Home Vegetables Where does Sergei Nosov live? Who is Sergey Nosov? What do we know about the new governor of the Magadan region. From industrialist to politics

Where does Sergei Nosov live? Who is Sergey Nosov? What do we know about the new governor of the Magadan region. From industrialist to politics

Nosov Sergei Konstantinovich(born February 17, 1961, Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian engineer and manager, acting governor of the Magadan region since May 28, 2018, formerly the head of the city of Nizhny Tagil, vice-governor of the Sverdlovsk region (July-October 2012 year), General Director of the Nizhniy Tagil Metallurgical Plant (1999-2005).

In 1983 he graduated from the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after V.I. G.I. Nosov.

He worked at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (): steelmaker's assistant, furnace production foreman, deputy. shop manager, since 1989 - head of the oxygen-converter shop at MMK. Since 1994 - Head of Department, then - Deputy General Director of MMK for Production and Investments. Was a member of the board of directors of MMK.

In 1995 he graduated from the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Candidate of Technical Sciences (1997), Doctor of Technical Sciences (2003).

In December 1998, he left MMK due to a conflict with the general director's team and moved to Nizhny Tagil, becoming the first deputy general director of the Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant (NTMK). A few months later he was appointed general director of the plant, since October 2002 - managing director. He was also vice-president of LLC "" - the main shareholder of the plant. He took part in the management of other enterprises: he was a member of the boards of directors of Vysokogorsky GOK, Tagilbank, Seversky Pipe Plant, in 2002-2003 he was concurrently Managing Director of the West Siberian Metallurgical Plant (ZSMK, Novokuznetsk).

In 2005, he leaves the post of Managing Director of NTMK and becomes Vice President for Technical Policy "" - the main shareholder of NTMK. In August 2006, he was appointed General Director of CJSC Russpetsstal, a new holding company owned by Rosoboronexport (), under whose management the Stupino Metallurgical Plant and the Krasny Oktyabr Plant (Volgograd), engaged in the production of alloys for the defense industry, were transferred. Since 2007 - an advisor at the state corporation "Russian Technologies".

Several times he was elected a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk region and then refused the mandate. On July 11, 2012, he was appointed Vice Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region. On October 14, 2012, he won the elections for the head of the city of Nizhny Tagil, gaining 92% of the votes. On October 15, 2012, he wrote a letter of resignation of his own free will from the post of vice-governor of the Sverdlovsk region. On May 28, 2018, he was appointed Acting Governor of the Magadan Region in connection with the resignation

As it seems, they decided to take away the second successful manager from the region. The head of Nizhny Tagil, Sergei Nosov, is about to resign. But not just to retire, but to be promoted to governor. Rumors that the head of the "tankograd" would leave for the Kolyma, in a good sense of the word, appeared early in the morning, on Monday.

Sergei Konstantinovich is now in Moscow, on a business trip. Officially, nothing is known about his reassignment, but what the journalists are talking about are still only rumors that should not be commented on, - said the administration of Nizhny Tagil at noon.

And two hours later, the confirmation came at the highest level. President Vladimir Putin himself announced the new post to the mayor.

Head of Nizhny Tagil Sergei Nosov came to a working meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. A few minutes before the start of the conversation, the president signed a decree dismissing the governor of the Magadan region - Vladimir Pecheny, - the Kremlin press service explained. - And after talking with Nosov, he was appointed acting head of the Magadan region.

The decree signed by the president has already entered into force, so Sergei Nosov is expected to move to another region in the coming days. In the meantime, caring residents are already posting photos on social networks with the hashtag #NosovNotGo away as a sign that the mayor is loved and appreciated by the townspeople.

Vladislav Pinaev was appointed mayor instead of Sergei Nosov.

Help "KP"

Vladislav Pinaev was born in Asbestos in 1969. From 2012 to 2014, he served as the Minister of Industry and Science of the Sverdlovsk Region. In 2017, he became the third richest official in Nizhny Tagil, earning 2.6 million rubles. From 1995 to 2005 he was engaged in business, and then began his career as an official in the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Science of the Sverdlovsk Region. Later, after his dismissal in 2014, he was appointed to the post of Deputy Mayor of Nizhny Tagil Sergei Nosov.

