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How to reach the top

Failure is your voluntary choice. If you decide not to give up and get your way, no force in the world can stop you. From now on, make a firm decision, no matter what, always go the chosen path and stay true to your intention: to live a meaningful and outstanding life.

The Law of Fading Intention says: the longer you drag out with the implementation of a new idea, the dimmer the flame of your enthusiasm and the weaker the fuse. Therefore, as soon as you have made the decision to bring something to life, take steps every day towards your goal. Otherwise, your idea will die, and the future will die with it. All great people, when great ideas dawned on them, immediately set about fulfilling the plan. Just dreaming but doing nothing is killing your idea and your future.

Much of your failure is due to your lack of self-discipline to get down to business when the time comes to act. You put off significant actions - in your personal life and career - for the sake of momentary and easy things. But in the end, you will waste your life in this way, and you will understand this when it is too late to change something.

If you do the same thing every day, don't expect new results. To change the fruits of your efforts, you need to change your actions.

The real secret to personal success is focusing on the task at hand. There are things that are worth your attention and effort, and there are those that are not worthwhile. To reach the top, you need to clearly understand and feel what matters are secondary or unimportant at all, which should not be sprayed on. Focus on the main thing and go to the goal! As the great sage Confucius said: "He who chases two birds with one stone will not catch one."

Always remember that your every day on Earth is important. There are no insignificant days. Every day is a miniature reflection of your life. As you live the day, so you live your whole life. So don't waste a single day. The past is history, and the future is so far only a mirage. The only reality is your today. But how you live today will affect your tomorrow.

Fate and yourself cannot be “fixed quickly”. Any essential change takes time and effort. Perseverance and perseverance are the main means of personal growth. You will never achieve anything significant if you don't make the sacrifices and work hard.

If you calculate the risk in cold blood, you will achieve a lot. But risk is necessary: ​​if you don't risk it, you won't get anywhere. And the biggest risk is not taking risks.

What you conceive and plan on paper, you will definitely accomplish in reality. What you promise yourself in writing, you will certainly achieve it. The plans that remain in the head are just dreams and castles in the air. They will never come true.

The stricter you are towards yourself, the softer and more merciful life will be towards you. The more discipline you demand of yourself, the easier it will be for you to walk the path of life. When you learn to rule yourself, suppress your weaknesses and forge willpower, when you learn to always do the right thing, you will reap a rich harvest of your labors.

You may be thinking: if you relax and have fun more often, this is the path to true happiness. You're wrong! The only key to happiness is work. Happiness comes when you achieve something. Success is nothing more than the joy of ever greater achievements and their fruits. You get happiness when you manage to build yourself a bright future, which you dreamed of, by hard work. To make work a joy, work as if you were playing - easy and fun.

You will never hit the target if you don't see the target. Many spend their whole lives hovering in the clouds and dreaming of unimaginable happiness, love, and the fullness of life. But they don't understand how important it is to take at least ten minutes a day to write down your goals and reflect on the meaning of your life. Learn to set realistic and clear goals for yourself - and your life will be wonderful, emotionally and spiritually rich, joyful, happy. Remember, mastery is about mental clarity.

Pressure isn't always a bad thing. Often times, pressure will spur you on and encourage you to achieve significant results. Many great accomplishments happened because circumstances pushed a person to the wall, and he discovered in himself hitherto unknown reserves of strength and intelligence.

The inner fire burning in your heart is the best fuel for the engine of your dreams.

Courage helps you not to deviate from the intended path and steadily move towards the goal. Courage helps you to do your job, because you are confident in your own righteousness. Courage gives you strength, and you do not give up where others dropped their hands and drooped. Ultimately, it depends on your courage in life whether you will succeed.

You set all the restrictions in your life yourself. If you dare to step out of your comfort zone and venture into the unknown, you will unleash your hidden potential.

