Home Vegetables Very bad at heart. When everything is good, but the soul is bad. Endlessly scrolling through the painful memories

Very bad at heart. When everything is good, but the soul is bad. Endlessly scrolling through the painful memories

A large amount of internal energy is spent on many daily activities and various experiences. And very often, with the devastation of energy reserves, it occurs, and a person cannot understand why it is so bad in his soul. At the first signs of such a state, you need to try to help yourself, otherwise a prolonged depression may occur, which will disable you for a long time.

What to do if the soul is very bad?

When the soul is very bad, a person feels oppressed, unhappy, weak, useless. To find the strength to get rid of this state, you need to be angry with yourself, anger will push you to action against your own weakness and inefficiency. If the desire to act has appeared, but there is nothing to attach it to, you need to load your body physically - go for a run, dance, arrange a general cleaning, etc.

A bad state of mind almost always leads to holding back emotions, and holding back negative experiences is especially dangerous. To throw them out, you can shout loudly (preferably in a secluded place in nature), beat a pillow or punching bag. Such relaxation helps to look at problems in a new way and find a way out of life's impasse.

The craving for a bad state of mind is a natural urge, which can be compared to the desire of a turtle to hide in its shell. However, such withdrawal into oneself does not lead to solving problems, but exacerbates them. To improve your own condition, you need to communicate with friends, go for walks, travel.

And most importantly, when it’s very bad at heart, you cannot think that this is forever. A difficult period will not last forever, sooner or later there will be an improvement. You need to learn a lesson from problems, evaluate yourself as objectively as possible, and the next time troubles will be experienced much easier.

Sometimes it happens that it is very bad at heart and, absolutely, I do not want to do anything.

When a person feels bad at heart, he wants to sleep in the morning and not wake up, he wants to hide with a blanket from everyone and plunge into sleep somewhere far away.

It can be bad at heart and desire disappears, motivation disappears, people disappoint, friends betray, love leaves.

How to live in such situations and circumstances? What to do? Have a glass of wine or whiskey? But does it make sense? Tomorrow you will wake up and you will have not only a sick soul, but also a sick head. Maybe then go to the kitchen and eat something delicious? Well, eat a slice of chocolate pie and enjoy 10 minutes, but what next? Then the same melancholy and despondency.

A person will not be helped by bodily satisfaction, which is an illusion of happiness and joy, a person only needs real ways to improve his mental state in order to continue living in moderation and giving joy to his loved ones and loved ones.

What to do when you feel bad?

Of course, in the very first seconds or minutes of trouble, a person wants to feel sad, shed tears at the window and close in his room.

There is nothing wrong or unnatural in this, be sad, cry for 20-30 minutes.

While you are sad, try to turn on your favorite song for 3-4 minutes, which can improve your mood and give you the opportunity to psychologically recover.

The main thing is that the song should not be sad and depressing in the style of "Black Metal", because such musical genres will drive you into the deepest despondency.

The author of this article, when he is very bad, prefers to listen to the song: Linkin Park - Breaking the habit... The song, in its rhythm and content, helps to get on your feet and go to your cherished goal.

After listening to the music, go and wash yourself, or better yet, take a warm shower if hot water is available.

After washing or showering, you will immediately feel refreshed and relieved. You will become clearer, broader, and even a little more optimistic.

You will need to take a piece of paper and write on it the following phrase “ THIS WILL NOT ALWAYS».

Please hang this piece of paper on a very important place in your apartment and let it be your life postulate.

This very wise phrase will constantly remind you that all your troubles, failures and problems are not eternal and that someday they will fall underground, and you will no longer intersect with them.

Why do you need to do this?

This is necessary so that your mood would rise, and euphoria (joy) awoke inside you.

Agree, if you were put in a dark cellar with cobwebs, your joy would hardly increase, since such an area would depress you and drive you into a deep depression.

Hence, raise the blinds, remove the curtains, and make your apartment bright from sunlight.

This will not dramatically improve your mood, but at least you will not feel pessimism and darkness around you.

Bright light is always associated with life, but you know what darkness is with ...

Negativity and sadness in the soul is well diluted by vigorous activity, which can cause positive stress.

  • Go to the gym, if you don't have one near your home, go in for sports in your room or apartment.
  • Go and run a kilometer around your home or school stadium.
  • Play soccer, basketball, table tennis.
  • Take a ride in a car, ride a motorcycle, but I beg you, don't crash.
  • Jump with a parachute.
  • Go to Rope jumping.

In fact, there are many options for active activity in the world, both paid and free.

