Home Vegetables Is it possible for Russians to go to the mosque. How to dress when going to the mosque? Rules for visiting a Catholic church

Is it possible for Russians to go to the mosque. How to dress when going to the mosque? Rules for visiting a Catholic church

“What is important is what a person comes to the mosque for,” says Rustam Khairullin, Deputy Mufti of Tatarstan. "A person's intentions must be good."

First of all, a person who is going to visit the temple must put his appearance in order: this also applies to clothing and purity of the body.

Enter the mosque only with good intentions. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

“Women dress so that only hands, feet and face are visible,” says Rustam Khairullin. - At the same time, clothes should be loose and not very bright. Men also try to cover their bodies as much as possible, they put a skullcap on their heads. "

In his sayings of vice Muhammad said that Muslims should be ritually clean, that is, they should perform complete ablution.

Taharat - small ablution. Many rituals of worshiping Allah cannot be performed without ritual ablution. For example, it is not allowed to perform namaz, tawaf - circumambulating the Kaaba (during Hajj and Umrah), touching the Holy Quran with your hands. All mosques have ablution rooms.

Full ablution, called gusul, is washing of the whole body along with cleansing the mouth and nose. Full ablution is performed in a shower or bath.

What is not clear, you can ask the imam. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

You can enter the mosque only with your right foot with the words "O Almighty, open the gates of your mercy." Once in the room, a Muslim must greet everyone by saying As-salamu alaykum (translated from Arabic - "Peace be with you"). A Muslim must greet, even if he does not find anyone in the mosque, since it is believed that angels are always present in the temple.

Shoes are removed in the mosque. There are special wardrobes where you can put your shoes away so they don't get in the way. It is preferable for a Muslim to have socks and shoe covers.

How to pray in a mosque?

Five times a day, at a strictly defined time, an adhan is heard from the minaret - a call to prayer. It is proclaimed by the muezzin. All mosques are built so that they are directed towards Mecca.

There is a recess inside the building - mihrab (translated from Arabic as "first front line"). There is a minbar - a pulpit or tribune in the cathedral mosque, from which the imam reads his Friday sermon. Minbar has several steps. The Prophet Muhammad preached a sermon from the topmost one. As a sign of his respect, all imams stand 2-3 steps lower than the top one.

Minbar in the center of the hall. Photo: AiF / Aliya Sharafutdinova

All other Muslims stand behind him facing Mecca. On Friday, general prayers are held in mosques, the value of which is 27 times higher than those performed at home.

Every Muslim strives to stand behind the imam in the front ranks, as he will receive more rewards from Allah for this.

You cannot pass in front of a person reading namaz. In this case, his prayer is violated and is not accepted by Allah. Therefore, go around the Muslim from behind.

Women and men read prayer in separate rooms, sometimes the women's room is located on the balcony. If there are none, then the women stand in a row behind the men.

Men and women sit separately in the mosque. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

“If you don’t know how to pray, do not hesitate to ask someone from the mosque to explain to you. In the temple there are always "cheat sheets" - books that briefly describe how to read namaz. You can perform the ritual by peeping at a book. With time, you will be able to do it without prompting, ”says Rustam Khairullin.

How to give charity?

A Muslim who wants to give alms - sadaqah - should give it with his right hand and say intention to himself. The one who receives the gift from him also accepts with his right hand, saying “Bismilla-Irahman-Irahim” to himself.

Alms are given only to those who have no housing or food. Photo: www.russianlook.com

“In Islam, a person in need is a person who is deprived of food or shelter today. These are the people who are given sadaqa. If a person does not belong to those, but he is given alms, then he, in turn, must transfer it to someone who meets these criteria, ”says Rustam Khairullin.

Who is not allowed to enter the mosque?

Visiting the mosque for tourist purposes is allowed, but in this case, a person must fulfill all the requirements that the believers adhere to. “Any traveler should understand that he is entering a cult building. He must commit a gusul, dress, as the Sharia norms dictate. Fortunately, today there are headscarves and skirts in churches so that women can cover those parts of the body that cannot be shown, ”adds the hazrat.

