Home Vegetables Raspberry compote from frozen berries. Raspberry compote for the winter. Black raspberry compote recipe

Raspberry compote from frozen berries. Raspberry compote for the winter. Black raspberry compote recipe

Raspberries are one of our favorite berries. At the same time, it is from it that preparations for the winter are massively made. And the reason for this is not only its taste and aroma, but also its beneficial properties. Raspberry compote is an incredibly tasty drink that can not only be prepared during the harvest period, but also rolled up for the winter.

Raspberries and other berries and fruits

Raspberry gives the drinks based on it a pronounced aroma and taste. Its berries contain a large amount of vitamins. But no less tasty and healthy are combined drinks that are prepared with the addition of a variety of fruits and berries.

Very often, raspberry compote for the winter is prepared with the addition of apples, apricots, currants, cherries, etc. There are even recipes for a drink made from pear, quince and raspberry. Sometimes mint leaves are put in the compote.

An unusual drink can be obtained by adding spices - cinnamon and raspberries to the raspberry broth. True, such a compote must be prepared strictly following the recipe so as not to overdo it with some components.

General cooking principles

Raspberries are incredibly tender berries. Even with a short shelf life, it can easily become moldy and fermented. If you are preparing raspberry compote, which you will use now, then stale berries are quite suitable. But to prepare a drink for the winter, it is worth taking only fresh fruits.

Before cooking, the raspberries must be carefully sorted out, removing the stalks. Next, you need to rinse and dry the berries. Sometimes there are worms in raspberries. If you find such unwanted guests, then the berries can be soaked in a weak salt solution for ten minutes. After that, the raspberries must be washed very carefully.

Raspberry compote is cooked for a very short time, and preparing a drink for the winter does not require too long sterilization. The berries can be arranged in jars (sterilized) and poured over with boiling syrup. After that, the raspberry compote is immediately corked with lids for the winter. Only a drink made from berries in their own juice is subject to pasteurization.

As we already mentioned, compote can be prepared not only on the basis of raspberries. By adding other components - gooseberries, cherries, currants (black or red), cherries, you can get bright and rich drinks with an amazing bouquet of aroma. An unusual compote is obtained by adding red wine.

Banks for preparing raspberry compote must be washed and sterilized in advance. Metal lids need to be boiled too. After the cans are rolled up, they are turned upside down and wrapped in a warm blanket. The containers are in this state until they cool completely.

Classic recipe

The classic recipe for raspberry compote is quite simple. Cooking a delicious drink is a completely simple matter, even for those housewives who for the first time are going to start independently preparing supplies for future use.

So, what do we need to make raspberry compote for the winter?

Take the following components for a 3-liter jar:

  1. Sugar - 320 g.
  2. Ripe raspberries - 320 g.
  3. A teaspoon of citric acid.

We wash a three-liter jar well under running water and sterilize it. After that, it is necessary to dry the container by turning it upside down. The lid also needs to be boiled. In the meantime, let's start preparing the berries. Raspberries must be sorted out, removing the dented and spoiled berries, then rinse in a colander under running water. For a while, the berries can be left in a colander, as excess liquid should drain. Next, put the raspberries in a jar and add a teaspoon of citric acid.

Put a large pot of water (3 liters) on the fire and pour sugar into it. Our recipe indicates the amount of sugar you need to get a sweet drink. If you like sour compote, just reduce its amount by about one hundred grams.

The syrup should boil, after which it should be boiled for another couple of minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour raspberries with boiling liquid. Do not add about one centimeter to the top of the container. Next, cover the jar with a lid and roll it up. We send the compote to cool under the blanket.

Raspberry with honey

We bring to your attention a healthy raspberry compote with honey. To prepare it you will need:

  1. Frozen raspberries - 350 g.
  2. Honey - 4 tbsp. l.

Pour 2.5 liters of water into a saucepan and send it to the stove. In the meantime, grind the berries through a sieve. We send the cake into boiling water in containers. And leave the raspberry puree aside for now. Boil raspberries over low heat for five minutes. Next, remove the broth from the heat and let it brew (10 minutes). In a warm compote, it is necessary to dilute honey and add raspberry puree. Such a healthy and tasty drink can be served both cold and warm. As you can see, the vitamin recipe for raspberry compote is incredibly simple. It can come in handy when you feel unwell or have a cold. Such a vitamin cocktail will help to cope with the disease.

Raspberry compote with wine

At first glance, such a recipe for raspberry compote for the winter may seem incredible, but in fact, when you add wine, you get a wonderful drink.

