Home Vegetables What is the phase of the moon in January. The most important periods of the month. Man during the new moon

What is the phase of the moon in January. The most important periods of the month. Man during the new moon

I love these horoscopes! Thank you very much, I read it with great interest and got a lot of pleasure! I always knew that the signs of the zodiac are very connected with their bearers, but I did not expect that so much!

My sister and I agreed one hundred percent! It even seems to me that these lunar days affect women even more!

The Blue Moon is a rare occurrence that is of particular importance in the world of astrology and astronomy. 2018 is unique in this regard, because we are waiting for two whole months of the blue moon.

The Blue Moon is when two Full Moons occur at once in one calendar month. The second is the Blue Moon. In January, these will not be just Full Moons, because a partial lunar eclipse will occur on the 31st. The beginning of 2018 will be unique.

Blue Moon in astrology

In astrology, this is the name for the second Full Moon of the month. Two Full Moons are very rare, but in 2018 there will already be two Blue Moons - one in January, the second in March, and in March the Full Moon will also be on the 2nd and 31st. This is a unique, extremely rare event.

There will be something else special in 2018. Since there are only 28 days in the coming February, and the lunar month consists of 29 and a half calendar days, there will be no Full Moons at all. This is also an incredibly rare occurrence, which suggests that the month will be very calm and measured.

In astrology, the Blue Moon has a special meaning, because during such periods, there is a certain restructuring of everything at the energetic level. Along with the usual processes associated with the full moon, adjacent parallel processes will occur, which will lead to a reboot of people's consciousness.

This is useful for world politics, for resolving major conflicts at the global level. A very unusual period of time awaits us. Perhaps something will change at the mental level. You may not notice this right away.

The first month with the Blue Moon is always good news, because in the middle of the year it can lead to financial and love losses. Now, while our consciousness is not yet fully tuned to a new stage, we can safely rebuild it the way we want, or the way the Moon wants.

Full moon January 31

January 31st will have a full Moon in the Sign of Leo. This is a terrible time for anyone who wants to learn to be self-contained, as the Full Moon itself does not imply a diplomatic attitude in most people. Here the constellation Leo is still bursting into our world, which shakes the situation even more.

Most of the problems will occur in the areas of work and finance. The moon will be very powerful streams to "blow away" all your luck, replacing it with aggression and an uncontrolled flow of doubts. Being a full moon in Leo will change your idea of ​​moral standards for the worse.

The boundaries of what is permissible will be blurred, so the number of crimes will increase. At the same time, the number of road accidents, quarrels, fights, and conflicts in general will also increase.

It will be a very difficult day for emotional people. The calmer you are, the easier it will be for you to live and run your business. By the way, speaking of business - it is better that they be calm.

Solitude will help you withstand the blows of fate. Don't try to find solace in complaints about the life of strangers. Do not resist fate, but do not sit idly by. No one can help you cope with problems. This can only be done by yourself.

Features of the Blue Moon in January

Features of the Blue Moon in January 2018 indicate that something unique awaits us. The first feature is an eclipse. On January 31, a partial eclipse of the moon will occur, which will lead to an explosion of the situation. Chaos will be the norm, but it will be invisible.

Only the most attentive people can feel it with the fibers of their soul. The aura of a person on such days when the Blue Moon and the eclipse come together is under enormous pressure from the outside.

If we could change the past, then on such days everyone would travel in time and try to fix what simply cannot be fixed. That is why on January 31, everyone will indulge in memories, sadness and think about their mistakes.

Few people will be interested in the future, although they should. If you make an effort on yourself and begin to act, and not become limp, then direct yourself along the right path.

On such days, you can and even need to think. Thinking abilities will improve, so you will need to choose a mental path, not a physical one. Material problems should recede into the background.

The Blue Moon Day will be unique spiritually. This means that you can't just take and leave your bad habits - you need to learn to live with them, or change yourself radically. It is necessary to approach the solution of spiritual issues as responsibly as possible.

  • New Moon in January 2018: January 17 at 05:18.
  • Full Moon in January 2018: January 2 at 05:25, January 31 at 4:28 pm.
  • The growing moon in January 2018: from 18 to 30 January.
  • Waning Moon in January 2018: from 3 to 16 January.
  • Moon eclipse- No.
  • Solar eclipse- No.

Detailed lunar calendar for January 2018

  • January 1, 2018, 15 lunar day (15:51), Moon in Cancer (11:11), 2nd phase. A good place to start the day is exercising or jogging. You will have more than enough energy today, you just need to direct it in the right direction.

Moon in the sign Cancer

In the afternoon, interesting dates and acquaintances are possible. It is better to end the day with dinner at a restaurant or a long walk around the city.

  • January 2, 2018, 16 lunar day (16:55), Moon in Cancer, Full moon (05:25). Leave finances alone, do not make any decisions related to money. This can lead to unnecessary waste and unwanted results. Better distract yourself, go on a date, call an old friend whom you haven't seen for a long time. Perhaps your love life will change for the better.
  • January 3, 2018, 17 lunar day (18:11), Moon in Leo (10:24), 3rd phase. A very difficult day: quarrels, setups and all sorts of provocations are possible. But everything, as always, will depend on you, if you control yourself, you will come out of any situations as a winner. And the best solution is to spend the day with your family and all the troubles will pass you by.
  • January 4, 2018, 18 lunar day (19:33), Moon in Leo, 3rd phase. Today, overstrain of the brain must be avoided. On this day, various kinds of injuries and bruises are possible. It's not worth this day to eat a lot of sweet and fatty foods. And most importantly, keep calm, and try to do good to others, this will have a positive effect on karma.
  • January 5, 2018, 19 lunar day (20:55), Moon in Virgo (11:13), 3rd phase. Be especially careful on the personal front, and it is better to cancel or reschedule the date if it was planned earlier.

Moon in the sign Virgo

Do not get into quarrels and do not succumb to provocations. Avoid alcohol and high-calorie foods.

  • January 6, 2018, 20th lunar day (22:16), Moon in Virgo, 3rd phase. The day is good for self-study and self-improvement. Retire, take time for meditation and introspection. Pay attention to the quality and quantity of food, and avoid alcohol. Today you can safely start self-medication - the process will go easily and without force, and the result will exceed expectations.
  • January 7, 2018, 21 lunar days (23:33), Moon in Libra (15:16), 3rd phase. On this day, not only a sharp decrease in immunity is possible, but also an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Today, you need to try to avoid not only stressful situations, but also physical exertion. And also finish the work you have begun and do not forget about the promises you made to your family.
  • January 8, 2018, Continuation of 21 lunar days, Moon in Libra, 3rd phase. Take care of yourself, pay special attention to your body and health. Visit the salon for a manicure, anti-aging procedures, but it is better not to touch your hair. You can also self-medicate. In the evening it is good to go to visit, or invite friends to your place, this will have a good effect on your well-being.
  • January 9, 2018, 22 lunar day (00:48), Moon in Scorpio (23:06), 4th phase. Your emotions will want to get out of control and you may be carried in the wrong direction, but if you manage to get the best of them, then the day will pass without much loss. On the personal front, things won't go well, so postpone serious conversations until another day. Alcohol will only aggravate your situation, it is better to give it up.
  • January 10, 2018, 23 lunar day (02:00), Moon in Scorpio, 4th phase. But today cast aside all doubts and uncertainties - it's time to act. The set goals will be achieved, and the peaks will be taken. Feel free to start new business and make important decisions.

Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Also in the family, spread all the dots over the "and". And at the end of the day it is good to take a walk in the fresh air.

  • January 11, 2018, 24 lunar day (03:10), Moon in Scorpio, 4th phase. Today, the danger of breaking a leg is very high. On this day, you may feel weak and unwell. In the late afternoon, intestinal upset is possible. Even on this day, teeth should not be pulled out.
  • January 12, 2018, 25 lunar day (04:17), Moon in Sagittarius (10:05), 4th phase. Disconnect your phone and internet, today the family comes first. It's time to talk to the children, today they will gladly listen to your advice. Keep your emotions in hand, avoid dirty linen and any kind of aggression.
  • January 13, 2018, 26 lunar day (05:22), Moon in Sagittarius, 4th phase. Do not self-medicate, and in general, it is better to cancel a visit to the doctor. But physical activity will be the best way to go. Do not start new things, but rather finish old ones. Relax at the end of the day: read or just watch TV.
  • January 14, 2018, 27 lunar day (06:23), Moon in Capricorn (22:43), 4th phase. This day, you should renew your relationship with old friends. In the afternoon, you may have new ideas for solving old problems. In general, the day promises to be very successful, but it is better not to solve financial problems today.
  • January 15, 2018, 28 lunar day (07:18), Moon in Capricorn, 4th phase. This day, it is worth arranging for yourself the shopping that you have long dreamed of. This is a good way to cheer yourself up today.

Moon in the sign Capricorn

Shopping promises to be very successful, in addition, you can please loved ones and loved ones with pleasant little things.

  • January 16, 2018, 29 lunar day (08:06), Moon in Capricorn, 4th phase. Control your feelings and reactions to the world around you. People will want to take advantage of your volatile emotions, and you can become a victim of deception or fall under the influence of others. Refrain from alcohol and fatty foods. Take care of yourself with massages and anti-aging beauty treatments.
  • January 17, 2018, 1/2 lunar days (08:46), Moon in Aquarius (11:33), New Moon (05:18). Exercise is a lot of fun and good for your health.

Do not be lazy today you can do everything, well, almost everything. Meeting new people, interesting offers. Even an engagement or marriage is possible.

  • January 18, 2018, 3 lunar day (09:20), Moon in Aquarius, 1st phase. This day, it is worth paying special attention to the quality of the products. Various kinds of poisoning are possible. You shouldn't go hungry and talk a lot on this day. You also need to monitor your mood, because your well-being directly depends on it. A very good period for conception.
  • January 19, 2018, 4 lunar day (09:48), Moon in Pisces (23:28), 1st phase. Today, all day long, you will have a great mood. Friends and family, will delight you with good news. In the late afternoon, minor headaches are possible. In general, the day promises to be very good.
  • January 20, 2018, 5 lunar day (10:11), Moon in Pisces, 1st phase. The stars recommend that you communicate a lot and gain knowledge today. Analyze and collect information, pay attention to details, but don't start new business. Old problems may return, but that shouldn't scare you.

Moon in the sign of Pisces

Today you can easily deal with them.

  • January 21, 2018, 6 lunar day (10:32), Moon in Pisces, 1st phase. Today, you will feel unwell all day long. There is a possibility of exacerbation of chronic diseases. Try not to overwork or overuse alcohol. Communication is best kept to a minimum.
  • January 22, 2018, 7 lunar day (10:51), Moon in Aries (09:28), 1st phase. On this day, you may have to plunge into the routine of a variety of things. Today, you need to beware of gambling and all kinds of entertainment. The evening, preferably with your family, and also pay special attention to the children, because they deserve it.
  • January 23, 2018, 8 lunar day (11:10), Moon in Aries, 1st phase. This day should be devoted to solving all sorts of problems, both family and work. In the afternoon, you may have some very interesting ideas. Alcohol and spicy foods are not recommended to be consumed today.
  • January 24, 2018, 9 lunar day (11:30), Moon in Taurus (16:41), 1st phase. Today, you will easily find a common language, both with familiar and unfamiliar people. It is worth the day to follow a diet and not overwork. The day promises to be very successful for a date and it may end with a marriage proposal.
  • January 25, 2018, 10 lunar day (11:52), Moon in Taurus, 2nd phase. Today, you never need to relax more than ever, even if you feel solid ground under your feet, energy may be wasted.

Moon in the sign Taurus

On this day, avoid conflicts, quarrels can drag on. Be especially careful about financial matters and rely on your intuition.

  • January 26, 2018, 11 lunar day (12:18), Moon in Gemini (20:41), 2nd phase. Today you can safely make important decisions at work and even the risk will be justified. The trips will also be successful and will bring a lot of pleasure and useful acquaintances. Call your parents because they always crave your attention.
  • January 27, 2018, 12 lunar day (12:51), Moon in Gemini, 2nd phase. It's time to move on, you have the whole world in front of you, and so many opportunities. Be brave and don't be lazy. Let go of doubts and fears. It is also advisable to pay attention to health, consult your doctor about diet or even fasting.
  • January 28, 2018, 13 lunar day (13:35), Moon in Cancer (21:59), 2nd phase. The stars recommend that you stop and take a break, rethink the information from the last days.

You can visit relatives or friends whom you have not seen for a long time. It is better not to start new business today.

  • January 29, 2018, 14 lunar day (14:31), Moon in Cancer, 2nd phase. Stop and look back at the path traveled. It's time to take stock and analyze the state of affairs. Pay back debts, forgive offenders, help the poor. Become kinder and more tolerant. After all, everything depends on you and your decisions.
  • January 30, 2018, 15 lunar day (15:40), Moon in Leo (21:54), 2nd phase. Pay special attention to food today, it should be light and cholesterol-free. It is also recommended to spend this day alone, and in reflection. Make plans for the future, but in no case make promises - you will not fulfill them.
  • January 31, 2018, 16 lunar day (16:59), Moon in Leo, Full moon (16:28). This day, you shouldn't be treating your spine and donating blood. You need to monitor your diet, do not eat very fatty foods. A trip to the dentist is worth postponing for later, it is better to take a walk or watch a good movie.

The phases of the moon, relative to the zodiacal constellations, have an impact on a person. Astrologers suggest that before planning the coming month, refer to the lunar calendar. The lunar calendar will help determine favorable and unfavorable days for representatives of different signs of the zodiac.