Get on stage and play your best, critics forgotten. If you listen to those who criticize you, you will never achieve anything and will waste your life. Life is short, years fly by quickly, flow away like grains of sand between your fingers. You were born to light up the world, and your talents must prove themselves.

To awaken your true self, you first need to realize that you are mortal. What is the mistake of most people? You can't live as if you are eternal. When lamenting how short a human life is, it is foolish to waste your time. It is dangerous to postpone life for later and drag out a dull existence, fearing and avoiding decisive actions. To start a new life, real, full of meaning, live as if your every day is your last on this earth.

What distinguishes truly great and self-realized people from the general mass, dragging out a dull monotonous existence? Those who live to the fullest and achieve remarkable achievements persist in doing what scares away spiritually undeveloped people, even if they don't like it.

In order to truly succeed and experience true happiness every day, be ready to put off fleeting pleasures for later for the sake of higher goals and important matters.

There is only one failure in life - this is when you don't even want to try. The greatest failure in life is not wanting to take risks, play big, and bravely face your fears while exploring the unknown.

Christopher Columbus was the first to venture into the open ocean. He was the first to do something wrong. Before him, sailors huddled along the coast, so that they could see the land. Columbus took a chance and swam perpendicular to the shore. He decided to explore the unknown and conquered his fear. And so he opened up new lands and became a hero for all mankind.

All the progress, the fruits of which you enjoy, is due to the brave madmen: they do everything not as is customary, obeying not the voice of the crowd, but by instinct and the dictates of their hearts. Thank for all the fruits of progress those who know how to take risks, those who are not afraid to go into the unknown. You, too, are able to achieve greatness - for this you just need to gain courage, and then you will accomplish what the crowd seems to be impossible.

Knowledge is the greatest power in the world. But in order for the power to manifest itself, you must give it a way out, apply it to something. For the most part, people theoretically know how and when to act, but postpone decisive actions for a special case. Meanwhile, you must commit decisive actions every day - even if these are small steps towards your goal. By persistently moving forward and applying your knowledge, you will make your cherished dreams come true.

If you want to live life to the fullest, be able to and risk the full program. To get a sea pearl from the bottom, a diver needs to go down to the depth - where the timid soul will never dare to dive.

When you instill a new habit, you will always feel uncomfortable. It’s like wearing out a new pair of shoes: at first it’s not very pleasant, but then the shoes sit on the leg like a native. So good habits will eventually become like family for you. Great leaders succeed because they train themselves to good habits, albeit unpleasant at first.

Truly outstanding people differ from others in that they are guided by priorities. This is the whole secret of their success and achievements. Build your life on what is fundamentally important to you, and you, too, will reach the heights in your field.

The ability to set goals and achieve them is not even in the fruits of your labors, but in the fact that this process forges a strong and whole personality out of you. This is how you will come to the heights when you achieve what you want. It doesn't matter which goal you set for yourself: to become an outstanding leader or a better parent, but you still grew as a person. It may very well be that on the way to the goal you did not feel the process of growth itself, but it went on anyway. After all, you nurtured awareness and self-discipline in yourself, cognized yourself, discovered new abilities and sources of strength in yourself, and eventually realized yourself. These achievements are a reward in themselves.

Most of us live as if we are eternal and we still have a lot of time to transform our life into meaningful and spiritual. We even know how to do it, but we postpone all the transformations for later. We indulge in empty dreams, but do not take any steps towards the goal and are distracted by fleeting everyday affairs and worries, filling our every day to the limit with them. If you live this way, then at the end of the journey you will regret that you lived wrong. Commit yourself to spending your time smarter and more fruitfully. Cultivate an awareness of the importance and value of time. May it always help you, watching your every minute, like an awake eye. Don't let those around you waste your precious time and waste it only on truly important things.

