Home Vegetables Back tattoo ideas for girls lettering. Inscription tattoos for girls with translation. Small graceful tattoos on the arm for girls

Back tattoo ideas for girls lettering. Inscription tattoos for girls with translation. Small graceful tattoos on the arm for girls

Like any body composition, a tattoo with a child's name has its own characteristics. Before making a tattoo, it is imperative to think over a sketch, choose a style and font, come up with additional attributes, and find a suitable place. In addition, you need to decide whether you will only fill in the initials or the full name. Often the question arises as to what language to type a name in. For example, you can consider two variants of the same name - "Julia" and "Julia". Which option suits you best? It is imperative to think it over.


The traditional style is perhaps the most rational choice of genre for a child's name. A huge selection of fonts allows you to find the perfect artistic solution. The good thing about the traditional style is that it blends harmoniously with other genres and compositions. For example, if your body has already "undergone" from ink - you will always find a place for the name of the child, embossed in the traditional style. But you shouldn't limit yourself to the traditional genre. Recently, experiments in the style of minimalism and a new school have become popular. You can also take inspiration from Odle School or Chicano. Today there are many interesting sketches of tattoos with the names of children, made in these iconic styles.


Girls and guys tend to choose different places for tattooing. Ideal "feminine" locations for a tattoo with a child's name:

  • Wrist;
  • The area near the heart;
  • Forearm.

Men's tattoos with the name of a child can be stuffed in places such as:

  • Shoulder;
  • Wrist;
  • Breast;
  • Inner side of the forearm.

A tattoo with a child's name is a responsible decision. That is why it is worth considering in detail the future composition and, possibly, supplementing it with some elements. These can be flowers, symbolizing the statement that children are the flowers of life. Also, tattoos with names can be supplemented with baby handprints, hearts, stars, geometric shapes, etc. Some parents from noble families, who are not alien to the tattoo culture, can fill the family coat of arms next to the name of the future heir right on their bodies.


Some celebrities get tattoos with their children's names. Among them:

  • Keisha Cole with the Daniel tattoo;
  • Draya Michelle with the name of her son "Nathaniel Jr.";
  • Barrino's fantasy with the "Zion" tattoo in honor of his daughter;
  • Toya Wright with her daughter's name tattooed "Reginae";
  • Tori Praver with her child's name "Mahina".

Tattoo nameshave become very popular today. Most often, these names belong to children, parents and lovers of those people who are planning to get a tattoo for themselves. If there are already tattoos on the body, then the next one with the name should be placed harmoniously in relation to the other. If the tattoo with the name is the first, then there are several popular places.

About tattoos with names

Whose name should you choose for a tattoo?

Before you get a tattoo on your body with someone's name, think a few times. In this case, you should not give in to fashion or the advice of friends. After all, with a tattoo you will wake up your whole life, and it will remind you of a person you should take care of and love about.

Most often, they choose the names of children for such tattoos, with whom they want to be with them all their lives. But the older children get, the less often they spend time with their parents.

Popular places for name tattoos

Tattoo names of children are most often located on the inside of the arm. As a rule, in addition to the name, nothing else is added, choosing a beautiful font. Very often people write a name in Japanese or Chinese in the form of hieroglyphs, where the meaning of the name is deciphered.

For beloved girls, guys most often get tattoos with names on the outside of the arm, or rather, where the biceps are. In addition to the name, additional elements are used in the form of a heart, a flower, or wedding rings.

Various ideas for name tattoos

Someone creates a simple tattoo with a name, and someone tries to make it original. For example, in addition to the name of the child, they also make a sketch of a hand or foot print.

Also in demand are tattoos with initials, with a portrait of a person or choosing an interesting name.

Tattoos have been around since ancient times and have always attracted attention. Before getting yourself a tattoo, you should think several times what it should mean and what is the meaning to carry, especially for tattoos with the name of a loved one.