Humanity has long noticed its relationship with space. Any human action affects the universe and vice versa.

Astrologers from different eras and countries have learned to draw up lunar calendars. According to the phases of the moon relative to the zodiacal constellations, the calendars decipher favorable days and unfavorable ones for many areas of activity.

Phases of the moon in january 2018, position of the moon in january 2018, full moon and new moon

The beginning of January 2018 will be marked by a growing moon located in cancer. The full moon occurred on January 2.

From 3 to 8 January, the waning moon began. From 9 to 16, the last quarter of the waning moon. New moon came on January 17, 2018. From 18 to 25.01 the phase of the waxing moon.

The first quarter starts from 25 to 30 January. Full moon and total lunar eclipse are expected on January 31st.

Auspicious days: January 6, 11, 22, 27. These days, important things are going well and important decisions are being made. The moon is in a prosperous and harmonious aspect with the sun.

Unfavorable days: January 2, 9, 17, 25, 31. These days, it is recommended to refrain from fateful decisions. Reschedule important events.

Moon phases in january 2018, how many lunar phases are there

The lunar calendar provides the position of the moon in four phases. The moon's turn begins from the first quarter of the growing moon. People during this period are the most emotional and energetic. During this period, you can successfully solve important problems, start new projects, make acquaintances, and the like.

This phase is followed by another phase of the waxing moon. In general, it is just as good for humans. The waxing moon gives way to the full moon.

The full moon is a significant phenomenon for astrologers. Since ancient times, people have endowed the full moon with a mystical meaning. And for good reason. After all, when the moon fully opens its one side, people become restless, irritable and excitable. The full moon is marked by the greatest number of road accidents, all kinds of disasters and cataclysms.

After the full moon, the moon begins to fade. During this period, it is desirable to sum up the results of activities, to complete cases. It is advisable to postpone the beginning of new achievements. It is possible to unfold new activities only if it is completed before the new moon. But there is something that is better to start during this period. For example, this is the most favorable phase in order to go on a diet.

After the last quarter of the waning moon begins. During this period, people are most emotionally depressed. Nervous breakdowns, impulsive actions are possible. At this time, it is advisable to devote yourself to the family and creating comfort at home. It is important to control emotions and restrain yourself.

Lunar calendar for January 2018 showing the days of the new moon, full moon, quarters of the moon, the location of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, as well as favorable and unfavorable lunar days. The lunar calendar will allow you to almost always be aware of what the moon is at the moment, and what phase of the moon. The lunar calendar for January 2018 will be able to assist you in planning your affairs with minimal loss of time and effort. The lunar day calendar can help you determine favorable and unfavorable days of the month. On this page you will find the most accurate and up-to-date calendar of lunar days. You have chosen: Lunar calendar January 2018. Calculations of the lunar calendar are made using exact astronomical data and the error is +/- 30 minutes. Here you will find information such as the phases of the moon January 2018, the moon in the zodiac sign. Here you can find out when the moon is growing, the moon is decreasing and you can find the calendar of full moons for January 2018. New moons and full moons are important data necessary for planning many things (for example, fortune telling by the Moon). The lunar calendar for January 2018 will help you in the implementation of any plans and desires. By knowing how to use it correctly, you can help yourself choose the right lunar day for any task. Choose the general one with us!

Auspicious days according to the lunar calendar in January 2018

Auspicious days - the period when the lunar day, moon phase, zodiac sign and day of the week are filled with maximum activity. Such days are suitable for new beginnings, solving important issues and fulfilling important tasks.

The 25th of January
9, 10
lunar day
Waxing Crescent
(First quarter)

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar in January 2018

Unfavorable days - the period when the lunar day, moon phase, zodiac sign and day of the week are filled with minimal activity. On such days, it is not recommended to start new business and solve important issues.

January 16
28, 29
lunar day
Waning moon
(Fourth phase)

Lunar calendar for January 2018 for every day

January 1, 2018, 14-15 lunar day, the growing moon in Cancer. This is a wonderful day to understand yourself and fit into the rhythm of life. You will be able to understand if you are setting the right goals for yourself and what to do next. Strive to fulfill desires and dreams.

January 2, 201815-16 lunar day, full moon in Cancer. Today, more than ever, is suitable for cleansing your aura, a visit to yoga will be an excellent decision. But you should not start new business and projects, throw all your strength into intensive work on the idea being implemented at the moment.

January 3, 2018, 16-17 lunar day, waning Moon in Leo. Forget about all the problems and troubles today, devote yourself to creativity, even if you do not have the ability, the process itself is important. This will help you relax and escape from the hustle and bustle of the surrounding area.

January 4, 2018, 17-18 lunar day, waning Moon in Leo. Be sure to weigh all your decisions. Today is the day when you need to “measure seven times, cut one off”. Not worth doing business, but great time to walk in new places.

January 5, 201818-19 lunar day, decreasing Moon in Virgo. Be careful, avoid scandals and gossip on this day, there is a risk of losing the recognition of colleagues and friends. Today, almost everyone is alarmed, they take everything with hostility, so choose your words carefully.

January 6, 201819-20 lunar day, decreasing Moon in Virgo. Today, everyone is "turned on in a half-turn", be careful with your actions and expressions, otherwise there is a possibility of losing everything achieved by hard work.

January 7, 201820-21 lunar days, decreasing Moon in Virgo. On this day, everyone is extremely aggressive, it is better to protect yourself from all kinds of conflicts and quarrels by staying at home. Do some spring cleaning, it promises to be successful.

January 8, 201821 lunar day, waning moon in Libra. Finally, you can relax and calm down, there is no point in being zealous, everything you need will find you by itself. The waning moon will help improve the figure, give up flour and sweets from today.

January 9, 201821-22 lunar day, waning moon in Libra. During the day, a breakdown is possible, it is better not to make fateful decisions, but to devote the day to new acquaintances and finding the necessary contacts. Friends found today will remain for a long time.

January 10, 201822-23 lunar day, waning moon in Scorpio. The time is ideal for spiritual development, today you will be able to study beyond the norm. You will be able to train your memory and improve your ability to concentrate on the right material.

January 11, 201823-24 lunar day, waning moon in Scorpio. If you crave solitude, today is the perfect time for this, you can devote yourself to relaxation and learn something new and interesting. Today is a very inert day, let laziness break out.

January 12, 201824-25 lunar day, waning moon in Sagittarius. An unrealistic phlegmatic day, not in a state of mind for quarrels, but also not strong enough for joy. On this day, you can relax with your family, enjoy a wonderful movie with a cup of hot chocolate.

January 13, 201825-26 lunar day, waning moon in Sagittarius. A day of concentration and intricacy. An excellent period to make cunning plans, and abstract abilities are also emerging today. You can go on a hike for the purpose of enlightenment.

