Home Vegetables Can a Muslim woman visit a man's gynecologist? Looking at the female body, excluding the face and hands

Can a Muslim woman visit a man's gynecologist? Looking at the female body, excluding the face and hands

Of course, Islam is hardly friendly with our mentality. But the history and rules of Muslims can be interesting to everyone, if only because of the big differences from the foundations that are familiar to us.

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Islam is the youngest of the three Abrahamic religions, appearing one and a half thousand years after Judaism and six centuries after Christianity. This religious version was created by an Arab from the Quraysh clan, a resident of Mecca, Mohammed ibn Abdallah.

Mohammed was born in 570, was left without a father even before he was born, at the age of six he lost his mother and led the sad life of an orphan. His relatives took care of him somehow, but in general, no one cared much about him. He did not receive any education, he did not learn to read and write, he did not become a good warrior either, but he became a merchant. Soon, the handsome and modest young man was noticed by the rich widow Khadija, who was fifteen years older than him. She sent matchmakers to Mohammed, and he, naturally, did not hesitate for a long time. So he got at his disposal not only funds, but also, apparently, a reliable friend and adviser. During Khadija's life, he never cheated on her, always treated his wife with love and respect.

When Mohammed was forty years old, he announced that the Archangel Gabriel began to appear to him and convey the words of the Lord. The messages were basically a rather naive retelling of the Old and partially the New Testament (fortunately, the Arabs were very familiar with Judaism and Christianity), were flavored with oriental eloquence and thoughtful reasoning about the topical events of the then Mecca. Mohammed conveyed these words to his fellow citizens - this is how the Koran was created. Compatriots, of course, first mocked Mohammed, then when the prophet finished them off, they kicked him out of the city. But with this they were late: by that time, Mohammed had managed to gather enough supporters around him.

I must say, there were many prophets in Mecca at that time. The Arabs did not have their own full-fledged religion, they believed in what was great, and in the Kaaba temple there were more than three hundred statues of various gods. At the same time, the Jewish and Christian influence in recent centuries more and more prevailed over pure paganism, so there were plenty of people who wanted to restore order here.

But Mohammed turned out to be the most eloquent, persistent and talented. After a series of bloody clashes with the Meccans, he returned to the city victorious, put all the detractors under the knife (he especially did not like the poets who reviled him), surrounded himself with a crowd of fanatically devoted supporters, married nine (according to other sources - 11, 18 and even 25) women and girls from the most powerful clans and began to build a new society.

He ruled, exterminating enemies and delighting fellow citizens with all the new regulations and laws, which were a bizarre combination of traditional Arab norms, the laws of Moses, the requirements of sanity and the personal preferences of the prophet (for example, he was incredibly fastidious and cleanliness, so that personal hygiene became one of the most important components of Islam). In 632, Mohammed died, having created by that time a powerful Islamic community. The Sunnah was added to the Koran (texts dictated directly by Mohammed) - memories of the words and deeds of the prophet, recorded from the words of his relatives and friends. Both of these sources are considered the foundation of Islam.

Currently, there are approximately one and a half billion Muslims living in the world.

Is Islam just a religion?

Islam is a complex of ideas about the world, state and social structure, a legal system and a reference book of ethical norms. No religion in the world, not even Christianity, has ever so powerfully regulated public life and the state system. Therefore, opponents of Islam always point to its dangerous feature - the unwillingness to remain a pure faith, an ethereal idea that can take root in any environment and adapt to it.

Unfortunately, any real Muslim must agree that the most correct way of life at any time is the way of the semi-nomadic Arabs of the 7th century, since there are no modernizations and reformation in Islam: the Koran and Sunnah are given once and for all, you can try to interpret them in a new way, but you can't argue with them.

They have a Book, which is the only law for them. And if the law says that anyone who spreads blasphemy against Islam must die, then European civilization can only bury Theo van Gogh and hide the Salman Rushdies, condemn Danish cartoonists and send plaintive petitions to Iran about how bad it is to hang small children on lifting cranes.

There can be no moderate Muslim. If he is moderate, he is not a Muslim. Anyone who refuses to throw stones at an adulteress violates the direct order of the prophet, and do not forget that "Islam" means "obedience."