Sergey Nosov was born on February 17, 1961 in Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region in a family of metallurgists. He decided to follow in his father's footsteps, so in 1983 he graduated from the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after V.I. G.I. Nosov. In 1995 he graduated from the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. And since 1997 - candidate of technical sciences, since 2003 - doctor of technical sciences. After graduation, he worked at the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant (MMK): steelmaker, production foreman of furnaces, deputy head of the shop, since 1989 - head of the oxygen-converter shop of MMK. Since 1994 - Head of Department, then - Deputy General Director of MMK for Production and Investments. Was a member of the board of directors of MMK. From 1999 to 2005, he was the general director of the Nizhniy Tagil Metallurgical Plant. Since 2006 - General Director of CJSC Russpetsstal. Since 2012 - Vice Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region. He became mayor in 2012 with a record 92% of support votes.


Sergey Nosov came to Nizhny Tagil in the fall of 2012. While protests were raging in Russia, the head of the city made sure that the "tankograd" was allocated subsidies from the federal budget. And then, as they say, "rushed."

"Light Tagil".

Previously, there could be devils in Tagil, it was so dark in the city, - the locals now joke. Many of them do not even remember how it was dark in the city without lanterns. Thanks to Nosov, 2 billion rubles were sent to the city from Moscow, another 1.3 was given by the region. With these funds, lanterns began to appear, now illuminating every corner of the industrial city. This program was called "Light Tagil".

The administration has contracted so that the contractor will not only install the lanterns, but will repair them at his own expense for the next 25 years.

"Tagil safe"

Together with the lanterns, the builders began to install surveillance cameras at every corner. This is also part of Nosov's renovation - Safe Tagil. Video cameras, if a crime happened, helped to stop them, or to look for violators of the law. Crime has decreased in the city.

Tagil pond embankment

Local old-timers still remember the old look of the Tagil pond embankment. Old boulders, some pieces of iron were scattered on the ground. From the money that was given to the city, they managed to ennoble it. Now, as the people of Tagil themselves say, it is not a shame to bring guests here, and it is convenient for mothers to walk with a child. The embankment is now called the Tagil Lagoon.

Under Nosov, dozens of kindergartens and several schools were opened in the city. Moreover, the Mamin-Sibiryak Drama Theater was repaired.

EKATERINBURG, May 28 - RIA Novosti, Olga Erachina. A native of Magnitogorsk, Sergei Nosov, who has been in charge of the administration of Nizhny Tagil for the past six years, has been appointed acting governor of the Magadan Region.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday accepted the resignation at the discretion of the Governor of the Magadan Region, Vladimir Pecheny, after which he held a working meeting with Nosov and informed him of the decision.

Didn't go to Kuzbass

Nosov's career developed rapidly. Recently, the politician has entered the federal level. He was predicted to be a State Duma deputy, and a governor of the Sverdlovsk region, and even for the post of governor of the Kemerovo region instead of Aman Tuleyev. Political analysts talked about Nosov's ambitions, who allegedly wanted to grow further and go to the governor's office or to the State Duma. However, unexpectedly for everyone, the rumors about Nosov's job change were not confirmed, and he began to run for mayor of Nizhny Tagil from the United Russia party for a second term.

Nosov's competitors in the elections were the director of the NTI UrFU, the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Vladislav Potanin; commercial director of LLC "Aktiv", candidate from the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Ildar Rainbakov; Nikita Chapurin, leader of the Tagil Without Pits movement, a candidate from the Patriots of Russia party; and Yevgeny Rokhlin, an entrepreneur from the Growth Party.

However, hardly any of them could compete with the popular and charismatic Nosov, who is already known not only in Tagil and in the Sverdlovsk region, but also in Moscow and throughout Russia.

From industrialist to politics

Nosov is a native of the Urals. Born in the city of Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk Region, he began his career in the industrial field. The mayor of Nizhny Tagil is a representative of the Nosovs' metallurgical dynasty. The politician's grandfather and father headed a number of large metallurgical enterprises. Today Magnitogorsk State Technical University bears the name of Sergei Nosov's grandfather - Grigory Nosov, who was called "the steel king of Russia."

