Home Vegetables Master class in informatics "Interactivity of presentations in the program" Microsoft Power Point "". Posts Tagged ‘pedagogical technologies’ Technological reception paging

Master class in informatics "Interactivity of presentations in the program" Microsoft Power Point "". Posts Tagged ‘pedagogical technologies’ Technological reception paging

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Posts Tagged 'pedagogical technology'

Technological Reception "Paging"

https://pandia.ru/text/79/291/images/image002_144.gif "width =" 15 "height =" 15 src = "> Feb.16,2012

Reception "Paging"

On the Creative Teachers Network portal in the community, the Sowing Multimedia Lesson offered an original paging effect for PowerPoint presentations.

Astvatsaturov reception LEAF

Technological technique Scrolling helps to create an algorithm for demonstrating a number of information blocks in a rich learning environment

This template is offered for scanned pages.

Samara clay toy Scrolling forward is carried out by clicking on the right page, back to the left.

The template can be successfully applied when working with autoshapes and text.

You can download a template with instructions o here or here.

Sometimes in the lesson you need to trace thematic video sequence, text information (for example, classification, cause-and-effect relationships, etc.). If all the information is placed on the screen, the attention of the students will be unstable. Using the “Paging” technique, you can visually present dosed information one by one, like flipping through an album or a book.

The “Paging” technique can simulate reading a book, for example, when describing an event loop.

Algorithm for performing the “Paging” technique:

Step 1. On the section of the slide, create a frame, imitating the frame of the picture:

(Insert- ShapesFrame)

Or for an expanded book: Insert - Shapes - Wave or Rounded rectangle etc.

Step2 . Illustrations, fragments of text, tables, diagrams, etc., put one on

another. The first object should be on the bottom layer. The top layer should be the last object. This is important, because otherwise the paging effect will not work.

Step 3... Add animation. Better if PowerPoint uses animation effect Stretching in mode Left... When inserting text, the format of the text must be filled with filling so that the previous pages do not shine through.

Step 4... Add a slide shift. Pages of text or images can appear on click or automatically one after another, depending on the objectives of the lesson.

Option 1 . Animation start On click.

If we create simultaneous scrolling of illustrations and text, then the text and illustrations should be grouped into one object. To do this, select all the necessary objects, then with the right mouse in the menu we find Format - Group

color: blue "> Option 2. paging makes it possible to flip through two pages of a" book "or" notebook. "Then the left page is configured: animation effect - input

Then - "Stretch to the right" and the slide change is configured "With the previous" or "After the previous one".

Interactive crosswords

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https://pandia.ru/text/79/291/images/image002_144.gif "width =" 15 "height =" 15 src = ">

Technological reception "Magic pipe" for MS PowerPoint

Several options for using the "Magic Pipe" technique for MS PowerPoint:

1. Mathematics

http: // ***** / m / files /

color: #CCFFFF "> source

Interactive crosswords

Methodological support of teachers in promoting their professional careers

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https://pandia.ru/text/79/291/images/image002_144.gif "width =" 15 "height =" 15 src = ">

Technological reception "Stencil"

Provides the ability to create interactive punched cards.

Georgy Osipovich Astvatsaturov has prepared teaching material that can be downloaded from the "Network of Creative Teachers" or from his blog "Didaktor".

The technology is very simple:

1. First, create a table on the slide and insert the text.

text-decoration: none "> text-decoration: none"> text-decoration: none "> DIV_ADBLOCK48">

color: #CCFFFF "> source

https://pandia.ru/text/79/291/images/image005_76.gif "> Read more ...

https://pandia.ru/text/79/291/images/image002_144.gif "width =" 15 "height =" 15 src = "> Dec. 27, 2011

teaching excellence

    Psychological and ethical-pedagogical erudition; Professional ability; Pedagogical technique; Certain personality traits necessary for the implementation of professional activities.

In modern conditions, a master teacher is a teacher who has research skills and abilities, who knows the features of experimental work, who is able to analyze innovative pedagogical technologies, select content and apply in practice, the ability to predict the results of his activities, and develop methodological recommendations.

    Mastery of the organizer of the collective and individual activities of children; Mastery of persuasion; Mastery of knowledge transfer and formation of activity experience; Mastery of teaching technique.
    a set of methodological techniques, pedagogical actions that are inherent in this particular teacher; original actions are interconnected and provide an effective solution to educational tasks; The signs of the teacher's work system are: integrity, optimality in determining the place and time of application of each methodological technique; the versatility of the impact on students with a simultaneous focus on the development of the pivotal leading qualities of the personality; the originality of the technique.

The purpose of the master class

Basic scientific ideas


A qualitatively new result

Modeling Reflection

The options are:


Free online services for PC, website security

Methodological support of teachers in promoting their professional careers

a source

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General requirements for lesson analysis

EN-US "> Filed Under:

Didactics by admin

EN-US ">. 14.2011

General requirements for lesson analysis

1. A scientific approach to the analysis of the lesson, reliance on psychological and pedagogical science and advanced pedagogical experience. The depth and comprehensiveness of the analysis; assessment of the lesson taking into account the relationship of all its components and their didactic conditioning and logical relationship. Consideration of the lesson in conjunction with the previous lessons of the studied topic. An emphasis in the analysis on the most essential aspects of the lesson, which decisively determine the degree of assimilation of the educational material, the quality of knowledge, the development of the intellect of students. Objectivity of assessments. Scientific validity of assessments, characteristics and conclusions; their concreteness, evidence and credibility. Taking into account the specifics of this academic subject. Offers.

2. Types and planning of lesson visits. Attendance and analysis of lessons as a method of in-school control. Types of lessons attendance: selective, thematic, parallel, targeted. Comprehensive study of teaching in a separate classroom for a full school day.

3. Planning visits to lessons: perspective (for a year and half a year), current (for a month and a week), calendar and graphic.

4. Preparation for attending the lesson. Determination of the purpose of attending the lesson. Acquaintance with the curriculum, with the factual material of this lesson and the methodology for its implementation (according to the textbook, methodological manuals, instructions from public education authorities, IUU, etc.). Acquaintance with the availability of teaching aids on the subject. Establishing, according to the class journal, the state of the implementation of state programs, the accumulation of marks and the current performance of students, the timing and number of tests provided by the program in the subject, the implementation of the practical part of the programs (practical and laboratory work, excursions) of the amount of homework. Review of conclusions, proposals and assignments (they are given to the teacher after attending the lesson in the course of its analysis). Acquaintance with student work. Determination of forms of personal testing of the quality of students' knowledge and selection of materials required for this. Solving the issue of inviting other teachers of the school to the lesson. Determining the purpose of such an invitation.

5. Scheme of observations and techniques for recording the course of the lesson. The lesson observation scheme is a condition for the rational organization of the inspector's work, providing a clear, consistent recording of the lesson progress and its subsequent analysis.

6. Prepare the reviewer to review the lesson attended. View the records of the lessons attended by this teacher, comments and suggestions. Formulation of questions to be addressed to the teacher related to the lesson plan and its implementation. Determination of the form of lesson analysis and the place of summing up (conversation, discussion at a meeting of the subject commission, at the pedagogical council). Step-by-step assessment of the course of the lesson and the performance of teachers and students. Conclusion based on the results of checking the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students. Isolation of the merits of the lesson, the teacher's creative findings, worthy of study and implementation in the practice of school teachers. Disadvantages of the lesson and the necessary help for the teacher. Formulation of a general assessment, conclusions and suggestions to the teacher.

7. Analysis of the lesson by the teacher. The main requirements for introspection: the place of the lesson being analyzed in the system of lessons on the topic under study, substantiation of the educational and educational goals of the lesson and the implementation of the planned lesson plan, characteristics of the class and motivation for the selection of educational material for this lesson, psychological and pedagogical assessment of the system of educational tasks and exercises performed by students in the lesson, assessment of the development of independent thinking of students in the lesson. Motivation for the choice of lesson methods, assessment of the compliance of these methods with the goals and content of the lesson, the fulfillment of the set educational and educational tasks, satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the teacher with the lesson (its individual parts): measures planned by the teacher to eliminate the noted shortcomings, assessment and justification of the results achieved in the lesson. Self-esteem as one of the conditions for the creative work of a teacher.

