Home Vegetables Therapeutic fasting in diabetes 2. Fasting and diabetes mellitus. Benefits during fasting

Therapeutic fasting in diabetes 2. Fasting and diabetes mellitus. Benefits during fasting

Diabetes mellitus is associated with an acute shortage of insulin in the body or a low susceptibility of this hormone by the internal organs of a person. In type 2 diabetes, the patient does not depend on the daily administration of the hormone to the body to maintain normal blood glucose levels. Instead, he can take anti-hypoglycemic drugs and control blood sugar levels through exercise and diet therapy.

The main reason for the development of type 2 diabetes, as a rule, is the overweight of the diabetic. Fasting for diabetes can help you lose weight, get rid of obesity, and improve blood sugar levels.

Effectiveness of fasting in diabetes mellitus

In general, doctors still cannot come to a consensus on how effective the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus with the help of fasting is. Proponents of alternative treatments instead of this weight loss technology recommend the use of hypoglycemic drugs and other treatment regimens.

Meanwhile, most doctors claim that in the absence of vascular disorders, and other complications and contraindications, the treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes in general with the help of fasting is quite effective.

As you know, the hormone insulin begins to be produced after food enters the human body. If this does not happen for some reason, all possible and available reserves are used in the body, with the help of which fats are processed. The liquid, in turn, promotes the elimination of all unnecessary substances from the body, for this reason diabetics need to eat it in large quantities, at least three liters per day.

With the help of this process, the internal organs are cleansed of toxins and toxic substances, metabolic processes return to normal, while the patient with type II diabetes loses excess weight.

This also happens due to a decrease in the level of glycogen in the liver, after which fatty acids are processed into carbohydrates. In this case, a diabetic may have an unpleasant one, for example, due to the fact that ketone substances are formed in the body.

Fasting rules for diabetes

Treatment and duration of fasting is determined by the doctor after the patient undergoes all the examinations and passes the necessary tests. Some doctors are of the opinion that fasting in type 2 diabetes should be prolonged.

Others believe that fasting treatment is permissible for no more than two weeks.

Meanwhile, as medical practice shows, with type 2 diabetes, even three to four days of fasting are enough to improve the state of the body and normalize blood sugar levels.

  • If the patient has not previously starved, treatment should be carried out strictly under the supervision of the attending physician, nutritionist and endocrinologist.
  • Including it is necessary to regularly measure the level of glucose in the blood and do not forget to drink a sufficient amount of fluids per day.
  • Three days before the start of fasting, diabetics can only eat meals that contain elements of plant origin. Including type 2 diabetes mellitus, you need to eat 30-40 grams of olive oil.
  • Before the very beginning of fasting, the patient is given a cleansing enema to free the stomach from excess substances and unwanted food debris.

You need to be prepared for the first week to smell acetone from the mouth, and from the patient's urine, as it concentrates. However, after the glycemic crisis has passed and the amount of ketone substances in the body decreases, the smell will disappear.

During fasting treatment, blood glucose levels return to normal and remain in this state all the time the patient refrains from eating.

Including all metabolic processes improve, the load on the liver and pancreas decreases. After the working capacity of many organs is restored, everything can disappear in diabetics, and in men too.

  1. After the fasting treatment is completed, the first three days should refrain from eating heavy meals. It is recommended to consume only nutritious liquid, gradually increasing the calorie content of the meals taken every day.
  2. You can eat no more than two times a day. The diet during this period can include vegetable juices diluted with water, natural juices from vegetables, milk whey, vegetable broths. Also, on these days, you should not eat foods containing a large amount of salt and protein.
  3. After treatment, diabetics are advised to eat vegetable salads, vegetable soups, walnuts more often in order to maintain a normal state of the body for a long time. In particular, diabetics recommend reducing the frequency of meals and avoiding snacks throughout the day.

How can fasting be beneficial or harmful when a person has type 1 (juvenile) or type 2 (adult) diabetes? A number of researchers indicate that hunger or less meals per day either reduces the severity of the disease or cures diabetes. After all, insulin is released into the blood as soon as food enters the body. Therefore, patients with diabetes mellitus are so contraindicated "snacks", which also increase the level of insulin in the blood.

People practicing diabetes treatment by starvation, note the similarity between the composition of blood and urine in diabetics and hungry people. The reason leading to characteristic changes in physiological parameters is the same: in the liver, glycogen stores decrease, and the body begins to mobilize internal resources: stored fatty acids begin to be processed into carbohydrates, which is accompanied by the formation of ketones and a specific "acetone" smell of both urine and saliva ...