Sergei Nosov followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfather: he graduated from the Mining and Metallurgical Institute and came to work at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK), where in 10-15 years he went from an assistant steelmaker to deputy general director. However, in 1998, Nosov had a conflict with the head of the enterprise. As a result, Nosov moved to Nizhny Tagil, where he became deputy general director, and then the head of the Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant (NTMK).

When Nosov came to NTMK, it was not the easiest time for the enterprise. The factory did not pay wages for months. The company was on the verge of bankruptcy. Nosov managed to solve these problems and bring NTMK to a new level, which provided him with powerful support from the plant workers. People who worked with him at that time characterize him as a tough, wise, economic leader.

Also in Nosov's track record is work as vice president of Evraz-holding, president of CJSC RusSpetsStal and advisor to the state corporation Rostekhnologii.

In the 2000s, Nosov began his political career. He is one of the founders of the Sverdlovsk branch of the United Russia party. He was twice elected as a deputy of the House of Representatives of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region.


In the 2000s, the popularity of Nosov in the Sverdlovsk region is gaining momentum. In the media, he is increasingly called a possible contender for the post of governor of the region. In 2012, Nosov won a brilliant victory in the elections for the head of Nizhny Tagil, gaining 92% of the vote.

"I am sure that Sergei Konstantinovich Nosov - a hereditary metallurgist, a man with a strong Ural character, a true leader - will be able to provide for Tagil and Tagil residents the same standard of living, comfort, well-being, prosperity, which the largest industrial city of the Urals and the people who provide the country's wealth with their labor, undoubtedly worthy, "- said about him after the election to the post of mayor, the governor of the Sverdlovsk region Yevgeny Kuyvashev.

Under Nosov, the city was transformed: they built a new embankment, a fountain, restored the Drama Theater, and repaired the roads. At the same time, the mayor was criticized for failing to keep the Russian Arms Expo (RAE) exhibition in Tagil, which was the face of the city and the entire Sverdlovsk region. Since 2017, by decision of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the exhibition has been moved from Nizhny Tagil to the Patriot park near Moscow.

In the fall of 2017, Nosov took the chair of the mayor of Nizhny Tagil for the second time, 90.72% of voters voted for him.

Nosov is considered a politician from the team of the current Sverdlovsk governor Kuyvashev.

Now the Acting Governor of the Magadan Region is 57 years old, he is married and has three daughters. He already has grandchildren. In his free time, a politician is not averse to going hunting or fishing. In an interview, Nosov admitted that he somehow managed to catch a salmon weighing 11.5 kilograms and hunt a bear.

The acting governor always looks fit and athletic. He respects sports: he regularly plays tennis, and in his youth he was fond of boxing and athletics.

Nosov, Sergei Konstantinovich

Sergey Konstantinovich Nosov
from October 17
Predecessor: Valentina Pavlovna Isaeva
1st Vice Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region
July 11, 2012 - October 15, 2012
Birth: February 17 ( 1961-02-17 ) (51 years old)
Magnitogorsk Chelyabinsk Region, USSR
The consignment: United Russia
Education: Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute, Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation
Academic degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences

Sergei Konstantinovich Nosov(February 17, Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk Region) - the third Head of the city of Nizhny Tagil, Vice Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region (July-October 2012), General Director (1999-2005).


The school was aimed at good studies. He was especially fond of physics. He successfully participated in regional and all-Union Olympiads. As a result, he received an exclusive invitation to a boarding school at Moscow State University. But the words of my father: "It is better to be a good metallurgist than an average physicist", determined the choice of profession. Like a grandfather and father, Sergei Nosov decided to become a metallurgist.

After school, he entered the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute, which to this day bears the name of his grandfather Grigory Ivanovich Nosov. His father once studied here. Sergei set himself the goal of proving that he is worthy of the legendary Nosov family. I tried hard and learned to achieve victories. I was especially proud when the elderly teachers, who at one time gave his father "fours", assessed his knowledge as "excellent".


Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works

After graduating from the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute, he came to work at the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant (MMK). He was accepted into the open-hearth shop as the steelmaker's third henchman. On the first working day, they were not even allowed to approach the stove. He swept the pedestrian gallery, removed the rubbish and did everything that was supposed to be done by a utility worker. Apparently, this was how the endurance of young Nosov was tested. But he was eager for everything new, more interesting, he wanted to grow. And he got his way. Gradually climbing the career ladder (the third henchman of the steelmaker, the production foreman of the furnaces, the deputy head of the shop, the head of the oxygen-converter shop, the head of the entire metallurgical complex of MMK), Sergey Nosov at the end of the 90s became the deputy general director of MMK for production and investments. Was a member of the board of directors of MMK. In December 1998, he left MMK, as the Chelyabinsk media wrote, due to a conflict with the team of General Director Viktor Rashnikov.

Nizhniy Tagil Metallurgical Plant

Sergey Konstantinovich received an offer to become the first deputy general director of the Nizhniy Tagil Metallurgical Plant (NTMK) in October 1998. And he accepted it. A few months later he became the head of NTMK. In those years, the enterprise was in a difficult situation. The plant was threatened with bankruptcy, people - with the loss of jobs. The blast furnaces stood, no one believed in a bright future except Nosov. It was he who managed to resolve all the problems and save NTMK for the Tagil residents. At the plant, production volumes and wages began to grow. In addition, Nosov achieved the adoption of a program for a large-scale reconstruction of production. It also included the construction of a 5000 plate mill with pipe welding production. Over the years of Sergei Nosov's work at the head of NTMK, a lot has been accomplished. These are new production facilities - CCM No. 4, blast furnace No. 6, new turbine generators at the Combine's CHPP, reconstruction of the coke-chemical production, rail and beam, converter, wheel-and-tire shops. The combine managed to complete the long-term construction and erect several residential buildings, build an Orthodox church, transformed its boarding houses, and laid a modern road to Galyanku. Thanks to NTMK, a sports complex "Metallurg-Forum" appeared in Nizhny Tagil, Lenyovka was reconstructed, where a health complex with a water park was also built. And the plant also became the main sponsor of the famous women's volleyball team "Uralochka".

In October 2002, he was appointed Managing Director of NTMK.

He took part in the management of other enterprises: he was a member of the boards of directors of Vysokogorsky GOK, Tagilbank, Seversky Pipe Plant, in 2002-2003. concurrently was the managing director of the West Siberian Metallurgical Plant (Novokuznetsk).

After NTMK

In 2005, Sergei Nosov left the post of Managing Director of Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant and became Vice President for Technical Policy of Evrazholding, the main shareholder of NTMK.

Since October 2006 - President of CJSC RusSpetsStal.

Since 2007 - an advisor in the state corporation "Russian Technologies", with which OJSC "Scientific and production corporation" Uralvagonzavod "named after F.E.Dzerzhinsky works closely.

Political career

In 2000 and 2004, he was elected a deputy of the House of Representatives of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region from the Lenin constituency No. 17 in Nizhny Tagil. Sergei Nosov is one of the founders of the Sverdlovsk regional branch of the United Russia party, where he served as secretary of the political council.

In 2004, Nosov again took part in the elections to the Oblast Duma, was number two on the United Russia list (headed by E. E. Rossel). He again refused the mandate received as a result of the elections, since he was elected to the House of Representatives of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region.

On July 26, 2012 he became the winner of the primaries of "United Russia" for the election of a candidate for the mayor of Nizhny Tagil, having received the support of 817 people out of 946 who voted.

On October 15, 2012, he wrote a letter of resignation of his own free will from the post of vice-governor of the Sverdlovsk region in connection with the election to the post of the Head of Nizhny Tagil.

Family life

He is married and has three daughters: Tatiana, Natalia, Ekaterina.

Nasal Dynasty

Sergey Nosov is the third generation head of metallurgical enterprises.

His grandfather Grigory Ivanovich was called “the steel king of Russia” in the West, and “working director” was called in his native Magnitka. Grigory Ivanovich became the general director of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine in 1940, when he was 35 years old. He was the first in the world to set up the melting of armor steel using a new technology on existing open-hearth furnaces - there were no furnaces specially designed for this at the enterprise. In the summer of 1941, the armor steel was rolled on a regular blooming mill, without waiting for a thick-plate mill evacuated from Mariupol. In October 1941, armor steel, so necessary for the manufacture of tanks, went in a flood. Nosov's armor defended Moscow. The Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute (now the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after GI Nosov") is named after him, from which his son Konstantin Grigorievich and grandson Sergei Konstantinovich graduated. On the anniversary of the death of the "working director" many people come to commemorate him at the cemetery and gather in the museum-apartment, preserved by the townspeople in Berezki.

