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New time to read the magazine. The New Times magazine. reference

Investigators of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate on Wednesday seized documents in The New Times magazine in the center of Moscow as part of a criminal case of libel in the article "Slaves of the OMON", Colonel Viktor Biryukov, head of the information and public relations department of the Moscow Internal Affairs Directorate, told RIA Novosti.

According to one of the versions, he was no longer satisfied with the format of the magazine, which gravitates towards human rights rhetoric and harsh criticism of the authorities, and the actual division of power in the publication with the editor of the policy department Yevgenia Albats.

Until January 2009, the editor-in-chief of the magazine was held by the owner of the magazine, Irena Lesnevskaya.

Earlier, the head of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, called the reports of violations in the Moscow OMON “slanderous”, noting that he had filed a lawsuit to protect the honor and dignity and compensation for moral harm to the OMON officers, which were discussed in the publication.

On April 14, the head of the information and public relations department of the Moscow GUVD, police colonel Viktor Biryukov, said that investigators of the Moscow GUVD were seizing documents in The New Times magazine in central Moscow as part of a criminal libel case in the article "OMON Slaves".

According to the deputy editor-in-chief of The New Times, Ilya Barabanov, the seizure of documents in the editorial office is carried out on the basis of the decision of the Tverskoy District Court.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

- "Novoye Vremya", Soviet political journal, publication of the newspaper "Trud". Began to appear in June 1943 in Moscow, initially 2 times a month in Russian (until June 1945 under the title "War and the Working Class"). It has been published weekly since January 1947. ... ...

The New Times magazine- The New Times (New time) - weekly social and political magazine. The volume of the magazine is 64 pages, the circulation is 50 thousand copies. Published weekly on Mondays. Founded in 1998 by the journalistic team of the New ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

I one of the largest Russian newspapers, 1868 1917, St. Petersburg (from 1869 daily). Initially liberal, with the transition of the publication to A.S. Suvorin (1876) conservative. Since 1905, the organ of the Black Hundreds. Closed after the October Revolution. II ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Modern times: Modern times is a period in the history of mankind between the Middle Ages and Modern times. New time (Novoto time) political party in Bulgaria. New time (Jaunais Laiks) national conservative political ... ... Wikipedia

Literary and political journal; published in St. Petersburg in 1861 63. M. M. Dostoevsky, and F. M. Dostoevsky was its unofficial editor. Back in September 1860, an ad written by F.M. was placed at the main newspapers, in which he ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

I Novoye Vremya ("Novoye Vremya",) Russian newspaper; was published in 1868 1917 in St. Petersburg (until the 234th issue of 1869 5 times a week, then daily; since 1881 there were 2 editions, morning and evening; in 1891 it had a weekly illustrated ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Magazine; see Literary Magazine ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

I from fr. the words journal, meaning a diary itself, then a daily newspaper; in Russian. lang. this is the name of periodicals published at intervals longer than a newspaper. The general word corresponding to the Russian concept of the magazine ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron


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So, Vitaly Sych, who for over 10 years headed the editorial office of the weekly magazine "Correspondent", headed a new media project. The first issue, 66 pages of which we have already thumbed through, is on sale on May 16 through the network of kisos "Press", agency "Soyuzpechat". The impression is good. Good from the quality of the work of the people who prepared the publication. And those who wrote and edited, and those who were engaged in design and layout, and those who typed. In general, the first pancake is not lumpy. It can be seen that the guys diligently prepared the premiere.

By the nature of the materials and the format of printing, "Novoye Vremya" in many ways resembles the first brainchild of the team. Although there is certainly no complete identity. However, those who are familiar with the "Correspondent" and shared the views and approaches to writing the materials of its previous edition will find enough in common.

Editorial, issue theme, as can be seen from the illustration, is devoted to the most pressing problem of the last month - the situation in Donbass. Author, renowned economist Alexander Paskhover, addressed the question of how Putin, with the help of ex-President of Ukraine Yanukovych, is shaking the conflict in Donbass. I was hooked by the unbiased analysis that this very tolerant and observant person did. To be honest, in the tense atmosphere of an overheated information field, I often miss the weighed material from the hottest spot of the last month. I will also note a few publications to which I immediately drew attention.

V section "Week"Elena Geda publishes interviews with Alexander Usik... The first questions of the correspondent of the magazine to the boxer from Simferopol were devoted to the Crimea and the difficulties that Alexander faced after the annexation of the peninsula. In the same section, the magazine collected the opinions of famous people in Ukraine, how much for them Crimean peninsula is lost in terms of personal rest.