Analysis of the lesson by the reviewer.

Lesson objectives analysis... Assessment of the correctness and validity of setting the educational and educational goals of the lesson, taking into account the characteristics of the educational material, the place of this lesson in the system of lessons on the topic, the level of preparedness of the class. Setting and communicating lesson ideas to students. The degree to which the objectives of the lesson have been achieved.

Analysis of the structure and organization of the lesson... Conformity of the structure of the lesson to its objectives. Reasonableness of the choice of the type of lesson, its structure, logical sequence and the relationship of the stages of the lesson. Feasibility of distributing lesson time between them. The rationality of the choice of forms of education. Having a lesson plan and organizing its implementation by the teacher. Lesson equipment. Rational organization of work of teachers and students.

Analysis of the content of the lesson... Compliance of the content of the lesson with the requirements of state programs. Completeness, reliability, accessibility of presentation. The scientific level of the presented material. The degree of moral influence, educational orientation of the lesson. Generalization of the main ideas of the lesson (topic, course). Polytechnic orientation of the lesson, its connection with life, labor education and vocational guidance. Implementation of the developmental possibilities of the lesson in terms of the formation of an active educational activity of independent thinking, cognitive interests. Leading students to rejection of new knowledge. Highlighting the main idea of ​​the new material. Formation of new concepts. Updating basic knowledge.

Organization of students' independent work. The nature of training exercises, types of independent work, degree of complexity, variability, taking into account the level of preparedness of class students. Instructions and teacher assistance. The degree of assimilation of new material (efficiency). The connection between the new and the previously learned. Repetition (organization, forms, techniques, volume).

Analysis of the lesson methodology... Determination of the validity and correctness of the selection of methods, techniques and teaching aids, their correspondence to the content of the educational material, the set goals of the lesson, the educational capabilities of this class, the correspondence of the methodological apparatus of the lesson to each of its stages and tasks of activating students, a variety of techniques and methods used by the teacher. Emotional presentation of the material. The effectiveness of the use of visual aids, didactic handouts and technical teaching aids. Assessment of the methodological equipment and pedagogy of the teacher.

Analysis of the work and behavior of students in the lesson... Overall assessment of the work of the class. Attention and diligence. Interest in the subject. Class activity, students' performance at different stages of the lesson. Organization of independent educational work of students, the development of rational methods of educational work of students. Evaluation of the feasibility and effectiveness of the applied forms of educational work. Formation of general educational and special skills and abilities. Compliance with uniform requirements. Individual work with weak and strong students. A combination of team and individual work. Class discipline and discipline techniques.

The culture of communication between the teacher and the students, the teacher's observance of the norms of pedagogical ethics and tact, the assessment of the moral and psychological climate created by the teacher in this children's collective.

The quality of knowledge, skills and abilities. The depth, awareness and strength of knowledge. The ability to isolate the leading ideas in the lesson material, apply knowledge in various situations, acquire new knowledge with the help of existing ones. The degree of mastery of practical skills. The nature of the student's knowledge test by the teacher. Types of verification. Accumulation, objectivity of the given assessments, their motivation, educating stimulating character.

Analysis of homework received by students... Purpose, scope. The ratio between the amount of work done in the classroom and the amount of work assigned to the home. The nature of homework (creative, training, reinforcing, developing his ability). Commentary and teacher briefing on homework.

Assessment of the sanitary and hygienic conditions of the lesson.

Introspection Assessment made by the teacher in the course of answering the questions posed by the examiner; conclusion on introspection.

General assessment of the degree of achievement of the educational and educational goals of the lesson... General motivated assessment of the lesson results: the optimality of the teacher's teaching actions; the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students; the tendency of shifts in their development and upbringing. Reasoned characterization of the lesson's merits.

Elements of creativity, deserving study and implementation in the practice of school teachers.

Disadvantages of the lesson... Diagnostics of the causes and trends in their development. Suggestions for their elimination.

Scientific validity of the conclusions and assessments, reliance on the achievements of the psychology of pedagogical science and advanced pedagogical experience. Concreteness of conclusions and proposals, their evidence and persuasiveness.

Closing remarks from the teacher.

Teacher conversation style... Kindness, respect and tactfulness of conversation with the teacher, reliance on the positive. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the teacher: character, type of nervous activity, experience and degree of pedagogical skill, general outlook and pedagogical erudition.


1 - brief (evaluative) analysis - this is a general assessment of the educational function of the lesson, characterizing the solution of educational, educational and developmental tasks and assessing their implementation;

2 - structural (step-by-step) analysis is the identification and assessment of the dominant structures (elements) of the lesson, their appropriateness, ensuring the development of students' cognitive abilities;

3 - system analysis is the consideration of the lesson as a single system from the point of view of solving the main didactic task of simultaneously solving the developmental tasks of the lesson, ensuring the formation of knowledge, abilities and skills of students, their assimilation of learning methods;

4 - complete - this is a system of aspect analyzes, including an assessment of the implementation of the tasks of the lesson, the content and types of educational activities of students according to such characteristics as the levels of students' assimilation of knowledge and methods of mental activity, the development of students, the implementation of didactic principles and the effectiveness of the lesson;

5 - structural time analysis is an assessment of the use of lesson time for each of its stages;

6 - combined analysis is an assessment (simultaneous) of the main didactic goal of the lesson and structural elements;

7 - psychological analysis is the study of the fulfillment of psychological requirements for the lesson (ensuring the cognitive activity of students of the developing type);

8 - didactic analysis is an analysis of the main didactic categories (the implementation of the principles of didactics, the selection of methods, techniques and means of teaching and learning for schoolchildren, didactic processing of the teaching material of the lesson, pedagogical guidance of independent cognitive activity of students, etc.);

9 - aspect analysis is a consideration, detailed and comprehensive study and assessment from a certain angle of view of any side or a separate goal of the lesson in relation to the results of the students' activities. Examples of aspects of the lesson:

    implementation by the teacher of the triune task of the lesson; the use of developmental methods in the lesson; the study of ways to enhance the cognitive activity of students; ways of developing cognitive interest; the formation of general educational methods and skills in schoolchildren; testing and assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities of students; organization of problem-based learning in the classroom, etc .;

10 - a comprehensive analysis is a simultaneous analysis of the didactic, psychological and other foundations of the lesson (most often the system of lessons).

An approximate scheme of a comprehensive analysis of a problem-developing lesson

(the scheme can be used for introspection as well):

    readiness of the teacher and students for the lesson (external); internal, psychological readiness of students for the lesson; organizational actions of the teacher (if necessary); planning by the teacher and communicating to students the educational, upbringing and developmental tasks of the lesson; what methods of problem learning were used by the teacher (search, research, problem statement); the use of problematic methods in the teaching of schoolchildren; the ratio of the teacher's activity and the activity of students; the volume and nature of independent work of students and the ratio of reproductive and productive independent work; taking into account by the teacher the levels of the actual development of students and the zone of their proximal development; approaches to increasing students' positive motivation for learning; posing problem questions by the teacher, creating problem questions, creating problem situations, showing their resolution; the teacher's possession of ways to create problem situations; adherence to the rules for setting an educational problem; the use of the textbook, the ratio of reproductive and partly search work with it; compliance of the selection of visual aids with the requirement of problem learning; the formation of special and general educational skills of students; the presence of cognitive skills among students: formulating a problem, proposing and substantiating a hypothesis, finding ways to prove (refute) a hypothesis, checking the correctness of its solution; the ability of students to carry out logical operations; development of students' cognitive abilities at each stage of the lesson (which proves this); difficulties encountered by students of the entire class, by individual students, their reasons, how they were eliminated; compliance with the requirements of problem-based developmental teaching for students' homework: what tasks were proposed (to continue the research begun in the lesson, to solve a new, atypical problem, to update basic knowledge and skills, to apply knowledge and skills in a new situation, to independently theoretical comprehension ); the teacher takes into account the individual characteristics, abilities and preparedness of students and the proposal of differentiated tasks; which gave a lesson for the development of students' will, intellect, emotions, cognitive interests, speech, memory, independent thinking. the overall effectiveness of the lesson.