You cannot go to the mosque in alcoholic and drug intoxication. Photo: RIA Novosti

No noise in the mosque. Also, people who emit a pungent smell and smell bad are not allowed. Prophet Muhammad said that if a person ate onions or garlic, then he should not appear in the mosque until the smell disappears. The use of perfumes with a pungent odor is not allowed.

You can take pictures in the mosque. But you can't hang photographs and paintings that depict animate objects on the wall, put them in frames.

If you take a child to the mosque, then the responsibility (to Allah) for his behavior lies with the parents.

The mosque cannot be visited by mentally ill people. Women are prohibited from attending the temple on "critical days." Those who are intoxicated or intoxicated will not be allowed into the building.

“People leave the mosque with their left foot. Thus it is necessary to say "Allah, forgive my sins." Always adhere to the rules of etiquette in mosques, regardless of what religion you are, ”sums up Rustam Khairullin.

The word “mosque” comes from the Arabic word “masjid”, which means “to prostrate ourselves”. That is, the mosque is a place of worship and prayer. Mosques serve Muslims for the general performance of prayers, as well as, sometimes, as places for gathering people and teaching the basics of Muslim doctrine.

In accordance with this, there is strict etiquette in the mosque. Not only followers of Islam can visit these religious buildings, but also representatives of other faiths, but, of course, only if people behave appropriately. So, what should you never do in a mosque?

1. You should always enter the mosque with your right foot.

At the same time, a Muslim is obliged to say: "O Almighty, open the gates of your mercy." In addition, upon entering the room, a Muslim must greet everyone by saying "As-salamu alaikum." At the same time, you need to say hello, even if there is no one in the mosque, since it is believed that angels are always present in the temple.

2. No shoes are allowed to enter the mosque. This applies to both men and women, and Muslims and gentiles. Therefore, when going to a mosque, for example, on an excursion, you should make sure that your socks are clean and not leaky. Shoes are left at the entrance in special lockers, but if you wish, you can take them with you in a bag.

3. You should also think about clothing. She must be clean and beautiful. For both men and women, knees and shoulders should be covered, and women should cover their heads with a scarf to keep their hair hidden. Muslim women dress so that only the hands, feet and face are visible (however, in some countries, they also hide the face), while the clothes should not be too bright and tight. This is what representatives of other religions should be guided by if they do not want to cause indignation among Muslims.

4. In no case should you visit the mosque for those who have eaten garlic and onions shortly before. The Prophet Muhammad said: "Whoever eats onions, garlic or leeks, let him not approach our mosque, because angels are irritated by what irritates the sons of Adam." In other words, no stench is allowed in the mosque. It is even permissible for men to use incense in moderation. But women, on the contrary, should not use perfumery. It is believed that the scent emanating from a woman can interfere with the prayer concentration of men. This is probably why women pray in the mosque in special rooms, separate from those where men gather.

5. In addition, women are prohibited from attending the mosque on “special days”.

6. It is forbidden to pass in front of a person performing namaz. The hadith (a hadith is the tradition of the words and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, which touches upon the peculiarities of the life of the Muslim community) says: “If the person passing directly in front of the prayer knew what he was doing, then it would be better for him to stand forty years than to walk directly in front of him. ".

7. You can sit on the floor in the mosque, but in no case should you sit with your legs pointing towards the Kaaba. The Kaaba is the main shrine of Islam, the temple of the Kaaba is located in Saudi Arabia, in the city of Mecca. The direction to Mecca in each mosque is indicated by an empty niche in the wall called a mihrab. It is to the mihrab that the faces of the worshipers are turned.

8. No noise in the mosque.

9. Men and women visiting the mosque as part of a tour should not hold hands, hug or kiss, even if they are husband and wife.