What is forbidden for a Muslim

1. Eat pork, as well as the meat of any predatory animals and birds

All other living creatures can be eaten, but only on condition that they were not killed with an electric current or a club, but were stabbed, while pronouncing the name of Allah. But there is a reservation: there is no sin on a person if he does not know that he accidentally ate an animal that was not put to him or was killed incorrectly.

There is a special hadith al-Bukhari who says that a Muslim should not ask the Gentiles about the origin of the meat served to him, it is enough just to whisper “bismillahi” to himself and eat anything with a clear conscience. Therefore, if a Muslim is sitting at your table, do not, even from the best feelings, with a cry “You can't do this! There is a pig! " rip sausage or jellied meat out of his mouth. After such information, he will already be forced to eat exclusively all kinds of radishes, looking reproachfully at you.

2. Drink wine

Mohammed did not immediately inform his compatriots about the complete ban on wine. At the beginning of his creative activity in the early suras, he only hinted at the undesirability of its consumption. But, having established himself in Medina, he already loudly called any intoxicating drinks "an abomination from the deeds of the Shaitan" and imposed an absolute ban on them. It is known that he said that the first drop of wine destroys a person, and for a long time Muslim alcoholics played vanka, defiantly pouring out the first drop of wine from a glass and consuming everything that was left with a calm soul. But theologians of the Middle Ages condemned this custom.

Now in most Muslim countries, the sale and consumption of alcohol is completely prohibited. Drugs, as related to "intoxicating", too.

3. Look at the female body, excluding the face and hands

Unless this woman is your wife, sister, daughter, or mother.

4. Go to a public bath and wear shorts

Not only the female, but also the male body (albeit just from the navel to the knees) is considered "Avrat" - forbidden to others, unless this person is your blood relative. It is impossible to look at this obscenity categorically, and you yourself need to hide the umbilical shame from prying eyes.

5. Keeping dogs at home

Their saliva, fur and paw prints are considered unclean, defiling both person and clothing. Since every Muslim is obliged to pray five times a day, being in an "undefiled" form, a dog at home, naturally, testifies that its owner can only be an atheist, whose prayers are invalid: after all, microparticles of saliva and wool cannot be avoided. Therefore, in Sharia countries, it is quite possible to end up in jail for keeping dogs at home on charges of "insulting Islam."

Iran and Saudi Arabia, for example, regularly carry out raids to catch secret dog lovers. And in the UK, police dogs have to wear rubber boots if their job is required to inspect mosques or Muslim apartments.

6. Marry Gentiles

It is desirable to marry a Muslim woman, but men are also allowed to marry with representatives of the "People of the Book", that is, with Jews and Christians (a Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim). Atheists and pagans cannot become Muslim wives.

7. Play gambling

They are also a satanic abomination that offends Islam. At the same time, we are talking not only about gambling (naturally, all casinos and lotteries in Islamic countries are strictly prohibited). Often games that can be played without money, for example, backgammon or chess, come to the lawyers for analysis. Spears are still broken about them, while in most countries they are not prohibited - provided that the players are not late for prayer, "do not get too excited when playing" and do not play during the holy month of fasting - Ramadan.

8. Lend money at interest

On this subject, the prophet, who suffered at one time from the greed of creditors, spoke out categorically: those who give money at interest will burn in an unquenchable fire. In this regard, modern Islamic banking is an incredibly confusing thing, where it is customary to consider the lender to be a participant in a trade transaction, where all the bank's depositors are trading parties sponsoring specific transactions in equity participation and where the devil himself will break his leg, then trying to figure out which of the participants in this Bacchanalia he has the right to take to hell, but who nevertheless managed to stay clean before the requirements of Sharia.

9. Wear silk, gold and silver

The Sunnah cites the words of the prophet that silk, silver and gold are "haram" (forbidden) for the men of his ummah (women are allowed these excesses, provided that they do not "confuse outsiders" with them). A Muslim can wear rings and rings only with steel, gold and silver lighters and pens, he also has no right to use.

10. Pluck eyebrows

Moreover, “the one who tries it” must be subjected to strict “admonition” from the husband.

11. Run armpits

But the armpits and pubis must be shaved (or epilated) at least once every forty days - both for a man and a woman. And he who does not do this is a great sinner.

12. To portray people

The portrayal of "idols" among all Semites was considered a blasphemous act, since, firstly, a person in this way tries to pose as God, and secondly, he will probably start praying for this muck later - otherwise what was the use of it?

