Home Vegetables The benefits and harms of protein for the body. Egg white - health benefits and harms. Different forms of protein

The benefits and harms of protein for the body. Egg white - health benefits and harms. Different forms of protein

It is found in bones, muscles, skin, tendons, ligaments, hair and, in general, in almost all tissues and organs. It is involved in the creation of hemoglobin, which supplies oxygen to our blood, as well as enzymes that trigger many of the body's chemical reactions. Amazingly, there are at least 10,000 different types of protein involved in making us who we are.

That is why it is so important to understand the benefits and harm to proteins and have at least a general idea of ​​how to eat so as not to harm yourself.

What do scientists say about protein?

The American Institute of Medicine (IOM) emphasizes that for an adult, the minimum intake of dietary or so-called dietary protein per day should be at least 0.8 g per 1 kg of body weight. Moreover, in the United States, the recommended daily allowance for women and men over 19 years old is 46 grams and 56 grams, respectively. Lack of this element in the body leads to loss of muscle mass, deterioration of immunity, slowdown in growth, and also causes diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems and can even lead to death.

According to the results of various studies, the Institute of Medicine even established acceptable limits for protein intake - daily from 10% to 35% of the total calories. The basis for the creation of protein is that our body synthesizes in the liver. However, some of them can only come from food. Moreover, these very important protein components are found only in animal products - meat, fish, eggs, dairy products. First of all, those who follow a vegetarian diet should be aware of the benefits of this type of protein, since some sources of protein such as vegetables, grains, fruits, nuts and others are missing.

At the same time, it is known about harm of protein... It is he who is responsible for the occurrence of food allergies, which are nothing more than a violent reaction of the body's defense system. A growing body of research is finding confirmation that foods high in it play a significant role in human health. While relatively little evidence has been collected on whether protein intake has an effect on chronic disease, there is some evidence that consuming fish, legumes, chicken and nuts instead of protein in red meat can reduce the risk of certain diseases and premature death. ...

Protein benefits and harms

The question of the benefits and harms of protein has been amply demonstrated by scientists from the Harvard College of Public Health in the field of cardiovascular disease. For over 20 years, the Nurses' Health Study has monitored 120,000 men and women with a variety of diet and lifestyle choices. It turned out that those who regularly included red meat in their diet, especially processed meat - that is, sausages, sausages, bacon and any other that has undergone the processes of canning, smoking, salting and others - are at a higher risk of heart disease and heart attack. Replacing these foods with dietary protein foods such as fish, poultry and legumes helped to reduce it. Moreover, every 85 grams of regularly consumed red meat increased the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases by 13%. And processed red meat, even in smaller quantities, on the order of 40 grams per day - a portion equivalent to one hot dog - increased this danger by up to 20%. The harm to the protein in this case is quite significant.

Incidentally, as far as dietary protein is concerned, there is evidence that a high-protein diet is good for the heart as long as it is sourced from a healthy source.

How important is protein quality?

Protein quality plays an important role in the prevention of other diseases, such as diabetes.

Protein and diabetes

A recent study found that red meat lovers, especially processed meats, are more at risk of type 2 diabetes than those whose diets are rare - by an average of 12% and 32%, respectively. Replacing it on a daily basis with nuts, whole grains (more about) or low-fat dairy products reduces the likelihood by 16-35%.

Another scientific observation in this area has shown that if you increase your consumption of red meat, the harm of protein will become even more obvious - namely, the risk of type 2 diabetes will increase by 50% over the next 4 years. But a decrease in the proportion of red meat in the diet will lead to a decrease in the danger by 14% over the next 10 years.

Protein and oncology

The observations of The Nurses' Health Study project are also correct with regard to oncological diseases. Research into the link between cancer and the benefits and harms of protein is not yet definitive. However, there is some evidence that there is an increased risk of colon cancer when consuming large amounts of red meat, including processed meat. Each additional serving increases the likelihood of cancer by 10% and 16%, respectively.

There are also certain guidelines for the consumption of red and processed meat. They were prepared by the American Institute for Cancer Research. According to them, in order to reduce the harm of protein, it is advisable to limit the total amount of meat in the diet. But if you have to make a choice, then first of all it should touch the grill. This is because high temperatures create compounds that can potentially cause cancer. This does not mean that the grill should be completely abandoned. You just need to carry out preliminary preparation - marinate the meat; partially cook it in the oven or microwave, which will reduce the time for grilling; and cook on a low flame.

Protein and osteoporosis

Protein quality and its amount sometimes plays a role in osteoporosis. Protein intake is associated with the release of certain acids into the bloodstream. Usually the body neutralizes them with buffering agents and calcium. If there is too much protein in the diet, it may require too much calcium - and in some cases, the body supplies it from the bones.

In this case, the same study from The Nurses' Health Study showed that a high-protein diet, followed for a long time, can weaken the skeletal system - that is, the harm of protein in this case is obvious. Women who ate more than 95 grams of protein daily had a 20% higher risk of breaking their wrists than those who adhered to the average intake of less than 68 grams per day. However, this area of ​​research still contains certain contradictions.

Protein and weight control

The least revealing conclusions of scientists about the benefits and harms of protein in terms of weight. The difference here is pretty minor. This 20-year study found that red meat lovers gained a little more weight - at around half a kilogram every 4 years - compared to those who had more nuts in their diet. The latter, on the contrary, lost about 250 grams every 4 years.

It's important to know

Protein benefits undoubted. However, here, as in everything related to health, there are subtleties and nuances. For example, protein-rich foods are different and may be more or less healthy. It depends on what other substances are contained along with protein - the body needs fiber or excess salts, healthy or unhealthy fats.

So, 170 g of beef fillet steak fried over an open fire is an excellent source of protein - it contains about 40 g. But at the same time, it contains about 12 g of saturated fat. For those whose daily calorie intake should not exceed 2000, this is already a bit too much, since it represents 60% of the daily recommended intake of this type of fat.

A ham of the same weight contains only 2.5 g of saturated fat. But sodium is 500 milligrams higher than the allowable daily allowance. But salmon, like other fatty fish, is fine - it has 34 grams of protein, 1.7 grams of saturated fat, a fairly low sodium content, and very healthy omega-3s.

