Home Vegetables What questions can you ask your future husband? The engagement or what questions to ask the husband-to-be. How to deepen the relationship between a man and a woman

What questions can you ask your future husband? The engagement or what questions to ask the husband-to-be. How to deepen the relationship between a man and a woman

In this article, I have collected the most important questions about love for a guy. You can ask them to your man or husband. Open-ended questions for couples will help make your relationship more harmonious and bring it to a better level.

Many take the relationship between a man and a woman for granted. But in order for them to bring mutual joy and pleasure, you need to work on them, get feedback from your partner and draw conclusions.

This article is for those who:

  • Is in a relationship or married
  • Afraid of losing the emotional component of the relationship
  • Wants to get closer to a man and understand him
  • Interested in developing harmonious relationships

How to deepen the relationship between a man and a woman

Instead of working on relationships, many couples prefer to ignore minor troubles and conflicts and live according to the principle "if I hide the rubbish under the carpet, no one will see it there anyway." Over time, dissatisfaction with each other accumulates, turning into a series of mutual claims and dissatisfaction. How can you avoid this? Talk. Ask each other questions and get feedback.

Before we get to the main questions, let's figure out what stage your relationship is at.

If you are currently in a conflict phase, these questions are not worth asking. They can provoke a negative reaction. Ideally, you should do this when everything is smooth in your relationship.

In addition, please note that if your couple does not have closeness and openness to each other, the answers to these questions can be quite categorical and even hurt you. Ready to face the truth and work through the “awkward” moments? Then read on.

Question number 1

What are the pros and cons do you see in me as a woman?

Psychological questions for a guy can be easier than you might imagine! If you want to know what your man thinks about you, just ask him about it. How to do it? Yes, as it is convenient for you: you can ask this question out loud or ask him about it in text format - this way the man will have time to think over his answer and formulate his thought normally. Ask him to write 5 main pros and 5 cons.

“What are the pros and cons do you see in me as a woman / wife? The more honestly you describe them, the better. It is very important for me to get your feedback. Just like in a woman - not in a person, not in a person, but in a woman / wife ”.

Watch my new video on this topic:

Click on the video and you will learn even more interesting things about how to improve relationships with a man and bring them to a new level. Like and subscribe to my YouTube channel!

Question number 2

Tell me what it makes sense for me to learn?

This question goes in conjunction with the previous one: “Tell me, please, but what do you think it makes sense for me to learn? Please advise which training courses, in your opinion, it makes sense for me to go to? I want to go somewhere to learn, to become better. I am interested in your advice, in what else can I become better as a person, as a woman? "

And here it is important that you yourself understand the essence of this question - not “for you to become better, so that you love me more,” but in general. Not from the bottom-up position, when it deserves love, no. And from the position of equal, full-fledged personalities who are interested in each other's opinion.

Question number 3

How can I support you when you feel bad?

Men are people too. They also find it difficult, sad and painful, but more often than not they do not show it. The woman, intuitively feeling that “something is wrong with him,” instead of support begins to saw the man, in an attempt to find out what is happening to him.

A man is angry: he is already not ok, and here you are with your questions and obsessive support. Perhaps your man at such moments just needs to exhale and sit in silence so that he is not touched? Having received an answer to this question from him, you will know in advance how to behave and you will be able to understand what kind of support he wants to see in your face when he has to face problems.

“Please tell me how can I support you as a man when difficulties arise in your life? What kind of support would you like to see from me? And, which is very important, what would you definitely not want in such a situation? Perhaps I have already made some mistakes and somehow acted incorrectly in relation to you. Please share. ”

Question number 4

What is the best way for me to act when I feel like doing something?

A man is not a telepathic person. He really does not always understand your hints and is not able to predict your desires. Deal with it. It so happens that a woman waits for months from a man for flowers for no reason: “I’ll wait another week, and suddenly she will guess. Spring is outside, tulips are everywhere. Doesn't he understand that he has to look after me and give me flowers? "

No, you shouldn't. No, he doesn't. It is possible that flowers were not given in his family scenario. It is possible that his father simply brought money and gave it to his mother.

