Home Vegetables Cl spelling tasks for all the rules. Spelling exercises for derivative prepositions and homonymous parts of speech. New tasks in "Spelling by the rules"

Cl spelling tasks for all the rules. Spelling exercises for derivative prepositions and homonymous parts of speech. New tasks in "Spelling by the rules"


New tasks in "Spelling by the rules"

Over the summer, 108 new interactive exercises and 31 dictation were added to the course.

The new exercises are mainly aimed at visual memorization of words for the following rules: spelling vowels after sibilants, using Y, using a soft sign, spelling prepositions and prefixes, using a hyphen, spelling paired, unpronounceable and doubled consonants, spelling unstressed vowels at the root of the word.
All exercises are checked automatically, which allows you to instantly know your result.
The dictations were added mainly vocabulary. 29 vocabulary dictations for different rules and 2 text dictations. Including added a generalizing vocabulary dictation on N and NN. Out of 250 phrases, 50 are randomly selected. This is how the computer creates a new unique version of the final work every time. This dictation is also included in the simulator for N and NN.

All exercises have been tested and found technical errors have been corrected. We are still checking the dictations. It will take a couple of weeks. We will write about the exploits of the people who helped us test the course. The best testers will be awarded.

Exercises will be offered to course participants as independent work to consolidate the material covered at the webinars.

Well Spelling by the rules slightly increased in price. Work on it continues. Over the fall, it is planned to add several dozen text dictations of various difficulty levels. Buy the course now so you don't have to pay twice as much for it later.

By tradition, announcing the addition of new tasks, we offer one of them run for free right now. This is a complex version of a dictation on a simple rule.

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If there is a need to find out exactly which spelling and punctuation rules you make mistakes, we suggest that you complete special tasks and self-check your result.

The work can be done in two ways:

a) write text, sentences and words under dictation;

b) print the task and complete it: copy it by inserting missing letters and punctuation marks, expanding the brackets (that is, choosing either continuous, or separate, or hyphenated spelling).

I. In t_ozhn_m (1; 3) interfluve_ (2; 4) the camp of the reconnaissance (8) drilling brigade (1) of Alexei Mironov settled down (6; 7). (Several) how many (9) shawls (1) on just a_korch_va_th (6; 12; 14) and out_out_ (7; 14) area_ (1; 4) long (13) (fresh) ostruga_ (15; 14) table (1; 12; 14) a_yumin_voye (16; 1) bucket over the fire. And next to the tower and the house (7) k_ntory's house (1) where they installed (1) rats_yu (31) pr_sp_sobili (17; 1) for heating (32) an iron barrel (18) from (under) (19) burned (16; 14) ) in the path of g_ryuchy (7).

The place chosen (14) for the camp (n_) than (9) (n_) differed (10; 1) from dozens of the same (20) st_yankas (1) in the same (same) (20) wild (not) like ( 11; 14) places. (Mm) the Ironovites sailed here (33) on self-propelled (15) flat_to_th (15; 13) barges _. (4) Sailed (several) how many (9) days long (17; 26) non-numbered (6; 16) shallow shoaling (26 ) on sand (13) rifts. They landed (8) on the shore to lighten the flat_don (15) and both_le_s (16; 14) fell on the breathing (27) centuries-old cold_dom (1) moss. If we straightened out (1) all the intricate (21) loops of the river, it would have turned out to be k_lometers (1) one and a half hundred_ (22) to the village of reconnaissance (23). There were seven (2) there at para_ (13) o'clock the guest_ welcome (15) open (6; 34) the doors of the dining room there (by) for a minute (25) chirping (5) helicopters (15) aiming (17) towards the ram (14) area_ (4) in front of the food_voltage (1; 13) warehouse. A handful of people who were torn away (14) from all this had such a feeling (24) that they had been working (16) with the house for a long time and (not) known (35; 24) when they saw dreams (25) (5) rubles (14) for a long time ( not) beautiful (11; 14) houses (36), but (16) (16; 14) (c) along (25) streets.

II. 1) Yegorushka saw how little (little by little) (15) the sky darkened and the darkness fell to the ground.

2) When the night broke (1) the sky shook (1) b_archatic (1; 3) blackness and far away from (behind) (19) the river roosters were heard.

3) At night, people slept at random, lying right on the piles of coal and gasping for breath in the warm and humid air like in a greenhouse.

4) According to the local scientists, this failure (n_) is that (9) is other than an extinct crater.

5) Common sense, firmness and freedom, greater (7) participation in other people's troubles and joys in a word, all her virtues were definitely born with her.