10. The mosque must not be visited while drunk. In addition, a mentally ill person will not be allowed into the mosque. If someone wishes to take a small child with him on an excursion, he must remember that his behavior may disturb other people. If the child is capricious, you need to leave the mosque with him.

11. Usually, guests are allowed to take pictures in the mosque. But it should be remembered that you cannot take pictures of believers during prayer.

12. You need to leave the mosque with your left foot. At the same time, Muslims say: "Allah, forgive my sins."

It should be noted that Islam encourages tolerance and peaceful coexistence between Muslims and non-Muslims. If non-Muslims enter the mosque for dialogue that will lead to better understanding, then this is welcome and encouraged. Islam is a religion of constructive dialogue, and the history of Muslims is the best example of this.

Sheikh Attiyah Sakr answers the question as follows:

Allah says: “O you who have believed! After all, the polytheists [are] in filth. And let them, starting from this year, not be included in the Forbidden Mosque. If you are afraid of poverty, then Allah will provide you with wealth according to His generosity, if He wishes. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Wise ”(Qur'an, 9:28).

And further: “O you who have believed! Don't pray drunk [and wait] until you understand what you are saying. [Do not pray] in a state of defilement until you have performed the [prescribed] ablution, unless you are on the way ”(Quran 4:43).

Based on these verses, most Muslim scholars have concluded that polytheists are not allowed to enter the Holy Mosque in Mecca. But at the same time, they notice that Christians and Jews can also enter into it. They believe that this rule applies both to the Holy Mosque itself and to the adjacent territory. However, Abu Hanifa believes that even a polytheist can enter the Holy Mosque in Mecca if he does not stay and settle in it. He interprets uncleanliness as moral uncleanliness (shirk).

As for other mosques, scholars forbid non-Muslims from entering them, since according to the Koran, non-Muslims are considered unclean.

Imam Ahmad stated that they can enter the mosque only with the permission of the Muslims. His opinion is consistent with the report that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) allowed the people of At-Taif to stay in the mosque before they converted to Islam. He also received Christians from Najran at his mosque in Medina. When it was time for them to pray, they began to pray in the mosque, facing east. And then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said (to his companions): "Leave them (for them to pray)." In the section “Muslims' Entry into the Mosque” of the hadith book “Sahil” of Imam Al-Bukhari it is mentioned that Samam ibn Asal was tied up in the mosque (although he was a polytheist).

In Fas-al-bari, Ibn Hajar mentioned disagreements on this issue. Hanafi scholars advocated unconditional permission for (non-Muslims to enter the mosque), while the Maliki and al-Mazni banned it completely. Shafi'i scholars distinguished between the Holy Mosque and other mosques. There is an opinion that this permission applies only to the people of Scripture, but it is refuted by the case of Samama mentioned above.

Based on this fatwa, it can be concluded that all non-Muslims, including Christians and Jews, are allowed to enter the mosque, but on the following conditions:

1. Non-Muslims are allowed to enter all mosques except the Forbidden Mosque in Mecca, but with the permission of the Muslims.

2. They must have a valid reason to enter the mosque.

3. They must maintain decorum in the mosque and remember that it is a sacred place of worship.

4. Both men and women are not allowed to reveal their awrah (body parts that cannot be shown to others) when entering the mosque.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة و السلام علي رسولنا محمد و علي اله و صحبه اجمعين

O Muslims, mosques are the houses of Allah on earth, and Allah made them sources of light for Muslims, as well as a place where many angels gather and convey to believers the joyful news of the mercy and good of the Most High, a message that brings peace to the hearts of Muslims.
The mosque مَسْجِد (masjid) was formed from the word سجد (sujud) - bowing to the ground, meaning a mosque is a place to bow down, a place where Allah Almighty is worshiped, and the most beloved place for Allah on earth - mosques. And the one who has visited the mosque is visiting Allah.

As the Prophet said to him: "Whoever bathed at home, then came to the mosque, is considered a guest of Allah, and Allah is the best host."