January 14, 201826-27 lunar day, waning moon in Sagittarius. You will not be yourself with happiness if you meet old friends, remember the past years and just talk in a quiet and cozy atmosphere of mutual understanding and harmony. You can also reflect on the customs of your family and introduce new traditions to get even closer to each other.

January 15, 2018, 27-28 lunar day, the waning moon in Capricorn. An ideal time for mysticism and witchcraft. This is a time of charlatanism and fantasy, keep an eye out so as not to become a victim of ill-wishers, postpone all dubious matters for a more appropriate time. Don't fall for provocations.

January 16, 201828-29 lunar day, waning moon in Capricorn. This day will help improve your intuition, you can meditate to strengthen your abilities. After reviewing all unresolved cases, you will definitely find the most optimal way out of the situation. An excellent time to resolve all issues.

January 17, 2018, 29, 1-2 lunar day, new Moon in Aquarius. Today is the basis for further actions and deeds. What foundation you lay now, the whole month will pass. The success of your efforts depends only on the planned events, try to organize yourself as worthy as possible.

January 18, 2018, 2-3 lunar day, the growing moon in Aquarius. A day of accumulation of positive energy, devote time to receiving pleasant emotions and impressions. Favorable time for walking and traveling. A great solution would be to go on vacation and take a good walk.

January 19, 2018, 3-4 lunar day, the growing moon in Aquarius. Today it is worth being more reasonable and careful, be compliant to negative moments from outsiders and forgive your ill-wishers, it will only bring you good luck.

January 20, 2018, 4-5 lunar day, the growing moon in Pisces. This is a very domineering day, a constant surge of strength awaits you. To channel your super-powerful energy in the right direction, do what you do best, and success will not be long in coming. Also a good time to help animals.

January 21, 20185-6 lunar day, the growing moon in Pisces. Control your burst of energy turning into aggression. The moon will significantly increase all negative emotions, especially on those born on this day, so stress is possible, which is not very good for the body as a whole. Try to control thoughts and actions in order to avoid troubles and losses.

January 22, 2018, 6-7 lunar day, the growing moon in Aries. We can say a happy day, it is favorable for any undertakings. Today it will turn out to realize everything that was conceived, success will contribute to all actions and words. If you have not decided on something for a long time, today is the right time.

January 23, 2018, 7-8 lunar day, the growing moon in Aries. The perfect time to get married. Those who are married on this day will live in harmony and mutual understanding, the family will be strong and happy to the envy of everyone. Also, the day is great for any kind of exploration, but mass events should be avoided.

January 24, 2018, 8-9 lunar day, the growing moon in Aries. Do something unusual, the result will surprise you, and perhaps you will find a new hobby. All kinds of handicrafts have a great effect on the nervous system and concentration, develop patience and diligence, which in the future will help you achieve your goals.

January 25, 2018, 9-10 lunar day, the growing moon in Taurus. If you have been worried about some disease or something wrong with your health for a long time, today will be ideal for visiting the hospital, but completely undesirable - for all kinds of operations. It is also good to start long-term treatment, it will definitely end with a positive result.

January 26, 2018, 10-11 lunar day, the growing moon in Taurus. A good day to cleanse karma, remove spoilage and fight chronic diseases. Also today, you can cleanse the internal organs, which will significantly improve your overall health and appearance, or just go to a beauty salon.

January 27, 2018, 11-12 lunar day, the growing moon in Gemini. On this day, you can do any business, except for trading and gambling. This is a calm day, try to enjoy every minute of it, and absorb the maximum of positive energy from space. Today it is desirable to give gifts to loved ones and give alms, bringing on well-being.

January 28, 2018, 12-13 lunar day, the growing moon in Gemini. A great day to go to the gym, sign up for a fitness session, or go to the pool. All undertakings will be crowned with success, many victories over yourself await you. It is also a good time to say goodbye to bad habits.

January 29, 2018, 13-14 lunar day, the growing moon in Cancer. Today you can start any serious business, you can change jobs or move, you will only benefit from this. It's a great time for unforeseen decisions, be careful only with divorce, there is a risk of losing more than gaining.

January 30, 2018, 14-15 lunar day, the growing moon in Cancer. This is the most intense day, which provides you with an opportunity to change or correct something in business, look from the outside at the work done and put all the dots on the "i ". Try to use as much energy as possible, as you won't be able to store it in reserve.

January 31, 201815-16 lunar day, full moon in Leo. The moon has reached its peak, you just have to skim the cream. But ill-wishers do not slow down, so do not accept gifts and be vigilant in relation to unpleasant people. Today, there is an opportunity to meet an air castle on the path to improvement.

The influence of the moon on humans in January 2018

In the lunar calendar for January 2018, various events have a definite effect on the nature and man around. New moon, full moon, days of the first and last quarters of the moon are considered to be the time of enhanced interaction between the sun and the moon. These are negative days. Auspicious lunar days are days when an aspect of 60 or 120 degrees between the Sun and the Moon is created in the sky. The lunar calendar is a cyclical change of 4 phases of the night star. The lunar month consists of 29-30 lunar days, starting from the length of the 1st day, and also determined by the proximity of the moon to the horizon during the new moon. Lunar days (lunar days) are not always equal to each other in time. This is due to the fact that the completed lunar cycle is about 29.5 solar days. The beginning of the lunar month, the starting point, is the moment of the new moon. The first lunar day lasts from the onset of the new moon to the 1st moonrise according to astronomical data. It is very convenient to leave your personal notes about the Moon in the Google calendar or Yandex calendar. The cycle in the calendar of the Moon lasts about 29.5 Earth days - from one new moon to the next, going through four phases, called more quarters. A typical lunar day lasts from moonrise until its next rise. A lunar day is longer than a solar day, and the next day's moonrise is always later than the previous day. The moon rises not only at night, but also in the middle of a clear day - probably, everyone at least once watched the sun and the moon in the sky at the same time.

We really hope that the lunar calendar for January 2018 came in handy and was easy to use! You can be sure that our service provides accurate data, but you should remember that they are calculated to the nearest minute only for the city of Moscow. For other cities, the lunar calendar for January 2018 may produce slightly different data. Just calculate the time zone of your city and find the difference. You will receive the exact time of the beginning and the end of the lunar day with an accuracy of + 10-15 minutes. Lunar calendar January 2018 is the best way to find lunar days and moon phases for January 2018.

Useful Tips

A new year begins, and with it new deeds, plans, dreams and goals appear. In order for everything to work out the way you want it, you should start in the best time for this, which will prompt the lunar calendar.

Although the first third of January is usually quite sluggish and relaxed due to the holidays, during this time you can still find some good days for important things.

The retrograde of Mercury is already behind us, so we can expect that cases related to trade, travel, transport, travel and various documents will be more successfully resolved. However, one should be wary of some periods when Mercury will do adverse aspects.