6) Sometimes in the summer at the dacha he himself painted with p_izazhi paints (1) and it seemed to him that he had a lot of taste and that if he studied, he would probably be a good artist.

III. Kaza_ky (21), similar (1), most (36), danger (24), hang (26), next (27), guest (13) courtyard, holiday (24), free (6; 17; 37), work_ik (28), lattice (29), come_ti, space (17; 28), (half) liters (30), (pale) s_renew (15; 1), work_check (6; 16), countless (6; 16; 29), river_nka (18).


Compare your text with the exemplary one, find and highlight mistakes. By the number indicated in brackets, you can determine which spelling and punctogram you made mistakes, and draw up an individual program to improve your literacy. Spelling numbers are indicated in the original text, punctogram numbers - in an exemplary one.

I. In the taiga interfluve, the camp of the exploration drilling brigade of Alexei Mironov is located. Several tents on a freshly gouged (38) and leveled area, (38) a long (39) freshly planed table, (38) a smoked (39) aluminum bucket over a fire. And next to it is a tower and a boardwalk of the office, (40) where a walkie-talkie was installed, (40) an iron barrel from under (41) of fuel burned along the way (41) was adapted for heating.

The place (41) chosen for the camp (41) was no different from dozens of the same camps in the same wild, (39) untouched places. The Mironovites sailed here on a self-propelled (39) flat-bottomed barge. They sailed for several days, (42) overcoming countless shoals, (42) getting stuck on the sandy shoals. They landed on the shore, (40) to lighten the punt, (40) and, (42) exhausted, (42) fell on (41) the moss breathing centuries-old cold (41). If we straightened all the intricate loops of the river, (40) it would have turned out one and a half hundred kilometers to the village of scouts. There are families left there, (43) there, at an early hour, the doors of the canteen open hospitably, (43) helicopters chirp every minute, (42) aiming at the rammed area in front of the food warehouse. A handful of people, (41) torn away from all this, (41) had such a feeling (40) that they had parted with their home long ago (40) and it is not known when they will see chopped-up houses again, (38) long not painted houses, (41) neatly set along the wide street.

II. 1) Yegorushka saw (40) how little by little the sky darkened (40) and the darkness fell to the ground.

2) When the night broke, (44) the sky lost its velvety blackness (44) and roosters were heard far beyond the river.

3) At night, people slept at random, (42) lying right on the piles of coal (38) and panting in the warm and humid, (45) as in a greenhouse, (45) air.

4) According to the local scientists, (46) this failure - (47) is nothing more than (48) an extinct crater.

5) Common sense, (38) firmness and freedom, (38) ardent participation in other people's troubles and joys - (49) in a word, (49) all her virtues were definitely born with her.

6) Sometimes in the summer at the dacha he himself painted landscapes with paints, (50) and it seemed to him (40) that he had a lot of taste and (40) that (51) if he studied, (52) then from him, (46) perhaps (46) A good artist would come out.

III. Cossack, similar, majority, danger, depend, next, seating yard, idle, incessantly, toiler, grate, come, succession, half a liter, pale lilac, calculation, countless, small river.


1. Letters of unstressed vowels in the root, checked and not checked by stress.

2. Separating b.

3. Unstressed case endings of adjectives

4. Unstressed case endings of nouns.

5. Unstressed personal endings of verbs.

6. Prefixes on -Z, -s.

7. Letters of alternating vowels and consonants at the root.

8. Vowel letters in verb suffixes - ova -eva-willow.

9. Not - nor with pronouns.

10. Not with verbs.

11. Not with participles.

12. Letters oh-yo in participle suffixes.

13. N and nn in adjective names.

14. N and nn in the participles.

15. Spelling of compound words.

16. Doubled letters of consonants at the root and at the junction of the prefix and the root.

17. Letters e, and in consoles pre- and at-.

18. Letters O, e after hissing nouns in suffixes.

19. Spelling of compound prepositions.

20. Merged and separate writing of a particle the same.

21. Spelling of adjective suffixes.

22. Spelling of names of numerals.

23. Suffixes of nouns -Chik, -chik-.

24. Letters of unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word.

25. Spelling of adverbs.

26. Vowel letters in verb suffixes.

27. Vowel letters in participle suffixes.

28. Nnn in nouns.

29. Letters oh-yo after sibilant nouns.

30. Spelling of the prefix floor- in nouns.

31. Letters NS, and after c.

32. Vowel letters in prefixes.

33. Capital letter in proper names and words formed from them.

34. Letter combinations tsya in verbs.

35. Not with adverbs.

36. Vowels in suffixes of nouns ( –Ec-, -ik- and etc.)

37. Nnn in adverbs.


38. A comma in a sentence with homogeneous members.

39. Comma for homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.

40. Commas in a complex sentence with homogeneous clauses.

41. Separation and non-separation of the participatory turnover.

42. Separation of the adverbial circulation and single adverbial participles.

43. Comma and semicolon in a non-union complex sentence.

44. commas in a complex sentence with a common clause.