The more you ask, the more you get, but this skill takes practice. Success is a matter of quantity, which becomes quality over time. Buddhist sages said: "Every shot from a bow that hits the target is the fruit of a hundred misses." Train your ability to ask and demand: ask for a better table in a restaurant, ask for extras, bonuses, and so on if you owe them. Be bolder and more assertive, remember that you are right. And then you will be amazed at what abundance will come in your life - provided that you ask for what you really want.

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"A person who wants to move a mountain begins by carrying small stones."

You have never thought that the mountains can prepare you for life. It turns out that at 14,000 feet you can learn something you never knew existed.

Last week I sat on the summit of Mount Shasta, North Carolina, 14,179 feet high. It was my first real climb, and I was proud of myself. To get here, I needed crampons, an ice ax, more bedding than I took with me, and two days of snow, ice, and freezing temperatures.

While I was climbing, and especially when I was descending back, I began to understand what exactly is needed to safely ascend and descend from the summit. As it turns out, the most important rules apply both for snowy peaks and for solving daily problems.

When was the last time you climbed to the top, mountain or life?

Mountains rise before us every day. Sometimes they are small. Sometimes they are big. There is always a peak that we strive to reach. It could be a run before work, a scary phone call to sell a product, or running your own business. Achieving goals, regardless of their size, requires a specific strategy.

Climbing a high, cold mountain can reinforce an approach that turns daily challenges into rewarding accomplishments.

A guide to reaching the heights of life

Go light

I should have taken it more seriously. Each unnecessary thing only complicates everything and distracts from what is happening. All but the essentials don't make life easier. They often only add tension and distract from what is really important. The less things you have, the better. Life is too short to be burdened with unnecessary belongings, emotional baggage, or regrets. Positive thoughts, relationships, and experiences weigh nothing at all. Take them with you and leave the rest in the past. Only they will lift you to the top.

Move slowly

Any big business can be divided into groups of several steps. My climbing system was as follows: 15 steps up, 15 breaths of respite. I did this for 7 hours. If I only focused on the top, frustration would break me. If your top is too intimidating, divide your path into small steps. Concentrate on each one separately. In the end, one step will be the one that will take you to the top.

Don't go alone

During the ascent, a partner is a must. For safety, support, camaraderie, incentive, and just to share the journey with someone. It would be foolish (and extremely dangerous) of you to climb alone. Life is about sharing experiences with other people. Then the troughs will appear shallower and the peaks higher. Relationships with people magnify experience and help accomplish things that cannot be done alone. Don't leave home without a support group.

Listen to the experts

In the middle of the road, a climber we met warned that if we did not reach the summit by 12:30 at the latest, we would have to return. The likelihood of an afternoon thunderstorm was too high. We amateurs would never have thought of that. And although we all have to go our own way, it is foolish not to learn and not follow the advice of professionals. Choose your life guidelines and follow them while traveling.

Do not hurry

In the words of Yvon Chouinard from Patagonia, "What matters is how you got there, not what you did." No matter what your colleagues and competitors tell you, there is no hurry. In the mountains, haste can lead to a fall, to the fact that you will not have time to get used to the thin air, overwork and possibly even die. The biggest danger in life is that you will miss out on invaluable everyday experiences as you strive to the top. Climbing a mountain shouldn't be more important than climbing.

Take a look around and enjoy the view

There is never a guarantee that you will make it to the top. But you can always stop, take a deep breath, smile and enjoy the view, whether it's endless wilderness or two feet of fog. Everything is fine. Every moment in life is a unique view to enjoy.

Leave your strength for the descent

We managed to think several dozen times that the summit would be “beyond the next peak” before actually reaching it. Conserve energy. The case will inevitably take longer than planned. Don't lose your presence of mind. Plan your budget, energy and strength accordingly. There is little that can be achieved in life in one leap. Think of it like a marathon. You may need extra strength when you least expect it.