A special day can be called January 9, 2018 when in connection are Venus, Sun and Pluto. This is the day when you can use a fairly powerful flow of energy to solve some of your issues, especially related to relationships and money.

The rest of this month is not very suitable for solving important matters that are related to money and partnership since Venus will be burned by the Sun. In elective astrology, this is considered an unfavorable factor for obtaining a good result. All this concerns, first of all, very important matters, big money.

If you need to take out a loan, borrow money, spend a large amount on something, it is better to wait better time... It is better to take small loans or borrowings during the waning moon on the following days:

Another not the most successful astrological event of this month will be LUNAR ECLIPSE January 31, 2018, in front of which it is also not necessary to plan very important matters.

ATTENTION! An especially weak Moon of the month will be observed in the following periods:

Weakness of the Moon at Full Moon: January 1 12:00 to January 2 13:00 and from January 30 23:00 to February 1 01:00;

Weakness of the Moon during phase change: January 8 13:00 - January 9 03:00 and January 24 17:00 to January 25 04:00;

The weakness of the moon on the burned path: January 8 17:00 to January 11 03:00 (but especially January 10 03:00 to 05:00).

Moon periods WITHOUT COURSE when you can't start new business, go shopping and wait for important events:

01.01.2018 to 11:10

03.01.2018 01:46 - 03.01.2018 10:22

05.01.2018 02:10 - 05.01.2018 11:12

07.01.2018 05:51 - 07.01.2018 15:14

09.01.2018 19:13 - 09.01.2018 23:05

11.01.2018 17:53 - 12.01.2018 10:04

14.01.2018 11:48 - 14.01.2018 22:42

17.01.2018 09:30 - 17.01.2018 11:32

19.01.2018 14:52 - 19.01.2018 23:26

22.01.2018 04:13 - 22.01.2018 09:27

24.01.2018 07:16 - 24.01.2018 16:39

26.01.2018 06:17 - 26.01.2018 20:40

28.01.2018 13:39 - 28.01.2018 21:57

30.01.2018 19:40 - 30.01.2018 21:53

MAGIC TIME OF THE MONTH: A magical lunar day will begin January 17 at 05:18 and will end in a few hours - at 08:46. Unfortunately, this month the magic time will not last too long in the early morning. We advise you to set your alarm and do not miss this magic clock to sing and make a wish!

Other useful articles of the heading Lunar calendar for January 2018:


♊♋ 1 JANUARY, Monday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 15:51.TWINS , CANCER from 11:11

Moon without course until 11:10

Symbols of the day

Almost all day WEAK MOON! The lunar calendar advises you on this day to postpone any important business, how to sleep and don't start anything important... If you have to work, plan the simplest things for that day. Today it is better to rest and relax, to do those things that you would like to do. The tense aspect of the Moon and Saturn on this day can bring obstacles and frustrations, so this is another indication that nothing new can be started today!

What not to do : start any new important business; borrowing / lending money, obtaining loans - a big risk of fraud!

Purchases : don't shop on the moon without a course! Today, if possible, postpone purchases altogether, as they are likely to be unsuccessful. There is a risk of money loss and fraud!

♋ 2 JANUARY, Tuesday. 15th, 16th lunar day from 16:55.CANCER

FULL MOON at 05:25

Symbols of the day

WEAK MOON until 13:00! From this day on, the Moon will wane, suggesting opportunities for us to finish or continue the work started in the past. It is good to spend this day with close relatives: you can go somewhere together, go to visit or invite guests to your place, do routine household chores... It's a good time to pay off your debts if you haven't done it before the new year! It is good to read something about cooking or housekeeping: you can learn a lot of useful things for yourself. Approaching the evening of the negative aspect of Moon-Uranus can bring unexpected events or news. There is a danger from electricity!

What not to do : risk anything, start building a house; lend money; repair electrical appliances.

Purchases : Today you can buy something for the home, food, dishes or bedding.

♋♌ 3 JANUARY, Wednesday. 16th, 17th lunar day from 18:11.CANCER , A LION from 10:24

Moon without course from 01:46 to 10:23

Symbols of the day : butterfly (dove), bunch of grapes (bells).

This day can be quite calm without any major problems. You may be daydreaming and have good creative ideas. This day is worth dedicating creativity, hobbies, hobbies... Go to the movies or attend cultural events, including with children. For example, this is a great day to go to the cinema, theater or concert with the children. Also a great time will turn out after 11:00: you can go to the hairdresser!

At work, you can offer your boss new and interesting creative ideas that are likely to give you great benefits and benefits in the future. But go to the bosses stands after 11:00!

What not to do : make important financial transactions, sign contracts; criticize in some way the bosses or authorities.

Purchases : don't shop on the moon without a course! After 11:00, you can buy jewelry, especially gold.

♌ 4 JANUARY, Thursday. 17th, 18th lunar day from 19:33.A LION

Symbols of the day : bunch of grapes (bells), mirror (monkey, ice).

The first half of the day is unsuccessful, there may be injuries (especially with sharp objects). Risking money is extremely dangerous: there is a risk monetary losses if you get involved in a dubious adventure. Until 14:30 do not resolve cases related to legal spheres. Cooperation may turn out to be unsuccessful: it is better to work alone now, there are risks of serious conflicts with partners. Afternoon - especially after 14:30- suitable for contacting the authorities, for acquaintances.

What not to do : to sort things out with partners, to criticize; gamble; draw up securities and wills; borrow / lend money, arrange loans.

Purchases : do not spend much money today, especially if you are offered something of value for little money: there is a risk of deception and fraud. Also today there is a risk of spending more than you planned: money will be wasted.

♌♍ 5 JANUARY, Friday. 18th, 19th lunar day from 20:55.A LION , VIRGO from 11:13

Moon without course from 02:10 to 11:12

Symbols of the day : mirror (monkey, ice), web (spider).

This day is ideal for putting things in order in affairs and thoughts, making shopping and to-do lists, getting rid of everything unnecessary. After 11:12 you can start some business that requires precision, clarity, accuracy, painstaking care and accurate calculations. You can think about the distribution of the family budget, or put things in order in the working papers. It is good to draw up wills, write the necessary letters, draw up important papers, process statistical data, fill out databases. Cleaning done during the period from 11:12 to 14:30, will help you to put things in order so that you will not have to clean up again for a long time!

What not to do : go on dates; sort out relations with partners; arrange weddings and various banquets; go on trips by water transport; borrow / lend money, arrange loans.

Purchases : don't shop on the moon without a course! You can make small purchases after 11:12 but don't buy real estate or land! You can buy books, notebooks, diaries and various stationery. There is a risk of money loss!

♍ 6 JANUARY, Saturday. 19th, 20th lunar day from 22:16.VIRGO

Symbols of the day : web (spider), eagle.