45. Comma with a comparative turnover with a union how.

46. ​​Punctuation marks in introductory words and phrases.

47. Dash between subject and predicate.

48. Comma combined none other than and nothing but.

49. Punctuation in a sentence with homogeneous members and a generalizing word.

50. Comma between parts of a compound sentence.

51. Comma in conjunction of conjunctions in a complex sentence.

52. Comma between parts of a complex sentence.


Letters y-i after prefixes

Assignment: write off, insert missed

without ... myannaya river

by ... ck from ... scrawny manners

roses ... sk ... well-known poet

ped ... institute inter ... institute sports

counter ... edge competition

without ... similarity without ... initiative person

with ... playing chess previous ... previous presentation

to ... play a ball in front of ... the history of mankind

under ... to live what was done between ...

to ... download a book of contradictions

without ... efficient work

without ... boring narrative

play ... play a game of Siberian chess at ... sk

conduct a polit ... formation

trans ... rasskaya highway

pre ... Jun events


Letters o-e-e after sibilant


1. Insert the missing letters.

Slush ... ba, sch ... wea, sh ... lk, zh ... rnov, sh ... rnik, silent ... vny, kryzh ... penetrated,

w ... k, f ... bathroom, soot ... nki, bear ... knock, oven ... ny, speech ... nka, street ... nki,

w ... lty, sh ... rokh, heavy ... ly, h ... rsty, zash ... l, bee ... lka, illuminated ...

psh ... nny, split ... vka, uproot ... rip out, wax ... ny, worm ... k, penny ... vy,

piss ... ny, brocade ... vy, hot ..., melodious ..., lzh ... t, experience ... p, old woman ... nka,

lead ... oo, pepper ... oo, coat ...

2. Put the given nouns in the instrumental case.

case brick sale raincoat

border sword borscht meza

crying candle landscape dacha


Card number 1

Be ... brezhny, be ... ingenious, be ... interchangeable, be ... tasty, be ... mortal, be ... meaningful, be ... snowy, be ... literate, be ... borderline, be ... connected, be ... heartfelt, be ... ultimate, be ... evidential, no ... pitiful, no ... strong, no ... glorious, no ... caring, no ... cherished, no ... final, no ... sonorous, no ... evil.


Spelling of prefixes on z-s

Card number 2

Task: write off, insert missing letters.

To ... go out, into ... act, and ... spoil, and ... shoot, into ... praise, into ... walk, into ... rank, into ... unite, into ... stand, and ... dry, and ... run, and ... follow, and ... dry, and ... news, and ... curl, and ... melt, and ... interpret, rise ..., and ... be treated, neither ... rush, nor ... fall.


Spelling E-e-O after sizzling

    F..lty, f..rnov, credits..t, pech..nka, psh..lka, dripping..n, sh_lk, f..lob, uch..ba, calc..sk, h .. rny, kryzh..vnik, thicken..nka, carcass ... nka, night..vka, shch..hol, oven..ny, uch..t, hood..n, last..l, burned. .нny, sh_lk, sh..kova therapy, night..wka, burn..g hand, burn..g hand

Slush..ba, ch..firm, cheap..vy, maj..rny, total .., sh..kolad, sh..mpol, trash..tka, sh..pot, sh_rokh, zh..rdochka , h..rvy, grub .., bowl..ba, rattle..tka, izzh..ha, pec..ny, sh..fer, zh..key, evening..rka, obzh..ra, canvas .. out, brocade .. out, well .. harsh conditions, cold .. face, raincoat .. m, penny .. opera, reeds .. thickets, dry .. fruits, entwined ivy .. m , brocade..your dress, thin string..vka, miserable soul..nka, depressing..natural look, pepper..new carcass..nka, stinging .. ravenous caterpillar, urine..new apples, heavy..lavy road.

    Cut a knife .. m, my friend .. k, shine a candle .. th, go to the river .. nka. shepherd .. to uch..ny bear, young experience .. nka), divide between .. the beds, sick old woman .. woman, armed .. with a pistol, write with a pencil .. m.


Card number 1

Write down by inserting the missing letters, graphically denoting the choice of the vowel at the root

Absorb oxygen, sunbathe ... on the beach, enjoy ... await beauty, suppose ... gat ... chew in an old ... horn, stick to fidelity, thick growth, help ... your father throughout the summer, burn ... fly about what happened, bl ... sleep in the sun, d ... easy in the sea, try ... to wade through the dawn ... if, green d ... lina, locate ... live on a ... h ... hl ... touch ... a wall, good ... is coming out.


