Home Vegetables Causes of blood in the urine of a cat. What to do if the cat has urine with blood? Pink or dark urine in a cat: hematuria or not

Causes of blood in the urine of a cat. What to do if the cat has urine with blood? Pink or dark urine in a cat: hematuria or not

If this appears, it indicates that your pet has serious inflammatory problems. If you do not see a doctor in time, then dangerous consequences can occur, which will then be very difficult to get rid of.

What should be normal urine. Blood in cat urine

The kidneys are responsible for producing this excretory fluid. With urine through the excretory system, harmful microelements, salt residues, excess hormones come out. If the process is stopped or allocated mixed with blood, then this indicates a poor performance of the system. Blood in the urine of a cat is a serious symptom.

In normal condition urination infrequent, the liquid itself is yellow or orange. It should not contain components, darkening or clots. Normal urine of a healthy cat does not have a specific smell.

Why is there blood in my cat's urine?

Hematuria- this is the second name of the formation. Its causes are the appearance of various infections, acquired or congenital diseases during the period of exacerbation, and unsuccessful falls of individuals should not be ruled out.

    The most important the reasons for which blood appears in the urine of a cat:
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • powerful blows, concussions;
  • acute poisoning;
  • congenital diseases in the structure of organs;
  • a lot of worms in the body;
  • drug withdrawal response.

The main symptoms of hematuria are blood in the urine of a cat

The main symptoms of hematuria are blood staining in a red hue. There are cases when the blood in the urine of a cat is filled with clots.

Not always if - this is a clear sign of illness. It may be that he ate beets or carrots, and it was from this urine dyed this color. If this is the case, then after a few days the excretory fluid will again become the same color. And if not, then it's time to seek help from specialists.

Our veterinary center "Ya-VET" has experienced doctors who will help you. By phone you will find out the real prices of the services you need. The veterinarian will be able to come to you and show his diploma.

If it appears, then often the animal loses its appetite, becomes apathetic and overly calm. He may suffer from urination itself. The cat will begin to urinate with an admixture of blood on the sofa, carpet, chair, etc. Possibly a cat after a fall.

What blood will look like in the urine of a cat at various stages of the disease

As already mentioned, the main symptom of the disease is the presence of blood in the urine of a cat. Its shade directly depends on red blood cells: the more of them, the brighter and richer the liquid. If there is blood in the urine of a cat accompanied by clots, this indicates a severe stage of the disease.

There are times when bloody shades are not noticeable at all. They can only be detected with careful microscopic analysis. Erythrocytes in the urine have a different shape from flattened to deformed.

Blood in the urine of a cat: how not to bring the animal to a severe degree of the disease.

Often, cat owners do not pay attention to the shade of their urine. It is necessary to note changes in the behavior of cats. As soon as you notice that your pet or pet makes strange sounds when urinating or just starts to worry, then don't wait - immediately see what color they have urine.

In the early stages, the excretory fluid does not change its color. But her behavior is different: urinates not in the litter box, rushes around the apartment and meows.

In this case it is necessary take a urine test. Our center "I-VET", located in Moscow, conducts examinations of animals, treats urolithiasis, which may have appeared in your cat.

How is a blood sample collected? Blood in cat urine

When you see blood in the urine of a cat, it urgently needs to be collected, but not everyone knows how to do this. In order to collect cat urine for analysis you need to prepare an empty tray, gloves and a special container. Then follow this algorithm of actions:

  1. Wash the cat's litter box thoroughly and pour hot water over it.
  2. Remove all filler from it.
  3. If the animal does not want to urinate in such a "toilet", then purchase pebbles.
  4. After the animal has done its job, put on gloves and pour the liquid into a special container.
  5. The jar must be taken to the center in the next couple of hours.

Blood in the urine of a cat. How is the diagnosis of blood in the urine of an animal

If your cat pissing blood, then an experienced and qualified veterinarian conducts a thorough examination in order to make the most accurate diagnosis. Diagnostics includes the following categories:

  1. General analysis of the excretory fluid of a cat. With its help, the presence of blood and other impurities is determined.
  2. Sensitivity and seeding. It turns out that what infection served as the causative agent of the disease, and even then antibiotics are determined.
  3. A swab from the genitals. Examined only if there is suspicion of vaginitis.
  4. General blood analysis. The level of infection of the animal's immune system is determined.
  5. Biochemical analysis. It is used to check the functioning of the kidneys.
  6. X-ray of the abdomen. Identifies kidney stones.
  7. Cystoscopy. The bladder is examined.
  8. Analysis of stones, if any. As a result, a special diet and drugs are prescribed.