The art of underwear painting is available to everyone today. In any modern city there is a tattoo parlor whose masters are ready to embody any of his ideas on the customer's skin at a reasonable price. Tattoos with inscriptions have become very popular in recent years. Among them are tattoos with the names of children. Should I get such a tattoo? Let's discuss all the pros and cons.

Child's name tattoo - why?

Asks each client at the stage of discussing the sketch why he chose this particular drawing and why he needs a tattoo. Most often, underwear painting is considered as a body decoration or amulet. In the first case, the picture does not always have any meaning and explanation. But with ideological tattoos, everything is much more complicated.

What motivates parents to get a tattoo with the names of their children? Most often it is love for their children, pride in them, a desire to emphasize a personal connection with offspring. These are all positive motivations and emotions, but before signing up for a session at a tattoo parlor, think about whether you really want a tattoo? There are also more traditional ways to emphasize family values ​​- carry a photo of a baby in a wallet, install a picture he has drawn on a computer desktop or a phone screen saver. Think about how you want to express affection for your child, and choose the option that suits you personally, without looking at fashion and the likely public reaction.

Fashion for name tattoos

Tattoos with the names of children, spouses and friends are incredibly popular in modern society. Often, such wearable images are chosen by very famous people - stars of show business and cinema. Among them are David Beckham, Angelina Jolie, Christina Aguilera, Vera Brezhneva, Ksenia Borodina and many others. Very often, fans make a tattoo "like a star", wanting to imitate or be inspired by the example of an idol. Further, one friend sees another tattoo "Names of children" on her arm and lights up with the idea to do the same. All this in general is not bad, because friends and celebrities can "teach" us more bad habits than tattooing. But if you want to apply an image on your skin that you will not get tired of and will delight you all your life, do a tattoo only of your own free will. Do not listen to negative or positive feedback from others, do what you want.

Tattoo with the name of the child: photos and sketches

The simplest version of a tattoo reminiscent of children is an inscription-name. At the same time, for the embodiment of such a tattoo, you can choose any font and color. Think also about the writing language. Some Russian names look ridiculous in English transcription, while others, on the contrary, become more mysterious and interesting. If your child is already big enough and can write, you can get a tattoo in the style of his handwriting. Tattoos with the names of children are often supplemented with a date of birth or drawings. Images in this theme are very different: from the eternal symbols of motherhood and childhood to complex signs and amulets.

Choosing a place for a tattoo

If you are going to decorate your body with any tattoo, think about whether you want others to see it? In some situations, this is a matter of principle. For example, even an innocent “Child's Name” tattoo on the wrist can interfere with employment in municipal organizations or commercial companies that have a strict dress code. Most often, children's names are placed on the hands or back. However, it all depends on the imagination of the client of the tattoo parlor. Nobody forbids placing these important inscriptions on the leg or in the waist area. Sometimes such tattoos are done on the neck or in the chest area.

Baby tattoos aren't just about lettering

How to complement a tattoo with the names of children and how is it more interesting to express love for your neighbors on your body? Portrait tattoo is a separate genre. This is the application of sketches to the skin from photographs and drawings. However, be careful: finding a good tattoo artist who specializes in portraits is not easy, even in a big city. Be sure to look at photographs of real works of the found artist and only after that agree to an individual development of a portrait tattoo. A simpler, but no less interesting option is to choose some kind of symbol that depicts your baby. It can be anything: a graphic image of his favorite toy, a zodiac sign, or something else that you might associate with your child. Such a tattoo is attractive in that not everyone will understand its meaning, but the owner will never forget why he made it. However, the "Children's Names" tattoo on the arm looks graceful and elegant and looks like a regular list (if there are several kids). Sometimes even too complex fonts and additional decorations are not needed. And some people even prefer to limit themselves to the dates of birth of loved ones. Such tattoos are also a little "secret" - only people close to the family can understand their meaning.

The tradition of giving a person a name is at the very origins of humanity. Already 400 thousand years ago, people understood that the name carries a deep sacred meaning and plays an important social role. It makes a person individual, endows him with special character traits, protects and protects him from adversity.