In other words, the quality of the protein is just as important as the quantity. However, you shouldn't go to extremes. Therefore, remembering the unconditional the benefits of protein Don't forget about the benefits of grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and more.

Based on materials hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/protein/

How do you think it is possible to get the protein we and especially children need from milk or dairy products? What kind of protein would you like to get and why? Do you want to build cells of your body from milk proteins? Did you know that any protein that comes to our body from outside, even vegetable, must first be disassembled into amino acids (this is not always easy), and then you need to build your own ones. Is it always possible? What kind of milk protein do we need? Maybe casein? Or do we need whey proteins (albumin and globulin)? You can write 5-6 sheets about them, but not in this article. Are you good at biology? So is it possible to obtain and assimilate protein from milk and cottage cheese? You can get it if you drink and eat it - this is understandable, but to learn, in the correct sense of the word, NO. This is simply impossible! Why? Let's figure it out.

In cows, the nature of obtaining proteins from cow's mother's milk by dairy calves is as follows - in the stomach of the calf, during the period of feeding it with its mother's milk, the enzyme Renin is produced, thanks to which the protein casein is split (disassembled) into its constituent elements, that is, into amino acids, of which, subsequently, new proteins are collected, which are necessary for the body (this or that tissue, organ) at this time for the growth of the calf

When the internal biological clock of a cow and her calf switches to a new regime, renin in the calf's stomach ceases to be produced and the calf stops consuming its mother's milk. This process takes place simultaneously in the calf and in its mother at the hormonal, enzymatic and energy-informational levels. The cow stops producing milk. And the calf switches to specific food inherent in its species - to green grass and will eat specific food until the end of its days. This is nature. If such a calf, which has passed or is switching to a specific diet, continues to be fed unnaturally and further with cow's milk, then it will be difficult for him to digest Casein (and each species of animal has its own specific casein), he will get sick and may even die, since casein will no longer be completely processed and absorbed, and will poison the body with purulent toxins and be deposited, utilized in the calf's body in the form of toxins and other organic decay products - poisons. But we'll take a closer look at this later using the example of people.

It is important to understand that any milk protein obtained with food (in any higher animal - by its baby) is not assimilated by itself (what it is), but is always disassembled (or proteins are disassembled) into amino acids, structural elements of protein molecules, and from them are built various, necessary for the body at a given time, their specific proteins going on the growth of new and replacement of old and diseased cells. These processes consume energy, specific enzymes and other biological substances. This process is called in biology - protein biosynthesis. Almost every cell contains more than 2000 specific proteins of different structure and properties. That is, any protein, once it gets into our body, cannot be assimilated by itself.

Another very important question is which proteins, getting into our body, can be assimilated (to figure out the incoming ones - to collect new ones that we need) easily, and which ones cannot at all, or can, but with such losses of energy of ATP and lithium , enzymes (these are also proteins) and other B.A. components, that it is better not to consume them at all. Moreover, this process is possible only if the food eaten has not undergone heat treatment above 70 degrees, but in general, strictly speaking, above 43. Since at temperatures above 70 degrees, complete and irreversible denaturation of proteins occurs - the destruction of the primary structure of the protein and the melting of DNA , that is, the death of the cell. And all enzymes are destroyed already from 43 degrees. So why shouldn't a person drink milk from cows, goats, or other animals? Is there a difference in the principles and mechanisms of assimilation of milk proteins in cows and humans? A huge and fundamental difference! In humans, the nature of receiving and assimilating milk proteins by infants is completely different from that of cow's milk proteins in calves. Even babies do not have enzymes in their bodies that can break down the milk protein casein into amino acids. No renin.

There is a misconception that children have enzymes and adults do not. And the kids don't either! But in their mothers (in all women), specific bacilli, symbiotic bacteria live in the mammary glands, which, together with her mother's milk, naturally when absorbed, entering the baby's stomach, do what the enzyme renin does in the stomachs of calves, disassembles casein to amino acids. Next comes the biosynthesis of proteins. Thus, the infant receives protein from the mother's milk while he is consuming his mother's milk. And only while consuming. At least, the milk of any woman, as a last resort, a wet nurse.

A growing child and an adult should never consume milk again in their life, since nature also switched his biological clock to a different diet from the moment the baby was weaned, this stage of ontogenesis (the individual development of the body) is over. Do you understand what this means? Only that there is not a single biological mechanism and process that would make it possible to fully disassemble and assimilate casein protein from the milk of any animals, even an infant, since people simply do not have the renin enzyme, even in infants. And even more so, the milk protein of cows cannot be assimilated by a teenager or an adult. And all this even if the milk is alive, not to mention pasteurized milk. Remember that when heat treated more than 70 degrees Celsius, the DNA melts and the primary structure of the protein is destroyed. Such denaturation in biology is called complete and irreversible - such a "product" is dead, entering the stomach, then it, partially dissolving, is eaten in the human digestive system by pathogenic microorganisms - decomposers (bacteria and fungi - decomposers) and is excreted from the body through the liver, kidneys and the skin only partially, the body receives toxins and toxins - diseases.

Children's intestines, by nature, are not adapted to an acidic environment, but proteins entering food (and in cow's milk there are twice as many proteins as in mother's, and even foreign ones, which are antigens) will acidify the stomach. It is not uncommon that some of the acid penetrates further along the movement of food through other parts of the digestive system, the intestinal walls are damaged by the acid and may begin to bleed. There is a lot of iron in the blood. Blood is excreted by the body through the intestines, the child experiences a lack of iron. And he (through his parents) doctors prescribe meat and liver. Again proteins, and even in denatured, dead form. Of course, they do not understand the reasons for the lack of iron, therefore, they act according to the general scheme, which leads to even greater complications.

By the way, you want a lot of iron - eat and drink fresh beets and beet juice, and sprout green buckwheat, eat apples, walnuts .... All this information is in closed and open medical journals of the world, but it is not communicated to a wide circle, since there is an industry and there is control - now total. The doctors themselves are cogs in this system, the same people, they learned from the mistakes of their teachers, lies and distorted ideas about nature and biochemistry. And now they continue to teach this to others, and so on generation after generation.