Unstressed vowels at the root of a word

Card number 2

Write down by inserting the missing letters, graphically indicating the choice of the vowel at the root.

Make a ... plan, a contemplated stream, read ... in a book, wrap ... in an oversight, predict ... events, refer to ... a dictionary, find out flaws, a fire ... ignites, get ... from the shelf, distribute ... crumpled branches, eyes sound ... irritate ... to squeeze everyone, teacher ... mathematics, touch ... touch to a flower, split ... in half, zap ... with delight, d ... easy g ... risont, undertaken ... mother of effort, vzgr ... prying on the table, revival ... from the ashes, obl ... to the fate, to cover ... the beast.


Comma when referring

Arrange the punctuation marks you want.

1) I was born my dear grandchildren near Kiev in a quiet village

2) Where are you young people from?

3) Do I see you dear friend?

4) Let me go dear to the wide open space.

5) Again, I'm your young friends!

6) Your telegram took me by surprise dear Anna Mikhai-

7) To you the Caucasus, the harsh king of the earth, I again dedicate a verse of negligence

8) A friend of my harsh days, my decrepit dove.

9) I ask you Olga Ivanovna to fulfill my request.



Punctuation marks in direct speech

Highlight the direct speech with the necessary punctuation marks.

1) Nadia said listen to me sometime to the end.

2) It will rain, objected Kalinich

3) Brother said I want to go with you.

4) Who screams people worried, a harsh shout was heard from the sea.

5) What are you doing here said Bazarov.

6) Then the prophet of victory cries, let the storm break out stronger!

7) What will you do now, asked Maria Yakovlevna sy-

8) The son reassured her, don't worry, mom.



5th grade

Write down proverbs, insert missing letters, underline the grammatical basis of the sentence, write the parts of speech in the grammatical basis.

1. A book in happiness ukr..sayet, and in misfortune ukr..sayet.

2. Skill will also come to great t ...

3. Otol..ut (?) Smiling wolf sheep's tears.

4. The game is (not) worth the candle.

5. The sword (? ...) (not) cuts off the guilty head.

6. Who is lazy to plow (?) Xia, from that bread (not) will give birth (?) Xia.

7.Without the first swallow, spring (not) bypasses (?) Xia.

8. Order saves time.

9. Unhappiness is beating (?) - happiness (not) to be seen.


Grade 5

1.Snyat (?) People sometimes have blue cities (L. Oshanin).

2.Skvo..b..in..glossy fogs ... the moon is coming, the sad p..lany l..t is sadly the light is it. (A.S. Pushkin).

3. Ro..co month look..t in the eyes. (A. Fet).

4. Stars fade and go out. (N. Nikitin).

5. Already the sky breathed in autumn, less often the sun shone. (A.S. Pushkin).

6.Cro..t so leaf z..lotoy wet earth in the forest. (A. Maikov).

7.In the aspen forest, there is a mash..t with a scarlet wing. (Yuri Melnikov).

8.SH .. dry foliage underfoot.

9. Quietly dozing ... the river. The dark forest is (not) noisy. (S. Yesenin).


Insert the missing letters. Underline the grammatical base, outline any four sentences.

1.On the wet squares, autumn passes (N. Rubtsov).

2.And night (.?.) Has already ascended to heaven. (V. Zhukovsky).

3. A warm wind is quietly winding ... (A. Fet).

4. The leaf is spinning (?) The birds fell silent. (R. Rozhdestvensky).

5. Affectionately the stars twinkled in the sky ... not. (Pleshcheev).

6. Even the earliest birds .. (did not) sing, turn gray at the top of the n..b...

7. The leaf .. I am circling (?) Smiling, rustling, the wind with a noise .. melting, and humming, agitated, the garden, and gloomily freezes .. t.

Spelling exercises for derived prepositions and homonymous parts of speech
Exercise 1
Rewrite, expanding parentheses, inserting missing letters.
1. The author has made changes (in) the continuation of the novel. 2. The caddie blooms (during) the summer. 3. A stream in its short course_ makes several turns. 4. The plant is covered with a silvery white pubescence, (c) as a result of which it appears to be gray. 5. Subsequently_ this peak was named "Lena". 6. Substantive amendments were made to the theft investigation. 7. (C) Consequence_I learned the history of my native village. 8. About this character the author will also write (in) the continuation of the story. 9. Transfer all the money (to) the account of our company.