Therapeutic fasting for diabetes

Many scientists argue that fasting with diabetes is not only possible, but also beneficial. However, short therapeutic fasting for diabetes (from 24 to 72 hours) has little effect. Anyone who is seriously trying to curb their illness should practice medium or prolonged fasting. At the same time, we emphasize again, water consumption should be sufficient - up to 3 liters per day.

Treatment of diabetes by starvation, is it possible to starve?

If the patient is starving for the first time, it is better for him to carry out this process in a hospital, in a special clinic, so that he is monitored by a nutritionist, especially if it is type 2 diabetes. Before medical fasting, it is advisable to eat only suitable plant foods for 2-3 days and consume 30-50 g of olive oil per day. It is recommended to do a cleansing enema immediately before entering the period of hunger treatment.

After the onset of a hypoglycemic crisis (usually 4-6 days after the start of fasting), bad breath disappears. This means that the level of ketones in the blood began to decline. At the same time, the amount of glucose is completely normalized and remains normal during the entire period of fasting. During this period, metabolic processes throughout the body return to normal, and the load on the pancreas and liver is significantly reduced, the signs of diabetes disappear.

Different doctors recommend different periods of therapeutic fasting. As a rule, it is enough to carry out a ten-day treatment of diabetes mellitus with hunger for the patient's condition to improve significantly.

Nutritionist and endocrinologist will tell the patient how to get out of fasting. We can only give general advice.

It is better to start with taking some kind of nutritious liquid: vegetable juice diluted with water, then natural vegetable juice, milk whey, vegetable broth. In the first 2-3 days, salt should be completely excluded from the diet, as well as foods rich in proteins. Salads, vegetable soups, walnuts and will preserve the effect achieved as a result of complete starvation, and will serve as a means of preventing lesions of the legs ("diabetic foot").

A number of doctors recommend eating no more than 2 times a day during the period of recovery from diabetes (and if it is possible - then in the future). The fewer the number of meals, the less frequent the release of insulin into the blood. Moreover, the amount of insulin entering the blood at a time does not increase or decrease from the number of meals.

During fasting, the physical activity of a patient with diabetes mellitus, as a rule, decreases, but upon completion of treatment, it should not only be restored, but also increased above the previous volume - the load on the muscles also reduces the amount of insulin in the blood.

So - starve to health!

Reviews and comments

I have type 2 diabetes - non-insulin dependent. A friend advised me to lower blood sugar levels with DiabeNot. I ordered it over the Internet. Reception started. I follow a loose diet, I started walking 2-3 kilometers every morning. Over the past two weeks, I have noticed a gradual decrease in blood glucose in the morning before breakfast from 9.3 to 7.1, and yesterday even to 6.1! I continue the preventive course. I will unsubscribe about the successes.

Margarita Pavlovna, I am also now sitting on Diabenot. SD 2. I really do not have time for a diet and walks, but I do not abuse sweets and carbohydrates, I consider XE, but due to age, the sugar is still high. The results are not as good as yours, but for 7.0 sugar has not crawled out for a week. What glucometer do you measure sugar with? Does it show you by plasma or whole blood? I would like to compare the results from taking the drug.

There was an experience of starvation in his youth - 11.9, and 5 days. Then I did not know how to properly enter and exit fasting. It is difficult, painfully the first three days, after the appetite disappears and you feel lightness throughout the body ... I did not suffer from diabetes mellitus then, but now I have acquired type 2 for a couple of years. I am 59 years old. Eh ... I must remember my youth, get out of hunger correctly according to Paul Bregu and I will be happy - the body will restore itself !!! By the way, Paustovsky recovered from a duodenal ulcer during the blockade of Leningrad and went to the front, and before that he was with a white ticket. That's it.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus most often occurs in overweight people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

The nervous system of such people is unstable, prone to chronic neuroses and stress. This is one of the main causes of the disease.

With the development of the disease, its own hormone insulin, produced by the pancreas, cannot fully participate in metabolic processes, penetrating into cells through membranes. It remains in the blood plasma, thereby increasing the normal concentration of sugar.

In contact with

General rules of fasting for illness

The main method of treatment of the disease is, which helps to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood. For this recommend eating foods with a low glycemic index, that is, slightly increasing the level of sugar in the blood plasma after meals.

If the disease is difficult, then the patient begins to do injections of synthetic insulin. From this moment, the patient becomes dependent on the drug, since the pancreas eventually stops synthesizing the hormone on its own.

Fasting for type 2 diabetics is a salvation from further development of the disease. It works especially effectively in the early stages, but even in more difficult cases, do not give up.