You don't have to reach the top. It is imperative to go down

These are the famous words of Ed Visturs, the first American to conquer all 14 peaks above 8000 meters without an oxygen tank. The peak will be at the same place tomorrow, and it will probably be yours. But if additional planning, a stronger team or support is needed, leave the conquest until the moment when victory is safer and more guaranteed. If you are outnumbered, know when to back down. Only to return tomorrow stronger and more prepared. Be objective and don't let momentary inspiration get in the way of your long-term goal.

Failure is only part of the journey

If we had started the ascent a week earlier, we would have been unable to cope because of the too harsh weather conditions. Don't be discouraged that you don't climb the top every time. It is inevitable to fail sometime. Your mistakes will teach you much more than any other way. Accept your mistakes.

The daunting summit is just a challenge. A challenge is a hidden opportunity. Not every peak is subdued to you, but with every attempt you will become an ever better person.

There will always be the next mountain. You don't have to conquer them all. Previous ascents simply prepare you for new ones. With the right strategy, you will get you closer to the top. And when your peak appears, you will be ready.

"We are not conquering mountains, but only ourselves."
Sir Elmund Hillary

At one time, revered mountain climbers said that they had closed the book of discoveries in mountaineering - there was nothing else to do, they said. But the first car was very far from the fast cars we drive today. Mountaineering legends have paved the way, now a new generation faces a difficult task: to go through more difficult routes, or find other peaks.

Mianzimu (6054 m), Tibet, sacred mountain, no ascents. Photo by Janne Corax.

One of those who are interested in this is Simone Moro, by the way, he is. Several years ago, Simone, after a series of surveys, tried to climb Batura II, a peak that was said to be the highest peaks not yet conquered. Moreau could not reach the top - so this mountain still challenges climbers, as well as a number of other peaks that have not yet been stepped by a human foot.

But what kind of mountains are these, what criteria should be used to choose them? Climber, explorer and ExplorersWeb contributor Janne Corax has compiled a list of the six highest unspoiled peaks, and added other points of interest.

Happiness to be the first

Janne Corax for ExplorersWeb

Unconquered peaks are always very attractive. Reaching the highest point that no one has ever been to is a special pleasure for a climber. In 1950, Erzog and Lachenal ascended Annapurna - the first eight-thousander, which people climbed - thereby opening a "hunt" for 13 other giants. The last to fall was Shisha Pangma under the feet of the Chinese team, 14 years later.

Now the high-altitude climbers have turned their thoughts towards slightly lower goals.

Namche Barwa, 7782 m, a challenging mountain with extreme topography and ever-bad weather conditions, reflected attempts until the Japanese team reached the summit in 1992. The climbers were also interested in the second peaks of the eight-thousanders, and they surrendered one after the other - the last was Lhotse Sredny, 8414 m, which a strong Russian team climbed in 2001.

Meili ridge, view from the Tibetan temple. Mianzimu is on the left, Meili Feng is the highest peak on the right. Photo by Janne Corax.

What's next?

Now the question is, which peaks are the most promising among the so far not covered?

To answer it, you must first define the selection criteria. Two of them are obvious: the mountain must be very high and unconquered. The third criterion is precisely the problem and generates a lot of debate:

Real mountains / gendarmes on the ridge

Sometimes it is really a problem to distinguish between the big gendarme on the ridge and the real summit.

For example, many believe that the greatest difference in height between the peak of Lhotse Middle and the lowest point of the ridge that connects it to the higher peak is actually a very small amount.

Unfortunately, there is no absolute standard, and some use the relative difference of 7% as a measure, while others use 400 m. If we take into account the 500-meter limit as a compromise, then the list we need will look like this.

Six highest virgin peaks

Gangkar Punsum, 7570 m - the peak, located in Bhutan, in the list of the highest mountain peaks appears at number 40, and, without a doubt, it is "number 1" in our list. An educated person will guess that the mountain will remain under this number for the time being. In the mid-80s, they tried to climb it, but all the expeditions returned not salty. In 1994, in Bhutan, the summits were partially closed for climbing. And in 2003, the government decided to ban all types of lasagna altogether. The reason for this is in the area of ​​understanding local beliefs and traditions.

