Home Vegetables Stone flowers story. Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: "Stone Flower". Mistress of the Copper Mountain

Stone flowers story. Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: "Stone Flower". Mistress of the Copper Mountain

He lived in the Urals, a very good, but no longer young master of malachite. Therefore, the owner decided that the master would pass on his craft further. For this reason, he ordered his teacher to find an apprentice for this master. Many guys were brought by the clerk, but they did not fit the foreman. All the boys were afraid of the master, and their parents did not want to send their child to the master. And so Danila got to the master. The boy was an orphan, so there was no one to intercede for him. Danila surprised the master from the first day, he pointed out to him the mistake. After all, the boy's eye was accurate, he could feel the stone and how the pattern falls on it in order to show its beauty.

The master lived alone, since his wife died, and he had no children, and therefore the master became attached to the orphan.

The owner himself heard about the young talented master. After that, Danila began to trust the manufacture of not simple things from malachite.

Once he was given a drawing of a special bowl and allowed to make it without time limits. But the clerk had to make sure that the master did not help Danila. Danila took up the bowl, but the work did not please him. The bowl was not to his liking - he did not see the shine in it. Having received the permission of the clerk, Danila the master decided to make a new cup at his will, he wanted to show all the charm of the stone. One old master told the story of a stone flower that is in a cave at the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. Whoever manages to see this stone flower understands all the charm of the stone, but forever falls into the mining masters to the Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

Danila, the master, began to wander and look for such a flower in order to make his own bowl by its analogue, which can convey all the charm of the stone. Once, wandering through the mine and looking for a stone for his bowl, Danila heard a woman's voice advising him to look for a stone near the Serpent Mountain. Near this mountain Danila found the stone he needed and began to work. Work on the bowl went well right away, but it soon stopped. The upper part of the flower did not come out. Danila even told his bride that he was ready to postpone the wedding, he was so carried away by work.

Danila really wanted to see this impeccable, gorgeous stone flower and again went to the Snake Mountain. There he saw the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. Hearing his story that the cup did not work out, she offered to take a new stone, but create the cup herself. In spite of everything, Danila, nevertheless, wanted to look at this beautiful flower. The mistress of the mountain told Danila that when he saw the flower, he would not want to live and work among people. He will return back to Copper Mountain. But Danila was persistent, and he managed to look at a beautiful stone flower.

When he returned home, he even told his bride that they would soon get married. But one day, Danila the master began to feel sad, and one day he took his cup, which, as it seemed to him, did not come out, and broke it. After which he left the house and no one ever saw him again.

They were looking for Danila for a long time. Some said that he was mentally moved and died in the forest, while others said that the Mistress of the Mountain took the master to her as a mining master.

Reading this tale, you realize that you do not need to look for supernatural and fabulous wealth while chasing it. You need to appreciate what is. You must be able to combine work and life.

Bazhov P., fairy tale "Stone Flower"

Genre: tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Stone Flower" and their characteristics

  1. Danilka Nedokormysh, Danilushko, Danilo-master. A very talented boy who is obsessed with his work.
  2. Prokopich. Old master. Danilka was like a son to him. Harsh but fair.
  3. The clerk. Greedy, cruel.
  4. Kate. Danilka's bride. A simple, kind and loyal girl.
  5. Mistress of Copper Mountain. A magical creature.
Plan for retelling the tale "The Stone Flower"
  1. The old master Prokopich and his students.
  2. How Danilka grazed cows
  3. Punishment
  4. Vikhorikha's grandmother
  5. In the students of Prokopich
  6. The bailiff arranges an exam
  7. Three bowls
  8. New order
  9. Ugly blueprint
  10. Finding the right stone
  11. The voice in the mine
  12. The necessary lump
  13. Dope bowl
  14. Bride Katya
  15. On the Snake Hill
  16. Mistress's Garden
  17. Sadness and sorrow
  18. Broken bowl.
The shortest content of the tale "Stone Flower" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Many students were given to Prokpyich, but he only took Danilka.
  2. Danilka became a master and ordered him a bowl according to the drawing ..
  3. Danilka didn't like the drawing, he went to look for another stone.
  4. He made a dope-bowl, but it did not seem alive.
  5. The Hostess took Danilka to her garden, showed a stone flower.
  6. Danilka broke his cup and disappeared.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Stone Flower"
Striving to achieve the ideal can drive a person crazy.