Mohammed insistently demanded that all the statues obtained from the spoils of war be sure to have their heads chopped off. So sculptural art, of course, did not take root in the Arab territories. With one single exception: Mohammed allowed Muslim children to play with toys that resemble people and animals (and here little Muslims were much more fortunate than little Jews, who are deprived of this pleasure). Thank you for this to the nine-year-old wife of the Prophet Aisha, who moved to the house of her elderly husband along with all her dolls and the “horse with wings,” who especially touched Mohammed.

But with painting, everything is more complicated. Portraits of real people, historical figures, as well as painting "with shadows", which creates a relief semblance of reality, are strictly prohibited. Flat images of imaginary people are more tolerant, animals are allowed but not very desirable, and landscapes, vegetation and geometric patterns can be drawn without any restrictions.

13. To be alone with a woman, if she is not his wife or relative, or to touch her

This prohibition especially embellishes the life of the modern Islamic metropolis. The fact that stadiums, cinemas and public transport should be strictly divided into female and male parts has long been out of the question. Now, the possibility of introducing separate sidewalks for persons of different genders is also being seriously considered. Visiting shops, bazaars and all kinds of public events is incredibly dangerous in the sense of desecration by the opposite sex.

Women can simply not be allowed into stadiums and restaurants, but, for example, when city markets were made forbidden for women in some regions of Pakistan, even timid protests began among even the most god-fearing segments of the population. The famous fatwa of the Egyptian theologians Al-Azhar Izzat Attiyya and Abdel Mahdi Abdel Kadera also made a lot of noisy fun, according to which a woman can work with a man in one office only if she breastfeeds him at least five times, thus becoming his dairy mother. ...

Egypt, as one of the most secular states with an Islamic population, is more likely than others to face the fact that modern realities do not correlate well with the requirements of Islam, but even there the idea of ​​forcing officials to let their male colleagues reach their breasts did not seem like a stupid joke - it was seriously discussed several months.

14. Adopt children

The difficult position of orphans in Islam is explained by the fact that Mohammed once decided to marry Zeinab, a very attractive young lady, to whom his adopted son Zeid was married. From the point of view of the Arabs, such a marriage would certainly be incestuous, since it was impossible to marry daughters-in-law, even divorced ones, about which Mohammed himself had repeatedly reported before. The Archangel Gabriel had to deliver a special report to the prophet, which said that the faithful could not have other sons except by blood. Therefore, the Sharia does not recognize adoption.

An orphan can be taken into upbringing - provided that the child is left with the same name, the family does not pretend to be his parents, and he himself is not their heir. But even this form of guardianship in Muslim families is difficult, since from the age of six, his guardian will have to appear in front of a boy only in a hijab, which is very difficult at home, and will not have the right to touch him, and the father will not have to be left alone in a room with her pupil.

And this is not a complete list of prohibitions that a Muslim is forced to deal with.

Islam is a religion of regulation, which does not consider it beneath its dignity to interfere in the seemingly insignificant little things of a person's life - from cleaning nails to patterns on pillows. And in those countries where the state is not separated from the mosque, non-observance of this regulation can lead to very tragic consequences for the disobedient.

In Sharia there is such a thing as "hudud". These are punishments for crimes against morality, public order and for failure to fulfill religious duties. Violation of any of the above prohibitions and hundreds of others like it is always a reason for hudud, depending on the zeal of the religious authorities and courts in the city where the person lives.

Punishments in the Sharia, alas, are also borrowed from the time of Mohammed. In addition to quite modern fines and prisons, Islamic criminal law is teeming with corporal punishment, the severing of body parts and very sophisticated death sentences like being thrown off a cliff and crushed by a stone wall.

Islamic schism

Thinking that all Muslims are passionate like-minded people is not worth it. Like any organism, Islam nevertheless puts out branches (even if it is forbidden to develop), two of which are already so powerful that they divided the Muslim world into irreconcilable parts: Sunnis and Shiites.

Nine out of ten Muslims are Sunnis. Their main difference from the Shiites is that they do not believe in the spiritual superiority of the imams - the descendants of Mohammed, representatives of his family. They also do not recognize the special position of clergymen, limit the legal rights of theologians and are much more orthodox Muslims than Shiites, preferring to follow the precepts of Mohammed in any decisions and not relying too much on their own conclusions.