Osteoporosis (lack of calcium) is one of the causes of this disease - a high content of animal proteins in food, bones dry out, especially in old age, and other diseases - in recent years, all diseases are getting younger. Whoever consumes animal proteins suffers from increased acidity in the body and "wears out" their osteoblasts, which place calcium in the bones - the load on them becomes enormous, the calcium absorption system is disrupted - and milk is given to her - new calcium with a terrible protein - Casein, which acidifies organism, it works for wear and tear and everything goes in a vicious circle. Yes, only the body's reserves are limited, think about it.

A huge problem, which, unfortunately, not all doctors understand, is the direct dependence of the consumption of milk and dairy products and a consequence of this use - Diabetes mellitus Type A (type 1). Did you think diabetes only comes from consuming too much sugars? No, from sugars, cereals, pasta, preserves, cookies, and the like, there is type 2, which is easily treated by changing the diet. Type 1 comes from another.

In order to understand the whole process of the onset of type 1 diabetes (it happens almost only from the consumption of dairy products), it is necessary to understand the principle of our body's reaction to getting into it from outside antigens (foreign agents).

Attention - antigens, for the human body are only animal proteins (any, 2nd course of Biochemistry). Our immune system, in order to neutralize the enemy, produces a huge (necessary) amount of antibodies (for example, Leukocytes, Phagocytes, Lymphocytes), which rush to the agent, eat it (phagocytosis) and die along with it.

Remember, after any intake of meat, milk, cheese, eggs and fish (fish to a lesser extent), most of the foreign proteins can still be destroyed, but the result of such absorption are toxins and toxins, as well as cadaveric poison - the result of the secretion of decompose microorganisms in the process of eating denatured proteins.

Some of these toxins are not excreted from the body, but are deposited in the form of dehydrated fecal stones on the walls of the large intestine, some in the intercellular space and any voids of the body (purulent toxins - snot, abscesses - fibroids, polyps, cysts), kidneys and liver are severely affected (after all they must neutralize proteins in the blood), lymph, the entire immune system. But casein is even more difficult ...

Milk Protein - Casein, like any other protein, consists of amino acids that are located in a specific sequence. But here's a coincidence, the amino acids of our beta cells of the islets of the pancreas, which are responsible for the synthesis of the hormone insulin, which breaks down sugar, are located in exactly the same sequence. And when (if) our immune system recognizes Casein as an Antigen, it begins to destroy the protein itself and sometimes switches to its own cells, which are identical in structure of amino acid links to the casein protein.

That is, the antibodies of our immune system, which must fight antigens, begin to infect our own cells of the body - this is a terrible autoimmune disease - Diabetes, type 1. This does not necessarily happen all at once, but with regular and abundant consumption of milk and dairy products from childhood are practically provided.

It is obvious that drinking milk in early childhood can cause diabetes even in old age, or simply, at any time when the immune system is weakened. Moreover, the risk of illness in adulthood is the higher, the more milk was consumed in early childhood. But this type of diabetes is not cured (it can only be treated by switching to a mono-raw diet), since it is almost impossible to return a whole group of specific cells responsible for the synthesis of the hormone insulin, especially when a chain reaction is triggered. Moreover, a mother who consumes milk during pregnancy runs the risk of transmitting all the above problems to the child even before birth, through the blood. And she will certainly pass pus through her milk when she breastfeeds her baby, if before and during pregnancy, she consumed milk, cottage cheese and cheese. Cottage cheese is concentrated casein, and cheese, especially hard cheese, is pure casein glue, but not a food product at all. In countries where milk consumption is higher, it is proportionally higher for Type 1 diabetes.

Where to get protein?

Take it easy on the protein. You don't need to take it anywhere. It is synthesized in our body from living (only living) plant foods thanks to our native, unique bacteria. Read the works of Academician A.M. Ugolev. And just think, how do multi-ton herbivores get protein?

Based on materials from the works of Yu.A. Frolova

From the editors of the site, we note a few points:

  1. Milk, milk, strife. What is sold in our time under the guise of milk is not.
  2. Yogis, for example, in some sources, on the contrary, recommend the use of milk and dairy products. Probably, this has a deep meaning :) But you need to understand where the milk comes from, by what methods, etc. etc.
  3. The author of the article is a bit fanatical in his conclusions. Has the right :) But the world is multifaceted and there are many options for the development of the consequences of an action.

Therefore, exercise Sanity and draw conclusions for yourself.

The importance of protein in human life is not exaggerated in the least. Translated into Russian, the word "protein" means "protein", and it is he who takes the leading role in the structure and regeneration of cells. Protein is found in the cells of muscles, hair, skin, and with a deficiency of this substance, the body begins to remove it from the tissues, which leads to a deterioration in the general condition of a person. Protein is especially needed by athletes involved in active physical activity. The benefits of protein in this case will be enormous - special protein shakes saturate the body with protein in an amount that cannot be obtained from ordinary food.

What is protein

Proteins Large molecules that contain valuable amino acids that the body's cells need for structure and renewal.

The benefits of protein for humans are expressed in two directions - it is a rapid build-up of good enough muscle mass and weight loss.

Many functions of the body, such as metabolism, immune function or the synthesis of certain hormones, are due to protein. It is instantly absorbed and immediately starts working. Protein shakes are drunk to:

  • Increases stamina
  • Rapid muscle growth
  • For energy
  • Enrichment of the body with valuable substances

Protein as a sports nutrition is most often in powder form. Cocktails are made from it and taken at specific times throughout the day. On the can with the powder, the manufacturers indicate the amino acid composition of the mixture - the amount of nutrients contained in the concentrated protein. Most often, minerals and vitamin complexes that are useful for athletes, as well as glutamine and creatine, are added to the protein.

Protein types

Natural sources of protein are: fish, chicken meat, dairy products, beef, eggs. An active athlete who wants to increase muscle mass needs to consume a huge amount of these foods every day, which is almost impossible. In this case, protein formulations come to the rescue, from which delicious cocktails are obtained, which must certainly be included in his diet.