Try to do something active, do not sit and wait for tomorrow's working day, as work during a bad state of mind drives you into negative thoughts of hopelessness.

Hurry up before work, do something active for the soul from the list listed and it will become much easier for you.

What to see when you feel bad?

It is terribly bad in my soul and around on TV they show depressing news, where they say that the dollar has grown, that someone has been killed, there has been a terrorist attack, and so on.

Does this sound familiar to you? The solution is simple - turn off the TV and turn on a couple of motivational videos on the Internet that will definitely help you.

Just go to YouTube and enter "Motivation" and that's it, you'll find more useful videos than you've ever seen on TV.

If you want to watch movies, then no problem. We recommend that you watch:

  1. Always say yes!
  2. The Pursuit of Happyness
  3. Until I played in the box
  4. Legend number 17
  5. Slumdog millionaire

It’s clear that when it’s bad at heart, you don’t want to read and it’s easier to turn on a movie, TV series, and so on.

But in the world, nevertheless, there are people who draw inspiration not from films, but from motivational books.

In a bad mood it is very difficult to read hard-to-read literature, so let us give you a list of books that are easy to read.

  1. Count of Monte Cristo;
  2. Aimless life;
  3. Dreaming is not harmful;
  4. Important years;
  5. Love of life.

We all want to be happy, to experience joy. But this does not mean that life will always be cloudless. If a person is alive, sadness will inevitably be encountered on his way. And the more he loves life, the deeper his feelings for other people, the harder these moments are for him. There is sorrow that comes and leaves a person without lingering. Sometimes suffering is caused by reasons that will not be forgotten until the end of life. For example, in adolescence, parting with first love can be very acute and painful.

But, after several months or years, this is usually remembered with a smile. Such memories are more like a slight sadness for a bygone childhood. However, for example, losing a child is a loss that remains until the end of days. There are different ways of dealing with different types of anguish. What to do if your soul is very hard? How can we relate to our state of mind in different situations?

Longing for loss: embracing your feelings

Longing is always longing. You cannot get rid of it simply by trying to rationalize what is happening. When it's hard in your soul and you want to cry, you can't hide it. However, even if a person is in a state of deep sadness, this does not mean that he is prohibited from experiencing joy. In fact, sadness comes in order to be accepted - and even while experiencing this feeling, you can experience a more meaningful feeling of joy. Not momentary pleasure or laughter, but a deeper sense of gratitude towards life.

Instead of running away from sadness or trying to disguise it, it is better to listen to this feeling, to embrace it. Longing and sadness means that life once provided you with a gift; and now, having lost it, you understand how valuable it was, how much it cost to be a part of your being for some time. It could be a relationship with another person, or a living being that was important to you, or something else - this gift was so precious that in its absence a deep sadness is born in the soul. Moreover, it was provided to you in a world where no one has any guarantees about their present and future.

Imagine a world without such gifts. Every human life would then be a continuous tragedy. “It’s better to lose love than not to glow with love at all,” you probably agree with this Shakespearean quote.
All things in our world, including sadness, have a dual nature. The philosophers of antiquity knew about this. Make sure you see more than just the dark side of your feelings. For what gift fate has endowed you with, you should thank her.

If melancholy occurs for other reasons

But often the state of sadness arises for other reasons associated with certain events. Sometimes it also happens that it is not clear for what reason it is hard on the soul. This happens in two cases: either when a person cannot independently determine what exactly causes melancholy and sadness, or when so many problems accumulate in life that it becomes impossible to identify the true cause.

In both cases, you can use an approach that allows you to gradually solve the existing difficulties. For example, you may be suffering from an immense amount of work to be done in a given time frame; due to real or perceived flaws in your figure; a recent job loss or separation from someone you care about.

If it is impossible to determine which of these factors caused depression, you need to gradually start working on all these areas: go to the gym, finally start doing work, post your resume on the Internet (or a profile on a dating site).

Of course, this approach will seem obvious. But it is not so easy to take concrete steps in reality, when it is very hard on the soul, and the future seems hopeless. If a person manages to overpower himself and start working on at least some problems, this will already help to alleviate his condition.

What if the sadness doesn't go away quickly?

If sadness has settled in your soul, it is not easy to cope with this state, even as an adult and morally mature person. Each of us periodically craves attention from others, care and support. Especially if the state of longing has settled in the heart for a long time. Therefore, if you have friends or acquaintances who are able to support, do not neglect this support. If this is not possible, then you will have to take on this role. Unfortunately, many adults - especially those living in megalopolises - can find themselves completely alone even with a seething social life.