For cooking, we stock up on the following products:

  1. Raspberry - 270 g.
  2. Red sweet wine - 120 g.
  3. Sugar - 270 g.
  4. Lemon juice.

We sort out the raspberries, wash them and put them in a clean container. Dissolve sugar in boiling water (1.5 liters), add freshly squeezed juice of one lemon. Boil the resulting syrup over low heat for seven minutes. Pour raspberries in jars with boiling liquid, add wine and seal containers. Next, we send them to cool under the blanket.

Raspberry with mint

In our article we will try to give the best recipes for raspberry compote. You can make a delicious drink with the addition of mint.

For this we need:

  1. Raspberry - 550 g.
  2. A glass of sugar.
  3. Several mint leaves.

We carefully sort out the raspberries and rinse them. The mint leaves also need to be rinsed and dried well with a towel. Next, put the raspberries in a sterilized jar, and put the mint on top and cover everything with sugar.

Boil about three liters of water in a saucepan and pour the liquid into the jar to the very neck. The container must be immediately closed with a boiled lid and sealed.

Raspberry and black currant

The raspberry and currant compote is incredibly aromatic. Moreover, you can prepare a drink with both red and black currants. In both cases, you get a compote with a different aroma.


  1. Raspberry - 850 g.
  2. Black currant - 850 g.
  3. Sugar - 520 g.
  4. Water.

We carefully sort out the currants and raspberries and clean them of twigs and debris. Next, we rinse well and distribute the berries into two liter jars. Fill the containers with water to the top, then pour it into a saucepan and send it to the fire. Add sugar and bring the syrup to a boil. Fill them with berries and let them infuse for about fifteen minutes, after which we drain the water and boil again. Re-fill the jars with hot syrup and roll them up. We are waiting for the inverted compote to cool down. For further storage, we send the workpiece to storage in a cool place.

Raspberry and currant compote for the winter

The combination of currants and raspberries is a truly win-win option. The fragrant berry compote will become your favorite on your table. There are many recipes for drinks, each of them is good in its own way.


  1. Raspberries - 230 g.
  2. Black currant - 230 g.
  3. Half a lemon.
  4. Mint - a couple of leaves.
  5. Water.

We carefully sort out the black currants and rinse them in running water. We put the berries in a colander and blanch them for a few minutes. Next, we send the currants to clean three-liter jars, add mint and lemon cut into slices.

Prepare the syrup in a saucepan. To do this, pour water, add sugar and raspberries. Bring the syrup to a boil and pour it into jars. Compote should be infused for 15-20 minutes. After that, the liquid is poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil again. The syrup is poured into jars and corked. Then they are sent to cool under the blanket, having previously turned upside down.

Berry compote

Very often, housewives prefer to cook raspberry-based berry compotes. Such a drink is able to cheer up in the cold season with its bright taste and aroma, which reminds of a warm sunny summer.

To prepare raspberry compote for the winter for a 3-liter jar you will need:

  1. Raspberry - 520 g.
  2. Sugar - 230 g.
  3. Black currant - 320 g.
  4. Cherries - ½ cup (pitted).

Black currants must be sorted out and removed from its dry spouts, then rinsed and laid out to dry on a towel. We also wash the cherries and raspberries, but separately. We transfer all the berries to a clean three-liter jar and fill it with boiling water. We cover the container with a lid and leave the compote to infuse for about fifteen minutes. After the specified time, pour the liquid into the pan using a special nylon cap with holes. We again cover the bottle with a tin lid. And we send the pan with the liquid to the stove, add sugar and prepare the berry syrup. Next, pour it into a jar and seal it.

Berry platter

For those who love raspberry compotes, we offer another interesting recipe.


  1. Gooseberries - ½ cup.
  2. Black currant - ½ cup.
  3. Two glasses of yellow raspberries.
  4. A glass of sugar.
  5. Three liters of liquid.

Black currants must be sorted out by removing the berries from the branches. The tails of the gooseberry also need to be removed. We wash and dry all the berries.

We also sort out the raspberries, removing the stalks, then rinse and leave to drain for a short time in a colander. Next, we transfer the berries to a clean jar. Transfer the currants and gooseberries to a saucepan, add water and add sugar. We put the container on a small fire. After boiling the compote, it must be boiled over low heat for another ten minutes. We knead the boiled berries and filter the drink through a sieve, after which we send it again to the fire. Pour the boiling drink into a jar and immediately roll it up.