Fasting will restore natural metabolism, balance hormonal balance, and:

  • unload the pancreas and liver from toxins, give them rest;
  • balance the state of all organs and systems of the body;
  • cleanse the body of toxic metabolic products;
  • normalize weight.

After a properly performed fasting, the emotional state is stabilized., stress resistance, immunity increases, the taste for natural products is restored, there is a desire to move.

Optimal timing

In type 2 diabetes mellitus, a sustained improvement in the condition is possible with fasting lasting from one to two weeks. During this time, the body manages not only to cleanse itself, but also to launch a self-healing program.

But, at first it is better to try yourself at shorter distances- from 36 hours to three days, since a weakened body may not be able to immediately cope with the removal of a large amount of poisons and toxins.

During starvation, a person begins to break down glycogen in the liver and fat, which leads to the appearance of compounds of the ketone class in the blood.

In diabetics, the concentration of these substances is already increased due to the inability to use their own insulin. Therefore, the course of the disease during fasting for the first three days may be complicated:

Otherwise, this phenomenon is also called ketonemia.

  • Ketonuria accompanied by frequent urination. At the same time, urine has an apple smell. The consequence is dehydration and the elimination of vital salts, vitamins and minerals from the body.

Therefore, in the absence of experience, patients should be fasting only under the supervision of experienced specialists.

Preparing and Entering Fasting for Type 2 Diabetes

Before fasting, you must adhere to a strict fast for five days. by eating foods with a low glycemic index and 30 ml of quality (cold-pressed) olive oil daily. These products include:

  • most vegetables, especially green ones - zucchini, lettuce, celery, cabbage (any), tomatoes, cucumbers, stewed turnips, etc.

    It is very useful in diabetes mellitus. It is baked unpeeled in the oven until soft. You can eat any amount per day. Can be combined with diet bread and olive oil.

    All vegetables should preferably be eaten in the form of salads or after stewing (boiling).

  • Buckwheat and cereals.

    Of these, you can cook porridge in water with vegetable oil and vegetables.

  • Sour fruit- green, apricots, peaches, pears, cherry plums.
  • Diet bread without sugar from whole grains - no more than 50 g per day.

It is better to buy essential foods in advance so that during preparation you will not be tempted to purchase and eat foods that are strictly prohibited. It includes:

  • any meat;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • sugar, salt;
  • tea, carbonated drinks;
  • white flour products, including confectionery.

This period is necessary for preliminary cleansing of the intestines from toxins, as well as in order to tune in to fasting, which is not easy for many, even healthy people.

Eat during the preparatory period, preferably often, after 2-3 hours, but in small portions, weaning the stomach from stretching.

In winter, it is better to cook vegetable soups, in summer - salads during the day and stewed vegetables for dinner.

Before breakfast, you can pamper yourself with freshly squeezed apple or carrot juice, which must be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio before use.

This will cheer you up and set the body up for cleansing.

On the last day before fasting, it is advisable to make a cleansing enema with boiled water at a temperature of 35-37 degrees. The best time for this procedure, according to biorhythms, is 22 hours.

Fundamental rules

It is advisable to carry out a hunger strike for the disease in question in a hospital setting, under the supervision of doctors.

During the entire period of refusal to eat, you only need to drink water. Its temperature should be close to body temperature (36-37 degrees).

The following are prohibited:

  • intense;
  • hypothermia;
  • taking medications without a doctor's recommendation (this is life-threatening).

If fasting is carried out independently, then at this time it is undesirable to work, to be among a large number of people. Food and preparation information should be avoided.

The first three days of fasting are observed weakness, chills, dizziness, mood swings, depression. This is due to the increased concentration of ketone bodies in the blood. You can relieve the condition with the help of walks in the fresh air, warm short baths with a temperature of 40-45 degrees for 10 minutes, as well as sleep.

It should be noted that food cravings increase the burden on vision. Therefore, during fasting, it is undesirable to read a lot, watch TV, etc.

You can help reduce hunger:

  • a few sips of hot water;
  • quiet classical music;
  • muscle relaxation combined with shallow, measured breathing.

After three days, the condition stabilizes, the painful hunger disappears.

If you experience very strong dizziness, blurred vision, dots before your eyes, nausea, you should immediately inform your doctor or call an ambulance (if you are starving at home). In this case, you should not start eating, especially if fasting lasts more than 24 hours. This can be fatal.