Shiites believe that only imams - the descendants of Mohammed's cousin Abutalib - can be the spiritual leaders of the Ummah (Muslim community) by the divine right of inheritance. At the same time, they are much less orthodox than the Sunnis, the decisions of modern imams among Shiites can practically contradict the prescriptions of the Koran and Sunnah. Most Shiites live in Iran, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen.

Women in Islam

No matter how tenderly they write on Islamic sites about “our noble friends”, “beautiful wives” and “gentle sisters,” even a superficial acquaintance with Islamic laws on women leaves no stone unturned from the belief that in Islam, at least somewhat equal to a man.

1. A girl receives less inheritance from her parents than a boy.

2. A girl can be married at the age of nine (although under pressure from the public in many Muslim countries the marriageable age is slowly being raised). At nine years old, she can be imprisoned and executed for crimes against morality.

A boy is legally considered a child until the age of fifteen.

3. The wife has no right to raise her hand against her husband, and the husband has the right to beat his wife (but not hitting her in the face and not too cruelly, so that no scars are left - this is the literal instruction of the prophet).

4. A woman has no right to go out into the street without the permission of her husband, father or guardian. Also, without their permission, she has no right to work or study.

5. A woman has no right to receive guests at her home without the permission of her husband (even if they are her parents).

6. A wife has no right to deny her husband intimacy. A husband, if he is angry with his wife, has the right to "wean her out of bed."

7. A man can have up to four wives and, in addition, concubines from among his servants. A woman can only have one husband.

As for the fact that women are more often executed for crimes against morality, then you need to understand the nuances of Sharia justice. The fact is that the prophet gave several instructions at once regarding adulterers. In one case, he simply offered to keep them under house arrest. In the second, he said that a hundred lashes would be a sufficient punishment for sinners. But there is a hadith that tells how Mohammed ordered to bury a man and a woman who repented of adultery and to stone them. This discrepancy has occupied the minds of Islamic theologians for many centuries, and in different countries there are different punishments: somewhere only married adulterers and their lovers are executed, somewhere unmarried.

But the fact is that in order to convict a suspect in this crime, four witnesses are required who would confirm that they saw adultery with their own eyes. Since it is rare for a man to commit adultery with so many witnesses, it is enough for a man not to admit that he has had illegal sex. And even if the woman points to him, the court will not take her testimony into account. For women, denial does not help: too often they are given out by the physiological characteristics of the body - the absence of a hymen or pregnancy in an unmarried woman.


The one who will answer “all” has not guessed correctly. But there are three main points that Christians and Muslims will never find a common language on.

1. Christians believe in the Trinity, while Muslims believe in One God. Christian stories about the fact that the Trinity is a single being are swept aside by Muslims as lies of the pagans, who not only believe in three gods, but also strive to shove a completely earthly woman Mary into the divine pantheon.

2. Muslims respect Jesus as a prophet, but no more. Allah cannot have any sons - only slaves, which we all are.

3. The idea of ​​original sin, on which Christianity is practically based, is deeply foreign to Muslims. All of us, from their point of view, are created quite white and fluffy and “spoil” on our own as we grow up - who is in what is what.

The use of decorative cosmetics in Islam has a special attitude. This religion, perhaps more than any other, approves of a woman's desire to look beautiful and attractive. A Muslim woman not only can take care of herself, emphasize her beauty, but is also obliged. The only question is who this beauty is intended for, and what means should not be used for this. Can Muslim women wear makeup and makeup?

The beauty of a Muslim woman is only for her husband

In fact, all the possibilities of modern cosmetology are available to a Muslim woman. She can paint her eyes and lips, apply foundation and blush to her face, and can use perfume. She does this with the same purpose as other women around the world - to give her beauty even more expressiveness. But if an ordinary woman puts on makeup before going out into society, then a Muslim woman, on the contrary, paints herself at home, for her husband - the only man for whom she wants to become the most attractive and desirable. Muslim makeup can be bright if the husband likes it. In this form, she can appear in front of her family and a certain circle of people. But before going outside, if her face is open, a woman is obliged to wash off the defiant, bright makeup from her face. An overly expressive perfume will be regarded as a desire to attract a stranger and amount to adultery, so stifle, but do it in moderation.

What is prohibited?