Raspberries in their own juice

This recipe allows you to prepare an absolutely wonderful drink, but it is not so easy to execute, which is why the housewives are not very fond of it.


  1. Powdered sugar - 750 g.
  2. Ripe raspberries - 3 kg.

We sort out the raspberries and rinse them well with a colander. We certainly dry the berries, since excess moisture is completely unnecessary. As soon as the liquid disappears, we transfer the raspberries to a saucepan or basin, pouring layers of powdered sugar over it. After that, cover the container and let the berries stand for about twelve hours. During this time, the raspberries will have time to start up the juice. Next, using a slotted spoon, lay out the berries in pre-sterilized jars and fill in the raspberry syrup. Cover all the jars with clean metal lids on top and send them to a large pot of water or other container. At the bottom of the vessel, be sure to put a dense cloth or a cutting board. Next, over medium heat, you need to wait for the water to boil in a saucepan (but not in the jars themselves). After that, the fire must be reduced and the drink must be sterilized for about ten minutes. Next, we roll up the cans and send them to cool completely under the blanket upside down.

Healthy drink

Raspberry compote is our favorite drink, which is also very useful. Berries have a very important feature, they do not lose their properties after heat treatment. Raspberries are very useful not only for colds and viral diseases, but also for atherosclerosis, kidney disease and high blood pressure. Berry compote is effective as an antipyretic agent, since it contains a large amount of salicylic acid. Raspberries also contain organic acids, vitamins, trace elements, minerals and copper, which is found in drugs for depression. This means that it is not just that a glass of a fragrant drink raises our mood and energizes us for a long time.

The nuances of preparing a drink for the winter

Novice housewives should know that the less the compote is boiled, the more useful it will be, since more vitamins will be preserved. The drink can be boiled for just a couple of minutes and left to infuse.

For winter preparations, jars must certainly be sterilized. To save time, you can do this in the oven. It simultaneously includes several containers at once. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the jars are placed in a cold oven and only after that they are turned on. The dishes are calcined at 170 degrees for ten minutes. The oven can only be opened after ten to fifteen minutes.

When closing the covers, be careful to close them properly. If you turned the jar over and noticed that bubbles were rising intensively in the dishes, then you need to roll the lid again, otherwise it may swell after a while.

Raspberry compote can be cooked for consumption directly in the summer, but you can also make a harvest for the winter. In addition, it should be noted that raspberries go well with other berries and fruits, and therefore often such fruits are found in blanks with it:

    black and red currants;

  • bird cherry;

  • other.

Therefore, this article will provide various recipes for raspberry compote, both multifruit and simple.


In order not to repeat the same thing in each of the recipes, we will tell you a little about the preparation of berries before cooking. Raspberries are very delicate, therefore, they require careful attitude towards themselves. Below are the basic rules for collecting and preparing raspberry fruits.

    Raspberries should be picked in dry weather, preferably on a warm evening.

    For picking, you need to use shallow containers to prevent crushing the berries.

    Raspberries should be washed by placing in small portions in a colander or sieve, and then dipping them several times in clean water. At the same time, floating debris, dry leaves and damaged berries are removed.

    To cleanse the crop from small raspberry worms, if there is an infection, the berries are immersed in salted water, a tablespoon per liter, for 15 minutes. Emerging pests are carefully removed with a small slotted spoon, and the berries are washed with clean water.

After that, they start cooking compote.

Attention! Before preparing the blanks, do not forget to prepare the glass jars: rinse them with soda and sterilize!

One berry recipes

To begin with, we will give examples of recipes for raspberry compote for the winter without using additional berries. But simple raspberry drinks are prepared in different ways, which we will discuss below.

Simple recipe without sterilization

Raspberry compote for the winter without sterilization will retain more vitamins, for this it is prepared according to this recipe. This is the easiest way of preparation - pouring the prepared sugar syrup over the berries, followed by immediate sealing. At the same time, different housewives take berries and sugar in different proportions. We will give some average figures, by varying which you can make your compote more or less sweet or concentrated. So, for an ordinary three-liter jar you will need:

    raspberries - 700-900 grams;

    sugar - 200-350 grams;

    water - 1.5-2 liters.

Berry tincture recipe

In this recipe, prepared berries are pre-infused with boiling water. Here is the layout of the products we need for this:

    raspberries - 800 grams;

    granulated sugar - 350 grams;

    water - 1.5 liters.

The process of making compote by this method looks like this

    We put the berries in a pre-sterilized three-liter jar.