What the "Stone Flower" fairy tale teaches
The tale teaches striving for perfection, but not forgetting about the simple joys of life while working. First of all, it teaches us to remain human. Teaches hard work and perseverance. Teaches you to choose your own path in life. Teaches you to love loved ones, and not fictitious beauty.

Review of the fairy tale "Stone Flower"
I liked this story, although it has a sad end. Danilka was obsessed with his idea to create a stone bowl as a living flower. But even the most talented person cannot do this. Therefore, Danilka went crazy. He exchanged ordinary human life for the eternal striving for the ideal.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Stone Flower"
Live and learn.
Until the talent is received, the century is taught.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Your shirt is closer to your body.
The master's work is afraid.

Read a summary, a short retelling of the tale "Stone Flower"
In the old days, Master Prokopich lived in our area and no one could work with malachite better than him. So that his skills would not be lost, the master ordered the boys to be sent to Prokopich for training. But Prokopich rejected everyone, he did not like anyone. And since he taught everything with jabs, the children were not eager to become his pupils.
And so it came to Danilka Nedokormysh. There was that quiet boy about twelve years old, who was first sent to the Cossacks, but there he did not show himself, so they turned him over as a guardian. Only Danilka could not resist in the support. Everyone looked at the insects, and looked at the flowers, and his cows were scattered in all directions.
Only Danilka knew how well - to play the horn. So while playing him, and the trouble happened. The shepherds listened to his game, and several cows disappeared. So they were not found, apparently the wolves ate.
They decided to whip Danilka for this case. And he lies, silently accepting blows. So he almost died and everything was silent. Well, the clerk decided to give him, so patient, to Prokopyich if he survived.
Danilka's grandmother Vikhorikha, a local herbalist, came out. Danilka was well with her, he asked all my grandmother about flowers. And she also told about the fern and about the rupture-flower, and mentioned the stone flower.
As Danilka recovered, the clerk sent him to Prokopich. And he looked at the fellow and went to refuse, he was afraid that you would kill such a person inadvertently. But the clerk didn’t give and teach.
Prokopich returned, and Danilka looked at the malachite board to see where the cut was made in order to cut off the edge. Prokopich became curious and asked what the boy thought about this board. And Danilka says that the cut was made incorrectly; it is necessary to cut it from the other edge so as not to spoil the pattern. Prokopich, of course, made some noise, but he did not touch the boy, because he saw that he was right. Then he asked about life, fed him dinner, and put him to bed.
The next morning Prokopich sent Danilka to fetch viburnum. Then after the goldfinch, it went on, not work, but fun. Prokopich got used to Danilka, as he began to treat his son. And the boy does the job and looks closely at the skill. Prokopich asks about everything, he is interested in everything.
Once the bailiff caught Danilka on the pond, made a noise, and grabbed Prokopich by the ear. The old man is protecting Danilka, and the clerk arranged the exam for the boy. But whatever asks, Danilka has the correct answer ready for everything. The bailiff has left, and Prokopich wonders how the kid knows everything. Danilka replies that he noticed everything that the old man showed and explained. Prokopich shed a lot of tears with joy.
After that, the clerk Danilka began to assign work. Not the most difficult, but thorough. And Danilka quickly learned everything, but the clerk himself recognized him as a master, even wrote to the master about him.
And Danilka learned to read and write from the clerk. He stretched out himself, the handsome man began, the girls began to look at him. Only Danilka was immersed in the work.
And the master, in response to the clerk's letter, ordered Danila to make a stone bowl on a leg, in order to decide whether to leave him at the rent.
They gave Danila a new place, a machine, he set to work. At first he dragged on, but then he could not resist, he carved a vase. And the bailiff demands one more, then a third. And how Danilka did the third, the clerk was delighted, said that he now knew the full strength of Danilka, he would not be able to evade work.
But the master decided in his own way. He left Danilka with Prokopich, but appointed a trivial quitrent. Only a drawing of a new vase was sent, with a pattern of leaves. Danila began to make a vase, but he does not like it. Ugly. He turned to the clerk, and he made a little noise, but he remembered the order of the master, and allowed one to make one vase exactly according to the drawing, and the second as Danila himself wanted.
And Danilka thought about it. He began walking into the forest, looking at all the different flowers. Now he will take the master's bowl, then suddenly he will quit his job. Finally, he announced to Prokopich that he would make a cup from a dope-flower. But something went wrong with him, and Danila decided first to make the master's bowl. There is a lot of work there, not for one year.