"Number 2" on our list - Saser kangri ii east, 7518 m. The mountain is located in Indian Kashmir and has never before been of interest to climbers (at least there were no expeditions to it). The third highest peak of the array was ascended twice. It is difficult to get a permit for climbing in this area, but it is possible. A man's foot set foot on the main peak, 7672 m high in 1973.

Kabru north, 7394 m - the highest point of the Kabru massif, which in fact is a subgroup of the Kanchenjunga massif - has not yet been conquered. Surprisingly, its lower southern peak fell back in 1935. A notable ascent was made by Konrad Cook, who climbed to the top solo at the age of 18. This was a record for his age.
A Serb team tried to climb Kabru North in 2004, but avalanches forced them to retreat.

Labuche Kang is a little-known mountain group in Tibet. The main peak was conquered in 1987 by a Japanese team. Eastern - Labuche kang iii- about 7250 m high and still waiting for its first climbers.

The impressive southeast face of Karjiang - whose avalanche slopes and challenging edges reflect all climbers' efforts. Photo courtesy of Dutch Karjiang 2001 expedition.

Karjiang, 7221 m - also located in Tibet. A couple of times they tried to climb it, but no one has yet managed to step on its hard-to-reach summit. Extreme avalanche danger and high technical complexity have made attempts to climb fruitless so far.

"Number 6" on our list - Tongshanjiabu, 7207 m. Rises on the Tibetan / Bhutan border. Koreans who climbed neighboring Shimokangri (7204 m) mentioned this peak in the expedition report and published a photo in Japanese Alpine News - so far this is the only information available about this mountain.

Statements and misinterpretations

I should note that the six above-mentioned peaks will give odds to the rest of the dispute when it comes to steepness and the first criterion - untouched by climbers. However, there are always rumors and statements on the mountaineering scene. Wherever you go, locals or climbers will show you up the mountain and say, “Look here! Nobody has climbed it yet! "

On another level, renowned climbers sometimes declare their expedition as "the highest unconquered peaks." The last time I heard of such a thing, in 2004, Moro & Ogwyn - the Italian-American deuce went to Batura II. The 7,762-meter giant in Pakistani Karakorum was, in their words (and "scientific sources"), the highest of the peaks that a man did not climb. If you count the gendarme on the ridge with a difference of 100 m in height between its "peak" and the main mountain, then this statement, of course, contains some truth, however: there are other high points on the ridge, some of which are higher than Batura II ... *

Untouched celebrities

Pilgrims aspire to Mt. Kailash every year. They go around the mountain with prayers, but never step on its slopes. Climbing is strictly prohibited. Photo by Project Himalaya.

The most famous of the unconquered peaks are lower than those we have named. Kailash in Western Tibet, a mountain sacred to Hindus, Buddhists and followers of the Bön religion. No one has ever climbed to its top, and permits are not issued, since this place is a shrine.

Whole Meili ridge known as Kawa Korpo, in the far northeast of Yunnan province in China, is also considered sacred to the locals. They tried to climb some of the ridge peaks at the time when climbing permits were issued. At the moment, these mountains are closed for climbers.

Mianzimu in the Meili ridge is considered one of the most beautiful peaks in the world, as well as Kailash.

* In one of the interviews, when Simone was asked why he called Batura II the highest of the peaks that a person did not climb, he referred to the data of the expert Wolfgang Hichel and invited those interested in this issue to contact him personally by e-mail [email protected]

Translation by Elena Dmitrenko

Is it possible to endure any life lessons by climbing to the top of the Himalayas? It turns out, yes. American blogger Pete R walked alone from the foot to the peak of the Himalayan mountains.

For eight hours a day, seven days in a row, overcoming physical and moral limits, he climbed to the top. And that's what he understood.

