Home Vegetables Plan for self-education experimentation. Work plan for self-education “Experimental and experimental activities with young children. Self-study work planning

Plan for self-education experimentation. Work plan for self-education “Experimental and experimental activities with young children. Self-study work planning

Self-education work plan for 2015 - 2016 academic year year

EducatorA. M. IMAMIEVA group no. 3 MBDOU number 8 "Zorenka
Children's experimentation as an elementary search activity of children.
To create optimal conditions for the development of cognitive and research activities of preschoolers as the basis for intellectual - personal, creative development; to unite the efforts of teachers and parents for the development of cognitive and research activities of preschoolers.


1. To form the ability for creative self-development and research activities.

2. To study the pedagogical, psychological, methodological literary sources on the problem, the theoretical foundations of the technology of experimental activity.

3. Investigate the relevance of the problem within the framework of our preschool educational institution.

4. To identify the most acceptable form of introduction of the method of experimentation, as one of the methods of cognitive development of preschool children.

5. To develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of experimentation; develop observation, the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, develop the cognitive interest of children in the process of experimentation, establish a causal relationship, the ability to draw conclusions.

6. Investigate the effectiveness of the application of the method in educational activities in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education.

7. To involve parents in the organization of upbringing and educational work with children.

8. To generalize and disseminate their own psychological and pedagogical experience.


1. Dybina O. V. The unknown is near. Entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. -M. : TC Sphere, 2005.

2.Ivanova A.I. Methodology for organizing environmental observations and experiments in kindergarten. - M.: TC Sphere, 2007.

3. Ivanova A.I. Environmental observations and experiments in kindergarten. M.: TC Sphere, 2004.

4. Ivanova A.I. Natural science observations and experiments in kindergarten. M.: TC Sphere, 2004.

5. Korotkova N. A. Cognitive and research activities.

7. Krivova L.I., Klimova M.R. System of methodical work in the section "Children's experimentation".

8. Prokhorova L.N. Organization of experimental activity of preschoolers.-M.-Arkti, 2008.

9. Belaya, K.Yu. Self-education of preschool teachers / K.Yu. White // Handbook of the senior educator. - 2007. - No. 2.

10. Derkunskaya V.A. Games - experiments with preschoolers. / Center for Pedagogical Education, 2012.

11. Zubkova N.M. A cart and a small cart of miracles. Experiments and experiments for children from 3 to 7 years old / Publishing house "Rech" 2006.

12. Ivanova A.I. Children's experimentation as a teaching method. / Management of preschool educational institution, N 4, 2004.

13. Isakova N.V. The development of cognitive processes in older preschoolers through experimental activity. / Childhood press, 2013.

14. Makhaneva, M.D. Self-education of teachers / M.D. Makhanyova // Management of a preschool educational institution. - 2004. - No. 1.

15. Menshchikova LN Experimental activity of children 4-6 years old. Volgograd, 2008.

16.Urmina I.A. Innovative activity in preschool educational institutions: programs - method. provision: handbook. and adm. workers / I.A. Urmina, T.A. Danilina. - M .: Linka-Press, 2009.

17. Materials of Internet sites. Study of articles, abstracts on self-education and project activities on the website: http://nsportal.ru.


Plan section

Form of work



(children, parents, teachers)

Practical outputs (abstracts, reports, open viewing, exhibition of works, etc.)

Organizational - theoretical

1. Study of normative documents and methodological literature on the topic.

2. A detailed study of the existing experience of the preschool educational institution, the methodological literature of the preschool educational institution's methodology on this issue.

3. Drawing up a long-term plan, developing a system of measures aimed at solving the problem.

4. Involvement of parents in the creation of the "Young Researchers" corner.

5. Gathering information for creating a card index of experiments and experiments.

September -



Consultation for parents

"The main goals and objectives of the experimentation method as one of the methods of cognitive development of preschool children"

Making a travel folder "Watching with the children"

Registration of information materials on the topic.

Creation and equipment of the corner "Young Researchers".

Creation of conditions for experimental activities with children in a preschool educational institution.

Development of abstracts with elements of experimentation.

Consultation on the topic: "Children's experimentation and its role in child development"

Analysis of the studied literature.

Card file of experiences and experiments for children 5-7 years old.