Observation sheet (diagram of analysis and introspection of the lesson)

General information:

    school, class, date of the lesson; lesson topic, lesson objectives.

Lesson equipment:

    what teaching aids the teacher used; whether visual aids and technical aids have been prepared4 how the chalkboard is prepared for the lesson;
    Does the content correspond to the program, the objectives of the lesson; whether its didactic processing has been carried out; the formation of what knowledge, skills and abilities it contributes; what material did the students work with for the first time, what knowledge, abilities and skills were formed and consolidated in the lesson; how the lesson material contributed to the development of the creative forces and abilities of students; what general educational and special skills and abilities were developed; how interdisciplinary communications were carried out; whether intra-subject communications were observed; Whether the content of the lesson contributed to the development of interest in learning.

Lesson type and structure:

    what type of lesson was chosen, its expediency; the place of the lesson in the system of lessons for this section; how the connection of the lesson with the previous lessons was carried out; what are the stages of the lesson, their sequence and logical connection; compliance of the lesson structure with this type; how the integrity and completeness of the lesson was ensured.

Implementation of teaching principles:

    the principle of focusing training on complex problem solving; how the scientific nature of teaching, connection with life, with practice were expressed; how the principle of accessibility of training was implemented; for what purpose each type of visualization was used; how the principle of systematic and consistent formation of knowledge, skills and abilities was observed; how the consciousness, activity and independence of students was achieved, how the teaching of schoolchildren was guided; the extent to which the development of students in the lesson was carried out; what character of cognitive activity prevailed (reproductive, search, creative); how individualization and differentiation of learning were realized; how a positive attitude of students towards learning was stimulated.

Teaching methods:

    to what extent the applied methods corresponded to the objectives of the lesson; what kind of cognitive activity they provided; what methods contributed to the revitalization of the teaching of schoolchildren; how the independent work was planned and carried out and whether it ensured the development of students' cognitive independence. what is the effectiveness of the methods and teaching techniques used.

Organization of educational work in the lesson:

    how the setting of educational tasks at each stage was carried out; how different forms were combined: individual, group, class; whether there was an alternation of different types of student activities; how control over the activities of students was organized; whether the knowledge and skills of the students were assessed correctly; how the teacher carried out the development of students (the development of logical thinking, the criticality of thought, the ability to compare, draw conclusions); what techniques the teacher used to organize students; how I summed up the stages and the whole lesson.

Teacher work system:

    the ability to general organization of work in the classroom: distribution of time, the logic of the transition from one stage to another, management of educational work of students, class ownership, discipline; showing students rational ways of educational work; determination of the volume of educational material per lesson; teacher behavior in the classroom: tone, tact, location, appearance, manners, speech, emotionality, the nature of communication (democratic or authoritarian), objectivity; the role of the teacher in creating the desired psychological microclimate.

Student work system:

    organization and activity at different stages of the lesson; the adequacy of the emotional response; methods and techniques of work, the level of their formation; attitude to the teacher, subject, lesson, homework; the level of mastering basic knowledge and skills; the presence of skills in the creative application of knowledge, skills and abilities.

General lesson results:

    implementation of the lesson plan; a measure of the implementation of the general educational, upbringing and developmental tasks of the lesson; levels of assimilation of knowledge and methods of activity of students:

1st - assimilation at the level of perception, understanding, memorization;

2nd - application in a similar and similar situation;

3rd - application in a new situation, that is, creative;

    general assessment of the results and effectiveness of the lesson;


Main parts of the lesson

Methods of operation

Used manuals

Features of teaching a lesson by a teacher

What did the students learn

What needs to be improved in the lesson

Types of control

What is controlled

Forms and methods of control

Conclusions on control

Teacher activities

Motives of behavior and state of students

Existing disadvantages

Remedies for deficiencies

Time and structural



lesson links

LESSON OBSERVATION AND EVALUATION SHEET School ________________ Reviewer _____________________________________________ Date ____________ Class __________ Students in class _________ In class _______________

FULL NAME. teachers ____________________________________________ Subject ________________

Theme __________________________________________________________________________

Requirements for teacher activity

Requirements for the work of students

Beginning of the lesson Repetition and verification of assignments Theoretical level of presentation

a) scientific

b) consistency

c) systematic

d) sequence

e) availability

Disclosure of the topic Selection of material Organization of students' attention The educational side of the lesson Use of TCO, clarity of didactic material Individual approach Emotionality of the story Pedagogical tact Speech Timing Organization of independent work Objectivity Homework Suggestions and advice opinion of the teacher who conducted the lesson

Attention of students at various stages:

Student activity

when polling

when studying

when fixing

Interest in the topic Strength of knowledge

Independent judgment Attitude towards the teacher Work culture Speech Questions to the teacher Self-control Discipline:

a) readiness for the lesson

b) during the lesson

c) during independent work

d) during the explanation

e) while giving homework

f) reaction to a call

The teacher's specialty of the examiner ______________ ped. experience __________ experience der. _____ Signature of the examiner ______________________________________________________________


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Multimedia technology

https://pandia.ru/text/79/291/images/image002_144.gif "width =" 15 "height =" 15 src = ">

Use of multimedia technologies

Methodological features of the organization of training using multimedia:

1) lessons with the use of multimedia presentations are carried out in computer labs using multimedia projectors, resident reference books, automated training systems, video recordings of the operation of various programs, etc .;

2) in practical training a separate computer should be assigned to each student, on which it is advisable to create his personal folder, called the class code and the student's surname;

3) should be used an individual approach, including the widespread use of individualized training programs, a bank of multi-level tasks (for practical training and laboratory work)

4) it is advisable to carry out a significant part of the activities in the form of business games; real life multivariate tasks should be given as assignments, especially those with which graduates will meet in their professional activities

7) must be widely used method of projects, within the framework of which it is necessary to observe the principles of consistency and continuity; this means that one global task must be consistently performed in all practical (laboratory) and computational and graphic works, supplemented and expanded, being embodied in a harmonious complete system

should be provided and the possibility of parallel and concentric study of the main sections of the program; this allows students, as they master the course, to gain more and more in-depth knowledge in each of the sections, without losing the integrity of the presentation of the entire material

9) need to lean on the following interrelated principles: motivation of cognition; versatile perception; "Penetrating" system-information analysis

10) should be used more widely problem teaching method, provide for the development by students of real programs (documents, tables, databases) that can be used in the learning process.

The use of multimedia technologies in education has the following advantages over traditional teaching:

    allows the use of color graphics, animation, soundtrack, hypertext; allows for the possibility of constant updating; has low publishing and reproduction costs; allows for the possibility of placing interactive web elements in it, for example, tests or a workbook; allows for copying and transferring parts for quotation; allows the possibility of non-linearity of the passage of the material due to the many hyperlinks; establishes a hyperlink to additional literature in electronic libraries or educational sites;

Multimedia allows combine verbal and visual-sensory information, which contributes to the motivation of students, the creation of an actual setting for learning.

Organization of classroom lessons with the use of multimedia technologies makes it possible to save time, thereby intensifying the presentation of educational material, through the use of very simple means available to any student. In the course of the lesson, the students themselves can create to the limit a visualized colorful learning and play environment, which literally produces a revolutionary effect in the perception of the subject "Informatics" by schoolchildren.

Multimedia computer technology give the teacher the opportunity to quickly combine a variety of means that contribute to a deeper and more conscious assimilation of the studied material, save lesson time, and saturate it with information.

Implementation in teaching modern informatics multimedia technology course has revealed a number of positive aspects and several difficult points. So the organization of classes using multimedia technologies with the use of a special projector makes it possible to clearly demonstrate the capabilities of the software being studied and save time, thereby intensifying the presentation of educational material. At the same time, additional requirements appear for the preparation of multimedia materials and the organization of the lesson.