Take care of your pet at home. Blood found in cat urine

Your cat fell, he began to excrete blood with urine, you turned to a specialist, he prescribed treatment for the animal. You must unquestioningly observe it, but also take care of your sick pet at home. Provide him with peace, do not pull, do not let children near the cat, do not touch the pet once again.

Remove all solid foods from food. Leave only liquid slurries and mixtures. Strictly adhere to the diet prescribed by your veterinarian.

Never self-medicate! It will only harm the cat or cat.

What to do if you can not see a doctor. Blood in cat urine

What to do if you can't see a doctor, and found blood in the urine of a cat? Now everyone has mobile phones, you can always dial our veterinary center m and consult on any issue.

    As a first aid, you can follow this algorithm:
  1. Move the animal to a warm and clean room, do not touch it.
  2. For pain relief, inject an intramuscular pain reliever. No-shpa or baralgin will do.
  3. Replace solid writing with liquid.
  4. Free access to water.
  5. Give the animal decoctions of herbs that remove toxins from the body.

Do not give an animal antibiotics without the knowledge of a doctor!

How to treat an animal that has found blood in the urine of a cat

Treatment directly depends on what diagnosis was made. The algorithm for taking drugs is written by a veterinarian. It may include such components: antibiotics, diet, injections, vitamins, removal of stones from the kidneys, painkillers and others.

Blood in the urine of a pregnant cat

In cats that carry babies under their hearts or have just given birth, blood in urine is normal. Therefore, before engaging in self-medication (which is generally not permissible), seek the advice of a specialist.

Animals should not be given drugs just like that. They can harm the animal, and such treatment will end in death.

Prevention of hematuria, blood in the urine of a cat

    To prevent blood in the urine of a cat, the following measures must be observed:
  1. Feed your pet only quality food.
  2. Can be held sterilization.
  3. Minimize cat walks outside.
  4. Don't let them fall.

Sterilized or castrated the cat is not so susceptible to this disease. Many are afraid to castrate, fearing that the individual will change its behavior in the future. But this is not true. The animal will remain with the same character.

Also pay attention to the cat's jumps, if possible, it is better to reduce their number. When he fails will fall- there will be diseases not only associated with the amount of blood in the urine.

The presence of various clots in the excretory fluid is a sign of serious diseases that need to be treated. Show the cat to the veterinarian, conduct the necessary research and follow all his appointments.

A cat cannot talk about its illnesses, they can be understood only by certain symptoms. One such symptom is blood in the cat's urine, or as veterinarians call it, hematuria. Hematuria indicates a serious disease of the animal. Many owners, upon discovering this, begin to panic: “The cat has urine with blood, what should I do?”. This article will tell you what diseases cause hematuria, what symptoms exist, how to help the animal and how to properly treat it.

What does cat urine look like in normal and hematuria

First you need to know what urine looks like in healthy cats and in cats with hematuria:

  • urine is liquid which is produced by the kidneys. Together with it, harmful substances, excess salt, enzymes, etc. are excreted from the body. If the cat is healthy, her urine is clear, light yellow or orange, without cloudy sediments and blood clots. In addition, the urine of the animal does not emit a strong odor;
  • bloody urine in a cat can be detected by the owners when changing the filler in the tray. Blood is released in the form of clots in severe cases of the disease. With a mild stage of the disease, the color most often changes - it becomes dark brown, a sharp unpleasant odor appears. If there is a suspicion, the owner needs to collect the pet's urine and either visually assess the presence of blood in it, or transfer it to a specialist for analysis.

Causes of hematuria

Blood in the urine of a cat in itself is only a symptom of the development of diseases of the genitourinary system. These diseases include:

Causes of urolithiasis

Most often, blood in the urine of a cat indicates the development of urolithiasis in him. Scientists are still arguing about what causes the formation of stones. One of the main reasons is malnutrition:

  • the diet contains a large amount of phosphates;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • monotonous diet;
  • a large number of sea fish.

In neutered cats, urolithiasis often develops due to stagnation of urine. The reason for this is the narrowing of the urinary canal after castration.

