finally reveal their feelings to each other.

That final kiss, meanwhile, is the only hope for fans. During the years spent by the trinity on the set, they never once gave rise to anyone suspecting anything more than friendly relations between them. On the eve of the premiere of the sixth film, Watson advised Potter fans to leave once and for all any thoughts that the title trinity in real life would ever be tied by love. “We grew up together and perceive each other exclusively on a related level. So I must disappoint you: there were no couples in our company, ”Emma snapped flatly.

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