Of course, in this case it is also necessary to treat your feelings with understanding. Try, if possible, to treat your “inner child” as carefully as possible, as psychologists sometimes conventionally designate the emotional component. To do this, you can try a few simple techniques.

  • First, remember those people in whose presence you felt protected. These can be parents or grandparents. Look at yourself with their loving eyes. Feel this warmth radiating from them. Feel their love, which does not depend on your achievements or the mistakes you make - it really is unconditional. Ask yourself the question: do they want (or would like, if they are no longer alive) they want their child or grandson to suffer so much now?
  • Secondly, in order to make up for the lack of emotional energy, it will not be superfluous to turn to your higher “I”. You can also find a lot of useful information about this concept. Let's put it briefly - the higher "I" is a kind of human ideal, the model that he, consciously or unconsciously, seeks to become. This is an imaginary copy of a person who already possesses all the qualities and skills necessary for a successful and happy life. Sometimes a parallel is drawn between the higher "I" and the guardian angel of man in the Christian tradition. In times of difficulty and despair, remember this ideal.

    To reconnect with it and get the energy you need, swipe. Sit in a comfortable position, relax. Imagine your higher "I" - yourself, who has managed to go through all the difficulties, develop the necessary volitional and emotional qualities. Feel how strong this person is, how many wonderful talents he possesses. Then imagine how you connect with this copy, becoming one with it.

  • The third technique will help calm the inner child. No matter how old a person is - thirty or fifty - a small child will always live inside him, still requiring love and attention. To give it the warmth it needs, you can do the following. Make a bundle of any clothing you own to make it the size of a baby in diapers. Take him in your arms. Now clearly imagine that you have a real child in your arms. You yourself are that child. Get a clear picture of the baby's face. Then tell your child how much you love him. Assure him that you will never leave him. Then you can play with him, or continue to lull him to sleep.
In addition to these techniques, it is also necessary to continue working on the actual difficulties. If, for example, you are burdened by imperfect parameters of your physical form, the very fact of going to the gym will help eliminate negative emotions. After all, the mind sends them as a signal for a person to start working on the prevailing circumstances. When he starts doing this work, negative experiences become unnecessary.

Sometimes the best way out, when it is very hard on the soul, can serve as an appeal to a specialist. In our country, unfortunately, working with a psychologist is not yet a fairly common way to help oneself. Often, not without reason, people do not want to trust psychologists. Indeed, many of them tend to evaluate people in a stereotyped way, assigning them to one category or another and not giving due attention to the individual characteristics of the situation. Therefore, it may take time to find “your” psychologist who has the necessary experience and good professional intuition.

However, in the future, these efforts will pay off handsomely. After all, difficulties, including psychological ones, cannot be resolved on their own. And knowledge of everyday psychology is of very little practical use - otherwise everyone who thinks that they will “solve their problems themselves” would have been successful and happy for a long time.

In any case, anyone who is sad should be patient with themselves and their feelings. Accept the help of family and friends. Remember to praise yourself even for things that may seem insignificant or taken for granted. This will help bring about early emotional and spiritual healing.

No matter how happy a person is, he will always miss something. Some small trifle, because of which everything will lose its colors and become lousy at heart. How to be in this case and how to deal with it? In this article, we will talk about what to do when you feel bad for no apparent reason.

And cats scratching their hearts

Every person knows this expression. It is known not only theoretically, but also practically. Everything seems to be fine, it seems to be happy, but still it is lousy at heart. Why?? Often a person is not able to answer this "why", because he himself does not understand this. But there are still reasons. Very often, the reason is disagreement with this lifestyle, self-deception, lack of happy moments, fear of sudden changes, and much, much more. You can deal with this on your own, but if nothing comes of it, you need to contact a specialist. Do not be afraid of going to the doctors, they are people too, they also have emotions and they can help you. The psychoanalyst will not only help you figure out what the problem is, but also suggest a solution.

What to do when you feel bad?

There are many things and activities to help you fight bad moods and depression. But before you start them, you must admit that you really feel bad. First of all, admit to yourself, and only then, if there is a desire, and to someone else. Understanding your problem means half solving it. So, let's find out what to do when the soul is bad.