Incorporation of information multimedia technologies makes the learning process more technological and effective. Yes, there are difficulties on this path, there are mistakes, and they cannot be avoided in the future. But there is the main success - this is the interest of students, their readiness for creativity, the need to acquire new knowledge and a sense of independence. The computer allows you to make lessons that are not similar to each other. This sense of constant novelty fosters interest in learning.

So when using multimedia in the lesson through interactivity, structuring and visualization of information, the student's motivation is strengthened, his cognitive activity is activated, both at the level of consciousness and subconsciousness

Of all the information channels, the visual one is the most powerful, therefore its use in the field of education by means of multimedia is more developed. However, this does not negate the importance and significance of other media. For example, the efficiency of mastering the material significantly increases the creation of its own rhythm dominant for each multimedia textbook with the help of the optimal selection of musical accompaniment.

The intelligent interaction of keyboard and mouse in multimedia textbooks in combination with other media adds another advantage of this educational technology. It is based on the fact that manual exercises significantly develop memory. It is no coincidence that earlier in the gymnasiums contour maps were drawn - in order to "fill" the hand and to better remember.

Multimedia technology turned educational visibility from static to dynamic, that is, it became possible to track the studied processes in time. Previously, only educational television had such an opportunity, but this area of ​​visibility lacks an aspect associated with interactivity.

Simulate processes which develop in time, interactively change the parameters of these processes, a very important didactic advantage of multimedia teaching systems. Moreover, there are quite a lot of educational tasks related to the fact that the demonstration of the studied phenomena cannot be carried out in the classroom, in this case multimedia means are the only possible ones today.

Experience in the use of multimedia technologies shows:

    students' interest in work and their activity is sharply increasing; the algorithmic style of thinking develops, the ability to make optimal decisions is formed, to act variably; the teacher is freed from the mass of routine work, the opportunity for creative activity is provided on the basis of the results obtained.

Methodology for the development of didactic support for lessons using multimedia technologies

Features of preparation of educational multimedia presentations

When creating multimedia presentations, consider the following requirements:

1 motivation... Motivation is a necessary part of learning and must be maintained throughout the entire lesson process. Of great importance is a clearly defined goal that is set for schoolchildren. Motivation quickly decreases if the level of the tasks set does not correspond to the level of the student's preparation.

2. Setting the learning goal... A student from the very beginning of working at a computer should know what is required of him. Learning objectives should be clearly and clearly formulated during the lesson.

3. Creation of prerequisites for the perception of educational material... To create the prerequisites for the perception of the educational material, auxiliary materials (manuals for the student), included in the textbook set or prepared by the teacher himself, can be useful.

4. Submission of educational material. The strategy for presenting the material is determined depending on the educational tasks to be solved. An important issue is the formatting of the frames supplied to the display screen. Known principles of readability should be used.

5.Evaluation... In the course of working with a computer, students should know how they cope with the educational material. The most important is the organization of communication "student - teacher - student". For these purposes, it is recommended to organize the work of schoolchildren in projects or "learning in collaboration", discussions.

When creating a multimedia presentation, it is necessary to take into account not only the corresponding principles of classical didactics, but also the specific principles of using computer multimedia presentations.

Distribute each material into known rungs and small finished pieces

Indicate at each step separate parts of the subsequent material and, without allowing significant interruptions, cite separate data from it in order to arouse the student's curiosity, without satisfying it, however, in full

Distribute and arrange the material in such a way that, where possible, on the next step, when learning a new one, the previous one will be repeated again.

The use of a variety of graphics, animation and simulation should help increase the attractiveness of interactive courses

A masterful presentation can grab the attention of learners and generate interest in learning. However, you should not get carried away and abuse the external side of the presentation associated with special effects. If you overdo it, you will reduce the overall effectiveness of your presentation. A balance must be found between the presentation and the accompanying effects so that your students literally "sit on the edge of the chair." This rule is true for all multimedia presentations in general, but especially for educational presentations.

Development of a script for a multimedia presentation

When creating a scenario diagram and composing a textual accompaniment to a multimedia presentation, the following principles should be followed:

    The presentation should be short, accessible, and compositionally holistic. The duration of the presentation with the script should be no more than 20-30 minutes. For the demonstration, you need to prepare about 20-25 slides (showing one slide takes about 1 minute, plus time for answering questions from the audience). When presenting the material, you should highlight several key points and return to them from time to time during the demonstration in order to illuminate the issue from different angles. This will ensure that the information is properly received by your listeners. Don't be afraid to repeat your thought if you want to be internalized.

Guidelines for creating an effective presentation

The outline below will help you work on your own presentation.

    Before you start working on your presentation, you should fully understand what you are going to talk about. There should be nothing superfluous in the presentation. Each slide should represent the necessary link in the story and work towards the overall idea of ​​the presentation. Unsuccessful slides need to be merged with others, moved or deleted altogether. Use predefined templates when choosing a character style and background color. Don't be afraid to be creative. Experiment with graphics placement and special effects. Don't overload your slides with unnecessary detail. Sometimes it is better to present several simple ones instead of one complex slide. You should not try to "cram" too much information into one slide. Additional effects should not become an end in themselves. They should be kept to a minimum and only used to draw the viewer's attention to key points in the demonstration. Sound and visual effects should never come to the fore and obscure useful information.

A multimedia presentation must have the following qualities:

    A convenient navigation system that allows you to easily navigate the presentation Using the multimedia capabilities of modern computers and the Internet (graphic inserts, animation, sound, if necessary, etc.). Breakdown of the lesson into small logically closed blocks (slides). Each slide in your presentation should have a title. Links to literary sources, electronic libraries and sources of information on the Internet. Accessibility - fast loading, no complication with effects.

When creating multimedia presentations, you must:

    to break the lesson into small semantic parts - modules. Each slide must have a title; selection for each module of the appropriate form of expression and presentation by the trainee of the section heading, texts, figures, tables, graphs, sound and video sequences, etc. (according to the content); modeling the cognitive activity of students when studying a section and using the results when compiling it (the main sequence of transitions between slides is determined); designing ways to consolidate knowledge and skills and implement feedback (selection of tasks, control questions, tasks for modeling, development of methods for analyzing answers, replicas to typical incorrect answers, drawing up hints (help)); drafting of texts, development of figures, tables, diagrams, drawings, videos, in accordance with the requirements of ergonomics; the layout of the modules of each section of the lesson from an ergonomic point of view.

Each module, to the maximum, includes:

    The text of the psychological mood Objectives of the module Study questions Study material A set of key problems on the topic of the module The best works of students from past groups New works of students Questions for self-examination and reflection (preferably with answers, comments and recommendations). Internet sites on the subject of the module.
    When creating multimedia presentations, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the perception of information from the computer screen. It is necessary to maintain a unified style of presentation of information for the entire lesson and strive to unify the structure and form of presentation of educational material (unification of the user interface, the use of graphic elements, the creation of lesson templates). It is recommended to use standard fonts - Times, Arial. It is best to limit yourself to using two or three fonts for your entire presentation. For example, the main text of the presentation is in Times New Roman font, and the slide title is Arial. It is advisable, etc.) to highlight elements · ¨use of various text markers (bulleted lists). For example: It is recommended to use color in a presentation, it is most effective to highlight individual pieces of text with color and individual table cells or the entire table with color (cell background or table background). The entire presentation is done in one color palette, usually based on one template. It is important to check your presentation for readability from a computer screen. Presentation texts should not be large. It is recommended to use a concise, informational presentation style. When creating a multimedia presentation, you need to solve the problem:
    how, with the maximum information saturation of the product, to ensure maximum simplicity and transparency of the organization of educational material for the student. One of the ways to solve this problem is to limit both the ways of presenting the educational material and the set of navigation objects. In this case, the student, having quickly mastered the features of the interface of this presentation, will not be distracted by it in the future, focusing all attention on the content of educational information. When creating a multimedia presentation, the teacher is faced with a number of difficult tasks - Text1-Text2 - Text3 - Text4

The need to create a simple and intuitive interface in which educational information is visually combined with navigation tools;

Determination of the structural organization and form of presentation of educational material, corresponding to the set pedagogical goals.