Choose the right type of protein based on your training conditions and goals. By the type of raw material, it is divided into 7 main types, and the harm and benefit of protein in each case may also differ.

Types of Protein Blends:

Whey (concentrate, isolate, hydrolyzate) is one of the most widespread and fastest types of protein with an excellent amino acid composition. The protein level, depending on the type of mixture, ranges from 75 to 96, and the most expensive and fastest to digest is the hydrolyzate.

Casein - absorbed by the body for about 6 hours and is considered the slowest type of protein. Experienced athletes recommend taking it before bed to help rebuild muscles during rest.

Soy - has an average digestibility, it is one of the inexpensive types of protein. It helps to lower cholesterol, but it is not very popular, since it has a low quality of the constituent protein and is of plant origin.

Wheat - similar in characteristics to soy protein. Most often used by people who are lactose intolerant for weight loss purposes.

Dairy is a combination of whey and casein proteins. Due to the unique composition, one part of the mixture is quickly absorbed, and the second part enriches the muscles with the necessary amino acids for a long time.

Egg - takes a leading position in the quality of amino acids and fast absorption (after whey). This protein is not cheap and has a specific taste.

Meat - has high-quality amino acids in high concentration (35-40). Very quickly and easily absorbed by the body.

Is protein harmful

Of course, every person interested in sports nutrition asks the question of whether protein is harmful. Since it is completely natural in composition and is made from ordinary high-calorie foods, protein cannot harm the body. The only thing to watch out for when taking protein shakes is a low-quality product. Proteins can be harmful, not beneficial, if consumed in large quantities and not followed by the directions on the label.

Long-term studies have shown that low-quality soy protein may not have the best effect on the state of the body. It contains phytoestrogens - substances similar in molecular structure to female hormones. Drinking these shakes can lead to decreased testosterone levels and excess weight. Also, do not forget that the basis of soy protein is genetically modified raw materials, and the intake of such products poses a serious threat to our health.

To determine if a protein is harmful, before consuming it, it is better to familiarize yourself with its constituents and study the side effects of taking it.

Side effects after taking protein:

  • Allergic manifestations
  • Kidney dysfunction
  • Digestive problems (flatulence, nausea, vomiting, bloating)
  • Acne onset (most commonly after taking whey protein)
  • Being overweight and activating the growth of tumors present in the body (after taking soy proteins)

Any type of protein is contraindicated for people who have chronic kidney ailments or who have an individual intolerance to at least one component of this product.

Protein benefits

To keep the body in great shape, a person needs to consume enough protein. Its amount may be different - this indicator depends on his lifestyle and muscle condition. Moreover, we always need protein, since it is consumed even during sleep.

Proteins are based on natural products containing valuable vitamins and elements that are useful for our body. Important!

Protein benefits are as follows:

  • It is necessary for all systems of the body's vital activity, since with its lack, their functions deteriorate.
  • Protein must be present in the diet of athletes during the period of muscle building - if it is deficient, muscular dystrophy can develop, which will lead to a partial loss of limb mobility.
  • Protein affects the composition and quality of blood, normalizes the level of hemoglobin.
  • Proteins ensure the active work of the body's defenses, forming a powerful immune system.
  • Proteins are essential for a good metabolism in the body, and this is the key to a normal weight and proper functioning of all internal organs.
  • Proteins regulate hormonal levels, activate brain activity, and promote rapid tissue regeneration.
  • Protein helps the body recover quickly from exercise, normalizes blood pressure and suppresses hunger.

How to choose protein

The choice of protein directly depends on the end result that a person wants to achieve. It is best to consume several types of food with different characteristics and digestibility.

According to the degree of absorption, protein supplements are divided into three types:

Fast (whey) - necessary for severe depletion of the body, during active muscle growth and weight loss. Fast proteins are taken before exercise, at the end of exercise, and in the morning when the body has a strong need for protein.

Slow (caseins, soy proteins) - used as an auxiliary product for weight loss and muscle gain. They replace 1-2 meals, but they must be taken strictly in the allotted time, preferably at night.

Complex - contain a mixture of several types of protein, provide the body with valuable amino acids, are quickly absorbed, and at the same time enrich the muscles with the necessary amount of protein.

How to take protein

The standard recommendations for use are the same for men and women, whose bodies are subject to intense physical exertion. In the morning it is better to take a whey shake, between meals - a complex one, after a workout, a whey protein is required again, and a casein type of protein before going to bed.

It is best to dilute the protein in water or milk. The main rule of taking any kind of cocktail should be remembered: it cannot be diluted in boiling water, otherwise the protein will curdle. It is strongly not recommended to consume a large portion of proteins, since the digestive system may not be able to cope with such a load and not absorb some of the substances.

Protein dosage per day for muscle building:

  • Medium build - 300.350 g
  • Full-bodied - 250.300 g
  • Slightly overweight - 250.300 g
  • Obese women - 180.250 g

For people weighing more than 100 kg, the daily protein requirement should be calculated in the amount of 4 g per 1 kg of body weight.

Slimming protein

In order to lose weight and build relief, you need to choose a protein with a minimum amount of carbohydrates and fats in the composition. The best in this category is Protein Isolate - the amount of these substances in the preparation is equal to zero. Such a cocktail is taken in the morning, before and after training. In parallel, it is recommended to take high-quality fat burners.

The rate of use of protein formulations for weight loss:

  • For men - within 130.160 g
  • For women - in the amount of 100.140 g

Correct and accurate information about the types of this product, about its daily rate and recommendations for taking it will completely eliminate questions about whether protein is harmful and how it should be taken. You cannot neglect the main rule during the course of taking this supplement: you cannot fully replenish the body's daily protein requirement with protein! Valuable substances should be supplied in an amount of 50% with food, and only the remaining 50% can be replaced with protein preparations.

Protein - the benefits and harms of a building substance for the body

The importance of the presence of protein in the human body is understandable, this component (translated as "protein") serves as a building material for the proper formation of muscles and all muscle mass. Protein is actively involved in the regeneration of skin cells, replacing the destroyed cellular structure with a new and healthy one. The benefits and harms of proteins are especially invaluable for people who are actively involved in a sports lifestyle, because they saturate the athlete's body with the necessary protein, which in such quantities is quite difficult to obtain from food. But the lack of proteins in the body leads to a general deterioration in the physical condition of a person, to the appearance of a breakdown and apathy.