Cumulative - practical

1. Studying the methods of experimenting technology for teachers on the Internet.

2. Conducting a cycle of experiments with the children of the group:

Investigation of the properties of sand and clay during play activities on a walk

Observation, study of the properties of water during regime moments, in play activities, in everyday situations, in research activities.

The study of the properties of air in everyday life situations, in play activities, in research activities.

Studying the properties of a magnet in independent activity, during collective studies, experimental and experimental activities.

Observing indoor plants, studying the conditions for optimal development and growth of plants.

3. Consultations for preschool educational institutions.

4. Participation in competitions and exhibitions of various levels.

5. Involvement of parents in the organization of experiments in the group.

6. Coverage of this topic on Internet sites of different levels.

October -



Consultation for teachers of preschool educational institution "Diversity of variability in the use of the integrated method of experimentation."

Consultation on the topic “Organization and conduct of experiments with preschoolers. The content of the corners of experimental activity "

Master - class on the theme "Development of creative abilities of children by means of experimental activities"

Viewing a lesson with elements of experimentation. (Video) Discussion.

Show of an open lesson with elements of experimentation.

- Experiments: with water, with air, with a magnet, "With water and without water", "In the light and in the dark."

Competition for the most interesting research in nature.

Collection of materials for the photo album "Country of Why Checks"

Environmental project "My tree"

Project "I want to know everything!"


1. Self-analysis and self-assessment of the work done in your group.

2. Generalization of the results at a meeting of the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution (report on the work done).

3. Planning activities and development prospects.

4. Diagnostics

5. Preparation of photographs of children during experimentation, cognitive research activities.

6. Report and presentation on the topic "Experience of working with parents to develop the child's interest in cognitive and research activities."

parents, children


Presentation "Children's collective - it is fun to walk together".

Photo exhibition "Young Explorers".

Publication of one's own teaching experience in the social network of educators.

Report to the pedagogical council of the kindergarten.

Conducting an open OOD (collective review)

Report on the work done for the academic year.

Presentation at the workshop.

1. Continue to work with children on the topic.

2. Correction of plans.

3.Working with literature

Participation in competitions and exhibitions of various levels.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten number 22 p. Stodolische

Self-study plan on the topic

"Experimental and experimental activity of senior preschoolers"

Educator: Kostenkova T.V.

settlement Stodolische, 2014

Theme : Experimental activitiessenior preschoolers.

Relevance of the topic:

The kid is a natural explorer of the surrounding world. The world opens up to the child through the experience of his personal sensations, actions, experiences.

“The more a child has seen, heard and experienced, the more he knows and learned, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more significant and productive, under other equal conditions, will be his creative, research activity,” wrote the classic of Russian psychological Science Lev Semyonovich Vygodsky.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 23, 2009 No. 655 "On the approval and implementation of federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education." Order - 3.3.6. The content of the educational area "Cognition" is aimed at achieving the goals of developing children's cognitive interests, intellectual development of children through solving problems: the development of cognitive research and productive activities; formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening the horizons of children.

The development of the cognitive interests of preschoolers is one of the urgent problems of pedagogy, designed to educate a person capable of self-development and self-improvement. It is experimentation that is the leading activity in young children: "The fundamental fact is that the activity of experimentation permeates all spheres of children's life, all children's activities, including play."

The development of cognitive activity in preschool children is especially relevant at the present stage, since it develops children's curiosity, inquisitiveness of the mind and forms, on their basis, stable cognitive interests through research activities.

A preschooler is characterized by an increased interest in everything that is happening around. Every day, children learn more and more new objects, strive to find out not only their names, but also similarities, think about the simplest causes of the observed phenomena. Maintaining children's interest, you need to lead them from getting to know nature to understanding it.

Target: Expanding children's knowledge of the world around them in the process of experimental activities.


  • Creation of conditions for research activity of children;
  • Organization of individual activities for the comprehension and study of the given material;
  • Study of techniques, technologies for experimental activities.