Abu Al-Dardaa told his son: “O my son, make the mosque your home (and he meant attending the mosque as often as possible), because the mosque is the home for those who truly believed, those who feared Allah, and I heard the Messenger of Allah say:“ Everyone, who made the mosque his home, Allah will bestow his mercy and his forgiveness, and lead him across the Sirat bridge to Paradise " »

Mosques play an essential role in the formation of a society of believers, and mosques provide the dissemination of knowledge, and that is why, the first thing of the Prophet Muhammad when he arrived in Medina was the construction of a mosque.

Islam calls on Muslims to take care of mosques, and promises a great reward from Allah.
As the Qur'an says: “Only those who believe in Allah One should go to the mosques, on the Day of Resurrection and retribution, piously pray, give cleansing alms from their property (zakat). They only fear Allah. Maybe they will be with Allah on the straight path of faith! "
The mother of the faithful Aisha (R.A.) said: "Whoever built a mosque and did not seek fame among people, and his intention was to please Allah, then Allah will build that castle in Paradise".
Word "Built" in this hadith it has several meanings, such as spending money on building a mosque, on repairing a mosque, on maintaining a mosque in proper condition, keeping it clean, and Allah rewards those who take care of his homes on earth with great rewards in eternal life.

Visiting mosques instills peace in the souls of people. This is a place of cleansing from the vanity of the mortal world and thinking about the eternal. The Koran is read in the mosque and sermons are proclaimed. The mosque is a gathering place for Muslims and the center of a religious community. All Muslims can come there without an invitation, like to their home.

The Holy Quran says: “Undoubtedly, all mosques belong to Allah. Therefore, do not cry out to anyone but Allah. "
Many Muslims have forgotten or, perhaps, do not know the rules of conduct in the mosque and today we would like to devote an article on the rules of visiting the mosque.

The first and probably one of the most important rules when visiting a mosque is cleanliness (body, clothes, etc.)

When we go to the mosque, we must be sure that we are not emitting an unpleasant smell. In addition, when preparing for the Friday prayer (Jumga), we must take complete ablution - this is Sunnah. The Messenger of Allah even forbade those Muslims who recently ate onions or garlic to come to the mosque in the hadith it says: "Let the one who eats onions, garlic or leeks (raw) in no way approach our mosque, for, verily, he causes the angels the same sufferings as the sons of Adam."... However, some of the parishioners even manage to smoke near the mosque, and then go in. Please be vigilant and avoid such mistakes!

When going to the mosque, we must wear the best clothes we have. However, it is a great regret that we can sometimes observe that some of the parishioners are negligent in choosing clothes for such a holy place as a mosque.

When entering the mosque, a man must wear trousers, a long-sleeved shirt is preferable.
Clothes should be clean, not attracting attention with colors or flashy slogans. Since you will have to take off your shoes, take care of clean socks.

A woman should cover her body as much as possible and cover her hair with a scarf.
According to the law of Islam, a woman's face, hands and feet can remain open. The color of the clothes should not be very bright, and the silhouette should not be tight. Cover your head. If your clothing does not comply with Islamic guidelines, do not be surprised when you are politely asked to wear a robe or hijab.

Children under the age of majority (12 years old boys 9 years old girls) can wear shorts and T-shirts.

Be sure to take off your shoes when entering the mosque.

Before you sit down, you need to read two rak'ah prayers. "Takhiyatul-Masjid"(namaz greetings of the mosque), unless of course the imam conducts a Friday sermon, and then greet everyone in the mosque;

When we hear the adhan, we must sit facing the qibla, stop talking, it is necessary to repeat the words of the adhan after the moazzin, except for the words when the moazzin says (Haya "ala-s Sala and Haya" Ala al Falah), then you say (la hawla wala Kuwata illa Billah), after the adhan, read the dua adan, read salavat to the Prophet peace be upon him and ask Allah to give our Prophet the right to intercede for us on the Day of Judgment. Making dua during the time between adhan and ikama is a blessed time during which dua will be accepted. When the imam takes his place and asks to pronounce iqama, then having heard it, the believers are supposed to stand up for prayer.