To change something in your appearance of your own accord means to be dissatisfied with what Allah has given you. Therefore, Islam does not approve of interference with a woman's appearance. For example, it is strictly forbidden to pluck eyebrows and change their shape, remove hair between the eyebrows, do permanent make-up, and sharpen teeth for beauty. There are authentic hadiths about this. In addition, it is forbidden to paint your nails brightly. It is not allowed to cover the nails with varnish for another reason. During ablution, the surface of the nails remains under the varnish, and such ablution cannot be considered valid. we have written a separate article, if you are interested - be sure to read it.

There are two different opinions about the ban on eyebrow plucking. In the hadiths, where this is mentioned, this procedure is indicated by the word "nams", which means "plucking, removal of eyebrow hair." At the same time, some scientists believe that this concept does not include other actions, for example, trimming or thinning too long, thick eyebrows. In this case, their natural shape does not change, and the eyebrows are given a more neat, tidy look. Most likely, the hadith speaks of a warning to women not to make themselves very thin, coquettishly arched eyebrows, thereby not becoming like women of easy virtue of pre-Islamic times.

"Nur" on the face is the best decoration

Nothing adorns a girl's face like sincerity, a friendly smile, eyes that radiate love for the world around them. But if a Muslim woman still wants to hide small imperfections on her face, she has the opportunity for this. It is allowed to paint eyes using antimony and henna. These are natural substances, not only not harmful, but also beneficial to health. You can dye your hair if there is gray hair, but dyeing it black is not encouraged. In addition, a Muslim woman can use unlimited medical cosmetics and face and body care products. The main thing is that they do not contain substances prohibited by Sharia. Instead of conventional perfumes containing alcohol, a Muslim woman uses essential oils and other aromatic products based on natural herbs and oils.

What cosmetics should I use?

Not everything that the global beauty industry offers is suitable for use in Muslim makeup. Alcohol-based cosmetics, as well as preparations containing substances of animal origin, should not be in her cosmetic bag. No matter how meager the amount of these substances is, they still enter the body through the skin. Therefore, Muslim women try to choose a special

Published / updated: 2008-03-25 22:52:56. Views: 9406 |
Question: My wife was at the doctor's office and it was found that she was pregnant for one month and 8 days. We decided not to have children for a certain period of time because my wife is sick and will not be able to survive the pregnancy. Is she allowed to have an abortion? Please note that we have decided not to have children for only a short time.

Answer: All praise be to Allah.
If the wife is pregnant and cannot bear the severity of the pregnancy, then it is allowed to have an abortion within the first forty days, according to a large number of scientists.

The report of the Consuls of the Great Scientists says:
1. It is not allowed to terminate a pregnancy at various times, except for Sharia reasons and very narrow restrictions.
2. If the pregnancy is in the first stage, i.e. the first 40 days, then it is allowed to have an abortion if there is a Sharia reason or to avoid harm. As for abortion because of fear of hardships in raising children or because of the fear of not being able to earn a living and upbringing, or if the couple does not want to have new children, then this is not allowed.
3. It is not allowed to terminate a pregnancy if the fetus is in the alag or mudgha stage (ie in the second or third 40 days), unless a commission of reputable doctors determines that the pregnancy may harm the life or health of the mother. In this case, it is allowed to terminate the pregnancy if all other means to protect the mother's health have been used.
4. After the third stage and after 4 months of pregnancy, it is not allowed to terminate the pregnancy, unless a panel of respected experts determines that leaving the fetus will lead to death, after using all the means to save the life of the fetus. Permission to terminate pregnancy under these conditions is given in order to avoid the greater evil. "Fatawa al Jamia (3: 1056)
Allah knows best.

Question: What can be said about a husband who wants to divorce and therefore tries to terminate the pregnancy of his wife who is in her second month and wants to keep the baby? He gave her pills that provoked a miscarriage, but nothing came of it. Is it prohibited or allowed? Is there an atonement for this act?

Answer: Praise be to Allah

Abortion is prohibited, and it doesn't matter if we talk about abortion before the embryo has a soul or after. Abortion after the embryo has a soul is under an even stricter prohibition.

The wife should not obey her husband if he forces her to have an abortion.

Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim (may Allah have mercy on him) said: "You cannot terminate a pregnancy until it has been established that the fetus is dead." See Majmu Fatawa al-Sheikh Ibn Ibrahim, 11/151.

Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan (may Allah preserve him) said:

“First: abortion is prohibited. If pregnancy is detected, then it must be saved. It is forbidden for a mother to harm or prevent pregnancy, because it is amanat (ar. - entrusted to custody), which Allah placed in the womb, and he has rights, therefore it is forbidden to harm him and take his life.

Shariah evidence points to the prohibition of abortion and miscarriage.

It is not considered a reason for abortion if the woman cannot give birth without surgery; many women can only give birth with a caesarean section, but this is not a reason for an abortion.

Secondly: if a woman has an abortion after the fetus has a soul and it began to move, she is considered a murderer of a living soul and must free the slave as an atonement; if this is not possible, then she should fast for two months in a row as a sign of repentance to Allah. If an abortion is done after four months of pregnancy, when the fetus already has a soul, then the woman must bear the atonement that we mentioned above. This issue must be taken very seriously. If a woman cannot bear a child due to illness, then first of all she should take birth control pills; she can take these pills until she regains strength and health. " See Al-Muntaka, 5 / 301-302.

Sheikh ul-Islam ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked about a man who said to his wife: "Get rid of what is in your womb, and I will take upon myself the sin." If his wife listens to him and does what he asked, what atonement should they bear?

He replied, “If she does, then both of them must free the believing slave as an atonement. If this is not possible, then they must fast for two months in a row and give the slave or slave to a successor who had nothing to do with the murder, but not to the father, because it was the father who ordered to get rid of the fetus and he is not entitled to anything. "

He said: "The ransom for the killed fetus is the price of a slave or a slave, and scholars believed that this is 1/10 for the murder of the mother of the fetus."

In your case, no redemption is required because the gestation period was two months, the fetus did not yet have a soul, and you did not have an abortion. But one should repent before Allah for this sinful act.
And Allah knows best.


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The majority of legal scholars are unanimous in prohibiting the marriage of a Muslim woman with a non-Muslim.

In the name of Allah the Merciful, the Most Merciful. All praise and thanks to Allah, peace and blessings on His Messenger. First of all, we would like to thank you for your trust. We hope that we will be able to justify

Your expectations.

Most jurists agree on the permissibility of the marriage of a Muslim man to a woman of the People of the Book, and jurists are unanimous in prohibiting the marriage of a Muslim woman to a non-Muslim. This decision is related to the cult (i.e. related not to practice, but to religion).

If we all want to explain the wisdom of this decree, then we say: “When Islam allowed a man to marry women from the people of the Book, he ordered the husband to respect the religion of his wife, because a Muslim believes in all the prophets. If a non-Muslim marries a Muslim woman, he will not respect the faith of his wife, and will not believe in the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), in whom she believes, that kindles the fire of enmity in the house and prevents the establishment of home comfort, warmth and mercy friend to a friend, but this is the basis of the family hearth. Therefore, Islam has forbidden such marriages.

From the rulings of al-Azhar:

Indeed, Islam permits marriage of a Muslim to a non-Muslim(Christian or Jewish), but does not allow marriage between a Muslim and a non-Muslim... At first glance, this can be considered an inequality between a man and a woman.

Marriage in Islam is based on love, mercy and peace of mind. And Islam strictly monitors that the family firmly stands on the right foundations that do not allow the marriage relationship to be upset. Islam is a religion that respects all the celestial religions that existed before it. Faith in all previous prophets is an integral part of the Muslim faith. When a Muslim marries a Christian or a Jew, he is obliged to respect her faith, and cannot forbid her, from the point of view of Islam, to perform cult rites of her religion and go to church or temple for this.

If a non-Muslim marries a Muslim woman, that element of respect for the wife's faith will be lost. A Muslim believes in previous religions, in all the prophets of God that were before Islam and deeply respects them. But a non-Muslim does not believe and does not recognize the Muslim Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). A non-Muslim considers the Muslim Prophet to be false and usually believes in all the lies and slander that spreads against Islam and its Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). And there is a lot of such slander.

Dr. Yousef al-Qardawi says:

A Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim. The Supreme Lord says: "Don't Marry Gentiles Until They Believe"(Quran, 2: 221). And he says: "Do not marry off Muslim women to Gentiles until they believe."(Quran, 26: 221).

Then he excluded: "The food of the people of the Scripture is also permissible for you, and your food is permissible for them, as well as for you chaste women from among the believers and chaste women from among those to whom the Scripture was given before you" (Koran, 5: 5).