And Prokopich began to talk about marriage, he offered Katya Lemitina as a bride. Only Danila refused everything, saying that he needed to finish with the cup first, and Katya would wait for him.
Finally Danil made the lordly thicket. Katya looks at her in surprise, the masters admire, there is nothing to complain about, everything is exactly according to the drawing. Danila alone is not happy, there is no beauty in the bowl. Got hot, arguing with the masters. And take one old man and tell him to throw this nonsense out of Danilushko's head, otherwise he will get to the Mistress as a mining master. And those masters saw the stone flower and understood its beauty. Their products seem to be alive.
And when Danilka heard about the stone flower, he began to ask the old man about it. The masters are noisy, Katya is in tears, the old man stands his ground - there is a stone flower and that's it.
Soon after that, Danilka went to gumshki, a suitable stone to look for. One will turn it over, I don't like it, the other doesn't fit. Suddenly he hears a woman's voice, which advises him to search on the Snake Hill. I was surprised, but I really decided to go to the Snake Hill. There I found a huge block, like a trimmed bush. Danila was delighted, brought a lump on a horse, showed it to Prokopich. He says that as I will make a cup, I will marry Katya.
Danilka hotly set to work, and a dope-flower turned out to be like a real one. The masters only shrug their hands, but Danila himself is not happy, there is no life in the bowl. I kept thinking how to fix it, but gave it up. He began to rush to get married.
The bailiff saw it as a bowl, wanted to send it to the master at once, but Danil detained him, said he needed to fix it a little.
They appointed a wedding for the Serpentine Day, and just the day before, Danila decided to go to the Serpentine Hill once again. He came, sat down, thought. Suddenly there was a warm breath. Danila looks, and opposite the Mistress herself is sitting, he recognized her by her beauty.
The Mistress asked about the bowl, and Danila began to ask her to show her the stone flower. The Mistress dissuaded him, but Danila stood his ground. And she took him to her garden. Danila is looking, but there are no walls, only stone trees are standing, with leaves, with twigs. The Mistress led Danila to a clearing, and there the bushes were black as velvet, each bell had a malachite bell, and in it was an antimony star.
Danilushka saw a stone flower, but realized that he would never find such a stone. And the Mistress moved her hand and Danila woke up in the same place, by the Snake Hill.
He returned home, at the party his bridegroom felt something bad. Katya took him home to see him off, and Danilushka did not amuse himself in any way.
He came home sad, looking at his bowl. Then he took it and chopped it into small pieces. And he did not touch the one that he did according to the drawing, he just spat in the middle. Danilushka ran out of the house and disappeared. Nobody saw him again. It was rumored that the Mistress took him to her as a master.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Stone Flower"

Date of creation: 1938.

Genre: tale.

Theme: creative work.

Idea: an artist must be devoted to his vocation and constantly strive for perfection, but not at the cost of giving up love and earthly (real) life.

Problems. The clash of reality and the artist's striving for the ideal, the inner conflict of an artist who belongs to the everyday world and strives to comprehend perfect beauty.

Main characters: Danila - master stone cutter; Prokopich - the master who taught Danila; Katerina is Danila's fiancée; Mistress of Copper Mountain.

Plot. Prokopich, the best malachite carver, had reached an old age, and the master ordered a boy to be assigned to him. But Prokopich did not need any students. He was annoyed by the stupid and incapable of working on the stone guys, he handed them jabs and cuffs and he tried to get rid of them.

But one day they imposed on him an orphan Danilka Nedokormysh, from which neither a Cossack nor a shepherd turned out. For the loss of cows, he was flogged to the point of unconsciousness. He was cured by a healer. She told Danilka about the stone flower that grows near the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. She also told that it is better for a person not to see a stone flower, otherwise misfortunes will haunt him all his life.

After Danilka recovered, the clerk brought him to Prokopich. Say, you can teach an orphan at will, there is no one to intercede. And Danilka quickly showed ingenuity in the stone-cutting business, his talent as an artist soon discovered. Prokopich became attached to Danilka, he did not have children of his own, and he became this boy instead of his father.

A little time passed, the clerk checked what Danilka had learned, and from that time on, Danilka's working life began. He worked and grew. Danila grew up a handsome guy, the girls looked at him.