  1. Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general educational program of preschool education Order of November 23, 2009 N 655.
  2. Vinogradova N.F. "Riddle stories about nature", "Ventana-Graf", 2007
  3. Preschool education №2, 2000
  4. Dybina O.V. and others. Child in the world of search: A program for organizing the search activity of preschool children. M .: Sphere 2005
  5. Dybina O.V. Nearby unexplored: fun experiences and experiments for preschoolers. M., 2005.
  6. Ivanova A.I. Methodology for organizing environmental observations and experiments in kindergarten. M .: Sphere, 2004
  7. Ryzhova N. Games with water and sand. // Hoop, 1997. - №2
  1. Smirnov Yu.I. Air: A book for talented children and caring parents. SPb., 1998.
  1. Experimental activity of children 4-6 years old: from work experience / author-comp. L.N. Megnshchikova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. - 130s.



Practical way out


Selection and study of literature on the topic;

Memo for parents "I get to know the world"


Using the “Choice of Activity” methodology L.N. Prokhorova, aimed at studying the motivation of children's experimentation.

Exploring the place of children's experimentation in children's preferences;

Consultation for teachers of preschool educational institution "The value of search and research activities in the development of the child."

November December

Creation of a subject-developing environment

Study of the conditions for organizing experimental activities of children in a group, the creation of mini laboratories with objects of inanimate nature;

Consultation for parents on the topic:

"Creation of conditions for conducting prospecting and research activities."



Acquisition of skills in working with research devices (magnifiers, microscope ...)

Thematic lesson "Magic Glass"


Innovative technologies-TRIZ

Use of TRIZ elements in experiments

Thematic lesson "What is water" (liquid, solid, gaseous state)


"Step by step"

Creation of a "piggy bank of experiments and experiments"

Experiments in the classroom and in free time


"Want to know everything"

Search for interesting information about natural phenomena

Sliding folder for parents and children


Online sharing of best practices

Exchange of experience on the sites "Self-education in search and research activities"

Consultation for educators on the exchange of experience

During a year

Experimental Media Library in the Educational Space

Selection of DVD discs according to the studied topics

Using DVDs in and out of class


Self-analysis on the topics studied

Assessment of knowledge on the topics studied

Forecast for the future

Elizaveta Ananyeva

MBDOU Temnikovsky kindergarten of the combined type "Golden Cockerel"

Self-education report on the topic

"Experimental and experimental activity of senior preschoolers"

Educator of preparatory group No. 2 "The Sun" Ananyeva E. I.

Material description:

The year 2016-17 was a testament to the experimental work with the children of my group. I have been working on this topic for three years. In order to fully prepare the children for school on the topic "Experimental and experimental activities", during the year I replenished my knowledge, adhering to my plan for self-education.


Having studied the theoretical material on this topic, I concluded that it is necessary to study the experimental technique in more depth, since at the present time, in connection with the revision of the priority forms and methods of teaching in preschool education, it is the methods that develop the abilities for the initial forms of generalization that prevail. , inferences. And that method is experimentation.


1. Continue to improve your professional level.

2. Continue to teach children to learn about the wonderful world of experimentation.

3. To study more deeply the methodological literature on this topic.

4. Replenish the Experimental Corner.


1. As much as possible include experimental and experimental activities in the active life of the children of the preparatory group.

2. Consolidation of the passed material in individual activity.

3. Study of techniques, technologies for experimental activities.

Preschool children love to experiment and explore. Observing in nature, working in the classroom, engaging in independent activities, the help of an adult is constantly required. In kindergarten, the teacher is the assistant. And in order to direct the preschooler in the right direction, the teacher must constantly engage in self-education. Despite the long experience of work, sometimes you do not know how to answer a child's question.

Then the Internet becomes an assistant. With the help of colleagues in the profession, you find the right answer. I try to give the child independence as much as possible, of course, within the framework of the preschool education program. Conducting experiments with children, sometimes you automatically deduce conclusions that you did not know about before. Here self-education takes place spontaneously.

My theme of self-education is "Experimental and experimental activity of senior preschoolers."

In September, I drew up a work plan for self-education and selected literature for use in work on the topic.

Carried out diagnostics at the beginning of the year.

Throughout the year, I studied a variety of methodological literature on this topic:

N. Ye. Veraks "Cognitive research activity";

OV Dybina "Acquaintance with the subject and social environment"; Dybina O. V. "The Child and the World";

OA Solomennikova "Acquaintance with nature" in the preparatory group; Tugusheva G. P., Chistyakova A. E. "Experimental activity of children of senior preschool age";

N. Nishcheeva “Experimental and experimental activities in preschool educational institutions.

I also studied the experience of colleagues on Internet sites: site, nsportal.ru.