Thus he allowed the marriage of chaste women from among the people of the scripture, but did not allow the marriage of men with Muslim women.

More importantly, Islam should be superior and should not be dominated by anything. Marriage is patronage and support. A Muslim can be the patron and support of his wife, a non-Muslim, but a non-Muslim cannot be the patron and support of a Muslim. The Supreme Lord says: "Allah will not open the way for unbelievers against believers"(Quran, 4: 141).

A wife must obey her husband, and if a Muslim woman marries a non-Muslim, her obedience will run counter to her obedience to the Almighty Lord and his Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Perhaps there is another wisdom in the decree prohibiting marriage between a Muslim and a non-Muslim, the Lord knows this, because He knows that it is good for His slaves: "Will the One Who created it not know this, if [after all] He is Discerning (or Good), Knowledgeable?"(Quran, 67:14).

And the believer in the all-encompassing wisdom and knowledge of the Lord should only say: “We listen and obey! We ask your forgiveness, our Lord, and there is coming to You. "(Quran, 2: 285).


Is a Muslim woman allowed to work in a beauty salon where she will provide services to both Muslim women and non-Muslim women - to perform procedures such as hair removal, makeup, waxing, etc.? Will her income be permissible, even if she knows that her clients want to decorate themselves for stranger men?

The services and treatments offered at the beauty / beauty salon can be divided into two categories:

1) Cosmetic procedures prohibited in Islam, such as: excessive hair shortening for women so that they become like men; plucking eyebrows, hair removal from intimate places, which are not allowed to be revealed even in front of other women; piercings and tattoos, etc.

This type of service is not allowed, as it is helping others in sin (i'ana ala ‘al-ma’siyah), which is prohibited in the Qur'an. Wages in this case will also be illegal (haram).

2) Permitted cosmetic procedures, such as: removing hair from the face (except for eyebrows and eyelashes) or those parts of the body that are allowed to be revealed in front of other women; makeup, hair coloring; dyeing hair and other parts of the body with henna and other permissible forms of decorating oneself for women.

The Shariah decision regarding this type of service has three options:

a) If the beautician is sure or close to certainty that the client will use her services in a permissible manner; for example, revealing your dyed hair in the presence of other women or husbands, then it is perfectly acceptable to offer such services to the client. Moreover, if her (the beauty salon employee) intent is to beautify a woman for her husband and thereby strengthen her marriage, she will be rewarded for that, insha Allah.

b) If the cosmetologist does not know how the client will use her services, then it is also allowed to offer such services (without being undesirable), and the salary will be considered earned legitimate.

c) If the beautician is sure or close to certainty that the client will use her services in an unauthorized way; for example, she will open her hair to non-mahram men as soon as she leaves the salon, in which case it is allowed to offer such services to a client. The sin of using the services of a beautician in an illegal way will be on the client.

This problem goes back to the legal decision to indirectly help others in sinful acts. In the Quran, it is clearly forbidden to perform actions that can help someone in sin. Allah Almighty says: "Help each other in piety and piety, but do not help each other in sin and enmity" (5, 2).

However, helping others in sin can extend to a variety of jobs and activities, not all of which will be considered taboo. In the Hanafi madhhab there are examples of actions that seem to be examples of help in sin - for example, helping to build a church, renting a horse / car for transporting alcohol, renting premises for worship of other religions.

However, according to Imam Abu Hanifa, these actions and the income from them are considered permissible. He believes that responsibility for sin will be borne only by those who are directly involved in the commission of the sinful act itself (See Radd al-Mukhtar, 6/392 and al-Khidaya with Fath al-Qadir, 10/59).

Based on this decision, the work in the beauty salon will be halal, although even the employee knows that the client will use her services in a forbidden way - this will be allowed as long as the employee herself has no intention of helping in sin. So the income from such work will be permissible, and only the woman who adorns herself for stranger men will be responsible for the sin.

I must say that other scientists and fuqaha have taken a tougher stance and consider this kind of service highly undesirable (makruh tahrimi) - when the beautician knows that her client will use her services to commit a sin. Thus, it is best for a Muslim woman to avoid working in such beauty salons and look for alternative ways of income. However, if the need arises, it will be acceptable to provide such services, insha Allah.


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