“I want to ask you what is the best way for me to act when I really need something, or I really want something? Now I will explain what I mean. Perhaps a gift of some kind, your attention or some kind of action on your part. Maybe I just plainly want you to give me a bouquet of flowers. Please tell me, how can I best hint to you about this? To speak directly or maybe write an SMS with a request? "

Question number 5

How would you diversify our sex?

Intimate life is a very important part of the relationship between a man and a woman. And this question will surely help make your relationship better. But do not ask directly on the forehead whether your sex life suits him.

He will not show you on his fingers or explain in words how he would diversify your games in bed. Or, suppose you ask him this question before bed, after a hellishly hard day - what do you think he will answer? Most likely, that everything suits him and he only dreams of one thing - to get enough sleep.

The best way is to write to him and ask him to send you 3 links from the net about what he would like to try in bed. Intrigue him and promise to send him 3 links in return. Surely, you also have desires in this regard.

Question number 6

What can I do to make you feel even more comfortable with me?

A question that can be asked about your pastime and personal communication. A man may want something specific, which you yourself will never guess. What is important to him as a man. Talk to him about the fact that he is especially pleased when he is next to you.

Question number 7

How would you like us to hang out with you after work?

Women and men may have different ideas about daily rest. Maybe he wants you to wonder how he spent his day. Or maybe he just needs to be silent after important negotiations, and your best gift for him will be half an hour of absolute silence. Talk to him about important points about his mood: when he returns from work in a good mood, and when he comes tired.

“What is your ideal vision for our communication after work? Can you give me some step by step instructions? In what cases do you want me to communicate with you, and in what cases do you want me not to touch you at all? "

Question number 8

I want to become the best for you, tell me how?

Having learned the answer to this question, you will come closer to understanding his inner world and seeing you as the woman of your dreams.

“What can I do, improve myself, change so that you look at me with pleasure and understand that this is the best woman in the world? Name 3 points. "

You will receive valuable advice from him, you will learn that it is really important for him to see in his chosen one. In most cases, this question can hook the right strings in your partner's soul and awaken in him the desire to talk about his desires. Well, or you will find out that you are already the embodiment of the ideal for him and find out why he fell in love with you!

Question number 9

How should I behave if I am offended by you?

I can assume that in the process of reading this material, some readers had a question not for their boyfriend or man, but for me.

You, Yaroslav, have listed only those questions that are aimed at making me better in a relationship. But you can't always be good? Life consists not only of pleasantries, but also of quarrels, misunderstandings. Both boys and girls are wrong. What then to be, how to behave if I am offended by my young man?

Each couple has minor quarrels based on mutual misunderstanding. And that's okay. After all, relationships are based on the gradual study of each other in different situations. What should be done in case of a quarrel?

Talk to him before this happens.

“If something embarrasses me in our relationship or for some reason I was upset (I may be right, or I may not be right, but at the same time I feel some kind of sadness or resentment), can I talk to you about it? At what point is it better to do this? Immediately or, for example, during your work? Give me some vision of yours, please. "

What is the right way to ask a man questions that will help bring your relationship to the next level?

  • Don't ask him all these questions one by one. You shouldn't say every day when you come home from work: "Dear, we will now have a serious adult conversation!" You can sort them out and ask casually.
  • These questions are only suitable for couples in a relationship. It is very important that you understand exactly what is between you. Perhaps you now do not have a relationship, but you are just a lover for him and that suits you. After all, this is everyone's personal right. But then be prepared that such questions can scare a man away.
  • If at this stage of your life together you have formed a great trusting relationship: the man really loves you, does not criticize you with or without reason, you have intimacy, trust and understanding - all questions can be asked at once. Present them as a kind of game, and you will see how the man will show interest and start asking you similar questions in return.
  • Another important and very subtle point: unfortunately, not all men will be able to answer these questions. Many of them themselves do not know how to better support them, how to react correctly to the fact that you are offended. Why? Because he never thought about it. In this case, do not push and give the man time to think about the answers.
  • I believe that building a relationship is like building a house. For a house to be good, at least, you need to lay a correct and solid foundation. Mutual understanding and the process of constant study of a partner is a sign of an advanced woman.