Sergei Nosov's father Konstantin Grigorievich was awarded the highest state awards, became a laureate of the USSR Council of Ministers prize. Just like his father, he worked as a director of a metallurgical plant - "Krivorozhstal" in Ukraine, and before that he raised production at Zapsib as the chief steelmaker and at the Dnieper Metallurgical Plant as a general director. He was from the gold fund of rescue directors who were thrown by the government into narrow, disruptive sections of Soviet industry. The development of Ukrainian metallurgy in the pre-perestroika period is largely due to the work of this Ural engineer, who worthily continued the work of the founder of the glorious dynasty - his father Grigory Ivanovich Nosov.


  • (1995);
  • State Prize of the Russian Federation "for the creation and industrial development of resource-saving technology for the converter processing of low-manganese cast iron" (1995);
  • Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (1999).
  • (2000);
  • Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Daniel (2000);
  • Cherepanov Prize (2001);
  • Badges of honor of the Demidov Foundation and the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology "300 years of the Ural metallurgy" (2001);
  • Laureate of the annual All-Russian competition "Faces of the Year" in the nomination "Leader of the Year" held by the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (2001);
  • Laureate of the national prize "Darin" of the All-Russian public organization "Russian Academy of Business and Entrepreneurship" (2004).

Notes (edit)

Sources of

The representative of the dynasty of metallurgists

Sergey Nosov and Vladimir Putin, NTMK 2002 / Photo: ystav.com

Sergey Nosov was born in Magnitogorsk (Chelyabinsk region), his grandfather Grigory Ivanovich was the director of the legendary Magnitogorsk during the Great Patriotic War.

Father of Sergei Nosov, Konstantin Grigorievich, continued the path of metallurgists - he headed a number of large plants in Ukraine (Dneprovsky, Krivorozhsky, was the deputy director of the Makeyevsky plant).

In the 90s, Konstantin Grigorievich participated in the creation of " Evrazholding”By inheriting a part of the company's shares to his son.

Sergei Nosov himself worked for some time as deputy director of Magnitka, however, as they say, it did not work out Viktor Rashnikov, the owner of the enterprise and was forced to leave.

The well-known top manager was invited in 1999 by the governor of the Sverdlovsk region Eduard Rossel.

At first, Nosov became the deputy director of the Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant, then - its general director. It was his "native" sphere of activity, besides, NTMK by that time was already part of Evrazholding (which, as mentioned above, was created by Nosov's father).

Nosov vs. Rossel. Governor's ambitions.

Sergey Nosov and Eduard Rossel / Photo: All News

For several years, Nosov literally "lifted" the metallurgical plant "from his knees", provided social packages to employees, helped in the construction of housing. The workers of the plant simply adored him. And, since NTMK was the city-forming enterprises of Nizhny Tagil (the second city of Sverdlovsk), then all the townspeople saw the results of the new director's activities.

At that time, Nosov was a little over 40 years old and his ambitions clearly extended further than just the director's chair of NTMK. At that time, in the extremely politicized Sverdlovsk region, opposition demonstrations had already begun against the current head of the region, the charismatic and experienced Eduard Rossel. The election of the governor was to be held in 2003.

The leadership of the Sverdlovsk branch of the United Russia party noticed a young industrialist who has the support of the population of the city of 400,000. On the sidelines, an offer was made to him, which he could not refuse - to go against the current governor in the elections

For this, Nosov was instructed in 2002 to head the list of the United Russia party in the elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region.

Voters liked Nosov - he was young, a representative of the real sector. The peak became visit of President Vladimir Putin to the Nizhniy Tagil Combine, where he personally shook hands with the young director.

The United Russia party, which was young at that time, received a good result in the elections to the ZSSO. However, Rossel did not forgive his former protégé for such an act - he publicly called him a traitor and, ultimately, did everything to make Nosov's career end there.