    Pour boiling water over the raspberries.

    Let the berries brew and let the juice flow, it usually takes up to 10 minutes.

    After the water turns a rich light crimson color, you need to pour it into an enamel bowl.

    Put the saucepan on the fire.

    After boiling, add sugar and cook until it is completely dissolved.

    Pour the syrup into a jar and seal immediately.

Berries for dessert

This method of preparing compote is used if it is important for you to get whole raspberries for making desserts. There will be very little liquid in such a workpiece. In order to prepare such a treat, you need to take the following proportions of products, the alignment is given per liter jar:

    raspberries - 700-800 grams;

    sugar - 300 grams;

    water - 100 milliliters.

The compote is prepared as follows:

    We lay out the berries in prepared jars, sprinkling the layers with granulated sugar.

    Fill with cold water to the top, just about a hundred grams will work out.

    We put the jars in a wide container for sterilization.

    Pour water over the shoulders of the cans.

    Sterilize for three minutes after boiling water.

    We fasten, turn over, cover with a blanket or a husband's winter fishing jacket (). There were precedents.

Attention! Put on sterilization cans of only one volume and shape in order to avoid damage to the workpieces, since different vessels require different processing times.

Multifruit drinks

Raspberry compotes in combination with other fruit crops are also very popular. They are cooked both for use directly in the season, and in preparations for the winter. Let's list the most popular recipes.

Summer compote from Olga Polyakova

In the summer heat, a compote of various berries, which is based on raspberries, perfectly quenches thirst. It is the raspberry flavor that gives this drink a unique flavor. In addition to it, you can include any berries in the composition according to the season, each of them will bring its own note of taste:

    black currant will give aroma and sourness;

    bird cherry will add viscosity, useful for fixing the stomach;

    apples will be enriched with iron;

    cherry will give a delicious taste and bright color;

    plum in any compote will not be lost.

The composition of the products for a three-liter saucepan:

    raspberries - 0.5 liters;

    the rest of the berries for the season - 0.5 liters;

    sugar - 200-300 grams to taste.

The whole thing is brewed very simply.

    Berries are placed in the pan.

    Sugar is poured and water is poured.

    The liquid is brought to a boil.

    It is brewed within just one (!) Minute.

    After cooling down, you can drink and enjoy.

Vitamin compote for the winter

This recipe combines two most useful berries - raspberries and black currants, it is not for nothing that the recipe is called "vitamin". For its preparation, we need, per three liters:

    black currant-300-400 grams;

    raspberries-300-400 grams;

    syrup -200 grams of sugar per liter of water.

This vitamin miracle is prepared in this order:

    We put currant berries in a three-liter jar in such an amount that they take up a third of the volume.

    Then pour the raspberries up to half.

    Cooking sugar syrup.

    Fill the jar with it to the top.

    We seal and set to cool.

Apple compote

A very tasty raspberry and apple compote is obtained according to the recipe that we have placed at the end of the article, try it, its author vouches for the taste. To prepare this drink, you need to take products in terms of a three-liter can:

    apples - 2-3 pieces;

    raspberries - 1 glass;

    sugar - 1 glass.


    Cut the apples and put them in a jar together with the raspberries.

    Cover with granulated sugar.

    Pour boiling water over.

    Insist for ten minutes and drain.

    Bring water to a boil and pour over again.

    Repeat the process three times, then seal and refrigerate.


In this video, an experienced hostess will teach you her recipe for making raspberry compote:

- Raspberry compote can be prepared with the addition of other berries: black currant, gooseberry, blackberry, strawberry or with the addition of a summer apple, cut into thin slices.

You can make raspberry compote from frozen raspberries. To do this, in the summer you need to collect the raspberries and freeze them in the freezer. Freeze the berries in bulk on a flat surface (for this, some freezers have special trays) and only then collect them in a bag. This form of freezing will allow the berries not to stick together when frozen.

For a rich taste in raspberry compote, you can put a small slice of lemon or add two pinches of citric acid.

In order to preserve vitamins when preparing compote, pour fresh or frozen raspberries with cooled boiled water, add sugar to taste, cover and let the drink brew for several hours. Compote will remain vitamin, as the berries will not be boiled.

The calorie content of raspberry compote is 60 kcal / 100 milliliters.

The average cost of raspberries in Moscow in the season for 2017 is from 300 rubles / 1 kilogram, in the off-season - from 2000 rubles. (as of June 2017).

With proper storage (in a cool, dark place), raspberry compote can stand not for 1, but for several years.