Sources of protein

What is Protein?

The protein contains useful and valuable amino acids, which, when ingested, are actively involved in the processes of recovery and regeneration of body cells.

There is a reasonable question, is protein harmful or not? Definitely, the inclusion of this component in the diet is of great benefit to the body, because it is involved in restorative and normalizing processes. But consuming too much protein can negatively affect the well-being of all people.

Protein is used in two main ways these days: losing weight and building muscle.

It is also important to note the fact that the presence of protein in the body helps to stabilize the performance of many functions, in particular, immunostimulating. Also, protein is actively involved in the synthesis of a certain type of hormones. The inclusion of protein shakes in the diet contributes to:

  • obtaining energy forces;
  • restoration of working capacity;
  • increased endurance;
  • enrichment of the whole organism with valuable components.

In modern times, protein is often consumed in the form of a powder, which is mixed with a liquid. The prepared cocktail is consumed at a certain time during a single day. Manufacturers often add mineral and fortified substances to the composition of the powder, so a person receives, together with the use of a protein shake, a set of substances useful for normal life.

Protein benefits

The role of the presence of protein (or protein) in the human body is enormous. Protein is an active building block that is involved in the construction of skin tissue, nails, hair, muscles, etc.

In order to keep the body in good shape, the presence of protein is important. The protein dosage is calculated on an individual basis, here the lifestyle of a particular person plays a huge role, as well as the percentage of protein loss throughout the day. Accordingly, if a person is involved in active sports, then the presence of protein in his body should be many times greater than in the body of people leading a sedentary or passive lifestyle. The muscle mass of a certain person is also of great importance in the norm of the presence of protein, the larger it is, the more protein the body will require.

The lack of this component leads to the manifestation of negative factors (deterioration of skin tone and structure of nails and hair). If the body does not receive a certain amount of protein, then it begins to "take" an important component from the muscle mass.

If a person goes in for sports and leads an active lifestyle, then the required amount of protein must be present in his body. It is for this reason that many athletes take protein shakes, which fill the body with the necessary strength and restore the structure of muscle mass.

It is important to note that protein is present not only in protein shakes, but also in some products.

Protein harm

Many people wonder if protein is bad for you? Of course, the harms of protein, as well as the benefits, are always present.

  • Excessive protein intake can lead to the appearance of body fat. Despite the fact that these drinks are low in calories, if taken incorrectly, they can lead to the appearance of a large amount of energy. As you know, excess energy tends to transform into fatty deposits. Therefore, if a person does not lead any active lifestyle, then the protein he needs can be obtained from the appropriate food products, and not from specialized cocktails.

It should be noted that the price value of natural protein shakes is quite high.

Protein types

A healthy and essential protein can be found in some foods. If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, then the consumption of building protein together with certain foods is enough for him. But then, when a person goes in for sports, he needs to additionally take protein mixtures to restore and actively form muscle mass.

According to the variety of constituent components, the types of protein are divided into:

  • Protein Isolate (Whey)- the product contains a complete amino acid composition. This type of protein is considered the most common among athletes, and when consumed, you can quickly achieve positive results;
  • Casein- this type of component belongs to slow proteins, it takes up to 6 hours to digest it. Professionals recommend taking casein protein just before bed, so that during the duration of rest, the body actively rebuilds muscle mass;
  • Soy the pros and cons of protein are of a different nature - such a product will be classified as medium-digestible proteins, it has a fairly inexpensive cost. But the use of soy protein is not very desirable, since it contains plant-based building protein;
  • Wheat- is analogous to soy protein. Most often, wheat protein is used for weight loss;
  • Lactic- the product contains a mixture of casein and whey proteins. Milk protein belongs to the highest category, it is absorbed by the body quickly enough and effectively restores muscle structure;
  • Egg- ranks second after whey protein. Egg protein is quickly absorbed and filled with useful amino acid composition;
  • Meat- is an analogue of egg protein, it is distinguished by its rapid digestibility and rich chemical composition.

The choice of a protein shake is directly dependent on the desired results. There are three types of protein intake:

  • Fast- whey cocktails - indicated for depletion of the body, for the restoration of muscle mass, as well as for weight loss. This type of cocktail is taken before training or twice a day before the moment when the body begins to feel a special need for the presence of protein;
  • Slow(soy, casein) - indicated for the growth of muscle mass, as well as in the process of losing weight. Slow cocktails are used auxiliary, it is recommended to replace 1 or 2 meals with a drink, it is advisable to take a cocktail before bedtime;
  • Complex- These cocktails contain several types of protein. This type of cocktail is taken to equip the body with the necessary amino acids and to build muscle mass.

How to take protein?

For a substance to benefit the body, is it important to know how to take protein?

There is a standard form of protein intake for men, as well as all women who are heavily involved in sports training:

  • in the morning - a whey cocktail;
  • between main meals - complex cocktails;
  • after sports training - whey cocktail;
  • before bed - a casein cocktail.

How to take protein correctly?

In order to properly take protein, the benefits and harms of which are justified, you need to know a few basics. The powder must be diluted either in whole milk or in warm water. It is forbidden to use boiling water for making a cocktail, otherwise the protein will quickly curdle. With the regular use of protein, it is important to ensure that the body does not experience an excess of protein, so it is not recommended to "lean" on protein-containing foods.

Slimming protein

The best protein for weight loss is protein isolate, it does not contain fats and carbohydrates, which is the main thing in the process of losing weight. Protein for girls is shown - it forms the relief of the figure and relieves the body of extra pounds. Taking a cocktail must be accompanied by sports training.

When protein for gaining muscle mass is indicated for use, which is the best of all types, the chemical composition will tell. Whey protein is distinguished by professionals, it is great for athletes due to the rapid formation of muscle mass and equipping the body with the necessary building proteins and beneficial amino acids.

What is the difference between a gainer and a protein? The protein contains only protein, while the gainer contains proteins and carbohydrates. In direct proportion to obtaining the desired results, athletes choose the type of supplement. If you need to gain muscle mass, then protein is better than a gainer, since the latter can cause the deposition of extra pounds due to the carbohydrate composition.