If you came to the mosque on Friday and the sermon (khutba) began, then you should sit down and listen to the khutba.

Some of the brothers, entering the mosque during the ikama, rush to read the sunnah, and only then join the collective obligatory prayer, and this is a mistake, because after the ikama has sounded, there is only one prayer - fard. And only after the obligatory prayer can you read all the other Sunnah prayers that you have missed.

Harming or inconveniencing other Muslims should be avoided as it is a sin, especially when it comes to inconveniencing their prayer. In our time, a sign of this has become, and you yourself have repeatedly witnessed this, that often during the khutbah or during the prayer itself, melodies on mobile phones ring. Of course, everyone can forget to turn off the sound of their mobile phone during Juma, but if they had not chosen music as their ringtone, which should be in a bar or in a disco, they would not have had to get into such a situation. This also applies to those of the brothers who choose not an ordinary simple bell as a melody, but set nasheeds or excerpts from the Koran. May Allah save us from such mistakes.

Some of the brothers may not notice how they read the Koran too loudly in the mosque, and this is also not dignified behavior in the mosque, because if one of the brothers is praying at this time, then he may be confused and he will difficult to concentrate. Allah's Apostle said: “Do not raise your voices by reading the Qur'an among you. Allah Almighty will hear your reading, even if you read in a quiet voice " .

It is not advisable to speak loudly in the mosque. Loud conversation can interfere with those praying, and in this case, loud speakers should gently point out to them about their mistake. And in general, there should be no conversations on mundane topics in the mosque.

Also, from the ethics of being in a mosque, it is to enter the mosque calmly, with respect, even if the prayer has already begun, so as not to distract the worshipers with your noise and haste. The prophet peace said to him: "If you heard ikama, then come up without making a noise, join the jamaa, and read what you joined, and finish reading what you missed from your prayer.".

If you took the Koran or another book from the mosque with the purpose of reading, then do not forget to put them back in the same place from where you took it.

We hope that we will all become exemplary in behavior in the mosque, and may Allah forgive us our past sins, and make our ears listen to the truth, and our hearts accept it. Amen.

Muslim men go to the mosque at least once a week to perform worship rituals. Mosques are the houses of the Almighty, and people who visit them become guests of the Creator.

When a person comes to visit someone, he tries to comply with the rules of decency adopted in this society. The situation is similar with mosques, when visiting which a believer must adhere to a number of religious and ethical norms.

1. Enter the mosque from the right foot

Going to the mosque, one should remember that the first step in its door must be made with the right foot, since the Messenger of the Most High (sgv) instructed that “it is Sunnah to enter the mosque with the right foot” (Hakim).

2. Before entering, read a special prayer (dua) 3. Take off your shoes and put them away carefully

At the entrance to the mosques, as a rule, there are seats so that it is convenient for visitors to take off their shoes, which must be removed to a specially designated place for this (shelves, a separate wardrobe or a section of the floor). One of the hadiths quoted by Ahmad says that the Prophet (sgv) ordered the believers to cleanse the mosques of dirt. In addition, if a person leaves their shoes right in the aisle, it can make it difficult for other people to enter the mosque.

4. Greet those present

A Muslim, entering the house of Allah, should greet his brothers in faith, as the Messenger of the Lord (sgv) said: "Indeed, the closest people to Allah are those who greet others first" (Abu Daud, Tirmidhi). At the same time, it is advisable to use its full form when greeting, namely: "Assalamu alaykum ua rahmatullahi wa barakatuh". By using this kind of address, the believer earns himself more reward than the usual greeting.