When boiling compote, raspberries lose their color and in this form can spoil the appearance of the drink. To prevent this from happening, as well as to prevent raspberry pits from getting into the drink, you can rub the raspberries through a sieve after cooking.

Pink sweet raspberries can be found today in almost any area of ​​summer residents. The healing properties of the "bear berry" were discovered by our ancestors. Raspberries are widely used in folk medicine. It is known for its antipyretic properties. Since childhood, many children have been given tea with raspberries at a high temperature or treated with a few spoons of fragrant jam to raise their immunity and strengthen their strength.

With heat treatment, the bright pink berry does not lose its medicinal properties. Therefore, if children do not like raspberries, you can cook a wonderful, rich, healthy compote, which will also benefit. The drink is rich in vitamins, fiber, fructose, essential oils, lactose, phosphorus. Experienced housewives take care in advance to stock up on vitamins for the winter and cook compote from fresh berries for the snow season in 3-liter jars.

Raspberry compote recipe for the winter


Servings: - + 15

  • raspberries 1 kg
  • sugar 1.5KG
  • water 3 l

Per serving

Calories: 45 kcal

Proteins: 0.8 g

Fats: 0 g

Carbohydrates: 10.3 g

30 minutes. Video Recipe Print

    Wash raspberries. Clean it of debris, dry leaves and rotten berries and can be stacked in layers in sterilized jars.

    Sprinkle sugar over each serving of raspberries.

    Cover with cold filtered water. Cover with metal lids.

    Place the bottles in a wide saucepan. Pour water into it to the edges of the cans. Switch on the hotplate. As soon as it boils, make the flame quieter. Sterilization time is 7-10 minutes.

    Switch off. Get the banks out. Roll up tightly. Turn the compote upside down. Hide under warm winter blankets for a day.

    After the specified time, transfer the conservation to the basement.

    Features of the preparation of frozen raspberry compote

    They prepare supplies for the winter and in the freezer. Raspberries are no exception, they can be frozen. In order not to stick together, it is necessary to lay out a thin layer. The recipe for making compote from frozen berries is very simple and quick. It does not take much time, and you can please your household or guests with a delicious vitamin drink.

    Before freezing berries, you need to follow some rules. First, collect ripe raspberries, not rotten and without signs of spoilage. Secondly, it is necessary to adhere to the correct freezing conditions. Let the berries dry before placing them in the freezer. The bag or form for storing raspberries should be tightly closed and not let in excess air. When loading berries into the refrigerator, it is imperative to indicate the date of the bookmark. Store for 8 to 12 months.

    Every housewife should have a classic recipe for freezing raspberry compote. Remove the bag or container and defrost it. Put the pot of purified water on gas. As soon as it boils, put the berries there and sprinkle with sugar. Wait 5 minutes, turn off. After cooling down, the drink can be consumed. It is even easier to brew berries in a slow cooker. It is necessary to pour 1 glass with a liter of boiling water, lower the lid and turn on the heating.

    Raspberry compote in its own juice (concentrated)

    This method of canning will help you save cans. After all, you will only roll up berries and sugar, without adding water.

    Cooking time: 40 minutes

    Servings: 90

    Energy value

    • calorie content - 79 kcal;
    • fats - 0 g;
    • proteins - 0.4 g;
    • carbohydrates - 19.3 g.


    • raspberries - 5 kg;
    • sugar - 1.3 kg.

    Step by step cooking

  1. The first stage of compote preparation is the longest. Put the washed berries in a bowl or a large saucepan, cover with sugar. If the harvest is large, then sprinkle with layers. Leave the raspberries at room temperature for about half a day. During this time, some of the sugar will melt, and the juice will stand out from the raspberries.
  2. Banks are most convenient to use liter, but you can take any of your choice. First, wash them as thoroughly as possible and turn them over so that the glass is water.
  3. Pour water into a wide saucepan, put a wire rack on top (you can use it from the oven). Place the jars on top of it with the neck down. Turn on heating. When the water boils, hot steam rises and ends up in the containers. After a while, drops will appear on the walls and bottom of the cans, which will begin to drain. Sterilization completed. The lids can simply be dipped in a saucepan for 2-3 minutes. Place the containers with lids on a clean towel.
  4. Pour the raspberries and juice into the jars, leaving about 2 cm to the top. Cover the future compote with lids. Do not twist, otherwise the jars will burst during sterilization.
  5. After the water in the pot has boiled, it should take 20 minutes. This time is enough to sterilize the raspberry compote. Carefully remove the jars and screw the lids back on.
  6. Best of all, the compote will be preserved if, after sterilization, the cans are wrapped with a thick blanket and allowed to stand for 24 hours. After this, the seaming should stand in a dark place at room temperature. In order to drink such a compote, it must be diluted with boiled or filtered water to taste.