That is why I invite you to my free online course "Man is an honest instruction for use", where for 5 days in a row I am absolutely free to tell women about the psychology of relationships with a man. Make up your mind! The course takes place every week and is available for viewing from anywhere in the world.

And, of course, I will be happy to receive feedback from you. Please leave a comment under this article: write what you liked and what you didn’t. Was the material useful for you and with what questions would you like to start a confidential conversation with your man?

Thanks for reading to the end. Yaroslav Samoilov.

It seems to us that not which of its proposed questions can help not only those who want to link their fate with overseas suitors, but also ladies who enter into correspondence with compatriots from other cities.

How can recognize a person? Just listening. And, of course, by asking the necessary questions wherein. How can to win over a man? Right! Listening and asking questions... How do you get him to reply to your emails? Again ask questions to make it interesting for the respondent to answer.

And it would seem that there are so many things I want to know and ask ... But often, when we write a letter, the necessary questions do not come to mind. It is for this case that we made our questionnaire... These questions will help you with correspondence... And they will also help ask other questions, which interesting to you and your chosen one.

So 101 question, which you can ask your future husband at correspondence:

1. How do you like to spend your evenings?

2. What did you do last night and what are your plans for today?

3. What is your ideal day off?

4. Do you like to go out or do you prefer to relax at home?

5. How often do you take vacations?

6. How many vacation days are given to workers in your country?

7. How do you spend your holidays?

8. Do you like to travel?

9. What countries have you been to?

10. Do you prefer active recreation or passive?

11. Have you been to Russia?

12. How many times have you been to Russia and in connection with what?

13. Do you know Russian?

14. What languages ​​do you know?

15. What was your favorite subject in school?

16. What is your favorite holiday?

17. What kind of cuisine do you prefer?

18. Do you like to cook?

19. Where do you usually have dinner?

20. What do you prefer to drink at dinner?

21. Do you smoke?

22. Do you have a hobby?

23. What kind of music do you like?

24. What films do you prefer to watch?

25. Do you like to listen to the radio in the car?

26. Do you like theaters, concerts and exhibitions?

27. Do you go in for sports?

28. What is your favorite sport?

30. Do you like computer games?

31. What do you like to give or receive more gifts?

32. What's your favorite color?

33. Do you prefer to get up early? Do you like to lie a little longer?

34. What's your favorite clothing style?

35. How far away do your parents live?

36. How often do you visit them?

37. Do your parents visit you?

38. Do your parents know that you are looking for a wife in Russia?

39. Tell us about your family, please.

40. What did your parents do?

41. Do you have brothers and sisters?

42. Do you often get together?

43. Who is the head of the family in your parents' family?

44. How far do your children (child) live?

45. How often do you meet?

46. ​​How long do children live with you?