5. Perform a prayer of greeting

Before sitting down, it is advisable for the believer to perform the prayer of greeting to the mosque, as advised by the Grace of the Worlds Muhammad (s.g.v.), according to the hadith of Bukhari. This prayer consists of 2 rak'ahs, the procedure for performing which is no different from, with the exception of intention (niyata).

6. Do not pass in front of worshipers

If, upon entering the mosque, you find that one of the believers is performing namaz, then you should not pass in front of him if there is no obstacle in front of him. The Messenger of the Merciful and the Most Merciful (sgv) said: "If the one who passes before the one who prays knew about the severity of this sin, then instead of passing, he would prefer to stand 40" (Bukhari, Muslim). In this case, it is not known what the Prophet (s.g.v.) had when speaking about 40 - days, months, years, rak'ahs or namaz.

In the event that it is very urgent to go in front of the prayer, then it is allowed to put some kind of obstacle, which can be, for example, a jacket or a bag.

7. Do not cause discomfort to others

Remember that you are not alone in the mosque, which means that the rights of other Muslims should be taken into account. For example, if the mosque is very crowded, then there is no need to sit in a wrap-around, thereby depriving other believers of space.

8. Don't raise your voice

While in the mosque, Muslims should not talk loudly, especially on abstract topics that are not related to issues of worship, especially if at that moment an adhan or sermon is being heard, and the Koran is being read. During their stay in the mosque, believers can be busy with different things. Some can just sit and wait for prayer, while others read the Koran at this time, others pray, and others sit on social networks through gadgets. And by raising your voice, you can distract a prayer or a fellow believer reading the Koran.

The Prophet of God (sgv) warned about the appearance of such people: “Before the offensive, people will appear who will gather in mosques in groups, and they will be imam and they will have dunya (worldly affairs)! Do not sit with them, for the Most High does not need them! " (Hakim, Tabarani).

9. Do not trade

In addition, it is strictly forbidden to conduct trading activities in mosques. Unfortunately, a similar phenomenon occurs in some houses of worship. The Prophet (sgv) said: "Do not engage in trade in mosques, do not argue and do not raise your voices there ..." (Ibn Majah).

10. Listen carefully to the adhan, reading the Qur'an, or preaching

If during your stay in the mosque you hear the adhan or the reading of the Koran, or the sermon of the imam, then you need to listen silently, because, firstly, you will not interfere with listening to others, and secondly, you will not raise worldly conversations over the reading of the Koran. and, thirdly, if a person begins to listen attentively, then he has the right to claim the reward of the Lord of the Worlds.

11. Praying Properly

Obviously, a believer, while in a mosque, should pray in the prescribed manner so that his prayer will be accepted by the Almighty, and that for him he will receive a reward and deserve the forgiveness of sins. According to the hadith, the Prophet (sgv) instructed: "If the servant of Allah correctly performs namaz, the angels read a prayer for him as long as he is in the place where he performed namaz" (Muslim).

12. Make dua

The faithful who are guests of their Creator, being in the mosque, should read the dua, asking the Lord for the forgiveness of sins and the bestowal of benefits in both worlds.

13. It is undesirable to constantly sleep in the mosque for no reason.

In addition, it should be remembered that it is undesirable for believers to sleep in the "house of Allah" without a valid reason. An exception to this rule may be situations when a Muslim has lost his home or when he is on the road and decided to rest in a mosque.

Advantages of visiting mosques

- Getting more rewards- for each prayer in a Muslim prayer house, believers receive a reward that is many times greater than the reward for prayer at home. One of the hadiths says that the Almighty promised a reward for collective prayer, which is 27 times higher than the barakat for individual prayer (Muslim).

- Unity of the Ummah- by visiting mosques, we draw closer to our brothers in faith, which, in turn, contributes to the unity of the Muslim ummah.

- Visiting mosques- guests of Allah. As already mentioned, mosques appear, which means that those who visit them, those who respond to the invitation of the Lord, are His guests.

- The acquisition of knowledge- a believer can gain new knowledge about religion during a sermon or during Islamic courses.

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