The main goal of the proposed approach is to focus on studying the process of organizing content and presenting it in a form that is most convenient for the learner's perception.

An important point is the choice of a general presentation style. When the presentation class and the trainee category are defined, it becomes easier to make a choice of style. To choose the right style, you need to know the principles of ergonomics, which include the best, proven in practice methods of using certain components of a multimedia presentation. Considering this stage, you can analyze in detail several presentations, identifying their shortcomings and suggesting ways to eliminate them.

You need to be able to fit as much information as possible into a minimum of words, to attract and hold the attention of trainees. It is no longer enough to simply copy information from other media and place it in your presentation.

After you find the "zest", you can start developing the structure of the presentation, build a navigation scheme, select tools that are more consistent with the intentions and level of the lesson.

To ensure the didactic functions of the educational and methodological complex, the following requirements are imposed on a multimedia presentation:

1. Text fragments can be accompanied by audio or video information to highlight semantic accents. For presentation of heterogeneous or hypertext information, it is recommended to use a multi-window interface.

2. The multimedia presentation may contain additional material, as well as material for in-depth study of the topic.

3. The most important elements of a multimedia presentation should have hints or explanations. The reference material of the presentation contains the main definitions, the most important dates in the history of the development of computer science, tables for comparing certain characteristics of objects, etc.

4. After studying each structural unit of educational material, the presentation contains material for generalization, presenting the studied material in a more concise form.

5. The multimedia presentation must be open to development.

6. The text of a multimedia presentation should be able to copy, print.

When preparing multimedia presentations, the teacher must use the possibilities of the Internet, modern multimedia encyclopedias and electronic textbooks. Over time, the best multimedia presentations will appear on the network for use as basic in the process of preparing a lesson.

When creating a presentation, you should find as many points of contact between the subject and "external" information flows. This makes your presentation more interesting, relevant, and exciting.

The multimedia tools used in the presentation help to carry out more effective interaction with the learners. Plan ahead for all aspects of the event.

Flexibility is one of the keys to a successful presentation. Be prepared to make changes during the presentation in response to the students' reactions.

The presentation can have two versions for teacher and student. The electronic presentation is constantly updated with new materials and improved. For the student, his presentation is replenished with personal works. Modern software and hardware tools make it easy to change the content of the presentation and store large amounts of information.

    Stages of preparing a multimedia presentation: Structuring the training material Writing the implementation scenario Development of the presentation design Preparing the media fragments (texts, illustrations, video filming, recording audio fragments)
    Preparation of musical accompaniment Testing-checking

Methods for using multimedia presentations.

The forms and place of using a multimedia presentation (or even a separate slide of it) in a lesson depend, of course, on the content of this lesson, the goal set by the teacher. Nevertheless, practice allows us to single out some general, most effective methods of using such aids:

1. When learning new material... Allows you to illustrate with a variety of visual means. The application is especially beneficial in cases where it is necessary to show the dynamics of the development of a process.

2. When pinning a new topic

3. To test knowledge Computer testing is self-examination and self-realization, it is a good stimulus for learning, it is a way of acting and expressing oneself. For a teacher, it is a means of quality control of knowledge, a programmed way of accumulating grades.

4. To deepen knowledge, as additional material for lessons.

5. When checking frontal independent work... Provides along with oral visual control of the results.

6. When solving educational problems... Helps to complete the drawing, draw up a solution plan and monitor the intermediate and final results of independent work on this plan

7. A means of emotional relief. During block lessons or long consultations before exams, it is worth turning on video screensavers of experiments or cartoons, while the students lose fatigue, become interested, they look for answers, turn to the teacher with questions, and are charged with new energy. Multimedia - programs look like a video, but with the ability to intervene in the course of action and conduct a dialogue.

8. As a means for the production of handouts, didactic materials, codograms and cards. A personal computer in the hands of a teacher, in addition to a scanner and a printer, is a mini-typography of the teacher.

In educational activities, the use of a computer is possible in three forms:

1) machine as a simulator

2) a machine as a tutor performing certain functions for the teacher, and those that a machine can perform better than a person

3) A device that simulates a specific environment and the actions of specialists in it.

Training systems are most advisable to use to consolidate previously acquired skills. Tutoring systems are best used provided that the goals and objectives of the training are clearly defined. Simulation training modeling is most suitable when the training material is not of a systemic nature and its boundaries are not clearly defined.

When using a multimedia presentation, it can be used in the classroom system or new models of its application can be used.

The method of projects can be noted as the most promising pedagogical technology that allows you to fully reveal the creative abilities of schoolchildren, to form the ability to navigate in a huge sea of ​​information, focusing on the main thing, to take responsibility for yourself and make decisions.

Of course, the project method requires the highest teacher qualifications, a creative approach to the school curriculum, the ability to aggregate knowledge in several subjects and, of course, organizational skills. The use of information technology when carrying out a project at school and, of course, when developing materials for it, has become decisive, has breathed new life into the design methodology known for a long time. The main components of the project method are the research work of schoolchildren and the assessment of this activity.

Of all the tools of cognition, multimedia is the best way to represent knowledge in various ways, including all modalities of perception. Working with multimedia tools, schoolchildren have at their disposal a rich arsenal for self-expression of the material being studied. Multimedia implements a more creative approach to the process of assimilating and presenting knowledge.

A learning system in which students acquire knowledge and skills in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks-projects. One of the personality-oriented technologies, a way of organizing the independent activity of students, aimed at solving the problem of an educational project, integrating a problem approach, group methods, reflexive and other techniques.

The most progressive capabilities of multimedia are to use them in the educational process as an interactive multichannel learning tool. The research, project-based approach in the education system of schoolchildren, the development of their own multimedia / hypermedia projects, the constant use of multimedia for educational purposes in all blocks of disciplines of general cultural and subject training, allow transforming the traditional learning process into developing and creative.

Information technologies make it possible to give students a unique opportunity in the learning process, independently of the teacher, to learn a new concept, notice a pattern, put forward their own hypothesis, and feel how mathematical questions arise.

The ability to use the project method is an indicator of the teacher's high qualifications, his progressive teaching methodology and student development. It is not for nothing that these technologies are referred to technologies of the XXI century, which presuppose, first of all, the ability to adapt to the rapidly changing living conditions of a person in a post-industrial society. But it should also be noted that the project method can only be beneficial if it is applied correctly, the structure of the projects being implemented is well thought out and the personal interest of all project participants in its implementation.

Teaching methods are closely related to the nature of the presentation and perception of information for both the learner and the teacher. And in connection with this fact, it should be noted that the use of multimedia technologies significantly affects the nature of the presentation of information, and, consequently, the teaching methods.

There are opportunities to use the methodological technique do as I do - we are talking about the joint activities of a teacher and a student.

Or the presentation option is not completed, but the student is invited to illustrate the text himself.

Play teaching methods are widely used.

Multimedia elements create additional psychological structures that contribute to the perception and memorization of the material, for example, the summing up in each presentation is preceded by a certain sound or melody that tunes the student to a certain type of work.

The most effective use of combined teaching methods.

In computer science classes, it is recommended to combine both traditional forms of education (conversation, lecture, independent study, group lesson with a visual display on a computer), and various new forms of organizing educational activities (project method, work in small groups, play methods, extensive use of individualized training programs, training testing).

It is reasonable and expedient to use the creative potential of the trainees. Organization of trainees' work on the creation, development and design of specific Web-pages contributes to a significant activation of their cognitive activity. This work is accompanied, as a rule, by deep intrinsic motivation, it allows you to connect teachers and trainees, show ingenuity and imagination, and achieve self-expression.

Computer science education has traditionally used computer-based teaching programs for a number of reasons. Firstly, one of the main developers of computer training programs were specialists in the field of computer science, secondly, the formal languages ​​for describing algorithms made it possible to perform high-quality automated control of grammatical structures, and, thirdly, the content of a number of sections of computer science is well structured, which contributes to its computer representation.

The most productive and promising areas of using the Internet by learners are: interpersonal communication, search for additional information on various academic disciplines, familiarization with educational projects, independent production of Web sites.