In order for the children to gain more knowledge on the topic, I placed a consultation "Application of play methods and techniques for organizing children's experimentation at home" in the parent's corner.

Taking advantage of new surprises. I didn’t forget that the material with which the child did something himself was especially easy to remember and retained in memory for a long time: he felt, cut out, built, composed, depicted.

During the year, methodological associations at the municipal level, open classes held in our kindergarten, helped me to self-educate myself, in which I learned a lot of new and interesting things for myself. Especially valuable in terms of studying my topic was the master class "Travyanchik", which was shown by ZI Yufkina.

In February of this year, I held an open lesson "Excursion to the fairy forest", which may help others to educate themselves.

During the year I have carried out the following projects with children: Autumn, we are glad to see you! ", We take care of our health", "Take care of the food!" Don't litter anymore!

In each project I tried to include experimental and experimental activities.

The senior educator Mikhailova Natalya Nikolaevna provided great assistance in self-education work. She helped in preparation for the open event, offered the necessary literature.

After analyzing the results of my self-education, I came to the conclusion that the year of work on the topic "Experimental and experimental activity" was not in vain. Children have become more inventive, almost all show creative activity, cognitive interest. She opened the wonderful world of experimentation to the children deeper.

Final diagnostics, knowledge of experimental and experimental activities showed the following results of levels: low –0%, medium –4%, high –96%.


Long-term plan

"Cognitive research activities"

p / p Topic Month



"School game" Assimilation of the meanings of the symbols of ice, water, steam. Pipes, pictures

2 "Air around us" Consolidation of children's ideas about air and its properties. Formation

ideas about the importance of air for practical human purposes.

Glass, stones. Pictures: a ship under inflated sails, a windmill, an airplane, birds.

1 "The Tale of Ilya Muromets and Vasilisa the Beautiful" Consolidation of children's ideas about evaporation and condensation; the formation of ideas about the air; development of the ability to transform. A spray bottle with a little water at the bottom, a rubber bulb.

2 “Ivanushka and Formation of children's ideas about water evaporation, steam. Small bottle, cork, small key

rejuvenating apples "Development of the ability to transform.

1 "Swimming bodies" The development of practical actions in the process of experimentation and experimentation. Formation of children's abilities to transform. A deep plate with water, plasticine, a pebble, paper clips, buttons, paper, a picture of a steamer.

2 "Properties of substances" Formation of ideas of children about the properties of solid and liquid substances. Development of environmental awareness. Developing the ability to transform.

Wooden stick, a piece of chalk, plasticine, an empty glass with water, a piece of ice, water in a plastic bag, a hammer, a picture of a pool, a cube.

5 "The air for the New Year must be clean." Formation of children's ideas about air and its properties. Developing the ability to transform.

Inflatable rubber toys, a basin of water. Pictures: diver under water, calm sea, sea during a storm.

1 "New Year's kingdom of ice, kingdom of steam." Form an idea of ​​the transformation of water. Bell symbols.

2 "Tricks for the New Year"

A piece of ice, pictures.

1 "Dunno and ice cream" Consolidation of children's knowledge about thermal phenomena and heat transfer. Consolidation of knowledge about seasonal changes. Developing the ability to transform.

Two pieces of ice cream, two saucers; pictures: a boy in a T-shirt and shorts; a boy with an umbrella, in a raincoat, it is raining; autumn forest; boy in winter clothes.

2 "Tricks for the New Year"

The development of ideas about the unity of the aggregate state of water - ice, water, steam. Developing the ability to transform.

A piece of ice, pictures.

1 "Let's introduce

dad with properties

ice, water, steam ”Formation of ideas about the aggregate states of water. Development of ideas about water change.

Snowflake symbols; cardboard circle with the image of a yellow sun on a red background, rays are coming from the sun.

1 "Thermometer" Getting to know the thermometer. Formation of ideas about heat transfer, heating and cooling. Developing the ability to transform Thermometer, teaspoon, two glasses of water: hot (40-50 °) and cold (from the refrigerator)

2 "Diver from Mordovia" Formation of ideas about the swimming of bodies, about the pressure of air and liquids Bottle, a piece of rubber from a balloon, thread, cap or test tube.