47. How do you spend time together?

48. How do you think they will treat your future wife?

49. Has their mother remarried?

50. How is their relationship with their stepfather going?

51. What do they (he) dream of being?

52. Sorry if this is not correct question but why didn't you have children? If you don’t want to, then don’t answer.

53. What kind of relationship do you have with your ex-wife?

54. Do you want a common child in marriage?

55. How long have you divorced?

56. What do you think is the reason for your divorce?

57. Who do you live with?

58. Do you have pets?

59. I have heard that people abroad prefer to rent housing than to buy their own. This is true?

60. Are you renting a house apartment or is it your property?

61. How many rooms are in your house?

62. In what style is the furniture in your house?

63. Who helps you with the housework?

64. Do you plan to move to another house after the wedding?

65. Do you live in the city or outside the city?

66. How long does it take to get to the nearest big city?

67. Is there public transport in the city?

68. Will your future wife be able to drive a car with a Russian license?

69. Tell us a little about your city / village / metropolis?

70. Why do you live in this particular place?

71. Are there any Russian communities in the city, a shop, a mosque, a church, or a school?

72. Have you met Russians in your area?

73. What do you think your future wife will be able to do?

74. Will she be able to find a job, if she wants, and what kind?

75. Will your future wife be able not to work at first?

76. Is there a cart opportunity study in your city?

77. Are there malls, theaters, museums, concert halls in the city?

78. What do you think my profession (indicate which one) is in demand in your country?

79. Are there English (or any other language) courses in your city?

80. If you won a million, what would you do?

81. If a fire starts unexpectedly, what will you take out of the house with you in the first place?

82. Do you have friends?

83. Tell me about your friends?

84. What is your education?

85. Who and where do you work?

86. What is your relationship with the leader?

87. What kind of relationship with colleagues?

88. How long have you been working in this company and in this position?

89. Are you satisfied with your salary?

90. How much would you like to receive in order to live in order to enjoy life?

91. Would you work if you had a million in your account?

92. Where do you see yourself in five years?

93. How do you see your life in ten years?

94. Tell me the funniest incident in your life?

95. Tell me the worst incident in your life?

96. How old were you when you first kissed?

97. What does sex mean to you?

98. Do you plan sex or prefer spontaneous sex?

99. What is the first thing you do in the morning?

100. Why are you looking for a wife in Russia?

101. What is your idea of ​​an ideal family?

Misconceptions about love and marriage are often the cause of problems in an already established family. It is better if the decision to marry is balanced. The following 100 questions will help you better prepare yourself for making the final decision about whether to get married or get married. Are your views on a future family similar? Does your partner share your outlook on life, your values, tastes and passions?
A frank conversation is an attempt to give unexpected and frank answers to all exciting life questions.
For this conversation, it is important to create an atmosphere of ease and mutual trust. Don't be afraid to let it show itself from all sides. If you let go of your expectations and actually try to figure out who he is, the man will immediately appreciate it. He will feel free and will gladly answer your questions.

1. If we exclude physical attraction from our relationship, what will remain?

3. If I gain extra pounds, will it affect our sexual relations? If so, how?

4. Is it important for you to know that I am a virgin? Why? Or why not?

5. What are my actions that make you doubt my love?

6. What do you consider sexually unattractive? What turns you off about sex?

7. How dramatically our relationship will change if we cannot have children for medical reasons?

8. What do you think means: a) never need to apologize; b) you always need to apologize; c) know when to apologize; d) always apologize first?


1. What are the key moments of childhood that most influenced behavior and attitudes?

2. Is it possible to revive old feelings if you meet an ex-girlfriend, even if we will be bound by obligations?

3. Is there something in your past that I should definitely know about?

4. What did you dislike the most about your ex?

5. If your former partner made a list of your worst traits, what would they be?

6. Do you keep letters or other memorabilia from past relationships? Why? Or why not?

8. Have you ever been involved in criminal activities? If so, what was it?

9. Was any violence (sexual, psychological, physical) used by your parents against each other, or against you?

10. Have you had any experience of getting rid of addictions? Tell me, what was it?

11. Have you been violent in past relationships?


1. Were there moments when you were not comfortable with my communication with the opposite sex? When, and what were these situations?

3. Are you comfortable transferring all your savings to my bank account?

4. Who will come first, your spouse or your children?

5. If a situation occurs in which trust is undermined. Will it disappear instantly, or will it go away with time?

6. Do you trust me with your savings?

7. Are we allowed to open each other's letters, read incoming mail, sms?


1. What is our difference? Will this be a cause for conflict in the future? Do our differences complement each other?

2. Do you plan to change your lifestyle after marriage? That is, you will be spending the same amount of time with your friends, family and work colleagues? Why yes or why no?

3. How were conflicts in your family resolved as a child? Do you approve of these methods? Are you going to change these methods in the future family?

4. Is there anything about marriage that scares you?

5. Do you like living in a big city? Outside the city? Why?

6. If I have to move for work, will you support me? Will you come with me?

7. How will I affect you if I have to leave often in order to: a) visit my relatives; b) on business trips, on work issues; c) on issues related to my favorite hobby; d) deal with stress?

8. Suppose we have an insoluble problem in our family. In what order will you turn to outsiders for help: a) divorce lawyer; b) parents; c) sister or brother; d) family psychologist; e) friends; g) me? Why?