V section "Country" in addition to Paschover's article on the first page of the cover, materials were published in Odessa after May 2 and, twists and turns election races for the presidency of Ukraine... As for Odessa, it was again important for me to know the impressions of a person with an open-eyed look. The opinions of Odessa citizens, of course, are also very important, especially since the author often refers to them. But I wanted to hear impressions from the outside. And thanks for that Anastasia Bereza.

V section "People"Maxim Butchenko publishes a kind of confession Wladimir Klitschko about the recent experience. And sports. And Maidan. About brother. About how what was happening in the country forced me to take up social activities. About the relationship with Hayden, of course, and about many other things.

Finally, I would like to say a few words to the staff of the magazine from our editorial staff. Thank you for your honest work. I wish you further fruitful work and a solid rear, as well as many years of life for Novy Vremya in a happy country. Congratulations, colleagues.

Editor-in-chief of LLC "Mediasoyuz", Oleg Ilyushko

This news can be phrased differently. The printing house that printed The New Times magazine cannot continue to print it, but does not want to. And you can formulate it again in a different way. The printing house is not that it cannot or does not want to, but it can no longer print such a magazine. The magazine in front of the printing press, as Evgenia Albats says, has "zero debts." And it is right. Because we understand that if the independent press has even three kopecks of debt, this is a reason. Three kopecks for a printing house or three kopecks for a communal apartment and rent, three kopecks for the guard on the ground floor at the entrance to the editorial office. Does not matter! This is an excuse to paralyze your work. But if there is no reason, then you can do without it in principle. No debt - well, no need! We will close your shop just like that.

In the end, we will say that we ran out of paper, the ink dried, the typesetter and his friend the printer got drunk, the computers hung, the lights went out. If you need to find an excuse not to do something - here we have no equal, here we are world champions. You can, of course, say that to hell with her, with this printing house, in the end, she will lose a good order and good money, and sooner or later will die. Because the media are moving away from paper and moving to the Internet, and that this is a reason to start living in electronic form ourselves. But we have already had illustrative examples, when in the same way, for no good reason, "Grani", "Hedgehog", Kasparov's website were blocked. The question is not in what form the independent press will exist. The question is that it cannot exist in our country in any form. We are always told in response: what about Novaya Gazeta, but what about Echo of Moscow? But not so long ago people in this group were confidently asking: what about RBC, but what about Kommersant, and what about Lenta.ru?

A list of these "but what about?" is getting shorter. The New Times magazine is still included in this list and, I knock on wood three times, I hope that it will. But we see how easy it is to change everything. Here the shareholder's point of view suddenly changed, and along with it the management and editorial staff changed. Here the concept has changed, funding has changed there. There is something that the supervisory authorities did not like. And now the printing house "cannot". In each specific case, there will be some particular reason. And no one will say directly, let's say that you shouldn't have scolded Sobyanin. Or: we have elections here, and you are interfering with us. Or: don't stick your nose where you don't need to with your investigations. Do not discuss Putin and his family, do not discuss the president's friends, leave behind Shuvalov, his dogs, apartments and planes. No, nothing like that will be said. They will tell you about a change of concept, about three kopecks of debt, or simply say that they can no longer print your magazine. But the thing is that the problems of the magazine, sites, radio or TV channel "Dozhd" are first of all your problems, dear friends.

Your window to the world of free information is being sealed more and more every day. And the old days are returning to you. Old Times, so to speak.

E. Albats:

Unfortunately, I must inform the readers of the magazine that on Monday The New Times will not come to kiosks, and will not come to stores, and will not come to subscribers. Because today the Pushkinskaya Ploshchad printing house, which has been publishing the magazine for eight years, and to which we have zero debts, once again - zero debts, announced that it would not be able to print the next issue. The New Times magazine lends itself to type with the help of software, which is installed in our printing house "Pushkinskaya Ploschad" on the night from Friday to Saturday, the circulation is printed on Saturday, and on Sunday, and on Sunday and Monday it is delivered to kiosks. However, all of a sudden, quite unexpectedly, the printing house said that it was not able to print the magazine. For our readers to understand, the Pushkinskaya Ploshchad printing house is a product of two Moscow printing houses: Almaz-press and Pushkinskaya Ploshchad, they not only have no capacity, but they had to lay off a huge number of people, because, as you know, many magazines have stopped coming out. We are one of the last Russian magazines, which is printed not in Finland, not in Poland, but in Moscow, in Russia. This is by the way about the workload and so on.
I cannot, in the morning I have been trying to get through to the general director of the printing house, Mr. Zaitsev, to his deputy, Mr. Bakov, they are all terribly busy, none of them can talk to me. My employee went to the printing house, where she was told that they did not want to sign the contract and would not be able to print the magazine.