1 "A letter came to the Dragon in early spring"

Formation of ideas about heat transfer. Developing the ability to transform.

Candle, letter, pictures corresponding to the plot of the fairy tale.

2 "Heating the wire" Formation of children's ideas about heat transfer, about ways to change the temperature state of the body. Developing the ability to transform.

Aluminum wire, wooden or plastic cube, piece of cardboard, matches, boxes, candle.

4 "The structure of substances" Expand the children's understanding of the structure of familiar substances. Developing the ability to transform. River sand in a saucer

Refined sugar, 2 glasses of warm water, a teaspoon.

"Experimental and experimental activities with young children"



  1. Improving the professional competence of teachers on the issue of "children's experimentation".
  2. Establishing connections and dependencies between objects and phenomena.
  3. Formation of methods of cognition in young children (sensory analysis).


  1. Reveal the importance of children's experimentation in the system of raising children.
  2. Development of sensory culture.
  3. Development of cognitive research and productive activities.
  4. Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening the horizons of children.


  1. The child's ability to independently solve available cognitive tasks.
  2. Ability to use different methods and techniques of cognition.
  3. Interest in experimentation in young children.
  4. Readiness for logical cognition.


Undoubtedly, the topic is very relevant today.

The cognitive and research activity of preschool children is one of the types of cultural practices with the help of which the child learns the world around him. Observing the demonstration of experiments and a practical exercise in their reproduction allows children to become pioneers, explorers of the world that surrounds them. Preschoolers are characterized by an orientation toward learning about the world around them and experimenting with objects and phenomena of reality. Younger preschoolers, getting acquainted with the world around them, strive not only to examine the object, but also to touch it with their hands, tongue, smell, knock, etc. At the age of "why" children think about such physical phenomena as water freezing in winter, sound propagation in the air and in water, the difference in color between objects of the surrounding reality and the ability to achieve the desired color on their own, etc. Experiments independently conducted by children contribute to the creation of a model of the phenomenon under study and the generalization of the results obtained in an effective way. They create conditions for the opportunity to draw independent conclusions about the value significance of physical phenomena for a person and oneself.

Work plan 2016-2017







1. Selection of material on the topic: "Experimental and experimental activities with young children";

2. Setting goals and objectives on the topic.

Involvement of parents in the selection of material on the topic: "Experimental and experimental activities with young children."


1. Study of the topic: "Organization of a mini-laboratory in kindergarten."

2. Drawing up an approximate algorithm for conducting an experimenting lesson.

Consultation: "Creating conditions for experimenting children at home."


1. Study of the topic: "The development of cognitive interest in young children through experimentation in inanimate nature."

2. Selection of instruments and equipment for a mini-laboratory.

Experiments with water, sand, air:

1. Find out what kind of water.

2. What's in the package?

3. We are wizards.

4. Will it float or sink?

1. Consultation: "The role of experimentation in the development of cognitive activity in young children."

2. Involvement of parents in the creation of a mini-laboratory in a group.


1. Study of the topic: "The development of cognitive interest in young children through sensing."

2. Replenishment of the card index of experiments and experiments in inanimate nature.

Experiments with water, snow:

1. Snowman.

2. Poured - poured.

3. Ships.

4. Colored pieces of ice.

Consultation: "Experimenting with children at home (snow, water)".


Experiments with color, shape:

Magic brush.

High Low.

Wide narrow.

Creation of a memo for parents: "Experimenting with children at home."


Replenishment of the card index of experiments and experiments in the section "Sensing".

Conducting experiments and experiments with sound and heat:

Hot - cold.

Photo album creation:

"We're experimenting."


Study of the topic: "Development of cognitive interest in young children through experimentation" in a man-made world.

Carrying out experiments and experiments: "The life-giving property of water."

Consultation: "Fostering hard work, obedience and responsibility through experimentation"


Replenishment of the card index "Development of cognitive interest in young children through experimentation" in the man-made world.

Carrying out experiments and experiments with wood, paper, fabric.

Self-examination of the self-education plan

Joint experimentation of children and a teacher with water, sand, sound, paper and cloth.

Project presentation: "Experimental and experimental activities with young children"

The topic of self-education is "Experimentation as a means of developing the cognitive activity of preschoolers."