9. How do you feel about my hobbies?

10. How do you react if it becomes necessary for my parents to live with us?

11. How will we plan our vacation, rest?


1. Do you want children?

2. If we are unable to have children, should we accept it?

3. What methods of upbringing do you plan to choose: a) in the same way as you were brought up b) radically opposite c) together, both this and that method

4. How long after the wedding do you plan to have children?

5. What kind of education would you like to give your children? Do you plan to help them in this? How?

6. When our baby is born, who will change diapers, warm bottles, cook, do housework, bathe the baby, get up in the middle of the night, cry the baby, take the baby to the doctor, buy clothes and dress the baby?

7. What parenting methods do you plan to apply to correct the child's behavior in adolescence?

Situations that are not customary to talk about

1. If I have bad breath, bad body odor, stale clothes, will you tell me about it? Should I tell you these things? Why or why not?

2. Do you consider me a moody person? How will you react to my whims, tantrums and bad mood?

3. Do you like my choice of clothes? Do you approve of my taste unconditionally?

4. What annoys you in my family?

5. Will you be irritated or embarrassed by such reactions of my body as: rumbling, belching, gas emission?

6. Is there anything in your work that is forbidden that could hurt me, or cause an extremely negative reaction?

7. Do you think that the family should be preserved under all circumstances, even if it makes you unhappy?

8. When you need personal space, you will move away from


1. Under what circumstances do you allow borrowing money on credit?

2. How much debt do you have at the moment?

3. Are you stressed when you are in financial difficulties? How are you used to dealing with him?

4. How often do you use credit cards? What do you buy with their help?

5. Should we prepare our family for the financial crisis?

Even dating a guy for a while is not a fact that you are 100% compatible. What should a girl ask a man / boyfriend before getting married to understand how compatible they are as a couple? In this article, we will look at interesting questions for a guy that will help a girl understand his thoughts about love, relationships, family and marriage.

Thanks to these questions, the girl will receive an assessment of the alleged marriage partner and will he understand her man or not? Does she want to live with this person or not? Why would she want to marry him? What will their life be like?

And if the girl realizes that the guy is not the person with whom she would like to connect her life, then she will be able to protect herself from heart pain. Therefore, we advise you to carefully consider the list of questions that you need to ask your boyfriend (your potential groom) in order to get to know him better.

10 interesting questions to a guy about love

  1. How many people do you love? What are you ready to do and are you doing for them?
  2. What do you expect from your future wife? What kind of woman do you want to see her in marriage?
  3. Because of what you may have doubts about the love of a girl?
  4. Suppose a friend asks your advice on what to choose: love or money? What advice would you give him?
  5. Why do you love Me?
  6. Why is it hard for guys to tell girls about their love when they love them seriously?
  7. Out of love for a girl, can you take the blame on yourself, for example, in a road accident?
  8. Why is it difficult for many guys?
  9. How can I prove my love for you in practice?

Interesting questions for the guy about the family

Questions to your beloved boyfriend to get him interested

  1. What are you ready to sacrifice for the sake of your beloved?
  2. Does selfless love exist in a relationship or not?
  3. Does love mean that a husband / wife should turn a blind eye to the misdeeds of a partner in life?
  4. How do you understand the expression "love does not seek its own"?
  5. Can love prevent irritation? How?
  6. What should a loving person avoid?
  7. How to strengthen, strengthen your love?
  8. How can you show your love for a woman in practice?
  9. How can a husband and wife show love to each other on a daily basis?
  10. Should a wife constantly show her love to her husband, and what is the best way to do this?
  11. How should a woman behave in order to always be loved by her man?
  12. Is it always important to apologize in family conflicts? Who should be the first to apologize: a man or a woman?
  13. Are modern men capable of selfless love? How does it manifest itself?
  14. What actions or words of your girlfriend can bring you pain, trouble?

Unusual questions for a guy

  1. Are you adventurous in relationships or not?
  2. What are the pros of being a man?
  3. What makes a woman beautiful in your eyes?
  4. What kind of relationship mistake you’ll never make again?
  5. Are you more like a father or a mother in character?
  6. Should a successful man be humorous or strict and serious?
  7. How will you deal with unemployment if one day you will be unemployed? (We advise you to find out if he does not want to provide for his family?)
  8. What is your attitude towards an office romance? What will you do if this is the only opportunity for your significant other to move up the career ladder?
  9. What do you choose: be loved, rich or famous?
  10. What do you give priority to: professional career and personal growth or personal life?
  11. Is there more feminine beauty in the eyes or in the smile?