Today, original ideas may come to your mind. Especially listen to those ideas that relate to some everyday issues, organizing things, cleaning, warehousing, and so on. It is possible that on this day, circumstances may be quite in an unexpected way but in your favor. There may be strange and unexpected encounters, or you may stumble upon some interesting information. A good day for research work, the introduction of some new advanced ideas. You can attend lectures, seminars, trainings, including online.

What not to do : to register marriage; arrange banquets and celebrations; submit important reports without due diligence; make important decisions.

Purchases : you can buy electronics, office equipment, mobile phones (especially before 13:00!). Make sure all paperwork for these items will be in order.

♍♎ 7 JANUARY, Sunday. 20th, 21st lunar day from 23:33.VIRGO , SCALES from 15:16

Moon without course from 05:51 to 15:15

Symbols of the day : eagle, horse (herd of horses, chariot).

CHRISTMAS! Unlucky day for any undertakings, this day is intended for relaxation, because it is a holiday! You should not expect surprises from this day, it is best to spend it the way you want, with your loved ones. In the evening, it's good to go to any cultural events or just walks. Can go on a date.

What not to do : start any important business.

Purchases : don't shop on the moon without a course! This is not the best day for shopping, it will be difficult to find something truly worthwhile. However, after 19:30 you can shop for clothes, cosmetics or perfumes.

JANUARY 8, Monday. 21st lunar day.SCALES

Symbols of the day : horse (herd of horses, chariot).

This day is not suitable for solving some important issues related to money or partnership, better postpone showdown because nothing good can be achieved now. It is best to do some creative pursuits, but not start any new projects. The change of the lunar phase is approaching, an unsuccessful time for undertakings!

What not to do : despite the Libra sign, it is better not to visit beauty salons, not to do complicated procedures and refrain from any plastic surgery; you cannot start any new projects; sort out relations with partners; borrow / lend money, arrange loans.

Purchases : do not buy anything expensive and valuable that day. You can make small purchases of cosmetics and clothes (but only if you really need something! It's better not to wander around the shops without a specific goal).

9 JANUARY, Tuesday. 22nd lunar day from 00:48.SCALES , SCORPION from 23:06

III quarter, fourth phase of the Moon from 01:26

Moon without course from 19:13 to 23:05

Symbols of the day : elephant (book, golden key).

Attention! Venus in the heart of the Sun! This day can be considered very special, because Venus will be in precise connection with the Sun, which means that cases that are somehow related to relationships, partnerships or money can be successfully resolved. Today, marriage registration is allowed, although it cannot be said that this is the most successful day for this, but you can still choose it if you do not want to wait for a better time, which will develop at the end of February. You can make marriage proposals, arrange an engagement, various pleasant holidays and parties... Today is a good time to visit any cultural event.

What not to do : argue with bosses and partners; risk your health; repair electrical appliances.

Purchases : don't shop on the moon without a course! You can still buy cosmetics, perfumes, jewelry, clothes, shoes. There is a chance to find something really good with big discounts.

Lunar calendar 2018: auspicious days

10 JANUARY, Wednesday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:00.SCORPION

Symbols of the day : elephant (book, golden key), crocodile.

On this day, your intuition will work very well, so all matters and problems will be solved quite easily if you can listen to your inner voice. Write down or memorize any creative ideas that will come to your mind that day: you can use them successfully in the future. Lost things may be found. This is the time for collaboration, experimentation and research. You can put into practice some special abilities. Important decisions can be made. You can get loans or borrow money.

What not to do : hold noisy parties; putting on new clothes or shoes for the first time.

Purchases : it is better to go shopping before 14:00. You can buy machinery and equipment, cars or antiques.

11 JANUARY, Thursday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 03:10.SCORPION

Moon without course from 17:53

Symbols of the day : crocodile, bear.

This day is quite eventful, mostly very positive. At least until 18:00 life will be in full swing, there is much to be done. Intuition will be at its best today. The day is good for working together but be careful: there may be some disagreements between partners. However, the positive aspects of the Moon on this day will add confidence in your abilities and help you avoid any serious conflicts. You can make decisions, meet with important and authoritative people, give lectures, attend seminars. In general, new knowledge will easily be put off by you in the morning. You can borrow money after 16:00!

What not to do : go to a new job; to register marriage; move; borrow / lend money, arrange loans until 16:00.

Purchases : don't shop on the moon without a course! It's a good idea to go shopping today, especially since the moon is waning. You can buy something at a good discount. Car purchase is allowed. Especially between 15:30 and 18:00.

12 JANUARY, Friday. 24th, 25th lunar day from 04:17.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 10:05

Moon without course until 10:04

Symbols of the day : bear, turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water).

This day is not remarkable for any aspects of the Moon, it promises to be calm and relaxed. It is good to continue the business started in the past, after 10:00 it is good to go on trips. After 10:00 you can start new business, especially if it is creative or intellectual work. You can also draw up some kind of legal documents, apply to the courts.

What not to do : make serious promises; start a new position or a new project during the hours of the moon without a course; start construction.

Purchases : don't shop on the moon without a course! After 10:00 you can buy educational literature, tickets for lectures or seminars, various trainings; tourist trips to distant countries or plane tickets.

♐13 JANUARY, Saturday. 25th, 26th lunar day from 05:22.SAGITTARIUS

Symbols of the day : turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water), toad (swamp).

Mercury on this day will meet Saturn in the sign of Capricorn, and this will require concentration, discipline and adherence to plans. If you are not too fond of planning something, it is better to get together and do it, because this is the only way you can get what you want... There will be no surprises or surprises, everything should go in order. Travel is ok, but better after 10:30.

In addition, Venus and Uranus on this day will converge in a disharmonious aspect, and this can bring problems due to attempts to solve financial issues. Today you shouldn't risk money at all, especially beware of lending!

What not to do : trust people, especially unfamiliar people; borrow / lend money, arrange loans (there may be difficulties with repayment); draw up important documents (especially those related to real estate, land, construction, construction materials, and so on); start advertising campaigns; make important financial transactions; get married, go on dates, propose marriage.

Purchases : small purchases, better after 10:30. There is a risk of losing money in the morning!

14 JANUARY, Sunday. 26th, 27th lunar day from 06:23.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 22:43

Moon without course from 11:48 to 22:42

Symbols of the day : toad (swamp), trident (wand, ship).

The second half of the day will pass with the moon in "idle", so this time is not suitable for beginnings: everything that you would like to start is worth starting until 12:00! You can go on trips, travel, or at least buy tickets for transport or tours. Today, many events may have unexpected character, you may also come up with unexpected, but ingenious ideas, but you should not implement them yet: wait for the time when the moon begins to grow! This day is good for intellectual work. In the last days before the full moon, it is better to finish business started in the past.

What not to do : start any new business on the moon without a course.