Moving forward is the only logical path

The way to the top of the mountain is not climbing up, but constant ascents and descents. When you are halfway between the next camp and the previous one, you understand that you cannot go back, no matter how tired you are and no matter how much you want to. In order to grow as a person, you need to constantly move forward, no matter how fast.

Walking backward or standing still is unacceptable. This means that you are wasting your life. When climbing a mountain, you can't just pick up and stop. Unless you want to attract wildlife or freeze at night, of course. Even moving very slowly, you are still getting closer to your goal. Just like in life.

Optimism is the key to success

The mountain route consists of many stops and zigzags between the mountains. I tricked my brain into proving to myself that I would stop at the next parking lot, even though it often wasn't. But I was helped by the thought that the break was already near and there was very little left to go. If you prove to yourself that something nice or good is already around, you can more easily achieve your goals.

No matter how fast you move, you will still make it to the end

Climbing a mountain, no matter how fast you go. Sooner or later, everyone reaches the top anyway. I was very slow, nevertheless the mountain submitted to me anyway. Trying to listen to my body, I took breaks as soon as I realized that I could no longer go up. Climbing a mountain, like life, is a marathon, not a sprint. If you know that you are moving towards a goal, it no longer matters to you at what speed you are doing it.

The worst day is yet to come

On the first day of my mountain trip, it rained heavily, and in order to continue moving, I had to walk through mud and streams of water under a piercing wind. I thought that nothing would be worse than this day. On the third day, I had to climb a thousand steps to the top of the pass, only to then go down again to cross the bridge. On the fourth day, I climbed to an altitude of 3000 meters and could not breathe due to lack of oxygen. The path, which was supposed to take two hours, I walked in four.

Life is very similar to the same ascent. The day you thought was the worst turns out to be just a warm-up. There is only one solution: not to wait for a good or bad day, but to deal with adversity or unexpected luck as they come. Don't worry about tomorrow's problems.

There is no quick success

Most of the tourists climbing to the top, from the first day, begin to look out for gorgeous views with mountains on the horizon. However, in order to reach them, you have to wade through the impenetrable forest for the first few days. Only after passing through the forest in 32 hours, you begin to see gorgeous mountains on the horizon.

When setting a goal for yourself in life, you should not hope that you can achieve it instantly. You have to wait and act, and if you do everything right, then everything will work out.

Achieving Something Outstanding Is Not Easy

Many friends asked why I decided to go to the Himalayas. Indeed, why? After all, photos from every point of the mountain can be viewed directly in Google Maps. For them, the only pleasure was at the very end of the path; for me, the path itself was something incredible. Without communicating with other climbers on the road, without countless accidents, without hard ascents, this journey would mean nothing to me.

It's the same in life: the money received from the parents is valued much less than the money earned by one's own labor. The harder you try, the more important and valuable the reward will be.

You need people you can trust

I have been traveling alone for a long time and, despite this, I often communicate with travelers and establish relationships with them. Climbing the mountain teaches you to trust the people around you, since your life depends on them. The best thing you can give to those around you is the ability to trust you.

Traveling to the top of the Himalayas has changed my life. I understood many things that would seem trivial to others. For example, how vulnerable we are. I also realized that many problems are not worth the emotion that we give them. And the most important reward for me was the achievement of my goal - the top of the mountain.

Have you had any events that changed your life forever? Tell us!

If you dream of conquering the top of a serious mountain, but do not have a lot of experience and a good level of training, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our selection of mountains that are ideal for beginner climbers.

Climbing the classic Alpine four-thousanders will be a real pleasure for those who are just trying their hand at rock climbing. The smooth snow-capped slopes of the Monte Rosa mountain range, which serves as a natural border between Switzerland and Italy, seem to be created in order to reach the sky. Each of the beginner's routes, designed for climbing Breithorn (4164 m), Castor (4228 m) and Pollux (4092 m), is marked and practically devoid of rocky obstacles. Along the way, there are comfortable parking lots like umbrellas on the beaches, and stationary insurance protects against the danger that threatens in difficult areas. The ascent is so easy and attractive that even the Italian queen Margarita did not refuse it at one time. Those wishing to be in the very house at the top, where she contemplated the snowy peaks, painted with soft sunlight, only need to complete a basic course in mountaineering techniques and full acclimatization.