Danila attained the status of a master after carving a snake-shaped bracelet from a whole stone. The bailiff informed the master about Danila's skill. The master, in order to test the skill of the young master, ordered him to carve a malachite bowl according to the drawing, and ordered the clerk to make sure that Danila worked without Prokopich's help.

And the young master performed the work in triplicate within the time period appointed by the master. After that, the master ordered him an intricate bowl, but did not limit the term of work. Danila began to work on the bowl, but he did not like it: there are many curlicues, but there is no beauty. The clerk allowed him to work on another bowl according to his plan.

Only the necessary plan for the young master did not come to mind. Danila grew thin, became gloomy, wandered through the forests and meadows in search of a flower from which he would carve his bowl, showed real beauty in stone. He stopped his choice on the dope-flower, but first, he decided, it was necessary to finish the master's bowl.

Prokopich decided that it was time for Danila to get married. You look, after marriage, all the whims will pass. It turned out that Katya, who lives next door, has long loved Danila. Just Danila completed work on the master's bowl. To celebrate this event, he invited the bride and the elders. One of them told Danila about a stone flower, to see which is to comprehend the beauty of a real stone and to disappear forever with the Mistress in the mining masters.

Danila lost his peace, and not before his wedding. How to see beauty in a stone - that was what he cared about. He constantly walked now in the meadows, now at the Serpentine Hill. Conversations went that the guy's head is not quite right. And he still tormented himself with the search for something inaccessible to others. So Danila took a liking to the Hostess, he began to receive advice from her. However, no matter how good his work was, he did not see perfection in it and was yearning.

Danila was convinced of his powerlessness to achieve the ideal and planned to play a wedding. Finally, he went to the Serpentine Hill, and there the Mistress met him. Danila began to beg her to reveal to him the beauty of a stone flower. The hostess warned him that he would lose earthly joy, only Danila lagged behind. She led him into the garden, sparkling with stones ... The young master saw enough of his dream, and the Mistress let him go home, she did not hold him back.

And Katya called the guests this evening. Danila was having fun with everyone, and then sadness came to him. He returned home and broke the bowl, his best work, and only honored the lordly order with a spit. And Danila the master left who knows where on the eve of the wedding.

They were looking for him, but the search did not lead to anything. They said different things about him. Some people believed that he was mentally damaged and disappeared in the forest, while others said that the Mistress took him to her.

Review of the work. The meaning of the tale is philosophical. Striving for excellence is a positive trend in any area of ​​human life, not only in creativity. But if the search for the ideal becomes similar to obsession, deprives the joy of life, leads to depression, then it is, as they say, from the evil one.

"Stone Flower" a summary of Bazhov's tale will remind you of what this tale is about and what it teaches.

Bazhov "Stone Flower" summary

Danila was an orphan. At first he was sent to serve in the manor house, to carry out various assignments. But the boy was brooding and loved to dream and did not fit the role of an intelligent servant. Then he was sent to graze the cows. But even in this work, he often thought and watched nature for a long time.

Once he was carried away by observations and several cows from the herd were lost and were eaten by wolves. Danila was severely punished and sent to master Prokopich to study malachite affairs. Prokopich was a noble master, but very strict, he was picky about his students, scolded them. No one wanted to become his disciple. But strict Prokopich liked the observant Danila and he treated him like his own son.

Danila had a natural feeling for stone. He felt how to process the stone in order to fully reveal its natural beauty.

Rumors about the young talented craftsman reached the master, and Danila was entrusted with the manufacture of complex products from malachite. One day he was given a drawing of the original vase and was allowed to work on it for an unlimited amount of time. Danila took up this work, but she did not please him. The vase turned out to be beautiful, but did not look like living.

Then he decided to make his own vase, in the shape of a flower, which was supposed to look like a living flower. Danila wanted to show all the natural beauty of the stone. From an old master, he heard the story of the stone flower that the Mistress of the Copper Mountain has. Whoever sees this flower will learn how to make stone products that look like living ones. And Danila really wanted to look at this wonderful flower.