Purchases : don't shop on the moon without a course! Until 12:00, you can buy electrical appliances, mobile phones or computers. It is also good to buy any imported goods.

♑ 15 JANUARY, Monday. 27th, 28th lunar day from 07:18.CAPRICORN

Symbols of the day : trident (rod, ship), lotus (karma).

With the Moon in Capricorn, we are not particularly inclined to show emotions. Our actions are aimed at a specific goal, we try to look at the world more rationally, calculating all the pros and cons. But still for dreams and fantasies there is also a place. Today you can work with documents, organize something, consult with specialists, or work with educational materials. You can demand payment of debts. It is good to go on vacation in the mountains or on a business trip.

What not to do : start any important business; get loans, borrow money; conduct banking operations; to register marriage.

Purchases : today you can buy things that should last a long time, for example, furniture, carpets, any materials for repair work, and so on.

♑ 16 JANUARY, Tuesday. 28th, 29th lunar day from 08:06.CAPRICORN

Symbols of the day : lotus (karma), octopus (hydra, maya).

Last lunar day always tense and is more suitable for relaxation than important things. Don't plan any energy-intensive activities for today. Any overvoltage will bring health problems. Be careful: the new moon is already very close, so the emotional background is unstable.

What not to do : make important decisions; starting important business; receive loans or loans; register companies; apply to high authorities or to the authorities with requests and suggestions; carry out complex banking operations; sign contracts, marry.

Purchases : better to postpone.

WAXING MOON from 05:18

NEW MOON at 05:18

♑♒ 17 JANUARY, Wednesday. 29th, 1st lunar day from 05:18, 2nd lunar day from 08:46.

♒ 18 JANUARY, Thursday. 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 09:20.AQUARIUS

Symbols of the day : cornucopia (mouth), leopard (leopard).

On this day, you will want freedom in the manifestation of emotions, changes in the environment, some new interesting events, but it is better not to take on several things at once, start with one thing. Work well with technology, computers, start promotion some new idea... Observe the measure today in everything, especially in nutrition, as overeating threatens to gain excess weight.

What not to do : overeat and abuse alcohol, make important deals, take exams, register companies; negotiate with foreigners.

Purchases : go shopping only with a clear plan, you can buy computers, gadgets, phones, and so on. But be careful: today there is a risk of spending more than you planned.

♒♓ 19 JANUARY, Friday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 09:48.AQUARIUS , FISHES from 23:28

Moon without course from 14:52 to 23:27

Symbols of the day : leopard (leopard), tree of knowledge.

On this day, you will dream a lot and think about the future. You will want to rely more on your feelings and intuition to solve issues, and your mind will be less involved. For creative people, this is very good time when the most incredible ideas can be realized. Try to be less nervous today and do not sort things out with loved ones. There is a high probability of quarrels and disagreements with friends and like-minded people. After 15:00 the tension will subside, but the Moon without a course does not advise to start new important matters.

What not to do : argue; start new projects, contact your superiors or higher authorities; borrow / lend money, arrange loans.

Purchases : don't shop on the moon without a course! Today is not a very good day for shopping: sellers will be very reluctant to cut prices, it will be difficult to find something worthwhile at a good price. Better to postpone shopping.

♓ 20 JANUARY, Saturday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 10:11.FISHES

Symbols of the day : tree of knowledge, unicorn.

Today it is important to follow your intuition, the inner voice will tell you the right decisions. Trust others, especially women, with caution. Information received on this day may be misunderstood so be careful! It is worth postponing the adoption of important decisions, as they may be wrong. This day is good for any creative work, especially in the field of writing, advertising. If you go to bed before 00:00, remember your dreams, they can be very interesting and important!

What not to do : trust unfamiliar people; risk money; make important decisions; abuse alcohol.

Purchases : Today it is worth shopping with caution, trust your intuition: if you really feel that this thing is vital to you, then buy. If you have the slightest doubt, it is better to postpone the purchase!

Auspicious days of the lunar calendar

♓ 21 JANUARY, Sunday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 10:32.FISHES

Symbols of the day : unicorn, crane.

This day is pretty positive: you can do a lot! Intuition will still work very well, there will be no interference from the negative aspects of the moon. You can conclude contracts, agreements, oral agreements. You can start some legal affairs, you can go on pleasant trips. Although this is a Sunday day and you may not be able to start some things, it is still worth using the energy of this day for the listed activities. It is also good today to go on dates and make romantic acquaintances (including foreigners). You can start construction new home.

What not to do : go mountaineering, contact psychics and fortune tellers, do operations.

Purchases : purchases of various things for travel or sports are allowed.

♓♈ 22 JANUARY, Monday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 10:51.FISHES , ARIES from 09:28

Moon without course from 04:13 to 09:27

Symbols of the day : crane, wand (wind rose, keys).

The first half of the day is not so successful for any undertakings: first the Moon without a course will interfere, and then the negative aspect of the Moon and Saturn. There may be obstacles, delays, difficulties in solving various issues. Many will picky and grumpy... Let's add to this the Moon in the sign of Aries, which pushes people to ill-considered actions. It is best to avoid quick decisions today and generally postpone the decision of serious issues to a better time. Until 17:00 it is better not to overload yourself physically.

What not to do : to conclude important deals, to negotiate, to sign contracts; engage in capital investments; arrange weddings or engagements; do plastic surgery.

Purchases : don't shop on the moon without a course! A better time to shop is after 17:00. You cannot buy or sell real estate today.

♈ 23 JANUARY, Tuesday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 11:10.ARIES

Symbols of the day : wand (wind rose, keys), phoenix.

Another rather stressful day: there is a risk that you may make a quick and ill-considered decision that you will regret. Therefore, today, if possible, do not take Nothing serious... You can go in for sports, or spend more time outdoors. Any passivity is contraindicated! You may be annoyed by the inaction of other people, but you should not start quarrels: the nervous system on this day is very vulnerable, there can be unpleasant consequences.

What not to do : quarrel and sort things out; carry out explosive work; repair electrical appliances, work with electricity unless absolutely necessary; to enter into marriage or any contracts; borrow or lend money, arrange loans.

Purchases : only essential purchases! Better to postpone any major purchases.

♈♉ 24 JANUARY, Wednesday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 11:30.ARIES , TAURUS from 16:41

Moon without course from 07:16 to 16:40

Symbols of the day : phoenix, milky way (bat, mother's milk).

Compound Mercury-Pluto this day will help you seriously delve into your thought process and come up with a way out in a difficult situation. This time is suitable for deep analysis of some issues, for thinking over ideas, for making plans. Discussion of financial issues with partners is not excluded. However, it is impossible to start any important business today, since the Moon will be off course for most of the working day, and then it will be weakened by a change in phase.

What not to do : start important business; conclude contracts, get married; negotiate; carry out any real estate transactions; engage in capital investments, purchases of goods for sale.

Purchases : it is better to postpone any purchases.