The following problems exist in the use of multimedia:

    real individualization of learning based on the use of multimedia occurs only if the cognitive style of the author of multimedia programs coincides with the style of the user, the communicative or socio-cognitive aspects of learning are not taken into account. The introduction of graphics, video images and audio information does not solve the problems of ensuring effective communication, which has a significant emotional (and, therefore, motivational) impact on the student; the introduction of various types of media influence (including sound, graphics, video, animation) does not always solve the problem of improving perception, understanding and memorization of information, and sometimes interferes with the perception of trainees due to noisy channels; unpreparedness of teachers for the free use of multimedia in education due to low multimedia literacy (the ability to make an informed choice of multimedia tools for the implementation of pedagogical goals, knowledge of the possibilities and modern trends in the development of multimedia, possession of tools for the development of multimedia for educational purposes for assembling multimedia modules); the problem of rejection of existing programs and resources, which occurs due to the inadequacy of multimedia programs to the real educational process; the use of multimedia as a new didactic tool in traditional learning systems does not allow optimal implementation of the educational and developmental multimedia resource;

Thus, the traditional educational technologies should be replaced by new informational developing pedagogical technologies. With their help, in the classroom, such pedagogical situations should be realized, in which the activities of the teacher and students are based on the use of modern information technologies, and are of a research, heuristic nature. For the successful implementation of these technologies, the teacher must have the skills of a PC user, possess the ability to plan the structure of actions to achieve the goal based on a fixed set of means; describe objects and phenomena by building information structures; conduct and organize a search for electronic information; clearly and unambiguously formulate a problem, task, thought, etc.

At present, the conditions for solving most of the above problems are being formed in schools.

The essence of new information technologies is to provide teachers and students with access to modern electronic sources of information, create conditions for the development of the ability to self-study by organizing research creative educational work of students aimed at integrating and updating the knowledge gained in various subjects. The reform of modern education can take place only if electronic sources of educational information are created.

a source

https://pandia.ru/text/79/291/images/image005_76.gif "> Read more ...

Creative Teacher Library

https://pandia.ru/text/79/291/images/image002_144.gif "width =" 15 "height =" 15 src = "> Nov 12,2011


    Library search Algebra Astronomy Biology Geography Geometry Natural science Fine arts Foreign languages ​​Computer science and ICT History Local lore Literature MHC Music Social studies OBZh Law Natural history Psychology Russian language Technology Physics Physical education and sports Chemistry Drawing Ecology Economics School administration Extracurricular work Additional education Classroom guidance
      Materials of the Ministry of Defense Interdisciplinary generalization General pedagogical technologies Working with parents Social pedagogy Scenarios of holidays Materials for parents Miscellaneous Audio recordings Video recordings
    For children Internet for children. Catalog of children's resources ***** Children's portal "Sun"

Sites, study materials on SUBJECTS:

https://pandia.ru/text/79/291/images/image005_76.gif "> Read more ...

Pedagogical technologies

https://pandia.ru/text/79/291/images/image002_144.gif "width =" 15 "height =" 15 src = "> Nov.10.2011

Watch the presentation"Pedagogical technologies"

Creative (pedagogical, French) workshops ”. 1 attachment

Master class "Sinkwine - a technique for the development of critical thinking" 1 attachment

Master class "Sinkwine" 1 attachment

"Frying intellectual thinking and creative abilities of students" 1 attachment

Primary school curriculum method (presentation) 1 attachment

Techniques and means of popularization in public speech of a teacher 1 attachment


Formation of educational motivation in mathematics lessons using the technology of complete assimilation of knowledge

Theoretical foundations of educational technologies

"The introduction of modern pedagogical technologies into the educational process in order to form the cognitive interest of students",

"Review of the" Electronic Diary "project"

"The use of modern educational technologies in computer science lessons"

“Mastering and implementation of modern educational technologies in the activities of school teachers. Method of projects "

How to properly conduct a discussion Download: metodicheskie_rekomendacii. doc - 44 KB

Kaleidoscope technology Thanks to the Kaleidoscope technology, a synergy effect is formed in each small group in the process of interaction. Interacting in a creative union, students are in a relationship of mutual influence. Each of them is a means of developing the other; the problem of understanding the other, openness and trust is solved, since the process of joint work encourages the development of empathy. Download: tehnologiya_kaleydoskop. doc - 29.5 KB

"The technology of positional teaching in mathematics lessons, as a factor in improving the quality of knowledge"

The main tasks, didactic features, stages of positional training technology are considered. The structure of the lesson on the technology of positional teaching is given.

Formation of a research style of thinking

Use of modern educational methods and technologies

The use of CSR in mathematics lessons through the reception of educational cooperation Download: urok 1 - 190 KB Urok 2 - 116 KB Urok 3 - 154 KB

Debate and 21st Century School Download: Inkina-Debaty-Statya. pdf - 101.38 KB

critical thinking technology

Critical thinking development technology

Download: Ispolzovanie_tehnologii_RKMChP_v_nachalnyh_klassah. doc_na_pechat. doc - 1.93 MB

Through Free Analytical Thinking (CAM) to the development of creative and cognitive activities of students

Download: Koncepciya_v_papku. doc - 98.5 KB

https://pandia.ru/text/79/291/images/image005_76.gif "> Read more ...

Master class technology

https://pandia.ru/text/79/291/images/image002_144.gif "width =" 15 "height =" 15 src = "> Nov 6,2011

Master class technology

Master classes for teachers: ICT in the educational process

    About master-classes (Wikizanie project) Organization and conduct of master-classes. Methodological recommendations Compiled by Distinctive features of virtual master classes (note from the blog)

A master class is one of the forms of effective professional training for teachers. The master transfers to the students experience, skill, art in the exact sense, most often - through direct and commented demonstration of working techniques.

In the explanatory dictionary, you can find several meanings of the word "master":

    A skilled worker in some production area; The head of a production department in a separate special area: A person who knows how to do something well, cleverly; A specialist who has achieved high art in his field.

The last two definitions are closest to the teacher.

Craftsmanship is interpreted by Ozhegov as high art in some industry.

Different teachers at different times tried to define teaching excellence... So, for example, A. Disterweg believed that the teacher is a master, and only he has “The development of cognitive abilities, perfect knowledge of the educational material, both in terms of content and form, both its essence and teaching method. noted that the essence of pedagogical skill is manifested in knowledge and skills. In modern pedagogical literature, the characteristics of the concept of "pedagogical excellence" include the following components:

    Psychological and ethical-pedagogical erudition; Professional ability; Pedagogical technique; Certain personality traits necessary for the implementation of professional activities.

In modern conditions, a master teacher is a teacher who has research skills and abilities, who knows the features of experimental work, who is able to analyze innovative pedagogical technologies, select content and apply in practice, the ability to predict the results of his activities, and develop methodological recommendations.

The foundation (basis) of pedagogical excellence covers the following main components: the personality of the teacher, knowledge and pedagogical experience. A teacher learns all his life, he is in constant development and is a researcher throughout his working life. Mastery is usually associated with great experience. The first step towards teaching excellence is creativity. Despite the massive nature of the teaching profession, the overwhelming majority of teachers are creative individuals, striving for mastery. There are four relatively independent elements in the skill of a teacher:

    Mastery of the organizer of the collective and individual activities of children; Mastery of persuasion; Mastery of knowledge transfer and formation of activity experience; Mastery of teaching technique.

Pedagogical technique occupies a special place in the structure of the teacher's skill.

Pedagogical technique is a set of skills that is necessary for the effective application of a system of methods of pedagogical influence on individual students and the collective as a whole (the ability to choose the right style and tone in communication, the ability to manage attention, tact, management skills, etc.).

Level of teaching excellence it is possible to determine, focusing on the following criteria:

    a set of methodological techniques, pedagogical actions that are inherent in this particular teacher; original actions are interconnected and provide an effective solution to educational tasks; The signs of the teacher's work system are: integrity, optimality in determining the place and time of application of each methodological technique; the versatility of the impact on students with a simultaneous focus on the development of the pivotal leading qualities of the personality; the originality of the technique.