Once, in search of a stone for his vase, he wandered through the mine and heard a woman's voice, which advised him to look for the right stone at the Snake Hill. There he actually found the right stone and set to work. At first, work on the new vase was successful, but soon stalled. The upper part of the flower did not work out in any way. Danila even decided to postpone the wedding with his bride Katya, he was so passionate about his work. Failures in making a flower vase kindled in him a desire to see a mysterious stone flower, and Danila again went to the Snake Hill. There he saw the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. Hearing that his idea with a vase did not come out, she offered to take another stone, but still invent a vase on her own. But Danila certainly wanted to see her wonderful stone flower. The owner of the Copper Mountain warned Danila that in this case he would not want to live and work among people and would return to her, to the Copper Mountain. But Danila insisted on his own, and managed to see a wonderful stone flower.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov is a famous Russian and Soviet writer. He was born in 1879 into the family of a mining foreman. Mines and factories surrounded the future writer from childhood. His youth was associated with the partisan struggle for Soviet power in eastern Kazakhstan (Ust-Kamenogorsk, Semipalatinsk). In the early 1920s, the future writer returned to the Urals, where he began recording local folklore. Bazhov became famous for his stories, the first of which was published in 1936.

The origins of the "Malachite Box"

Pavel Petrovich heard old Ural legends from the watchman Vasily Khmelinin. It happened at the end of the 19th century, the future writer was still a teenager. The stories told about mining, the dangers that lay in wait for miners, the beauty of the bowels and rare stones.

Ancient legends struck the young man's imagination. Thirty years later, he returned to his native place and began to write down the legends that the old people told. Based on the plot motives of folk legends, Bazhov created magnificent works. The writer called them Uralic tales. Later they came out as a separate collection called "The Malachite Box".

main characters

Many children know the fairy tales "The mistress of the Copper Mountain", "The Stone Flower", "The Mountain Master". These pieces are realistic. They describe in detail the life of the Ural mining workers. The images of Stepan, Nastasya, Danila the master, Katya and other characters are developed with deep psychological authenticity. However, fantastic creatures also act in the stories:

  • Malakhitnitsa, or the Mistress of the Copper Mountain.
  • Great Snake.
  • Blue snake.
  • Earth cat.
  • Silver hoof.
  • Grandma Sinyushka.
  • Firefighter-jump.

The writer tries to convey not only the true life, but also the living speech of his characters. The prototypes of the characters were people whom Bazhov knew from childhood. Many of them were considered legendary figures of their time. Their names have immortalized folk legends.

Real characters

The prototype of the narrator Ded Slyshko is the watchman Vasily Khmelinin, who introduced the young Bazhov to the Ural legends. The writer knew the former factory worker very well. The watchman interspersed his speech with the word "hey-ko." Hence the nickname.

The prototype of the master, who periodically came to the mines, was the famous businessman Aleksey Turchaninov, who lived during the time of Empresses Elizabeth Petrovna and Catherine the Great. It was he who came up with the idea of ​​artistic processing of malachite, which Bazhov talks about in his works.

The famous Russian master Zverev became the prototype of Danila. He was a miner - this was the name of the specialists in the extraction of precious and semiprecious stones. Danila Zverev, like the literary character inspired by him, was distinguished by poor health. For his thinness and short stature, he was called Light. Danila the master Bazhov also has a nickname - Nedokormysh.

Mistress of the Copper Mountain

The fantastic characters of the Ural tales are no less interesting. One of them is the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. A powerful sorceress hides under the appearance of a beautiful black-haired woman in a green dress with a malachite pattern. She is the keeper of the Ural Mountains and mines. Malakhitnitsa helps real professionals and creative people. She freed Stepan from the chains, presented him with his bride Nastya and daughter Tanyushka, taught Danila the secrets of mastery.

The Mistress of the Copper Mountain takes care of her charges and protects them from evil people. She turned the cruel clerk Severyan into a block of stone. The powerful sorceress is shown by the author as an ordinary woman - noble, loving and suffering. She becomes attached to Stepan, but lets him go to the bride.

Great Snake, Grandma Sinyushka and Ognevushka-jump

Bazhov's "Stone Flower" is filled with fantastic images. One of them is the Great Snake. He is the owner of all the gold in the area. The image of a mighty serpent is found in the myths and legends of many peoples. In the Ural tales, the daughters of the Great Snake - Medyanitsa - also appear.