Protein in foods

What is protein in?

Protein foods have been identified by health experts:

  • chicken's meat;
  • turkey meat;
  • hard cheese;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fish caviar;
  • legumes - beans, beans, peas;
  • lentils;
  • cereals - buckwheat, rice, oats.

Cooking protein at home

How to make protein at home, and also, is it possible? Of course, if there are protein-rich foods in everyday life, then making homemade protein is very simple:

  • In a blender, mix proteins from 2 eggs, 2 bananas, 500 gr. low-fat cottage cheese, 200 ml. milk. You can add raspberry or strawberry jam to the mixture.
  • Cut 2 soft bananas into small cubes, stir with 500 gr. fat-free cottage cheese and 500 ml. low-fat kefir. If you wish, you can add fruit jam or syrup.

The benefits and harms of protein. Casein protein benefits and harms

To achieve high results in sports, weightlifters must have vigorous training and a balanced diet. The diet contains nutrients and bioactive substances. Proteins (proteins) are the main ingredient in sports nutrition. These biopolymers help the body to cope with intense stress. Many readers are wondering what the harm and benefits of protein are. First you need to find out what proteins are and what their role in the body is.

The biological role of proteins

Proteins are biological polymers that are composed of α-amino acids. Muscle fibers contain proteins. It should be noted that intensive muscle growth is observed with a positive nitrogen balance, that is, when more nitrogen enters the body than is excreted from it. With a deficiency of this element, muscle growth stops, sports loads seem excessively high, and if the required result is achieved, then at the cost of incredible efforts.

Weightlifters, weightlifters, powerlifters, bodybuilders, as well as other athletes have special nutritional supplements in their diet. Basically, this is a food that contains a huge amount of concentrated protein. The benefits and harms of protein have long been studied by leading experts in the world. High-quality proteins are quickly absorbed by the body. Experts say that to maintain muscle mass, an athlete will need about 3 grams of protein per kg of body weight. With intense physical activity, the dose is increased to 4-6 g / kg. The benefits and harms of protein are undeniable, but excessive consumption of it can cause significant damage to human health.

Proteins in sports nutrition

The human diet includes proteins of plant and animal origin. The following types of proteins are most commonly used in sports nutrition:

  • whey protein concentrate;
  • egg protein;
  • protein hydrolyzate;
  • soy, pea and hemp proteins;
  • casein;
  • meat protein;
  • milk protein isolate;
  • fish protein;
  • Whey Protein Isolate

Most often, in the manufacture of sports nutrition, milk (casein or whey) protein is used. What is the reason for this? The fact is that milk proteins, after egg protein, are the most balanced in terms of amino acid composition and biological value.

Milk proteins

Today there are a huge number of factories specializing in the production of sports nutrition. Almost any dairy can produce a protein powder, if desired, the benefits or harms of which will depend on its quality. Whey is rich in easily digestible proteins (immunoglobulins, lactalbumins and lactoglobulins).

Whey protein benefits and harms

Whey proteins have a versatile effect on the human body:

  • increase the level of glutathione (an antioxidant) in the blood;
  • activate the growth of muscle tissue;
  • accelerate recovery processes after exhausting workouts;
  • promote the burning of excess fat (triglycerides);
  • increase endurance and immune resistance.

It should be noted that after consuming the above proteins, the concentration of low molecular weight peptides and amino acids in the blood increases sharply. Whey is rich in complete proteins, that is, it contains 8 essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized in our body, so they must be supplied with food and special dietary supplements. In addition, approximately 14% of milk proteins are in the form of hydrolysis products (oligopeptides, tri- and dipeptides, amino acid residues). These substances activate digestion processes, participate in the formation of most bioactive (enzymes, hormones) compounds. Whey proteins are ideal for a shake after a tiring workout. Given the above arguments, the benefits and harms of protein are clear.

Considering the harm that whey protein has on the body, it should be noted that all side effects do not pose a serious danger to human life. As a rule, side effects come down to flatulence in the intestines, headaches and fatigue. Many experts believe that all of these symptoms are most often stimulated by lactose (milk sugar), which is added by the manufacturer as a sweetener.

Casein protein benefits and harms

Casein is a complete protein formed when milk is curdled under the influence of special proteolytic enzymes. On average, 1 liter of milk contains about 30 g of casein. If you wish, you can find casein protein in specialty stores. The benefits and harms will largely depend on the quality of its production. This protein is fairly easily excreted from milk, so it's cheap and readily available. As a rule, athletes consume these proteins at night in order to nourish the body during sleep. The main properties of casein:

  • slows down the hydrolysis of other nutrients;
  • slowly absorbed;
  • contains all essential amino acids;
  • does not cause an increase in the concentration of insulin in the blood;
  • does not provoke the development of allergic reactions;
  • suppresses the feeling of hunger;
  • does not contain milk sugar.

Protein protein

Some people think that protein consumption can provoke a number of diseases, "plant" the liver, heart and kidneys, cause addiction, reduce potency, etc. In fact, all these versions have no basis for existence, although there are some exceptions.

Let's talk about harm

The protein protein itself, the benefits and harms that it brings, are known to many experts in the field of nutrition. I would like to consider these aspects in more detail. Most experts do not recommend protein for people who have kidney failure. Allergic reactions sometimes occur when consuming soy protein. The negative aspects of vegetable protein also include the low bioavailability and efficiency of the product. Soy contains many inhibitors that inhibit the activity of gastrointestinal proteases. There is information that soy protein, when taken for a long time, can harm the cardiovascular system.

Protein intake is harmful only if you do not comply with the dosage. Proteins contain a lot of nitrogen, and it is excreted from the body only in the urine. With excess consumption or with insufficient physical activity, proteins, instead of being used to build muscle, will simply have to be excreted from the body. In this case, there will be an additional load on the kidneys, which is highly undesirable. The dose of protein for each athlete is individual, it is calculated taking into account weight and physical activity. We can say with confidence that when eating proteins, our body receives more benefits than harm.