Term 2011-2015

Target: help to reveal to children the wonderful world of experimentation, develop cognitive abilities;

Objectives: 1. Increase your own level of knowledge (by studying methodological literature, through consultations, workshops) and create a methodological base (special literature, card indexes, thematic planning, methodological developments) for cognitive and research activities.

2. To include cognitive and research activities in the educational and educational process of the group through the implementation of project activities through experimentation, collecting, and other forms of work.

3. Develop a long-term plan for working with children for each year.

4. Prepare diagnostics at the beginning and end of the school year.

5. To arrange a mini laboratory in the group.

6. To develop: observation, the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, the cognitive interest of children in the process of experimentation, the establishment of a causal relationship, the ability to draw conclusions.

7. To form in children different ways of knowing.

8. Involve parents in the process of experimenting in everyday life.

9. Prepare a brochure material on the topic: "Development of cognitive research

Stage I - preparatory 2010-2011

Forms of work

Practical way out

1. Study of methodological literature, Internet resources.

Drawing up a filing cabinet of books articles from magazines

2. Development of a plan on the topic of self-education

Self-education plan

3. Development of a lesson plan with children on the topic of self-education

Lecture notes, photo exhibition projects

4. Production of a mini laboratory and equipping it with the necessary materials and aids for experiments.

Mini laboratory - equipping with the necessary materials and aids for experiments.

II stage practical - 2011-2012

1. Development of a long-term plan for the year for research activities

2. Creation of a "piggy bank of experiments and experiments"

Experiments in your free time

3.Project "Garden on the windowsill" (short-term 2 months)

Project presentation design

4. Project "Magic Seed"

Growing seedlings for a summer garden

5. Working with parents

Sliding folder "I want to know everything"

6. "My family in the forest"

Thematic photo exhibition

Work plan 2012 - 2013

Forms of work

Practical way out

3. Development of a card index "Experiments - experiments in the middle group."

Acquisition of skills in working with research instruments (magnifiers)

Making a filing cabinet

Thematic lesson "Magic Glass"

4. Conducting experiments and experimentation with children in directly organized educational and independent activities

Organize the collection of natural and waste material in a mini-laboratory.

6. "These amazing stones"

Exhibition of works

7. GCD "Why did the snowflake melt"

Interaction with parents.

Preparation of consultations for parents on the following topics:

"Child - researcher in kindergarten"

"Organization of children's experimentation at home"

"Development of children's curiosity through children's experimentation"

Manufacturing the algorithm "Water Properties"

Moving folder design

Work plan 2013 - 2014

Forms of work

Practical way out

1.Continuing the study of methodological literature

2. Development of a long-term plan for the year for research activities.

3. Development of a card index "Experiments - experiments in the senior group."

GOD: "Salt and its properties"

Making a filing cabinet

Open show

4. The Salt of Everyday Life Project

Preparation of a presentation and photographic material based on the results of experimentation

5. Supplementing the equipment in the mini-laboratory with the necessary materials and aids for experiments.

Organize the collection of natural and waste material in a mini-laboratory

6. Participation in the competition "Rainbow of Discovery"

7. Counseling for parents on the following topics:

Joint event with children and parents on the theme: "Laboratory of Miracles and Transformations"

"Teach your child to love nature."

"Requirements for conducting observations"

Moving folder design

Speech at the parent meeting.

Speech at the teachers' council

IV stage final - 2014-2015.

Issue of a brochure on the topic: "Development of cognitive researchactivities of preschoolers through the organization of children's experimentation "


  1. Vinogradova N.F. "Riddle stories about nature", "Ventana-Graf", 2007
  2. Dybina O.V. and others. Child in the world of search: A program for organizing the search activity of preschool children. M .: Sphere 2005
  3. LN Prokhorova "Organization of experimental activities of preschoolers." Methodical recommendations - publishing house Arki 2005.
  4. “Experimental and experimental activity” by V.V. Moskalenko.
  5. The magazine "Preschool education" No. 11/2004. No. 2, 2000
  6. Solomennikova O. A. "Environmental education in kindergarten" Program and guidelines 2nd ed. - M: Mosaic - synthesis. 2006.
  7. The program "From birth to school" edited by N. Ye. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, A. A. Moscow 2012

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