  • First, don't avoid people. On the contrary, communicate with your family and friends as much as possible, arrange parties and receptions, go to picnics and visit, but just do not be alone with your thoughts and do not distance yourself from acquaintances - this is very dangerous.
  • Second, get a pet. A dog is best, as it is a very active family member who clearly will not let you get bored. Of course, you can also have a cat, it all depends on your preferences.
  • Third, try something new. Take a trip to a resort, try a new dish, update your wardrobe, go to a rock concert or a theater show. In general, do something that you have never done before, feel something that you have never felt before. New emotions and experiences will help you forget about depression and get rid of your daily routine.
  • Fourth, do some charity work. You can’t even imagine what happiness it is to help other people. Even the smallest, but still help.
  • Fifth, exercise. Morning jogging and exercising in the gym will not only cheer you up, but also help you keep yourself in good shape. It is also a good opportunity to make new acquaintances.
  • Sixth, make your dreams come true. Write down a list of what you would like, but are unlikely to dare to. Wrote ?? Now do it, because dreams should come true, and not remain dreams!


After reading this article, you already know what to do when you feel bad. The main thing is to really fight this, and not give up, because your happiness is in your hands - remember this.

Today we will analyze a topic such as "Heaviness in the soul"... Many people complain that they cannot get rid of this unpleasant feeling in any way. We will consider the origin of this feeling, its various types and ways of getting out of this unpleasant state.

First of all, let's translate this abstract expression into a more concrete one. How does this feeling manifest? It manifests itself as a vague feeling of anxiety somewhere in the chest. There is a feeling that a weak electric current is being sent inside. "The heart flutters." A very unpleasant sensation, it is not surprising that people want to get rid of it. So, heaviness in the soul is a feeling of anxiety.

When does anxiety arise?

It arises when some unsolved problem hangs over us, when we feel the approach of some kind of trouble, when we need to fix something, and when we are in a kind of suspended state and uncertainty presses on us.

What do these situations have in common?

First of all, they are united by the need to find a solution and the need for immediate action. Feelings of anxiety motivate us to act and try to avoid some of the negative consequences of inaction.

Thus, one must understand that “heaviness in the soul” is not a disease, but a symptom. Our senses stimulate us to act before it's too late. Thus, it will be reasonable to deal not with the feeling of anxiety, but with the situation that caused it.

Let me give you an example from my own experience. One of my acquaintances, a man in his forties, who complained of anxiety in the wording "heaviness in the soul for several months." After I began to question him about the events in his life that preceded the onset of anxiety, it turned out that before they arose, he had a violent quarrel with his son. During these several months, they never made it up (why is a separate topic), but he did not in any way connect his emotional state with the situation that preceded it. For some reason, my friend did not want to link these two events. In the course of work, we sorted out the reasons for the quarrel and this man wished to make peace with his son. Soon he did it and the heaviness in his soul passed.

In this example, the person subconsciously felt that reconciliation was needed, but his resentment prevented him from doing it. At the same time, he did not want to connect the situation and his state, trying to get out of the internal conflict (a feeling of resentment and a desire to make peace).

Thus, the heaviness on the soul indicates a certain unresolved life situation, which, however, may not be realized. Based on the foregoing, work with anxiety should consist in clarifying the circumstances that preceded its appearance. This allows you to identify that "motivation to action", which causes a feeling of heaviness in the soul.

I note that a person is not always able to do this on his own, since this can be hindered by a person's false ideas about what drives him.

Resolution of the situation.

It is good when a situation can be resolved easily, but it so happens that it is too difficult or impossible to resolve. This happens when the resolution of the situation does not depend on us, but on other people, or other circumstances beyond our control. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to explain to our feelings that we are powerless in something.

What to do in such a situation?

It's simple. Feelings require us to act, which means that this action must be provided. If we ourselves cannot deal with the situation, perhaps other people can deal with it. You need to ask people for help. Asking for help is also an action that will make you a little calmer. Plus, there is a good chance that help will actually resolve the situation.

Unfortunately, there are situations that cannot be resolved by you or other people. In such cases, a person needs the moral support of other people.

In such circumstances, distracting attention from the complexities can help.

For example, in the case of the loss of a significant loved one, in addition to other negative tendencies, there may be a feeling of anxiety. There is nothing you can do about such a loss, so distraction can help in this situation. Perhaps someone can help. But this is already another, much more complex topic, on which we will not dwell in detail now.

What not to do?

Many people choose to deal with their feelings of anxiety with various chemicals like alcohol, sedatives, drugs, etc. It is important to understand that they are not able to help overcome anxiety, but can only slow down our nervous system. Thus, it can only make a person more inhibited, but not calmer in any way. In addition, these drugs have a number of side effects, for example, they can cause sleep problems, which will interfere with psychological recovery. Therefore, you should never use alcohol and sedatives to feel better in your soul. This can only trigger new unsolvable situations that will cause additional anxiety, which in turn forces you to increase the dose. Thus, a person can fall into a vicious circle.

On this we will end today. I wish you only lightness in your soul. Good luck!

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