Provocative questions to a guy about a relationship

  1. Mind if your girlfriend wants to dye her hair red, blue or any other color?
  2. If a man is wrong, should he apologize to a woman? Can this be called a sign of weakness?
  3. Is a man considered henpecked when he helps his wife, for example, to hang clothes?
  4. What is your attitude towards the "old men" who abandoned their wives to marry a young woman?
  5. What do you want to do before the wedding? Suddenly, you will not have time to do what you have planned, will you regret that you hurried with the wedding?
  6. What is your attitude towards arranged marriage or prenuptial agreement?
  7. What is your attitude towards “empty promises”?
  8. How close are you planning to maintain your relationship with your wife's relatives?
  9. Does a husband have a responsibility to discuss serious family matters with his wife?
  10. If a beautiful stranger asks you a date, will you agree?

Questions for your beloved boyfriend

  1. What qualities do you want to see in your wife?
  2. What qualities should a woman look for in a future marriage mate?
  3. What feminine qualities a man must pay attention to when choosing a future marriage companion?
  4. What can get in the way of happiness in marriage?
  5. Do you think a wife can be her husband's best friend? How can she become one?
  6. Can religious differences affect marriage?
  7. You're jealous? What does appropriate or inappropriate jealousy mean? How to avoid undue jealousy?
  8. How do you see your role in marriage? What is the role of your wife?
  9. What is your opinion: how to avoid family disagreements and tensions?
  10. What prevents husbands from treating their wives well?
  11. Why do husbands stop being considerate of their wives after several years of marriage?
  12. What mistakes should be avoided in marriage?
  13. Should a girl rush to get married?
  14. Is money the key to a happy marriage or not?
  15. What does husband and wife mean - one whole?

Questions to the guy about the relationship

  1. What qualities does a man want most in a woman he likes?
  2. How many times have you fallen in love?
  3. What qualities do you hate the most in a woman?
  4. How old were you when you first started dating a girl?
  5. When you are asked to describe me or tell about me, how will I appear in your description?
  6. Do you think that when a husband and wife are different in character, they can be a happy married couple? Does this strengthen the marriage or is it a source of constant conflict?
  7. Have you ever had your heart broken?
  8. Easily get along with people, make friends or not?
  9. Ever broke someone's heart?
  10. Can you honestly tell your girlfriend your opinion about her appearance, figure, weight?
  11. In one survey, people were divided. What is your opinion: the man acted wisely by giving his wife to another for $ 1,000,000?
  12. What would your wife like to do? Is this a must for spouses in a relationship?
  13. What do you value most in friends, friendship?
  14. What was the funniest thing a girl asked you to do?
  15. What does friendship mean to you?
  16. What will you do when you notice admiring statements or sidelong glances from other men at your girlfriend?
  17. What is the opinion of your friends about your girlfriend?
  18. Ever confessed his love to a girl? Have feelings for her?
  19. Could you tell your loved one something that you haven't told anyone else?
  20. What will you do if your friend says that your chosen one is not suitable for you?

Personal questions for a guy

  1. What is more preferable for you: play billiards with friends, go fishing, arrange a romantic dinner for your wife, with whom you quarreled the day before?
  2. What is your attitude to flirting? Does a married woman have the right to flirt with other men?
  3. Have you ever hit women? Could hit your wife and for what offense?
  4. Can spouses have any secrets or omissions from each other?
  5. Could you talk to your marriage partner on different topics? It comes easy for you
  6. Do you have health problems? Is it worth talking about them with the prospective marriage partner before the wedding?
  7. Are you able to concede in an argument? In what case?
  8. Why can you stop trusting a woman? What should a life partner not do so as not to lose your trust?
  9. If I hide something from my past, can you trust me?
  10. Your parents quarreled among themselves, how did they resolve their conflicts? How would you resolve such conflicts in your family?
  11. After marriage, do you want to live for yourself, without children? How long? Is it worth doing this or not?
  12. How do you feel about children? Do you want to have children and how many?
  13. Should a couple be sure to register their relationship or is it better to live in a civil marriage?
  14. What does a girl need to do to constantly warm up her husband's love for herself?
  15. If dating your girlfriend's twin sister is considered cheating or not?