Exit rules

  • on the first day, drink only freshly squeezed vegetable (with the exception of beets) juices diluted with water 1: 1, five times a day.
  • In the second, you can add juices from fruits with a low GI with the addition of pulp. They also need to be diluted with water.
  • In the third - baked green puree is added for dinner.
  • On the fourth - 150 ml of vegetable puree soup for lunch can be added to the previous diet.

Then you need to eat pureed vegetable soups and fresh juices for as many days as fasting lasted.

Then they begin to introduce foods into the diet in the following sequence: fermented milk, fish (not fried), eggs, meat, with an interval of 3-5 days. If the desire to eat proteins of animal origin does not appear, then you should not force yourself.

When coming out of fasting, it is very difficult to limit oneself in food, especially for diabetics c. Therefore, it is worth repeating again: in order to avoid serious complications, it is advisable to fast in a hospital.

How often can you go hungry?

In type 2 diabetes, the frequency of fasting depends on the duration of the process. It is easy to calculate that five days of preparation, a week of fasting and a week of exit will take 19 days. It will take at least three months to restore the body. This means that next time it will be possible to starve in four months.

The two-week fast is repeated after 5-6 months. Longer fasting is not recommended for this disease.


Fasting should not be practiced by patients with type 2 diabetes, complicated by:

  • cardiovascular diseases (ischemia of the heart, atherosclerosis, etc.);
  • visual impairment;
  • epilepsy and other seizure disorders.

You should also not completely abandon food for a long time for medicinal purposes for people experiencing severe psychological discomfort from hunger. They should first try fasting days on the recommendation of the attending physician.

Type 2 diabetes is considered incurable. But traditional healers believe that with the help of competently conducted fasting, you can stop the progression of the disease and even reverse the process. But fanaticism is out of place here. Diabetics need to starve very carefully, strictly following all the rules and recommendations, under the supervision of a specialist.

There is a misconception about the impossibility of using fasting in patients with diabetes mellitus. To a greater extent, it is supported by endocrinologists. The existing treatment regimens using diet, drugs that lower blood sugar levels and insulin therapy, as well as the sophistication of these treatment regimens, allows them to have such an opinion. At the same time, fasting experts do not consider diabetes to be an absolute contraindication. So, in the list of medical indications and contraindications for the use of fasting, type 2 diabetes is a relative contraindication, and only type 1 diabetes is an absolute contraindication. "In the second type of diabetes mellitus, not complicated by severe vascular disorders, EAD is effectively used in some cases." M. A. Samsonova, prof. Yu.S. Nikolaeva, prof. A. N. Kokosova and others / - / zip-15 KB /

The course of diabetes and fasting have some similarities. So with diabetes mellitus and starvation, ketonemia and ketonuria are noted. In the blood of a healthy person, ketone (acetone) bodies are contained in very small concentrations. However, during fasting, as well as in persons with severe diabetes mellitus, the content of ketone bodies in the blood can rise to 20 mmol / l. This condition is called ketonemia; it is usually accompanied by a sharp increase in the content of ketone bodies in the urine (ketonuria). For example, if normally about 40 mg of ketone bodies are excreted in the urine per day, then in diabetes mellitus, their content in the daily portion of urine can reach 50 g or more.

The cause of ketonemia is similar in both cases. Both diabetes and fasting are accompanied by a sharp decrease in liver glycogen stores. Many tissues and organs, in particular muscle tissue, are in a state of energy hunger (with a lack of insulin, glucose cannot enter the cell at a sufficient rate). In this situation, due to the excitation of metabolic centers in the central nervous system by impulses from chemoreceptors of cells experiencing energy hunger, lipolysis and mobilization of a large amount of fatty acids from fat stores to the liver are sharply increased. In the liver, there is an intensive formation of ketone bodies. Peripheral tissues in diabetes and starvation retain the ability to use ketone bodies as an energy material, however, due to the unusually high concentration of ketone bodies in the inflowing blood, muscles and other organs cannot cope with their oxidation and, as a result, ketonemia occurs.

However, if during fasting ketonemia is benign and is used by the body in order to switch to full-fledged internal nutrition, then in diabetes mellitus ketonemia indicates a decompensation of the process.

During fasting, after the onset of a hypoglycemic crisis / 5-7 days / the amount of ketones in the blood decreases, and the amount of glucose is normalized and remains the same throughout the fast.

In diabetes mellitus, fasting of medium and long periods is preferable. Short fasts of 1-3 days are less effective.

When fasting with diabetes mellitus, caution and accuracy should be exercised. Of particular importance is the preparatory period of fasting, during which it is necessary to carry out the necessary cleansing procedures and learn to follow a diet. The fasting itself is best done in a specialized clinic under the supervision of qualified fasting specialists / especially for type 2 diabetes /.