Symptoms of urolithiasis

In addition to the presence of blood in the urine of cats, the following symptoms may indicate urolithiasis:

First aid

If the owner has found blood in the urine of his pet, and all of the above symptoms are present, first aid can be provided to the cat or cat before contacting the veterinarian and starting any treatment. It comes down to this:

  • provide the pet with peace in a warm room on a clean bedding;
  • give an injection of an anesthetic ("No-shpa", "Baralgin"). "Analgin" is contraindicated for cats;
  • feed the pet should be only liquid food;
  • provide the cat with plenty of water, water should be available in large quantities;
  • it is not recommended to give an animal antibiotics without a prescription from a veterinarian;
  • decoction of parsley helps to relieve inflammation, so a cat should be fed to them. In addition to anti-inflammatory, parsley decoction has disinfectant properties;
  • a decoction of juniper or horsetail will help remove substances that cause inflammation from the urinary canal.

How to collect urine from a cat

To diagnose the presence of the disease, it is necessary to collect cat urine according to the following rules:

Diagnosis of the disease

A veterinarian should diagnose a particular disease that provokes the appearance of blood in the urine of a cat. To do this, he can prescribe the following examinations:

  1. general analysis of urine and blood;
  2. vaginal swab from a cat;
  3. coagulogram;
  4. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  5. x-ray;
  6. histology;
  7. cystoscopy;
  8. sowing urine for flora;
  9. stone analysis.


After the examination and obtaining an accurate picture of the disease, the correct diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment. Treatment includes the following activities:

Prevention measures

The development of diseases that provoke the appearance of blood in the urine of a cat or cat is easier to prevent than to treat, so it is important to observe the following preventive measures:

  1. diversify the cat's diet;
  2. carry out the necessary vaccinations;
  3. carry out preventive treatment of the pet from worms and fleas;
  4. do not overfeed a fluffy pet;
  5. include fermented milk products in the animal's diet;
  6. castrated cats are not recommended to be fed with sea fish to avoid the accumulation of salts;
  7. provide the pet with unhindered access to water;
  8. cats and cats should lead a mobile lifestyle.

So, blood in the urine of a cat or a cat indicates the presence of serious health problems, most often it is urolithiasis. To accurately establish the diagnosis, you should collect the pet's urine, visually assess its condition for the presence of blood and impurities and transfer it to specialists for analysis, as well as contact a veterinarian and conduct the necessary examinations. After confirming the diagnosis, the veterinarian prescribes treatment. However, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, so it is important to follow preventive measures.

If animals could speak, it would be much easier for us to find a common language with them and take care of them. However, cats and dogs cannot speak. Therefore, you and I can only guess how our pets feel, while relying on the behavior of the animal (knowledge will help to understand the cat better).

Today we want to consider with you a situation in which our observations alone will obviously not be enough. Quite often, many owners of domestic cats, both neutered and not neutered, complain that they notice blood or blood clots in their pet's urine. What does this mean? What disease can it be a symptom of? How to behave in this situation and how to help the cat? We offer answers to all these questions on the pages of our publication ...

Where does the blood in the urine of the cat come from?

In veterinary practice, the appearance of blood and blood clots in the urine of animals, and in particular cats, is called hematuria. Translated from Latin, this term sounds like bloody urine. If your animal has such urine, this is a serious symptom that should not be ignored. And, he testifies that your four-legged furry friend has big health problems. But before we look at these problems, let's find out what the urine of a healthy pet should look like.

So, urine is the fluid that is formed in the kidneys and excreted through the urethral system. At the same time, along with such an excretion, harmful metabolic products, foreign substances, salts, enzymes, vitamins and even hormones are excreted from the animal's body ... In principle, this is a completely natural and normal process that helps maintain the normal internal environment of the body, which we called homeostasis.

In a healthy animal, urine should be clear, it can be yellow or even orange.

By the way, the latter depends on the cat's diet (find out) and the nature of the metabolism in his body. If a malfunction occurs in the body (which one - we will find out a little later), the color of the urine changes, it becomes cloudy, bloody strands or clots can be observed in it.

Depending on the condition of the cat, the appearance and smell of his urine also changes.

Causes of blood in the urine

Diseases of the genital tract, as well as systemic diseases and various pathologies (including heart failure, blood diseases, liver diseases, overheating) can also lead to hematuria ...

As a rule, such a symptom as blood in the urine is often accompanied by the pet's refusal to eat, a general depression, and an increase. Often a cat experiences pain during urination, so it meows loudly, rushes around the apartment and tries to go to the toilet where it should not be done.