Let's talk about the benefits

The benefits of protein for the human body are obvious, because it is the main building material for muscle tissue. For daily protein intake in the amount of 1.5-2 g / kg of body weight, you will need to consume a huge amount of food, and this, as you know, will create a serious burden on the digestive system. By consuming slow-digesting proteins before bed, you can prevent protein breakdown (catabolism) at night. The benefits and harms of protein are now known to you - decide for yourself which product and in what quantities you use.

Protein: harm or benefit?

Victor Ronde

Many people believe that sports nutrition, in particular protein, causes side effects and is very harmful to health, some even compare them to anabolic steroids. There are versions that protein is addictive, affects potency, "plants" the kidneys and liver, and also causes other harm to the body. In fact, these claims are devoid of any basis, although there are a few exceptions.

Proteins can be used at any age, without any harm to health, since they are all produced from food raw materials. After special purification methods, a protein is obtained that is devoid of carbohydrates and fats, integral components of food. The protein contained in sports supplements is of natural origin and is completely physiological in relation to the human body. The need to use purified protein is dictated by a change in modern lifestyle. Physical inactivity, stress, physical activity obtained in a short period of time, all this reduces the need for fats and carbohydrates, but the need for proteins remains, since the building material is required in the same quantities. Technological progress has allowed us to change the diet, and make it more adequate in relation to the modern lifestyle. A striking example of this is proteins or high-protein mixtures, the use of which is simply inevitable for maintaining good physical shape, bodybuilding and weight loss. It's safe to say that the harm of protein is practically negligible compared to the changes in the body that occur when eating fast food, saturated fat and confectionery.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that some people have individual protein intolerance, just as it happens with ordinary foods, only much less often. This can be manifested by allergic reactions and digestive disorders. The latter ailment occurs due to an insufficient amount of enzymes that break down proteins, or with intestinal dysbiosis. In this case, the pathogenic flora of the intestinal contents begins to actively divide, since protein is a nutrient not only for humans, but also for microbes. This condition proceeds according to the type of food poisoning and is manifested by flatulence, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. In such situations, it is necessary to take additional enzymes, or reduce the dosage of protein.

Remember that product selection should only be made from reputable manufacturers. For example, in the journal Consumer Reports (July 2010), a table of the content of heavy metals in proteins of different brands was published (see figure). A number of products have exceeded the maximum permissible concentration.

The real harm of protein is possible with some kidney diseases, especially with kidney failure. Many people tend to believe that proteins themselves can cause kidney disease, but numerous studies have shown that the doses recommended in modern bodybuilding do not damage internal organs. In the same cases when protein intake is associated with manifestations of one or another kidney disease, it was proved that kidney disease was already present at the time, but did not manifest itself clinically, or there was a clear genetic predisposition. After the withdrawal of the supplement, there is a complete reversibility of the changes to the initial state.

A 2012 scientific article authored by Silverberg NB reports cases of acne after taking whey protein supplements. At the same time, the mechanism and exact fractions involved in the pathological process remain unknown.
Soy sauce benefits and harms

Protein is a concentrated protein that is very popular with athletes. It is believed to help build muscle mass and improve endurance with prolonged physical activity. But do not forget about the harm of protein, which is not so harmless. In fact, in the pursuit of a beautiful body, you can significantly undermine your health by being overly carried away by popular drinks.

General information

Initially, protein was considered a rather dangerous product along with gainers and energy drinks. Gradually, the attitude towards him began to change, and modern athletes cannot imagine training without the regular use of this protein powder.

Many people argue that protein is an absolutely natural product without any admixture of chemicals and cannot harm the body. Another argument in favor of protein intake is the important role of protein in the proper functioning of systems.

In fact, everything is not so simple. Many people forget that excessive intake of any substance does not bring health benefits. This also applies to protein, which is not all that beneficial to get in the concentrated form in which it is found in protein shakes.

The benefits of the drink

The biggest selling point for protein intake is its ability to massively build muscle, increase endurance, and reduce appetite. All of these are believed to increase the benefits of exercise and contribute to significant athletic performance. At the same time, for many, it becomes a staple food and energy source both after playing sports and during the day.

But is protein really that great? It is not for nothing that there are strict restrictions on its use among people with certain diseases.

In addition, it is believed that protein can have a variety of negative effects on internal organs.

That is why it is worth carefully examining all the possible side effects that concentrated protein may have before making a final decision on its intake.

Negative effects of consumption

Talking about the dangers of protein on the body is not a delusion. He is there. The danger can be quite significant.

  • Concentrated protein is a common cause of eating disorders. Particular care should be taken in people who are lactose intolerant.
  • Excessive protein intake can negatively affect organs such as the kidneys and / or liver. If there are any problems in their functioning, drinking protein shakes should be limited as much as possible.
  • This product contains exclusively protein in a huge concentration and practically does not provide the body with any vitamins and microelements.
  • Protein powder is a fairly expensive product that not everyone can afford to consume every day. And given the possible negative consequences for health, the question arises about the rationality of such purchases.
  • Pure protein is not the most delicious product. Manufacturers solve the problem of improving its qualities by adding various colors, sweeteners, and flavorings to the protein. And this immediately casts doubt on the statement about the naturalness of the protein, which means that the benefits from it are not so absolute.

Thus, before tackling a popular shake, you should think carefully about what the harm of protein to the body can be.

Effects on the female body

For the fairer sex, protein often becomes the cause of metabolic disorders - sodium is excessively washed out, and calcium, on the contrary, is delayed.

As a result, fatty deposits are formed, and the liquid begins to be poorly excreted.

Having the property of increasing the amount of estrogen in the body, concentrated protein can disrupt the overall hormonal balance. That is why women are not recommended to get too carried away with protein powder, but get the required amount of protein from plant foods.

Impact on the male body

The main disadvantage of protein for the stronger sex is the effect on potency. Excessive amounts of protein are believed to reduce male strength. In addition, this product disrupts hormones in men.

The presence of a large amount of phytoestrogen (female hormone) in protein can cause the development of female secondary sexual characteristics. That is why its use should be extremely careful.