"Master class" as a form of education is a means of creating three types of conditions:

    Provides the formation of motivation and cognitive needs in specific activities; Cognitive interest is stimulated, conditions for planning, self-organization and self-control of pedagogical activity are worked out; An individual campaign is carried out in relation to each participant of the master class, the positive results of the educational and cognitive activities of each teacher are monitored.

Master class as pedagogical technology includes the following interrelated blocks: the goal of a scientific idea, the sequential actions of a teacher and a student, assessment criteria and a qualitatively new result.

The purpose of the master class- to create conditions for the teacher's professional self-improvement, in which the experience of preparing for the design of an adaptive educational environment of the student is formed, an individual style of creative pedagogical activity is formed in the process of experimental work.

Basic scientific ideas- activity-oriented, personality-oriented, research, reflective approaches.

Sequencing- a step-by-step algorithm for studying the author's system of the teacher-Master's work.

Evaluation criteria - a new level of the individual style of creative pedagogical activity (imitative, constructive, creative).

A qualitatively new result- the ability to simulate a lesson in the technology mode, in which the master works effectively.

The structure of the "Master Class":

Presentation of the pedagogical experience of the master teacher
    Justification of the main ideas of the pedagogical technology used by the teacher Characteristics of the creative laboratory of the teacher-master (description of achievements in work experience, sources from which the teacher got his developments) Identification of problems and prospects in the work of the teacher-master Description of the system of lessons (classes) in the mode of effective pedagogical technology, represented by the educator
Presentation of the lesson (lessons), the system of lessons (lessons)
    The teacher's story about the project of the lesson Determination of the main techniques and methods of work that will be demonstrated Brief description of the effectiveness of the technology used Questions to the teacher on the outlined project
Lesson (class) or imitation game with listeners with demonstration of techniques for effective work with students (pupils) Modeling
    independent work of students to develop their own lesson model (class) in the mode of demonstrated pedagogical technology. The master plays the role of a consultant, organizes and manages the independent activities of the students. discussion of the author's models of the lesson (classes) by the audience
    Discussion on the results of the joint activity of the Master and the students Final speech of the teacher-master on all comments and suggestions

The purpose of a specific lesson (lesson) is determined by the Master, depending on what he will show.

The options are:

    Demonstration of the program of activities, elective courses, electives, etc. Demonstration of individual forms of work that the teacher uses in their activities Demonstration of individual work methods Demonstration of innovative moments of activity


    Lecture Practical lesson Integrated (lecture-practical) lesson

The result of the "master class" is a lesson (lesson) model, which was developed by the "teacher-student" under the guidance of the "teacher-Master" in order to apply this model in the practice of his own activities.

Conducting a "master class" is an indicator of a teacher's maturity, a demonstration of a high level of professional skill.

Technological techniques of a multimedia lesson.

In the modern world, computers are used in all spheres of activity, therefore, in order to increase the effectiveness of teaching, a teacher must be able to use computer technologies in his lessons. In this regard, every teacher must have at least minimal computer knowledge. Minimum knowledge means that the teacher must work freely with text information on a computer, create and edit presentation slides using Microsoft software.

One of the most popular applications of the MS Office 2003/2007 package, used in lessons using information technology, is the program MS PowerPoint which allows you to create high-level presentations. The presentation itself is a purposeful informational process that solves its tasks, in which the computer acts not only as a means that gives more freedom for creativity, but also as a kind of generator of new aesthetics. This helps to improve the efficiency of perception and memorization of the presented material in the presentation.

MS PowerPoint is easy to use. It can be mastered by any subject teacher, no matter what subject he teaches. Since today the problem of introducing information technologies into the learning process is relevant, I think that this is one of those programs with which a teacher needs to start learning a computer.
This article will describe the technological methods of the media lesson, and also identify the directions of their application in the educational process.

Technological techniques used to create a multimedia lesson are diverse and the effectiveness of their application depends to a greater extent on the teacher himself and, of course, on the subject being studied. The reason is that this or that technique will be effective, for example, in a Russian lesson, but will not work when creating a presentation on biology.

When using MS PowerPoint, more than twenty technological techniques can be distinguished when creating a presentation. Among them, such as the reception "magnifier "," animation heuristic ", reception "Intellectual warm-up", reception "Pointer", "paging", reception "LOTO", "titles" and others.

Now let's take a closer look at each technological technique.

Reception "Paging".

It is used in order to concentrate a large amount of illustrative material or text on one area of ​​the screen. So, through “paging”, you can trace various plots of works, the creative activity of an artist, poet, etc. The principle of “paging” can imitate reading a book, for example, when describing a series of events.

This technique is technically achieved as follows. A frame is created on the slide (imitation of an expanded book), then illustrations, text fragments, images, tables, etc. superimposed on one another. The appearance of "book pages" one after another can be set automatically or at the click of a mouse, depending on the teacher's didactic goals. When PowerPoint uses animation techniques"Stretch" in mode "Horizontally, left", then this technique achieves a greater effect.

Reception "Intellectual warm-up".

"Entering the lesson" begins with one or more small, witty problems, riddles that students can solve based on previously studied material, with a cursory questioning of definitions, concepts, terms, dates, verbal counting, solving easy examples, etc. , that is, anything that requires a short, quick answer. Questions appear on the slide (it is possible to use illustrations, diagrams, sound files +).

Reception "Titles".

This technique, like the “paging” technique, can be used to concentrate a huge amount of information on one area of ​​the screen (slide). When using this technique in literature lessons (reading in elementary school), you can also trace the plot of a work.

Technically, this is achieved in the same way as in the “paging” technique, only it is advisable to use animations in PowerPoint “ appearance from below "in the" entry "and" exit "modes.

Reception "Loupe".

This technique can be used in the lessons of geography, biology. In more complex computer programs, it certainly works more efficiently, but even in the conditions of staged demonstrations, its use is justified when you need to focus on the details of the illustration while maintaining its overall panorama.

Mechanically, this is done in such a way that the required fragment is "cut out", enlarged and then, when clicked, appears in the required section of the slide (illustration). For animation, the "zoom" effect is most successful. And most importantly, keep an eye on the quality of the enlarged fragment.

Reception "LOTO".

Admission provides a quick way to test a student's knowledge. It is applicable for any type of lesson, and also easily fits into the stage of the lesson chosen by the teacher, depending on the planned goal and tasks.

The basic principle of reception: from false information - to a complete correct answer.

Significance: analyzing information, students search for the right solution, generalize, compare and consolidate knowledge.

Reception "Animated retrospection".

Retrospection (from lat. retro - back and specio - look), an appeal to the past, an overview of past events. Appearance, then disappearance, then reappearance of the text at the stage of consolidation can be defined asanimation flashback reception, which, in fact, is a mini-test at a separate stage of the lesson. Such a return allows not only to consolidate the passed material, but also to check the adequacy of its assimilation by schoolchildren. The use of animation is also advisable for the "portioned" assimilation of the material.

Reception "Animation heuristics".

Heuristic (from the Greek. heurйsko - looking for, opening). This technique is aimed at developing the creative activity of students to solve a number of tasks (recognizing objects, proving a theorem, etc.). The use of animation allows you to visually depict the process of solving a given problem. The teacher can create a problem situation. In the course of "brainstorming" (discussion), students come to the solution of an educational problem, and then an illustration, a formula, a diagram, a table, the name of a scientist or a literary character, etc. appear, which is the result of the students' mental or creative activity.

Using the above technological techniques when creating multimedia presentations for the lesson, the teacher immediately solves several problems (questions):

· The thought of how to place all the material using a regular board disappears (the “Paging” technique)

· There is no need to prepare leaflets for the lesson in order to check the previously studied material with students (method "Intellectual warm-up").

· A correctly prepared presentation using various technological methods allows to a greater extent to replace outdated TCO with new ones that will seem more interesting and modern for schoolchildren. There is an interest in a particular subject.