Summing up

Relationships are an integral part of our life. It's perfectly normal to wish for a good relationship with a guy or man you like. But for this relationship to be lifelong, the girl needs to seriously and honestly answer herself how compatible she is with this person.

We considered interesting questions for a guy that you can and should ask him even before marriage. When a girl asks a guy questions about family, love and relationships, she, according to his answers, tries to understand the way of thinking of her boyfriend on family relationships and what kind of marriage companion he will be for her. So that her decision to marry him was balanced and serious.

The first and most important question that your future husband will have to ask is: "Why do you love me?" Many people find this question stupid, but, nevertheless, it still matters. And by the way, the answer “I just love you because I love you” does not count. If your future spouse claims that he truly loves you, then he must certainly know why he does it. In other words, for what reason? Is he impressed by your beauty, or is he won over by your mental faculties? Or maybe he saw an extraordinary personality in you?

Yes, each of us has our own criteria for choosing a partner, we are looking for a loyal, kind, intelligent and attractive person. However, to hear: “I love you because thanks to you my whole life has changed” is priceless. Surely knowing what a man loves you for, you can be confident and calm for a joint future.

Why do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?

The answer, “Because I love you, baby,” is not appropriate for one simple reason. The fact is that any passionate love has a habit of ending at the most inopportune moment, so there must be some other reason. Your beloved should understand why he offered you to grow old together. This seemingly simple question will not only contribute to assessing your own importance in the life of your partner, but will also help your future husband to realize what life twists and turns he is ready to share with you. You set small goals for yourself and achieve them together.

Do you agree to grow with me?

Life does not stand still, circumstances change rapidly and it is necessary to keep up with these changes. Your spouse-to-be should be aware that you are not going to lock yourself in four walls, devoting yourself exclusively to the culinary arts and cleaning. Sooner or later, you will want to leave the cozy family nest into the light, go headlong into work, achieve some heights, in the end, feel significant not only in a shared apartment, but in the big world too. So the question of whether your beloved man is ready to develop with you, or at least not to hinder your personal growth, is of great importance. And then, in the end, marriage is not the end of your existence as a person. You, like your beloved, have a responsibility to keep developing and trying to fulfill your dreams.

Will we stick together in tough times?

As you know, life is like a zebra, so the white stripe will certainly change to black, the question is how soon this will happen. Each of us needs to know that if we find ourselves in a difficult situation, our beloved will stay with us, will be our support and support. Otherwise, by and large, why is it needed at all? If this is true love, no difficulties should prevent you from being together, on the contrary, problems only bring those who truly love each other closer together. But here's the question: is your partner ready for the hardships? Does he agree to share with you not only joy and success?

Are you ready to give up some things in favor of a relationship?

Since childhood, the word "love" has been associated with love for family and friends, for a beloved dog or toy. And it is very difficult at times to switch to feelings for the opposite sex. In childhood, love was disinterested. We were loved for what we are and did not demand anything in return. And having matured, we understand that in our life we ​​need to sacrifice something in the name of love. By personal time, habits, or style. However, when love is mutual, then all our sacrifices are justified. To keep your marriage alive, you need to be good at prioritizing. No, this does not mean at all that immediately after the stamp appears in your passport, you will certainly have to say goodbye to your friends, hobbies and everything that you loved before the wedding. However, it is necessary to understand, both for you and your chosen one, that now you have something more important, so between a family outing to the store and watching a football match, a man will most likely have to make a choice not in favor of football. Do not forget to ask him if he is ready for such sacrifices for the sake of love?

Will you support me when I need it?

Not only financially, but also spiritually. Sometimes we just need support. And when real trouble happens, and even if it's just a tough day. By the way, this does not mean at all that for our sake you need to move mountains every day (although, of course, it would be nice), it is enough just to hug when we are sad and lonely.

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