Photo: ru-travel.livejournal.com

The landscapes in the west of the Sierra Nevada mountain range are so amazing that sometimes it seems as if it is a set for a film or computer graphics. Yosemite has long been a climber's Mecca, with the cream of the mountaineering community coming to a park full of monumental granite peaks. Everyone will find something to their liking: professionals improve in slot climbing along the walls of El Capitan, and less skillful climbers of the peaks turn their eyes to the monolithic ridge of Half Dome, Half Dome. The slopes of the symbol of the valley, rising 2694 meters above sea level, are dotted with dozens of routes. The path to the top of the cliff passes under the supervision of instructors and does not bode well. The only moment that can cause tremors in the knees is the last 150 meters of the twelve-kilometer path. In order to climb up, climbers must walk along a special rope, maintaining balance with the help of metal supports located on the sides.

Photo: naturaltopwonders.com

Belukha, Gorny Altai, Russia

Following the brothers Tronovs, who made the first ascent to the highest point of Altai, located 4506 meters above sea level, eco-tourists, trackers and climbers rushed to Belukha. The number of travelers arriving at the foot of the mountain per year exceeds 2000 people. Belukha is famous for its special pristine beauty: picturesque alpine meadows replace the tongues of glaciers, and rivers born among the ice form the saucers of lakes and noisy streams of waterfalls. Climbing the mountain top attracts both professional climbers and inexperienced amateurs. While the aces polish their skills, battling harsh winds and sheer cliffs on the virtually inaccessible north side, beginners enjoy the fresh air and scenery on the much lighter southerly and easterly slopes. Preparation requirements are minimal: only good physical shape and basic climbing skills are required. For those who are not confident in their own abilities, instructors work on the territory of the Belukha Natural Park, it is possible to rent equipment.

Photo: petly.livejournal.com

“It comes from Zanzibar. He goes to Kilimanjaro, ”- joyfully broadcast a poem about the good doctor Aibolit. To conquer the "Roof of Africa", which reaches a height of 5895 meters, it is not at all necessary to be a professional climber. From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs, the creators of the Kilimanjaro National Park decided and developed several dozen routes. If you are not yet ready to repeat the extreme path of the legendary Temple, Messner and Lecher, stop your choice on the Marangu route, passing through the most picturesque corners and equipped with comfortable parking, on the less impressive, but not so crowded Rongai, or on the straight and short, but quite spectacular Mweka and Umbre. Designed specifically for beginners, these programs do not require prior experience and tricky and potentially hazardous areas. You will need very little: strict adherence to the acclimatization schedule, a positive attitude and an irrepressible thirst for adventure.

After taking a souvenir photo at the top of one of the highest volcanoes on the planet, go to conquer the six-thousanders. The ideal opportunity to reach new heights without mastering complex technical skills and without putting your life unnecessarily is the Imja Tse Peak, located in the Himalayas and rises to 6189 meters. Although officially Island Peak (as this mountain is commonly called) is not classified as a difficulty, it is considered to be the most accessible peak among such giants. Despite the fact that preliminary acclimatization is indispensable here, the ascent route will not be difficult for people who have undergone basic training and are able to “walk on crampons”, work with an ice ax and handle a rope. The most dangerous and thrilling stages of the ascent are the passage along the glacier and the ridge, climbing the ice wall along the ropes and crossing the rocky couloir. When you reach the sky, take a breath and look around: incomparable views of the gigantic peaks Nuptse, Lhotse, Ama Dablam and Makalu open up from here.

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