Of great importance is the correct way out of fasting and adherence to a diet during the recovery period.

During fasting, metabolic processes throughout the body are normalized, including the load on the pancreas and liver decreases. All this has a beneficial effect on these organs, normalizes their work and, ultimately, improves the course of diabetes mellitus.

In addition, the state of all organs and systems is normalized, the pathology of which often becomes one of the causes of diabetes mellitus.

Thus, we can safely say that the use of fasting, especially for mild and forms of diabetes mellitus, helps to significantly improve the course of the disease and even completely cure it. Some foreign fasting clinics successfully treat type 2 and even type 1 diabetes.

In any case, it must be remembered that diabetes is not the final judgment. A person who wants to restore health will definitely do this and fasting can help him with this. As a person practicing fasting, I do not know of any other way that would allow to restore damaged organs and systems so effectively.

Diabetes mellitus occurs in those people who suffer from a serious lack of insulin in the body, and this disease can also develop against the background of the fact that organ cells simply cannot perceive the substance in sufficient quantities. Is it possible to starve with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the article.

The second type of diabetes differs from the first in that with such a disease, the patient does not depend on insulin injections, it is enough for him to simply take special drugs that lower blood sugar, and also constantly monitor the sugar level, following a therapeutic diet and doing daily workouts.

Fasting in type 2 diabetes mellitus is completely allowed, and even beneficial for the body, but only if the patient follows all the rules for entering hunger.

How effective is this treatment?

Since patients often ask doctors whether it is possible to starve in type 2 diabetes, it is worth talking more about this, because fasting in type 2 diabetes is useful several times a year to control the amount of glucose in a person's blood. But it should be said right away that using this method of treatment without consulting a doctor can be hazardous to health.

Not all doctors consider hunger to be a good solution for maintaining their health, but there are those doctors who believe that avoiding food for a while helps to maintain normal sugar levels.

A hunger strike helps not only to normalize the amount of sugar in the body, but also makes it possible to quickly reduce body weight, which is simply necessary if a patient with diabetes is additionally obese.

It is important to know that refusal to eat should be accompanied by drinking plenty of water, as well as constant medical supervision.

Basic rules of abstinence from food

Diabetes is a very serious condition, for this reason fasting for type 1 diabetes and dry fasting are strictly prohibited, and it is also important to follow the basic rules of not eating. The first step is to seek advice from the attending physician, since only the doctor can calculate the appropriate number of days for hunger, and the patient will have to pass some tests. In general, you should not prolong hunger for more than two weeks, since further refusal of food will harm the body, and not help it.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus with this method was used several decades ago, of course, the disease did not go away forever, but sugar indicators improved significantly. As doctors say, with the second type of diabetes, it is better to refuse food for a maximum of four days, this will be quite enough to lower the sugar level.

If the patient has never used medical fasting before, then he should prepare his body for this more thoroughly, and also carry out a hunger strike only under the constant supervision of medical personnel. You will also have to constantly monitor your blood sugar levels and drink at least two and a half liters of purified water. Three days before entering the diet, it is worthwhile to prepare the body for fasting treatment, since this is a very important process.

Fasting with diabetes can harm the body, for this reason, three days before the diet, the patient is advised to eat only those dishes that are prepared from plant products, and animal products are completely excluded from the menu. Also, you will have to eat at least forty grams of olive oil per day.

Before going into hunger, the patient makes himself a self-cleansing enema, this helps to cleanse the intestines of all that is superfluous, such enemas should be repeated once every three days. It is worth being prepared for the fact that the smell of acetone will be present in the patient's urine, and the smell will also begin to come from the patient's mouth, as the substance is concentrated. But as soon as the glycemic crisis passes, the level of acetone will drop markedly, and then the smell will disappear. The smell can appear during the first two weeks of hunger, while the blood sugar rate will be constant all the time the patient refuses to eat.

When the hunger treatment is completely completed, you can begin a gradual exit from this diet, for this, for the first three days, the person is prohibited from eating any heavy food, that is, you will have to switch back to the diet that the patient adhered to before the starvation began. The calorie content of food will have to be increased gradually so as not to cause a sharp jump in blood glucose, at this time it is especially important to monitor the sugar readings.

It is better to eat no more than two times a day, and the diet should additionally consist of juices that are diluted with water, you can not eat protein and salty dishes. When the treatment is completely completed, it is worth including in your diet more vegetable vegetable salads, walnuts and vegetable types of soups are allowed.

You shouldn't have snacks, but the number of meals should be increased, but the portions should not be too large.

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