Effectiveness table for the above
technological methods in educational activities.


geological techniques

Russian language






1. Scrolling

2.Intelligent warm-up

3. Titles

4. Magnifier




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All techniques are performed in the program MS PowerPoint ... In fact, another program can be selected as well. Based on ideas instrumentation , which will help make multimedia development more efficient and effective.

Everyone will be able not only to get acquainted with the technological methods, but also in case of difficulty, ask for help, learn how to implement them. For each of the techniques, a detailed description of the algorithm for its implementation is planned.

Reception Loupe

A technique that allows you to draw the attention of students to some particulars against the background of a general context. Allows you to go to different levels of information presentation. Description of "Loop reception".

  • Example: Animation Heuristic

Animated flashback

The appearance, then the disappearance, then the repeated appearance of a certain portion of new information is usually called an animated flashback. Such a return allows not only to consolidate the passed material, but also to check the adequacy of its assimilation by schoolchildren. Description of the method "Animated retrospection".

Reception Scrolling

One of the most important principles of media didactics should be the optimal amount of information per unit of time and in a certain space. However, sometimes we need to list (scroll through) a certain thematic video sequence, text information ... Description of the "Scrolling" technique.

Reception Shutter

The essence of the technique is that a fragment of the screen (slide) is closed and at the right moment the information hidden behind the "curtain" appears. In multimedia lessons, this technique can be useful, both with the use of an interactive whiteboard, and without it.

Reception SHUTORKA-pause

During a multimedia lesson, it is often necessary to temporarily turn off the multimedia projector. It is more rational to simply "darken" the screen.

Trick Catch the mistake

By presenting information on the screen, the teacher deliberately makes mistakes. Pupils are warned about this in advance. There are various variants of this technique. Description of technique Catch the error.

Interactive pivotal outline

I remember, at the beginning of my teaching career, I was very sorry that all the information in the basic synopsis appeared in front of the students on a Whatman sheet at the same time. It was inconvenient to constantly draw the pivotal notes on the blackboard in stages.

And drawing the fragments on separate sheets, of course, was expensive. In the multimedia support, not all information appears at the same time, but sequentially, in the course of the teacher's story or the reproduction of educational material when students answer their homework. Description of the technique "Interactive pivotal notes".

Animated crossword puzzle

Presenting crossword puzzles as educational problems with the help of multimedia takes on a qualitatively new level. The options are for an interactive whiteboard, using triggers, and so on.

Reception Karaoke

You will not surprise anyone with a large number of discs with songs in the style of "karaoke" for all tastes. But often a singing teacher, primary school teacher, a foreign language teacher, a class teacher, an educator needs a specific song, and with an appropriately designed video sequence. For karaoke, as a rule, special programs are used. But even in PowerPoint, you can create a full-fledged version that is in no way inferior to other programs.

Interactive poster

Such a unique technical tool as an interactive whiteboard requires a new level of information technology culture of the teacher. Until now, there has not been enough methodological support for working with an interactive whiteboard.

Basically, its use remains at the level of emotions and intuition. A description of the didactic toolkit is required. One such powerful tool is the interactive poster.

Interactive map

The use of interactive maps in training sessions is very effective. It allows you to quickly solve various educational problems with children, quickly "move" in space and time.

In MS PowerPoint, you can create wonderful interactive maps that are necessary to enhance the teaching effect, make the training lesson more attractive.

Interactive feed

Several information blocks, united thematically, are placed on one slide. They move easily, forming a continuous belt. Each of the informational blocks is multidimensional. With a hyperlink, we can go to another level of content.

Complex animations in PowerPoint

Even in this office program, you can create small animation masterpieces

Preparing PowerPoint development for working on an interactive whiteboard

The interactive whiteboard, in my opinion, has a breakthrough value for ICT technologies in education. However, for many teachers, their appearance in schools caused great concern: they need to retrain again, master new programs ...

Meanwhile, deep, rather than superficial, mastery of MS PowerPoint helps to raise multimedia developments, performed in its environment, even higher in their didactic value than flip-charts created in interactive whiteboard programs.

Computer testing in the classroom

The teacher is armed with many computer tests, as well as software test shells. It is very important to carefully consider the method of using computer tests in the lesson.

Animated sorbon

This method of pedagogical technique has long been known to teachers. Recall that it is intended for memorizing definitions, dates, foreign words, theorems, etc. Multimedia support for this trick can use it more effectively.

Didactic games with multimedia support

Didactic play is one of the most important elements of modern pedagogy. The use of multimedia helps the teacher to make these games more dynamic and varied. The piggy bank of games and templates will be constantly updated.

PowerPoint quizzes are common. Much less often is the mouse-over setting of these didactic games.

a description of the two variants of the font and a template.

An exciting didactic game. The game constructor is presented.

Template for a didactic review game

Animated puzzles

Unfortunately, very often when using puzzles, even with the use of a screen or an interactive whiteboard, the teacher is limited to a linear, flat presentation of such an exciting learning task. Using animation effects helps you prepare interactive versions of the puzzles.


The technique is intended for the vertical change of objects in the case when it is didactically justified: to demonstrate the hierarchy, vertical relationships.

Technological reception VIRTUAL WALK

Using PowerPoint tools, we can take virtual walks around the map, cities and other real and fictional objects.

Technological reception NAVIGATOR

The technological method is intended for virtual walks on the map, other objects, where you can combine not only moving, but also increasing, decreasing the object.

Animated clock

In order for the student to control himself while completing the educational task, you can use an animated clock in the lesson.

Technological reception TRAFARET

Teachers often use templates and stencils for express control of test items. This animated stencil can also be used in a multimedia lesson.

Dialogue with the screen

When working with video information and animation, one of the most serious problems is the passivity of students. Dialogue with the screen helps make a difference in the lesson.

Animated table

An animated table is an effective means of enlarging didactic units.

Technological reception "Bright spot effect"

This technique of media didactics is one of the most important tools in the technology of visualization of educational information. There are a number of ways to draw students' attention to the object under study.

Interactive, animated charts and graphs

Large informative blocks presented in the form of diagrams and graphs, despite their clarity, need more visualization. The existing software shells do not always help either.

One window effect

Objects united by common species characteristics appear in a strictly defined place on the screen.

Multimedia version of the BURIME teaching technique

This technique helps to find out how freely students own educational information.

Technological reception MARKER

The technique contributes to the visualization of the student's thinking. Color helps differentiate information. Examples are given. The article shows examples of using the "Marker" template by Alexei Bazhenov.

Technological reception SCREEN

The technique is "inspired" by visualization effects that are used in complex animation programs. In my opinion, I managed to find a rational didactic kernel of this technique and simplify its implementation in the office PowerPoint application.

Interactive contour map


The technique helps to maintain attention to a certain information block, which ultimately affects the quality of assimilation of educational material.
Technological reception TICKER .

Contextual presentation of information as a technique of media didactics

This technique allows you to maintain the attention of students, to maintain the relationship between various objects of information.


This technique contributes to the visualization of thinking. Simulation of the extension and retraction of bookmarks from the "card index".


This is a method of pedagogical technique that gets a "second wind" thanks to its visualization.


This technique contributes to the formation of integrity, a sense of the scale of the studied object, event or phenomenon.


A didactic technique corresponding to the conformity test. The article describes not only the technique, but also outlines the algorithm for its multimedia implementation. If you wish, you can download the admission template.


Description of the simulator that can be used in various academic subjects. The algorithm for its implementation is described. .


It is possible to draw attention to the necessary object not only by reducing irritating factors, but also by organizing several layers.


Typically, pop-ups are used by web designers using special programs. However, you can create the same effect in PowerPoint.


Sometimes it is helpful to use an interactive lesson reference outline instead of key notes or posters.


It is very important to skillfully visualize long-term evolutionary processes. This helps students to better assimilate complex processes and phenomena.


A didactic game has been developed in which the student acts as a teacher. All verification options are taken into account: correct, erroneous and not noticed by the student.

Technological reception IMITATION

A technique that imitates a graphical representation of a lesson scheme by means of a "pencil drawing". The didactic rationale for the admission is described.


An interactive keynote can only be effective when the student understands each symbol, each keynote. This technique is designed to help the student better "read" supporting notes.

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