If you notice these symptoms and similar changes in your pet's behavior, don't ignore them. It's time to seek the advice of a veterinarian. And, it is better to immediately go to the doctor’s appointment not empty-handed, but with collected urine.

How to collect cat urine for analysis

In fact, collecting the urine of an animal, especially your domestic cat, for analysis - it will help to establish the cause of this condition of your pet - is not so difficult. The main thing is to follow our recommendations and take some precautions. Regarding the latter, it is better to carry out all manipulations with gloves on in order to protect yourself from possible infection, if it is the case.

Before collecting urine and after it, the cat tray must be disinfected, it must be removed from the tray and the grate left. When your pet next goes to the toilet, you should carefully collect urine with a syringe and pour it into a special container (available at a pharmacy).

Urine should be collected 3-4 hours before testing. If you collect it in the evening, and go to the veterinary clinic only in the morning, the results of the analysis may be biased.

If the animal has problems with urination, then in order to collect a urine sample, he will need to put a catheter, however, this procedure should be carried out in a veterinary clinic.

How to treat hematuria in a cat

Sometimes, a visual examination of urine may not show the presence of clots and blood impurities in it, therefore, the animal's urine must be taken to a veterinary clinic for analysis. There, using special methods, specialists will be able to determine whether erythrocytes, protein, leukocytes, acetone, pus, microbes, epithelium are present in the blood of a mustachioed pet. , it will be possible to establish a diagnosis and identify the cause that led to the appearance of blood in the urine of the animal. Depending on the diagnosis, an appropriate course of treatment will be prescribed. As you can see the participation of a veterinarian in this process is mandatory, therefore, it is not worth self-medicating the animal.

As a rule, in the case of hematuria, the animal is prescribed a course of anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic drugs. If the condition of the animal is neglected - you have delayed too long with an appeal to the veterinarian, the cat may be prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy. , immune preparations, herbal infusions are prescribed depending on the condition of the pet and the veterinarian should deal with their appointment, and not you yourself. This should not be done even by those people who are interested in medicine or have a medical education.

Veterinary medicine is a completely different field, and although it has some similarities with "human" medicine, there are a number of drugs that can kill an animal, not help it.

The appearance of blood in the urine of cats in veterinary practice is called hematuria. If red urine was found in a cat, the owner of the animal should contact the veterinary clinic to conduct a full examination and identify the causes of the problem.

It is not difficult for most pet owners to detect red urine in a cat, because if the animal goes to the cat litter box, the filler immediately acquires a characteristic color, and besides, even if the need was handled in the wrong place, impurities will also be clearly visible. Difficulties in detecting hematuria exist only in cases where animals are accustomed to going outside, where they have the opportunity to go to the toilet. If blood is found in the urine of a cat, you should contact your veterinarian, since such a symptom is quite alarming and may even indicate the presence of a serious illness in the animal.

It is worth noting that the most common cause of hematuria in cats and cats is urolithiasis. Many pet owners feed their pets with poor quality food, while unconsciously limiting access to water, which often leads to the development of urolithiasis. Among other things, surgical interventions, including castration of cats, can serve as a prerequisite for the appearance of urolithiasis and blood discharge in the urine. Timely detection of urolithiasis and targeted medical, surgical and physiotherapeutic therapy, allows you to restore health to a sick animal and significantly increase its life expectancy.

In rare cases, red urine in a cat may be the result of an injury. The thing is that cats are mobile creatures, so they can fall under the feet of their owners, as well as fall from a great height, which can lead to injury to the kidneys or organs of the urinary system.

When a cat's urine is red, the problem may be more serious than it first appears. Cats, like people, are prone to the development of cancer, therefore, with the development of a malignant tumor in the kidneys or excretory tract, hematuria is often observed. In this case, the only way out is surgery. In addition, the appearance of hematuria in cats may be associated with severe poisoning with rat poison or other substances that are anticoagulants. Rat poisoning usually occurs when a cat catches and eats a rat or mouse that has been poisoned. If the problem lies in poisoning, only a timely visit to the veterinarian will save the animal's life.

Some infectious diseases can also lead to hematuria in cats. For example, a disease such as leptospirosis often contributes to the appearance of blood in the urine. In addition, the appearance of hematuria in cats may be associated with severe urethritis, cystitis and pyelitis.

A timely visit to a doctor and the appointment of complex therapy allows you to eliminate the root cause of the appearance of blood discharge in the urine and save the animal from the discomfort that it experiences due to damage to certain organs and systems.

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