In general, this is what happened... United Russia suddenly changed its mind about nominating Nosov for governor and supported Rossel. Nosov himself could not do anything. Then he did not have the slightest experience of political activity and he made many mistakes.

"That he was not on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region!"

Photo: 66.ru

But the story did not end there. Rossel, as an experienced politician, understood that it was impossible to leave a potential competitor on his territory, and got from the owners of Evrazholding that Nosov was transferred to Moscow. He was removed from the post of director of NTMK and appointed to a formal position in the capital's office.

For a long time he did not hold out in this place and was forced to leave Evraz, and even, as they say, to sell the shares of the enterprise.

The next place of work for Sergei Nosov was the newly created holding “ Russian Technologies» ( now - Rostec).

Here he headed the metallurgical division of the holding - “ Russpetsstal”, Which included four enterprises from different regions, mainly in the Volgograd region. However, the idea with Ruspetsstal was not very productive and the project was canceled. Not through Nosov's fault, however. Rumor has it that then he was very much framed for money.

Sergei Nosov and the widow of the first President of Russia Naina Yeltsina / Photo: Ura.ru

Nosov was helped by good connections in the family of the first president of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin.

Speaking of France, according to one of the versions, Sergei Nosov was almost the initiator of the transaction for the purchase of Mistrals for the Russian Navy (French universal helicopter carriers), moreover, he worked at that time in Russpetsstal. Insiders say that then he already had some useful connections in France.

As we remember, the deal fell through in 2014, after the crisis in Ukraine and the ensuing anti-Russian sanctions.

People's Mayor

Photo: Pravdaurfo.ru

However, in 2012, Nosov's political career unexpectedly continued. He was invited to the post of mayor of Nizhny Tagil, a city that remembered him very well. Despite the long absence.

The head of the region was already Evgeny Kuyvashev, a representative of the "Tyumen team", is a rather weak politician, in contrast to Nosov, who has become quite experienced after all the failures.

Sergei Nosov won the mayor's election with a "Chechen result" of over 92%. Residents of the city greeted the former director with delight.

During his four years in this post, Nosov has achieved a lot - the city has really changed.

Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region. Take 2.

Vladimir Putin's visit to Nizhny Tagil, 2016 / Photo: Novygorod.info

The support of the population gave Sergei Nosov a head start - he was not afraid to openly object to the governor and defend the interests of the city. Which, naturally, caused discontent in Kuyvashev's team. Nosov began to be regularly attacked by regional media.

On the other hand, certain forces saw Nosov as a potential candidate for governor again. He himself did not openly show ambitions, but it was clear that Nosov had long "outgrown" the post of mayor.

In 2017, elections for the governor of the Sverdlovsk region were to be held. The Kremlin considered Nosov as one of the contenders.

The next visit to Nizhniy Tagil by President Putin became a landmark for Nosov. Then Nosov personally talked with the president and his connections helped him in this again ...

However, Nosov did not succeed in running - the undercover struggle lasted for half a year, and as a result the Kremlin made a bet on the incumbent governor ... just like back in 2002, luck passed by again. Under similar circumstances.

After that, Nosov again won the election of the mayor of Nizhny Tagil, but in personal communication he said that it would not be long. He was preparing for new appointments - in spite of ill-wishers.

Sergei Nosov: “I will go to any position that the President suggests to me. I am a member of his team "

Working meeting with Sergei Nosov. The President signed a decree appointing S. Nosov as Acting Governor of the Magadan Region / Photo: Kremlin Press Service

Sergei Konstantinovich has always stood out among other systemic politicians and not only by his heroic growth. His approaches have always been highly individual. Nosov, in principle, has never been a politician, remaining a good business executive. Political intrigue is not his strong point.

Perhaps that is why he had to wait so long for an appointment to a post corresponding to his competence. Therefore, perhaps, he did not receive an appointment in the "comfortable" regions where he was prophesied - in the Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk or Kemerovo regions.

Nosov does not belong directly to any FIG, therefore he was given one of the most difficult regions - the Magadan Region, where serious work is required. And he, of course, knows how to do this. In a word, Magadan was lucky: Sergei Nosov will become a good "acquisition" for the region.

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