Raspberry compote with fruits and berries without sterilization

Any fruit or berries that ripen at the same time can be added to the raspberry compote. Let's take an apple, a currant, and a blackberry as an example. The drink will become even more useful, and the taste will be brighter. Add orange: it will add a refreshing note to the compote.

Compote will be cooked without sterilization. This recipe is good because for canning, you do not need to purchase huge pans in order to fit at least 4-5 large jars.

Cooking time: 1 hour

Servings: 39

Energy value

  • calorie content - 79 kcal;
  • fats - 0 g;
  • proteins - 0.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 19.3 g.


  • raspberries - 250 g;
  • black currant - 250 g;
  • blackberries - 250 g;
  • apple - 250 g;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • water - 6 l.

Step by step cooking

  1. Place the berries in a bowl of water and wash gently. Separate the twigs from the currant, from the raspberries and blackberries - the sepals. Then transfer to a colander and rinse under running water, let drain.
  2. Peel off the peel and white intermediate layer from the orange. Cut into thin quarters.
  3. Remove the core from the apples, cut into thin slices.
  4. Wash cans (three-liter) with baking soda, and then sterilize with lids, as described in the recipe above. Boil water for compote.
  5. Arrange the berries and orange slices in the jars. Fill with boiling water and cover. Berries and fruits will be steamed.
  6. After 5-7 minutes, drain the water, cover the jars again with lids, and on top with a thick cloth. Boil the same water again, but now add sugar and stir until it dissolves completely.
  7. Pour the sweet solution into the jars. The lids can now be rolled up. Turn the finished compote with the lid down, place it on a thick fabric, and wrap it tightly with a thick blanket on all sides. Let the banks stand in this way for at least a day. After this time, the compote can be opened.

Advice: You can change the composition of the compote at your discretion: you can add any fruits or berries to it. At the same time, observe the weight proportions of berries, sugar and water.

Is it possible for a raspberry compote for a nursing mother

During pregnancy, you should monitor the diet so that it is balanced, rich in vitamins and useful components. Lactation is no exception. Since at this time, with milk from the mother, the baby receives irreplaceable nutrients. Raspberry is a medicinal berry. During the period of viruses and flu, many women wonder: is it possible to eat raspberries or drink compotes, teas while breastfeeding.

First of all, it must be borne in mind that the berry can cause allergies in the child. It is worth checking in practice. Eat a few pieces, and if the baby's body does not give any reaction in the form of characteristic rashes, then you can safely eat in small portions. If the child becomes capricious, red pimples appear on the body, then the use of raspberries should be stopped immediately.

On the Internet, they often post photos and videos of recipes for simple preparation of compote spins for the winter from frozen raspberries. It is convenient to prepare drinks in a saucepan. They have a pleasant red hue, sweet-spicy taste and fruity aroma.

Do you like the recipe? Save it to you on Pinterest! Move your cursor over the image and click “Save”.

In summer, at the height of the ripening of the most delicious berries and fruits, it will be a great sin not to make compote from them! But the most delicious and aromatic drink comes from raspberries. It will not only perfectly refresh on hot days, but also properly strengthen your immunity, thanks to the beneficial vitamins and minerals that make up the berries.

Preparing raspberry compote is insanely easy and simple - only from raspberries, sugar and water. If such a small amount of sugar is not enough for you, you can add more to your taste, but I do not advise you to add citric acid, although many housewives sin with this. Collect or purchase fresh juicy raspberries and prepare granulated sugar.

Rinse the berries in water and place them in a saucepan in which you are going to cook raspberry compote.

Pour granulated sugar into the same place. They say that you can even add a little cinnamon to the raspberry compote "for warmth", but it seems to me that the raspberry drink is insanely juicy and bright in itself.

Pour boiling water or hot water over the berries with sugar and place on fire. Simmer for 10 minutes, reducing heat slightly when simmering. As soon as the compote is cooked, immediately place the pan in a container with cold water and refrigerate it, and then bottle and place in the refrigerator.

If you plan to roll up raspberry compote for the winter, pour it into steamed jars with a ladle, roll up the lids with a preservation key and turn it upside down.

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