Grandma Sinyushka is a character with multiple origins. She is a "relative" of Baba Yaga from Slavic folklore. Sinyushka is a character on the verge of real and otherworldly worlds. She appears before the human hero in two guises - as a young beauty and as an old woman in blue clothes. There is a similar character in the legends of the Mansi people, who in the old days inhabited the Urals. Grandma Sinyushka is an important image of local folklore. Its appearance is associated with swamp gas, which was observed by miners from afar. A mysterious blue haze awakened the imagination, causing the appearance of a new folklore character.

Bazhov's "Stone Flower" is associated with anthropomorphic fantastic images. One of them is Firefly Jump. This character looks like a cheerful little girl. She dances in the place where there are deposits of gold. The jumping fireball appears unexpectedly in front of the prospectors. Her dance delights those present. Researchers associate this image with the Golden Baba - the ancient deity of the Mansi.

Silver Hoof, Blue Snake and Earth Cat

In addition to fantastic heroes with a human appearance, there are also animal characters in the Ural tales. For example, Silver Hoof. This is the name of one of Bazhov's fairy tales. The Silver Hoof is a magic goat. He knocks precious stones out of the ground. He has one silver hoof. With it he hits the ground, from which emeralds and rubies jump out.

Bazhov's "Stone Flower" is one of the stories in the collection "Malachite Box". Parents often read the tale "The Blue Snake" to their children. In its center is a fantastic character, capable of both bestowing a good person and punishing a villain. The Blue Snake has gold dust on one side and black dust on the other. Where a person is, so his life will go. A blue snake marks a precious metal deposit with gold dust, which is close to the surface.

Another fantastic character of the Ural tales is the Earth Cat. It is associated with the ancient Slavic legend of secret treasures. They were guarded by a cat. In Bazhov's work, this character helps the girl Dunyakha find her way. The cat walks underground. Only her glowing ears can be seen by people above the surface. The real prototype of the image is sulfur dioxide emissions. They often take the shape of a triangle. The sparkling sulfurous gas reminded prospectors of a cat's ears.

Rooted in their native land

Bazhov's "Stone Flower" is included in the collection "Malachite Box", published in 1939. This is a story adapted for children's perception. The collection includes the best works of the writer. The heroes of many fairy tales are related. For example, Tanyushka from the "Malachite Box" is the daughter of Stepan and Nastya (heroes of the "Hostess's Copper Mountain"). And the character of "Fragile Twig" Mityunka is the son of Danila and Katya ("Stone Flower", "Mountain Master"). It is easy to imagine that all the heroes of the Ural tales are neighbors living in the same village. However, their prototypes are clearly from different eras.

"Stone Flower" is a unique work. His characters are so colorful that they have become objects of creative processing more than once. They have beauty and truth. Bazhov's heroes are simple, sincere people who maintain a connection with their native land. In the Ural tales, there are signs of a particular historical era. This is manifested in the description of household utensils, dishes, as well as methods of stone processing, typical for one time or another. Readers are also attracted by the colorful speech of the characters, interspersed with characteristic words and affectionate nicknames.

Creativity and beauty

"Stone Flower" is not only a storehouse of folk characters and bright fantastic images. The heroes of the Ural tales are generous and noble people. Their aspirations are pure. And for this, as always happens in fairy tales, they receive a reward - wealth, family happiness and respect from others.

Many of Bazhov's goodies are creative people. They know how to appreciate beauty and strive for perfection. A striking example is Danila the master. His admiration for the beauty of the stone led to an attempt to create a work of art - a flower-shaped bowl. But the master was dissatisfied with his work. After all, there was no miracle of God's creation in it - a real flower, from which the heart stops and strives upward. In search of perfection, Danila went to the Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

P. P. Bazhov talks about this. "Stone Flower", a brief summary of which schoolchildren need to know, became the basis for a creative understanding of labor. But Danila is ready to forget his skill, to which he made many sacrifices, for the sake of happiness with his beloved Katya.

Experienced artisan and his young apprentice

The tale "Stone Flower" begins with a description of the old master Prokopich. An excellent expert in his field, he turned out to be a poor teacher. The boys, who were brought to Prokopich by the clerk on the order of the master, were beaten and punished by the master. But he could not achieve the result. Perhaps he didn't want to. The writer is silent about the reasons for this. Prokopich returned the next student to the bailiff. All the boys, according to the old master, were unable to comprehend the craft.

