Home Vegetables Intranet Chat - chat for the local network. No digital signature

Intranet Chat - chat for the local network. No digital signature

I am looking for the owners of http and ftp sites who could host new versions of the chat. I have been using free server hosting for almost three years now. Some time ago, all providers of this kind of services began to delete accounts, because they do not like direct links to files hosted on their servers, which, of course, do not show their banners. I understand that traffic costs money, and 1 MB of chat interruption can provide a lot of traffic, especially now that chat has become quite popular.

Intranet Chat is a freeware program. Therefore, as you understand, I cannot pay for paid hosting, but I also don’t want to make it shareware in the near future.

Therefore, if you like chat and want to support it, you have your own website and you can afford additional outgoing traffic, send me an email. But if outgoing traffic is paid for you, then perhaps this offer is not for you. Because the number of downloads in one day can be more than 100.

I will only say a big thank you and I will place your banner or banner and a link to your company's website on the chat page. This is the only thing I can do.

The Windows version of the server was written by me.

The Linux version of the server was written by Vlad. Initial testing of the net 3rd house.

Version date Where to get
0.21 for FreeBSD 18.01.2003 http://vn-alex.chat.ru

0.1 for Windows 11.07.2002 http://vn-alex.chat.ru

0.21 for Linux 17.05.2002 http://vn-alex.chat.ru


List of changes:

1/18/2003 (0.21 for FreeBSD)

07/11/2002 (0.1 for Windows)

[+] - If the server to which the server is connected is not present, that chat clogs Event log messages with errors. Now he should not do this, although I myself did not manage to get something like that :)
[*] - To connect to another server, you can use its name, not just IP. For this, the Host parameter appeared in the settings for the connection to another server.
It is advisable to specify only Host or only IP.
[*] - Now chat as a service and as a regular application is one executable file. The system tray icon is displayed in both cases.
[*] - Now you can create multiple chat servers for NT / 2k / XP as a service. To do this, you need to specify two parameters when creating a service: the name of the service (switch -n) and the name that will be displayed in Service Manager (switch -d).

Examples of creating and deleting services:

IChatSrv / install -nIChatServer2 "-dIntranet Chat Server 2"
IChatSrv / uninstall -nIChatServer2

Attention: The second chat server must be installed in a different directory and with different port parameters in the IChatSrv.ini configuration file

This is a program for organizing an internal chat in a company, has a very simple interface, is free, and has a minimum of necessary functions. The development of the program was discontinued at the end of 2002. Intranet Chat official website.

The article discusses a modern free analogue -.

2. Intranet Chat Server vs Windows Defender

Unfortunately, while downloading the Intranet Chat server from the official website, Windows 10 Defender identified it as malware and removed it without question:

The browser also showed that there is something bad in the distribution:

It may not be so, but without disabling Windows Defender real-time protection in Windows 10, Intranet Chat cannot be installed or even downloaded.

3. No digital signature

After launching the Windows chat installer, UAC is "nervous" and displays the following window:

There is no digital signature, the system does not recommend trusting this application. In general, nothing surprising, the software is very old, the developer has not dealt with this issue before. It is naive to expect something else now, there have been no updates since the end of 2002.

4. Intranet Chat Installer Errors

Intranet Chat has an installer, which is already good, built on WISE technology. However, even it contains errors. For example, if you press the "Select" button in the window for selecting a directory for installation:

... and then in the window that appears, press Esc or the cross in the upper right corner:

then the installer offers to complete its work, instead of just closing the window for choosing a directory for installation:

There are many languages, that's good. Strangely different - we have already chosen the Russian language of the installer, and here it sets the default language to English, although even the Windows system locale is set to Russian. An obvious flaw.

After that, the installation process of the program begins and the final window is shown to us:

By the way, it is not clear yet, did we install the server or the client? Or both at once? :)

We go to the Windows 10 Start menu and see that this is the client part of the program, which can work without a server:

5. First launch, misunderstandings

After the start of the program, a button of incomprehensible purpose appears right in the center of the screen:

The button is indeed in the center of the screen, it can be dragged, but its purpose is unknown. If you right-click on it, a menu appears identical to the context menu of the program, which is called from the tray:

A strange decision, however, this floating button can then be removed in the program settings.

6. Errors and shortcomings

The program is extremely simple, but it contains many errors and imperfections.

For some reason, when the program window is open, it is not in the list of switchable applications by Alt + Tab.

When trying to view the protocols by standard means

the error is thrown out:

It turns out that conversation protocols are not written.

Unfortunately, there is no Unicode support, so any messages other than the win1251 encoding turn into such a mess:

Help does not work in the program:

For larger companies, from 20 people or more, it is worth comparing prices for the closest competitors of MyChat, for example, Skype for business.

Russian-speaking support service, without long ordeals. Read it, a lot will become clear.

MyChat has a lot of development, the program dates back to 2004, fresh versions are consistently released 5-6 times a year. users from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus. Interesting large

The popularity of Intranet Chat has also led to the emergence of clients and dedicated to working with the more advanced and secure IRC protocol. The interface of ChIRC and RealChat clients is made similar to the Intranet Chat program. In addition, RealChat version 0.3 and higher supports the Intranet Chat protocol.

In addition, the developer, acting under the nickname GooD-NTS, created an independent program called Intranetov Chat, which, according to the author, has nothing to do with A. Vorozhun's Intranet Chat. It is currently renamed ViChat.

There is also a proprietary program for Apple with a similar name (iChat). It also has nothing to do with A. Vorozhun's program, but was written later.

Disadvantages of Intranet Chat

Data encryption during transmission is weak, which makes it possible to change nicknames in messages, change other people's nicknames, flood. Also, many users expressed dissatisfaction with the limited set of "decorations", especially graphic emoticons.

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