On November 28, the last, doomed to become a rarity, issue of the socio-political weekly Novoye Vremya was signed and handed over to the printing house. Now you can call it "the old" new time "". One of the few independent publications in Russia has ceased to exist. In any case, in the form in which it existed for the last 16 years. The magazine fell victim not to a political order, but to a lack of money. Alas. Of course, we can talk about the ineffectiveness of management - this is a subjective side of the matter, but there is also an objective one: the basic values ​​of the magazine are not very popular in Russian society.

"The task set by the new publisher is to break through to the public, to take a worthy place in the media market. For this, Novoye Vremya must acquire a new, modern form. Will it not lose its old content? It would be strange if I didn’t I was afraid about this. But today, drawing a certain line, I will still focus on hope. Thank you all! " From the parting words of Alexander Pumpyansky "About success and failure" in the last issue of the magazine.

In connection with the demise of this, now we can say, an epoch-making publication, Buchnik interviewed Mikhail Gorelik, a permanent author of "New Time". Here's what he said:

“The history of the financial collapse of Novoye Vremya is instructive, full of interesting psychological novels, detective stories and even criminal stories, in which the era affected no less vividly than on the pages of the magazine.

The Jewish theme, exciting the public consciousness of Russia, in its various manifestations, was constantly present on the pages of Novoye Vremya, was discussed in the magazine freely and impartially, different points of view sounded different, not coinciding, sometimes sharply not coinciding. The magazine did not impose any of them. Let's say the Arab-Israeli conflict: Alexander Voronel - the right flank, Alexander Eterman - the left.

In the minds of many, the "Jewish" clichéd is reduced to the Arab-Israeli conflict, anti-Semitism (in general) and the Holocaust (in particular). Naturally, Novoye Vremya published articles on these topics as well, but the magazine constantly published materials on the Jewish religion, culture, history, education, and nature.

In almost every issue of the magazine, the reader could read such materials. And the last numbers are no exception. I would like to note at least a brilliant essay by Alexander Melikhov "The Apollonians and the Mercurians". The author starts in his reflections from the acclaimed book by Yuri Slezkin “The Era of Mercury. Jews in the Modern World ". Models of Jews leaving the ghetto are becoming universal models for him.

One of the last issues published my next conversation with Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz "Where does the time flow?" This is a conversation from a series that has been going on for many years on the pages of Novoye Vremya. It took a lot of courage to launch such a project in a socio-political magazine without any Jewish specificity.

Of course I appreciate that. I am grateful to the editorial board, which gave me the opportunity to speak with complete freedom for many years about Jewish culture in the pages of Novoye Vremya. "

So, Alexander Pumpyansky, who has headed the magazine for the last 16 years, steps off the captain's bridge and leaves the ship, from which only the name remains. The first issue of the “new Novoye Vremya” will be released in February - it will be released in a new edition within the framework of the new concept. The founder and publisher of the Novoye Vremya magazine will be Irena Lesnevskaya, President of the Ren Media Group, and Raf Shakirov, who previously headed the Kommersant Publishing House, the Gazeta and Izvestia newspapers, will become the editor-in-chief of the magazine. It is planned to invest about five million dollars in the promotion of the project.

The Lesnevsko-Shakirovsky project is the fourth for Novoye Vremya. The first was a newspaper published from 1867 to 1917: at first liberal, then conservative, associated with the name of Suvorin, then a Black Hundred - of course, with intense attention to the Jewish question. Naturally, after the Bolsheviks came to power, it ceased to exist. The second project is a Soviet propaganda multilingual product for external use, which emerged in 1943 under the name "War and the Working Class" and was renamed "New Time" after the end of the war. The war, however, continued, but already cold - the magazine was at the forefront. That's why it was created. The third project is "New time" by Pumpyansky. This "New time" arose on the wave of perestroika and is ending now, before our very eyes.

The Russian pre-revolutionary project in all its phases, the Soviet propaganda project and the independent Novoye Vremya in recent years had nothing in common, except for a meaningful name. Each edition in some sense denied the previous one and personified the new time. We will soon find out how the fourth "New Time" will look like in this historical series.

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