♉ 25 JANUARY, Thursday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 11:52.TAURUS

I quarter, second phase of the Moon from 01:22

Symbols of the day : milky way (bat, mother's milk), fountain (mushroom, water source, phallus).

The first half of the day promises to be very successful for solving various issues related to money and financial documents. This day is good to use for solving money problems, for drawing up wills, for signing contracts, capital investments, purchases. You can conduct negotiations, meetings, conferences, make requests to the authorities or to lawyers. You can go on a trip. But the best time for all these questions - from 09:00 to 14:30!

What not to do : before 09:00 it is better not to borrow / lend money, to issue loans!

Purchases : a good day for various purchases, but especially the period from 09:00 to 14:30 is suitable for this.

♉♊ 26 JANUARY, Friday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 12:18.TAURUS , TWINS from 20:41

Moon without course from 06:17 to 20:40

Symbols of the day : fountain (mushroom, water source, phallus), crown (ridge, fire sword, labyrinth).

ALL DAY MOON WITHOUT COURSE! Be careful with any undertakings: if you want the business to have good results, bear fruit and be successful, do not start it on the moon without a course! This day is more suitable for continuation of the... You can do things related to the house, land. In the evening, you can visit any cultural events, go to a restaurant. It is better not to get acquainted today, at least until 21:00.

What not to do : borrow / lend money, arrange loans; get into disputes; to get married, get acquainted.

Purchases : don't shop on the moon without a course! You can make small purchases after 21:00 (for example, online shopping).

♊ 27 JANUARY, Saturday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 12:51.TWINS

Symbols of the day : crown (ridge, fire sword, labyrinth), chalice (heart).

Approaching the negative aspect Mercury-Uranus does not advise signing and drawing up documents, as the results can be quite unexpected. This day can also be associated with all sorts of surprises. People suffering from nervous diseases may aggravate the disease. It will be difficult to concentrate on work, so it is better to rest on this day. We do not recommend going on trips today, especially by plane.

What not to do : borrow / lend money, arrange loans; move, address with requests and suggestions to the authorities.

Purchases : Better to postpone: the purchase may result in unpleasant surprises.

♊♋ 28 JANUARY, Sunday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 13:35.TWINS , CANCER from 21:59

Moon without course from 13:39 to 21:58

Symbols of the day : bowl (heart), wheel (spinning wheel).

This day should not be chosen for solving important matters that are related to trading. Deals and negotiations can fail or go wrong the way you want them to. Today there may be some unexpected events, which can knock you out of your usual rut. Be careful with papers: there may be annoying mistakes, damage to documents, or documents may suddenly disappear.

On this day, you should refrain from any actions that can drain your nervous system. Better to have more rest, to do routine things.

What not to do : trust promises, start some important business, sign important documents. Make trade transactions, risk money, attend lectures and seminars, take exams and tests.

Purchases : it is better to postpone, especially when the moon is without a course!

♋ 29 JANUARY, Monday. 13th, 14th lunar day from 14:31.CANCER

Symbols of the day : wheel (spinning wheel), pipe (call).

The eclipse of the moon is approaching, so today and in the coming week it is better not to take important things. This day is good for rest and relaxed routine, which should not be postponed. This is especially true for some household chores. It is good to spend the evening with your family or other close relatives.

What not to do : move; start construction; to register marriage; make any important decisions regarding family and children; going on dates, especially the first ones; meet.

Purchases : small purchases, food purchases.

♋♌ 30 JANUARY, Tuesday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 15:40.CANCER , A LION from 21:54

Moon without course from 19:40 to 21:53

Symbols of the day : trumpet (call), fire serpent (jackal with wings).

This day can bring you a lot of surprises, which will not always turn out to be positive. May come bad news from relatives, or in connection with your home or land. Be especially careful with any electrical appliances that day: there is a risk of electric shock! Remember that the days before eclipses can be quite dangerous for some. It is better to do your usual routine things on this day, not to start new things.

What not to do : move; start construction; to register marriage; make any important decisions regarding family and children; going on dates, especially the first ones; meet; repair electrical appliances; draw up various documents; start learning a foreign language.

Purchases : don't shop on the moon without a course! You shouldn't buy something essential, small purchases for home and family are acceptable.

WANING MOON from 16:28

♌ 31 JANUARY, Wednesday. 15th, 16th lunar day from 16:59.A LION

FULL MOON at 4:28 pm


Symbols of the day : fiery serpent (jackal with wings), butterfly (dove).

This is the day of the lunar eclipse when it is better to postpone any important business, especially those related to important documents, a new position, new business beginnings, new projects. Although eclipses, by and large, do not affect all people, but can give events to those who are affected by personal cards. Yet elective astrology advises not to take risks. Those with heart problems should be careful, as Moon in Leo aggravates heart disease.

What not to do : overexert yourself; start any new business; borrow / lend money, arrange loans.

Purchases : better to postpone.

Various things and the most favorable days for them in JANUARY 2018

Cleaning:5-7, 15, 16
Wet cleaning:5-7, 17-19
Washing:2, 3, 10-12, 27, 28
Washing windows and glass: 3-5, 7-9, 12-14
Dry cleaning:2-14
Repair start:10, 11, 15
Home construction start: 21
Moving:17, 18, 25
Signing important documents: 15, 21, 25
Looking for a new job: 5, 6
Appeal to the bosses: 3, 12-15
Transfers and receiving money, loans, debts: 10, 12, 14. 25
Dating, Dating, Engagement: 3, 4, 7-9, 12, 13
Vacation trips to the reservoirs: 12, 14, 20, 21
Trips to rest homes and sanatoriums: 12, 14, 21, 20
Trips to the mountains:15
Business trips: 5, 6, 15
Visiting theaters, concerts, cinemas, museums, exhibitions: 3, 4, 7-9, 24-26
Banquets and celebrations: 3. 4, 7-9, 26
Weddings:9, 10, 20, 21
Judicial and Legal Issues: 12, 14, 21
Solving important financial issues: 10, 25
Investment: 12, 14, 25
Commercial activity: 5, 6
Winning in gambling and lotteries: 3
Exchange operations: 25
Paperwork: 5, 6, 12, 25
Making wills: 17, 19, 20, 25
Insurance:5, 6, 10
Advertising:3, 12, 20, 21
Small purchases:5, 6, 12-14
Large purchases: 10, 15
Shopping for cosmetics, perfumes, clothes, jewelry: 3, 7-9, 17, 25
Property purchases: No
Buying a car: 10, 11
The likelihood of unexpected spending: 1, 2, 7, 9, 14, 16, 22, 23, 28, 30
Loss of money, deception, scam, fraud: 1, 4, 5, 13, 27
The most successful and favorable days of the month: 3, 10, 12, 25
Dangerous and unfavorable days of the month: 1, 7, 8, 14, 16, 22, 24, 28

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