Assignment 2
Rewrite. Insert the missing letters and commas, explain the spelling of the prepositions. Indicate the part of speech of the highlighted words.
(B) imprisonment_ (un) happy captain fell ill with a fever that did not recede (in) the course of_ a week. 2. Thoughts that disturbed me (did not) let me fall asleep (in spite of fatigue). 3. I was 25 years old when I started to write something (in) a kind of memory. 4. (In) the investigation into the embezzlement of State property included an expert opinion. 5. Keep (in) mind, (to) the account of transferring (n, nn) ​​oh b_lezni (s) her (do not) say. 6. (When) as needed, he poured water into the pan. 7. (In spite of) looking at the notebook, he accurately dialed the number. 8. The girl worked hard, (not) looking either to the right or to the left. 9. My sister and I, (despite) the difference in age, have been friends since childhood. 10. (In) the sight of the city the enemy was refreshed.

Assignment 3
Write down by inserting the missing letters, expanding the parentheses. Indicate prepositions.
Absent (in) for three days; (c) the consequences of ice were many accidents; (c) the continuation of the idle school; changes in (in) the course of the river; find out interesting details (in) the continuation of the story; to be silent (during) the whole path; interested in (in) continuation of meetings (?); amend (in) the investigation_.

Assignment 4
From these sentences, write out first sentences with prepositions, and then with parts of speech homonymous to them.
1. Under the sod, washed out by water, (not) what (in) a niche was formed. 2. Voronin wanted to ask (for) the breakfast bill, but prom_lchal. 3. (In) the clan of the Staritskys boyars came from other families. 4. (Despite) the end of October, the days were hot. 5. We meant another brochure. 6. The hosts happily came to meet us. 7. (In) the kind of danger (?) 8. (C) as a result of the timely rains, the crops were saved.

Assignment 5
Write out phrases with derivative prepositions and homonymous nouns from the given sentences. Enter the phrases in the table.

1. Anyutka was presented with a toy (on) the likeness of a top. 2. (In) in view of the imminent departure, no repairs were made. 3. There was a vessel (in) a kind of ball on the table. 4. (C) as a consequence of the illness, the body is weakened. 5. The necklace is decorated with pearls (in) the form of hanging droplets. 6. A bird (in) the genus of a heron stood in the swamp. 7. (C) due to the circumstances, the opening of the club did not take place. 8. (Unfortunately) he no longer hoped to meet with Andrey. 9. I believe (in) the strength of our friendship. 10. Some kind of contraption (on) a similar_ sleeve kept the pressure in the hole.

Assignment 6
Expand the brackets, insert the missing letters. Justify your choice of spelling of prepositions and nouns homonymous to them.
1. (During) the whole day, my mother (did not) talk to me. 2. (In) the investigation of the criminal case, new materials appeared. 3. Scientists have been studying the Arctic (in) for (several) decades. 4. Downstream Danube_ freezes in winter for almost a month and a half. 5. (C) As a consequence of the glaciation, the plane began to lose altitude. 6. I meant a completely different tool.

Attached files

Slide 2

(did not) teach (did not) thought (did not) listen (did not) try

Slide 3

Slide 4

(did not) know knew (did not) thought thought (did not) listen listened (did not) try tried

Slide 5


Particles - "not", "really", "really", "even", "after all", "really", "same", "only", "only", "hardly", "hardly" and others are the service part of speech. By themselves, they mean nothing. But in connection with other parts of speech, they help to express emotions.

Slide 6

Role in the proposal

helps to express emotions (really, really) Strengthen the statement (even, after all, really, same) Something to limit (only, only) Arouse doubt (hardly, hardly)

Slide 7

LESSON TOPIC: “Service parts of speech. Particle spelling not with verbs. "

Slide 8

Learn the spelling rule NOT with verbs; Learn to apply the rule in writing.

Slide 9

did not teach did not think did not listen did not try

Slide 10

The particle is NOT a service part of the speech, it helps to express negation. It is called a negative particle that way. When the particle is NOT in front of the verb, the sentence goes from affirmative to negative. NOT with verbs are written separately. For example: I can dance. I can't dance. You know one more characteristic of the proposal. The particle is used with different parts of speech. You can be convinced of this when you read any text.

Slide 11

Exercise # 21

You don’t recognize, don’t love, don’t listen, don’t do it, don’t get it, don’t feel ashamed, don’t know, don’t learn.

Slide 13

Once my mother went to the market for meat, and the girls were left alone at home. Leaving, my mother told them to behave well, to touch everything, to play with matches, to climb on the windowsills, to go out on the stairs, to torment the kitten. And she promised to bring them an orange each. (According to L. Panteleev)

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