Protein and nutrition

If you play sports, then you lead a healthy lifestyle. And in this, proper nutrition plays a huge role, the use of exclusively natural food. It should be noted that vegetable protein is absorbed by the body much better. In addition, it contributes to:

  • maintaining insulin levels within normal limits;
  • reducing the likelihood of diseases associated with the heart and / or blood vessels;
  • enrichment of the body with fiber;
  • improving digestion processes;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • restoration of natural microflora;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • improving the condition of hair, nails and skin.

Therefore, if you want to exercise and still get enough protein, you do not need to resort to protein powders. Natural products are a great alternative to surrogate.

Which products should you choose?

To get enough protein you need, add to your menu:

  • cabbage (both fresh and sauerkraut);
  • legumes;
  • various cereals;
  • all kinds of nuts;
  • mushrooms.

It is important to note that vegetable protein retains all its beneficial properties at any level of heat treatment.

To increase the intake of protein in the body and ensure its best absorption, it is recommended to combine the following foods:

  • rice and sesame seeds or beans;
  • wheat and peanuts, beans, soy or sesame;
  • peanuts and sunflower seeds.

By eating foods in such a combination, you will provide the body not only with a sufficient amount of protein, but also with many important vitamins and minerals necessary for vital functions.

It is also beneficial to consume certain fruits, in which the percentage of plant protein is quite high. These include:

  • dried apricots;
  • dates;
  • papaya;
  • apricot;
  • Cherry;
  • kiwi;
  • prunes;
  • avocado.

Thus, the list of foods that you can consume to provide yourself with a sufficient amount of protein is quite large and varied. This means that there is no need for a concentrated protein powder.

Of course, everyone decides for himself whether he needs protein, he will have to talk about the harm or benefit to the body specifically in his case.

If your goal is good health and fitness, powder supplements are not necessary. It is enough to regularly play sports and eat right, getting all the necessary vitamins from plant products. So you will provide yourself not only with natural food, but also with the best assimilation of all incoming microelements.

Among the many supplements in sports nutrition, the most popular among athletes is the protein supplement, or protein supplement. Like any substance entering the body, protein affects the functioning of the liver and other organs. To understand what is the effect of protein on the liver, you first need to learn about the protein itself and its role in the body.

The role of protein nutrition in sports

Proteins are the building blocks of body cells, and primarily muscle cells. For athletes, during the period of intense training, sports competitions, protein food is an opportunity to quickly restore muscle energy. In addition, protein food helps to strengthen the immune system, prevents the accumulation of body fat. Protein helps build muscle mass, which is important for many sports.

Protein foods are divided into animal and plant foods. Animal protein in its structure is closer to the structure of human tissue protein. Therefore, it is better absorbed by the body. Athletes who value muscle mass are advised to include in their diet foods rich in animal protein. But, in this matter, not everything is so simple.

When an athlete needs to gain muscle mass, dietary protein is not enough. To gain weight, the amount of protein ingested must exceed the amount of protein consumed by the body. Replenish the lost natural protein with its analogue in the form of protein supplements. Protein is obtained from food, by removing fats, carbohydrates and other substances from them during the production process. What remains is essentially pure protein, which looks like a powder. Now let's try to figure out what effect protein has on the liver and other organs.

Protein, being a product of sports nutrition, like any other product, can cause negative reactions in the body. This happens if the intake of additional proteins is not required by the body. Large amounts of protein affect the human liver as negatively as large amounts of fat or carbohydrates. This can manifest itself in dyspeptic symptoms: intestinal upset, nausea. The same phenomena can be observed if, after taking a protein supplement, the athlete does not fully exercise his body.

But, these temporary disorders do not pose a health hazard. It is another matter if the athlete already has liver or kidney pathology. With a high load on a diseased liver, protein overloads it with metabolic products and ultimately worsens its condition. If the liver is doing its job normally, then protein supplements cannot negatively affect it.

Protein Supplements

Depending on the protein source used, protein supplements are divided into the following groups:


Whey protein is based on whey, a well-known by-product of milk processing. During its production, whey undergoes a multi-stage filtration process. The quality of the final product depends on the amount of filtration. How whey protein affects the liver, let's look at examples of its varieties:

  • Whey concentrate, with a protein content of 70 to 85%. It is a whey primary filtration product with a minimum protein content. It has a complete amino acid composition and good digestibility. It does not adversely affect the liver at the correct dosage. But, since it contains fats and lactose, large doses of protein harm the liver and cause gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Whey isolate. Contains 90 to 95% protein. This is the most purified form of protein supplement. Fats and carbohydrates and other impurities are removed from the concentrate. Is protein harmful to the liver with this cleaning? You can unequivocally answer that it is not harmful and even suitable for those athletes who have individual lactose intolerance.
  • Whey hydrolyzate. It also contains 90 to 95% protein. Considered to be the most refined premium form of whey protein available. Cleansing takes place through hydrolysis, which partially releases amino acid molecules. Therefore, the question: does protein affect the liver, in this case, disappears, since the assimilation of this form of protein supplement is the most accessible.


This type of protein supplement is not made from whey, but from milk and dairy products. Casein protein takes much longer to be absorbed than other types of proteins. This determines the way it is applied at night.

Features of protein assimilation

The specificity of protein assimilation depends on the body's need for additional nitrogen. And the need for nitrogen, in turn, depends on physical activity on the body. The search for a terminal dose of proteins has been unsuccessful. Indeed, even with a multiple excess of the recommended dose, it was not possible to prove in the affirmative whether the liver could get sick from protein. Liver pain associated with protein supplementation may be due to pancreatic dysfunction. But, the cause of this dysfunction is not protein supplementation, but an underlying medical condition. Taking supplements can only manifest this pathology. After taking a break from supplementation, pain may disappear, but will show up in other situations.

Summing up in the answer to the question of how protein affects the liver, we can draw the following conclusion. The liver is the organ that plays a major role in protein metabolism and anabolism. It is involved in the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that enter the body with food. The end product of protein breakdown is ammonia, which is excreted from the body in the form of urea. If a lot of protein enters the body, be it of animal origin, or in the form of a cocktail, the load on the liver increases. This should be borne in mind not only when taking protein supplements, but also regular protein foods of animal or plant origin.

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