P.P.Bazhov writes about the intricacies of working with malachite. The "Stone Flower", a summary of which is presented in the article, is directly related to the intricacies of stone-cutting work. This craft was considered by the people to be unhealthy because of the malachite dust.

And so they brought Danilka Nedokormysh to Prokopich. He was a prominent boy. Tall and well-faced. Yes, only very thin. So they called him Underfeeding. Danila was an orphan. First, they assigned him to the lordly chambers. But a servant did not come out of Danila. He often stared at beautiful things - paintings or jewelry. And as if he had not heard the orders of the lord. Due to poor health, he did not become a miner either.

The hero of Bazhov's tale "The Stone Flower" Danil was distinguished by a strange peculiarity. He could look at some object for a long time, for example, a blade of grass. He also had a lot of patience. The clerk noticed this when the guy silently endured the blows of the whip. Therefore, Danilka was sent to study with Prokopich.

The young master and the pursuit of excellence

The boy's talent manifested itself immediately. The old master became attached to the boy, treated him like a son. Over time, Danila got stronger, became strong and healthy. Prokopich taught him everything that he himself could.

Pavel Bazhov, The Stone Flower and its content are well known in Russia. The turning point in the story comes at the moment when Danila finished his studies and became a real master. He lived in prosperity and peace, but did not feel happy. I wanted to reflect the real beauty of the stone in the product. Once an old malachite man told Danil about a flower that is in the garden of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. Since then, the guy did not have peace, even the love of the bride Katya did not please. So he wanted to see the flower.

Once Danila was looking for a suitable stone in the mine. And suddenly the Mistress of the Copper Mountain appeared to him. Began to ask her boyfriend to show a wonderful stone flower. She did not want to, but gave up. When he saw Danil the beautiful stone trees in the magic garden, he realized that he could not create anything like that. The master was sad. And then he completely left home on the eve of the wedding. They could not find him.

What happened next?

Bazhov's story "Stone Flower" ends with an open ending. Nobody knew what happened to the guy. We find the continuation of the story in the story "The Mining Master". Danilov's bride Katya never got married. She moved into the hut to Prokopich, began to look after the old man. Katya decided to study the craft so that she could earn money. When the old master died, the girl began to live alone in his house and sell malachite crafts. She found a wonderful stone in the Serpentine Mine. And there was the entrance to the Copper Mountain. And one day she saw Malakhitnitsa. Katya sensed that Danila was alive. And she demanded to return the groom. It turned out that Danila then ran to the sorceress. He could not live without wonderful beauty. But now he asked Danil the Mistress to let him go. The sorceress agreed. Danila and Katya returned to the village and began to live happily ever after.

Moral of the tale

Children are very interested in reading Bazhov's tales. "Stone Flower" is a talented work. A powerful force (the Mistress of the Copper Mountain) rewarded the gifted master and his faithful bride. Their happiness was not prevented by the gossip of fellow villagers, gossip and rancor. The writer recreated a real folk tradition. It has a place for good magic power and pure human feelings. The idea of ​​the work is difficult for a child's perception. It is difficult for a child to understand why and how beauty can take possession of the human heart.

But still, every student should be introduced to such an author as Bazhov. "Stone Flower" - What Does This Book Teach? A fairy tale has a moral. Kind, sincere and true to their ideals people, despite their mistakes, will be rewarded. The forces of nature, which our ancestors humanized in legends, will take care of this. Bazhov is the only famous writer of Soviet Russia who artistically processed the Ural legends. They are associated with mines, mines, combustible gases, the hard work of serfs, and wonderful treasures that can be extracted directly from the earth.

Danila's obsession

Bazhov writes about this. The Stone Flower, whose main idea is devotion to the family and vocation, speaks in simple and understandable language about great human values. But what about the idea of ​​the destructive power of beauty? Will schoolchildren be able to understand it? Perhaps Danila's obsessive thoughts about the stone flower are caused by the witchcraft of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. But dissatisfaction with his own work appeared before meeting a sorceress.

Analysis of Bazhov's "Stone Flower" does not allow an unambiguous answer to this question. You can interpret the problem in different ways. Much will depend on the age of the child. Better to focus on the positive qualities of the main characters. The pedagogical significance of the work is very great. And the intricate plot, intrigue and the "to be continued" technique will help to attract the child's attention.

Uralskie skazy at one time received many positive reviews and positive feedback. "Stone flower", Bazhov - these words should be familiar to every student.

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