Realizing the importance of his name, a person has always sought to increase his sacred power, applying it to all kinds of amulets and body amulets. However, now there is a much more interesting and original way to get energy strength and protection, for example, you can put a tattoo with a name on your body.

Name tattoos are very popular nowadays. For someone it is one of the best ways to express your feelings(love, devotion, attention), but for someone it is a bright and original way of self-expression, a statement to society about oneself, a kind of presentation.

Types of tattoo images with names

What name to put on the body as a tattoo, everyone decides for himself. There are many options.

  1. Tattoo with the name of the child. Such a tattoo is an original way to express love, devotion, pride of parents, their way to show a personal connection with offspring and to declare the importance of family values.
  2. The names of beloved ones are a beautiful and unusual way to express your love, trust, affection for your soulmate, so you can declare your beloved about your readiness to go hand in hand through life.
  3. Tattoo with the names of the parents. People apply tattoos with the names of their parents as an expression of gratitude and gratitude for their care and love; it is also one of the ways to never part with someone who once gave life.
  4. Given name. People often put their own name on the body, using a tattoo as a powerful talisman. In addition, this is a beautiful way to declare yourself to society and express love and respect for your own person.

Stylistic design and arrangement of the tattoo

Name tattoos will look great in a wide variety of styles, it all depends on the wishes of the customer. Strong, strong-willed, courageous personalities can put a name in a Gothic, typographic font, you can create the appearance of a "scrawled" inscription. Refined, light natures can choose a beautiful calligraphic font, framed by ornaments or other decorative elements.

There are many options for the location of the name tattoos. For example, such images look great on hands. Men most often paint on the shoulder area, while girls prefer the inner side of the wrist. The tattoos applied on the palms along the little finger look original and unusual, some decide on a tattoo with the name of their beloved instead of a wedding ring.

Quite often, people choose the neck area for a tattoo with names; this is a good location option for both men and women. By placing the tattoo on the back of the neck, you can always hide it under clothes or hair if you wish. Women often choose the ankle or foot area for the name. Men prefer the chest area.

Paired arrangement of tattoos

Paired images occupy a special place among the tattoos with names. Such tattoos are often chosen by spouses who want to put the name of the child on their body. As a rule, a tattoo with a baby's name is located on the same part of the body of both parents and has a similar stylistic design.

Another type of paired arrangement of a tattoo can be the wedding names and vows of lovers. In this case, the girl puts the name of her lover on the body, and the young man makes a tattoo with the name of the girl. The tattoo can be supplemented with a beautiful quote or some kind of image. Often, paired tattoos are performed on the fingers instead of wedding rings.

Did you know? The name tattoo in place of the wedding ring was invented by people who could not use classic wedding rings due to their allergy to metals.

Color scheme of tattoos with names

For tattoos in the form of a name, as well as for other types of tattoos, there are no strict rules in design. However, it should be borne in mind that a tattoo with a name made as a separate image will look better in one color. If we are talking about an inscription that is part of an ornament or any image, then it can be done using several types of dyes.

It happens that the style of tattooing with a name involves the use of color. For example, some people like to put names, as if "scratching" them on the skin. To simulate scars and scratches, the master simply needs to use a whole palette of reds and browns.

An unusual approach to your own name

Usually, people put a picture of the name in the language in which they speak and write. However, nothing prevents you from creatively rethinking your name and getting a tattoo using a different language. So, you can get a tattoo in Latin or Greek letters, you can make an image using Japanese or Chinese characters.

Important! When deciding to get a tattoo with a name in another language, carefully check the correctness of its spelling in the sources. When using Japanese and Chinese characters, Arabic script, you should seek the help of professional translators in order to avoid possible errors and inaccuracies.

The choice of a tattoo with names must be approached with all responsibility. Whether it will be a tattoo with his own name, or the name of a lover, or one of the family members, everyone decides for himself, however, it must be remembered that the image is applied for many years, so you should go to the tattoo parlor only after a well-considered decision.

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